TV ve DiziDöküm
00:09Yeah, I come out of a rest over at El Cuadro
00:12As he is in cuanto. So say que los últimos barnices que le puesto para volver a su lugar
00:21Ya sabe que yo no entiendo mucho de esto pero no está muy cambiado no
00:26Ah claro que lo está fíjese en la viveza de los colores
00:33Ahora parece que se hubiera pintado ayer mismo
00:39Sí sí está más vivo ahora sí que
00:46Quería agradecérselo de corazón ha sido un detalle enorme para mi tío alonso
00:53Le ocurre algo
00:56No no es eso
00:59Y por qué parece tan contrariada entonces
01:06Mis padres deben estar volviendo ya de san sebastián
01:09lo que significa que yo también tendré que
01:13regresar pronto a casa
01:15Y no le apetece
01:17Absolutamente nada
01:20Pero porque si yo tenía entendido que con quien no se llevaba bien era con su cuñado no
01:27No si le soy sincera mi relación con mis padres no es mucho mejor y por qué motivo
01:38Julia sabe que puede contarme lo que sea y que yo sé guardar secretos
01:46Venga siéntese y cuénteme
01:50Y además los motivos para estar enfada con sus padres seguro que no son muy diferentes de los que tiene cualquier muchacha de su edad
02:00Como yo por ejemplo a qué se refiere a usted también la están obligando a buscar un marido
02:12Así es pero yo
02:20Que yo no quisiera casarme con un cretino como mi cuñado mis padres no dejaron hasta que
02:25hasta que mi hermana casó con él al final todo acaba con su cuñado
02:30Debe ser un hombre insufrible para que usted le tenga tanto cariño
02:39Es que por qué nos obligan a buscar un hombre que pasa que no podemos ser felices solas
02:46Mejor solas que mal acompañadas
02:49Exacto y que además
02:52Buscar el marido perfecto no es una tarea fácil
02:55tiene que ser
02:57buena persona
02:59Tiene que ser simpático
03:01A ser posible guapo que lo tienes que aguantar durante toda tu vida como dice el cura hasta que la muerte no se pare
03:10He dicho algo malo
03:13No es que los barnizas con los que he limpiado el cuadro me irritan los ojos, peor que cortar cebollas
03:28Huele como al naranjo que tenía mi abuela en el patio. Es flor de azahar. Me trae recuerdo cuando yo era una sagana
03:34La verdad que es un detalle muy bonito que la duquesa de carril nos haya regalado estos frascos de colonia
03:40Trae a una señora de la cabeza a los pies
03:43Fíjate por dónde que ahora me está dando hasta pena que vaya todos los días sin venir a las cocinas
03:48Ay sí, por el viaje ese que tiene sí. Es que ustedes la han atendido muy bien
03:52Lo mínimo que podía hacer era hacerles un regalo. No tenía por qué hacerlo, eso demuestra que es una mujer muy cercana
03:58A la par que elegante y distinguida. Ya podía aprender de ella la señora marquesa. Siempre te miro por encima del hombro
04:06¿Podrían prepararme una manzana para doña Margarita?
04:08Claro que sí, Teresa. De las rojas, de las amarillas o de las verdes
04:13Pues... ¿Así de o dulce?
04:16Creo que ni ella misma lo sabe. Por lo visto una amiga le ha contado un dicho inglés que dice que una manzana al día mantiene al médico bien lejos
04:23Pues me parece un buen consejo, la verdad
04:25En mi pueblo hay otro dicho, pero un poquito más burro
04:29¿Y no nos lo va a contar?
04:31No, no, no
04:32¿Y no nos lo va a contar?
04:34No, no, no
04:35Candela, no nos dejes a medias
04:37Bueno, ahí va
04:39Come sano y caga duro y al médico que la den por Dios
04:43Por Dios, doña Candela, que estamos en las cocinas
04:46Eres más bruta que un pirulí de cemento, Candela
04:49Que ya lo he avisado, ¿eh?
04:51Eso es verdad. El que avisa no es traidor
04:53He avisado
04:57¿Y esos flasquitos qué son?
04:59A regalo de nuestra amiga, la duquesa de Carril
05:02Por ayudarla con las recetas para su libro
05:04Pues es un gesto por su parte
05:06Un gesto muy fisno
05:08¿Puedo leerlos?
05:09Claro, toma el mío
05:14Huele al naranjo que tenía al lado de mi casa
05:16¿Verdad que sí? Mi abuela también tenía un naranjo en su patio
05:20Flor de azahar, me encanta
05:23La verdad es que me resulta curioso que una señora se interese en esto de las cocinas
05:28Sí, según dicen ahora está desnuda
05:31Sí, pero que venga ella personalmente
05:33No sé, lo lógico sería que mandase a una de sus cocineras
05:36Eso mismo pensábamos nosotros al principio, pero...
05:39Si es que la duquesa de Carril es desnuda por casa
05:42Es una señora
05:43Pero no parece una señora
05:45Y eso es lo más difícil de todo
05:47Sí, la verdad es que me resulta complejo eso de ser una cosa y al mismo tiempo no serlo
05:52Si la conociera, entendería
05:56Pásame una de las amarillas
06:00Y una roja
06:26Manuel, ¿qué estás mirando?
