• last year
X the Unknown is a 1956 British science fiction horror film. The story revolves around a mysterious radioactive creature that emerges from the Earth, wreaking havoc and spreading deadly radiation. As scientists and the military race to stop it, they uncover the terrifying truth behind its origins. The film is notable for its tense atmosphere, special effects, and exploration of nuclear fears during the Cold War era. It was produced by Hammer Film Productions, known for its classic horror movies.

Dean Jagger, Edward Chapman ,
Leo McKern
Anthony Newley
Jameson Clark
William Lucas
Peter Hammond
Marianne Brauns
Ian MacNaughton
Michael Ripper
John Harvey
Edwin Richfield
Jane Aird
Norman MacOwan
Neil Hallett
Kenneth Cope
Michael Brooke
Frazer Hines

Directors : Leslie Norman, Joseph Losey
Writer : Jimmy Sangster
Genres : Horror, Sci-Fi
Certificate : PG
Release date : November 5, 1956 (United Kingdom)
Countries of origin : United Kingdom, United States
Language : English
Filming locations : Beaconsfield Gravel Pits, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, UK
Production company : Hammer Films

Alternative Titles:
Argentina : La incógnita X
Australia : X the Unknown
Belgium : X de onbekende
Belgium : L'inconnu
Belgium : X l'inconnu
Brazil : O Estranho de um Mundo Perdido
Canada : X the Unknown
Denmark : X - den ukendte fare
Finland : X - tuntematon
Finland : X - okänd
France : X the Unknown
France : X: L'inconnu
Greece : Το τέρας από τα βάθη της Γης
Italy : X contro il centro atomico
Japan : 怪獣ウラン(Japanese)
Netherlands : Het onbekende(informal literal title)
Panama : La incógnita X
Poland : X - czynnik nieznany
Portugal : X, o Inimigo Desconhecido
Romania : X Necunoscutul
Soviet Union : Икс: Неизвестное(Russian)
Spain : Lo desconocido
United Kingdom : X the Unknown
United States : X the Unknown
West Germany : XX unbekannt

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00:07:20Attention, please. Attention, please.
00:07:23Will Dr. Anna Royston report to the director's office immediately?
00:07:28Attention, please. Attention, please.
00:07:31Will Dr. Anna Royston report to the director's office immediately?
00:07:51Cobalt, container 19. Start your readings.
00:07:57Dr. Royston, report to the director's office immediately.
00:08:01Dr. Royston, report to the director's office immediately.
00:08:04Sounds as if your father's after Dr. Royston's blood.
00:08:07He'll be after mine if he catches me doing this.
00:08:09All finished.
00:08:16You're supposed to be the office type.
00:08:19Peter, just a moment.
00:08:24Where is Dr. Royston?
00:08:26He asked me to stand by, sir.
00:08:28So I see.
00:08:29He's in his workshop. It's all right. This is purely routine.
00:08:32Maybe it is, but that's no reason for you to be doing his work for him.
00:08:36Last container coming up.
00:08:49Cobalt, container 20. Start reading.
00:08:52What is Dr. Royston doing in that lab of his?
00:08:55Just an experiment. One of his own.
00:09:48Dr. Royston.
00:10:18Safe to come in, sir.
00:10:20Safe to come in, sir.
00:10:22Oh, it's you, Russell. Come on in.
00:10:25Stay behind the screen. That's all radioactive.
00:10:29Your radio needs fixing, sir.
00:10:32Your radio needs fixing.
00:10:34Shouldn't make a noise like that.
00:10:40That's clever.
00:10:42What was?
00:10:44Radio, sir.
00:10:45If I could have cut the racket out of the radio
00:10:48without putting that stuff back in there,
00:10:51then that'll be clever.
00:10:56Now, what was it you wanted to see me about?
00:10:59The director wants you over to the establishment, sir.
00:11:01Oh, no.
00:11:02Well, you got a car out here?
00:11:03No, sir. I can't by bike.
00:11:05All right, I'll walk. I need a little exercise anyway.
00:11:09He said it was urgent, sir. He seemed a bit cross, as you might say.
00:11:12Yes, I'm sure he did.
00:11:14All the way.
00:11:19I don't care what you say, Adam.
00:11:21I am in charge here, and I shall decide what you will do and what you will not do.
00:11:26While we're on the subject, I do wish you wouldn't waste Peter's time.
00:11:30You mean I should have been wasting my own time?
00:11:32That is not the point.
00:11:33Peter's job here is administration.
00:11:35Oh, I know he wants to be a scientist,
00:11:37but there's no reason for you to encourage him.
00:11:39He has a great future in front of him.
00:11:41You must allow me to decide what's best for him.
00:11:43Well, I'm sorry, John. I didn't think for a minute...
00:11:45No, you didn't, Adam. That's just the trouble.
00:11:48Well, let's see it doesn't happen again, eh?
00:11:50Well, by the way, the Army have phoned in.
00:11:53It appears they've picked up some radiation reaction.
00:11:55I'd like you to go and have a look at it.
00:11:58Well, I've been working on a project.
00:12:01Couldn't you possibly send somebody else?
00:12:03Afraid not, Adam.
00:12:06Have a car out in front in five minutes for Dr. Royston.
00:12:14May I see those soldiers now?
00:12:15Of course.
00:12:16There's no radioactivity there now.
00:12:19You're quite sure there couldn't possibly have been some mistake?
00:12:22Wait till you see those men.
00:12:23There's no mistake about them.
00:12:48Mr. Vanderman?
00:12:50Just a moment, please.
00:12:55This chap was nearest the explosion.
00:12:57We thought it was just a bit shaken up at first.
00:13:00Then these burns started breaking out.
00:13:07Not very pretty, is it?
00:13:08No, it isn't.
00:13:09Thank you, boys.
00:13:13What about the other fellow?
00:13:15He's over here.
00:13:16He went back to fetch that one.
00:13:18He wasn't quite so near the explosion.
00:13:21Let's have a look at your back, old chap.
00:13:32What do you make of that, eh?
00:13:40Were you carrying this when the explosion happened?
00:13:43Yes, sir.
00:13:45Excuse me.
00:13:47Okay, Sergeant.
00:13:48All right, sir.
00:13:54All right, sir.
00:13:55Have you finished?
00:13:57Yes, thank you.
00:13:58All right, carry on, Sergeant.
00:13:59Come along, old chap.
00:14:04Major, I'd like to get some further equipment out here.
00:14:07I wonder now if there's any way that...
00:14:09that you could get a message back to my office.
00:14:11Yes, I'll take care of it.
00:14:12I'll send it over the air to HQ.
00:14:14They'll phone it through from there.
00:14:18Poor old Lansing's in a terrible state.
