How to Beat Procrastination: 3 Simple Steps for Success!

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Tired of procrastinating and missing out on opportunities? Douglas Vandergraph shares 3 powerful, actionable steps to help you beat procrastination and achieve your dreams. In this video, you’ll discover how to tap into your motivation, create manageable tasks, and stay accountable for lasting results. Take control of your life today!

#stopprocrastinating #motivationboost #successstrategies #goalachievement #timemanagementtips #productivitysecrets #focusyourmind #beatprocrastination #douglasvandergraph #takecontrol

00:00Hey friends, imagine this, you have a dream, a vision for your life that excites you, yet
00:07every time you think about taking that first step, something holds you back.
00:13You say, I'll get to it tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes.
00:17Sound familiar?
00:19Well it should because procrastination is one of the most common challenges we all face.
00:25But here's the good news, overcoming procrastination isn't as difficult as we all make it out to
00:32It's not about sheer willpower or even working harder.
00:36In fact, science shows us that there are three simple steps that we can take right now to
00:42break free from procrastination and start achieving our goals.
00:48Let me walk you through how understanding your mind and following a few proven strategies
00:54can change everything.
00:57The first step to overcoming procrastination is understanding why you're doing what you're
01:03Research in psychology shows that when we have a clear sense of purpose, it activates
01:08the brain's motivational centers, particularly the dopaminergic pathways.
01:17Dopamine, often called the motivation molecule, helps us focus and take action when we see
01:24a meaningful reward ahead.
01:26Your why serves as that internal reward.
01:30It's the fuel that powers you through obstacles.
01:33So take a moment and ask yourself, why is this goal important to me?
01:40Is it to create a better life for your family or to achieve a long-held personal dream?
01:46You know, when your why is strong and clear, it connects you emotionally to your task,
01:52making it easier to push through resistance.
01:55So do me a favor.
01:57Do yourself a favor.
01:59Write it down, your goal.
02:02Write your goal down and remind yourself daily.
02:06Studies show that people who regularly connect with their purpose are more likely to achieve
02:11long-term success because they feel deeply invested in their work.
02:17And I don't want to mention this again, but I'm going to.
02:21It's the most powerful tool we have in our toolbox.
02:24It's called the goal card.
02:26Utilize your goal card every single day to advertise for yourself and remind yourself
02:31of your why.
02:32It'll take you to places you never ever thought possible for yourself.
02:37This goal card, while free, is the most powerful tool you will ever utilize to achieve success
02:44in your life.
02:45Trust me, I've seen thousands of people utilize a goal card and it changes everything for
02:52I do have videos on the site here that discusses how to use a goal card.
02:57I recommend you check it out because I'm telling you what, this is the most powerful tool you
03:03will ever utilize to make your dreams a reality.
03:08And it will cost you nothing, so you might as well give it a shot, right?
03:12This won't cost you anything to give it a shot.
03:15So you know, the second step is to break down your goal into manageable parts.
03:20Science tells us that our brain's prefrontal cortex, the part responsible for planning
03:26and decision making, can become overwhelmed when facing a large, complex task.
03:32This often triggers task aversion, which leads to procrastination.
03:37But here's the trick.
03:39The brain loves completion, and research shows that when we complete even the smallest task,
03:46our brain releases dopamine, rewarding us and encouraging us to keep moving forward.
03:52Now, this is why breaking down large goals into small, actionable steps is so effective.
03:59I'll give you an example.
04:01If your goal is to write a book, don't focus on writing the entire thing.
04:06Start with writing a single paragraph or even brainstorm some ideas for 10 minutes and write
04:13those ideas down as they come into your mind.
04:17But by constantly focusing on small wins, you trick your brain into building momentum.
04:23And that momentum turns into larger progress.
04:27It's like climbing a mountain one step at a time.
04:30And before you know it, you're halfway there.
04:33So this really works.
04:35And the third and final step is to create accountability.