06:28¿Pero si la noche está cerrada?
06:41Lo sé
06:44Pero no estaba mirando fuera
06:49Mirando afuera
06:51Pero no estaba mirando fuera
06:56Me había quedado pensativo
06:58¿Has conseguido resolver los problemas del mundo?
07:04Estaba deseando que terminase mi jornada para verte
07:08Pues aquí me tiene
07:10Disfruta de mi presencia
07:12¿O tú de la mía?
07:15¿Qué te tenía tan absurdo?
07:18Las musarañas
07:20Venga, Manuel, que dijimos que no iba a haber secretos entre nosotros
07:30Estaba pensando en las dificultades que debe entrañar tener hijos a cargo
07:36Estabas pensando en la paternidad
07:38En referencia a tus padres, los marqueses
07:44Pero, ¿sabes? También pensaba en Doña Pía
07:47Esa mujer se ha enterrado en vida con tal de proteger a su hijo
07:51Por un hijo se hace lo que sea
07:56También pensaba en el señor Baeza
08:00Pero ese señor Baeza no tiene hijos
08:02Lo sé
08:04Pero pensaba en lo buen padre que habría sido
08:07No sé
08:09Creo que habría sido recto
08:11Pero cariñoso
08:14Yo creo que tanto el señor Baeza como Doña Pía son un ejemplo de generosidad y entrega
08:21¿Sabes? Los padres nos traen al mundo
08:24Nos crían, nos alimentan, nos educan
08:27Lo dan todo por nosotros, los hijos
08:30Así es
08:33Pero, sin embargo, ¿los conocemos realmente?
08:37¿Sabemos quiénes son?
08:40Porque ya hasta hace bien poco ni me habría imaginado que mi padre hubiese podido tener un hijo fuera del matrimonio
08:48Yo también pienso en mi madre
08:51Si la imagen que tengo de ella es acertada o no
08:55Quiero decir, ¿es tal y como la dibujo en mi cabeza?
08:59¿Una mujer recta, perfeccionista, inflexible, que nunca ha cometido un error?
09:10Supongo que todos tendrán sus luces y sus sombras
09:13Y que no estarán orgullosos de todo lo que han hecho en su vida
09:24¿Y nosotros?
09:27¿Seremos buenos padres?
09:31Bueno, es un poco pronto para pensar en eso, ¿no?
09:34Espero que no
09:35Espero que no
09:38Te aseguro que ser padre es lo que más me aterra en este mundo
09:43Pero no puedo ansiar nada con tanta fuerza
09:48Y menos ahora que he encontrado la madre perfecta para mis hijos
09:59Te lo juro, estoy deseando terminar con todo este asunto de Gregorio
10:05Encontrarme con él, darle el dinero y no volverlo a ver nunca más
10:09Y así poder centrarme de una vez en nuestra boda
10:14Y estoy ansiosa porque empiece nuestra nueva vida cuanto antes
10:30¿Distingues lo que es, sí o no?
10:33Es dulce, es refrescante
10:38Y hay una mezcla de notas florales y cítricas
10:41¿Pero sabes lo que es o no?
10:51Pero lo tienes
10:54Flor de azahar
10:59La verdad es que tu madre tiene muy buen gusto
11:02Sí, eso no te lo voy a negar
11:05Tienen a las cocineras encantadas con su regalo
11:07Sí, ha sabido cómo ganárselas
11:11Si la conocieran de verdad
11:13La jugada le está saliendo redonda
11:15Bueno, ya que se ha puesto tan generosa podría haberte traído un frasco a ti, ¿no?
11:19Es que no tienes derecho porque eres hombre
11:22Mi olor favorito es el de tu piel
11:25No quiero ninguna fragancia que lo enmascare
11:27No, si hasta mi madre habrá acertado ignorándote
11:30Pues sí, prefiero eso a que arremeta contra mí
11:35Me molesta que todo el mundo sea tan comprensivo con ella
11:38Y sobre todo me molesta que lo seas tú
11:40Vera, yo solo estoy a la expectativa, ya lo sabes
11:42Ya, pero si todo el mundo fuera consciente de que a mi madre no le interesa la cocina a lo más mínimo
11:47Y mucho menos ser amiga del servicio
11:49Y que está aquí simplemente para sacarme de aquí y llevarme de vuelta al palacio
11:52Mientras tu madre se dedique a regalar sonrisas y fragancias no podemos hacer nada
11:56López está ganando a las cocineras por interés
11:58Sí, pero eso lo único que demuestra es que es una estratega
12:03No, no lo creas
12:05Porque la actitud que está teniendo es un poco sospechosa para una señora de su clase
12:09Y eso puede levantar recelos
12:11Tu madre no está dejando ningún detalle al descuido
12:16Los pasos que está dando son pequeños y muy firmes
12:18Mira, pues justamente Teresa hoy ha comentado que es un poco raro
12:21Que una duquesa se interese tanto por la cocina
12:23Vera, de un simple comentario a una sospecha fundada hay un trecho muy largo
12:26Y siento no ser más animoso pero tenemos que tener paciencia
12:29Tenemos que esperar a ver qué movimientos hace tu madre
12:32Odio que todo el mundo le baile el agua
12:35Eso mismo es lo que tenemos que hacer nosotros
12:37O al menos fingirlo
12:41Pero te reconozco que tengo mucha curiosidad por saber cómo es tu madre
12:45Porque hasta ahora solo ha mostrado su cara más amable
12:48Quiero conocer cómo es en realidad
12:50Pues no quieras conocerla
12:52¿Por qué?