00:14:20Did you see him?
00:14:23I saw a man once fell up against the furnace door.
00:14:25Looked just a bit the same.
00:14:26He's passed over the noob.
00:14:28Passed over the what?
00:14:30Oh, screamed all night he did.
00:14:31Here, do you mind?
00:14:32I'm just glad my tea.
00:14:34We all know what a tea is.
00:14:35I'm just glad my tea.
00:14:37We all know we're back in time for breakfast.
00:14:48Swing that light off.
00:14:49If it was so sudden, Major,
00:14:50how did you have time to disperse the...
00:14:52Major, you didn't answer my question.
00:14:54Do you think it is atomic?
00:14:55Well, there certainly was radioactivity.
00:14:57What are they trying to do now?
00:14:58I think they're trying to sound the death.
00:15:00If there was radiation,
00:15:01how do you account for the absence of it now?
00:15:03I don't know.
00:15:04If it was a burned man,
00:15:05what's to be done about that?
00:15:06They've been taken to hospital.
00:15:07Military or civil?
00:15:09This one that died, who was he?
00:15:10His name was Lansing.
00:15:11A National Serviceman?
00:15:13Is there anything in the fact
00:15:14that the only one who died...
00:15:15It was a National Serviceman.
00:15:16Good heavens, man.
00:15:17He was nearest the explosion.
00:15:19Yes, Sergeant, what is it?
00:15:20Dr. Royston wants to see you, sir.
00:15:21Aye, and we'd like to see Dr. Royston.
00:15:22Say that again.
00:15:23I'm sorry, gentlemen.
00:15:24I told you once before,
00:15:25no unauthorized person is allowed to approach you.
00:15:26All right, you think you can stop this?
00:15:27Listen to me.
00:15:28You're on War Department property.
00:15:30I am in charge.
00:15:35You know I...
00:15:36Gentlemen, please.
00:15:37Dr. Royston's over by the equipment, sir.
00:15:38Thank you, Sergeant.
00:15:39Good night, gentlemen.
00:15:45I'm fair starved.
00:15:47Did you hear the Sergeant
00:15:48tear those newspaper fellows off a strip?
00:15:49It's all right for him.
00:15:50He's had something to eat.
00:15:51What's the matter with you?
00:15:52You got worms?
00:15:55You're quite certain about that?
00:15:56Yes, sir.
00:15:57I'm getting quite a number of readings off the sides,
00:15:59but I don't think there can be any doubt.
00:16:01You want me, Royston?
00:16:03For Major, yes.
00:16:06There's nothing more we can do out here,
00:16:08and I suggest that you leave a couple of men on guard,
00:16:11even if it's only to keep people from stepping over the edge.
00:16:14No point in keeping men out here all night.
00:16:16I'll have the area roped off
00:16:17and put up a couple of keep-off notices.
00:16:20Peter, while you get things wrapped up,
00:16:21I'll wait for you in the car.
00:16:23What is it, anyway?
00:16:24Have you found out how deep it is?
00:16:26How deep?
00:16:28No, we haven't.
00:16:29You mean to tell me this thing might be bottomless?
00:16:33I mean the operative range of this equipment is limited.
00:16:37Good night, Major.
00:16:38Good night, sir.
00:16:42How deep do you think that fissure really is, sir?
00:16:45I don't know.
00:16:46Now, the Major was going on about it being bottomless.
00:16:48He said you had told him.
00:16:49Did I?
00:16:50That was very unscientific of me.
00:16:52Well, we know it must have a bottom somewhere.
00:16:54Whatever caused that split had to have a beginning.
00:16:56Had to have an end, too.
00:16:58Well, surely the forces causing these surface splits
00:17:00just disperse.
00:17:01Forces causing surface splits
00:17:03don't burn a man to death by radiation.
00:17:05What are you getting at, sir?
00:17:07Peter, I'm not getting at anything.
00:17:09I just don't know.
00:17:10For the time being, let's assume that you're right.
00:17:12Now, let's not conjure up visions of nameless horrors
00:17:15creeping around in the night.
00:17:25It's all clear.
00:17:26But that'll kill me when I get home.
00:17:28It's all mine.
00:17:29But we swore.
00:17:30And we can't break a swear.
00:17:33Repeat the oath.
00:17:34I swear to get into the tower and look to see
00:17:36if old Tom sleeps there every night.
00:17:39Are you scared?
00:17:41Well, where were you then?
00:17:42Let's get it over.
00:17:45You'll wait here.
00:17:46I'll wait for five minutes.
00:17:49Three minutes.
00:17:51Five minutes.
00:17:53Three minutes.
00:17:54Good luck, Willie.
00:18:01Go on.
00:18:02Make haste, Willie.
00:18:21Come on.
00:18:51Come on.
00:19:22What was it, Willie?
00:19:23What did you see?
00:19:27Willie, wait for me.
00:19:29Willie, wait.
00:19:31Come back, Willie.
00:19:33Don't leave me.
00:19:35Willie, wait.
00:20:02What's the rate, Doctor?
00:20:0460 drops a minute.
00:20:10First-degree radiation burns, Kelly.
00:20:12I thought so.
00:20:14That's why I called you in.
00:20:20Kelly, when did you come in?
00:20:22About an hour ago.
00:20:23Perhaps you'd better see the parents.
00:20:24They're outside.
00:20:26Replace the dressings, nurse, will you?
00:20:28Yes, doctor.
00:20:32What's wrong with him, doctor?
00:20:34What is it?
00:20:35Is there anything you can tell us, doctor?
00:20:37Well, I'm afraid it's a little early yet to...
00:20:40Your son has been badly burned.
00:20:42If you could tell us how...
00:20:44Well, I'm afraid I can't, doctor.
00:20:46I'm afraid I can't tell you.
00:20:48If you could tell us how...
00:20:50Burned? Burned by what?
00:20:52That's what we're trying to find out.
00:20:54When did you first notice anything?
00:20:56It was this morning.
00:20:57I went into his room to wake him up.
00:20:59He was lying there with those horrible marks all over him.
00:21:03Well, yesterday, what happened yesterday?
00:21:05Where did he go, do you know?
00:21:07We don't know.
00:21:08He stopped out late with a friend of his, Ian Osborne.
00:21:11Ask him.
00:21:13He'll be able to tell you where they were last night.
00:21:30Well, Ian, just a moment.
00:21:33Thanks, kid.
00:21:38Somebody wants to meet you, Ian.
00:21:45Well, Ian...
00:21:47This is Dr. Royson.
00:21:48Dr. Royson, this is Ian Osborne.
00:21:50How are you, Ian?
00:21:52Let's sit down for just a minute, John.
00:21:55You know, I've just, uh...
