• last year
Since last week’s Apple WWDC many have been talking about Apple ‘killing’ the password. Now, this could be true, as the PassKey system looks pretty convenient, but at what cost, and is it safe?

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00:00Well, today I come to you from this national park.
00:03I can't remember the name of it, but anyway,
00:06that's the Mediterranean sea back there,
00:08all the way in the back.
00:10And Barcelona is in that direction,
00:13like 10 kilometers or something.
00:15So I'm actually making my way back to the office.
00:18Wolf is down there somewhere, you'll see him.
00:22What I want to talk about today
00:24is how secure your passwords are.
00:26Everyone talks about using,
00:29let's put it this way,
00:30last week Apple came up with a new system
00:33for the new operating system
00:36about getting rid of passwords.
00:38So you use your biometrics,
00:40i.e. your face ID or the touch ID.
00:45So instead of having to create passwords.
00:48Now, that's a fantastic idea
00:50and it's a great innovation in a way.
00:54I'm sure there are other companies
00:56that have done it in the past.
00:57The problem I have with it is the security of it.
01:02Now, as we all know,
01:04the Apple ecosystem is pretty secure,
01:08way more than Google or anyone else, pretty much.
01:11So I trust my data in that system.
01:15The problem I have with it
01:17is that there's one part of the Apple ecosystem
01:23that isn't 100% secure.
01:25I mean, nothing is 100% secure,
01:26but isn't as secure.
01:29And that is when you back up your phone to the iCloud.
01:35When it's on their servers,
01:37you don't hold the keys,
01:39in which case it's not actually secure
01:42because they still have access to it.
01:45Will they touch it?
01:46Will they do anything?
01:47I doubt it, but there's still that idea
01:50of I don't own the key to my house type thing.
01:54So having this password synced to your phone
02:01and your other devices,
02:02and then having your phone backed up to the cloud,
02:06then those passwords effectively are not secure.
02:12That's how I come to think about it.
02:16So will I be using it?
02:17Yes, of course I will be,
02:19because I'll be testing it out
02:20and then trying to find some white papers
02:22to see how secure they are.
02:25But you've got to,
02:28well, basically use a separate password manager.
02:31Because if you're at the border guards
02:33and someone wants to see your data,
02:34I mean, I always wipe my phone before I go anywhere
02:38via plane or anything anyway.
02:40But if they have the passwords or the biometrics,
02:46i.e. your eye or finger to your device,
02:50then they have access to all your passwords.
02:53Whereas if you use a password manager,
02:55then even though they have access to your phone
02:59and your devices and your data,
03:01they will never get access to the passwords
03:04because that's a separate password
03:07to get into that password manager.
03:10Hopefully that makes sense.
03:12But yeah, Apple is secure,
03:14so I wouldn't worry about it,
03:16but there's still that little bit of touchiness
03:22about not owning the keys to my data
03:27only when it's backed up to the iCloud.
03:31So that's just something I wanted to bring out there
03:34on the Monday.
03:35If you have any questions, let me know.
03:37There'll be a link below.
03:39Let's have a chat and see if I can help you
03:42with your Apple stuff.
03:43Anyway, enjoy your day.
03:45I'm gonna go and walk around a little bit,
03:49and I'll see you in the next video.
03:50Ciao, bye-bye.