• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Applichiamo le tematiche della sostenibilità attraverso progetti supportati dal reparto Ricerca e Sviluppo, che molte volte agisce come facilitatore. Abbiamo anche un altro reparto che pensa fuori dagli schemi, indagando i gusti e le preferenze delle persone tra dieci-venti anni, quando la sostenibilità sarà ancora più rilevante". Lo ha detto ai microfoni di Adnkronos Nicola Andreij Rieg, Csr Coordinator Loacker Spa, intervistato in occasione del Forum della Sostenibilità 2024. L'evento è stato organizzato a Napoli da Comunicazione Italiana, con il patrocinio di Regione Campania.


00:00When we think about innovation and sustainability, there are two things that go hand in hand.
00:13We have a more classic, traditional department, Research and Development.
00:18They deal with research, improvement of processes, products, etc., and we integrate sustainability in two ways.
00:27First, they are research projects that look at sustainability issues in a very specific way.
00:34And if a topic is not directly related to sustainability, we always see how to integrate considerations such as risks, benefits, etc., in this topic.
00:47Then we also have another department that is a bit disconnected from the company, which is called Futurum, Front End Innovation, with another office as well.
00:56It is a multidisciplinary department. We have a chef, a food technician, a psychologist.
01:04They ask for much broader things, like in 20, 10, 20 years, what people will eat, what the world of snacking will be like, etc.
01:15And there, obviously, as sustainability is a very important factor already at this moment, and it will certainly be more important in 10, 20 years,
01:26they are also guided by this thought of sustainability.
