Eastenders 17th September 2024

  • 10 hours ago
Eastenders 17th September 2024


00:44Great. I'll be there.
00:58What do you think? A bit...
01:02Er, stick them on. I need to see all angles.
01:08Is this what put you off a grace?
01:11You're not coming?
01:13Not a bit.
01:15Oh, sorry, Albie. Just seems a bit soon.
01:18I want to forgive you. I will.
01:21Just, you know, a couple's jaunt away just doesn't seem right at the minute.
01:25Yeah, of course.
01:27You should still go, though.
01:30Here, I'll put up with your badgie smugglers for a free holiday.
01:34Right, I'm off.
01:36Fashion show later.
01:45It's going to be the campus birthday party, isn't it?
01:48Vinnie will love it.
01:49I just need to sort balloons.
01:51I'm going to get him some fancy ones from the high street.
01:53It's so nice to see you excited.
02:00Our youngest turns 28.
02:03We should celebrate.
02:04Not that you've had much to do with it.
02:06Oh, give Vinnie my best, will you? I can't make it tonight.
02:08All right.
02:10We're having a surprise birthday party for Vinnie.
02:13Yeah, but you're not invited.
02:16And that's what Vinnie wants, is it?
02:19He doesn't know.
02:21Clues in the name. Surprise.
02:24Clever. Your way of controlling things.
02:27We just want to have a nice evening, Nish. For Vinnie.
02:31And his dying dad at home.
02:33Yeah, makes sense.
02:39Excuse me.
02:42It's going to turn up now, isn't it?
02:43No, it wouldn't.
02:44Just ruin everything.
02:45Suki, can we just have one night without you thinking about him?
02:47It's very simple.
02:48Ah, Suki.
02:54Undercover police.
02:56You sure?
02:58But why?
02:59Which businesses have they got their eyes on?
03:05We need a plan.
03:12Are you better now?
03:14Yeah, thanks.
03:15Oh, that lippy looks fabulous.
03:17You, um, feeling OK?
03:20I can't work today, though.
03:22I've got a last-minute doctor's appointment.
03:25That's fine.
03:26Just don't get your dad to take you.
03:28We can't lose him as well.
03:29He'd do anything for his girls.
03:31Big softy brother.
03:34I'll be fine.
03:36You want some more toast, darling?
03:41Is that it?
03:42Have you got an appointment?
03:44No, no, no. You're doing the right thing.
03:46Go and move your gut, I mean.
03:48And I'm not telling Bobby I take it he still doesn't know him.
03:51Well, that's totally fine, too.
03:53He's your buddy.
03:55Right, come on.
03:57You heard Elaine.
03:58Yeah, that's fine.
04:00I need to deal with it on my own.
04:1015 signatures in 15 minutes.
04:12I mean, that means we'll have 10,000 in...
04:15I bet you want to.
04:16That's right.
04:17Don't hurt yourself.
04:18The government will have to respond.
04:19We're going to get her out, Martin.
04:21Oh, hey.
04:22Um, sign a petition, like, if you can spare a minute.
04:26The last thing I spared you, Rhys, was 2K for a ring I no longer have.
04:29I do not think I've forgotten.
04:34OK, and that, uh, up-side mask on you?
04:37Well, I'm all for freeing Sonia, yeah, but I'm quite influential,
04:41so I can't put my name to specific campaigns.
04:45Just in case.
04:47Well, you know.
04:49No, no, no, no, I don't know.
04:51Well, OK, if it weren't Sonia, then who killed off your coma wife?
04:55Look, I can't be signing my life away without any hard facts, Rhys.
05:00166,040 minutes.
05:02I will get enough signatures, and I will get Sonia out, with or without you lot.
05:08Is he all right?
05:11All right.
05:14You OK?
05:16Are you still, uh, distracted by this other bloke?
05:19It's not that.
05:21What's happened?
05:22I'll tell you later.
05:28Nice to see you.
05:29Uh, are you feeling any better?
05:31Sort of.
05:32Uh, where are you going?
05:33Uh, just town, shopping.
05:35Uh, I've got the day off today, so I thought we could do something.
05:40Oh, sorry, you want to go shopping?
05:43Um, I could come with you, hold your bags for you.
05:46You're busy, and, um, I need to do this shopping on my own, so, um...
05:55What's happening?
05:57She's feeling better, but she wants to go shopping alone.
06:02Have I done something wrong?
06:07Look, Bob, don't beat yourself up, all right?
