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A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and follow the channel. Your appreciations are much needed


00:00:21What's wrong, Tofu?
00:00:24I can't sleep!
00:00:26Would a bedtime story help?
00:00:29Yeah, I guess.
00:00:54Once near a beautiful pond
00:00:58there lived a handsome duck couple.
00:01:01They were very excited
00:01:03as the babies were about to get hatched from the eggs.
00:01:09The papa duck was so eager to see his babies
00:01:13that all he could do was roam here and there in anxiety.
00:01:18Suddenly, what they hear is sweet little quack quacks
00:01:23coming from the nest
00:01:24and the papa duck just rushes to the nest
00:01:28to catch the first glimpse of his babies.
00:01:33Oh my God!
00:01:35They are so lovely!
00:01:37Suddenly, a whole squawk comes from below mama duck.
00:02:08You are so ugly and pale.
00:02:11You can't be our baby.
00:02:17The papa and mama duck along with their four babies sail away
00:02:23far away from the ugly duckling
00:02:25leaving him behind in dismay and all alone.
00:02:32The poor duckling doesn't know what's wrong with him.
00:02:38He checks his wings, his beak, his feet
00:02:43but all looks fine.
00:02:45Suddenly, he turns around and sees his reflection in the pond
00:02:51and what he sees sends him complete disappointment.
00:02:58Nobody loves me.
00:03:00What would I do now?
00:03:02Where would I go?
00:03:04The ugly duckling starts walking in complete sadness.
00:03:09So many days, weeks and months pass by
00:03:14and the poor ugly duckling wanders all alone in the deep forest.
00:03:22Suddenly, he stops and feels extremely cold.
00:03:30Oh! It is so cold.
00:03:32I wish I had a warm house too.
00:03:39Suddenly, a huge ball of snow comes rolling from behind
00:03:44and the poor duckling gets caught in that and starts screaming for help.
00:03:51A woodcutter cutting the woods in a nearby place
00:03:55hears the scream of the duckling and runs for help.
00:04:03Oh, poor thing!
00:04:05Come here, you need something warm to drink.
00:04:10The woodcutter picks up the ugly duckling
00:04:13and keeps him in the warmth of his overcoat.
00:04:18He takes him home and keeps him wrapped in a warm blanket
00:04:23right in front of the fireplace.
00:04:26Don't worry, poor little thing.
00:04:29I will take care of you.
00:04:34And like this, many years pass by
00:04:36and the ugly duckling grew under the care of the woodcutter.
00:04:47But one thing he made sure, never did he see his reflection again.
00:04:59One day, on a sunny afternoon
00:05:02he was wandering around the sides of a lake.
00:05:06Suddenly, he sees a wedge of swans swimming in the pond.
00:05:14Look at those swans!
00:05:16They are so beautiful!
00:05:19I wish I was a beautiful duck too.
00:05:22I have no friends because I am a duckling.
00:05:26I feel oh so lonely!
00:05:30To his amazement, he sees the wedge of swans coming towards him.
00:05:36What he sees is the most beautiful swan ever.
00:05:41Hey, we have never seen you around.
00:05:45Are you new here?
00:05:47No, I live nearby with the woodcutter.
00:05:51He is a very nice man.
00:05:53No, I live nearby with the woodcutter.
00:05:57It's just that I don't come out often.
00:06:00Why is that so?
00:06:03Because I am an ugly duck.
00:06:06Nobody loves me.
00:06:08Nobody wants me.
00:06:12Not to his surprise, he sees them laughing at him.
00:06:16He decides to turn back
00:06:18when suddenly he hears the voice of the beautiful swan.
00:06:23Wait, where are you going?
00:06:26See, even you guys make fun of me.
00:06:29That's the reason I never come out.
00:06:33We laughed because you called yourself a duck.
00:06:37What do you mean?
00:06:39Yes, you are not a duck.
00:06:41You are a swan.
00:06:43And I haven't seen such a handsome swan ever in my life.
00:06:48He couldn't believe of what he just heard
00:06:51and stood there in a state of shock.
00:06:55And after a few seconds managed to say
00:07:01The beautiful swan held the hand of the duck
00:07:04and took him near the pond.
00:07:06See yourself.
00:07:09You are a swan.
00:07:11The ugly duckling very reluctantly bends over the water
00:07:16because he doesn't want to see the ugly him.
00:07:19But what he sees leaves him in total disbelief.