00:21:56I've just come from visiting your friend, Willie Harding.
00:22:00He's not very well, Ian.
00:22:02What's wrong with him?
00:22:04Well, you know, you and he were out late last night, weren't you?
00:22:07Now, something must have happened to him where you were.
00:22:10I'd like you to tell me what it was.
00:22:14Where did you go, Ian?
00:22:16Where was it, Ian?
00:22:18I can't tell you.
00:22:19We swore an oath.
00:22:21Willie is sick.
00:22:23He's very sick, Ian.
00:22:25I can't, I can't.
00:22:27We swore an oath.
00:22:29Yes, yes, but that was when Willie was fit and healthy, wasn't it?
00:22:35Wasn't it?
00:22:37Now that he's sick, see, that's different.
00:22:39He'd want you to tell.
00:22:41Are you sure?
00:22:43I'm very sure.
00:22:45Well, we went out to the tower in the marshes.
00:22:49It was awfully creepy.
00:22:51I dared Willie to go to the tower.
00:23:15Come on.
00:23:45Come on.
00:24:17Anybody there?
00:24:49Wake up, mister.
00:25:00Oh, look at the weight.
00:25:03Here, for a drab?
00:25:05No, no, thank you.
00:25:07I came out here because...
00:25:08Oh, come on, man.
00:25:10Here, drab, for this, for that.
00:25:14I've got this.
00:25:15I've got this.
00:25:16Come on, in the back.
00:25:17Don't be afraid.
00:25:18Don't be afraid.
00:25:19Oh, don't be afraid.
00:25:20Oh, don't be afraid.
00:25:22Don't be afraid.
00:25:23It's nothing, don't be afraid.
00:25:27It's nothing, don't be afraid, don't be afraid.
00:25:31That's good, ma'am.
00:25:39That container, that's mine. It came from my workshop.
00:25:41Where'd you get it?
00:25:42This? I've heard it lying around...
00:25:45Don't touch it!
00:25:46Here, man! Mind what you're up to!
00:25:48Stay away from that! You touch it and I'll kill you!
00:25:50Come in.
00:26:01Good evening, sir.
00:26:03Hello, Peter.
00:26:04I can see what you meant on the phone.
00:26:09Is it safe?
00:26:10Unfortunately, yes.
00:26:21This is lead, isn't it?
00:26:23Half an inch thick.
00:26:25There's a... sort of...
00:26:27I know. I found the same thing up at the tower.
00:26:30The towel over there.
00:26:35You won't be able to wipe it off, Peter.
00:26:37It'll just disappear in an hour or two.
00:26:39What is it?
00:26:41Well, whatever it is, it's all over the place.
00:26:44How do you explain it, sir?
00:26:47All this extraordinary damage
00:26:49just to steal an old sample container.
00:26:52You know what's in that container, Peter?
00:26:54It's trinium.
00:26:56Don't be alarmed now. Completely harmless.
00:26:58And how long would you say trinium retains its radioactivity?
00:27:01Well, it's not a very stable compound. About 30 years.
00:27:0428, actually.
00:27:06Now, let's take a radiation reading.
00:27:14Well, the counter's working all right. Here, look.
00:27:18Just the luminous paint on my watch.
00:27:20What happened, sir? I don't understand.
00:27:23Peter, I'm afraid I don't either.
00:27:25Yesterday, the material in that container
00:27:27was giving a danger point radiation reading.
00:27:30Now, as you just saw, it's nothing.
00:27:32But that's impossible.
00:27:34Isn't it?
00:27:35Yesterday, I would have said yes.
00:27:37But this fact is inescapable.
00:27:39The energy trapped in that trinium
00:27:41has been sucked right out of it.
00:27:43And furthermore, these windows were barred,
00:27:45and that door was locked all night.
00:27:48So whoever it was came in here must be most unusual.
00:27:53Really, Inspector McGill...
00:27:54Yes, sir?
00:27:55I'm sorry, but the whole thing is quite ridiculous.
00:27:58I never thought anyone would call you people in on this.
00:28:01The local police called us.
00:28:03As you know, sir, any crime, however small,
00:28:05connected with this establishment,
00:28:06automatically comes through to us.
00:28:08Quite possibly.
00:28:09But this crime, if you can call it that,
00:28:11has nothing whatever to do with the establishment.
00:28:13This tin can was stolen from Dr. Royston's own workshop.
00:28:16It's purely a personal matter.
00:28:18I should have thought the local police
00:28:20were well able to take care of that.
00:28:22As for this story of Dr. Royston's
00:28:23about the tin containing some radioactive material,
00:28:26well, I've spoken to the doctor about that,
00:28:27and I don't want to hear any more about the matter.
00:28:30But I do, sir.
00:28:31So perhaps you can tell me where I can find Dr. Royston.
00:28:34Obviously, Inspector...
00:28:36Mr. McGill, if you place any credence in this story,
00:28:39you don't know the first thing
00:28:40about the basic facts of science.
00:28:42Now, let me...
00:28:43Dr. Royston does.
00:28:44Does what?
00:28:45Know about the basic facts of science.
00:28:48Look here, sir, I've been sent up here
00:28:50to pursue an investigation.
00:28:52Perhaps you'll allow me to do just that.
00:28:54Where can I find Dr. Royston?
00:29:04And the cover, please.
00:29:17Don't you chaps even stop to eat?
00:29:20My name's McGill.
00:29:21Do you mind if I sit down?
00:29:29United Kingdom Atomic Energy Commission,
00:29:31Internal Security Division.
00:29:33Sounds very impressive.
00:29:35Impressive, yes, except on paydays.
00:29:38Well, Inspector, what could I possibly...
00:29:39I missed it.
00:29:41Okay, Mac, what can I tell you?
00:29:44It's about that child that was burned.
00:29:46Any idea how it happened?
00:29:48Well, not for sure, no.
00:29:50Possible he may have handled that sample container of mine,
00:29:53but more...
00:29:54Case of the missing radiation, yes,
00:29:55I've heard about that already.
00:29:56From the director?
00:29:57From the director.
00:29:58There's no doubts as to his opinions about the matter.
00:30:01What about yours?
00:30:02Oh, I'm not entitled to have any opinions.
00:30:04I'm only interested in facts.
00:30:06I was talking to that old reprobate up in the tower, old Tom.
00:30:09One fact I did manage to learn was that
00:30:11that child never went near that container of yours.
00:30:13He was burned by something else.
00:30:16Dr. Royston, I'd like you to help me to find out what it was.
00:30:33I'm so sorry.
00:30:36I'm sorry.
00:30:56I expect you'd like to stay here for a while.
00:30:58Use my room.
00:31:04Boys' pants.
