• last week


00:00Channel Red Novel, Chapter 61, A deal today was the second night that Tom had to stay
00:16inside the hospital.
00:19Following the advice of their school nurse, Tom had made an appointment and given his
00:22situation he didn't have to wait for long.
00:26He had quickly been assigned a private room, though he ended up having to sleep over on
00:30Monday since the surgeon didn't have any gap to get to him.
00:34Tom didn't mind that.
00:36The hospital staff had given him enough painkillers that he had easily slept until Tuesday morning.
00:42When he woke up, he saw that he had 17 missed calls from his mother alone, and 9 more from
00:47his father.
00:48At some point, his father had notified him via a message that the hospital had already
00:53informed them and that the two of them would be with him this evening.
00:57With a few more hours to go until his dental surgery, Tom had browsed the web via his phone.
01:03The first thing he had searched for was any recent news.
01:07He half closed his eyes as he read the headlines expecting to see Gary's name or the headlines
01:12reading Werewolf Caught, but there was none of that and just news on Billy.
01:16His surgery was rather uneventful.
01:19From what he had been told, implanting a new tooth was a rather routine procedure and
01:24they had also taken care of the cuts that had appeared in his mouth.
01:28I wonder how Gary is coping.
01:31Where did he run off to after leaving me at the nurse's office?
01:34I'm seriously worried.
01:37I mean, if he ever found out who did this to me, there's a good chance he could.
01:42Tom gulped.
01:44Kill those two.
01:46At that moment, the two people who were responsible for Tom's absence from school burst into the
01:50room through the door.
01:52Tom, how are you feeling?
01:55Did the surgery go well?
01:57Let's see that beautiful smile of yours.
02:00His mother called out as she rushed over to his bedside.
02:04She hugged him to the point that Tom had trouble breathing.
02:08He tapped his mother on the shoulder, asking her to release him.
02:12Noticing this, his mother pulled back and allowed Tom to give her a shy smile.
02:17It had been a while since he had seen his parents, so it was a bit saddening that he
02:21had to be in a hospital for them to find some time.
02:25Both of them were still wearing their white lab coats, indicating that they had rushed
02:28over from work to visit.
02:31Holly and James Green were like the living embodiments of what one pictured when hearing
02:35the word scientist, including the thick black glasses on their faces.
02:41Green's mother was blonde and rather good looking.
02:44Her son sometimes lamented that he apparently got more from his father than his mother,
02:48including his black hair, which was hard to see given his haircut.
02:52James Green wasn't bad looking, but he wasn't exactly someone who would be described as
02:57''handsome'' either, which sometimes made Tom wonder how his father had managed to get
03:01his mother.
03:03His pet theory was that among all the other scientists, he was probably the best looking
03:09They must have even asked for time off to visit me.
03:12Tom thought with a guilty conscience.
03:15Both of them worked in a tier 2 city.
03:18Due to the long drive they wouldn't always come back every day.
03:22Tom, me and your father have been talking about your situation.
03:26We decided that it would be for the best if we move you from SLU to the tier 2 city Brocknell.
03:32It took Tom a second to comprehend what his mother had just said.
03:36It was one of the many possibilities he had considered his mother would say when she found
03:42While he wouldn't mind seeing his parents more often, it wasn't a given that would actually
03:47From what he had heard, their company actually had sleeping rooms for their personal.
03:52We can sell up the house and all move into a nice apartment in Brocknell.
03:57We're not too far off from completing our big project.
04:01With the bonus we will receive and our contracts being up for renewal soon, we'll be able to
04:05afford a place that is just as nice as this one to move you to a new school.
04:10It will be much safer there.
04:13Her approach was gentle, but Tom had already prepared what he would say to that.
04:18You know that's not true, mom.
04:20It's only safer on the surface.
04:23Tom replied looking into her eyes to stress that he wasn't having that.
04:27He understood that at the end of the day his caring parents were just trying to look out
04:31for him.
04:33There are even bigger gangs in the upper tier cities, you know that.
04:37It's just more behind the scenes.
04:40Besides, Westbridge is plenty safe.
04:43Something like this has never happened to me before, it was just a one time incident.
04:48I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
04:52Tom tried his best to downplay the part, since he honestly didn't know what would happen the
04:56next time he met the bullying duo.
04:59He didn't want to leave his school and most of all he didn't want to leave his best friend
05:03Gary behind.
05:05He had never liked talking to people, but somehow Gary had made it seem less bothersome,
05:09making him treasure his friendship with his best friend all the more.
05:13There was a time in Tom's life when he had needed someone, yet his parents had been too
05:18busy with work, his teachers didn't seem approachable, so the only one he had been able to rely on
05:23had been Gary.
05:25Now that his best friend was struggling with a supernatural problem, he couldn't leave
05:29him to his own devices.
05:31He somehow had to convince his parents to let him stay in school.
05:35Even if it was a one time thing, the important point is that it did happen, which means it
05:40could very well happen again.
