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00:00Channel Red Novel, Chapter 81, helped the werewolf The two werewolves were staring at
00:16each other, before they both slowly started to move up and down, seemingly waiting for
00:20the other to make the first move.
00:23As the group of teenagers looked at the two mythological creatures, they started to notice
00:27some small differences between the two.
00:30The most obvious one was their difference in stature.
00:34The one that had just arrived was about one head shorter than the first werewolf and while
00:38it was also muscular, it seemed to be more lean compared to the other being more buff.
00:43The color of their fur was also different, the bigger one clearly more black while the
00:48newer one was more brownish.
00:50Oh god, it's another one of those monsters!
00:54Inu shouted as he looked around at what had saved him from certain death.
00:59He was grabbing his chest as his already fast heartbeat became even faster, making him start
01:04to worry about suffering a heart attack.
01:06The larger of the two creatures turned to look at Inu, yet the smaller one used that
01:11opportunity to leap in, almost tackling the larger one by the waist.
01:16It pushed it a small distance away, until the larger werewolf dug its claws into the
01:20side of the other's ribs.
01:23The small werewolf screamed out in pain and let go, though the wounds on its side started
01:27healing at a visible speed.
01:30Alas, before the smaller one could fully recover, the larger dug its claws into the smaller
01:35one's chest and slightly lifted him up, before he began running until it had banged the other's
01:40body into a tree.
01:42The brown werewolf screamed out once more in pain, and snarled at the larger one, clearly
01:49Desperate, it used the tree to kick off with its powerful back legs, kicking the larger
01:54one's chest, making him let go.
01:57These two really don't seem like normal altered.
02:00Kai spoke his mind.
02:02They seem more like two wild beasts who have met each other and are fighting over their
02:07Who the f**k cares what they are.
02:11This is our chance to get out of here.
02:14If we stay here, we'll just end up as the winner's meal, so let's go.
02:19Marie stated, before she turned around and started to head away from the fight.
02:24Inu followed right behind her, the high schooler had come too close to death already and he
02:28didn't feel lucky enough to survive a third near-death experience this evening.
02:34Exine hesitated, but just when she was about to run off, she noticed that the one person
02:38who had been dragging them behind a lot lately was still staring at the fight.
02:42Tom, come on we gotta get out of here.
02:46What are you waiting for?
02:48Exine called out, grabbing his hand.
02:51Meanwhile, Kai had continued paying attention to the fight between the two, making up his
02:56mind whether the better choice was to run for it or help the smaller one.
03:00Unfortunately, the werewolf whose identity he presumed to know, was not only larger,
03:06but had also proven to be faster and stronger.
03:09The smaller werewolf was getting hurt far more often than his opponent.
03:13Although all their wounds were healing, with each hit one of the two parties was proving
03:17their dominance in this fight.
03:20Just then, the larger werewolf had picked up the other by its legs and swung it into
03:24a tree, destroying it and greatly hurting the smaller werewolf.
03:28Hearing the cries of the werewolf was hurting Tom internally.
03:32I'm sure of it, that smaller werewolf, the reason why it didn't attack us and went
03:37straight for the others, it's you, right Gary?
03:41Tom thought.
03:42You heard my cry, and came to save us, and now, you're losing out to the other Omega.
03:49This must be the one who you were talking about.
03:51I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for thinking that that was you, that you might have attacked
03:56us before.
03:58At that moment, Tom felt Exine grab him.
04:01Look, we might not be friends, but there's no way I'm leaving my classmate here to
04:06Exine insisted, starting to drag Tom behind, yet she felt him resist as he pulled back.
04:13We can't go now.
04:15That smaller werewolf saved us.
04:18We have to help him.
04:19Please, if we don't do anything he might kill him.
04:23Tom begged.
04:25Seeing the look on the other teenagers' faces, he could tell that all of them thought
04:29he was mad, for planning to help a monster.
04:33Even Inu, who had been saved by the smaller one's action, only thought that it had been
04:37a coincidence.
04:38Still, though, Kai had noticed Tom's strange actions.