12:53Tú solo señalas sus desmanes
12:56Pero al final tu madre está haciendo lo que haría cualquier madre
12:59Que es intentar recuperar a su hija
13:01¿Qué es eso tan malo que ha hecho esa mujer para que la tengas tanta inquina?
13:05¿Mirar para otro lado?
13:07¿Te parece poco?
13:17No, perdóname tú
13:20Que este asunto me enerva
13:22Mira López, nosotros gozábamos de un nivel de vida muy holgado
13:26Y nadie se preguntaba de dónde venía el dinero
13:29O es que no ven corazón que no siente
13:33Mi padre tenía unos negocios pero nosotros no nos preguntábamos cuáles eran
13:38Cuando tienes un nivel de vida muy cómodo que te importa el resto, ¿no?
13:42La cosa es que yo empecé a sentir curiosidad y empecé a preguntar por aquí y por allá
13:47Encontraste respuestas que no querías
13:48Descubrí que detrás de nuestra vida cómoda habría un montón de vidas arruinadas y de muchísimo dolor
14:02Tuvo que ser muy duro descubrir todo eso, ¿no?
14:08Mucho más duro fue descubrir lo que descubrí después
14:12¿El qué?
14:13Pues que mi madre estaba al tanto de todo eso
14:16Y que seguía con su vida como si nada de esto estuviera pasando
14:20Y que doña Amalia de la Vera
14:22La maravillosa y encantadora duquesa de Carril que tiene hechizado a todo el servicio
14:28Realmente era una egoísta
14:30Y una persona que simplemente se preocupa por su propio bienestar
14:37Pensar que las cocineras creen que es el espejo donde se tiene que mirar la señora marquesa
14:43Lupe, mi madre no es ningún ejemplo a seguir y mucho menos para mí
14:48Todo lo que yo quiero ser es justamente lo contrario a lo que es ella
15:08La verdad, María, que no sabes lo rara que fue esa conversación
15:11¿Eso por qué?
15:13Pues porque Manuel me comentó las ganas que tenía de tener hijos
15:16Y yo creo que por eso está deseando casarse conmigo
15:18Bueno, y eso es raro, mujer
15:20Lo mismo, Manuel se ha acelerado, pero es normal después de lo que pasó con doña Ximena
15:25Aquello fue un subir o bajar, ¿no?
15:27No, no, no, no
15:29No, no, no, no, no
15:31No, no, no, no, no
15:33No, no, no, no
15:35No, no, no
15:37No, no, no, no
15:39Que si primero estaban sinta, que si luego tuvo un mal ogro, que si luego todo era una broma de mal gusto
15:44Que me ira que descanse en paz, pero más en paz nos hemos quedado nosotros sin ella
15:48María, ¿pero qué dices?
15:50¿No te gustará que lo diga en voz alta? Pero tengo más razón que una santar
15:56Pero, en fin
15:58Lo que más me ha sorprendido de esta conversación
16:00Es el concepto que tiene Manuel de su madre
16:02¿Que más mala que arranca, como tenemos todo?
16:04Do we have everything?
16:06He really thinks it's an example of rectitude.
16:09Come on, it's bad for being too rigid.
16:11More or less.
16:13I don't know, I understand Don Manuel.
16:15Somehow he will have to justify his mother.
16:17And it's nice that he loves her with all her defects.
16:20Well, defects and virtues.
16:22But what virtues does that woman have that is worse than you, Ana?
16:25Look at Don Manuel, his son's love makes him see the black and white,
16:28but you know perfectly well what there is.
16:32What if it's me who is wrong?
16:34Do you need me to remind you of all the bullshit that woman has done to you?
16:38That they have not been few, and the ones that remain to be you,
16:40that they will not be few either.
16:42Look, Ana, mothers-in-law are like melons.
16:44They can touch you good or they can touch you bitter.
16:47And you have been touched by the cucumber that has nothing sweet.
16:51If they think that woman is going to be your mother-in-law,
16:53I'm going to lose my mind.
16:54Well, what do you want?
16:55To suspend the wedding?
16:56That you run away?
16:58No, it's that.
16:59But you don't lack reasons.
17:02Well, I'm going to have to learn to deal with her.
17:05Well, the good thing is that you already have experience
17:07putting up with unbearable women with María Mandrago.
17:10Although I think about it and say,
17:11which of the two is more unbearable?
17:13María Mandrago or the Barquesa?
17:16Difficult to say.
17:17Well, that's it, that's it.
17:18Let's get to work.
17:19And stop warming my head.
17:27Come here.
17:34I'll be back at lunchtime.
17:39Are you leaving?
17:43I think it's more than obvious that yes.
17:46And can I know where?
17:49To visit a friend.
17:51It seems that you are not very talkative.
17:54It also seems more than obvious.
17:56Today you are very observant, Alonso.
18:00If you want, I can bring you closer by car.
18:02I don't need it, thank you.
18:03I have a driver waiting for me at the door.