00:31:07Is he dead?
00:31:08I'm afraid so.
00:31:09He never regained consciousness.
00:31:11Adam, we've got to find out how this thing happened.
00:31:13That's what we're trying to do, Doctor.
00:31:17That's why we came to see the boy.
00:31:24Dr. Royston, isn't it?
00:31:26Mr. Harding, how...
00:31:27There's nothing you can say will help.
00:31:29I know about you, Dr. Royston.
00:31:31You're a scientist, not a doctor.
00:31:33You don't look after the sick.
00:31:34You meddle with things that kill, like they killed my boy in here.
00:31:38You should be locked up, Royston.
00:31:40Locked up with others like you.
00:31:42Letting off bombs you can't control.
00:31:45You're not safe.
00:31:47You're a murderer.
00:31:49Mr. Harding, please.
00:31:52I don't know, Dr. Kelly.
00:31:54I just don't know.
00:31:56My wife...
00:31:58I don't think he really meant what he said, Adam.
00:32:00Yes, he did, Mac. He meant it.
00:32:02It isn't true, you know. It isn't true at all.
00:32:04We only try to create, not destroy.
00:32:13I'm sorry.
00:32:14I'm sorry.
00:32:15I'm sorry.
00:32:16I'm sorry.
00:32:17I'm sorry.
00:32:18I'm sorry.
00:32:19I'm sorry.
00:32:20I'm sorry.
00:32:21I'm sorry.
00:32:22I'm sorry.
00:32:23I'm sorry.
00:32:24I'm sorry.
00:32:25I'm sorry.
00:32:26I'm sorry.
00:32:42Two minutes?
00:32:56Zina, in here.
00:33:33Convenient, too.
00:33:34So I've heard from the other nurses.
00:33:36You don't want to take any notice of what they tell you.
00:33:38Oh, but I do. That's why I'm here.
00:33:41What did you think I came down for?
00:33:43The course of radium treatment?
00:33:52Zina, darling, why didn't we start doing this earlier?
00:33:56I've given you enough encouragement, haven't I?
00:33:59But you should have been more direct.
00:34:01You should have come up and said,
00:34:03Harry, I want... I want...
00:34:08What the?
00:34:09It switched on. Must be your electric personality.
00:34:21Stay here. Don't move.
00:35:20This is where we stored the radium.
00:35:24Obviously, the radium was the target.
00:35:27Safe proved no obstacle whatsoever, did it?
00:35:29Why would Peter be required to do this?
00:35:31Far beyond anything we've ever dreamed of.
00:35:34Don't forget the time element.
00:35:36Whatever happened in here must have taken place in a few seconds.
00:35:38Perhaps we'll learn a bit more when we can talk to the girl.
00:35:40Look, there's another thing at him.
00:35:42It's all over the place.
00:35:43Same as in your workshop.
00:35:48Any luck?
00:35:49I don't know if she'll recover,
00:35:51but I think it would be a good thing if we got her away from here as quickly as possible.
00:35:54You mean she won't be able to tell us what happened?
00:35:56She won't be able to tell you her own name.
00:36:02What is this? What are we dealing with?
00:36:04How could anyone get in here when there are people outside there in the corridor all the time?
00:36:08Well, apparently, this is the only place it could come in.
00:36:11But the grill doesn't open. It's cemented to the wall.
00:36:13It came in through the grill.
00:36:15But, Adam, that's impossible.
00:36:16Whatever it was that did all this certainly wasn't small enough to come through there.
00:36:20Well, how small is 10,000 gallons of oil?
00:36:23What do you mean?
00:36:2410,000 gallons of oil would take up a pretty large area, wouldn't it?
00:36:28And yet 10,000 gallons of oil could come through the holes in that grill, couldn't it?
00:36:32Yes, it could.
00:36:33Then that's the way it got into my workshop.
00:36:35It came in under the door.
00:36:36You know, obviously, this thing can take up any shape it needs to.
00:36:39Where do you think it is now?
00:36:41Somewhere out on the ridges.
00:36:43Well, thank goodness that Major didn't take my advice and station a couple of soldiers out there.
00:36:47But he did.
00:36:54Brew up.
00:36:58What's that?
00:37:00Do you not hear something?
00:37:02Like what?
00:37:03I don't know.
00:37:04It must have been...
00:37:07Oh, it couldn't have been...
00:37:17Hey, Spider, there's already a great glow out here.
00:37:20What's that?
00:37:21I don't know.
00:37:22It must be the wind.
00:37:24Hey, Spider, there's already a great glow out here.
00:37:32What is it, Haggis?
00:37:33I'm not sure.
00:37:35You'd better go and have a look.
00:37:39Why me?
00:37:43And I don't mind admitting it either.
00:37:45You know these parts better than me. You go and have a look.
00:37:47I don't know these parts.
00:37:48You're a Scot, ain't you?
00:37:49Aye, but I was born 300 miles from here.
00:37:52Doesn't matter now, anyhow.
00:37:54It's gone away.
00:37:56Well, I suppose I'd better go and have a look.
00:38:04Keep my tea warm, Spider.
00:38:08Hey, Haggis.
00:38:10Haggis, I've been thinking.
00:38:11Why don't you and me go to Glasgow on our next 48?
00:38:15You can show me the castle.
00:38:18Hey, Spider, come here quick.
00:38:31What's the matter, Haggis?
00:38:40What is it, Haggis?
00:38:51Where are you, Haggis?
00:39:59Looks like we're too late.
00:40:20Let's go.
00:40:41I suggested this meeting because I think I have an idea of what we may be dealing with.
00:40:45Perhaps one of you may have a solution.
00:40:47And perhaps one of you may think that I'm talking a lot of nonsense and can offer a more logical conclusion.
00:40:51What's this going to be then, Adam?
00:40:53Fact or theory?
00:40:54Partly fact, mostly theory.
00:40:56I see. Well, carry on. We're all listening.
00:40:59I'd like to resurrect for just a moment, if I may, a treatise I did when I was a student,
00:41:02which has to do with the cooling of the Earth's surface.
00:41:05Hundreds of millions of years ago, the Earth was like the sun.
00:41:08No form, no solidity to it. It was just a blazing mass of energy.
00:41:11And then the Earth started cooling.
00:41:13And as it cooled, an outer crust was formed.
00:41:15The energy was still there, but it was being compressed beneath this crust.
00:41:19And as time went by, the crust grew deeper.
00:41:22And the compression became greater as this vast energy was being squeezed into an ever-decreasing space.
00:41:27May I interrupt a moment, Adam?
00:41:29What you're telling us is something every schoolboy knows. What's it leading to?
00:41:32I'm sorry. Maybe I should skip the preliminaries.