04:43He keeps calling them werewolves, instead of altered, as if he's certain that that's
04:47what they are.
04:49He also thought the big werewolf to be Gary before.
04:52However, if my guess is right, that larger one should be, and now he wants us to save
04:58him, could it be that he mistook their identities?
05:01Of course there was no way for Kai to confirm his thoughts, and as much as this situation
05:06fascinated him, he treasured his life far more than to satisfy his curiosity.
05:12Marie stopped waiting around and broke out into actual running, Kai soon following, along
05:17with Inu, and that's when Exine started to drag Tom along with them, who couldn't help
05:22but continue to look back.
05:24I'm sorry.
05:26Tom shouted.
05:28The group had run forward for a little while further into the trees, yet they could still
05:32hear the sounds of fighting going on behind them.
05:35It was then though, that they could hear panting, and the sound of growling getting louder.
05:41Don't turn back, don't turn back.
05:43Inu conditioned himself.
05:46It's chasing after us.
05:48Exine shouted, forced to look back because she kept dragging Tom along, and she could
05:53see that the larger werewolf was the one behind them.
05:56No, it's the other werewolf, does that mean Gary lost?
06:01Tom worried about his best friend.
06:04When the werewolf was close enough, it leapt towards the group and its claws were reaching
06:08out towards Tom.
06:10It looked like it was about to reach him, but a few inches away from the high schooler's
06:14face, he came to an abrupt stop.
06:17Opening one eye as he noticed that the pain he had expected never came, Tom saw that Gary
06:22had returned, just in time to save him from the other werewolf.
06:26His best friend was covered in wounds which did not seem to be healing, yet he was still
06:30putting up a fight.
06:32Seeing that the larger werewolf was about to attack, Tom decided to pick up a rock,
06:37and went ahead to throw it at the werewolf.
06:40However, before he could throw it, someone held him by the wrist.
06:45Don't stop me, Exine.
06:47If you don't want to help him that's fine, but I have to help him get rid of that other
06:53Tom shouted.
06:54Don't worry, you can leave that to us.
06:57An unrecognizable voice said.
07:00Surprised, Tom looked around to see that instead of the new girl it was actually a large man
07:04holding his wrist.
07:06He was covered in a trench coat, and not too far away from him was another person in similar
07:13The pair of them wore black masks covering their faces, hiding their identity.
07:18Pulling off the trench coat, the man revealed a strange jagged black armor.
07:23It looked like the type one would find in a museum, showing off how their ancestors
07:27had once fought, yet this one, despite the medieval look, had several weapons strapped
07:33The most noteworthy one, was a strange sword that appeared to have been elaborately crafted.
07:39As such, the next action confused Tom, as the man took out what looked to be a baton.
07:45He pushed a button, and the weapon began to emit electricity.
07:49Are you, altered hunters?
07:52Tom asked, unsure whether this was a good thing or a bad thing for his friend.
07:57Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 82, The More The
08:03The two strange people who Tom suspected to be altered hunters charged forward without
08:10The others couldn't believe that there were people like this that actually existed.
08:14They had all heard about the altered hunters' existence through the news every now and then,
08:18but the stories about them didn't really seem realistic.
08:22As an organization that seemed to be against the very existence of altered, how were they
08:26able to match those superhuman people?
08:29Right now, they were able to witness it for themselves, at least they would have been
08:33able to, if it had been safe for them to stay.
08:37Altered hunters were considered to be dangerous criminals on the same level as gangs, if not
08:42worse, which was why most of the group was still inclined to get out of there as soon
08:46as possible.
08:48We won't get a better chance than this, let's go.
08:51Marie hurried them along, already running ahead, with Kai following closely behind her.
08:58XIN shouted one more time at her classmate.
09:02He looked at her, and for a brief moment, it appeared as if he was going to follow her,
09:07only for him to turn around and continue watching the fight.
09:10In his mind, Gary wasn't safe, in fact his situation might have just gotten worse.
09:16Having had enough of the other's nonsense, XIN lifted her leg up, and swung it out delivering
09:21a roundhouse kick right to Tom's head.
