• l’année dernière


00:00Sunday are y'all ready to read it
00:02Come on. Let's do it. Do you see what we've got an
00:07Unshakable kingdom and do you see how thankful we must be not only thankful but brimming with worship
00:16Deeply reverent before God for God is not an indifferent bystander. He is actively cleaning house
00:24Torching all that needs to burn and he won't quit until it's all cleansed
00:30God him
00:32You sound good social you sound good
00:40Yes, and then our text for today we are continuing our series called lessons from the
00:48Y'all paying attention. Come on lessons from the valley. This is the sixth message in this series
00:55Some people ask me like hey, how long is the series gonna go and I have a very prepared pastoral answer for them
01:01I don't know. I
01:04Don't know
01:04There's a whole lot of valleys in the Bible and I love preaching from them and we've just been saying in this series life
01:11Cannot be lived on the mountaintop. I wish I could preach that message
01:16You're gonna go from mountain to mountain, but that is not the truth
01:18How many know you gonna hit a valley if you're here today you say man, I'm good ain't no valley
01:23I'm in keep on living. I promise you you will run into a valley season
01:29So we've been learning what to do in a valley. And so we got another valley for today
01:34It's found in second Kings chapter number three. I'm looking at verses 11 through 20
01:39How many you actually got a paper Bible?
01:42Wave it in the air like it just do care
01:46Those are real say people I'm playing
01:51Second Kings chapter number three
01:54I'm gonna look at verses 11 through 20 and it says
01:58But Jehoshaphat said is there no prophet of the Lord here that we may inquire of the Lord by him?
02:06So one of the servants of the King of Israel answered and said
02:09Elisha the son of Shaphat is here who poured water on the hands of Elijah
02:15And Jehoshaphat said look at what he said the Word of the Lord is with him
02:20That's a good compliment right there to be told that the Word of the Lord is with you
02:26I don't plan on dying anytime soon
02:29but if I do and they talk about what they gonna put on my tombstone put that on there the Lord of the the
02:34Word of the Lord was with him
02:36So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom went down to him
02:40Then Elisha said to the king of Israel. What have I to do with you?
02:44Go to the prophets of your father and the prophets of your mother, but the king of Israel said to him no
02:50For the Lord has called these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab
02:55And Elisha said as the Lord of hosts lives before whom I stand
03:00Surely were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah
03:04I would not look at you nor see you or fool with you. I
03:09added the fool with you part
03:12but now
03:14Bring me a musician
03:16Then it happened when the musician played that the hand of the Lord came upon him and he said thus says the Lord
03:24make this
03:27Make this
03:30Full of ditches for thus says the Lord you shall not see wind nor shall you see rain yet that
03:39You shall be filled with water
03:42so that you your cattle and your animals may drink and this is a
03:49Simple matter in the sight of the Lord. I saw the shout and another version said this is an easy
03:55thing in the eyes of the Lord
03:57Somebody could just take that word right there that thing that you are stressing about God is not stressing about that thing
04:03It is an easy
04:05Thing it's a easy thing for him to heal your body. It's a easy thing for him to open up that door
04:12It's an easy thing for him to set your son free. It's a
04:17Easy thing snap your neighbor upside here said it's easy for him
04:22Don't don't hit him too hard
04:24He also will deliver the Moabites into your hands and also you shall attack every fortified city in every choice city and shall cut
04:32Down every good tree and stop every spring of water and ruin every good piece of land with stones first 20 now
04:39It happened in the morning when the grain offering was offered that
04:45It's gonna come all over
04:48Church folks
04:51Water came by the way of Edom and the land was filled with water. Can you say a man?
04:58All of that is so good that is just just amazing scripture, but it's really verse 16 for me
05:05Can we look at it and he said thus says the Lord. This is the Word of the Lord
05:11this Valley
05:13full of
05:16you make
05:19full of
05:20Dishes not dishes. I said that first service to
05:24Wow dishes no ditches I want to preach today using this as a title when push
05:32comes to shovel
05:34when push
05:37To shovel look at your neighbor for the last time. I know I do we really have to talk to our neighbor
05:42Yes, sure neighbor for the last time say neighbor
05:45There comes a moment
05:47where push
05:49comes to shovel
05:51Find another neighbor even in the watch party room find another neighbor. Come on say other neighbor
05:55You my second option and I'm tired of standing
06:00but before I sit down I
06:03Gotta tell you there comes a time
06:07when push
06:09Comes to shuffle if you believe God's gonna speak. Would you give us some praise up in here?