18:05Wait, don't leave me with the word in my mouth.
18:09What do you want?
18:12I had thought of something and I wanted to tell you.
18:15The postcard we received yesterday from María Antonia from Mallorca
18:19reminded me of a trip we have pending.
18:24We left it pending when you stayed in Cinta de Leonor.
18:28The marquises of Grau invited us to visit their palace in the city of Palma.
18:31Do you remember?
18:32And that, what's coming now?
18:34Well, we could take the opportunity to travel to the island.
18:38I'll write to the marquis to see if he welcomes us.
18:40And we could set sail in a few days.
18:42Are you seriously proposing that we go on a trip to a place where I know your lover is?
18:49María Antonia is not my lover.
18:51Look, Alonso, I'd better go.
18:53You're going to make me be late.
19:09Well, I'm going to reserve the perfume for when I find my career.
19:13I'm sure that with how smart he is, the teacher will find out first that he is a flower of chance.
19:18I don't know if he's so fine-nosed.
19:20The story of the spider is told by a saint, my love.
19:23Well, yes, you liked the present from the duchess.
19:26The truth is that the lady gives the nail.
19:28Although there she gives the insurance.
19:29Because who doesn't like such a fresh and elegant aroma here?
19:32That too.
19:34And when are you going to see your Don Carlos?
19:36At the moment there is none.
19:37I would like to.
19:39Well then, close the bottle and stop smelling that you are going to lose the aroma.
19:42And then it will no longer smell like anything.
19:43It's true.
19:44Then it remains like water.
19:45Without color, without smell, without flavor.
19:48I wouldn't risk it and I would start using it now.
19:50I'm sure that man is charming, but ...
19:53Enjoy it yourself, Mrs. Candela.
19:54You are right.
19:56It's okay to think so much about others and so little about me.
19:59Now I'm going to smell orange because I'm worth it.
20:03I'm going to send my daughter Virtudes to use it.
20:07You are also worth it, Mrs. Simona.
20:08Be selfish and enjoy it.
20:10Yes, but I enjoy it more if my daughter uses it.
20:13What makes me happiest is having her happy and also my grandson Adolfito.
20:19Also, when my daughter puts it on, she will remember me.
20:25You are a mother.
20:26Always taking the bite out of your mouth to give it to your child.
20:31And what am I going to do, Candelilla?
20:32I have no instinct.
20:34There is nothing that a mother does not do for her children.
20:37Well, I don't think so.
20:38I don't think so.
20:39That the love of a mother for a child is the greatest love.
20:44That's why there are times when Mrs. Petra makes me very sad.
20:48Because she had to go through a tremendous pain when she lost her Feliciano.
20:52And I understand that now she tries to fill that void taking care of Santos.
20:57Come on, Simona.
20:59Petra is a burden.
21:00A viper.
21:03A viper that lost a child.
21:05And that gap is impossible to fill with anything or anyone.
21:08A child is unique and irreplaceable.
21:24It seems that the stain from breakfast has disappeared by magic.
21:26It has been essential to clean it without delay.
21:28Because as time goes by, the stain clings more to the fabric and then it is more difficult to remove.
21:34Please, Mr. Baeza.
21:35Transfer my thanks to the maid in charge of cleaning.
21:38As you wish, sir.
21:39Not only because of your skill, but also because of the speed at which you solve the mess.
21:47Romulo, are you okay?
21:49You don't look well. Have you rested?
21:51No, but if I'm honest, I've been up all night.
21:56And why is that?
21:57There's something I can't get out of my head.
21:59I see.
22:00It's about Gregorio, right?
22:07I don't know if it will make you feel better, but I'm just like you.
22:10Although I will also tell you that ...
22:12Wait, I'm convinced that he will accept the deal.
22:15No, but he has doubts.
22:17And if everything goes wrong?
22:19If that scoundrel gives him a hard time again?
22:21Or something worse?
22:23Do we have thoughts about him?
22:27Or something worse?
22:29Do we have thoughts about him?
22:30Yes, but that is not a relief, sir.
22:35As the saying goes, the evil of many consoles the fools.
22:38Yes, but in this matter, that only worries me, it does not comfort me.
22:42I see.
22:44But neither you nor I are stupid, Mr. Baeza.
22:47And we know perfectly well what can happen.
22:51Yes, yes.
22:53I'm looking forward to putting an end to this matter.
22:55Me too.
22:57I hope we finish all this as soon as possible.
23:00But anyway, if Gregorio has some common sense left, he has no choice but to accept the deal.
23:05Because otherwise it would be going straight to jail, or even worse, the weak link.
23:09Or fleeing indefinitely.
23:12And none of those alternatives seems too appetizing, don't you think?
23:15But still, it does not end up reassuring me.
23:18And me.
23:20Until I meet that man, I see that he takes the money and leaves so as not to breathe in peace again.
23:25I'm afraid the only thing we can do is be patient and wait.
23:30Don't you remember what I told you a long time ago?
23:33There is nothing that worries me more than waiting.
23:37Excuse me.
23:54And I thought Mrs. Marquesa was going to eat out.
23:57But it was normal, as she had stayed with a friend. Why would she eat with a friend?
24:01And now, make the pisto with your onion.
24:03You never told me.