09:25His body fell to the ground, knocking him out cold.
09:28What did you do that for?
09:30INU shouted in confusion, not having expected the girl to be this ruthless.
09:35XIN went to pick Tom off the ground, and dragged him over to INU.
09:40I don't know what's wrong with him.
09:43First he calls one of those beasts Gary, then he wants us to help one of those beasts
09:47and now it seemed like he wanted to stay behind.
09:50He can hate me later if he wants to, right now the important thing is to get to safety.
09:56Anyway, you said you were strong, right?
09:59Help me carry him, he isn't that heavy.
10:03INU wanted to decline, especially since there were literally monsters chasing them, but
10:07in the end, he felt like he couldn't say no to XIN.
10:11Fortunately, from the looks of things, the altered hunters seemed to be doing a good
10:15job facing the werewolves.
10:18As Tom was placed on INU's back, a loud growl could be heard from behind, and to their surprise,
10:24both of the werewolves seemed to be ignoring each other, as well as the altered hunters,
10:28and were now staring at INU.
10:30Why me again?
10:32The high schooler cried out in despair as he ran as fast as he could with his classmate
10:36on his back.
10:38The werewolves leapt in the air, yet the altered hunters were ready for them.
10:42I'll take on the bigger one, you can handle the small one, right?
10:47The larger hunter asked his companion who nodded.
10:51The two of them intercepted the beasts without any signs of fear, using their specially made
10:57Each one hit the underside of the werewolves, electrifying them on the spot, causing them
11:02both to plummet down.
11:04As soon as they landed, they both went to swipe at their respective attacker, yet the
11:08altered hunters proved to be skilled enough to avoid the fast claws.
11:13Slowly as they continued to avoid the hits the two werewolves and altered hunters were
11:17getting further and further apart from each other, though by this time the teenagers had
11:21managed to run quite a distance away.
11:24The large hunter was only slightly shorter than the black creature that he was facing.
11:30With the armor and weapons on him, it looked as if he would be able to put up a good fight.
11:35Are you sure you want to stay in your full form?
11:38You're just making it easier for me to fight you this way.
11:41The hunter taunted the beast.
11:44The next second, the werewolf got on all fours and leapt towards the hunter.
11:49With his electrified baton, he hit the side of the werewolf's ribs, yet the other seemed
11:53to have expected it.
11:55Its sheer size, weight and momentum allowed the large creature to push through despite
12:00the damage it sustained.
12:02The black furred werewolf opened its large mouth wide and clamped down on the hunter,
12:07who shoved his forearm into the beast's mouth.
12:10When the werewolf closed its powerful jaws it was stupefied, surprised that its teeth
12:15were unable to break through whatever armor they were wearing.
12:18This is no ordinary armor.
12:21The man shouted, and realizing that the baton did little against his foe, he placed it away,
12:26pulling out the sword by his side.
12:29He swung it fast, and the werewolf was barely able to get away, but not before the weapon
12:34lightly scratched the outside of his chest.
12:37Blood had been drawn and the creature could smell burnt flesh.
12:41Looking at the sword, he realized that it was far from being ordinary, the edge lit
12:46up in a scorching red.
12:47I saw flesh between your teeth and you have the stench of blood on you.
12:53The hunter said.
12:54You altered make me sick.
12:57Not too far away from where they were, the smaller hunter was facing off against the
13:01brown werewolf.
13:03Not only was it smaller than its fellow beast, but it seemed slower and less powerful which
13:07was why he had been tasked with facing this one.
13:11Nevertheless, his training had taught him never to underestimate his enemy.
13:16One moment of carelessness could spell his demise.
13:20The small hunter pulled out a second electrified baron, and held them in both hands.
13:25He looked at the werewolf and was carefully watching him.
13:29It had gotten on all fours, and pushed off its powerful legs, taking a swipe at the young
13:35He leaned back, and narrowly avoided the blow, being faster than what he had imagined, making
13:40him nearly lose his balance.
13:42Still, he caught himself with his arms, arching his back, and went to kick the beast who had
13:48now jumped over him.