06:16father speak today and
06:18Help the Cowboys win
06:20Amen you may be seated
06:23That's a presence of the law I didn't pray last week you see what happened
06:33Push comes to shovel
06:39Social fam some of you might know that
06:44Three and a half years ago before we planted this church I
06:50Traveled for 16 years as an itinerant
06:55minister for 16 years
06:58Every single Sunday. I was at a different church preaching the gospel for 16 years
07:05I was living out of a suitcase and
07:08learning how to live in hotels for
07:1216 years
07:13Dallas Fort Worth Airport was like my second home for 16 years
07:17Preaching the gospel now. I do have to say I enjoyed that season. Whoo, but I don't miss it. I don't miss it
07:24I love this season. I'm here right now. I like being home
07:28Amen, I
07:29Love being I am that age. Well, I love being home
07:33I think it's a little idiom or mean that I saw it says, you know
07:36You grow and all of a sudden your childhood punishments become your adulthood
07:42Amen, go take a nap. Thank you. Jesus. I'll do it this afternoon
07:47Go in your room and stay in your room say less
07:51You grounded you can't go out tonight. Thank you Jesus
07:55So I love being home. I love being home. I do not miss
07:59Traveling and I love preaching to y'all every single week. I love preaching to y'all
08:03I don't miss traveling at all. Now. I do if I keep 100 I do miss my status with American Airlines
08:11I miss my miles. I do I do I used to be
08:15Executive platinum with American Airlines. I used to be executive platinum that float. I flew this week. My status has gone down
08:22I'm like regular copper now. Okay, I'm regular copper
08:25I'm not executive platinum and it is
08:27Frustrating and annoying especially because I will still go to the airport and I'll see some of the gate agents that knew me when I
08:33Had my status before I was demoted and and they look at me the way I would imagine that a woman looks at a man
08:39Who she married for money and then realized that he's actually broke
08:43And I'm like, yo, it's the same me. They're like, ah, we know but you're group nine now, so I
08:50Don't miss I don't miss the flying
08:53I do miss my status, but if there's something else I do miss from traveling is I miss getting to see the beautiful
09:00diversity of the capital C Church
09:03I do miss that getting to see the diversity of the capital C Church because when I traveled I
09:09Traveled to all kinds of different churches. I mean I preached in Pentecostal churches and I preached in Presbyterian churches
09:16I preached in Baptist churches. I preached in missionary Baptist churches. I preached in Church of God churches
09:24I preached in Church of God in Christ the churches
09:26I preached in churches where you needed to close the message by saying and let us pray
09:32I also preached in churches where you need to close the message with a Hammond b3 organ and sound like you hyperventilating
09:38between each thing that you would say
09:42He's an on-time God
09:50Preached in them all no, I preach men's conferences. I preach women's conferences. I'm preaching youth conferences
09:58I preach in Nigerian churches
10:01Don't do Cheney King
10:04I'm preaching Latino churches in Punta de Jesus
10:10I'm travel some places and it is it is that beautiful
10:17Diversity of which I experienced that put a mandate on my life
10:23To do something that I believe is critical to human connection. I had to hear me
10:31Read the room
10:33Had to read the room
10:35Sometimes I would be preaching the same message
10:37But it would be in a completely different context and very quickly when I stepped up in there. I had to
10:44the room
10:45How many know there are far more human skills as important as knowing how to read?
10:51The room. Oh, I'm telling you if you are ever gonna make a connection with people you better learn how to read
10:58The room that is a good life skill to know how to read a room is critical to know how to read a room is
11:06Powerful. The only thing more important than learning how to read a room is being self-aware and being empathetic
11:11but have you noticed the most self-aware and empathetic people know how to
11:18Somebody that just doesn't know how to read the room don't point out if you ever met that person
11:24It's like what is wrong with their brain some of them are really smart they can read books, but can't read a room
11:30They can't read they jack it up. They laugh and when they should be crying. They talk in loud when they should be
11:37Whispering they're fighting a person that they should be reaching out to embrace
11:41They're talking when they should be listening. They can't read the room. They're talking in the boardroom like they in the barbershop
11:50You ever met that person? They can't just read a room
11:52I tell our team all the time if you can't read the room you can't lead the room
11:57You gotta know how to read the room that you step in even if you're gonna change the environment of the room
12:04You must first be able to gauge where the room is. Can you read the room?
12:09Why do you have to read the room because rooms have atmospheres?
12:13Yes rooms have
12:15Atmospheres rooms matter and can I tell you your God is a God of rooms?
12:21He works with room he works with spaces all the way from the book of Genesis he shows you he's a God of rooms
12:28He creates the atmosphere
12:30Literally he created the atmosphere
12:33Do you notice what he does he creates the room before he creates the entity that will be in the room?