24:07What makes me sad is that the rest of the family is not going to eat Brussels sprouts.
24:11But since the lady entered the house of rest, she has abhorred it.
24:15And you know what happens here.
24:17As Mrs. Marquesa does not eat Brussels sprouts, no one eats Brussels sprouts.
24:22You have to be careful with the pisto, Candela.
24:24I have already told Lope to put more firewood in the oven so that the vegetables are done as soon as possible.
24:35Have the gentlemen said anything? Do we have to prepare anything else?
24:40Be careful, little girl.
24:41It's up and down.
24:42With the perfume, you're going to break a jar.
24:44Is it a gift?
24:46Of course. The gift of the Duchess of Carril.
24:48No, no, I don't mean that.
24:50I mean it's a gift that I give to you, Mrs. Simona.
24:53To me?
24:55And for what?
24:57Well, because I've been thinking about it and I've thought it's not fair
24:59that you run out of your perfume to give it to your daughter Virtudes.
25:02But I do that because I wanted to, girl.
25:05But you don't need so much sacrifice.
25:07Come on, take my jar.
25:09No, no, no, no way.
25:11You have earned that jar for taking those notes so well, Tomás, and with that beautiful letter.
25:16I insist. Take it, Mrs. Simona, I'm looking forward to it.
25:19Besides, the water from Azar is not my favorite fragrance either.
25:22In fact, I abhor it quite a bit.
25:24Really? You're not lying to me?
25:26Come on, Simona, take it at once.
25:28I'll thank you.
25:30Don't make the girl look bad.
25:33Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, Vera.
25:36You're welcome.
25:40Let's continue with the track.
25:50The smallest cinnamon in the pieces.
25:56The smallest cinnamon in the pieces.
26:03How are you?
26:05I'm fine.
26:07And the fever?
26:09Not a trace.
26:11Doesn't your throat hurt? Do you have trouble breathing?
26:14I already told you I'm fine. Thank you.
26:17And that smile?
26:19What is it for?
26:23Santos, I'm getting to know you.
26:25What are you up to?
26:30So I'm right.
26:32Tell me what it is.
26:35As you say, you're getting to know me.
26:38So you know how much I like mystery and intrigue.
26:43I'm leaving, Mrs. Arcos.
26:45I have to attend to Mr. Curro.
26:55Mr. Curro.
26:59What can I do for you?
27:01I just came to report.
27:03I got back to work yesterday and I'm ready for anything you need.
27:08And how are you?
27:11Restored, thank you.
27:13As I said, I'm at your disposal for whatever you need.
27:17Thank you very much.
27:19But right now I don't need anything.
27:21Thank you very much.
27:23But right now I don't need your services.
27:25I'll let you know.
27:29Are you looking for a book in particular? Do you want me to help you?
27:32No, no.
27:34I'm not in a good mood, Santos.
27:37Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?
27:40No, I'm afraid not.
27:42Unfortunately, no one can help me.
27:46Maybe if you share or take care of me.
27:49Really, Santos, don't insist.
27:51It's very considerate of you.
27:54But I don't want to pay for my bad mood with you.
27:57As it happened to me with your partner, Marcelo.
28:01I'm aware.
28:03I know he made some mistakes.
28:05He has just arrived and is not familiar with ...
28:08some house chores, especially those that have to do with the treatment of gentlemen.
28:12I noticed.
28:14It was a terrible mistake to give him the responsibility of attending to him.
28:17Even so ...
28:19I think I overstepped with him.
28:22Especially reporting the matter.
28:24So if you see it, apologize on my behalf.
28:29So you will, sir.
28:31Even if I was right, anyone can make a mistake.
28:36And I admit that my ways were not the best.
28:39So I insist.
28:41Apologize on my behalf.
28:43Don't worry, sir.
28:45Thank you very much.
28:46I'll let you know if I need anything.
29:10Miss, can I come in?
29:13You're still in bed.
29:14You have to get up and finish getting ready.
29:17Otherwise, time will run out.
29:20Time for what?
29:22Well, what are you going to do?
29:24To receive the gentlemen from the press who have just arrived.
29:29It can't be.
29:31Yes, they are waiting for you.
29:33But if we cancel the interview, I'll talk to them.
29:36I don't know, I have to tell them.
29:38No, no, it's impossible for them to be here.
29:41I'm telling you no.
29:42I don't think so.
29:44Miss, I don't know what happened.
29:46The fact is that a car just arrived with two gentlemen
29:49and one of them had a gun,
29:51which I say will be the camera.
29:53Go get the count of Ángel, María.
29:57Wouldn't it be better if you get ready first and I'll help you?
29:59No, no, no.
30:01I have to talk to Pelayo as soon as possible.
30:03María, fly, fly.
30:05I run, I run.
30:07Faster than the wind, I run.
30:13Do you see the coin?
30:15Of course, we're not blind.
30:17Well, look, pay close attention.
30:20This coin...
30:23It's gone.
30:26It's gone.
30:28How did you do that, boy?
30:30Magic, I told you.
30:32You're bringing it back to me.
30:34I don't have enough rooms.
30:36The coin was for sale.
30:38Don't worry, Candela.
30:40If you have it, it's right behind your ear.
30:42Come on, kid, don't laugh at me.
