00:00Let's read our scripture for the year if you walked into social Dallas for the first time you walked into an unshakable church
00:07We're unshakable. That's our word for the year. And so let's look at it Hebrews chapter 12 verses 28 29
00:13We've been reading this every Sunday of the year. So let's do it one more again. You read it
00:19Here we go. Do you see what we've got and I shake up, okay?
00:24And do you see how thankful we must be not only thankful but brimming with worship
00:31Deeply reverent before God for God is not an indifferent bystander
00:37He is actively cleaning house
00:39Torching all that needs to burn and he won't quit until it's all cleansed God
00:47Y'all sound good y'all sound good. I mean that every Sunday you get better
00:54And then our text for today psalm 84 psalm 84
00:59I want to look at verses 4 through 7 and look at what the psalmist says
01:07Blessed are those who dwell in your house
01:11They are ever
01:13praising you
01:15Blessed are those whose strength is in you
01:19Whose hearts are set on pilgrimage as they pass through the valley of Baca
01:26They make it a place of Springs the autumn rains also cover it with pools
01:34They go from strength
01:36to strength till each appears before God in
01:42Zion can you say amen?
01:44Y'all I don't know if you know what a good scripture is, but there's some good stuff all
01:49in there
01:51Interesting I had two titles for this message two titles for this message, and I loved them equally okay
01:58The first title I had is this sing in the valley
02:03Sing in the valley you don't like that one. Okay. That's cool. I got another one. I got another one. I was gonna stick with
02:09Sing in the valley when our series lessons from the valley, but I got another title and it's because of verse 6
02:16verse 6 let's let's run that back because it's verse 6 for me as
02:20They pass through the valley of Baca
02:25They make it a place of Springs Baca translates to mean
02:34Weeping some of your versions might say that as they pass through the valley of weeping
02:38They make it a place of Springs when I saw weeping I got another title which might be my favorite and that is
02:46last cry
02:51Last cry so do me a favor before you sit down look at your neighbor whichever one you like the best
02:56And just say neighbor Oh
03:00I'm down to my last cry
03:03Come on find you another neighbor find you another neighbor say other neighbor
03:07I'm telling you I
03:10am on
03:12My last cry if you got expectation that God could speak at the Windsor Opera House. Would you give them some praise in?
03:20Father speak to us today. Amen. You may be seated in the presence of the Lord
03:34At the risk of
03:36Excluding some of you in my introduction today. I
03:40Have to say that if you are here today or watching online and you are in your
03:46late 30s to older 50s and
03:50You know good music and great sanga
03:55Not singing sanga. There's a difference
03:59Then the title of my message today
04:01Should be strangely familiar to you because this is not just the title that I'm tagging to a text that comes from the book of
04:08Psalms. This is also the title of a song
04:13Released in 1993 name of the psalmist who Brian McKnight
04:19If you're not clapping you ain't old enough
04:23Brian McKnight released this song and the title song was one last
04:28Cry, it was my jam
04:30It was my song in a minute
04:31I'm gonna put the lyrics to the song up but before I put the lyrics of the song up for you
04:36Let's just declare this and let's just be honest
04:38How many you know if you have ever gone through the valley of a breakup if you've ever gone through the valley of somebody
04:47destroying your heart and emotions if you've ever gone through the valley of a
04:52Relationship that has come to an end or the valley of somebody betraying you or the valley of somebody you loved who took your heart
05:00Threw it on the ground and then did the cha-cha slide on top of it. I'm talking about two hops this time
05:07If you've ever gone through that type of valley, then you know, you had a song to get you through that valley
05:15You had a song to get you to the valley and I'm willing to bet that the song wasn't
05:22The Lord no, no, no
05:23You needed a different type of song for that season you needed somebody that would say something that would resonate
05:29With where you were you needed a psalmist to say never mind
05:32I'll find someone like you you need hit a psalmist to declare. I will always love you
05:39You needed a psalmist to say I have nothing
05:43Nothing, if I don't have you you need
05:47Psalmist to declare these songs when you go through that type of Valley
05:50And if it went from from sadness to rage and anger then you needed a psalmist to say since you've been gone
05:56I can breathe for the first time since since you've been gone. You needed a psalmist to say
06:01Thank you next you you needed a psalmist if you wanted to get crazy and get a little rage
06:06You needed a psalmist to say I'll bust the windows out your car
06:11Need a psalmist to say I drove my keys up to the side of this pretty little souped up four-wheel drive
06:17Did both because we got a diverse church you need it
06:22Need a psalmist to express through song what you were feeling in that Valley
06:28I'm just telling you right now my song anytime my heart got broken
06:32It was one last cry one last cry by Brian McKnight and some of you don't know so I got to put the lyrics on
06:37The screen for you. Look at the lyrics of what the psalmist be McKnight said
06:41I'm gonna try not to sing it my goodness the psalmist said my shattered dreams
06:49Broken heart
06:52I'm ending on the shelf. I saw you
06:58holding hands
07:00Standing close to someone else now I sit
07:06all alone
07:09Wishing all my feeling was gone
07:17I'm sorry, I gave my best to you
07:24Nothing for me to
07:27But I'm one last
07:30Somebody went through it one last cry
07:34Before I oh
07:36Look at some Gen Z. They don't even know what to say. I gotta put you out of my mind
07:43this time
07:46Been living a lie, I guess I'm done
07:52He was in the valley
07:55To my last cry I'm telling you I was sick. That's the home. Oh god stop stop
08:03Not me
08:07No, I'm not lying to you I would play that song and sit in my room with all the lights off and a bag of onions
08:17I would just listen to it over and over again, and then I would wonder why I felt more depressed
08:24And I say all that to say to you more specifically to ask you a very powerful
08:31And pertinent question to this message
08:34What are you singing in your valley I
08:38I want to know
08:40What are you singing in your valley because hear me social fam?
