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A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and follow the channel. Your appreciations are much needed


00:00Join Kids Hat Family!
00:14Ah! Here is my favourite red nail paint.
00:18This will go perfectly with my outfit today.
00:21Let me take a shower first and get ready.
00:24Wow! This colour is so beautiful.
00:27I will paint an apple today with this.
00:37My friends will be so happy seeing my painting.
00:53I kept it right here.
00:55Where is it?
01:05How can I misplace my favourite nail paint?
01:15Have you seen my red nail paint?
01:17I can't find it.
01:19Is it on my bed?
01:21No! What are you talking about?
01:23I was in the living room completing my art homework.
01:29I have no idea about your nail paint.
01:39I will teach him a lesson now since he lied to me.
01:46Where is my painting?
01:48How will I show it to my friends and teachers?
01:53May be God punished me for stealing Tia's nail paint.
02:01Poor Tofu! He didn't know he lied and hurt me for his joy.
02:06Can I come in?
02:08I want to give you something.
02:10Yes, please. Come in.
02:16What is it?
02:17I am sorry.
02:19I picked up your nail paint while you were in the shower.
02:23Actually, the colour looked so beautiful.
02:26I wanted to give it to you.
02:31I knew it when I saw the red nail paint in the living room.
02:35I remained quiet because I wanted you to realize your mistake
02:39and so I took your painting.
02:42I am happy that you understand I was heartbroken
02:45as it was my favourite nail paint.
02:48I will give it to you.
02:52I will give it to you.
02:58As it was my favourite nail paint.
03:01If you ever want to borrow anything from anyone
03:04you should always ask for permission first.
03:09This is what good manners are.
03:11Always say, may I borrow your stuff please?
03:14If the person says yes, then only you should take it.
03:18I understood my mistake when my painting went missing.
03:22I will always ask for permission, Tia
03:25before borrowing anything from anybody.
03:28Please forgive me.
03:30It's okay Tofu, you are a good boy
03:34and you understand things very quickly.
03:46Hi Tia, I am home.
03:49Hi Tofu.
03:50You know Tia, I am so tired today.
03:53We played hockey at school.
03:55You want some water, Tofu?
03:57Yes, please Tia.
04:05Tofu, is this where you keep the glass?
04:09I am sorry Tia, I didn't notice.
04:12I am going to my room to change.
04:14Okay, lunch is ready.
04:16Come to the dining room.
04:18Lunch is ready.
04:19Come to the dining room in half an hour.
04:21Alright Tia.
04:36Here, we have some beans for you.
04:38Thanks Tia.
04:39So how was school today?
04:41It was good, but I feel a little tired after the hockey match.
04:46Okay, why don't you take a nap for an hour?
04:49Yes, you are right Tia.
04:51I think I should take a nap now.
04:53Tofu, please keep your plate in the kitchen.
04:56I am very sleepy Tia.
04:58I'll see you after an hour.
05:01What's wrong with this boy?
05:04Tofu, wake up!
05:06Let me sleep for five minutes more Tia.
05:09Okay, enough.
05:11I will teach him a lesson now.
05:21Oh my God!
05:32Oh my God!
05:35What have you done to the house?
05:37What a mess!
05:40Tia, please stop.
05:41What are you doing?
05:45Yes, Tofu.
05:46What is it?
05:47Tia, will you stop doing this?
05:49What's wrong with you?
05:50You are doing the same thing too.
05:52Look at your room.
05:53It's an absolute mess.
05:56I am sorry.
05:57I did not realize that it looked so unpleasant
06:00until I saw your belongings all over the place.
06:04It looks so messy and unorganized.
06:07I will keep my things in place now.
06:28That's what I was trying to teach you, Tofu.
06:30One bad habit often spoils a dozen good ones.
06:36Learn to stay organized and you yourself will feel good.
06:40Apart from that, you can adopt small good habits
06:44like holding the door open for someone
06:47sneezing with your mouth covered
06:49washing your hands before eating
06:52and always keeping track of time
06:54because once you catch hold of a bad habit
06:57it develops deeper.
06:59I get it now, Tia.
07:00I will take care of all the things that you just told me.
07:04Thank you for making me understand this.
07:13Tofu, wake up.
07:14It's time to go to school.
07:17But Tia, the school bus arrives at 8 am.