12:38Because the room matters can you just break that down a little bit more pastor absolutely he creates the sky and once that room is
12:45Then he fills the sky with stars and with the Sun and the moon
12:50But the Sun and the moon and the stars would not survive if he didn't set the atmosphere with the sky
12:55He creates the land but before he puts a single shrub or a tree
13:00He says the land has to be set before I put the tree because the land is the room that the tree is gonna need
13:07To survive in he creates the water
13:11Creates the water as
13:13Expansive as it was and once that room is set then he fills it with the fish
13:18Because the fish need a room that is conducive for them to thrive in he creates the Garden of Eden
13:25where his presence was gonna commute and talk and fellowship with humanity and then he
13:31Places Adam and Eve in the garden. They didn't stumble on the garden
13:34God puts them in a room that was already set up for them with his manifest presence because he was trying to give them a
13:40Blue's clue the same way the fish needs the water the same way the stars need the sky and the same way the tree needs
13:47The land you need my presence if you step outside of this room, you are gonna break your connection
13:53You need to create
13:56Room, I feel like preaching this service
13:59God is a God. It's always creating space
14:04room and
14:06Atmosphere and we love when God creates rooms don't we we love when he creates space
14:12We don't like when God tells us to make room for a miracle
14:19We don't like when God says the prerequisite for the miracle
14:24I want to do in your life is gonna require you to create more room to expand your
14:31Capacity I have found that often when God asked us to create room we looking at God like who me
14:38You don't a miracle and God's going now for some miracles
14:41You are going to have to create room and space before I do
14:46The miracle hear me today if you don't get anything
14:49I say while I'm screaming shouting sweating and spitting to those y'all on the first two rows. I'm sorry
14:54Get this there are some miracles. You're gonna have to dig for
15:00He said make the valley
15:03full of
15:04Ditches the water is gonna come but before the water comes you gotta get
15:10To digging the digging is not on God
15:14It's on you
15:16Y'all look at me like I'm crazy. Um get your neighbor say he's about to get some water
15:23Don't make it awkward give God some praise so I can drink real quick
15:31Make room
15:33God says you got to make the room you remember that song we used to sing
15:37It's what my brain works. You know, that's something to sing. We were a kid
15:40I hated this song because it was on an infinite loop. It's like who stole the cookie from the cookie jar
15:46Susie stole the cookie from the cookie jar. This was it goes who me?
15:49Yes, you couldn't be then who Robert saw the cookie put it and it pinna how many people in the class?
15:54This song is going on for a long time. I
15:57Hate that song because it's an infinite loop and we never get resolved as to who did it
16:03Just going around passing the blame. I
16:06Think there's a song on loop in heaven and God's going who's gonna dig for the miracle
16:12You gotta dig for the miracle and we're gonna who me. He's like, yes, you couldn't be then
16:19We're waiting on God to do something when God's saying I'm waiting on you to get a shovel
16:26and to dig the
16:30Is on you you got a dig for it
16:33Which brings me to my text today and second Kings and just so you can read the room second Kings comes after first Kings
16:41When you encroach upon first and second Kings you are looking at a nation that has become divided
16:47But the Northern Kingdom has separated from the Southern Kingdom
16:51It is 850 BC
16:54by the time we get to second Kings the ministry of Elijah has
16:58Concluded and the ministry of Elisha is getting ready to start
17:02If you do your due diligence and read first second Kings when you get to the crib, you'll notice in the Northern Kingdom
17:07There were 20 Kings
17:0920 Kings that were appointed and all 20 of them were evil all 20 of them were hashtag
17:14Jacked up and did not seek the Lord in the Southern Kingdom
17:18There were 20 Kings and of that 20 only eight of them actually
17:22Revered the commands of the Lord and we get to second Kings chapter 3
17:27We encroach upon three kings who have built a coalition
17:31They've come together the king of Israel
17:35Jehoram the king of Judah
17:37Josaphat and the king of Edom they've come together
17:40to launch an attack against the king of Moab
17:43The king of Moab starts a fight and rebels against the king of Israel and the king of Israel knows I cannot win this battle
17:50By myself, I better get somebody else to help me in this fight
17:54So he goes to the king Josaphat in the south and he goes to the king of Edom and they all come together to fight
18:00against Moab
18:02Here's what I found intriguing. I found it intriguing that these three kings had completely different convictions
18:08But yet they had a collaboration
18:11They had different convictions, but they had to collab because they had a common enemy
18:16They had a common enemy to fight. So although their convictions were different
18:20They said for this fight since this enemy is affecting all of us, even though we don't agree on everything
18:26We don't have to come together to win this fight, but they had completely different convictions
18:31My goodness the king of Israel Jehoram read it when you get to the crib. This dude is
18:37Evil he is evil. In fact, the Bible says that he did evil
18:40He did not do as much evil as his parents, but he was still evil who were his parents. I'm so glad you asked his daddy
18:47Was King Ahab?
18:49His mama wait for it
18:51Jezebel, you know you jacked up
18:55When your mama is Jezebel and your daddy is Ahab. This dude was evil
19:02He didn't do as much evil as they did, but he still did evil
19:05In fact, all he did was he put he put the sacred stones of Baal to the side
19:09He just put him to the side. He didn't destroy him. He just put him to the side
19:13So he was evil, but not as evil as his parents
19:16He was evil. But if you compare his evil to his parents evil, he wasn't as evil
19:21Have you ever noticed people that do the same thing today?
