Jokowi Wanti-Wanti Peluang Kerja Makin Sedikit

  • last month
Presiden Joko Widodo mewanti-wanti, soal peluang kerja di Indonesia yang semakin sedikit dibandingkan jumlah pelamar kerja di masa depan. Oleh karena itu, Indonesia harus fokus pada penyediaan pasar kerja, Jokowi mengimbau agar masyarakat tidak terlalu terbawa oleh skenario ekonomi global.


00:05President Jokowi wants to talk about working opportunities in Indonesia,
00:09which is getting less and less compared to the number of job offers in the future.
00:13That's why Indonesia has to focus on the job market.
00:16Jokowi hopes that the community will not be too overwhelmed by the global economic scenario,
00:20considering that Indonesia is predicted to experience a demographic bonus in 2030.
00:25Jokowi wants the demographic bonus to be a means to open up the biggest job opportunities,
00:33even though it has to be admitted that the job market is currently facing a very difficult challenge.
00:39However, some of the challenges are due to the slowdown of the global economy,
00:42and Jokowi says that the World Bank notes that global growth is only at 2.7%,
00:48and is predicted to drop to 2.6% in 2024.
00:53In addition, there is an increase in automation in various sectors of work,
00:57such as artificial intelligence that can cut off human labor.
01:02Jokowi goes back to the 2025 prediction that 85 million jobs will be lost.
01:10Because in the future, there are too few job opportunities for a lot of workers in need.
01:24Too few jobs for too many people.
01:29This is what we have to avoid.
01:34So, in my opinion, we should not be too overwhelmed by the global situation,
01:44even though we are following it.
01:46We should not be too overwhelmed by the global economic scenario,
01:53even though we must always look at the numbers and calculate them.