05:42We've already been notified that you have refused to tell who exactly did that to you, so how
05:47can we believe that this was merely a one time thing?
05:50We live in a good part of SLU, so we're lucky to not be affected by what's been going on,
05:55but at the same time we can't bear to be away from you and allow such a thing to repeat.
06:00As if that wasn't enough, we've heard about the recent high school student killings.
06:05That alone would be enough reason for us to pull you out of this place.
06:10Listening to his mother, she made good points, better than her son for wanting to stay in
06:14this dangerous town.
06:16It seemed she had already made up her mind, which meant there was only one person who
06:20could help him win over his mother.
06:23Although he lost more times than not, once in a while his father managed to pull through.
06:28Dad, I get good grades, I have good friends and even my teacher somewhat like me.
06:34If I get put into a different environment it could really affect me, and this year I'll
06:38have my exams.
06:40I can't afford to fail my GCSEs.
06:43Don't you two always talk about how compromise is often important for your experiments and
06:49Isn't there a way we can compromise?
06:52Tom practically pleaded.
06:55His mother was more than a little annoyed that Tom had decided to ask his father for
07:00Nevertheless, she also knew that her son only did so when he regarded something as very
07:06His father, who had been quite calm during their visit so far, placed a hand on his wife's
07:13We can compromise and allow you to stay until the end of this school year then.
07:17His father offered.
07:19By that point we should have finished with our project, so we will be ready to move you
07:23out once you get your results.
07:26You can't say we are affecting your studies then, can you?
07:29It was clear from his mother's demeanor that she wanted to argue that a school year was
07:33too long.
07:35Tom knew his parents long enough to recognize that this was the best offer he would get
07:39out of them.
07:42I just hope that time will be enough for us to figure out what to do with Gary's condition.
07:47How and when am I supposed to tell him that I will leave though?
07:51After this, the Green family ended up talking about a few other things like school, whether
07:55Tom had perhaps found a lady he fancied and how things were with Gary.
08:00Eventually, his mother left the room to talk to the doctor to sort out a few things like
08:04the cost for the private room.
08:07Dad, say your research is about altered beings, right?
08:11You must have seen a lot of them, but have you ever seen an altered based on a wolf?
08:16Tom asked, when it was just him and his father.
08:20His father thought about it for a moment.
08:23Now that you mention it, I haven't so far.
08:26Many that resemble some type of dog breed but no wolf per se.
08:30Still, with how many types there are out there and with new ones getting discovered every
08:35so often, I don't doubt that there is one out there.
08:39Maybe not what we think of, since they're based on animals that don't even seem to come
08:43from our world, but at least something resembling our wolf.
08:47Although when I say the word wolf and altered together, it just makes me think of werewolves.
08:53His father started to chuckle softly.
08:56Tom joined him, only his was more due to nervousness.
09:00He was wondering right now how his friend was exactly coping.
09:04At a certain apartment, Gary had still been unable to get any sleep.
09:09Putting his sheets over his head hadn't really helped.
09:12After getting the notification the high schooler had come to a realization.
09:17He pulled off his sheets and looked around.
09:20He could see the vague outline of a red mist and a green one, but that was it.
09:25The other marking was no longer there, he could no longer see it.
09:29Aye aye.
09:31I killed.him.
09:33Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 62, Kill again
09:38Due to the events that had occurred, Gary had trouble sleeping.
09:42It was a little past midnight, and he had already received his usual message stating
09:47that it would be the full moon in six days.
09:50If I can't find a way to get rid of these markings, in six days time, both Barry and
09:55Gil could be in serious trouble was Gary's thought.
09:59A few seconds later, after having this thought, Gary had received the other message about
10:04receiving stat points for successfully having gotten rid of one of his marks.
10:08Whoa, what the hell just happened?
10:11At that moment, his body started to feel stronger.
10:15His muscles bulged for a few seconds, and his inside started to adjust before relaxing
10:21It was a similar feeling to when Gary distributed his stat points, so he immediately went to
10:26look at his system screen.
10:28Skill 4, Health 100, Energy 110, Exp 385 slash 460, Strength 7, Dexterity 4, Endurance 10,
10:38the first thing Gary could see was he had gained 100 Exp points.
10:43As for his stats, one thing had improved among them all, and that was his dexterity.
10:49After successfully hunting a target, a single stat point has randomly been allocated, reading
10:54the notification, Gary understood what had happened.
10:58Still, he wondered if the stat could go into his health or energy.
11:03If it couldn't, then it was better to use his stat points from leveling up and put them
11:07towards health or energy.
11:09It was then checking out his system that Gary had seen something else and another notification
11:15Marked 2 out of 5, although you had successfully hunted your first target, you didn't eat him.
11:21In order to grow stronger, consume your hunting target for additional stat points, at first,
11:27Gary was just happy about receiving additional strength.