00:41:34No, don't skip anything, Adam. I was never very bright at school.
00:41:38Well, then, in a comparatively short space of time, a matter of a hundred thousand years, man has evolved.
00:41:43And man has evolved from nothing to becoming the most intelligent creature on the surface of this planet.
00:41:48Now, considering the far greater span of time involved,
00:41:51isn't it reasonable to assume that the forces contained in the center of this Earth have developed an intelligence of their own?
00:41:57If we accept this, we must then consider what these forces would think.
00:42:01Their world is slowly being compressed out of existence.
00:42:04Therefore, survival must be uppermost in their thoughts.
00:42:07What's more natural in their search for survival than that they should return to the face of the planet where once they lived?
00:42:12Now, if you check, you will find that every 50 years, by virtue of the position of the Earth in the solar system,
00:42:19a greater pull is exerted on the surface of this planet than at other times.
00:42:23Quite unnoticeable to us, but 2,000 miles down. Who knows?
00:42:28And during the short period of time that this pull is at its most powerful,
00:42:31you will also find there's always been a freak Earth tremor,
00:42:34and that each of these cases, a fissure has opened in the surface of the Earth.
00:42:38Now, what if on these occasions, some of the vast energy trapped below it caused the eruptions or tremors in an attempt to reach the surface?
00:42:45What if, in fact, it did reach the surface?
00:42:47It looked around for a means to sustain its existence.
00:42:50For to live, one must have nourishment, and these forces are almost pure energy.
00:42:55Now, what does energy live on?
00:42:57Exactly. Energy can only be fed with more energy, or radiation, if you like.
00:43:03Radiation, if you like.
00:43:0450, 100, 150 years ago, these forces found themselves without any means of sustenance,
00:43:09and their mass became unstable, and they disintegrated.
00:43:12Now, we come to this 50-year cycle.
00:43:15This time, there's radiation.
00:43:17There was radiation in the hospital.
00:43:19There was radiation in my workshop.
00:43:22As long as this thing feeds, it will live.
00:43:25And the more it lives, the more it will grow.
00:43:27It's fantastic.
00:43:29I admit it does sound that way, doesn't it?
00:43:31But if anyone can offer a simpler explanation of what's been going on,
00:43:34I'd be grateful and relieved to hear it.
00:43:36You're trying to tell us that some sort of creature came up out of the fissure?
00:43:39Mac, I'm not trying to tell you anything.
00:43:41I'm just putting forward a theory based on the facts that we know.
00:43:44So what do we look for?
00:43:45I don't know.
00:43:46And what do we do if we find something?
00:43:48I'm afraid I don't know that either.
00:43:50How big is this thing supposed to be?
00:43:53Might be the size of my fist.
00:43:56Might be as large as a house.
00:43:58We can't stand about here.
00:44:00We've got to find this thing and destroy it.
00:44:02Destroy it?
00:44:03How are you going to do that?
00:44:04Shoot it, burn it, blow it up?
00:44:06Listen to me, all of you.
00:44:07We've been told a story based on a little fact and a great deal of fiction.
00:44:11I'm amazed that this story has been accepted by all of you without the slightest doubt or hesitation.
00:44:15I said just now I thought the whole thing was fantastic.
00:44:18I'll go further than that.
00:44:19It's absolute rubbish.
00:44:21Dr. Royston, you're a scientist.
00:44:23You deal with facts.
00:44:24A man of your intelligence, capability has no right to talk as you have.
00:44:28You astound me.
00:44:29What about that boy being burned?
00:44:31We've been all through that.
00:44:32And the business of the hospital?
00:44:33There must be some perfectly logical explanation for it.
00:44:35I suggest we leave the police to find out what it is.
00:44:37I'm the police, in a way, and I've come here to get Dr. Royston's advice.
00:44:42In that case, I'll waste no more time.
00:44:44Good night, gentlemen.
00:44:49I'm sorry if anybody else feels that way.
00:44:52Let's try and get a look at this thing.
00:44:54The only way we can do that is go to the Fisher.
00:44:56But we've been there more than once already.
00:44:58We've seen nothing.
00:44:59You misunderstood me.
00:45:00Somebody has got to go down in the Fisher.
00:45:17All ready, sir.
00:45:18Peter, now you're quite sure you still want to go through with this?
00:45:20Now, we've argued this out before.
00:45:22After all, I did volunteer for the job.
00:45:24He's right there, Adam.
00:45:25Okay, Peter.
00:45:29Theo doesn't like it at all.
00:45:31Nor do any of us.
00:45:32The director of the establishment has been on to him.
00:45:34Told him he thinks the whole thing's a waste of time.
00:45:36I hope you're not in any trouble, Major.
00:45:37Yet, but I have strict orders what to do with...
00:45:39All ready, sir.
00:45:47You're all right now, are you?
00:45:48Yes, sure.
00:45:49What's the drill?
00:45:50If there's any radioactivity on that Geiger counter,
00:45:52let us know and we'll get you out of there.
00:45:56Right, load away.
00:46:08Keep going.
00:46:15Load away.
00:46:17Keep going.
00:46:21You all right, sir?
00:46:34Nothing to report, sir.
00:46:45Whoa. Stop. Stop loading.
00:46:47Hold it!
00:46:50All right, lower away again.
00:46:53Stop lowering.
00:46:59You all right, sir?
00:47:01He's all right.
00:47:22What is it?
00:47:25He's all right, but something's happening, sir.
00:47:32It's all right.
00:47:33Keep lowering.
00:47:35Keep lowering.
00:47:41Stop. Stop lowering.
00:47:49Stop. Stop lowering.
00:48:05Get me out of here.
00:48:07Get me out of here, quick!
00:48:09Faster! Faster!
00:48:12Faster! Fast as you can!
00:48:13Come on, now!
00:48:15Bring him up, boys.
00:48:17Come on, boys.
00:48:20Faster! Faster!
00:48:21He's going to kill us!
00:48:24Quick! Faster!
00:48:26Come on, now! Faster!
00:48:28Come on, come on.
00:48:36You were right, sir.
00:48:38There's a body of a soldier down there.
00:48:40It's all burnt up.
00:48:41What else? Well, never mind about that.
00:48:43Let's get away from here.
00:48:50Peter, what did you see down there?
00:48:52I don't know what it was.
00:48:53It was like something out of a nightmare.
00:48:55It was horrible.
00:48:56We'll talk about that later.
00:48:57Now, you get in the car, Peter.
00:49:00I told you I had my order, sir.
00:49:01They were to take action if anything was found down there.
00:49:03What sort of action?
00:49:04Kill whatever it is and concrete the whole thing over.
00:49:08Concrete it over?
00:49:09You don't mean that.
