Days of our Lives 9-18-24 (18th September 2024) 9-18-2024 DOOL 18 September 2024

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00If you fire me, Paulie, man, you only end up looking foolish when this case falls apart in court.
00:07Well, then I'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen.
00:12By replacing you with a better DA.
00:17Hmm. Well, if you're considering Melinda Charles for the position, remember, she's long gone.
00:24Long gone?
00:26Where? Someone like Melinda doesn't just disappear?
00:30I'd have to agree. The woman is hardly one to keep a low profile.
00:35Hmm. That's putting it mildly.
00:38Well, I've got a lot of people working for me, so we'll track her down, wherever she is.
00:50Ms. Veninsky, Commissioner Hunter, I'd like to ask you a few questions.
00:59Last time I was here, I just had a play. A little pressured.
01:08Ms. Veninsky, are you home?
01:13Is that blood?
01:20Yeah, it is. I'm going to call the CSU.
01:28God, what is this?
01:45Look, right now you are mad as hell at Gabby. She's mad as hell at you.
01:50But as much as you say there is no chance of you two getting back together.
01:54There is.
01:55God, you two love each other. There's always a chance.
02:00And you having me work for you at the bistro? Not gonna happen.
02:04Okay, I'm going to repeat this one more time, so maybe it'll resonate.
02:10Yes, I am mad as hell, but not just that. I am appalled.
02:14I am disgusted that my wife would sleep with my brother more than once.
02:21And to me, that's a deal breaker.
02:24You're right. As far as I'm concerned, Gabby can rot.
02:31What are you talking about? Why would Rafe point the finger at you?
02:35Oh, did I forget to mention? I'm the one who stabbed your brother.
02:50Come on, Gabby. Call me back.
02:56Hey, Hernandez.
02:58Roman Hayes.
02:59About time you woke up.
03:02Although you don't seem too happy about it.
03:06Something wrong?
03:07I'm sorry. It's great to see you.
03:11It's just, I'm worried about Gabby.
03:15Jude and I, uh, we think our new assistant might be dangerous.
03:21What do you mean by dangerous? And, uh, who is this person?
03:25Well, her name is Connie Vinitsky, and it's possible she might be the one who stabbed me.
03:42You stabbed Rafe?
03:45And you're next.
03:48No. No, no. It was Everett. Everett is the one that attacked Rafe.
03:53Well, that's what everyone thinks, that Everett's brain broke for good.
03:56Of course I know him. It's Bobby Stein.
03:59He and you changed sex. The alter.
04:01Well, of course I knew that. Why else would I try to take out your brother?
04:04Bobby asked me to do it.
04:06What? Why?
04:08Come on, Gabby. You're a smart cookie. You can figure it out.
04:12With Rafe out of the way, Bobby had a clear path to Jada Hunter, his beloved ex.
04:19Oh, my God.
04:50Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
05:10I thought it was Everett Lynch who tried to kill you, and that's why he took his own life.
05:18Well, it turns out that Everett Lynch's death may not have been a suicide.
05:23So you're thinking it's Connie Vinitsky?
05:27Well, that's what we're trying to find out. Jada's trying to track her down right now.
05:31And in the meantime, I need to warn Gabby to stay the hell away from her.
05:35I assume you tried to call her?
05:37Yes, I have tried to call her. I left her a voicemail. She's not answering my texts.
05:41I need to find her now.
05:47You tried to kill Rafe for Bobby?
05:50I know it sounds a bit extreme, but I don't blame him for wanting another chance with Jada.
05:55He thought of her as the love of his life. I'm a romantic myself.
05:59Except she and Bobby just weren't meant to be, as it turned out.
06:03No, they were not. Such a tragedy.
06:08So Bobby Everett's death...
06:11I had no choice. He said he was going to expose me for stabbing the Commission.
06:15I could not let him threaten me like that.
06:19So you killed him and made it look like a suicide.
06:22You're asking a lot of questions.
06:24No, no, I just...
06:27As someone that's done a lot of crazy things in the name of love,
06:31I have to admit, I'm impressed.
06:37Gabby made her choice. I made mine.
06:42So you're telling me that Gabby came through that door and she told you how sorry she was?
06:50That she loves you? She still wants you back?
06:56You would not find it in your heart to forgive her.