19:24You should you should just call them King Jehoram because I have noticed there are some people who compare their evil
19:31To the evil of somebody else and they actually think they're doing good because their evil is not as evil as somebody else's evil
19:39Oh, it's quiet in this Presbyterian Church right now
19:42There are some people rather than looking at the Word of God for their standard
19:46They would rather lower the standard and go at least I ain't as evil as them
19:50I mean they slept around with like eight people. I'm like at three. I ain't that bad
19:55I mean she passed out drunk in the club
19:58I was there, but at least I had my senses
20:02You ever met people that have lowered the standard of what they are to be and what they are called to because you are
20:10Comparing your life to somebody else instead of looking at the Word of God for the standard
20:16So Jehoram was still evil, even though he wasn't as evil as his parents and then you got Jehoshaphat
20:24Jehoshaphat is my dude because this man
20:27Revered he honored the presence of the Lord the moment he got into the kingdom
20:32He tore down all the Canaanite idols and he stood for godliness, but he had a problem, too
20:37He's like some of y'all he always felt like he needed to come to the rescue of somebody that was in a fight
20:43That was his problem
20:44He actually did it with Ahab and he almost got killed
20:46Trying to rescue somebody and get in a fight that he wasn't supposed to get in
20:51Sometimes you need to let people get that battle on their own
20:55But he had a little rescue complex and he joins in this battle and then King Edom
21:00His land was in between the two and he's like, you know what?
21:02I'm gonna be affected either way, so I may as well join y'all. So here's the three of them united in
21:08Collaboration, even though they have different convictions because they have a common enemy
21:13Can I just say this for somebody who needs to hear it?
21:16This next season of your life may require for you to collaborate with somebody that has different convictions
21:21Than you and God will use you to collaborate with them to defeat an enemy, but you still got to keep your conviction
21:28He will have you collaborate with somebody that doesn't have the same world view as you and God wants to know can he trust you?
21:35To collaborate with them and you still know who you are
21:39Can you still go to the meeting and they getting crazy and you're there at the meeting?
21:44But you hold on to your convictions and you don't allow their environment to affect you
21:50Who am I preaching to today?
21:52Some of you God has put you in a position to collaborate with somebody that didn't have your convictions and you feel this pressure
21:58Like a junior higher to bring your conviction down to their conviction and God said no no
22:03No, you hold on to your conviction
22:06But still partner with him if it's gonna accomplish a purpose and a destiny for the kingdom
22:11So they all get together. Can you see them three Kings?
22:16Three armies headed to fight Moab and there they are
22:21They didn't even consult God about which route they should take they said all we should just go through
22:26the desert of Edom and there they go walking through three armies and
22:32seven days into the journey
22:36They run out of water
22:39Seven days in the wilderness and in the desert y'all they run not out of Wi-Fi
22:47Out of water
22:49Water is not a luxury water is a necessity. Can you imagine? Come on? Just feel the text
22:54Y'all see how hot it is still in September. Can you imagine in this, Texas heat?
23:00Walking for seven days where folks you don't really hang out with like that. It's just a collaboration
23:08And as you're walking you realize you are out of water your horses that you're riding on are out of water
23:15Can you imagine the desperation of being in a desert in a dry place? And now you're dehydrated
23:23Can you imagine the desperation of going to a battle and now you're facing the battle while you're on your way to fight a battle?
23:31Come on
23:31Have you ever been there before?
23:32Have you ever been on your way to a fight and on your way to the fight you run into another problem you run into
23:38Another fight and you want to go of all the times for this to happen
23:44Why would it happen now is one thing to be late to work at a job
23:49You don't want to go to and you already late. There's a whole nothing to be running late and then run out of gas
23:54Why are you late?
23:56This is the tension of the text and some of you right now are in a dry place
24:02You were on your way to a battle and now you found another battle right when you're having issues at your job
24:08Now you got a bad doctor's report right when your finances start going crazy
24:13Now your kid wants to have a breakdown right now
24:16Does anybody know what it's like to have a battle on your way to the battle?
24:22And I want you to see what is the knee-jerk reaction of the King of Israel King Jehoram as soon as they realize
24:30They're out of water. This is what King Jehoram says
24:34King James alas
24:38God has brought us three here to die in the desert alas
24:42God has brought us three Kings here together to be given over to Moab
24:47You ever met a person like that you ever met a person that I never called on God when everything was good
24:55But then as soon as something goes wrong see where were you God you ain't never called on God before
25:00But now you got no problem
25:02You want to blame God for a situation that you got yourself into but you never called on his name before
25:10You can't say a man say ouch. I am shocked at the people who are so quick to blame God
25:18When they never cried out to the God that they're blaming
25:22As soon as some evil happens in the world as soon as I'm calamity, oh, well if God was so good
25:28Why would this happen? You ain't never thought about God before?