13:50Seconds before his foot made contact with the beast, a small blade could be seen sticking
13:55out from the top of his toes, which had pierced the brown werewolf straight in the stomach.
14:00The creature howled in pain, and when it landed it rolled about on the ground.
14:05Blood was dripping from the werewolf.
14:08Unlike the other one, this one's wounds seemed to be healing at a far slower rate.
14:13It was then, when the hunter saw the back of the werewolf, he could see that a tint
14:17of its hair on its head was slightly green.
14:21He was unsure how he had missed such a striking detail.
14:24Reminds me of someone.
14:27The hunter thought, but as soon as the werewolf turned around and showed its giant teeth,
14:31he knew there was no time to think about unnecessary things.
14:35The group had finally made it out of the forest and onto the main street.
14:40They all wanted to collapse right then and there, exhausted as the adrenaline that had
14:44helped them get this far had nearly been exhausted.
14:47We're finally safe.
14:50Marie fell to her knees on the pavement, yet two shadows soon cast over her.
14:55We received a report that an altered had appeared in Seapon Park.
14:59Are you the ones who made the report?
15:01When Marie looked up, she could see two figures displaying their golden badges with the symbol
15:06of a white rose.
15:08Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 83, A Bird.
15:14As expected, after the altered hunter had brought out his sword with the heated edge,
15:19the larger werewolf became far more cautious.
15:23It leapt up onto one of the large trees and climbed it midway, continuously growling at
15:27the hunter, as if trying to intimidate him.
15:30However, what it was really trying to do was wait for its wound to heal.
15:35It seemed to take longer than other injuries.
15:38Even when the werewolf stopped bleeding there was still a burn mark that remained on its
15:43This altered's healing speed is faster than anything I have encountered before.
15:48The altered hunter noticed.
15:51Its fighting style resembles that of a wild beast, making him very unpredictable.
15:56Still, it's far weaker and has less tricks up its sleeve than other altered I had to
16:02From the belt around his waist that was filled with items the altered hunter pulled out a
16:06small dagger, throwing it out at the werewolf.
16:10The creature quickly dodged the attack, jumping to another tree, digging its claws in to keep
16:15it from falling.
16:17The altered hunter then pulled on something and the small weapon returned from the tree,
16:21a green liquid could be seen on its tip.
16:24Should have known this altered is incredibly agile as well.
16:28It seems to be learning as it fights.
16:31I only have three more poison daggers.
16:34If I can just hit it cleanly once, I should be able to bring it in, without getting hurt.
16:40It might be able to tell us if it has any comrades.
16:44The second the altered hunter thought this, he could see the werewolf doing something
16:49It started to jump from tree to tree, although the movements weren't too fast, with the moon
16:54being the only source of light, the beast's dark fur made it hard for the altered hunter's
16:59eyes to keep track of it.
17:01The forest proved to give the werewolf a serious advantage in this fight, giving it plenty
17:06of trees to use.
17:08Springing from one tree to the other the altered hunter eventually lost track of it, unsure
17:13where it would attack from next, leaving him with only thing to do.
17:18The altered hunter held onto its sword tightly and before he knew it, it had pounced on him
17:23just like before.
17:25He swung his sword, aiming to inflict the beast with a devastating blow, but instead
17:29of flesh, he felt like he had hit solid metal.
17:33The altered hunter's arms were shaking from the great impact.
17:37When looking up, he saw that his sword connected with the werewolf's claws, yet they had extended
17:42to the point that they were as long as its hands.
17:45Just what are those nails made of?
17:48Similar to the baton, the altered hunter's current weapon had a button that would make
17:52it sear.
17:53However, as if the werewolf had predicted this move, it had suddenly pulled back one
17:58hand to take a large swipe, hitting the altered hunter in the chest, and sending him flying
18:03a few meters through the air.
18:05He remained uninjured thanks to his strong armor, but he had to acknowledge that this
18:09fight was going to be way harder than he had initially anticipated.
18:14If I had known it would be this tough, I would have notified the others, or at least brought
18:18a better weapon along.