07:02That's what I'm telling you.
07:04Oh, come on.
07:07You wouldn't be tempted. You wouldn't be tempted just to give it another go.
07:11She is your wife.
07:13And like I said, the two of you still love each other.
07:21Speak of the devil.
07:25You gonna answer it?
07:33I'm just calling to tell me that she and EJ have had mind-blowing sex again.
07:47I can see that you've made some difficult choices, Connie,
07:50but why would you do Bobby's dirty work in the first place?
07:55I told you, I'm a romantic. I believe in love.
08:00Being a romantic is one thing, but stabbing the police commissioner, I mean,
08:05seems like a pretty big risk. You must have been getting something out of it.
08:09Sure I was.
08:11Bobby made it clear if I didn't do his dirty work for him, he'd rat me out.
08:16Rat you out? What did he have over you?
08:20Bobby knew I did something.
08:23Something I'm not proud of.
08:26What did you do?
08:29Why does it matter?
08:31Connie, come on, there's no sense in keeping secrets from each other at this point.
08:39Bobby knew that I killed Lee Shin.
08:53What the hell?
08:59What the hell?
09:02That's what I said.
09:05Is that Lee Shin?
09:09Well, it's the cardboard version.
09:19Looks like our friend Connie was holding someone hostage.
09:23Probably not old Lee, then.
09:25No, someone more three-dimensional.
09:52A woman in a trask?
09:55Was she up in the one that was held here?
09:59But where is she now?
10:04That's a good question.
10:20I suspect that Melinda Trask has had her fill of Salem politics, so I doubt she would take the DA job even if he could track her down.
10:30Then I'll hire someone else.
10:33I mean, you know, Danwell won't be as competent as I am. I mean, isn't that why you hired me back?
10:38Oh, what are you talking about? You blackmailed me into it. Or have you forgotten about your pals in the CCS?
10:47The concerned citizens of Salem were merely doing their civic duty, looking out for the best interests of the town.
10:52Yeah, right. Not trying to get me recalled.
10:55Well, it all worked out in the end, didn't it? I got what I wanted, and you seem pretty comfortable in your position.
11:02Doesn't mean I'm not going to fire you. You stole a baby.
11:06Allegedly. And come on, is this any way to treat one of your animals?
11:11Come on, DJ, are you really playing the family card?
11:16I'm simply suggesting, considering the upheaval this would cause people that we both love, that we don't act too hastily.
11:28While I agree we could both do without another scandal, if your brother posts publicly what he knows about you, then not even I will be able to save your privileged papa's ass.
11:47Ava, what are we doing waiting around here? Let's go to the bistro, grab a bottle of champagne, and celebrate your triumphant return as manager.
11:58I haven't accepted your offer.
12:00You will.
12:01Are you so sure about that?
12:03Yeah, unless you want to stick around here and swing hash for a living.
12:07It's an honest living.
12:09Honestly boring and exhausting. Are you telling me you want to be on your feet all day working on a meal like this for a couple of lousy bucks and tips?
12:18Come on, Ava, take a chance and walk out that door.
12:25I'm technically still on my shift.
12:30I think the breakfast rush is over. It's not like you're leaving them high and dry.
12:36Besides, didn't you tell me that Roland gave him this job so you can make your rent money?
12:41You're going to make a hell of a lot more rent money as manager of the bistro.
12:46And I think the rest of the waitstaff here would appreciate your share of the tip jar.
12:54Hey, Andrew, take my tables, will you?
13:00There you go. All right, come on. The tip jar awaits.
13:07Yes. Yes.
13:09Off we go.
13:17Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I can't let you out of this.
13:20Roland, I need to find Gabby.
13:22You're too weak. It's not safe to leave this house.
13:25Why? It's not safe for my sister to be out there alone.
13:28This Connie woman is going after people that I love.
13:31Are you sure she's going after Gabby?
13:34Well, it sure as hell is a possibility.
13:37This woman, she faked her entire resume to get the assistant job with my sister.
13:43I'm telling you, if Connie did this to me, who the hell knows what she's going to do to my sister.
13:48Okay, let me handle it.
13:49Roland, hey. Not my first rodeo, kid. You stay here, you rest.
13:54I will track down Gabby and make sure Connie Vineski is not a threat.