11:30His goal was to get stronger so he could help out his family, but then when he realized
11:35what had happened, whose marking had disappeared.
11:39Everything was starting to make sense.
11:41The system message had explained it to him.
11:44There could only have been one person.
11:47Gary had the sheets covered over his head, and he was shaking at the thought.
11:51I was the one that ended his life, his life.
11:55He actually won't live to see tomorrow.
11:58He won't ever think or feel again.
12:01Shaking his head, he started to try to reason with himself.
12:05But he tried to kill me.
12:07It could have easily been me not seeing the next day.
12:10He actually stabbed me, that, that bastard stabbed me.
12:15Thinking about this, Gary was tensing his fist.
12:18The more he repeated the scene in his head, the angrier he got.
12:23Images back to when he was in the alleyway appeared, of Gary on top of Barry, having
12:27pinned him to the ground.
12:29It had continued off, from before the policeman had interrupted him.
12:33At that moment, Gary saw images of himself digging into Barry and eating his flesh.
12:39If you were going to die anyway, you could have at least let me eat your flesh.
12:44What a waste of energy and probably stat points as well.
12:48Gary thought.
12:50A lapse in thought, Gary didn't know what it was and soon pulled the bed sheets off
12:54his head.
12:55What was that thought?
12:57Why did I just think like that?
12:59I, I don't feel like myself anymore.
13:03It's more like another personality is inside of me, trying to get out.
13:08Gary's body was sweating.
13:11Gary moaned, pulling the bed sheets towards him and ripping them slightly with his fingernails.
13:17He killed someone, and he didn't even feel bad about it.
13:21He didn't understand what was going on.
13:23Gary, is everything okay?
13:26His sister asked, rubbing her eyes.
13:29You're covered in sweat.
13:31Did you have a bad dream or something?
13:34A bad dream.
13:36Gary wished it was all a bad dream at this moment, but for some reason, seeing his sister
13:41next to him had calmed him down.
13:43The strange thoughts he was having were chucked to the back of his mind.
13:47He couldn't let his sister see him like that.
13:50Amy started to rumble through her drawer by her side until eventually pulling out what
13:54looked like a pendant.
13:56She then walked over from her bed to Gary's, who flinched a little.
14:01It was a strange reaction, but his sister wasn't scared and carried on moving forward
14:05and then slowly placed the pendant around his neck.
14:09I want you to have this.
14:11I realized the other day when we were speaking you have a lot on your mind, and for you to
14:15act out like that at school and now have trouble sleeping, you must be under a lot of stress.
14:21When I have exams and stuff, I just hold on to that and start thinking about dad.
14:27It's the only thing I have left from him.
14:29I think you need it more than I do right now.
14:32Gary wasn't sure what Amy had done.
14:35Placing the strange pendant over him, it felt like a magic spell.
14:40All his worries were disappearing.
14:42He wasn't sure if it was a placebo effect or just because it had come from his sister.
14:47This was from dad.
14:49I can't take this.
14:51Gary said, attempting to pull it off, but she soon pushed down on his hand.
14:56Please, I need some sleep, so wear the damn thing.
15:00Amy turned around, covered herself in sheets, and went back to sleep.
15:05The small interaction he had with his sister had set his mind clear again, but it didn't
15:10let him escape from the reality of what he had just done.
15:14As Gary was going to try and get some shut eye, his sensitive ears could pick something
15:18else up.
15:19It sounded like someone was sobbing.
15:22Looking to his left and seeing that his sister was fast asleep, Gary decided to head towards
15:27the noise, and that's when he could see it.
15:30His mother was sitting in the kitchen at the dining table with a bunch of letters in front
15:34of her.
15:36Her hands were constantly rubbing her face as she was highly stressed out.
15:40What am I going to do?
15:42I can't delay it any longer, but if we move to a tier 4 city, then their life, their future,
15:48and everything will be ruined for them.
15:51His mother thought.
15:53She could see a shadow cast over the papers looking up.
15:57It was her son Gary, and in his hand, he had something for her.
16:01Take it, mom, it's money.
16:04Money I have been saving up for a long time.
16:08I've been doing things here and there, coming up with businesses with Tom.
16:12Gary answered.
16:14He was hoping he could have come up with a better lie, but in the end, he wasn't able
16:19His mother, looking at the money in Gary's hand, could tell that there were a lot of
16:25It was no small amount for a high schooler.
16:28Which meant either he had been saving money for a long time or Gary had done something
16:32else to get the money.
16:34Gary, we're okay – we're not, Gary replied.
16:38Me and Amy both know we are not okay.
16:42We know how hard you work, mom.
16:44I always wanted to help.
16:47Now's not the time to be stubborn.
16:49If we can't pay some of these bills, we will have to move.
16:53So just take the money.
16:55Gary said, leaving it out on the table and walking back to his bed.
17:00He had learned something from Amy.
17:02If someone refuses to take something, then just give it to them and run away before they
17:06can refuse.
17:10His mother called out.