25:31But now that the evil is happening you need some place to place to blame
25:36So you want to blame God?
25:38It just shows me that you never had a secret place in the first place
25:44Where you connected with him and I want you to see King Jehoram's reaction
25:49To King Jehoshaphat's reaction King Jehoram goes alas
25:54God brought us here to die. It's his fault
25:57King Jehoshaphat says is there not a prophet that has a word from the Lord?
26:05They're in the same desert facing the same dryness facing the same dehydration
26:10One person is blaming God somebody else is looking for a word from God
26:15One person is saying God this is your fault somebody else saying God you must be having you must have something that you want to
26:21Speak to me while I'm in this desert
26:23One person is pointing the finger at God. The other person is looking for a prophet that has a word from God
26:30Can I help some of you some of you are in a dry place and you got the wrong circle around you
26:35You got a circle that's making you try to blame God. You need a circle. That's got a word from God
26:41You need a circle that doesn't have an opinion but has a word from God
26:46You need a circle to tell you you're gonna live and you will not die
26:49You need a circle that'll tell you no weapon that's formed against you is gonna be able to prosper. I need a word from God
27:00When I'm in a desert when I'm in a dry place don't come at me with your opinion I
27:08Need a word from God
27:11Look at the knee-jerk reaction and reflection and reflex of Jehoshaphat
27:15He knows when you're in a dry place and you dehydrated this ain't the time to blame God
27:20This is the time to get a word from God. He says is there not a prophet?
27:25Anywhere that has a word from God. Oh, do you know why I take what I do so seriously?
27:32I don't play with this pulpit
27:33I don't play with declaring the Word of God over your life because I know some of you came in here today in a dry
27:40Place some of you came here today and you're almost about to lose your mind and you feel
27:45Dehydrated and you feel like you're about to give up and I don't have time to come be cute with you and just give you
27:51My opinion I've got a preach the infallible
27:54Incorruptible everlasting word from God and then hear from him and say God. What do you want me to say?
28:02When you're in the desert
28:04And you're dehydrated
28:06You don't need the opinion of man
28:09You need a word from God
28:11He said is there not a prophet?
28:14That has a word from God
28:16Somebody back says I know somebody
28:19Elisha he that dude
28:22He has a word
28:23From the Lord. He I love how he puts him in context
28:26He says Elisha that used to pour water on the hands of Elijah
28:32Don't miss that
28:33He said Elisha that used to pour water on the hands of Elijah
28:38In other words, this is not somebody just looking for a platform to prophesy when water is coming
28:43This is somebody who served a man of God and had enough humility to pour water on his hands who had enough humility to
28:51Serve. Oh, I didn't get no amens right there
28:54And I didn't expect to in this culture where everybody's trying to put themselves on blast
28:59Everybody's trying to promote themselves in it funny how everybody wants a platform
29:04But nobody wants to serve somebody else's vision before God can trust you with a platform
29:11How you want your own business but you can't come to work on time at the job you got right now
29:19But look at the context of Elisha
29:22He poured water on the hands of Elijah. He served him
29:28He served a prophet and in it just like God to open up a door for somebody who was faithful enough
29:36to serve somebody else's vision
29:39Before God gave them their home
29:41So they said I bring Elijah
29:44Who used to pour water on the hands of Elijah actually scratch that they went to go find him
29:51So we got to go find him now that made me laugh
29:53Because if you ever read your Old Testament, you know that more often than not the prophets would go to the Kings
30:00Prophets would just bust in unannounced the story of the Lord
30:05And give a word in it interesting that Elisha didn't come to them. They came to Elisha. I
30:13Love it because I'm you know, you can get in a place where you're so dry and you're so desperate
30:18You will seek out a word from God
30:21That's the beauty of the valley see the valley will produce things in you that the mountaintop won't produce in you in any other season
30:28They would have waited for the prophet to come to them. But now they've run out of water
30:32They've run out of resources and now they're looking for a word from God. They said we got a fine
30:37Elisha don't act like you ain't never been there before
30:39When you got the raise and your life was good and your marriage was all together
30:43You're like I may come to church today
30:46But as soon as that marriage started falling apart as soon as you went through a dark season
30:50Ain't it funny how you got up and say I got to get to church today. I need a word now
30:54We ain't get no line today. Get up kids. We going
30:59Something about that desperation
31:01It gets God's attention. So they say
31:05Where's Elisha and Elisha rose in and Elisha?
31:10There's something I didn't know you could do in pastoral ministry
31:14Here they go seeking out Elisha saying hey, hey, I'm really hurting
31:20We're hurting. We're dehydrated. We're desperate. We need a word from God
31:25You would think that the pastor
31:29The prophet will go. Well, come on. Tell me about it
31:32But let's let's work this thing out. He doesn't do that. He goes what you calling me for?