00:49:10It was my orders.
00:49:20Well, Major, when do you start?
00:49:22Tonight. Right away.
00:49:25Right, sir.
00:49:43Well, you seem to be making a job of it.
00:49:45I think this should do the trick.
00:49:46What about you?
00:49:47You know this Royston chap.
00:49:48Brilliant, of course, I'm sure.
00:49:50But the trouble with some of these scientific types
00:49:52is they can't see the easy way out of anything.
00:49:54It's got to be complicated if it's going to work.
00:50:14Come in, come in.
00:50:18Hello, Mac.
00:50:20Where you been all day?
00:50:21Here, hold this.
00:50:22Down at the fisher.
00:50:24Oh, they finished down there?
00:50:26What did they do exactly?
00:50:27Practically everything.
00:50:28Flamethrowers, high explosive,
00:50:30and a neat little concrete tombstone.
00:50:32Rest in peace, huh?
00:50:34You don't think it's done any good, do you?
00:50:36Well, I'll put it.
00:50:37Let's look at the facts.
00:50:38You know, this...
00:50:39Here, give me that.
00:50:40This X, this unknown quantity, whatever it is,
00:50:43has forced its way through miles and miles of solid rock
00:50:46How's a couple feet of concrete going to stop it?
00:50:48But what about the flamethrowers and the explosive?
00:50:50Nothing could live after that.
00:50:52Perhaps nothing we've ever encountered before,
00:50:54but, you know, this isn't a living organism as we know it.
00:50:58Its life source may be the same as we've got here.
00:51:02Stay on the side of the screen.
00:51:06Excuse me.
00:51:08Excuse me.
00:51:15Now, Mac, how would you go about killing that?
00:51:19What is it?
00:51:23It's a particle of mud
00:51:25that by virtue of its atomic structure emits radiation.
00:51:29That's all it is, just mud.
00:51:31How do you kill mud?
00:51:37Have you informed anyone in London about all this?
00:51:41Not more than half a dozen times.
00:51:44Well, at first they were interested, but skeptical.
00:51:46They suggested I get in touch with the director about it.
00:51:49And later on, the director got in touch with them.
00:51:52The result is I've been called back to London.
00:51:57I'm catching the last plane from Glasgow.
00:51:59Mac, I'm sorry to hear that.
00:52:01You've become one of my staunchest allies.
00:52:04Adam, this thing's going to break out again, isn't it?
00:52:08In my opinion, yes.
00:52:10Isn't there anything we can do to stop it?
00:52:12I don't know.
00:52:13It's something I've been working on a long time now.
00:52:16A method of disintegrating atomic structure,
00:52:18obviating the resultant explosion.
00:52:20What's that?
00:52:22Well, it's...
00:52:24Look, what's an atomic bomb?
00:52:26It's a breaking up of atomic particles, isn't it?
00:52:28Not quite, but that's close enough.
00:52:30I'm trying to achieve this breaking up without the explosion.
00:52:33This is a...
00:52:36Look, I'll show you.
00:52:41Now, in that lead container is an atomically unstable compound.
00:52:44Two things can happen to it.
00:52:46Either it will continue to give off radiation for the next 200 years,
00:52:49or it can be subjected to an outside force
00:52:52which will disintegrate it in a fraction of a second.
00:52:54A bomb, in fact.
00:52:55Well, if you like, yes.
00:52:56But, see, that's what I'm trying to prevent.
00:52:58Now, theoretically,
00:53:00if you draw the stuff between the scanners,
00:53:04then adjust the scanners to a certain pitch,
00:53:06a neutralizing effect should be achieved.
00:53:10You mean to say that this apparatus would neutralize an atomic bomb
00:53:13so that it wouldn't explode?
00:53:15That's my point. It couldn't.
00:53:16It wouldn't be a bomb anymore.
00:53:17It'd be just a handful of mud in a very expensive casing.
00:53:23But I didn't want to have to test it.
00:53:25Step in the right direction anyway, isn't it, Mac?
00:53:27Will you be able to use this against that thing out there?
00:53:29Six months' time, perhaps, but...
00:53:34Yes, Russell, what is it?
00:53:35Mr. Peter sent me down to remind you of the time, sir.
00:53:38Oh, yes, yes, thank you.
00:53:40Oh, Russell, you were able to locate Mr. Elliott, weren't you?
00:53:43Not yet, no, sir.
00:53:44Oh, that's too bad. All right, thank you. I'll be right out.
00:53:47We're taking the cobalt out of the pile tonight.
00:53:49We haven't been able to locate John yet.
00:53:51Well, Mac, we're sure going to miss you around here.
00:53:54Goodbye, Adam. Good luck.
00:54:29Oh, Peter, is that truck ready?
00:54:31Yes, it's standing by outside, sir.
00:54:32Well, as soon as these are all out,
00:54:34I want you to get a quick reading and then we'll load them.
00:54:36The pile is now inactive.
00:54:38The pile is now inactive.
00:54:40All right, boys, let's get started and I'll get these out.
00:54:47No, sir, I don't.
00:54:48I think we have every chance of seeing it again.
00:54:51Excuse me.
00:54:53I'm sorry, sir, the line's bad.
00:54:56Yes, I see.
00:54:57But I only want one more night, sir.
00:54:58If nothing happens, I can catch the first plane tomorrow morning.
00:55:01Station sergeant speaking.
00:55:02Yes, of course. Aye. Aye.
00:55:07Oh, thank you, sir.
00:55:08Oh, there's one other thing.
00:55:09I believe the director, Mr. Elliott,
00:55:11got in touch with you earlier today.
00:55:13You must pick up. This phone's bad.
00:55:15Oh, yes, I've seen him. Aye, I got that.
00:55:18What about the occupants?
00:55:20Yeah. What?
00:55:21You must be mad.
00:55:22No, sir, he doesn't. I know, but all the same.
00:55:25All right, sir.
00:55:26Very well, good-bye.
00:55:27All right, I'll send somebody out right away.
00:55:30Williams, I want you to go out. There's been an accident.
00:55:32Right, sir.
00:55:33Thank you, sergeant.
00:55:34Right, sir.
00:55:35And tell McDonald to report to me when he comes off duty.
00:55:37People melting indeed.
00:55:40What's that you're saying?
00:55:41Oh, there's been an accident, sir. Four miles away.
00:55:43Yes, I know. I heard that.
00:55:44But what's this about people melting?
00:55:45Well, that's what the man on the beach said, sir.
00:55:47I think you must be correct.
00:55:48Let me have this.
00:56:01Hey, what do you think you're doing?
00:56:04Do you hear me?
00:56:05I say, what do you think you're doing?
00:56:09Sorry, sir.
00:56:24Where's the nearest telephone?