17:13Heading back to bed, Gary realized something speaking to his sister and mother.
17:18His motivation for doing everything he had done in the first place.
17:23He needed to make money and protect his family from the members of the underdogs.
17:28Damien and the others had killed plenty, of course they had.
17:32The gangs in the area and others were killed every day.
17:36They didn't hesitate, and these were the type of people he was up against.
17:40There's a good chance that at some point, I may need to kill again and if it's for the
17:44sake of protecting my family.
17:47I'll do it in a heartbeat.
17:49Gary told himself.
17:51What Gary didn't know was that this exact thought that he had would come far sooner
17:55than he thought.
17:57Outside his apartment block, a figure could be seen standing through the smog staring
18:01at the very top into Gary's apartment building.
18:04Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 63, Alternative
18:10Gary still had three days of exclusion left, which meant that today was another day that
18:15he was technically free to do as he wished until practice time, while everyone else his
18:19age would be stuck in school.
18:22Most kids would have enjoyed this time off, yet he couldn't.
18:26For one, Gary didn't want to worry his mother, so he had to keep up the ruse that everything
18:31was fine by leaving for school.
18:33However, even if that hadn't been the case, the high schooler had far too much on his
18:38agenda to be sitting around watching TV.
18:41There was still so much for him to figure out about the werewolf system.
18:46Gary's mark might be gone, but there was still the one he had left on Gill just two
18:50days ago.
18:51Judging by the direction of both remaining marks, it appeared as if he and Tom had already
18:56headed to school today.
18:58Then there was still the rampant Omega Wolf on the loose, but with the police looking
19:02for him, he would have a hard time finding him.
19:06After yesterday's run-in with the police going after Billy was even riskier.
19:11He had been stabbed by the deceased bully so his blood had been left all over the scene.
19:16If they hadn't been looking for him before, they would surely do so now that Barry had
19:22The high schooler was lucky that he had no criminal record, so they didn't have his DNA
19:26on file.
19:28However, if he ever did get taken in as a suspect, it would be easy enough to match
19:32up his DNA with the other two events.
19:36If he became a criminal he could help no one.
19:39The better option was to look out for Inu and just wait for Billy.
19:43Not really knowing much about him though all he could do was hope he texted him if he got
19:47in trouble.
19:49For the first time this week Gary was making his way to the gym.
19:53The last two days he had been unable to go there, Monday he had encountered the altered
19:57hunter and yesterday he had been stabbed.
20:00He was also eager to test how his extra strength translated in terms of power.
20:05Gary noticed the questioning looks he received from the other gym goers.
20:10They seemed to wonder why a high schooler was there this early in the morning.
20:14Some thought he was skipping school, others gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed
20:18his school started late, yet in the end nobody came over to bother him.
20:23All of them seemed to agree that it was better for Gary to be here than to roam the streets.
20:28The high schooler proceeded to follow the system's instructions while reminding himself
20:32what he had learned today.
20:34I know now that I can gain additional stat points for successfully hunting a mark even
20:39when it isn't the full moon.
20:41I only got a single point, but I would have gotten more if I had eaten him as well.
20:46I have no idea whether Billy also has a system or not, but if he gets stronger the same way
20:51I do, then he must have gotten a lot stronger after eating his victims.
20:56There's a good chance that he'll be as strong if not more so than me under Charging Heart.
21:02I have to find a way to close that gap by playing with my system.
21:06Daily quest complete, 5 exp received, 390 slash 460 exp, receiving the notification
21:13after his last rep, Gary took a quick shower, before heading to a nearby park.
21:19It wasn't the same one Enu had called him to, but this one was closer to their apartment
21:23and most importantly it contained a forest inside.
21:27Gary was completely broke after giving his mother his emergency fund, though he would
21:31do it again in a heartbeat if it meant that they wouldn't have to move away.
21:36I just hope that winning that tag team match will pay off as well as the fight against
21:42Until then, I have to make sure I don't go crazy from this continuous loss of energy.
21:47Whether I like it or not, I'll have to go feral on some animals.
21:52His second daily quest required him to consume 2 kilograms of meat a day.
21:57Thanks to yesterday's unexpected meal Gary now knew for a fact that the system didn't
22:01care about where it came from or how processed it was.
22:05In fact, he even started to suspect that it had been goading him towards going out to
22:09hunt all along.
22:11The thought of eating forest animals was still somewhat gross to the high schooler, but it
22:15was far better than the alternative.
22:18It also had the benefit of keeping down his bloodlust, so he wouldn't try going for
22:22something bigger.
22:24He was here today, since rats weren't exactly on the top of his to eat pile, even if they
22:28hadn't tasted that bad.
22:31It didn't take long for Gary to find a squirrel running across the forest ground.
22:36His first attempt to get to it, failed completely.
22:40Not used to this sort of thing, he stepped on a branch, alarming the critter.