30:44It's the truth.
30:49He left me like a fly.
30:51I can't even close my mouth.
30:53How did you do that, boy?
30:55Don't you believe in magic?
30:57Well, look at us.
31:03What's going on here?
31:05Nothing, I have my audience interrogated.
31:08Teresa, has he ever done that coin trick on you?
31:12Of course, he has.
31:14How can you trust this guy?
31:17Yes, he's been good at those tricks since he was a kid.
31:19I loved them.
31:26What do you mean you loved them?
31:28But you didn't meet us at the house of the witch duchess?
31:31Yes, yes, of course.
31:33Teresa and I are from the same village.
31:35But when we were kids, we hardly had any relationship.
31:37Although I knew all my tricks.
31:39Ah, I had no idea.
31:40Well, yes, Mrs. Simona, we were from the same village.
31:42You have to look back at life.
31:44Look back at life?
31:46I was already a little dizzy from how confused I was.
31:49Well, we were part of different groups of friends.
31:52And we hardly saw each other.
31:54Besides, I left the village very young.
31:56And fate brought us together many years later.
31:58For both of us, it was like getting to know each other from scratch.
32:01Isn't that surprising?
32:03A lot.
32:05You wouldn't believe it.
32:07And yet, look at us.
32:08Married and happy.
32:10Well, I think we should get back to work.
32:12Besides, a visitor has arrived,
32:14and I'm sure Mr. Ricardo needs your help, dear.
32:16Yes, darling.
32:24The coin.
32:26You forgot it.
32:31The world is a handkerchief.
32:34Yes, after what happened with Feliciano,
32:36Teresa deserves to be with a good man.
32:38Let's hope it's not Marcelo.
32:40That's for sure.
32:42He's a real pain in the ass.
32:44Maybe the problem is that the boy is in the wrong place,
32:47and the work in the palace isn't his thing.
32:51Now, why is that, Mario de Teresa?
32:53If you weren't so young, you'd be in the street.
32:55Nobody's perfect.
32:57Well, you and me, almost.
32:59Silvana, look.
33:01Do you see it now?
33:03Well, you don't see it now.
33:05Here it is!
33:15What's going on?
33:17That's what I'm saying.
33:19What are those two journalists doing down there?
33:21Didn't we cancel the interview?
33:25You can see for yourself.
33:31I don't know, I don't understand.
33:33I warned you.
33:35I told you I didn't want to talk to anyone about the press.
33:36It was a mistake.
33:38Yes, we agree on that. A capital mistake.
33:40Well, calm down, Catalina.
33:42I'll calm down when we solve this mess.
33:44Go down and talk to them right now.
33:46Someone from the newspaper had to make a negligence
33:48because I made it very clear to them that I didn't want them to come.
33:50I promise you I did things right.
33:52Good or bad, the point is that they're here.
33:54Go and tell them to leave.
33:56Please, go.
33:58I'll go down and solve all this right now.
34:07I thought all this was solved.
34:09I know that the count of Añil called the newspaper
34:11to cancel the interview.
34:13In fact, I myself was present at that call.
34:15Journalists are like dogs in a cage.
34:17They don't let go of the bone once they grab it.
34:19Well, of course, I don't feel good about that cancellation.
34:22They got upset because they said
34:24they hadn't had too much margin.
34:26And how much margin do they need, aunt?
34:30If they hadn't moved to La Promesa,
34:32they wouldn't have had any problem,
34:34but they had to come because those journalists
34:36have been invited.
34:38If they haven't been invited to this house,
34:40we can always dismiss them.
34:42They'll say it's a mess.
34:44And I'll accept it,
34:46but I'll tell them to leave calmly and without panic.
34:48Who are those two men at the door?
34:50One of them has had the audacity to address me
34:52without even introducing himself.
34:54Who would have believed it?
34:56They're journalists, mother.
34:58And you know they don't waste the opportunity
35:00to ask indiscreet questions.
35:02I knew it.
35:04They were the press' henchmen.
35:06I thought they had canceled the news
35:09and they did.
35:11You and I saw them talking to the newspaper.
35:13Calm down, Cruz.
35:15I'm sure it's a confusion.
35:17An interested confusion.
35:19Those people have come here to see if they can catch something.
35:21Well, they're going to leave empty-handed.
35:23I'll order them to leave
35:25with good manners and education, of course.
35:27Yes, of course.
35:29Don't give them a chance to criticize you in their newspaper.
35:31I have no fear of them.
35:33The thing is, I'm not prepared
35:34to answer indiscreet questions.
35:36Cruz, I don't think you have to worry about that.
35:38They don't want you to be the star of their newspaper.
35:40They're more interested in Catalina and Pelayo.
35:43Let's see if what's going to happen
35:45is that those two have deceived us
35:47and they haven't canceled anything.
35:49My sister would never do something like that, mother.
35:51Calm down, Cruz.
35:53It was a misunderstanding, I'm sure.
35:55A misunderstanding?
36:01Let's see if the connection
36:03Let's see if the count clarifies
36:05what those plumes are doing there.
36:07I came to talk to Catalina.
36:09Unfortunately, it's all a mistake.
36:11And what are you going to do to remedy it?
36:13I'm going to make sure they leave the promise.
36:15Well, we look forward to your news.