18:20Who would have thought that the altered in slew would be so abnormal?
18:24Unfortunately, it was too late for regrets.
18:28The first thing the altered hunter had done upon landing was to roll to the side, ready
18:32for the creature to follow up his attack, but when he looked up, he saw that the beast's
18:36attention was no longer on his.
18:39Its head was looking slightly upward and it clenched its large teeth.
18:43A few seconds later, the werewolf could be seen jumping from tree to tree going higher
18:48and higher until it reached the very top of the largest tree in the area.
18:53It jumped off, leaping through the air, shining its claws at what was above them, yet it completely
18:58missed the mark, as its intended targets flew to the side, making him fall down.
19:04Up in the sky were two people, a man and a woman, each one flapping large feathered wings
19:09on their back to stay airborne.
19:11Oh great, it's them.
19:14The altered hunter mumbled under his breath.
19:17It looks like someone managed to arrive before us.
19:21Frank spoke to his colleague.
19:23Indeed, but I'm more interested in the altered.
19:26It doesn't look like your usual type.
19:29Very aggressive, though apparently lacking in the brains department.
19:33We need to bring it in for questioning.
19:36I have a feeling that it's linked with the recent killings, including those at the construction
19:42Sadie replied.
19:44The two of them dove down at great speed, and when landing between the two parties,
19:48the leaves were chucked up in the air around them.
19:51Frank was facing towards the altered hunter, whereas Sadie was in front of the werewolf
19:57You are always interested in the more dangerous looking ones.
20:01Frank commented.
20:03White Rose, why do you always have to get in our way?
20:07The altered hunter asked in a bitter tone.
20:10Because not all altered are bad, yet you altered hunters seem to ignore that fact.
20:15Frank answered.
20:17This time you might have had a valid reason, but we know that's not always the case.
20:22I'm afraid we will be bringing you in as well.
20:25It's a shame, you would make great members of White Rose, if only you could go of your
20:30stupid dogma.
20:32The White Rose agent flapped his wings once more and dashed towards the altered hunter
20:36who swung his sword.
20:38Frank tilted his body to the side so it would hit his powerful wings instead.
20:44Then with another flap he pushed the altered hunter to the ground.
20:47The force of the attack was enough to break a normal person's arm, yet the altered hunters
20:52weren't regular people.
20:54The White Rose agent threw out his fist, one could see that his arm had transformed into
20:59a strange talon midway grabbing the sword.
21:02Frank started to flap his wings, gripping the sword tightly.
21:06No matter how hard the altered hunter pulled, he was unable to get his weapon free and soon
21:11found himself in the air.
21:13However, this wasn't the first time the altered hunter had to fight against White Rose.
21:19He had many more tricks up its sleeve, and pulled one of the daggers that was coated
21:23in a green liquid.
21:25Meanwhile, the female White Rose agent was in the middle of battle with the suspected
21:29altered killer, and she was having an easier time than she imagined.
21:34From her wings, she had pulled out several of her feathers, and threw them at the werewolf.
21:39Idiotically, the werewolf didn't try to avoid them, and just ran straight towards Sadie.
21:45When the feathers hit, the creature soon discovered that they were far more dangerous than he
21:49had believed.
21:51The feathers were as hard as iron arrows, piercing into the werewolf's body, pushing
21:56it back slightly.
21:58The werewolf quickly pulled them out of its body, allowing them to heal, and out of frustration
22:02tried to throw the feather back towards Sadie, but they had flipped to the ground just like
22:06a normal feather.
22:08This seems like it will be a very easy job.
22:12Sadie sneered.
22:13Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 84, Turning Back
22:19Back when Tom opened his eyes, he found himself looking at a bright white light.
22:24What happened?
22:26Where are we?
22:27Tom asked, looking around to see Kai.
22:30Where is Gary?
22:32Who knows?
22:33Inu shrugged his shoulders.
22:36We followed you hoping to find him, but instead we nearly lost our lives.
22:41Do you have any idea how often I nearly died today?
22:45On further inspection, Tom realized that he and his schoolmates were in what looked
22:49like a police station.