22:44Seeing that his stealth approach had failed, he immediately sprinted towards it, but the
22:49small creature was faster and closer to a tree which it promptly climbed.
22:54Climbing a tree would have probably been impossible for the old Gary in the past, but thanks to
22:59his stats it was easy enough.
23:01Unfortunately, this hadn't made him an expert tree climber overnight.
23:06The teenager had followed after his prey, yet by the time he had climbed to where the
23:10squirrel had been, it had already leapt to a nearby tree.
23:14Gary didn't want to give up yet.
23:17He had memorized the scent of the squirrel and had waited for it to get down again.
23:22After widening the distance between the two, the squirrel was on the ground, foraging for
23:28This time, he made sure not to alarm it, but alas, when he tried to snatch it at the last
23:33second, the squirrel had somehow sensed him and had hopped onto Gary's arm, jumping onto
23:38his shoulder and leaping to a nearby tree for safety.
23:42That was the second time he had failed.
23:45Unsure what he could do better, Gary decided to try his luck with another animal.
23:50In the forest there were several pigeons that would stay on top of the branches, while others
23:54on the ground.
23:56Regardless, the same thing would happen to the pigeons on the ground.
24:01The second Gary got close his feet would cause the leaves to rustle, scaring them away.
24:06He knew he had to decide on a different approach.
24:10This time, Gary decided to climb up high in one of the trees.
24:14He looked for a strong branch and started to walk along it, and stayed there.
24:19All of the birds that were on the tree he was currently at had already left the same
24:23one nearby.
24:24That was when he decided to patiently wait.
24:27Wait and wait, until the pigeons had gathered on the trees not too far away.
24:32Damn, so I really have to act like one of those animals who are hunting out in those
24:36shows, huh?
24:38Gary thought.
24:40He crept slowly along the tree branch, it started to bend slightly under his weight
24:44which was making him worry.
24:46Still, he kept his eyes on the one pigeon that looked at him, moving backwards and forwards
24:52with its large head.
24:54Stay still, you stupid bird.
24:57Gary cursed in his head.
24:59That's when he could see that the bird was starting to move.
25:04I waited too long for this to fail.
25:07Skill activated Charging Heart, all stats have temporarily been doubled, dash 10 energy,
25:13with all of his stats doubled, he rushed and leapt through the air.
25:17The birds scattered flying from the other tree branch.
25:21At this moment, Gary was fearless and he just wanted to catch one of these damned flying
25:25rats after trying for so long.
25:28He reached out his hand for the bird, but it seemed that it was already out of reach.
25:33Something inside of him was telling him that there was a way.
25:36Images he had seen while researching about werewolves came to their mind, about their
25:41large claw-like hands.
25:43Skill activated Claw Drain, dash 15 energy, his fingers started to extend slightly and
25:49his nails grew and sharpened.
25:51With it growing slightly larger, Gary managed to cut the pigeon's belly, his finger slicing
25:56through it easily, and it tumbled to the ground with the leaves on the floor.
26:01Oh, that hurt a bit.
26:03Gary thought, but at the same time he had done it.
26:07Was I imagining things?
26:09Gary thought, looking at his hand, that it seemed to have gone back to its normal self,
26:14but he was sure of it.
26:16Well I suppose I should have figured that a skill called Claw Drain would do something
26:20like this, but would it have killed you to maybe mention it in the skill description,
26:24you stupid system?
26:26Thank God, I didn't try it out in the middle of a fight.
26:30I can't exactly be using this in public like Charging Heart, now can I?
26:35Gary directed his anger towards the system.
26:38There was another problem.
26:40Although he had finally managed to kill a pigeon, he had been forced to use both his
26:44skills to do it.
26:46If even a rat had only been good enough to replenish around 10 energy points, he doubted
26:51the pigeon would be much better.
26:53I guess, until I get faster, it's back to the rats for me.
26:58Will it help if I use some condiments or will that just make matters worse?
27:02It was then that the phone in Gary's pocket started to vibrate.
27:06He grabbed the phone in his pocket and saw that it was his secret one.
27:11To his surprise the sender wasn't Kai this time and even more baffling was the content
27:15of the message.
27:17I found him.
27:19Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 64, bring it on.
27:26Receiving the text, Gary immediately asked for more information.
27:31He needed to know whether Inu had actually run into or simply found Billy.
27:36Unfortunately, he didn't get any answers.
27:39He wasn't even left at Reed, making the high schooler start to worry.
27:44Not knowing anything about his fellow gang member, Gary texted the only person who would
27:48be able to know anything about it, Kai.
27:52When he asked his upperclassman where Inu would be right now, the answer was so obvious
27:56that Gary was ready to facepalm himself.
27:59As if anticipating the follow-up question Gary was about to type, he received the location
28:04of Inu's school.
28:06Gary munched down on the pigeon and was surprised to see a notification about him regaining
28:1010 points of energy.
28:12Running through the forest with the help of Charging Heart he was able to grab an unsuspecting
28:18Before the critter even had the chance to struggle the high schooler squeezed tightly.