07:21Tofu, don't you remember?
07:23You have to go to a school picnic today.
07:26The school bus will arrive a little early today for that.
07:30School picnic!
07:31Oh yes, I forgot about it.
07:34But can I sleep for 5 minutes more, Tia, please?
07:38You will miss the bus, Tofu.
07:40Come on, get up.
07:48Tofu, please hurry up.
07:50You're wasting your time.
07:52You will not be able to make it to the school picnic otherwise.
07:56I still have half an hour to catch the bus, Tia.
07:59Tofu, time management is very important to achieve things in life.
08:04Now what does that mean, Tia?
08:06I'll tell you a quick story as you get ready.
08:18Once upon a time
08:19a boy named Oliver went for a hiking trip with a group of other people.
08:24Oliver wasted a lot of time and hence he missed a lot of things always.
08:30Boys, let's go.
08:32Or we'll miss the beautiful sunset at the top of the mountain.
08:36Yes, sir. Let's go.
08:38Coach, I need some time to get ready.
08:41You should have been ready by now, Oliver.
08:44Come back fast. We're waiting for you.
08:47Yes, sir.
08:50Ugh! Oliver, please hurry up.
08:53You're wasting your time and everybody else's time too.
08:57We can't wait for you anymore.
08:59I'm here. Let's go.
09:01Everybody is climbing the mountain
09:04while Oliver is lagging behind as he is wasting his time.
09:08Where is Oliver? I can't see him.
09:11Coach, he is resting there.
09:14Oliver, hurry up.
09:17Oliver, hurry up.
09:19Oliver gets up and walks towards the group slowly.
09:24Everybody starts moving too
09:26as they are assured Oliver is behind them.
09:30As everybody is climbing the mountain
09:33Oliver loses track of the group again
09:36because he was wasting his time.
09:38He starts panicking as he was lost.
09:41He somehow finds his way and reaches the top of the mountain.
09:46But when he reaches, the sun had already set
09:49and everybody was walking down the mountain.
09:52Everybody else looked so happy
09:55as they had watched such a beautiful sunset
09:58but Oliver starts crying as he missed it.
10:02Time is precious. It waits for no one.
10:05Once you start managing your time correctly
10:08you will achieve a lot of beautiful things in life.
10:11That was a great story, Tia.
10:13Sorry, Tia. I will manage my time and make it to the picnic.
10:17Yes, Tofu. Now come fast or you will miss your school bus.
10:43You can choose between two things and you can choose one.
10:46Okay, let's play.
10:48Cool. So, would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?
10:5620 minutes early.
10:58Good choice. Now your turn.
11:00Would you rather be rich or witty?
11:04That's easy. Witty.
11:06What? Why would you not choose money?
11:09Well, your wit can help you survive any situation, Master.
11:22Once upon a time, a lion lived in the jungle.
11:26He had a witty fox as an advisor.
11:29He would advise the lion on all the matters.
11:33I am very tired today. We need to find an easy prey today.
11:38I have an idea, Master.
11:41I will go to the ass and set him up as an easy prey for you.
11:45Okay, go ahead.
11:49The fox went to the ass and gave him a proposal.
11:53I have come with a proposal from the king of the jungle, the lion.
11:58He wants to invite you to be friends with him.
12:01A royal friendship? Wow! It would be my pleasure.
12:05What do I have to do?
12:07Just come with me to meet the king.
12:10Okay, let's go.
12:14The fox led the ass to the cave where the lion was waiting for them.
12:19As soon as he saw the ass, he bounced on her and killed her.
12:24Good job, fox. But now I am very tired.
12:28I will sleep for some time before eating.
12:31Stand guard of dead ass
12:33and make sure you do not eat anything from it till I have eaten.
12:38Yes, Master. I will wait for you.
12:41The lion went to sleep, leaving the fox watching over his prey.
12:45Many hours passed, but the lion did not wake up.
12:50The fox was now very hungry and couldn't wait for his master anymore.
12:55I am so hungry.
12:57What if I have a tiny piece of the prey before master comes back?
13:01Quickly, the fox ate up the brains of the ass.
13:05He had just finished eating when the lion came back.
13:09What is this? Where are the brains of the ass?
13:13Did you eat them?
13:15Didn't I tell you not to eat anything till I come back?