00:07:23He is not a duck.
00:07:26He is a swan.
00:07:27A handsome young swan.
00:07:32I am a swan.
00:07:36He jumps and flies and swims in sheer happiness
00:07:41and then suddenly stops to thank the beautiful swan.
00:07:46Thank you so much.
00:07:49Thank you so much for making me know who I am.
00:07:54So now that you know you are a swan
00:07:56would you join our wedge?
00:07:58We would live together as a happy family.
00:08:02Yes, I would love to do that.
00:08:06And then the ugly duckling
00:08:09The handsome swan jumps into the water with the rest of the swans
00:08:15and swims proudly with them.
00:08:27So the poor duck was never a duck?
00:08:30A swan all throughout?
00:08:33Yeah! And that's what the moral of the story is.
00:08:38A diamond doesn't know its worth till it's polished.
00:08:42Aha! Good night, Tofu. It's time to sleep now.
00:09:13Slow and steady wins the race.
00:09:31Slow and steady wins the race.
00:09:42What happened, Tofu? What is it that you are thinking?
00:09:47Yes, Tia. I am not able to understand how can a person
00:09:52win the race if he is slow and yet steady?
00:09:56There is a very famous story behind this.
00:10:00Should I tell you that first?
00:10:04Long ago in a forest
00:10:08a small get together of animals was taking place.
00:10:13The Hare and the Tortoise
00:10:19Long ago, in a forest
00:10:23a small get-together of animals was taking place.
00:10:35You know what?
00:10:37I can beat anyone in this forest.
00:10:40Nobody can beat me in a race.
00:10:53Yes, I have seen him running.
00:10:58I bet he can beat anyone in this forest.
00:11:03Suddenly, from the crowd, they hear somebody laughing.
00:11:16Why are you laughing?
00:11:19You think you can beat me in a race?
00:11:25I may not disagree with you, oh Mr. Hare.
00:11:28But I might not deny that I have no fear of competing with you.
00:11:39Oh really? So, let's have a race and let's see who wins.
00:11:45Oh really? So, let's have a race and let's see who wins.
00:12:05So, one fine sunny day, all the animals gathered for the race.
00:12:15Everybody was sure that the Hare is going to be a clear-cut winner.
00:12:39May the best man win!
00:12:41And that is me, said the Hare proudly.
00:12:54Now let's go, old man. I'll beat you in a second.
00:13:12The Hare runs so fast that all the things on the path go for a spin.
00:13:31On the other hand, the tortoise is running too
00:13:35but at such a pace that even snails could pass by him.
00:13:41The tortoise is running so fast that even snails could pass by him.
00:13:50Suddenly, the Hare stops and looks behind.
00:14:00Oh my Lord! That tortoise is gonna take ages to reach this point.
00:14:06Let's just stop here and take some rest.
00:14:10By the time he reaches here, I would get good rest
00:14:15and then cover him up in a blink of a second.
00:14:18In the meanwhile, the tortoise slowly and steadily
00:14:23reaches the point where the Hare is fast asleep.
00:14:28He very quietly tiptoes past the Hare
00:14:32and the Hare is all ignorant of this fact.
00:14:37The Hare is now sleeping soundly in the shade of a tree.
00:14:49Suddenly, the Hare gets up by the rows of the crowd
00:14:53cheering up the tortoise.
00:14:55Go, tortoise! Go! Go, tortoise!
00:15:19Oh my Lord! How is that possible?
00:15:22I kept on sleeping for so long
00:15:25that the tortoise is about to finish the race.
00:15:32He runs and runs and runs.
00:15:37But to his disappointment, the tortoise just manages to finish the race before he could.
00:16:04In the story, the Hare was so full of himself
00:16:09he was overconfident that he would surely beat the tortoise in the race
00:16:15because he is faster than that poor being in every other way. But…
00:16:22But the hare underestimated the tortoise
00:16:25and succumbed in his own fake overconfidence.
00:16:29Yes! And that's why only a person who thinks calmly
00:16:35and is not overconfident of himself
00:16:38wins the race in every sphere of life.
00:16:42Proud people can't survive for long.
00:17:12What happened? Why can't you sleep?
00:17:15I don't know.
00:17:16Can you please put me off to sleep by telling me a story?
00:17:21Sure Tofu. I'll tell you one of my favourite story.
00:17:36Little Red Riding Hood lived in a hut near a forest with her mother.