36:19Have you done what Mr. Pellicer told you?
36:21Yes, I have already accommodated the journalists
36:23in the music room.
36:25They are waiting for some of the gentlemen to receive them.
36:27And has everything gone well?
36:29Well, of course, it wasn't that difficult.
36:31Manolo, you know you have to be very careful.
36:35You have to be very careful.
36:37You have to be very careful.
36:39You have to be very careful.
36:41You have to be very careful.
36:43You have to be very careful.
36:44You have to be very careful.
36:48You're always going to be with the same nonsense.
36:50Well, yes.
36:52At least for a moment, until it gets serious
36:54and you stop making mistakes.
36:56Santos, excuse me.
36:58I have already accommodated the journalists.
37:00Do I have to do something else?
37:02They haven't told me anything.
37:04But I have a message to pass on to you
37:06from Mr. Curro.
37:08For me?
37:10Yes, he insisted that I talk to you.
37:12And what is it about?
37:14Excuse me.
37:16The gentleman has informed me of the incident he had with you.
37:19He told me that ...
37:21it was very abrupt
37:23and that his ways were not the right ones.
37:26He has asked me to apologize on his behalf.
37:30Do you see how it was not my fault?
37:32Marcelo, don't be mistaken.
37:34One thing is that the gentleman has recognized
37:36that his attitude was inappropriate.
37:38And another, very different, is that you have not made mistakes.
37:40You still have a lot to learn.
37:42But I am ...
37:44We all make mistakes.
37:46The gentleman is the first to recognize it
37:48and that honors him.
37:50Recognize all yours.
37:52Have you ever cleaned the silver?
37:56Well, come with me.
37:58It's time to learn something new.
38:01Pay attention
38:03and put the five senses.
38:15Come on.
38:17This is a gratification
38:19for the inconvenience that this misunderstood
38:21has been able to cause you.
38:23Very grateful.
38:25And do me the favor of speaking
38:27to your newspaper manager
38:29to verify that I did indeed call to cancel the interview.
38:31Do you know the name of the person who attended you?
38:33I'm sorry, but I don't remember right now.
38:35But I can assure you that I notified.
38:37And we do not doubt your word, Mr. Conde.
38:39Look, I understand that the pace of an editorial
38:42of a newspaper must be frantic
38:44and that perhaps someone will forget
38:46that my chronicle had been canceled.
38:48From what you say, he canceled it with very little margin.
38:51With enough so that you did not have to move here.
38:54But well, I already tell you that I take care of this mistake.
38:57We are all humans
38:59and who knows, maybe in the future
39:01we can carry out that chronicle
39:03that Miss Lujan and I promised to do.
39:05I hope so.
39:07Although you already know that what is news one day
39:09the next day no one cares.
39:11Please accompany these gentlemen to the exit
39:14and help them to take their things.
39:16Don't worry, we'll manage on our own.
39:18We just needed you to break the team.
39:23Just a little curiosity.
39:25Miss Catalina de Lujan and you
39:27have decided to leave the scandals
39:29and go back to promising marriage?
39:31The past is only the past
39:33and in the future you will know when it arrives.
39:35And the present?
39:37At what point is your relationship now?
39:39Well, let's say we are starting a new stage
39:41after clarifying the mistakes of months ago.
39:44I guess that's why you're staying here in La Promesa.
39:47That's right.
39:49Would you welcome under your roof
39:51someone with whom you didn't get along?
39:53Well, it's okay.
39:55In the end, you're going to do a simple curiosity,
39:57a whole interview, right?
39:59Thank you for coming.
40:01One more thing.
40:03We will be in contact.
40:05I wish you a good trip back.
40:27I'm sorry for the delay.
40:29I hope Pelayo is not having problems with those journalists.
40:32They are capable of showing up at the palace
40:33and not move until they get what they want.
40:36Look, you can show them how to do that.
40:41Catalina will be shocked.
40:44No, I'm the one who's on fire.
40:46I'm tired of my stepdaughter getting us into her problems.
40:50A lot of people fill her mouth talking about independence
40:53and then drag us all with her ineptitude.
40:55Cruz, that's it. That's it.
40:57Am I saying something that isn't true?
41:00I'll go talk to those journalists
41:01to see if I can get them to come to their senses.
41:04That's great. You're finally worthy of doing something.
41:08They've already left.
41:10Everything has been the result of a mistake.
41:12A mistake?
41:14Let me doubt it.
41:16Those people don't give up easily.
41:18If they're here, it's to see if they're up to something.
41:20No one has acted out of bad faith here.
41:22It's just that the order to revoke the interview didn't arrive in time.
41:24That's all.
41:27Well, I'm leaving.
41:28I'm taking advantage of the fact that the palace has been cleared
41:32and that I won't have to deal with those people.
41:54For one reason or another,
41:56Salvador and I always end up postponing the wedding.
41:58It looks like they've cursed us or something.
42:01You're exaggerating, María.
42:03I'm not exaggerating.
42:05First, the mess when Salvador returned from the war.
42:08Well, he just needed time to settle down.
42:11Yes. And then, because of Miss Catalina.
42:14And that absurd rule that you can't get married if you're a maid,
42:17if there's a wedding of middle-aged men.
42:19An absurd rule, obviously.