31:38Not for what you calling me for won't you call your
31:42Parents prophets. Yeah, your mom your daddy used to call a prophet bill call him
31:46See what bail can do for you. You got yourself in the mess now
31:49You want to call me to get you out of it?
31:50I've been declaring the Word of God y'all didn't listen and now you want to come. I'm like Elisha. You can't do that
31:56They're gonna write a blog about you and talk about how they were hurt
32:00He comes with it, I love that he just speaks truth to power Oh God give us some Elisha's
32:08That could actually be in the presence of the king and won't be so busy trying to get a selfie with the king
32:14They can actually say oh, yeah
32:16Why don't you call on the prophets that your parents called on and he almost won't speak to him
32:22He goes if it were not for Jehoshaphat. I would even fool with you
32:28You better be glad Jehoshaphat is here that blessed my soul
32:35It did
32:38Because Elisha is annoyed
32:42Elisha is frustrated and that's okay
32:48It's okay to feel it, but it's not okay to stay there
32:53It's okay to express it
32:56That's why we got the book of Psalms. Hello
32:59That is language of how to talk to God
33:02God you're good. Can you kill my enemy?
33:08God's a big boy. He can handle it
33:12Elisha expresses it. I'm frustrated. He feels it, but he doesn't stay there
33:18Watch what he does. Oh
33:20In verse 15
33:23He's annoyed
33:24He's mad and he's frustrated
33:28But he makes a transition he goes, but now
33:32Bring me a musician
33:36Hold up you in the desert
33:39They dehydrated
33:41about to die
33:43And you trying to have a praise and worship service
33:46You're in the desert you're annoyed and you're frustrated they need a word from God
33:53And you're waiting on a musician. Oh
33:56Yeah, I need a musician
33:59Here's why I need a musician
34:02Because I'm not gonna get the Word of the Lord in an atmosphere of frustration and annoyance
34:10So I'm glad I got it out
34:12But now bring me a musician to play because I need to change the atmosphere
34:17I've got to read the room and I know there's some dehydrated people here and I'm frustrated myself
34:23But before I get the Word of the Lord, I'm gonna change the atmosphere with my worship
34:29I need somebody to play so I can change an atmosphere and make it
34:34Conducive for the Word of God to come forth. Can I tell you this is the power of?
34:39Musicians who play under the anointing of God where all my musicians there
34:44This is why we need musicians in the church who ain't just trying to do a gig
34:48But understand that as you play you are breaking strongholds off of people as we worship
34:53You are setting an atmosphere for the Word of God to come forth. This ain't no gig
34:59This ain't just for you to get a check. You are playing to create an atmosphere. Oh
35:06I love it because no song was saying it was just the atmosphere of worship
35:11It reminds me of David who got brought in to bring his heart when Saul had demonic oppression over him
35:17And as David began to play his heart the demons begin to run out of the room because of the power of an atmosphere
35:27Changing can I apply it to you? It matters that you get in here for worship
35:32Don't you just come in here for the word it matters when you're in this atmosphere
35:37There's something about worship that opens up your heart for the word to come forth
35:44So we played
35:46He said I was annoyed at first
35:48Bring me a musician
35:50Let me get myself together
35:52And look at what is this?
35:54Then it happened
35:56When the musician played
35:58When did it happen?
36:01When the musician played
36:03That the hand of the Lord came upon him
36:06Some of you have been expressing your complaints and your frustration and that's fine, but don't stay there
36:14God does not inhabit the complaints of his people
36:17He inhabits the praises of his people and some of you need to start changing
36:23the atmosphere
36:27Starts playing and it gets the word. Oh cut the music
36:34Cuz the word he got
36:36What's best?
36:39This is the worst setup
36:41You in the desert you dehydrated you feel like you about to die
36:46You bring the prophet to bring a word you thinking he gonna say thus saith the Lord
36:53There shall be rain
36:56Rain comes
36:59He goes bring me a musician. How long did it take the musician to get there?
37:06They hot
37:08Wait, man is Fred coming with the piano or what?
37:14He shows up
37:15The atmosphere changes and now Elijah is like, all right, here goes
37:21Here's the word and this man says verse 16
37:26Thus says the Lord
37:28Make this valley
37:32Full of bitches
37:35Excuse me
37:37I'm already in a low place
37:40We're in a valley. I'm
37:43Dehydrated in a desert and you trying to tell me to do more work
37:48You hold up. I'm in a valley about to pass out and
37:54Your instruction from the Lord
37:57It's for me to dig while I'm dehydrated
38:01Be careful when you ask God
38:04To give you a word
38:07How come every word from God for you is you in a Bentley and getting a raise and God
38:13If God ain't give you a word that makes you go what in the world if this makes no
38:19Sense at all. I came to tell you God often put you in this place
38:24God will set you up to be in a place where push has come to
38:28Shovel push has come to shuffle and it's a setup to see do you have enough faith to dig for the rain?