00:17:43She always wore a beautiful red hood while going out.
00:17:49One day, she went to see her grandmother.
00:17:58On her way, she met a wolf.
00:18:06Hello! Where are you going?
00:18:09I am going to see my granny.
00:18:11Granny! She lives behind that hill.
00:18:15The wolf got a wicked idea.
00:18:24The wolf ran to granny's house.
00:18:42And ate her up.
00:18:44And got into granny's bed.
00:18:52After some time, Little Red Riding Hood reached the house.
00:18:59She saw the wolf lying in her granny's bed.
00:19:05Oh granny! What big eyes you have!
00:19:08Oh granny! What big ears you have!
00:19:13Oh granny! What big eyes you have!
00:19:17So that I can see you better.
00:19:20Granny! What big ears you have!
00:19:23So that I can hear you better.
00:19:27Granny! What a big nose you have!
00:19:32So that I can smell you better.
00:19:35So that I can eat you better.
00:19:41Oh my God! Help me! Help me!
00:19:47Nearby, a woodcutter was in the forest and he heard the scream.
00:19:53He ran to the house just to see the wolf attacking the little girl.
00:20:00He hit the wolf over the head
00:20:03and this made the wolf open his mouth and shout.
00:20:08The granny jumped out.
00:20:11The wolf ran away and the Little Red Riding Hood never saw the wolf again.
00:20:26So Tofu, Little Red Riding Hood was able to save herself
00:20:31and her old grandmother too.
00:21:01Woof! Woof! Woof!
00:21:05Woof! Woof! Woof!
00:21:18Hey Tia! That monkey over there tried to imitate me.
00:21:23Oh really?
00:21:24Tia! Why are you laughing?
00:21:27Wait! I'll tell you why monkeys do this.
00:21:32The Monkeys and the Cap Seller
00:21:53Once, a cap seller was going to sell his caps in a village market.
00:21:59Caps! Caps! Caps!
00:22:025 rupees caps! 10 rupees caps! Caps! Caps!
00:22:08He was going through a forest.
00:22:10He was carrying a basket of red caps on his head.
00:22:19He got tired in the heat of the sun
00:22:24and thought of lying down under a tree for some time.
00:22:28He put his basket on the ground.
00:22:34I am so tired. Let me take a small nap.
00:22:44There were monkeys on that tree.
00:22:59They came down
00:23:10and one by one took all the caps from the cap seller's basket.
00:23:28Then, they climbed on the tree.
00:23:33When the cap seller woke up, he was shocked to see his basket empty.
00:23:38He searched for his caps everywhere.
00:23:42To his surprise, he saw the monkeys were wearing them.
00:23:50He found that the monkeys were imitating him.
00:23:54So, he started throwing his cap down and the monkeys did so.
00:24:01The cap seller collected all the caps
00:24:04put them back in his basket
00:24:08and went away happily.
00:24:24So, Tofu, we should deal with cleverness in such situations
00:24:29because wisdom helps during difficult times.
00:24:33I understand.
00:24:54Tofu, I think you should help the poor dog.
00:24:57Why, Tia?
00:24:59Wait, I'll explain this to you through a story.
00:25:04The Lion and the Mouse
00:25:12One day, the lion and the mouse went to the forest to look for food.
00:25:18One day, a lion was sleeping in his den.
00:25:23A mouse was also playing nearby.
00:25:26Little mouse began running up and down upon him.
00:25:31This soon wakened the lion.
00:25:34Angry at the little mouse, the lion caught the mouse and said
00:25:38You little mouse, how dare you wake me?
00:25:42I will kill you.
00:25:44The mouse was frightened and prayed to the lion.
00:25:48Pardon, O King. Please do not kill me.
00:25:51I am a little creature. Please let me go
00:25:54and I will do you a good return one day for sparing my life.
00:25:59The lion was rather amused to hear this
00:26:02thinking, what good can he do to me?
00:26:05But let him go.
00:26:07A few days after, the lion was walking in a jungle.
00:26:12He found himself caught in a hunter's net.
00:26:16He rode and rolled to get out of the net
00:26:20but he failed.
00:26:37The lion was pleading for help.
00:26:41Help me! Help me!
00:26:45The mouse, whose life was saved by the lion
00:26:48heard the roar and ran to the lion and said
00:26:56Don't worry, my friend. I will save you.