22:51He could see several criminals coming in and out, and people in uniform busy with work,
22:56despite the late hour.
22:58Sitting next to him was Inu, Marie, and Exion.
23:02Inu looked quite pissed as he recalled his experience, but he seemed to know that blaming
23:06Tom wouldn't do anything.
23:09Marie was still recovering from her shock and someone seemed to have given her some
23:13hot chocolate to calm her nerves.
23:16Exion seemed nervous as she looked down and fiddled with her hands, making sure not to
23:20make eye contact with anyone.
23:23A little while later, Kai came out from one of the offices.
23:27Good news, everyone.
23:29We're free to go home, and the police are even nice enough to give us a lift since it's
23:33so late.
23:35Probably also to avoid us meeting with whatever was in the park.
23:39Wait, so we don't all have to give reports on what happened?
23:43Exion asked, looking relieved.
23:46I said I would handle it, didn't I?
23:49Unless you feel it's your civil duty to tell them another version of the same thing I just
23:53did, let's get going.
23:55I don't know about you, but I could use some rest.
23:59If we wake up and still remember what happened today, then we will know it wasn't a crazy
24:05Kai answered.
24:06The others were thankful they could finally go home, Tom was still worried, but he knew
24:11it would be suicide to enter the forest on his own.
24:15He didn't even know if Gary and the other Omega Wolf would still be out there.
24:20Gary please be safe.
24:22By the way, why was I asleep?
24:25Tom asked.
24:26And why does my head hurt?
24:29The others just looked at Exion, with a grin on their faces, letting her be the one to
24:33explain it.
24:35In the forest, a distance away from the four adults, another fight was taking place.
24:40The young altered hunter had no idea what was going on, on his partner's side, yet he
24:45lacked the time to worry about him, for he needed to concentrate on the opponent in front
24:49of him.
24:51Once again, the brown werewolf swiped at the young altered hunter's head.
24:56He rolled to the side causing the blow to miss and hit the tree instead.
25:01Large deep claw marks were left behind, shredding a huge chunk of the tree.
25:06It has great strength.
25:08If that thing hits me in the head I'm done for.
25:11Still, the young altered hunter remained level-headed, at every opportunity that presented itself
25:16he would hit the werewolf with his electrified batons, stunning it for a while as the electric
25:21power went to work.
25:23Just how many hits can this altered take?
25:26That much electricity should have been enough to even knock an elephant out by now.
25:31Does it have some special kind of resistance or is it just healing this fast?
25:36The young altered hunter wondered.
25:38Whatever the case, I can tell that its movements are slowing down with each hit.
25:43If I keep hitting it with the electric batons, then I can change to the sword and finish
25:47it off.
25:49You will become my first ever altered kill, allowing me to get on my way to my first star.
25:55Nearly all of the werewolf strikes were missing the altered hunter by the skin of his teeth,
25:59yet once in a while he managed to get one in.
26:02Unfortunately for the creature, his attacks weren't strong enough to pierce through the
26:06special altered hunter armor.
26:09Nevertheless, each hit served as a grim reminder of the powerful strength of his foe.
26:14The altered hunter had no clue how long they had been fighting for, it felt like a long
26:19time, and that was when he started to notice something.
26:22It, is getting smaller.
26:25The altered hunter realized.
26:28Dodging Anno.
26:29Their hit, he used both electrified batons at the same time to shock its back.
26:35The beast let out another scream, only this time, rather than a beast's growl, what came
26:40out resembled a normal human voice in agony.
26:43I'm right.
26:45As the altered's getting weaker, it must be reverting back.
26:49Seeing how the werewolf was slowing down, and reverting even, the altered hunter believed
26:54this to be his chance.
26:56He was also worried that his partner had yet to appear.
26:59Either he was having a much harder time or something unexpected had happened.
27:04The movements of the brown werewolf were sluggish and slow by now, making it easier for the
27:09altered hunter to avoid its swing.
27:12Using both of the batons, he consecutively started to hit the beast, on its arms, on
27:17its chest, and legs all over.
27:20In front of the altered hunter's very eyes, the werewolf began to shrink to the point
27:24that the two of them were on the same eye level.
27:27The patch of green fur from the top of its head had also started to spread out until,
27:31finally, one could see human skin underneath.
27:35I thought this might have been a real monster for a second, but now I know that there really
27:39is a human underneath this abomination.
27:42I can do this.
27:44The altered hunter steeled his resolve, charging in and swinging out its baton towards the
27:49werewolf's face.
27:51One baton hit its large snout, and its face flung to the side.
27:56The large teeth started to revert, and the same happened to the snout.
28:00The altered hunter didn't stop there, his other baton hit it from the other side as
28:04well, making the snout shrink even more.
28:08Third times the charm.
28:10The altered hunter thought, swinging both batons towards the head again, landing a successful
28:15hit against his target.
28:17He was starting to see a human face underneath it all, but at that moment, the werewolf let
28:22out a final desperate attack, his claw slicing the mask off of the altered hunter.
28:27With that the creature fell to the ground completely exhausted, fully reverting to its
28:32human form.
28:33Shit, he broke my mask.
28:36Well, it won't matter.
28:39He's going to die anyway, so who cares if he sees my face now.
28:43The altered hunter tried to calm himself down, making a mental note to bring a replacement
28:48mask on his next hunt.
28:50It had been a tough fight, and in a way the young altered hunter had been lucky that his
28:54target had already been injured and hurt from fighting the other werewolf before.
28:59If that wasn't the case, the altered hunter wasn't sure if the outcome of their duel would
29:03have been the same.
29:05Placing the batons away, he pulled out a short sword holding it in one hand.
29:10He carefully used the weapon to turn the human body over, wishing to imprint the face of
29:15his first kill into his mind.
29:18Gee Gary.
29:19Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 85, Friend or Enemy.
29:26The young altered hunter almost fell over backwards as he recognized the werewolf's
29:32The beast had reverted into human form, revealing a teenage boy's naked body filled with visible
29:37scratch and claw marks, injuries sustained from his against the other werewolf.
29:42What do I do now?
29:44The young altered hunter was in a panic.
29:47He had never expected to actually know the altered he had been ready to kill.
29:52Just to check whether his mind was playing tricks on him, making him mistake the other's
29:56identity just because of the green hair, he went to turn over his body one more time.
30:01Due to the darkness, the altered hunter got closer to get a better view of the other's
30:07However, just then the boy on the ground abruptly opened his eyes, his vision hazy and his body
30:12in pain.
30:14Everything felt weak and tired, but he suddenly found a familiar face in front of him.
30:19Bee Blake.
30:21Gary blurted out, still finding it hard to move.
30:25Touching his face, the altered hunter remembered that the other had destroyed his mask, the
30:29one item that was supposed to hide his identity.
30:33He saw who I am.
30:35He knows I'm an altered hunter.
30:37I can't let him go now.
30:40He's an altered in the first place so.
30:42I just need to get rid of him.
30:45Blake looked down to the short sword in his hand, yet he couldn't find the strength to
30:49grip his hand around it.
30:51He had been ready to kill the altered, but now he hesitated.
30:55It didn't help that Gary was no longer attacking him, looking defenseless and confused.
31:00I. I can't.
31:03He's my classmate.
31:05I have no idea how he became such an abomination, but I know that he helped me.
31:11He even took a hit for me from those eaten high thugs.
31:14My head hurts like hell.
31:17Gary said groggily, as he lifted up his body.
31:21Being a little chilly Gary soon noticed that he had no clothes on whatsoever, and he was
31:25slowly starting to realize that he was in the middle of an unfamiliar forest as well.
31:31Why am I here?
31:32What the hell happened?
31:34And why am I naked?
31:37Gary bombarded the hesitating Blake with a barrage of questions, as he picked up the
31:41largest leaf he could see to hide his nether regions.
31:46You mean, you don't remember?
31:48You don't remember how you got here or what just happened?
31:52Blake almost shouted, swinging his short sword about.
31:56Looking at the illegal weapon in his hand, Gary finally noticed the strange clothing
32:00his classmate wore, as well as the batons on his waist.