38:37Before I do the miracle, can you dig before the water comes push?
38:48has come
38:50to shovel
38:52Hear me when I tell you more often than not
38:56When you are in a dry place and you are dehydrated
39:01God will strategically put you in that place to show you that push
39:07has come to shovel and
39:10You have a decision to make
39:13You can obey the Word of the Lord and dig
39:17Or you can turn up your nose and say ain't no way I'm about to dig
39:23When I'm already dehydrated and I'm in a dry place. I
39:28Wish I could tell you
39:30How many times I have seen people?
39:33That God has strategically put in a place where push has come to shovel but rather than dig in
39:40They peace out
39:43Rather than dig in deep
39:46They get mad at God and say how dare you ask me to dig in when I'm already
39:54Dehydrated and I'm already in a dry place
39:57But can I tell you God wants to see do you have enough faith to prepare the ditch
40:03Before the water comes and I don't know who this message is for
40:07But I felt a prophetic unction to tell somebody please don't walk away. I need you to dig in
40:13I know you're tired. I know you're dehydrated, but this is not the time to quit
40:18This is the time to dig and keep on digging and keep on digging and keep on digging
40:24I don't know what digging is for you
40:26But some of you dig it is to keep on showing up to church
40:30Even when you don't feel like it but some of you dig it is to keep faster than praying and believing
40:35Even though you ain't seen the miracle yet
40:37But some of you dig it is to keep on giving even when you don't have enough money in your account you
40:45How to dig
40:47Push has come to shovel you can dig in or you can walk
40:56I'm begging you today
40:59to dig
41:01Some of you I hear you. I've been digging and
41:05Nothing's happening. I've been digging and I don't see nothing. I know
41:12That's the second part of the word
41:15Verse 17 for thus says the Lord you shall not see wind
41:21Nor shall you see rain
41:26That valley
41:27Shall be filled with water. Let me break it down
41:29You ain't gonna see no evidence of it, but it's still gonna come to pass
41:34You ain't gonna see no sign that the miracles coming, but it's still gonna come to pass
41:39Who am I preaching to today? You gotta keep digging even when you don't see a sign
41:44But I'm digging
41:47His word
41:51Somebody way see nothing happen, but you still don't get to get up on your feet and give God the best praise that you got
42:06Somebody shall keep
42:08Keep digging
42:23Here's why you gotta keep digging you gotta keep digging cuz it's gonna come
42:30It's gonna come
42:37While I'm digging I got
43:01Wants to know
43:04Do you have enough faith to dig for the water that's coming?
43:09Or do you want to stand shaking your fist at God saying how dare you ask me to dig when I'm dehydrated
43:20Almost every miracle you will see in your Bible required somebody to dig
43:28Had to do their part it's easy for God, but you have to do something
43:36God can split a Red Sea Moses, but you gotta dig in and lift up your staff for the water to split
43:44God can heal your hand
43:47That's withered, but you gotta stretch
43:50out your withered
43:53Hand God can heal you by just to him of his garment
43:58But if you're waiting for a perfect pathway with rose petals to get there you won't ever get it
44:03but if you can come to weary and dig in and press your way through a crowd and touch the head of his car you got
44:11How to dig
44:13Gotta dig
44:15Here's where my mind goes
44:18There was no wind there was no rain, but the water still came
44:23Here's my question
44:26Did God
44:28Just make the water appear as they dug
44:34Was the water already underneath them?
44:39They just had to dig deep enough
44:43To hit the water I don't know who this is for but if you can receive it catch it if you will dig a big enough
44:51God says I have enough water to fill it
44:53But you're only gonna get the water to the proportion of the ditch that you dig and I don't know about you
44:59But I'm about to dig some ditches this year. I got faith to believe that if I dig the ditch
45:04He's gonna make sure it gets filled with
45:10Keep digging
45:12Keep digging
45:13Keep digging
45:15Keep digging I know you look ridiculous, but keep digging how many know obedience always looks ridiculous until it becomes miraculous
45:24Obedience always looks ridiculous until it becomes miraculous. It looks ridiculous to shout at a wall
45:30Until that wall starts falling down
45:38That's ridiculous stop shouting Robert just talk
45:43This is a prophetic word
45:45for our church
45:47We're in a digging season
45:51We're in a digging season
45:53If you serve in any capacity in our church, would you wave your hand you serve you're on the serve team?
45:58Come on. I need somebody to clap and thank God for this search
46:02Now you could do better than that, please
46:13You for
46:18Thank you for thank you. There were people here at 5 in the morning loading in loading out venue to venue
46:26Sleepless night feeling dehydrated feeling like we're about to pass out
46:30But how many know we are just digging a ditch God is about to send the water we got to keep on
46:43Feel the need to tell somebody
46:46You got to be willing to look ridiculous
46:49While you dig it
46:51You gotta not care what nobody else thinks about you
46:55Why you dig it?