13:19Yes, Master. And I have followed your instructions.
13:22I haven't eaten anything.
13:25The ass just didn't have any brains and that is why she fell in our trap.
13:30Hearing the clever fox's reply, the lion calmed down and forgave the fox.
13:36Ah! The witty fox saved himself from the lion's wrath.
13:40Yes, that is why wit is so important.
13:44It can get you out of any trouble.
13:47I agree. Good choice, Tia.
13:50Tia, I want to buy that robot.
13:53But Tofu, you already have two of them.
13:56I have a blue and a black robot.
13:59Well, aren't two enough for you, Tofu?
14:02Please, Tia. I won't go home if you don't buy me the toy robot.
14:07Stop behaving so stubborn, Tofu.
14:11You remind me of Karen from the story, The Red Shoes.
14:16Who's Karen?
14:21The Red Shoes.
14:22Once upon a time, in a far away village
14:25there lived a little girl named Karen.
14:29She lived with her mother in a small cottage.
14:33Karen was a cheerful girl, full of curiosity.
14:38She was very close to her mother
14:40and would often ask her questions about little Karen.
14:45She was also very smart.
14:47She was very close to her mother
14:49and would often ask her questions about little things.
14:53Mother, where does the light on earth come from?
14:57It's the sun that emits light on earth, Tia.
15:01Karen and her mother were very poor.
15:04So Karen just had one dress, a rugged doll
15:09and a single pair of wooden shoes that her mother made for her.
15:15The wooden shoes that she wore were very uncomfortable
15:19but she had nothing else to wear.
15:22One day, Karen's mother fell sick.
15:26So Karen went to the town to buy essentials for her mother.
15:31On the way, she found a pair of red shoes lying on the roadside.
15:38The shoes looked so glossy and beautiful
15:41that Karen couldn't help but take them.
15:44She picked the shoes up and went home to show them to her mother.
15:50Mother, look what I found.
15:53Aren't these shoes just gorgeous?
15:56Oh dear, where did you get these shoes from?
15:59I found them on the roadside.
16:01I want to keep them.
16:03Karen, these shoes may belong to someone else.
16:07You should go and keep them where you found them at once.
16:12Someone must have dropped them by mistake.
16:15You cannot take things that belong to others.
16:18No mother, these are my shoes now.
16:21I found them.
16:23Karen, that's not a good thing to do.
16:25Stop being so stubborn.
16:27I don't care mother, I want these shoes.
16:31Karen, I want you to promise me that you won't wear these shoes.
16:36I may not be wealthy enough to buy you a pair of new shoes
16:40but I don't want you to wear someone else's shoes either.
16:44Karen sadly promises her mother and slides the shoes under her bed.
16:52Days go by and one day, Karen's sick mother passes away.
16:58The next day, Karen puts on the pair of red shoes
17:02and attends her mother's funeral.
17:05Nobody could take their eyes off Karen's bright red shoes
17:10and they start gossiping about it
17:13that how disrespectful the little girl was.
17:17But Karen loved the bright red shoes and did not care about what people said.
17:23After some time, an old woman passed by in her wealthy carriage.
17:30She stopped by and learnt that the poor little girl was an orphan now.
17:36The old woman pitied the little girl and wanted to adopt her.
17:43Oh dear, I would love to have this pretty little girl with me.
17:48I promise I will take good care of her and provide her with the best life.
17:53And so Karen went away with the old woman
17:56and started living her new life in the lovely mansion.
18:02Dear, you've been wearing these red shoes since the day of your mother's funeral.
18:08You must take them off now.
18:11They are all rugged and dirty.
18:14I promise I will buy you a pair of better shoes than these.
18:18No, I love my red shoes.
18:21Karen, don't be so stubborn.
18:24I'll buy better shoes for you than these.
18:27Disheartened, Karen throws away the pair of red shoes
18:31since she did not want to upset the old woman
18:34who had been so kind to adopt her and give her a wealthy life.
18:41A few days passed by and Karen was playing in her room with her new toys.
18:47She wore a beautiful new dress too.
18:50The old woman entered with a gift box.
18:55Karen opened it happily and found a new pair of blue shoes.
19:02She became very angry and threw the box away.
19:06I don't want these blue shoes.
19:08They are so ugly.
19:11I want the same pair of red shoes that I had.