06:10She'll come around and it'll be fine.
06:30I mean, just wait a second, listen.
06:37Are you really going?
06:40I've made my decision.
06:42Without even telling him?
06:46That's not fair.
06:49Does he not get a say on his options, or to chat things through?
06:58I'm just thinking about me.
07:01And I'm just thinking about myself.
07:03And I'm sorry if that's wrong.
07:06My head's so full of noises and other people's opinions.
07:09All I can do is listen to me.
07:17All right.
07:19All right, don't cry.
07:23Have you got anything on your own?
07:25Yeah, I don't need anyone.
07:38Quick sale and cheap.
07:40These chicken shops, a great little string of businesses, these.
07:44All right, you have a think.
07:52You're welcome.
07:56Don't poke the bear.
07:57I'd gladly strangle it.
08:07Haven't you got balloons to blow up?
08:11I have, actually.
08:14Rasiki's been planning this party for weeks.
08:17So for her sake, and for Vinnie, you just stay awake.
08:24I wouldn't dream of ruining their lovely family evening.
08:28What have you ever actually done for that family?
08:31Because Sookie gives everything for your kids.
08:34One party.
08:36You're all this chat about big plans for your boy.
08:40I bet you haven't even got him a card, have you?
08:45You're all talk, Nish.
08:48Just stay awake.
09:04Happy birthday, son.
09:08Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, she still plays the trumpet.
09:13Oh, yeah, no, no, I know you haven't seen her in 20-odd years, Nicky.
09:17And I know you don't know me from Adam, but...
09:22You get it.
09:24All I've ever done is try to be a good man.
09:27Look, please, Auntie Dorothy.
09:30Show me a sign.
09:37Where's your boy? An update, please?
09:39May I?
09:40Look, I'm going to be straight with you, because we've both got women issues on the go, haven't we?
09:45Well, the reason I want you to fiddle me books and make me look poor,
09:48the reason I want you to fiddle me books and make me look poor,
09:51it's because of me ex.
09:52She wants all me readies, mate.
09:54All of it.
09:56And tomorrow, I've got to go and see her lawyer.
09:58So, how's it all going, the fiddling?
10:01Well, um...
10:02Is that my paperwork still sitting there?
10:06I thought we had a deal.
10:07Did we not?
10:11I've had a few complicated months.
10:13A lot's happened.
10:15And my boyfriend's been going through a lot.
10:17I usually miss my pill and...
10:18Oh, it happens.
10:24Are you feeling OK today, about everything?
10:27I'm OK.
10:28Yeah, and you've talked with our guys on the phone, you know what's what?
10:32And you're happy with your decision?
10:37Come on.
10:43I know it looks like I'm doubting myself,
10:46but I'm actually not.
10:48It's just everything else, everyone else...
10:51Look, remember,
10:52you are the only one that knows what's best for you.
10:56And even when you've worked that out,
10:58you're still allowed to feel...
11:05Even if it's the right choice, it don't mean it's easy.
11:13But you take your time,
11:15and then we'll chat through your options, yeah?
11:21I definitely had some fig rolls here somewhere.
11:24Honestly, they're safer locked up, these birds.
11:26Can't spend your money that way.
11:30Sorry, that was a bad joke.
11:37Mr Mitchell, I understand the pressure you're under,
11:41but my bird, my Sonia,
11:44I need a home.
11:46And the reason I haven't started the work yet...
11:49I'm doing this petition, you see,
11:51I'm hoping it'll reach our MP, get them involved.
11:55Well, who else is there left to fight for us?
11:58I mean, none on the square, I mean, I've scared them all off.
12:01All I owe them money, I don't have...
12:03I just need someone on my side.
12:05All right, all right, calm down.
12:08She's having our baby, it's my first child,
12:11and I want them here in our home.
12:16I may know someone who could help you.
12:25Go and get them fig rolls in, we'll have a chat.
12:29Go on, chop-chop.
12:36So you'd prefer the medical option, the pills at home?
12:41Well, I can explain when you need to take them, all of that.
12:43We do just need to do an ultrasound,
12:45just check how many weeks you are.
12:51You won't see anything, hear anything, it's just for me.
12:55Bit of cold gel, it'll be over in minutes.
13:04It's like I've made her feel even more nauseous.
13:07Oh, well, that would be the foot-and-mouth gene.
13:09Part of Bill's DNA.
13:10You speak for yourself.
13:11Your mum's got Louis a cake,
13:12so I told her that we'd both go pick Louis up from school.