32:04He looks pretty much like a younger version of that other guy, wait, no, how can that
32:11It was then that Gary was starting to put the pieces together.
32:14The last thing he remembered before he woke up was the system notifying him about his
32:18transformation starting and then experiencing a type of torture that he never wanted to
32:22relive again.
32:24He could guess that his werewolf self had headed for the woods.
32:28Wait, Blake, I don't care who you are.
32:32What about Tom, is he okay?
32:34Did I hurt him?
32:36Did I hurt anybody else?
32:38Gary asked, grabbing the other by the shoulder, letting the leaf fall down.
32:43Blake could tell that the other was genuinely concerned but he didn't understand what
32:47was happening to Gary.
32:49As an altered, the other should have been in full control of his actions, even if this
32:53might have been his first full body transformation.
32:57It didn't make sense for him not to remember anything.
33:00That's right, Tom was with those other guys.
33:04I have no clue where he is now, but I still need to decide what I need to do.
33:09Gary knows who I am and what I am, but he doesn't seem to care, but I can really believe
33:14his word and let him go.
33:16The altered hunter hesitated.
33:18Tom and your other friends are just fine.
33:21Blake answered.
33:23At least they were when I last saw them.
33:26Gary let out a sigh of relief, although he wasn't sure who those other guys were.
33:31However, he had one surefire way to check where Tom was.
33:36At the moment, he was unable to see any of his markings, so he needed to make sure and
33:40immediately opened up the system screen.
33:4310-120 energy, you are unable to sustain your werewolf form, while your energy is extremely
33:50low, emergency-slash-passive healing function is unavailable.
33:5420 out of 100 HP, his stats were at the lowest Gary had ever seen them before, but he found
34:00it interesting that the reason for him reverting to a human seemed to have been him running
34:04out of energy.
34:06If that was the case, then he might have just found a way to avoid turning during the next
34:10full moon.
34:12Of course, he would have to find a different way to deal with his bloodlust and it would
34:15mean his fighting capabilities would be severely limited.
34:19Mark 2 5ths, 2 out of 5, that means, Tom and Gil are both still alive.
34:26I didn't kill anyone.
34:28But why the hell am I here then?
34:30And how did I run into Blake?
34:33Now that Gary realized that his best friend was at least still alive, and he had managed
34:38to get through a turning, he looked towards Blake.
34:41Hey, come on Blake.
34:43I know we're not the closest of people, but you have to understand.
34:48I'm not an altered or at least not a regular one, so can you please let me go if I promise
34:52not to tell anyone?
34:54I mean we're teammates, right?
34:57You remember, me and you did good together on the field today.
35:01The naked teenager was slowly stepping back at this point, trying to figure out where
35:06to run or even what direction to run.
35:09It was then, Blake put the short sword away as well and lifted up both hands.
35:14Gary, I'm not going to hurt you.
35:17I owe you for helping me out.
35:19It's just my family dash, a loud howl interrupted him, and they both looked into the direction
35:24of where it had come from.
35:27Blake couldn't explain anymore, for he knew this wasn't neither the time nor place for
35:31the two of them to talk.
35:32Gary, I don't have time to explain, but you have to get out of here.
35:38The high schooler was inclined to agree but he didn't know where to go.
35:42Heck, he still wasn't sure where exactly he was.
35:46Looking around, Blake realized the other's problem.
35:50It doesn't matter, just run away from the noise.
35:53If the others find you, they won't let you live.
35:57Blake pointed in the opposite direction of where the wolf cry had come from.
36:02Gary started running, picking up the leaf.
36:06Gary said, turning around.
36:09I won't forget this, Blake.
36:11Your secret's safe with me.
36:14Squeezing his hand tightly, Blake held his head down in disappointment.
36:19Not only had he failed in killing an altar, he had even gone so far as to actively help
36:23it escape, missing his chance of getting closer to obtaining his first star, and becoming
36:28an official hunter.
36:30If this ever got out.
36:32Thanks For Watching And Subscribe My Channel.