28:23A few moments later Gary had gained the knowledge that a squirrel helped him regain around 6
28:28points of energy.
28:2983 of 110 energy, Gary would have loved to regain even more energy, but he couldn't
28:35waste any more time.
28:37He knew that this one squirrel was just a fluke and that he couldn't gamble on being
28:41so lucky again.
28:43As such, Gary made use of Charging Heart's duration to get to Inu's school faster.
28:49He wasn't sure if he could afford to use the skill again, since he would need as much
28:53energy as possible to fight Billy, yet at the same time if he was late, the Omega Wolf
28:58might escape.
29:00This is it.
29:01I'm really going to face Billy.
29:04I thought I would be more scared meeting him, but for some reason all I feel is, excitement.
29:09Gary thought as the Charging Heart skill had run out, and he used it once more.
29:1573-110 energy, meanwhile, in the middle of class, the reason for Inu not answering wasn't
29:21because he had been attacked by Billy.
29:24It also wasn't a case of the high schooler ignoring him, no it was something far more
29:30His teacher had caught him using his phone in the middle of the lesson, so he had confiscated
29:35The teacher didn't care that Inu, like many other students of his class, weren't actually
29:40paying any attention to his math lesson, yet he had a zero-tolerance policy regarding phones.
29:46It was one of the many schools in the area that students who were sent to were deemed
29:50as, a lost hope.
29:52I did what I was asked, I sent him a text so he can't go nagging me, but he's really
29:56here, huh?
29:58Looks like Kai is right, he is after me, but why did he seem so different?
30:03Inu wondered.
30:05This morning, on his way to school, the high schooler had noticed a large figure by the
30:09gate for a brief second, but by the time he had turned around there had been nobody there.
30:14The students around hadn't cared too much, but Inu had found it strange since the figure
30:19hadn't been walking into or out of school, just standing there on the pavement staring
30:25It had been too short of a time frame, but Inu could have sworn that underneath the hood
30:29had been none other than Billy.
30:32What's more, that guy seemed to have had a creepy smile on his face.
30:36What's your game, Billy?
30:39After your last stunt, do you want to try to scare me by showing me that you know what
30:42school I go to?
30:44Or are you going to jump me after?
30:47Whatever you bring, I'll take you on.
30:50Since Gary's white school shirt had gotten bloody yesterday, he currently wasn't wearing
30:54his school uniform.
30:56There was of course his blazer but he hardly ever wore that.
31:00In the first place going near other schools and wearing blazers was a sign for trouble.
31:05A lot of the schools were influenced by the gangs in the area, and eventually even the
31:09bad kids in school had started to imitate them, believing that belonging to one school
31:14was like belonging to a gang.
31:16The good thing was that it had practically become second nature for Gary to travel with
31:21his trusted hoodie.
31:23This time he had opted for one that was even darker in color than his usual one.
31:28Since this time he knew what was planning to go hunting.
31:31It didn't take long for Gary to reach Inu's school and his immediate opinion of it was
31:36that it looked more of a dump than his place.
31:39This must be one of the schools mom kept warning us about, the one we would end up in if we
31:43didn't study.
31:45Gary thought as he walked right in.
31:48There wasn't even a teacher there to stop him, the only one out on the field appeared
31:52to be a janitor, yet he didn't say anything as the high schooler walked past him.
31:57Shit, Inu must still be in class.
32:00Kai only sent me the school address, but not what class he would be in.
32:05Seems like he doesn't know either.
32:07Well, I don't hear any noise, so that should at least mean that Billy still hasn't done
32:12anything outrageous so far.
32:15Gary tried to sniff the air, hoping he would be able to catch some type of foreign scent,
32:19but since he was in a school the area was riddled with unknown scents.
32:23It was impossible for him to isolate Billy in particular like that.
32:28If I knew I would ever have to hunt him down, would have tried to memorize his stupid scent.
32:34He is a frigging werewolf like me now, so why can't I get some help via the system.
32:39Looks like I have no choice but to rely on my eyes instead.
32:44Gary thought.
32:45Seeing that the teachers didn't care, Gary easily entered the school without much worry.
32:51While walking past the other classrooms he could see just how out of hand the school
32:54actually was.
32:56Seeing this, he started to think back to his mother, how much she had pushed for him and
33:01Amy to go to a good school in SLU.
33:04Although, more so for Amy's sake, he understood.
33:08If Amy went to a school like this, then Gary would probably getting into fights every day.
33:14Eventually, he had reached his destination, the school roof.
33:18He quickly ran up to the fence on the edge looking down to try and spot anything that
33:22looked to be out of place.
33:24Who are you?
33:26I haven't seen you before.
33:28A voice said from behind.
33:31Turning around, Gary could see a smoking student.
33:34The guy looked to be slightly older than him and for some reason he was sprouting a pompadour,
33:39a hairstyle which was clearly out of fashion, yet he was quite well built for his age.