00:27:01The mouse gathered all his friends and told them
00:27:07We all have to help my friend and set him free.
00:27:14The mouse and his friends cut through the net and set the lion free.
00:27:21The lion escaped and thanked the mouse.
00:27:26And from that day, they became the best of friends.
00:27:31Like the little mouse and lion had become friends
00:27:35and in the end, helped each other
00:27:38you should help this dog too.
00:27:42Coz a friend in need is a friend indeed.
00:28:01Oh, Tia! I am feeling scared.
00:28:04Would we be able to reach our camp?
00:28:07Yes, Tofu. Don't worry. We will reach our camp soon.
00:28:12But I am still feeling scared.
00:28:16Wait, let me tell you a similar story.
00:28:20When the lion and the mouse met
00:28:22the lion and the mouse were very scared.
00:28:26Wait, let me tell you a similar story.
00:28:30It will help you to distract your mind.
00:28:41Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks.
00:28:47She had golden hair.
00:28:50One morning, she was walking in the forest and lost her way.
00:28:56She saw a friendly cottage.
00:29:05She knocked on the door.
00:29:07But nobody was there.
00:29:10She went inside.
00:29:13The friendly cottage belonged to three bears.
00:29:20Goldilocks was very hungry.
00:29:22She saw three bowls of porridge on the table.
00:29:27First, she tried a spoonful from Daddy Bear's big bowl.
00:29:32This porridge is too hot.
00:29:34Next, she tried from Mama Bear's medium bowl.
00:29:39This porridge is also too hot.
00:29:42Finally, she tried from Baby Bear's small bowl.
00:29:47This porridge is just right.
00:29:49And she ate the whole bowl.
00:29:53Now Goldilocks was tired.
00:29:56She saw three chairs kept in a room.
00:30:02This chair is too big.
00:30:08This chair is too big too.
00:30:14This chair is just right.
00:30:20But the chair broke.
00:30:23Goldilocks was very tired.
00:30:25So she went upstairs.
00:30:34She saw three beds in the room.
00:30:41She sat on the first bed
00:30:44and thought
00:30:45This bed is too hard.
00:30:49This bed is too soft.
00:30:53This bed is just right.
00:30:57Soon the three bears came home.
00:31:04Who's been eating my porridge?
00:31:07asked Daddy Bear.
00:31:10Who's been eating my porridge?
00:31:12asked Mama Bear.
00:31:14Who's been eating my porridge?
00:31:16And eaten it all up?
00:31:19cried Baby Bear.
00:31:27Who's been sitting on my chair?
00:31:29Daddy Bear howled.
00:31:33Who's been sitting on my chair?
00:31:35wondered Mama Bear.
00:31:38Who's been sitting on my chair?
00:31:40And it's broken?
00:31:42cried Baby Bear.
00:31:50They went up in the room and saw
00:31:52Who's been sleeping on my bed?
00:31:56said Daddy Bear.
00:31:58Who's been sleeping on my bed?
00:32:01said Mama Bear.
00:32:02Who's been sleeping on my bed?
00:32:06And she is still there?
00:32:09screamed Baby Bear.
00:32:13Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears.
00:32:16She was so frightened
00:32:18that she jumped out of the bed
00:32:20and raced through the forest.
00:32:24And she never came back.
00:32:39Oh! Goldilocks lost her weight.
00:32:43Oh! Goldilocks lost her weight too.
00:32:46Just like us.
00:32:50No Tofu, we have not lost our weight.
00:32:56See, we are already at the camp.
00:33:00These cookies are so yum.
00:33:02I can eat them forever.
00:33:05Tofu, have you ever imagined
00:33:07what if these cookies become alive?
00:33:12Hmm, this reminds me of a story.
00:33:17Once upon a time, there was a boy
00:33:19who lived in a small village.
00:33:22He had a dream.
00:33:24He had a dream that
00:33:26reminds me of a story.
00:33:34Long ago, there lived an old couple.
00:33:42One day, the old woman cooked a gingerbread cookie
00:33:47in the shape of a man.
00:33:57As soon as the gingerbread man was cooked
00:34:10he jumped out of the tin
00:34:12and ran out of the open window, shouting
00:34:15Don't eat me!
00:34:20He ran away as fast as he could.
00:34:23The old couple tried to chase the gingerbread man
00:34:27but he was too fast for them.
00:34:32Soon, a hungry pig
00:34:38saw the gingerbread man and said
00:34:41Stop! I would like to eat you.