42:22And then there's the fake wedding that Salvador pulled out of his sleeve.
42:26That was just a coincidence.
42:29When I thought we were about to get married,
42:32Salvador accepted that job out of the blue and...
42:35And it turned out well.
42:39Well, María, anyone who hears your lamentations
42:42will think that your girlfriend left you on the altar.
42:45Ana is right.
42:47The important thing is that you're together and that you love each other.
42:49Yes. And I'm sure that sooner or later,
42:52you'll end up getting married and we'll celebrate it.
42:55As long as I don't end up seeing the moment
42:58when I marry Salvador.
43:00Well, you'll see how soon it'll be.
43:02And I don't care if it's a big wedding or a small one.
43:06The important thing is that we love each other
43:09and that it's the most beautiful day of our lives.
43:13Hey, Teresa, how was your wedding with Marcelo?
43:17You didn't tell us anything.
43:21Well, it was beautiful.
43:23Beautiful like all weddings.
43:26You know, with the grooms, the priest...
43:29The church.
43:32Sweetie, tell us something else.
43:34Some specific detail.
43:36There would be a special moment, right?
43:39Well, the truth is that it was quite simple and discreet.
43:42It turns out that a relative of Marcelo had passed away
43:46and, out of respect, we didn't want to invite him or anything.
43:57So we dressed up, we went up to the parish and we kissed.
44:01And that was it.
44:06Well, I'm sorry you didn't have a celebration in condition, Teresa.
44:10That's not the important thing, Maria.
44:15Well, I agree with you.
44:17The important thing is that there's love.
44:19And I think there's love between Teresa and Marcelo.
44:22And a lot.
44:23Well, but a wedding is a unique moment.
44:26And very special.
44:28And for us it was unforgettable and very special.
44:31Although not as we thought.
44:34Beto, yes.
44:36A wedding is the first day of the rest of your life.
44:38The important thing is not the moment itself, but everything that comes after.
44:52Come in, come in, Sergeant.
44:54What's your name?
44:56Emilio Burdina.
44:58Civil Guard Sergeant.
45:02I've been in charge of the Luján barracks for several months.
45:05And you're here to pick up Sergeant Furner, am I wrong?
45:09I've heard about you, but I didn't have the pleasure of meeting you.
45:12Have a seat, please.
45:18So, what have you brought for the promise?
45:22Unfortunately, it's not just a visit.
45:26I'm here to inform you of bad news.
45:29A tragic death, in fact.
45:31And who died? Who is it?
45:34The right question would be, who have you murdered?
45:39What did you say?
45:41It's Gregorio Castillo,
45:43the former mayor of this palace.
45:45His body was found with a shot in the chest
45:49in the old slaughterhouse.
46:01Don Gregorio is dead?
46:03Yes, apparently they found his body in the ruins of the slaughterhouse
46:06with a shot in the chest.
46:07The dog is dead.
46:09The anger is over.
46:11I wouldn't like his death to be related to this palace.
46:13Come on, it would be the flesh that those gossipers need.
46:17I'm afraid your wishes won't come true, Cruz.
46:20What do you know, Lorenzo?
46:22Apparently, the threat has disappeared,
46:24which is why Mrs. Pia was locked up.
46:26That's right.
46:28But you haven't told anyone that she's alive.
46:30Exactly. We have to be on our toes.
46:33We can't rush, especially now that we're so close to the finish line.
46:35What about the mayor?
46:37He's the dog of the slaughterhouse.
46:39He doesn't eat or let anyone eat.
46:41That's not it either.
46:43Well, you tell me what it is.
46:45We've served them a collection of articles
46:47to make our last name sound bad.
46:49I don't see it that way, Mother.
46:51I don't think they have anything to write against us,
46:53neither good nor bad.
46:55They needed a real story, those journalists,
46:57to make up those articles.
46:59I knew it.
47:01But you don't have to worry about anything.
47:03I don't have the right to be respected in my privacy.
47:05My name is in the mud.
47:07Well, there they are.
47:09Yes, but I'm fed up.
47:11What's that, Petra?
47:13I just brought you a treat, ma'am.
47:15Give it to me.
47:17Prepare a vase for the flowers.
47:19Of course, Petra. I'm going to keep them in my hand.
47:21Well, read the note, they disgust us.
47:25It's for you.
47:27I have to be with Father Samuel in Lujan.
47:31We'll get married in the afternoon.
47:33And there are three days left.
47:35I just spoke to Julia and she told me something
47:37that has disturbed me a lot.
47:43Well, don't play dumb, because if she told me,
47:45she had to tell you.
47:47Well, Martina, I'm just as shocked as you are.
47:49Santos, leave. Right now.
47:51But what did I say now?
47:53You know perfectly well what you said. Leave.
47:55Well, that woman has been in the palace day after day too.
47:57I thought that now that you had resumed the relationship,
47:59you would have many things to tell.
48:01You think it's funny, don't you?
48:03You came to that, to make fun of me.
48:05I'm sorry.
48:07As you have rightly said,
48:09I am one of the last people who saw Gregorio alive.
48:11And that makes me one of the main suspects,
48:13if not the first.
48:15Don't go to the barracks.
48:19I have nothing to hide.
48:21You have it, and more than you think.