14:05You killed me? Oh my God.
14:09Don't act like you're all broken up about it. You hated the guy.
14:12That doesn't mean I wanted him dead. Especially since I went to prison for killing him.
14:17I gotta say, that part of the plan couldn't have worked out better.
14:22Wait, you framed me?
14:25Duh. Who do you think sent you a text from Lee's phone that night and lured you over to his apartment?
14:32That was you?
14:36I went to prison because of you?
14:39Hey, I didn't tell you to pull a knife out of a guy's back.
14:42I just laid the trap and you were stupid enough to fall into it.
14:45And even stupider to fall into this one.
14:52I want an APB on Connie Vineski. She should be considered armed and dangerous.
14:59Hang on, let's also put one out on Melinda Trask.
15:03Yes, the former DA. We're considering her a missing person.
15:08Alright, I'll be in touch.
15:13Trask was officially on a leave of absence.
15:17Yeah, but what if Connie was the one that put in that message?
15:26Oh my god, what if Connie has been holding Melinda hostage this entire time?
15:33Well, how do you think this thing figured into it?
15:38I have no idea.
15:41But right now my main concern is what Connie may have done to Melinda.
15:49I don't understand.
15:51Why would you kill Lee and frame me for it?
15:55I thought we got along great.
15:59That's what I wanted you to think.
16:01But the truth is I hated you for the way you treated Lee.
16:05The way you toyed with his emotions and the way that you and Stefan just tortured him for months.
16:11Since when did you care about Lee?
16:14I don't care about him.
16:17I love him.
16:20What? Did you even know each other?
16:22Of course I knew him.
16:24I told you that that day I met you at the press conference.
16:27But you were probably too busy thinking about yourself to remember the press conference.
16:33Lee and I had the most magical blind date.
16:36Oh, and he charmed me with that smile.
16:40That smile could light up a room.
16:42And I knew from that moment that he and I were meant to be.
16:47And we would have been together forever if you hadn't broken his heart.
16:53You made him think you cared about him, but you only cared about his DiMera shares.
16:57You tricked him. You humiliated him.
17:03And after that, Lee was too hurt to love again.
17:09So it's my fault that he don't love you.
17:12Well, who else is?
17:15And I tried to convince him that you were not good enough for him.
17:21And that I was the only one that could give him the love that he needed.
17:25But he could not let you go.
17:29So you stabbed him in the back.
17:31It was an accident.
17:32Oh, so you accidentally put a knife in his back.
17:36Okay, so it wasn't an accident, but it wasn't my fault.
17:39Either you are the one that caused all of this.
17:44You ruined him.
17:47And you tried to ruin me in return.
17:51But somehow you got out.
17:54You're here.
17:56And my precious Lee is gone.
18:00It should have been you, Gabby. You're the one who deserved to die.
18:15Time to end this for good.
18:17And then Lee and I can finally be together.
18:28Oh, you bitch.
18:31You know, it would be a terrible shame for the CCS to rear their ugly heads again and attempt another mayoral recall.
18:42I don't respond well to threats.
18:47You can say anything about a threat.
18:51EJ, even if I were to consider keeping you on SDA, if your brother Stefan is determined to testify against you for baby napping, then make no mistake.
19:02I will fire you without a second thought.
19:05It won't come to that, Mayor Price.
19:08I can handle my brother.
19:18It's a little early for champagne.
19:23Think of it as a mimosa. Just light on the ota.
19:30Okay, then.
19:32And it's five o'clock somewhere, right?
19:35And it's five o'clock somewhere, right?
19:38Artie, so what are we drinking to?
19:41To new beginnings for both of us.
19:44Welcome back to the bistro.
19:49I'm still not sure this is the best idea.
19:52Because once Gabby finds out that you hired me again...
19:57How many times do I need to say my marriage is over?
20:02Gabby's as good as dead to me.
20:18Gabby, it's Roman Brady.
20:34Is anybody home?
20:47Are you here?
20:56Come on, Gabby, pick up.
20:58You've reached Gabby DiMera.
21:01Leave a message.
21:03Damn it.
21:08Did you find Connie?
21:10No sign of her if you don't count me.
21:12But I think we were both right about her involvement with Li Xin's murder.
21:17You found evidence?