13:16Is Anna coming round later?
13:18No, no, she'd better give it a rest, she's in her condition.
13:21What condition?
13:25Well, she's... she's ill, isn't she?
13:28What was that you were saying? Foot-and-mouth?
13:30Am I missing something?
13:32Maybe I should tell him your theory.
13:34I haven't got a theory.
13:36Er, what theory?
13:39Well, look, it's probably nothing,
13:41but Anna was asking me what it was like to be a young dad.
13:45Lauren's put two and two together.
13:47Could you just leave me out of it, please?
13:49Well, that, and that she's ill, isn't she?
13:54What, what, what?
13:58Oh, for goodness sake, I thought maybe she might be pregnant.
14:07The fridge is broke, and the engineer can't come for two weeks.
14:11Eve's off party planning.
14:13I mean, I'll tell you what, this day couldn't get much worse.
14:15Here, I'll tuck that in for you.
14:17Don't worry about Mum, huh?
14:19She's turned down all expenses paid holiday.
14:21She's mad.
14:24Well, you messed up, but she'll remember that you're a good bloke.
14:27The grease thing's just come at a bad time.
14:30What about Alfie?
14:32I raised a few eyebrows at him.
14:35I raised a few eyebrows.
14:37Walk around on your own.
14:39Well, I guess I'll be around for a fortnight, so if you're desperate...
14:49Oh, it was lovely, Mum.
14:53Ah, oh, happy birthday, brother.
14:56Have you had a nice day?
14:58Er, Dad wants to give me my birthday gift at dinner tonight.
15:03What do you think is good news?
15:04Well, I might have given him a nudge in the right direction.
15:08I just said he needed to deliver on the big plans he keeps wanging on about.
15:12Well, thanks.
15:14Just make sure it's an early dinner, yeah?
15:16Be here at six.
15:18A party?
15:20Right. Does no-one understand the word surprise?
15:23Your dad's not invited, all right?
15:24We want to keep him on the side boat, don't we?
15:26Alfie and you take a night off.
15:27Yeah, come on.
15:29Tonight is about looking to the future.
15:32When your dad is nothing but a pile of ash.
15:34But upon a side, never really...
15:39He's never really been here for any of my birthdays.
15:41Never been in a normal family.
15:47If that's what you really want.
15:52I'm really looking forward to tonight, love.
15:57If she is, she's probably just getting her head around it all, isn't she?
16:01She's probably wondering whether she would want to keep it or whether you would want to.
16:08Come on, let's go. We're going to be late for picking up Louis.
16:11You OK?
16:14Come on, I'll see you at ours later.
16:20I've messed all of this up with Dana and I'm just going to do it all over again.
16:25Look, you don't even know if she is here, all right?
16:29So why don't you give her a call, go and see her?
16:32Say what?
16:33All right, all right, just stay calm, yeah?
16:37And if she is pregnant, then you work out what you're going to do, together.
16:47Yeah, fine for the medical option.
16:51Let me just get all the bits for you.
17:08So there's two sets of pills that you take, a gap of 24 to 48 hours between each is advised,
17:14and there's a pregnancy test in there for you to do in three weeks' time.
17:23That's a lot, right?
17:29You know there's a helpline you can call 24-7, even after it's all complete.
17:36Will there be someone with you today?
17:39Yeah, my sister.
17:43Great. And that kind-looking young man out there.
18:00Hello, surgery. Can I help you?
18:09Well, I think you ought to come in and see the doctor first.
18:22You called?
18:23The food platters, there's loads of them. Take him over to Vinnie's party.
18:26The food platters, there's loads of them. Take him over to Vinnie's party.
18:29Child labour is literally not cool.
18:31Also, go say hi to him.
18:36What? I thought you two got on.
18:38Yeah, we do.
18:40Been sitting there for ages, just reading.
18:43It's actually quite sad.
18:54She's still looking. Maybe smile or something.
19:02Look, I won't say anything, OK? I'm like your boyfriend.
19:05Shh. She ain't even watching.
19:08Just trust me with it, yeah?
19:12Can I trust you with them platters and all?
19:14Don't want to ruin my nails. Yeah?
19:17Go on, then.
19:23Is that what you were saying?
19:26Sorry, I was, sir.
19:27Well, I've got a friend.
19:29More of an acquaintance, really, but he's just...
19:32got a good knack of finding out details.
19:34Details that make cases fall apart, if you know what I'm saying.
19:38Cos this...
19:40this is just a waste of your time.
19:44I'm sorry, Mr Mitchell, I'm...
19:47watching it for you.
19:49Well, I'll give my acquaintance a call today and...
19:52you sort all this lot out for me by tonight.
19:56Well, I can throw a little drink in your way, if that helps.
19:59How much you owe this neighbour of yours?
20:06Look, Rhys, you'll be doing me a big favour here,
20:08so I'll make sure I'm going to pull my weight for you on this.
20:15And this friend of yours, he can really get Sonia out.
20:18Yeah, I'll bet me life on it.
20:21And the lawyer, he finds a reasonable doubt in the prosecution case.
20:26Well, he said details. I had to get her off.
20:29He's a PI.
20:30He calls himself a PI.
20:32But he's just blimming great at obtaining evidence.
20:35Nicking CCTV and things like that.
20:38This care home, any footage of the day in question, he'll get it.
20:42Any missing evidence, it won't be missing any more.
20:45And he'll find out who really killed your ex.
20:48And your Sonia is coming home, mate.
20:58Oh, erm...
21:00Hi, Vinnie.
21:02The food, it's erm, it's for Nugget and Avani.
21:05Bottomless pits, a pair of them.
21:07It's OK, I know about the party.
21:09Oh, right.
21:10Suki was being so haggard about it.
21:13What party?
21:14I know.
21:18Suki told me about it too.
21:20She also said that I wasn't invited, so...
21:23What? Hang about, Grandad.
21:25What do you mean you're not invited?
21:27No, it's fine. It's fine.
21:29No, man, you'll be brown bread by his next birthday.
21:32Look, you even got him a little gift and that.
21:35Vinnie thoroughly deserves this.
21:38I don't need to go to a party.
21:40Well, actually, Dad...
21:43I want you there.
21:46Course you do.
21:51I do.
21:53I told Mum that this is my birthday and you're my dad.
21:58I just want to share a beer with you, once, before.
22:03You know...
22:05Every year, I used to wish you would turn up to one of my birthday parties.
22:10All the other uncles were there.
22:13You never were.
22:19This is our last chance...
22:23to be a normal dad and son.
22:28Aw, cute.
22:33Well, I'm sure I could pop in.
22:35Well, I'm sure I could pop in.
22:41And this can... wait till then, I guess.
22:48I'll see you later.
22:52I'll see you later.
23:14You take one?
23:19Listen, I get why you might not have told Bob straight away, but maybe now...
23:24Let me finish these.
23:32I'm proud of you.
23:37Does he, um...
23:40He found out.
23:42And he won't move your...
23:44He just turned up to support me.
23:49And Bobby?
23:50I haven't told Bobby.
23:53I was saying that maybe now would be a good time...
23:56So that's your agenda, is it?
23:58Oh, no, I just...
23:59No, it's her body.
24:00I know, I said that.
24:01OK, well, no-one can take that choice away from her.
24:03I know.
24:04Look, can you do, just stop?
24:06As if I could feel any worse today.
24:17So, as you've taken root?
24:20Dad, I have no idea what to say to her.
24:24I have no idea what to say to her.
24:27And then I keep thinking, what if she doesn't want me to know?
24:32Or if there even is anything to know.
24:37Do you like her?
24:40OK, I mean, do you even...?
24:44I love her.
24:45OK, well, in that case, just tell her you've heard this...
24:48This mad theory, and if it's true, you just want to be there for her.
24:53Be there for her, just in case.
24:57Don't tell anyone about this.
25:02It's your business, all right?
25:05Look, we don't even know if she is pregnant, but...
25:09If she is, then it's not going to be all sort of flowers and knitted hats.
25:15I mean, it might not even be the right time for you both.
25:20Just be there.
25:34Off somewhere nice?
25:48It's my son's party.
25:50He said she had a solution to the chicken chops.
25:53A buyer.
25:55Somebody don't like that.
26:03No, it's not going to work.
26:05Look, we've got to get moving on this.
26:09Find a scapegoat.
26:19I hope the party's worth it.
26:30I just feel bad.
26:32I should have come with you.
26:34I didn't need anyone.
26:36Gina! Panters!
26:40Love you.
26:41Love you.
26:45All right, I'll get off.
26:58If I'd have been smarter, I wouldn't have let any of this happen.
27:01I wouldn't be in this mess.
27:03Don't be silly.
27:10How has it got to this, Fred?
27:13Come here.
27:19I did need someone there today.
27:22You know me better than I know myself.
27:28Don't cry.