00:56:25The nearest public phone's a couple of miles away, sir.
00:56:28Well, maybe one of these people will let you use theirs.
00:56:31Anybody live near here wear a phone?
00:56:33Hey, there's a phone at my shop, half a mile down the road.
00:56:36You can use that.
00:56:37Thanks very much. Pop in the car. I'll drive you down.
00:56:44Dr. Royston.
00:56:47John, we've just taken the cobalt out of the pile.
00:56:50There wasn't really time...
00:56:51On whose authority?
00:56:52Well, there wasn't really time to check with you.
00:56:54Do you know how long it takes to get that pile started again?
00:56:57You'll put the cobalt bombardment weeks behind schedule,
00:56:59entirely on your own initiative.
00:57:01You break in on an official experiment.
00:57:03You deactivate the pile without consulting me.
00:57:05This isn't your workshop, Royston.
00:57:07This is a government establishment, and I'm its director.
00:57:09Look, I'm sorry. You'll have to speak louder.
00:57:13No, he's busy right now.
00:57:15This is Peter Elliott.
00:57:22I'll tell him right away.
00:57:24Dr. Royston, it's McGill.
00:57:27It appears that what you were afraid of has happened.
00:57:29It's just killed four people in a car.
00:57:32The line's terrible, but I think he said they'd melt it.
00:57:39Hello, Mac. This is Royston.
00:57:41What's this all about?
00:57:45Wait a minute.
00:57:47Just a minute.
00:57:49Your pencil, please.
00:57:52Go ahead.
00:57:56Yes, right.
00:58:00Got it.
00:58:05You have a local survey map in your office?
00:58:07Yes, there's one up there.
00:58:08Let's take a look at it, shall we?
00:58:09Yes, of course. Come on.
00:58:12This point right here is the fissure.
00:58:14Now, here is the hospital.
00:58:15This is where something was seen glowing.
00:58:18Now, over here is my workshop.
00:58:21If we follow this line, right here is the old tower.
00:58:25You know, this thing can obviously sense radioactivity.
00:58:28And once it does, nothing can stop it.
00:58:30Makes straight for the radiation, and then returns to the fissure.
00:58:33And by these lines, it's pretty clear it returns for the same route.
00:58:37Now, this latest report, this burned-out car is right here.
00:58:41Now, if we extend the line from the fissure through this point,
00:58:44somewhere along this extended line is where it's headed.
00:58:47I see.
00:58:49That's right.
00:58:50It's on its way for the biggest meal of its life.
00:58:59Hurry up, man. Hurry up. Open the gates.
00:59:02All right. All right.
00:59:03Oh, come along, man. Open up the gates.
00:59:05Let's see your pass.
00:59:06Oh, you know me. Come along. Open up.
00:59:07Sorry, sir. Let's see your pass first.
00:59:11All right, sir.
00:59:19We daren't put that cobalt back in the pile.
00:59:21We've got to get it out of here fast.
00:59:23There must be a limit to the distance it can sense radiation.
00:59:25We've got to get it beyond that point.
00:59:27Adam, I just wanted to say that...
00:59:30Oh, never mind. I'll go and warn the security people.
00:59:50Hello, Adam.
00:59:51Any sign of it yet?
00:59:52No, not yet.
00:59:53It can't be far off.
00:59:54I've warned everybody to keep indoors.
00:59:56Upstairs, if possible.
00:59:57I've posted every man I can lay hands on to keep watch for it.
01:00:00I tried to phone London again,
01:00:01but there's something the matter with the line.
01:00:03Some sort of interference.
01:00:04Well, we've got the same trouble here.
01:00:05Nobody spotted a thing, huh?
01:00:06None of my men have seen anything.
01:00:08I'd like to know why.
01:00:09I think that big simply can't disappear.
01:00:10No, but it might alter its form and become almost invisible.
01:00:13Isn't that true?
01:00:14What's going on here?
01:00:15Well, we're trying to get this cobalt loaded and out of here.
01:00:17Come on, boys.
01:00:18What about the gates around this place?
01:00:20They're being watched.
01:00:21I've got extra men holding the wire.
01:00:22I'd like to phone around the gates, if I may.
01:00:23Yes, there's an internal phone in there.
01:00:25The line isn't very good, I'm afraid.
01:00:27Raise it up.
01:00:28Oh, right up.
01:00:29Right up.
01:01:19Check the main gates, see if you can spot it.
01:01:32Now, clear the shard, boys.
01:01:35Adam, what about the cobalt?
01:01:37There's nothing we can do about that now.
01:01:38But if it's against us, it might explode.
01:01:40Well, then we'll be the first to explode a cobalt bomb.
01:01:42Now, clear out of here.
01:01:43Spice, get out of the shard.
01:01:45Come on.
01:01:49Wait a minute!
01:01:53Don't go near that gate.
01:01:54Where can we see it from?
01:01:55Up that ladder, sir.
01:02:09Tell everyone we see to keep clear of the west approach to the reactor building.
01:02:12It's coming in that way.
01:02:13Now, our only chance is to halt.
01:02:15It absorbs radiation.
01:02:16Won't that make us unstable as the cobalt is now?
01:02:18Yes, yes, it would.
01:02:19Dr. Reutman!
01:02:21It's on its way.
01:02:22The men on the main gate had it, just like the others.
01:02:24It's coming in on the west side.
01:02:25Look, there it is, on the roof.
01:02:31Up there, quick.
01:02:33Up there, quick.
01:02:42It's going larger.
01:02:44The mass has to increase to accommodate the extra radiation.
01:02:47How big will it get?
01:02:49The important thing is how unstable it's going to get.
01:02:52Isn't there anything we can do?
01:02:54We can try, but not here.
01:02:57The only thing we can do is to let it go back to the fissure.
01:03:01Now, we know the exact route it will take,
01:03:03so let's clear that route and get everybody out of its path.
01:03:05I'll see if the army has a helicopter.
01:03:07We can use that to keep a check on it in case it changes direction.
01:03:10What are you going to do, Adam?
01:03:11I'm going down to my workshop.
01:03:12It's moving.
01:03:28Any luck?
01:03:29I can't hear a thing.
01:03:30The static's drowning out everything.
01:03:32The sergeant says that's a sure sign the thing's not far off.
01:03:35Let's get back to Lockmouth.
01:03:58Come on, now. Hurry.
01:04:00You'll all be safe inside the church.
01:04:04Come on, now.
01:04:08Come on, now. Hurry.
01:04:09Do you need any help, minister?
01:04:11I don't think so.
01:04:13How near is it going to come?
01:04:14It should pass within 100 yards of where you are now.
01:04:17Between those trees.
01:04:18How much longer?