46:57Because obedience always looks ridiculous
47:01Until it becomes miraculous
47:03Should have seen your boy this week at school
47:12Had my little week where we had to be on campus, I'm a grown man
47:18I'm 40 years old on this campus this week going to the little 20-year-old kids. Hey, where's the
47:23Where's the cafeteria like Pastor Robert? Yeah, shut up. I'm working on stuff. Where's
47:31Where's the cat I'm digging
47:42You want to see you want to see me and PT
47:45walking in these rooms
47:48With these real estate brokers who are selling these buildings that I have 15 million dollars and we ain't got it
47:55Come on. Yeah, we just want to know if that'll really work for our needs
48:04I'm digging
48:13Don't know what digging looks like for you
48:16But I do know God told me to tell you
48:19He strategically positioned you in a place where push has come to shovel and you can walk away
48:27Sure, you can get mad at the church that hurt you and never come to church again. Absolutely
48:34But you won't see the water
48:36Do you dig deep?
48:39You can hold that bitterness and resentment to the person that hurt you and not forgive them
48:44Absolutely, but you won't see the miracle of the water
48:48For some of you to dig is to forgive the person that hurt you
48:54keep on
48:58That's every head be bow
49:00Let's be close
49:05Has come to shovel
49:08Which means you have a decision to make
49:11Give up or dig deep
49:18What's interesting is that as they dug deep
49:23God suddenly
49:26Filled the valley with pools of water
49:31And everybody drank and was refreshed
49:36And the enemy
49:38The king of Moab looked from a distance and saw a valley with ditches that were full of water
49:44But God set it up to where they thought it was pools of blood
49:48so they thought
49:50That the three armies had fought against each other and killed each other. So they went in for the attack
49:55And when they went in for the attack
49:59Those three armies destroyed Moab
50:02Because God is that good he can refresh you and give you the victory that your soul needs
50:12But they would have missed out on the miracle if they didn't make room and dig
50:20The bigger the ditch the more water you're able to receive
50:26Heads about eyes are closed all over this place in the wash party room
50:31I don't know what digging is for you. I do believe that God is speaking to people even now
50:41Some of you to dig in
50:44It's gonna be to fight for that marriage
50:49It'd be so easy to just end it all
50:53But God's saying dig in
50:56If you got to go to therapy go to therapy you got to forgive forgive dig
51:02And we need a generation of people who will dig deep instead of retreating
51:08Dig deep. I don't know what it means for you for somebody is to keep trusting God and giving and even though
51:15Your income is not where you want it to be dig deep
51:21Heads about eyes are closed if you're here today and you say PR I know what that means for me
51:27To dig deep push has come to shovel
51:30I'm not walking away. I'm digging deep and I know what that is
51:32Would you just lift up your hand high enough long enough to where I can see it? Thank you Jesus
51:36Thank you God in the watch party room. Thank you Lord father help us
51:41Give us strength to dig deep
51:44Give us strength to trust you
51:48I'll speak over this house
51:50strength and endurance
51:53To not walk away
51:57It would be so much easier
52:00Well, oh we trust you
52:03We're gonna dig
52:05Because we know the water is coming anybody else anybody else lift it up. You can put it right back down
52:10Heads are still balanced. Our eyes are still closed if you're here today, and you've never surrendered
52:15Your life to Jesus. I would love to give you that opportunity today
52:19We say it all the time is social. You can always
52:23Come home
52:26Maybe you've walked away from God because somebody in the house of God hurt you
52:33So you retreated but even now you hear your Savior calling you home and don't walk away come back
52:44Dig deep
52:46If you're here today you say PR I need to surrender my life
52:50To Jesus. I don't care if it's just one person you would be worth it
52:55That's you would you just lift up your hand high enough and long enough to where I could see it saying today's the day
53:00I'm giving him my life. Thank you. Jesus even in the watch party room. Thank you Lord
53:05Thank you God
53:07Can we pray this prayer as one big family?
53:10We're all gonna say it but especially those of you who responded would you say this from your heart?
53:15Say Jesus
53:17Come on, declare it. Say Jesus. I
53:19Need you
53:21Lord, I know
53:23That you are the fountain of a living water
53:28You're everything
53:30that my thirsty soul
53:33is longing for
53:35Lord today I
53:37Come to you
53:39to drink I
53:41Need you
53:43Cannot do life without you
53:46From this moment forward I
53:49Surrender I
53:51Give you my heart. I
53:53Give you my mind. I
53:55Give you my soul. I
53:58Give you all of me
54:00Thank you
54:02for being water and
54:05a dry place
54:07In Jesus name
54:09Amen, amen. Amen
54:12Amen, amen. Amen. Come on. Let's admit what you pray. Would you give King Jesus praise today?