00:34:49He too joined the chase.
00:34:53The gingerbread man was too fast and said
00:34:57You can't catch me. I am the gingerbread man.
00:35:13A little further, a hungry cow saw the gingerbread man and said
00:35:18Stop! I would like to eat you.
00:35:24She too joined the chase.
00:35:28You can't catch me. I am the gingerbread man.
00:35:38Next, he met a horse.
00:35:44The horse too joined the chase.
00:35:46Finally, the gingerbread man came to a river
00:35:50and stopped as the river could make him soggy.
00:35:56A clever fox came by
00:35:59and wanted to eat him up.
00:36:04But he pretended to be nice
00:36:06and offered help to the gingerbread man.
00:36:09He asked the gingerbread man
00:36:12to climb on his head so that he could take him across the river.
00:36:19The gingerbread man was so scared of water that he agreed.
00:36:31As soon as they reached the other side
00:36:34the fox tossed up the gingerbread man in the air.
00:36:38He opened his mouth and ate him up.
00:36:41That was the end of the gingerbread man.
00:36:47I don't want my cookies alive and get eaten by a wolf.
00:36:55Enjoy your cookies, Tofu.
00:37:32Stop, Tofu!
00:37:33But why so? I am just trying to get my ball out.
00:37:37But see those red ants.
00:37:41You better be careful.
00:37:42Thanks, Tia.
00:37:55I'll tell you an interesting story.
00:37:58The Fox and the Sick Lion
00:38:01Once upon a time, there lived a lion in the forest.
00:38:11As the lion was growing old
00:38:13he was unable to hunt for his food.
00:38:19He thought that without food he would die of starvation.
00:38:25So, the lion thought of a plan.
00:38:36He decided to lie down in the shade of a tree.
00:38:42The tree was so tall that the lion couldn't reach it.
00:38:47So, the lion decided to lie down in the shade of a tree.
00:38:51He decided to lie down in the cave and pretend that he is ill.
00:39:12And whosoever will come to meet him will become his prey.
00:39:17Being the king of the jungle
00:39:19the lion announced he was sick
00:39:22and summoned the animals to come and hear his last will.
00:39:47The lion put his sinful plan to practice and it started working.
00:39:53Poor animals didn't know about his wicked plan and fell into his trap.
00:39:59Many of his well-wishers got killed.
00:40:36One day, a fox came to visit the sick lion.
00:40:41The fox was clever and discovered the trick.
00:40:46He stood on the outside of the cave at a respectful distance and asked
00:40:54How are you, sir?
00:40:55I am not feeling well at all.
00:40:58But why don't you come inside to meet me?
00:41:02No, thank you, sir.
00:41:04I noticed that there are many prints of you.
00:41:07Sir, I noticed that there are many prints of feet entering your cave
00:41:12but I see no trace of any returning.
00:41:17Still, if I come inside, I would be a fool.
00:41:23And the fox saved his life and informed other animals too.
00:41:29So, Tofu, the moral of the story is
00:41:32you should never trust a fake person.
00:41:58I can't do it.
00:41:59Try Tofu, you can.
00:42:29Tia, I can't.
00:42:31Anyways, it's too high for me and I am too short.
00:42:35Listen, Tofu.
00:42:36I have a story for you.
00:42:38Would you wanna hear it?
00:42:50Once, in a forest, there lived a furry fox.
00:42:55He was wandering around the forest in search of food.
00:43:03I am so hungry.
00:43:05I need to eat something.
00:43:26The fox was passing a vineyard but he wasn't aware it was one.
00:43:36I am so hungry that I can't even see what that round thing is.
00:43:44He went a little ahead but stopped
00:43:47as he noticed the smell of the delicious grapes.
00:43:51Wow! There are so many grapes in this vineyard.
00:43:57My mouth is watering.
00:44:03The fox looked at the grape vine and drooled.
00:44:12The fox jumped up towards the grapes
00:44:17but the grapes were too high for him.
00:44:22He tried and tried but the effort was futile.
00:44:29He tried again and this time he was about to touch them
00:44:37but failed again.
00:44:41Oh! I am so tired.
00:44:44These grapes are too high.
00:44:47I can't reach them at all.
00:44:51At any cost.
00:44:54He sat there and thought for a long time
00:44:57that how he can get those grapes.
00:45:00He suddenly got up and said to himself
00:45:04Those grapes are probably sour.