01:04:20About two minutes, as far as that can tell.
01:04:24Come on, mister.
01:04:26Come on, Mrs. Haggerty. Let me take your bundle.
01:04:29Come on. It's nice and warm inside.
01:04:33There you are.
01:04:56It's changed direction.
01:04:58It's not following the same route.
01:05:01Try the map the other way out.
01:05:21That was close.
01:05:24Army Copter to Mobile.
01:05:26Heading up from Lockmouth.
01:05:27Travelling east.
01:05:30Oh, what's he used to?
01:05:31He'll never hear anything in this static.
01:05:32Have you got an elders lamp?
01:05:34Yes. One down on our right foot.
01:05:35Oh, fine.
01:05:36Let's get over to checkpoint three.
01:05:38Just there.
01:05:47Come on, ladies. Hurry.
01:05:49There isn't a time to lose.
01:05:52Inside, quickly.
01:06:23Wait here.
01:06:46Every line out of this place is useless.
01:06:48The radio is even worse.
01:06:50We've no hope of getting through to London now.
01:06:52We've got to handle this ourselves.
01:06:54I still think that as soon as it gets to the fissure, we ought to leave it alone.
01:06:57That is, until we can get in touch with the Ministry.
01:06:59Look, Mr. Elliott.
01:07:00Adam said the larger this thing grows, the more its range will increase.
01:07:04You know the next point it'll make for?
01:07:06There. That's it.
01:07:08The experimental nuclear power station at Glencarlin.
01:07:11And to reach there, it'll go right through the centre of Inverness.
01:07:14Now, do you see?
01:07:15We've got to stop this thing at the fissure.
01:07:17And we've got to stop it for good.
01:07:39Well, Adam?
01:07:40How's the drink?
01:07:41Not too good. I'm just ready to try again.
01:07:43Watch out now, just in case.
01:08:20That's it! It's worked!
01:08:22You've done it, Adam! You've done it!
01:08:25Adam, look!
01:08:27The container. It's glowing.
01:08:30What's happening, sir?
01:08:42Well, that won't do. We'll have to try again.
01:08:44There's no time to waste.
01:08:47Well, that won't do. We'll have to try again.
01:08:49There's no time to try again.
01:08:51If a piece of material no bigger than a pinhead can cause an explosion like that...
01:08:54Can't you imagine what would happen out there?
01:08:56We've got to have time.
01:08:57I don't care, Adam. We've got to take the chance.
01:08:59We've got to try and stop this thing at the fissure.
01:09:01Dr. Royston.
01:09:03Those scanners, they could have slipped out of synchronisation.
01:09:07They might have, yes.
01:09:08There might have been a hundred other things.
01:09:10But could it have been the scanners, Adam?
01:09:12Yes, yes.
01:09:14Being out of sync might have caused it.
01:09:17Everything you've asked for is at the fissure, Adam.
01:09:19Trucks, radioactive material, everything's ready.
01:09:23Well, if that's the way it's got to be, let's get started.
01:09:26Let's go.
01:09:44Tell them to get that copter away from here.
01:09:46Noise is enough to wake the dead, let alone that thing down there.
01:09:48Right, sir.
01:09:57Is everything here, Major?
01:09:59Half an hour ago.
01:10:00What are all these men doing?
01:10:01Mac, let's clear this area.
01:10:03Well, if anything goes wrong, Adam, it won't matter much where they are.
01:10:05True, but they'll get in our way.
01:10:06Now, is this our jeep?
01:10:07That's it. Just as you ordered.
01:10:13Lad, you know what you've got on the back there is bait, don't you?
01:10:15Yes, sir.
01:10:16The purpose is to entice whatever is down there out.
01:10:18Now, don't you get it closer than 15 feet.
01:10:20Do you understand that?
01:10:21Very good, sir.
01:10:26Let's get started. Have the trucks follow.
01:10:29Mr. Thompson, follow this car down.
01:10:31Right, sir.
01:11:27Now, Peter, don't let that jeep get any closer than 15 feet.
01:11:30Remember that. 15 feet.
01:11:32Right, sir.
01:11:38Can we do anything to help, Adam?
01:11:40No, Mac. Just keep your fingers crossed.
01:11:42Right. Well, we'll stay out of your way, anyhow.
01:11:44Major, impress upon your men the importance of keeping these scanners in phase.
01:11:47As soon as we're ready, I'll give the signal.
01:11:49Right, sir.
01:11:50Let's go.
01:11:51Major, impress upon your men the importance of keeping these scanners in phase.
01:11:54As soon as we're ready, I'll give the signal for the switch-on.
01:12:11Everything all right?
01:12:12Watch it, sir. I've got the cobalt out.
01:12:14Can I get the men under cover, sir?
01:12:15What? Uh, yes. Yes.
01:12:21All right, you lads, take cover.
01:12:23Come along, all of you. Get your heads down behind this bank here.
01:12:30Come along! What are you waiting for?
01:12:32What's going to happen, Sarge?
01:12:33I'm going to kick your head, and if you don't get it down, that's what's going to happen.
01:12:37Give me the okay as soon as you're synchronized.
01:12:42Are you ready, number one?
01:12:43Ready, sir.
01:12:46Are you ready, number two?
01:12:49Ready, sir.
01:12:55Are you ready, number one?
01:12:56Ready, sir.
01:12:58Are you ready, number two?
01:13:00Ready, sir.
01:13:06Excuse me, Major.
01:13:09Peter, set on the jeep.
01:13:13Bring out the jeep!
01:13:30Ben, what's the matter?
01:13:34Right, come on, get out. I'll take it.
01:13:47Good luck, sir.
01:13:53You better take cover, too.
01:14:00It's Peter.
01:14:07What do you think you're doing?
01:14:08Well, somebody's got to do it. The driver's sick.
01:14:10That's the reason why you should...
01:14:12Careful, son.
01:14:36Careful, son.
01:15:07What's he doing?
01:15:10Peter, don't go any closer!
01:15:13Peter, don't go any closer!
01:15:18Peter, don't be a fool!
01:15:19Get back, get back!
01:15:36Get back, get back!
01:16:33Peter, get out of the jeep!
01:16:34Get out of the front part!
01:16:37Get back!
01:16:50Switch on, boys.
01:16:52Switch on!
01:16:59Switch on!
01:18:06It's gone.
01:18:10Adam, it's gone!
01:18:11It weren't Mac, didn't it?
01:18:20Bring out the Geigers. Let's have a reading.
01:18:26Let's go.
01:18:42What was that?
01:18:44I don't know, but it shouldn't have happened.
01:18:47But the thing's gone.
01:18:49You should be very proud, Adam. Your theory's worked.
01:18:51It has, Adam.
