• last year
00:00Welcome children. Let's learn some opposite words. Pass. Fail. Two opposite
00:07words. Pass. Fail. Look at the report card of Miko. She passed in everything. But
00:17look at the report card of Niko. He failed in everything. Pass and Fail. Niko
00:23is sad because he failed. But Miko is very happy because she passed. Two words,
00:31happy and sad, are different. They are opposite to each other. So children, if
00:36you want to be happy, study hard and pass, just like Miko.
00:49Left and right are opposite words. That car turned right. But this car turned
00:58left. Left and right are different words. They are opposite to each other. Oh say
01:04hello to Miko and Niko. They are going toward the left. The door is open and now
01:16it is shut. Open and shut. When the door is open, the lady can come out of the
01:23house. Look, Miko and Niko are going inside the house. But someone shut the
01:34door. Open and shut are opposite. More and less. Two different words. Two
01:40opposite words. Look, the shelf on the left, it has many fruits. It has more. But
01:46the shelf on the right has less. Look, candies. Which shelf has more candies?
01:51That's right, the shelf on the left. More and less. Opposite words. Hard. The
02:00opposite word is soft. Look, Miko can't eat her candy. It is very hard. But Miko
02:07is eating his candy because it is very soft. So hard and soft are different
02:14words. They are opposite words. Miko gave the money. That is buy. And the man gave
02:31her a teddy. That is sell. Buy and sell are opposite words. When Miko gives the
02:39money to the man, it is buy. When the man gives the ball to Miko, it is sell. Look,
02:48it is Miko. She is pulling the cart. Pull. Look, now it is Niko. He is pushing the
02:55cart. Push. So Miko is pulling the cart. And the opposite of pull is push. Niko is
03:02pushing the cart. Pull and push are two opposite words. Oh, this car is running at
03:13high speed. The car is very fast. Look, the girl with the bicycle is running at low
03:19speed. The bicycle is slow. So the car is fast. And the opposite of fast is slow.
03:29The bicycle is slow. Fast and slow are opposite words. Say hello to Miko and
03:38Niko. Oops, Miko is clean. But Niko is dirty. The fast car passed and now Niko
03:46is dirty. But look at Miko. She is clean. Remember children, clean and dirty are
03:53opposite to each other. Goodbye children. See you in the next video.