33:45What the hell is it with high schoolers these days?
33:48Has someone been handing out steroid infused candies and I was just absent that day?
33:54Gary thought, as he continued to survey the area.
33:57I'm just trying to find someone.
34:00Once I do, I'll be out of your hair.
34:03Gary replied.
34:04Well, it's clear you're not from around here, otherwise you would have known that this is
34:08my spot.
34:10The guy shouted, and Gary suddenly felt a strong blow to his side.
34:15Dash 8 HP, did that guy just hit me?
34:19What is wrong with him?
34:21This is my place, bitch.
34:23The guy cursed at Gary, yet the werewolf was in no mood for games.
34:28This person was not the one he needed to face.
34:32At that moment, something happened that hadn't happened in a long time, from anger Gary's
34:36heart rate was rising, so much so that it had crossed the 150 BPM mark without the need
34:42for him to use his skill charging heart.
34:44Meanwhile, in class the bell was soon to ring for lunch.
34:49When lifting his head, yawning and stretching, Inu could see someone out from the window
34:53in the hallway.
34:55It was the same large hooded figure.
34:58What the f**k is he doing in school Dash, before Inu could finish his sentence, Billy
35:03came charging in, throwing his fist right at the class window.
35:08Like in a movie, he smashed through it with a single hit, shards flew out everywhere and
35:13the students covered their faces while the sound of screaming echoed.
35:18Inu smiled, wiping off some blood from his forehead as a piece of glass had managed to
35:23scratch him.
35:25Bring it on.
35:26Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 65, Double Trouble
35:32Perhaps if Gary had been paying more attention he would have never allowed the other student
35:36to get a hit in that easily.
35:38The most surprising thing to Gary was how much it had hurt.
35:42Endurance had always been his strongest stat and it had increased twice during his recent
35:48On top of that he had the power of the moon helping him, yet that one strike had taken
35:52off nearly as much health as Barry's brick attack.
35:56I'm surprised someone like you is still standing after hitting the side like that.
36:01The boy scoffed at Gary.
36:03I knew you had to be someone special to just walk into our school like that.
36:09The high schooler got ready to show that arrogant guy the real meaning of pain, but just in
36:14the moment both of them heard screams coming from inside the school.
36:18Concentrating on his hearing, Gary located where it had come from.
36:22For a second the student was distracted by the screams and when he turned back around
36:26to look at the foreign student in front of him, he could see Gary running his way.
36:31Get out of my way.
36:33Austin was a student who was classified as the top dog at his school.
36:38He had been fearless when he had come here, facing every person who was willing to challenge
36:42him to a fight, but then there was an incident with a certain transfer student.
36:47Something had told him that if he was going to have a fight with that said person, that
36:51it would be too dangerous, and now for the second time in his life, wishing for a short
36:56time frame, he had the same feeling when looking towards Gary.
37:00This is impossible.
37:02Austin threw out a punch aiming to hit Gary right in the face.
37:07Inside the classroom, some of the students had decided to make a run for it via the doors
37:11after Billy had come through the window, while the others remained in class but now stood
37:16towards the back of the classroom.
37:18Even the damn teacher ran off, not that I can blame them.
37:22Did this guy get another growth spurt since the last time I saw him?
37:27Inu wondered.
37:28Billy certainly had grown in size.
37:31He had always been large for his age, but even his 4 XL size clothes didn't seem to
37:36be fitting him as parts of his belly were staking out through his shirt and more.
37:41What is this pig doing in our class?
37:44One of the students yelled.
37:46He was part of this class delinquent trio.
37:49Ever since he had transferred here from Eaton High he had laid low.
37:53There was no reason for him to waste time fighting against a bunch of delinquents, wannabe
38:00For him, they just weren't on his level.
38:02However, the reason they didn't cause Inu any trouble was because of one guy, Austin
38:09That guy had taken reign over the whole school.
38:12The two of them had only ever met once.
38:15They had stared at each other, but eventually Inu had just shrugged and gone past him.
38:20Austin was the only person that Inu suspected had some type of fighting skill, but challenging
38:25and potentially winning against him sounded like too much of a hassle.
38:30He had no desire to run this school, not after being betrayed by his friends in Eaton High.
38:36If only my tag team partner in the match was someone like him, we might actually place
38:40highly in that tournament.
38:43Someone like him has the aura of a real leader.
38:46No idea what Kai sees in that green fungi.
38:50While thinking these things, Inu witnessed the trio go in for an attack against Billy.
38:56The other students watching were smirking excited that they were about to witness a
38:59good beating, thinking that the pig deserved it after scaring them like this.
39:04However, before the first student could hit him, Billy grabbed onto the incoming fist.
39:10With his free hand the oversized intruder punched his attacker's forearm, and a devastating
39:15crack resounded throughout the classroom, followed by a blood-chilling scream.
