I Moved to USA- What A Disappointment

  • 3 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, I'm Abina, and I live in an orphanage in Ghana.
00:03And before you start feeling sorry for me and blah, blah, blah, relax, man.
00:07Everyone is super chill here.
00:08The coffee is bomb, and I have a little brother who worships me.
00:11So I guess that's why I've never wanted to get adopted.
00:14Before I continue, please like and subscribe.
00:17Ever since I could remember, rich, stupid foreigners would come every month
00:21to take one of us home with them.
00:22But I knew they were just using us to brag about how they'd done
00:25such a noble deed by adopting a poor orphan.
00:29So whenever those snobs would drop by with their camera phones and designer clothes,
00:33I'd convince my brother Kofi to help me mess with them.
00:36Come see our room.
00:37We just got new blankets.
00:39Sweetie, I'm taking a selfie with...
00:41Our new blankets smell like lavender.
00:43Ah! Is that pee?
00:46Silly me. I forgot.
00:47We have a bad wedding problem.
00:50A bad wedding problem!
00:55The woman ended up bursting into tears from the awful smell.
00:59So traumatic.
01:00But one day, the warden had had enough of my behavior.
01:03You're 14 years old now, and Kofi's 8.
01:05It's important for your development to have parents.
01:08So the next time a visitor arrives, you better behave yourself.
01:12I was about to refuse, but I wanted Kofi to be happy and healthy, so I gave in.
01:17Except when a couple finally decided to take us home, I immediately disliked them.
01:22Apparently, they were both philanthropists who loved doing charity work.
01:26They were just too sweet, and I had a bad feeling about these people.
01:29Just like that, they whisked us from our beloved home to some mansion in America.
01:34Who wants to see their new room?
01:37Do you want to see your big boy bed, my cutie-wootie-widdle-mouse?
01:40Ew, gross. We hate mice.
01:42And don't talk to Kofi like he's a baby.
01:44Of course, dear. I'll try again.
01:47Yo, yo, dudes.
01:48Who wants to see their billion-dollar golden baller sleep in place?
01:53You hear me, bro?
01:54There's gotta be a cliff I can jump off of.
01:56At least I had a giant bed with a mattress from heaven.
01:59But the next day, things took an awful turn.
02:02I discovered that Kofi and I were all over the news, and the paparazzi were right outside our window.
02:07Were my new parents famous?
02:09How come you didn't tell us you guys were celebrity philanthropists?
02:12I don't want to live in the public eye, and I've got an eight-year-old brother.
02:16I don't want his picture everywhere online.
02:18Oh, come on. Being a celebrity is fun.
02:21You never have to wait in line.
02:22You get free stuff? Give it a chance, Abena.
02:25It's Abena. I've told you three times.
02:28You know what? Just call me Abby, since I'm an American now.
02:31Mom looked hurt when I said that, and from that day on, things went downhill.
02:35Mom and I fought about everything imaginable.
02:38Like, she'd get mad because I hated being interviewed by reporters,
02:41or because I hated the itchy thousand-dollar clothes she bought me,
02:45or the fact that she kept feeding Kofi fancy food that he wasn't used to,
02:48even though I told her to just give us something more simple.
02:51By the time school started, I was exhausted from all the media attention,
02:56and I didn't want a bunch of kids coming up to me
02:57since I was the famous Ghanaian orphan that they were fascinated with.
03:01So I decided to ditch class and hang out in the school garden.
03:04Then suddenly, I heard a voice near me.
03:06Hey, are you okay?
03:08I looked over to see a boy my age with neon hair dressed in rags.
03:12Even the clothes I wore at the orphanage were nicer than his.
03:15Uh, no? I don't know.
03:17My parents are annoying? Your biceps are gorgeous?
03:19Never mind!
03:20The guy just laughed, and suddenly,
03:22I found myself pouring my heart to a total stranger about everything that had happened.
03:26I found out his name was Carter, and we went to the same school.
03:29He apparently skipped classes regularly so he'd have enough energy to work nighttime shifts,
03:34and it was all because his parents barely had enough money to buy food.
03:37I felt bad for Carter, but I was kind of relieved to finally meet someone here who wasn't rich.
03:42He ended up walking me home, but when we arrived,
03:45Mom greeted us at the door, and she immediately asked Carter to leave.
03:48Abby, I know that boy. He lives in a trailer outside our neighborhood.
03:52I want you to stay away from him. He's a criminal.
03:55You'll be in danger, and people will think my daughter's mixed up with a crook.
03:59Because your publicity image is all you care about, right?
04:02You don't actually care about my safety?
04:04Well, guess what? You're not my real mom, which means I don't have to listen to you.
04:08Mom grounded me after I said that, but I didn't let that stop me.
04:11Carter and I started hanging out all the time.
04:13Sometimes we'd ditch class together, and sometimes he'd sneak in through my window
04:17so we could watch MSA videos together on my TV.
04:19I'm so glad you watch these on YouTube instead of TikTok.
04:23Promise me you'll never watch MSA on TikTok and fry your brain, please?
04:27I didn't believe Mom about the criminal nonsense,
04:30until one day, I noticed Carter take off his baseball cap to reveal a clump of shiny jewelry.
04:35Please tell me he didn't steal all that.
04:37Abby, you know I have a family to support.
04:40Yeah, I feel bad for stealing, but a job washing dishes can only pay so much.
04:44Look, I get it, but you don't have to become a thief.
04:46No wonder Mom thinks you're a delinquent.
04:48Maybe I'll ask her to give you some money.
04:50She and my dad love bragging about how they give to charity.
04:53Then suddenly, Carter got this really serious look on his face,
04:56and then he told me something disturbing.
04:58My parents were known for being frauds.
05:01Kofi and I hadn't been the first kids they'd taken home.
05:03Apparently, they'd foster them for a year or two,
05:06use them to get publicity, and then they'd send them somewhere else.
05:09That makes no sense. They took me home and signed the papers.
05:12Are you sure? Because they've never adopted an actual kid before.
05:16Look, I don't know the logistics. I just don't want you getting hurt.
05:20I know it's only been a short time, but I've grown to care about you, Abby.
05:24I was about to confront Mom and Dad when I got home,
05:26but when I arrived, I was hit with awful news.
05:29Kofi was in the hospital due to food poisoning, and he was really sick.
05:33This is all your fault.
05:34I told you a million times not to feed my brother fancy food like caviar
05:38because he's not used to it.
05:39Now he's sick, and it's all because you two were too stuck up
05:42to give him something like rice and beans.
05:44Abby, it's not fair to blame us for something like this.
05:47The food poisoning could have been from anything.
05:49Plus, he'll be fine.
05:51Why are you making such a big deal about food poisoning?
05:54It's not about the freaking food poisoning.
05:56It's about you two being selfish, irresponsible jerks that don't care about us.
06:00Mom and Dad apologized and reassured me, but I didn't listen.
06:03I knew now that Carter was right.
06:05My brother and I weren't safe with these people.
06:07So as soon as Kofi was better, I crafted a plan to run away from home.
06:11Carter said Kofi and I could stay with his family in the meantime
06:14while he would help find new parents who weren't horribly selfish.
06:18So one night at 1 a.m., I turned off the location services on my phone
06:22and helped Kofi sneak out the window.
06:24I don't want to run away.
06:25These people are nice, and they take good care of us.
06:27They seem nice, Kofi, but they don't really care about us.
06:30We'll be living in another foster home in another year.
06:33Trust me.
06:34Says who?
06:35Your new boyfriend, Carter, who you've known for like five minutes
06:38and who also happens to be a thief?
06:39I know you're not actually this dumb.
06:41It's not like he wants to be a thief.
06:43He has a family to support, and I still would trust a thief
06:46over any adoptive parents who could hurt us.
06:48Carter picked us up in his car a few minutes later,
06:51but Kofi wasn't speaking to me.
06:52I felt bad, but I was doing the right thing by protecting us, right?
06:56Besides, Carter's parents were happy to let us stay with them for the time being.
06:59Yeah, they lived in a one-bedroom trailer,
07:02and Kofi and I had to sleep on a floor mattress,
07:04but it was still so much better than staying with parents who didn't care about us.
07:08The next morning, Carter told me that he had disguises
07:11in case the cops came looking for us.
07:13No, I want to go back home.
07:14You can't do this to us.
07:16You can't take us away from Mom and Dad just because you heard some rumor
07:19to live in a one-bedroom trailer with your boyfriend.
07:21It's not like I have a choice.
07:23I'm doing this for you and your safety.
07:25Mom and Dad are frauds.
07:27Why? Because they like bragging to the media about how they adopted us?
07:30Big deal.
07:31They still care about us, and they're still giving us a great life.
07:34You're just trying to find excuses to run away
07:36because of what happened six years ago.
07:38Right then, Carter asked me what my brother was talking about,
07:41but I wanted to change the subject.
07:42I didn't tell Carter about how my parents had gone missing at work one day,
07:46and no one had ever been able to find them.
07:48And that's why we'd been at the freaking orphanage in the first place.
07:51He'll do anything to avoid being hurt again.
07:53You'd even rather live with your criminal boyfriend
07:55and believe a ridiculous rumor than let another family take care of us.
07:59I knew Kofi was right, and maybe staying with Carter wasn't the best option,
08:03especially because as days passed, I learned that he wasn't just poor,
08:06and he didn't just steal to support his family.
08:09I was drifting off to sleep one night when I heard laughing outside,
08:12and I opened the door to find him sitting with a bunch of guys
08:15and unwrapping towels filled with money.
08:17No, do not tell me you're in a gang.
08:19Well, we all have families to feed,
08:21and now that you and Kofi are staying with us,
08:23I want to make sure I can support you guys.
08:26I don't want all of us to have to live in a one-bedroom trailer.
08:28Here, babe, I stole $50,000 just for you and your brother.
08:32Carter, I can't accept this.
08:34You can't keep stealing. It's wrong.
08:36And I don't think we should be together either.
08:38I appreciate what you're doing for me,
08:40but I think it's best if Kofi and I leave.
08:42No, please, don't leave me.
08:44You're the only thing that makes me happy.
08:46Nobody at school wants to be friends with me because I'm a poor loser,
08:49and no one in the neighborhood wants to associate with me because I'm a thief.
08:53Before Carter could finish his sentence, I heard police cars,
08:56and that's when Mom and Dad came running over and crying.
08:59I guess they did care about us after all,
09:01and Kofi seemed overjoyed to see them.
09:04I started to warm up and apologize to my parents for running away.
09:07Then suddenly, a policeman handcuffed Carter
09:09and said he was taking him to juvie for three years.
09:12It's thanks to you two that we've been able to do an investigation
09:16and track down how much money this guy's stolen.
09:18And he dated my daughter and put both her and her brother at risk.
09:22My heart suddenly stopped as I saw Carter's parents beg and cry and apologize.
09:27I knew it was wrong what Carter had done,
09:29but did he really need to be away from his family for three years?
09:32I tried not to think about it as Mom and Dad drove us home
09:35and said we could do whatever we wanted.
09:37Watch movies, order in, go to Disneyland.
09:39They were good people, and I had been wrong all along.
09:42Instead, I put my brother in danger and got a boy taken away from his starving family,
09:47all because I was too traumatized to trust anyone to adopt me.
09:51I felt practically ill with guilt.
09:53The next day, I finally went to school for the first time without ditching class,
09:57and everyone was interested in being my friend since I'd been all over the news
10:01and I'd dated a known delinquent.
10:03So what's it like dating a real thief?
10:05Have you dated thieves before in Ghana? Is it true?
10:08All of them have rock-hard abs.
10:10I... I don't know. Why would I know that?
10:14By the time I got home, I felt like I was literally gonna die of guilt.
10:17And then things got even crazier.
10:20Mom and Dad called Kofi and I into their study because our old warden had called.
10:24She wanted to check in and see how things were going.
10:26We told her we loved fostering you two, and the truth is, we want to adopt you.
10:32What do you mean? I thought you already adopted us.
10:35Oh, no. Usually, we foster children for a few years, and then we find them a home.
10:40Your warden sent you off with us because you'd have better living conditions.
10:44But we love you two so much that we want to keep you.
10:47So Carter had been right about the whole fostering thing,
10:50but he'd been wrong about them trying to hurt us.
10:52He'd just been looking out for Kofi and me.
10:54He was a good guy. I couldn't let him sit in juvie for three years.
10:58You guys can adopt us, but on one condition.
11:00You have to help out Carter's family.
11:02They don't have any money or food.
11:04That's the only reason why Carter formed a gang and became a crook in the first place.
11:08Yeah, he committed some bad crimes, and I won't date him anymore.
11:11But he's a good person and shouldn't have to stay in juvie for three years.
11:15To my surprise, my parents actually agreed,
11:18and the four of us went together to talk to the police about Carter's situation.
11:21My new mom even insisted on buying his family a new house.
11:25Thanks, Mom. That means a lot.
11:27Did you just call me Mom?
11:29Well, you did agree to adopt me, and I've kind of been a jerk to you.
11:33We hugged at that moment, and it made me feel warm inside,
11:36but there was one more person I needed to talk to.
11:38I'm really sorry I got you into this mess.
11:41You might still have to go to a disciplinary school,
11:43but you won't have to stay here for three years.
11:45Don't apologize. That's what you get for forming a freaking gang.
11:49Thanks for looking out for me, Abby.
11:50I know we need to break up, but I'm glad we're still friends.
11:53Actually, my real name is Abina.
11:55Why don't you call me that from now on?
11:57And yeah, of course we're friends.
11:59I've never had anyone look out for me the way you did.
12:02So, will I see you again soon, Abina?
12:04You sure will.