21:19Something like that.
21:23I'm not really sure how to describe this.
21:25Okay, but Connie had a life-size cardboard cutout of Li.
21:32You mean like in an old video store?
21:35Yeah, something like that.
21:37And it was in her bedroom.
21:39Tucked underneath the covers.
21:43There's literally not a lot on my bingo card.
21:45Okay, well...
21:47Well, there's more.
21:48Well, it's going to be hard to top that.
21:50Well, I'm about to.
21:53It appears that cutout cardboard Li was not Connie's first occupant in the bed.
22:02There were ropes tied to the headboard, right?
22:08Yeah, like she's been holding someone hostage in that apartment.
22:24Good morning, sunshine.
22:26I brought you some company.
22:44So you say that Gabby is out of your life.
22:47She is.
22:48And I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you believe it.
22:53In this moment.
22:54I do believe it because it's the truth.
23:02Okay, it's just that...
23:05I've been through this before.
23:08With Rafe.
23:09With Harris.
23:10And even though we are not romantically involved...
23:14You know, I'm just preparing myself for when you and Gabby do get back together.
23:19And I'm out on my ass.
23:22How many times do I have to tell you that's not going to happen?
23:28Even if Gabby comes slithering back into your life?
23:31Well, that's not going to happen either.
23:33You so sure about that?
23:34I am sure about that.
23:35Especially since she told me this morning she found herself in EJ's bed.
23:40Yet again.
23:46This day just keeps getting better.
23:51Well, well, well.
23:52Isn't this cozy?
23:55I suppose you've decided to invite Ava to your victory celebration.
24:00But it's a little premature, don't you think?
24:43So you found the blood.
24:46That's what led me to Connie's bedroom.
24:48CSU is on it.
24:50But we found Melinda's bag and ID on the scene, so...
24:54It's likely to match hers.
24:56We're working off that assumption.
24:58I already declared her a missing person.
25:00The important question is where did Connie take Melinda?
25:05And what exactly did she do to her?
25:08I think I hear an extra rope down here.
25:11I can't understand a word you're saying.
25:17It'll be fine.
25:18It's not like anyone's going to hear you down here.
25:21What is it?
25:23What did you do?
25:24You said I did anything to her.
25:27Where the hell are we?
25:30I just assume with all your time and effort,
25:34I just assume with all your time as a DA that you would know this place from crime scene photos or or something.
25:42What the hell are you talking about?
25:46Don't you smell the money, honey?
25:48We're in the bowels of the DiMera mansion.
25:51The secret room.
25:53So you do know about it.
25:55Why are we here?
25:56You're here because I needed someplace safe to stash you when my apartment became too hot.
26:01I came here to kill Gabby.
26:05But is she still alive?
26:07Does that mean you changed your mind?
26:10I just figured it'd be more efficient to kill you both together.
26:34Shouldn't you be at the office?
26:36Oh, you mean where I'm supposed to be arrested for my high crimes and misdemeanors?
26:43Oh, he didn't tell you?
26:45My brother was setting me up.
26:46I just got back from a meeting with Mayor Price where she told me that you gave her an earful about what happened with Nicole's baby while I saw the truth.
26:57And seeing how it was a while back, you just decided that right now was the time to tell the mayor all about it.
27:04Yeah, just like you decided that right now would be a great time to go after my wife.
27:10So this is your way of trying to get revenge on me for that?
27:14Well, if that's the case, let me remind you that it was your wife that came on to me that night.
27:22What about this morning, huh?
27:23I'm guessing that that was mutual because the first time was so amazing that you two just couldn't wait to ravage each other again.
27:36Just make sure CSU comes through every inch of that apartment.
27:41I don't want to miss one single cell of evidence.
27:44Roman, did you find Gabby? Was she at the mansion?
27:48I went in and spent a place no sign of Gabby or anyone else for that matter.
27:53What about the stuff?
27:54I went to talk to Harold and the kitchen was emptied.
27:57Is that unusual?
27:58Well, it's not unheard of. They run a lot of errands.
28:01You're sure that she wasn't there?
28:05Look, I don't know where Gabby is, but I don't believe she's in that house.
28:20So, this is the apartment where Melinda Trask was being held hostage?
28:26We believe so, ma'am.