00:45:08In fact, I don't like grapes.
00:45:12Why should I try so hard for them?
00:45:17The fox couldn't reach the grapes
00:45:19and hence escaped by making excuses.
00:45:27But his tummy kept growling of hunger
00:45:30and he had to go without eating anything.
00:45:39So Tofu, the fox had to go empty handed
00:45:44because he just made an excuse.
00:45:48Always remember
00:45:49you won't achieve your goals if you give up by making excuses.
00:45:55So let's go and try again.
00:46:18What are you doing, Tofu?
00:46:20I am trying to water the plants but this hose is broken.
00:46:25Come, let me tell you a short story.
00:46:29The Clever Crow
00:46:34The clever crow is a very clever bird.
00:46:37It can fly, jump and fly.
00:46:40But it can't fly very well.
00:46:43The Clever Crow
00:46:49The Clever Crow
00:47:14One hot day, a thirsty crow
00:47:17flew all over the fields looking for water.
00:47:44The Clever Crow
00:47:49The Clever Crow
00:47:55The Clever Crow
00:48:03The Clever Crow
00:48:10The Clever Crow
00:48:14For a long time, he could not find any water.
00:48:21Suddenly, he saw a water jug below the tree.
00:48:27He flew straight down to see if there was any water inside.
00:48:32Yes, he could see some water inside the jug.
00:48:36The crow tried to push his head into the jug.
00:48:40Sadly, he found that the neck of the jug was too narrow.
00:48:46What should I do? I am really thirsty.
00:48:49How do I drink water?
00:48:52Then he tried to push the jug to tilt for the water to flow out
00:48:57but the jug was too heavy.
00:48:59He looked around and saw some pebbles.
00:49:02He suddenly had a good idea.
00:49:05He started picking up the pebbles one by one
00:49:08dropping each into the jug.
00:49:11As more and more pebbles filled the jug
00:49:14the water level kept rising.
00:49:16Soon, it was high enough for the crow to drink.
00:49:20His plan had worked.
00:49:23So, like the clever crow was able to find a solution
00:49:28to the problem by thinking and working hard
00:49:31would you be able to find one to this too?
00:49:53Thanks, Tia.
00:50:19Why is that, Tiago?
00:50:21Why is that young man helping that man to cross the road?
00:50:25That's because he is blind and needs help to cross the road.
00:50:30Oh! How nice of that man to help him.
00:50:34Yes, it's always good to help others.
00:50:37Why, Tia?
00:50:39Come, Tofu and I'll tell you a story
00:50:42The Dove and the Ant
00:50:52One hot day, an ant was walking near a river bank.
00:51:04The poor ant lost its balance and fell inside the water.
00:51:10Oh! Oh! Help me! Please help me! Help me!
00:51:15She screamed for help as the flow of the river was too strong.
00:51:20She was carried away.
00:51:22Someone please help me! Help me! Please!
00:51:26Someone help me! Help me! Please!
00:51:29Someone help me! Please help me!
00:51:32A dove was watching all this from a nearby tree.
00:51:36The ant was struggling for life in the water.
00:51:40The dove felt very sad for the little ant.
00:51:43Help me! Please help me!
00:51:45Oh no! The little ant is in trouble.
00:51:48And he decided to help her.
00:51:50Help me! Please help me!
00:51:52He said to the ant.
00:51:54Don't worry, my friend. I will save you.
00:51:59The dove quickly plucked off a leaf
00:52:08and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant.
00:52:12The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there
00:52:16and the ant reached to the shore safely.
00:52:19The thankful ant said
00:52:21I will always be grateful to you for saving my life.
00:52:31Few weeks later, the ant saw a bad hunter with a gun.
00:52:36The hunter was targeting at the dove sitting on the tree.
00:52:47Guessing what he was about to do
00:52:49the ant quickly bit him on the heel.
00:52:52Ouch! You pathetic ant! What have you done?
00:53:07The ant walked away happily
00:53:09as she was able to help the dove in return.
00:53:30So Tofu, just the way dove's good deed helped him
00:53:35to get out of danger by the ant
00:53:38similarly, every good deed we do for others
00:53:42will surely come back to us.
00:53:46I will always help the needy.
00:53:49That's like a good boy, Tofu.
00:53:52Oh, God! Somebody help me. The insect has bitten me.
00:54:00Oh, God! Come, let me put some ice.
00:54:03Why did it happen to me?
00:54:05Let me tell you a story.
00:54:07The Fox and the Stork
00:54:11Once upon a time, there was a small town.
00:54:14There lived a little fox.
00:54:17Once, a fox and a stork were friends
00:54:20and the fox invited the stork for dinner.
00:54:28Dear friend, I wish to invite you for a meal at my home.
00:54:33I will cook a delicious soup for you.
00:54:36I would love to come.
00:54:47The fox made a delicious soup as promised.
00:54:51The fox was very clever and played a cruel trick.
00:54:58When the stork visited his home that evening
00:55:02she was given a shallow dish filled with soup.
00:55:11Thus, the fox could easily digest the soup.
00:55:16She could easily lap up
00:55:18but the stork could only wet the end of her bill in it.
00:55:22I have made this delicious soup.
00:55:27Myself, enjoy your meal.
00:55:34Poor stork did not say anything
00:55:37and pretended to enjoy the meal.
00:55:40At the end of the evening, however
00:55:43the stork went home hungry.
00:55:47One week later, the stork invited the fox for lunch at her house.
00:55:59Dear fox, why don't you come to my house for lunch?
00:56:03I am cooking fish for the meal.
00:56:06Said the stork.
00:56:08Thank you, dear stork. I would be happy to come.
00:56:12Said the fox.
00:56:17The stork made delicious fish.
00:56:29When the fox arrived, the stork served the fish in a pitcher.
00:56:38The fox stared hungrily at the food
00:56:41but he could not taste it.
00:56:43He had a thick snout and couldn't eat from the pitcher.
00:56:48So all he could manage to do
00:56:50was to lick the outside of the pitcher.
00:56:55Did you enjoy the lunch, my friend?
00:56:57I made it especially for you.
00:57:00Asked the stork with a nasty smile.
00:57:03The fox remembered his cruel trick on the stork
00:57:07and had to confess that the clever stork
00:57:10made him learn a lesson.
00:57:12The stork enjoyed the meal
00:57:14while the fox looked on sheepishly and went home hungry.
00:57:29So Tofu, as the fox did bad to the stork
00:57:32the stork did bad to him too.
00:57:35Because one bad turn deserves another.
00:57:39Now I understand.
00:58:06What are you trying to do, Tofu?
00:58:08I am trying to pluck mangoes from this tree
00:58:12but the effort is going useless.
00:58:14That's because the mangoes are too far away
00:58:17and the stones are too heavy.
00:58:19Then what should I do, Tia?
00:58:21I really want those mangoes.
00:58:25Let me tell you a story.
00:58:28The Three Little Pigs
00:58:31The Three Little Pigs
00:58:36Once upon a time
00:58:39there was a mama pig
00:58:44and three little pigs.
00:58:47One day
00:58:48mama pig said to them
00:58:50You are old enough to build your own houses.
00:59:02The first pig built a house of straw.
00:59:07The second pig built a house of straw.
00:59:12The third pig built a house of straw.
00:59:17He said
00:59:19Now the wolf can't come and catch me and eat me.
00:59:30The second pig built his house with sticks
00:59:34stronger than the first pig's house.
00:59:37He said
00:59:38Now the wolf can't come and catch me and eat me.
00:59:46The third pig built his house with bricks
00:59:49stronger than the second pig's house.
00:59:52He said
00:59:53Now the wolf can't come and catch me and eat me.
00:59:59Next day
01:00:00the wolf came to the house made of straw.
01:00:06The wolf knocked at the door and said
01:00:08Little pig, little pig
01:00:10let me come in.
01:00:11I will not let you in.
01:00:13Little pig, little pig
01:00:15let me come in.
01:00:16I will not let you come in.
01:00:17said the little pig.
01:00:18Then I will huff and puff and blow your house away.
01:00:22said the wolf.
01:00:24So he huffed and puffed.
01:00:30The house of straw fell down
01:00:35and the wolf ate up the first little pig.
01:00:40Next day
01:00:41the wolf came to the house made of sticks.
01:00:45He knocked at the door and said
01:00:47Little pig, little pig
01:00:49let me come in.
01:00:50I will not let you come in.
01:00:52said the little pig.
01:00:53Then I will huff and puff and blow your house away.
01:00:57said the wolf.
01:00:59So he huffed and puffed and blew the house away.
