• last year


00:00Oh, oh, oh, bright balls of fire, I'm bodacious.
00:17Oh, oh, oh, bright balls of fire, I'm a fright.
00:22Oh, oh, oh, bright balls of fire, goodness gracious.
00:27I'm chop, chop, chop, chop, choppin' with all of my might.
00:32Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:44Whoa-whee! Snow!
00:47Hey, Uncle Snuffy, guess what happened last night!
00:51Don't bother me, Chuckie. I've got to get Louisie her morning eggs from the henhouse.
00:56But, Uncle Snuffy, last night it snowed.
01:00It sure did.
01:01Uncle Barney!
01:03It snowed money, that's what it snowed.
01:05We're going to take this white stuff and turn it green, green with money.
01:10We're going to have a winter carnival. Ice skating, sledding, skiing, we'll make a fortune.
01:14Where's Snuffy? We've got work to do. Where is he?
01:16You're a stand-in on him.
01:19Bright balls of fire, who said work?
01:22I did. Why, we're going to build us a winter wonderland.
01:25We're going to be another Sun Valley.
01:27They might hold the next Winter Olympics right here on your property.
01:30I've got a feeling I'm in trouble.
01:34Here's where I'll give my lessons in skiing and ski jumping.
01:38The hill isn't big enough to show you my championship form, but, uh...
01:43Well, that ain't the hill, Uncle Barney. There's the hill.
01:47Go ahead, Google. Let's see how those dead burn things work.
01:51Well, now I don't know if you beginners are ready for such a steep, uh...
01:56That is, we professionals, of course, could do it, but I mean...
02:08Yeah, that was real comical, Google.
02:12Yeah? Well, now it's your turn, Snuffy.
02:21Where's Snuffy?
02:22Red balls of fire. I knew this would come to no good.
02:28Well, now that you get the hang of jumping, you gotta learn racing.
02:31You see them poles?
02:33Now, the idea is to go down the hill and around them poles.
02:36And the first one to cross the finish line is the winner.
02:39You ready?
02:43Red balls of fire. Who won?
02:46Well, it's a tie. You'll have to do it again.
02:52Sore losers.
02:57There's a lot of money to be made in ice skating. I'll give lessons.
03:01Wait for me, Barney. Oh, I want to take a break.
03:06Wait for me, Barney. I want to take lessons in figure skating, too.
03:09How do I get started?
03:11Just push off and glide.
03:14Oh, be on your guard, honeypots.
03:22Now tell me how to stop.
03:25We'll stop you, Louisie.
03:31Oh, don't worry.
03:33Oh, Conson, this is a rich nuttin' joy it is, oh!
03:40Red balls of fire!
03:42Here she comes again!
03:44We'll stop her this time.
03:51My, George, a bobsled ride!
03:55Why, this is worth a fortune!
04:04Red balls of fire!
04:06I've had enough, Google!
04:08I'll show you how to stop this thing!
04:11Dad, burn it!
04:12What now?
04:14Where'd he go?
04:15I don't know, Uncle Barney.
04:17Well, he'll turn up in a day or so.
04:19Meanwhile, we've got work ahead.
04:22Hey, look!
04:23Why, bless your little old snow-capped heart!
04:26It's a hair-belly snowman!
04:29Why, we can have a contest for the best snowman!
04:32There's a fortune in that, and it's easy to do.
04:35All this one needs is eyes,
04:37and a mouth,
04:39and Google!
04:40Why, it talks!
04:42A talking snowman!
04:44Why, that's worth...
04:47You melt it!
04:48The snow is melting!
04:50How can I give a winter carnival without snow?
04:53All I've got is water!
04:55Yeah, I know!
04:57We'll have a water carnival!
04:59Swimming, water skiing, diving, and...
05:02Oh, now, now.
05:04Wait a minute, Snuffy.
05:07Well, now, now, now.
05:08Can't we talk this over?
05:09Like, I mean...
05:10Well, don't you ever want to get...
05:12Don't you ever want to get...
05:14A head!
05:20© BF-WATCH TV 2021