04:39You know, research from the American Society of Training and Development shows that having
04:45an accountability partner increases your chances of completing a goal by 65%.
04:53And if you set up regular check-ins, your success rate can jump to 95%.
04:58Now, accountability works because it taps into our deep social needs.
05:04We are wired for connection and approval.
05:07So when someone else is counting on us, we are far more likely to follow through because
05:12it activates the social incentive mechanisms within our brain.
05:17But accountability doesn't always need to come from another person.
05:21You see, behavioral science shows that self-monitoring, keeping track of your own progress through
05:28journaling or tracking apps, can be just as powerful.
05:33And by regularly reviewing what you've accomplished and where you need to go, you create internal
05:38accountability which keeps you honest and committed.
05:43You know, I want to show you something.
05:44When I started this YouTube channel 15 months ago, I had never done any videos before.
05:51I'd never done any YouTube.
05:53But I've had an accountability partner sitting here with me every single day for the last
05:59year and a half.
06:01And that's my wife.
06:02She's sitting right next to me here on a bed.
06:06And I can tell you, I'm just in a bedroom.
06:07I'm not in a fancy studio or anything like that.
06:10I'm just Doug Vandegraaff doing this as a thing.
06:16And it's grown into something more than I could have ever expected it to be.
06:20But even so, we haven't ever taken this from the original format, which was a coffee table
06:29and a $65 digital camera from Amazon.
06:34And that's it.
06:37But the most important thing that I've had going for me throughout this entire experience
06:42has been the fact that my wife, my accountability partner, has been sitting here with me through
06:48every single video.
06:50Keep in mind, we don't edit any videos.
06:52Every single video is a straight walkthrough.
06:56So there's a lot of mess-ups and a lot of re-dos where I have to start over from the
07:01beginning again, or if I lose my train of thought, I'll have to start over again.
07:07She sits through it all.
07:08To be honest with you, we've done almost 800 videos, and it's taken us over 3,000, almost
07:154,000 tries to just get the videos done that we've gotten done.
07:21But my accountability partner has sat there with me through every single one.
07:26In fact, I don't think there's ever been anything throughout my entire life since we've gotten
07:30married or met, for that matter, where I haven't had my accountability partner, aka my wife,
07:38right there with me to ensure that I continue to move forward.
07:41And it always reminds me that there's somebody else or others in this world that are depending
07:49on me to keep pushing through and do what it was that I committed to.
07:54So find yourself some form of an accountability partner, whether it be another human being
07:59or a technological application, something that will hold you accountable so that you
08:04remember there are others counting on you and that what you commit to, you should follow
08:10through on.
08:11Now, you know, breaking free from procrastination is not about being more disciplined or working
08:18It's about understanding the science behind motivation and how our brains work.
08:23So when you clarify your why, break down your tasks, and create accountability, you're aligning
08:31your actions with how your brain naturally wants to function.
08:37So you stop fighting against procrastination and start working with your mind to achieve
08:43And remember this, procrastination may have stolen time from your past, but it doesn't
08:49have to control your future.
08:52You have the tools to take control of your time, your actions, and your life.
08:57So ask yourself, what's one small step you can take today toward your goals?
09:05Because every action you take, no matter how small, is one step closer to living the life
09:12you truly want.
09:14And as far as I'm concerned, you truly deserve to live.
09:17And procrastination loses its grip when you decide to act right now.
09:23So get your shoes on.
09:24Get moving.
09:25I'm counting on you.
09:26I'm holding you personally accountable to achieving the dreams and goals that you're
09:31setting with me as we walk down this path together.
09:35I'll be back tomorrow.
09:36Don't forget I care about you and I believe in you.
09:39And I know if anybody can do it, you can.
09:43So I'll be back tomorrow.
09:44Let's talk about some more great stuff tomorrow.
09:46It's going to be a lot of fun.
09:47I can't wait.
09:48Take care.