01:01:05The house of sticks fell down
01:01:08and the wolf ate up.
01:01:11The second little pig.
01:01:17Next day
01:01:20the wolf came to the house made of bricks.
01:01:28Little pig, little pig
01:01:30let me come in.
01:01:32I will not let you come in.
01:01:34said the little pig.
01:01:35Then I will huff and puff and blow your house away.
01:01:39said the wolf.
01:01:41The big bad wolf tried to huff and puff and blow the house down.
01:01:53But he couldn't.
01:01:56He kept trying for hours but the house was very strong.
01:02:03He tried to enter through the chimney
01:02:06but the clever third little pig
01:02:09boiled a big pot of water
01:02:11and kept it below the chimney.
01:02:13The wolf fell into it and died.
01:02:20So the way the third wise pig
01:02:22managed to escape from the wolf without using weapons
01:02:26but through his wisdom
01:02:28would you be able to do the same?
01:02:59What happened, Tofu?
01:03:02Tia, today in school our teacher asked us to write something about the wolf.
01:03:09So why don't you write about it?
01:03:12But Tia, I don't know anything about how a wolf behaves.
01:03:17Come, let me tell you a story
01:03:19and then you would be able to figure out how it behaves.
01:03:29The Wolf and the Crane
01:03:38One day, a hungry wolf was eating his prey
01:03:49so rapidly that a bone got stuck in his throat.
01:03:59He ran around the forest howling in pain.
01:04:07Please help me, I will reward handsomely
01:04:14anyone who removes the bone from my throat.
01:04:29A passing crane took pity on the wolf.
01:04:38Even though the task was dangerous
01:04:45the lure of the prophet motivated him to help.
01:04:49So he decided to help him.
01:04:53I will help you, but you need to stay still.
01:05:00I'll look down your throat and then remove the bone.
01:05:08As promised, the crane did what he had to do.
01:05:12As promised, the crane did his job.
01:05:18Now give me my reward.
01:05:23What reward, you greedy fellow?
01:05:28You had your head in my throat
01:05:31and instead of eating you up, I let you go unharmed.
01:05:35That should be reward enough for you.
01:05:38Go away or I'll crush you.
01:05:42The crane walked away disappointed
01:05:47although he felt happy that he had helped in saving someone's life.
01:06:06So what did you understand from this story?
01:06:09That one cannot trust the cunnings of a wolf.
01:06:13Right, Tofu. And now would you be able to write about the wolf?
01:06:18Yes, Tia.
01:06:35Tia, I'm really hungry. What's for lunch?
01:06:40Come, Tofu. Mum has made your favourite meal today.
01:06:44My favourite?
01:07:01Oh Tia, something got stuck in my throat.
01:07:06How many times have I told you not to eat in such a hurry?
01:07:11But I was hungry, Tia.
01:07:14You need to listen to this story.
01:07:22Once upon a time, in a village
01:07:25there lived a poor farmer with his wife.
01:07:28They had nothing but a little farm
01:07:31where they grew vegetables that they could eat.
01:07:35However, he managed to save a little money
01:07:38each time he sold vegetables from his farm.
01:07:42Eventually, he saved up enough money to buy a goose.
01:07:48He took it home and made a nest for it to lay eggs.
01:07:53The goose will produce eggs and lay eggs.
01:07:58Eggs, which he could use for selling, eating and making bread
01:08:03thought the farmer.
01:08:05The next morning, when he went to gather some eggs for his breakfast
01:08:10he lifted the goose and to his surprise
01:08:13the goose had laid a golden egg.
01:08:16The next morning, he found another egg
01:08:19and the next and the next.
01:08:23Slowly and steadily, the farmer and his wife were becoming richer and richer.
01:08:38Just think, if we could have all the golden eggs that are inside the goose
01:08:43we could be richer much faster.
01:08:53You're right.
01:08:54We wouldn't have to wait for the goose to lay her egg everyday.
01:09:22So the couple killed the goose and cut her open
01:09:32only to find that she was just like every other goose.
01:09:40She had no golden eggs inside of her at all
01:09:44and they had no more golden eggs.
01:09:48Alas! Now the farmer and his wife had lost the goose
01:09:53and they would never get any golden eggs again.
01:10:02So Tofu, just like the couple suffered because they were greedy
01:10:07you should be careful too
01:10:09because too much greed always leads to great loss.
01:10:13Oh, got it, Tia. I'll be careful next time.
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