39:20It looked so effortless, but it was obvious to everyone that the students' bones had broken.
39:26The other two, who were now close to Billy, had successfully landed a punch each, but
39:31they were unable to reach his head since Billy was too big.
39:34They had aimed for his stomach instead, expecting to hit rolls of fat.
39:40Instead it felt like they had just hit a massive rock, their knuckles almost bleeding
39:43while their fingers had bent into unnatural directions.
39:48Before they could do anything else, both of their heads had been grabbed by Billy.
39:52He lifted them off the ground and threw them on the floor, causing their bodies to almost
39:56bounce like rag dolls.
40:00The students started to scream after seeing this, fearing for their lives the students
40:04who thought day by day were taking out like that and in such a manner.
40:09One of the students, seeing the door to the right, tried to make a break for it.
40:14He was a shorter boy, who had been holding his girlfriend's hand until a second ago.
40:19He had forgotten everything about their relationship and had even pushed her to the side.
40:24If I try to take her with me, it will just slow me down.
40:28The student thought instinctively.
40:30However, just as some students feared, Billy wasn't going to let just anyone leave the
40:35room and immediately blocked the only door.
40:39Standing in front of the student, he soon kicked him in the stomach, sending him to
40:42the floor and making him skid across it until he landed in the shards of broken glass.
40:48What the f**k is going on?
40:51Since when was that blob of fat this fast?
40:54What the hell did he take to not only grow bigger, stronger but also faster?
40:59Inu's previous confidence started to dwindle, but he still needed to do something, aware
41:04that Billy was after him primarily.
41:07The first thing Inu did was kick the top of a desk that was in front of him, sliding
41:11it across to Billy.
41:13The top of the wood part hit the other's knees causing him to flinch slightly.
41:18The fighter wasted no time.
41:20He had followed straight behind the table and jumped on top of it, then, using the momentum
41:25from running in, he followed up with a knee strike.
41:29All the students had to rub their eyes to make sure they weren't dreaming.
41:33This kind of performance usually only happened in a movie, yet Inu had done it in one smooth
41:40Their classmate's knee connected with Billy's face, and the force caused the other's head
41:44to fall back a bit, but only a few inches.
41:48Billy smiled and swung his arm out, punching Inu from the side, sending him rolling onto
41:52the floor.
41:54Inu quickly got up, but his hands immediately went to his ribs.
41:59It feels like they're broken.
42:01Shit, I should have listened to Kai.
42:04Unfortunately, his regrets came far too late.
42:08Even if he could call for help, how long would it take for them to arrive?
42:12Then there was also the question if they actually could do anything to help or if his gang members
42:17coming here would just doom them all.
42:20Billy spewed out a few teeth and some blood.
42:23His nose was also bleeding, yet it didn't look to be broken.
42:27As the blood ran down his face he licked his lips tasting it.
42:31He didn't look to be hurt at all.
42:34With the table in front of him, he lifted it with both hands, and there was a great
42:38big smile on his face.
42:40He walked towards Inu, ready to flatten him with such a thing.
42:45If he hits him with that, he's going to kill him.
42:48One of the students pointed out, too scared to do anything about it.
42:52Quick, throw whatever you have.
42:55Another suggested.
42:57The student started to grab their chairs and hurled it towards Billy.
43:01They then grabbed their bags, books, whatever they could find in the classroom, but even
43:06though he was a hard target to miss, it didn't seem to be doing much.
43:10His eyes didn't leave Inu for even a second.
43:14Despite their good intentions nobody seemed to have realized that throwing things actually
43:18made it impossible for Inu to flee, else he would risk getting caught by something.
43:23Unlike Billy he didn't feel confident in being able to ignore those makeshift projectiles.
43:28Guys stop.
43:30You're just making it worse.
43:33Inu tried to shout out, but the students had fallen into a panic and none of them had registered
43:38what he meant.
43:40Being the only thing they could do, the frightened teenagers continued throwing stuff.
43:45Until, someone had entered the classroom, and immediately started to run towards Billy.
43:51A chair came flying his way, but he knocked it out of the way, only to be hit by a book,
43:56yet he continued to run.
43:58Who is that crazy person?
44:00Inu wondered.
44:02Shortly after there was another student who had entered behind him, but seeing the condition
44:06of the room he stopped.
44:08The table was in mid-swing, Inu tried to move but the pain from his broken ribs was slowing
44:13him down.
44:15He knew he would be a fraction too late.
44:18That's when he noticed the student who was running in, wasn't going for Billy, but instead,
44:23ran past him and had pushed Inu to the side.
44:26He himself rolled across the floor causing the table to hit the ground and break on impact
44:31from the powerful blow.
44:33The table had only missed him by a few seconds.
44:37What are you doing, you could have been hit by that thing and died.
44:41Inu complained to his savior.
44:43That bastard is after me, so stay out of it.
44:47Yeah, that won't work.
44:49He's after me too.
44:51The hooded person replied.
44:53Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel.