How to Build Habits That Stick: Achieve Your Goals with These Key Strategies

  • last month
Douglas Vandergraph discusses how to build habits that last and will take you to your goals. With tips on habit stacking, small wins, and accountability, this video will guide you toward creating habits that are unshakable. Learn how consistency, combined with science-backed methods, can help you succeed in every area of your life.

#habitformation #personaldevelopment #productivityhacks #dailyhabits #goalsetting #selfimprovement #successstrategies #motivation #buildinghabits #habitstacking
00:00Hey friends, imagine waking up every morning with a clear sense of purpose, knowing exactly
00:07what actions will move you closer to your biggest dreams.
00:11Now what if I told you that success isn't reserved for the lucky or the gifted, it's
00:16for those who master the small, daily actions we call habits.
00:21Now the truth is, habits are the difference between staying stuck where you are and propelling
00:27yourself towards the life you've always envisioned.
00:31But the real question is, how do you build habits so unshakable that they become second
00:38Well, today I'm going to share the science-backed strategies that will help you create unbreakable
00:43habits that can transform your life and lead to your goals.
00:49Now habits are quite literally the building blocks of success.
00:54But they aren't just abstract concepts, they are neurological pathways in the brain that
01:00become stronger the more they are used.
01:03Now researchers have found that habits are formed through a process called chunking,
01:08where the brain groups actions together and executes them with little conscious thought.
01:14This means that with enough repetition, your brain can turn any behavior into a nearly
01:20automatic action.
01:22So how do we create habits that stick and actually lead to our goals?
01:28Well one of the most powerful methods for building new habits is habit stacking.
01:34Now this is a concept popularized by behavioral psychologist B.J. Fogg and further developed
01:41by author James Clear in his book Atomic Habits.
01:46Habit stacking leverages the brain's tendency to link new information to existing frameworks.
01:52So the idea is simple.
01:55Take a habit you already do automatically, like brushing your teeth or drinking coffee
02:00in the morning, and attach a new habit to it.
02:04For example, if you want to start meditating, do it right after your morning coffee.
02:10The established habit, coffee, acts as a cue for the new habit, meditation, making
02:17it easier for your brain to adopt the new behavior.
02:21Now science shows that linking a new habit to an existing one increases the likelihood
02:28that it will stick because it triggers a behavior chain.
02:31Now your brain craves routine, and habit stacking leverages this tendency.
02:39Another critical component of building unbreakable habits is accountability.
02:44Now studies show that the likelihood of sticking to a goal increases by up to 65% when you
02:51commit it to someone else.
02:54If you add regular follow-ups with this person, your chance of success skyrockets to 95%.
03:03Because human beings are social creatures, and we don't want to let others down.
03:08The brain increases dopamine, the feel-good hormone, when we receive positive reinforcement
03:14from others.
03:15Now this makes us want to repeat the behavior.
03:19And accountability partners, whether they're friends, mentors, or even digital communities,
03:26provide the extra push you need when your internal motivation falters.
03:31Now having someone to check in with adds social pressure, but also moral support.
03:38So it's not about just having someone to answer to.
03:42It's about having someone to cheer you on during your wins, and pick you up during setbacks.
03:49Now building unbreakable habits also means embracing the idea of small wins and micro-habits.
03:57Now the human brain is wired in response to progress.
04:01So neuroscientists have discovered that every time we experience a small win, the brain
04:06releases dopamine, which boosts motivation and keeps us on track.
04:12This is why setting large vague goals often leads to failure.
04:17The brain struggles to see progress, and thus lacks the motivation to keep going.
04:23So start with micro-habits, tiny manageable actions that are so small they seem almost
04:30For example, if your goal is to read more, start by reading just one page per day.
04:37Now this may seem insignificant, but over time, this small action builds momentum.
04:44And as you complete each micro-habit, the dopamine release in your brain reinforces
04:49the behavior, making it more likely that you'll keep going.
04:54So soon, one page turns into a chapter, and a chapter turns into a book.
05:01Finally, understand that success isn't about what you do once, it's about what you do consistently.
05:09Neuroscientists studying habit formation have found that it takes an average of 66 days
05:15to form a new habit.
05:17But here's the key.
05:19Those habits are not built by grand gestures, but by showing up day after day.
05:25No matter how small the action may seem, the brain craves consistency.
05:31Each time you repeat a behavior, you strengthen the neural pathway associated with that habit,
05:37making it easier and more automatic over time.
05:41Now it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you need a massive overhaul to make a
05:47difference in your life, but research shows that incremental progress is more sustainable.
05:54Think of it like compound interest.
05:56Just as your money grows exponentially with time, so do your habits.
06:01Small, consistent actions lead to massive results.
06:06But you must show up every day to see that magic unfold.
06:11So now that you understand the science behind unbreakable habits, the question remains.
06:18What will you do with this knowledge?
06:21Will you take that first small step today?
06:24Will you commit to building habits that will carry you towards your goals without fail?
06:29You know, habits aren't about overnight success.
06:33They're about daily commitment, a slow and steady build that transforms your life over time.
06:40So ask yourself, what is one habit you can start today?
06:44Remember, the power to build the life you've always dreamed of is already within you.
06:51One habit at a time, you can build that life.
06:55The only thing standing between you and your dreams is your decision to start.
07:01Today's a good day to start.
07:03Let's get our shoes on, get moving, start taking some action today.
07:07I believe in you.
07:09And you know what?
07:10If anybody can do it, you can.
07:13I care about you so much that I'll be back tomorrow with some more great information.
07:19Let's keep this train rolling down the track, okay?
07:22Have a beautiful day.