19:15Take them away at once.
19:17Oh Karen, stop being so stubborn.
19:20These shoes look better than those ugly red ones.
19:24Karen becomes so stubborn with each passing day
19:28that she had no idea that she was hurting the old woman's feelings.
19:34Karen always missed her red shoes
19:37and years later she grew up to be a beautiful young lady.
19:43But her stubborn attitude remained the same
19:46even when the old lady did whatever she could to make her happy.
19:53She often bought her gifts but Karen liked nothing but the red shoes.
20:01The old woman puts a bowl of salad for Karen to eat
20:05but she pushes the bowl away.
20:07Who on earth eats salad?
20:10The old woman sadly takes away the plate of salad
20:14that she made with love for Karen and cooks her a burger.
20:21She takes it to her room where Karen is putting on her blue shoes.
20:26See, these don't even fit me anymore.
20:29I have grown up now and I need new shoes and clothes.
20:33Karen spots the beautiful red shoes when they stop by at a shop.
20:39Oh my! These are just like the pair of red shoes that I had.
20:43I want to buy these.
20:45Oh dear, we should buy something more formal that is suitable for Karen.
20:51I think I will go and buy a pair of red shoes.
20:54Oh dear, we should buy something more formal that is suitable for Karen.
20:59Oh dear, we should buy a pair of red shoes.
21:02That is suitable for all occasions.
21:04We should buy the black ones instead.
21:07I will either buy the red shoes or both. That's it.
21:11Oh Karen, when will you stop being so stubborn?
21:16And so the old lady counts her pennies
21:19and buys both the red and the black pair of shoes for Karen.
21:24She goes home happily.
21:27There comes a day when they had to attend another funeral.
21:31Karen, please put on the black shoes.
21:34I don't want people talking ill about you.
21:37Don't worry, I will.
21:40Karen goes and puts on the red shoes
21:42thinking nobody would notice it under her long dress.
21:47They go on and attend the funeral.
21:50While at the cemetery, a gushing wind blows and lifts up Karen's dress
21:55exposing the pair of glossy red shoes.
21:59The crowd is in awe and they start gossiping
22:03about how disrespectful Karen's shoes were for a funeral.
22:09Karen, you have left no stone unturned at being stubborn.
22:14I love my red shoes. I don't care about the world.
22:18A young lad comes by and praises Karen's choice of shoes
22:22and tells her how beautiful she was.
22:25Hello Miss, you are unbelievably beautiful
22:28and oh your shoes are so gorgeous too.
22:33Would you like to join me for a dance at the palace tonight?
22:37I would love to.
22:39As Karen jumps with excitement
22:41her feet just couldn't stop dancing.
22:46She danced and danced her way into the woods.
22:55The young lad chased her but couldn't catch up with her speed.
23:00She spun and spun all the way until she was dizzy.
23:05Two days passed by and Karen just couldn't stop dancing.
23:11She drifted away into the woods and danced until her feet became sore
23:16and struck with thorns.
23:19Her red shoes turned rugged and dirty
23:22but she just couldn't stop herself.
23:26Oh please, stop! I can't dance anymore.
23:30I feel so tired and dizzy.
23:34Enough! I promise I won't be so stubborn.
23:38And as she said these words
23:40the red shoes popped out of her feet and Karen fell to the ground.
23:45She gained all her strength and walked barefoot to her way home
23:50after two days straight.
23:54As soon as she saw the old woman
23:56she ran into her arms and started sobbing.
24:00I am so sorry.
24:02I promise I won't be so stubborn anymore.
24:07I have realized my mistake.
24:09Oh dear! Oh my little girl.
24:11I am glad you are home safe.
24:15Home safe and sound.
24:18The young prince had been looking for you everywhere.
24:21Suddenly, the young prince approaches their doorstep.
24:26Oh Karen! There you are.
24:28I have been looking for you since days.
24:32They embrace each other and the prince goes down on his knees
24:36and proposes to marry Karen.
24:39She jumps with delight and says yes.
24:42Karen leaves her stubbornness behind
24:44and turns into a responsible, humble and a beautiful princess thereafter.
24:51Wow! This was a wonderful story, Tia.
24:55I promise I won't be stubborn anymore.
24:58I have learnt my lesson.
25:01That's great, Tofu.
25:12Subscribe here.