28:27We found some of her personal items in the bedroom, along with evidence that someone had been restrained in the bed.
28:34So, you haven't found this Tanny Walensky?
28:39No. Acting Commissioner Hunter put out an APB on her, but so far, no hits.
28:45What about Melinda?
28:48We're on the lookout for her, too.
28:50CSU is trying to confirm that this is her blood.
28:53Right now, we'd be happy to just find her alive.
29:02You brought me all the way over here just to kill me?
29:06Why didn't you just do it when I was back in your apartment, when you had the chance?
29:10In the place I share with Lee, I could never sully our home with that kind of violence.
29:15I shouldn't stop you from killing him there.
29:17Oh, I forgot. He's not really dead. He's just a little sick.
29:20You want the gag back in?
29:23No, please.
29:25I never wanted to keep you there in the first place, but desperate times and all that.
29:30It'll be over soon, though.
29:32And Lee and I, we can finally enjoy our happily ever after, just as soon as I finish off you and Gabby.
30:06Don't worry, Melinda. I'm going to take good care of you. Lee and I both are.
30:23I'm here, Lee!
30:24Don't get that drug-like slob away from me!
30:28I slaved away making this slob for you.
30:32Fine. Starve. See if I care.
30:35The only reason I kept you alive was because Lee asked me to.
30:40I'm trying, you see that, right?
30:42Lee's dead, and you...
30:44I know!
30:46And whose fault is that? Yours? And Gabby's? And Stefan's?
30:50If it weren't for the three of you, I never would have had to!
30:53Never would have what?
31:02Okay, thank you.
31:06According to the mayor's security, Gabby did not come to the office today.
31:12What about Stefan?
31:14I didn't speak to him.
31:17Well, maybe Gabby decided to take the morning off and play a little hockey with Stefan.
31:25I kind of doubt that.
31:26Who's Stefan?
31:28I kind of doubt that.
31:34Well, a lot has happened since you were... sleeping.
31:43Stefan and Gabby split up.
31:46What? Why?
31:48Well, apparently, Stefan cheated on her.
31:53With Eva Vitale.
32:04This morning, nobody ravaged anybody. What the hell are you talking about?
32:09Don't insult me. I'm innocent here, okay?
32:12Gabby sauntered downstairs in your robe and couldn't wait to gloat to me about your most recent romp.
32:22I came here for a little fun.
32:25Last thing I need is to be psychoanalyst.
32:35I got a little taste of that myself yesterday.
32:39From Jolly, actually.
32:41When he found out you and I slept together, he warned me that I was potentially destroying my family.
32:50And in this place, rage towards Eric and Nicole.
32:55He also pointed out that since I was the one who had blown on my marriage, my rage and anger was doubly misplaced.
33:04Sounds like he was being preachy as hell.
33:09Yes, but he had a point.
33:13I just received my divorce decree from Nicole.
33:18So, honestly, I'm not exactly in the right frame of mind to be engaging in sexual warfare.
33:25Though tempting it may be.
33:35Wait a minute.
33:39Are you seriously turning me down?
33:42Don't be offended, Gabby.
33:43Don't be offended, Gabby.
33:46I suspect that deep down, it's just what you really want out of life.
34:01Gabby told you we had sex this morning.
34:05Well, she referred to it more as a marathon.
34:08A marathon?
34:11Why? You're not actually going to sit here and deny it, are you?
34:28And what we have in here, we found him.
34:34Holy flat-bellied.
34:39What is this?
34:42It's Lee Shin.
34:44Yeah, yeah, I know who it is, but what the hell is he doing in the van?
34:49Well, in my professional opinion, Connie Wininski is out of her mind.
35:02Connie, it is not too late to change your mind.
35:07Why would I change my mind?
35:09Because you don't want to be a murderer.
35:16Well, thank you for your concern, Melinda, but I'm fine.
35:21I mean, it wasn't easy getting either of you down here without being noticed.
35:26But now that I have all the people in one place, it's awfully convenient.
35:31Two bitches with one stone, if you will.
35:34No need to worry about messy cleanup or the police finding any evidence.
35:39Why not? They're bound to look down here eventually.
35:44Well, they can look all they want, but they won't find anything.
35:49By the time I'm finished, you'll both be incinerated, along with everything else in this house.