08:44It matters what you sing in your valley
08:47It matters what comes out of your mouth when you are in your valley and I want to know today
08:54What are you singing in your valley? It matters not just what you say in your valley
09:00It matters what you sing in your valley. I'm talking about when you are in the valley of the divorce
09:07When you are in the valley of the betrayal
09:11When you are going through the valley of the bankruptcy
09:14When you are going through the valley of the job loss or the valley of you losing someone you love it matters
09:20What you sing in those valleys it matters what you sing in the valley hear me that you didn't pick for yourself
09:27See we've been talking in this series that there are some valleys you go through that you cause that valley
09:32Oh, yeah, that that valley was just a consequence of decisions
09:36You made stop blaming the devil that valley right there was a decision
09:40But there are other valleys that you did not pick for yourself life just happened
09:45What do you do when you're facing a valley you didn't pick I've got good news for somebody that's in the valley that you didn't
09:52Pick how many know you might not have picked the valley, but you can pick your playlist
09:57You can pick what you choose to sing in your valley
10:00You can pick what your song is in your valley even if you didn't choose the valley it matters
10:06What you choose to sing and hear me when I say it matters what you choose to sing?
10:10I'm not speaking metaphorically or using singing as a metaphor for like you just need to declare the Word of God
10:16How many know in some valleys declaring the Word of God is not enough. Oh, no. No you need to
10:22sing you need to declare through
10:25Singing the truth that you believe about God and where he's taken you to you need a song in your valley
10:33There are truths from the Word of God that you have to sing it to believe it
10:37You gotta sing it to believe it's something about singing that caused it to get in your
10:42Spirit and to get in your heart and to get in your mind you have to sing it you need a song
10:46But if I elbow the person next to you say neighbor
10:49You need a song
10:51I'll tell your other neighbor because they think they're excluded because they can't say no tell him you need a song
10:57Need a song in your valley it's interesting to me if you study the early church reformers
11:03Specifically Martin Luther he had a principle and a belief that unless a reformation was going to take place you had to have two things
11:10In order for any reformation to occur two things had to happen number one there had to be the translation of
11:18Scripture in every single person's mother tongue that every single person needed the Word of God in their language
11:25They needed the Word of God that was number one and then number two
11:27He said you needed a hymnal or what he called a Psalter you needed a book with songs
11:33Because he was expressing the reality that we need to express our faith in God through song
11:40There's something powerful about singing so in every Reformation
11:44There's got to be the word and worship the word and worship
11:49Scriptures and singing if you study in a revival in a revival there is a returning to the scripture and a returning to
11:57Singing you gotta say it's one very practical way. I want to do something real quick
12:01How many of you have a quiet time how many have a quiet time you spend with the Lord?
12:04That's amazing. That's amazing. How many of you in that quiet time you read your Bible?
12:08I see your hand you read your Bible beautiful. How many of you in that quiet time you pray?
12:14Also, that's amazing. How many of you in that quiet time you sing?
12:19Okay, some hands went down and went down quick
12:21I hope you think if you don't you should because there's something powerful about
12:27Singing what you believe?
12:28I hope you don't wait for the worship team on Sunday to open up your mouth and start singing to God
12:34How many know if it works in the wind spear if it works at Gillies if it works at every other place
12:38It'll work in your car. Come on somebody. It'll work in your bedroom
12:42It'll work in any environment that you choose to open up your mouth and invite God in that space. You gotta sing
12:49Especially in the valley because how many know worship hits different in the valley than it does on the mountaintop
12:55Oh, I'm tell songs hit different in the valley than they do in the mountaintop
13:00I don't need to know what to do when I get a raise and a friend has an extra Tesla and says hey
13:05I was just thinking of you. I know how to praise then it's when you've gone through some dark stuff
13:10It's when your heart has been broken. It's when you feel like the bottom of your life has fallen out
13:15That's when you gotta sing even when you're in the valley
13:20And I want to encourage you don't lose your song while you're in the valley
13:27Don't lose your song. I love my text today because it is in the book of Psalms Psalm 84
13:33And if you're new to faith, I bet you're not new to the Psalms
13:37Everybody knows at least one song at least Psalm 23. The Lord is my shepherd
13:41I promise you even if you didn't graduate for Sunday school
13:43You know
13:43the Lord is my shepherd coolio even told you come on as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death take a look at
13:48My life and realize there's nothing see this. I don't know. I'm getting old cuz some of y'all
13:52Coolio who never mind Google it after service
13:57You're familiar with the Psalms and the reality is we love the Psalms because the Psalms are this beautiful piece of literature that express
14:04Every human emotion every human emotion is in the Psalms
14:08I'm talking about from the height of human ecstasy down to the depths of despair
14:12If you have an emotion that you are feeling I promise you you can find it in the book of Psalms
14:18the book of Psalms our collection of
14:20150 ancient Hebrew poems songs and prayers that come from different periods of Israel's history and
14:27Contrary to popular belief King David didn't write all of them
14:31He wrote a majority about 73 of them
14:33But there were other authors like Moses has a psalm in there and Solomon has a psalm in there
14:38Do name Asaph has a psalm in there?
14:40There's even some that are anonymous, but our psalm today psalm 84. This was written by the sons of Korah
14:47the sons of Korah wrote psalm 84 the sons of Korah somebody say the sons of
14:57They gave us psalm 84 that we read today
14:59Why is it important to know the sons of Korah wrote it?
15:03It's because you get a deeper understanding of a person's lyrics
15:08When you understand the context of their life that produced the lyrics
15:12When you understand where those lyrics came from you appreciate the lyrics better
15:18When you understand the context of the life that it came from that's why you love psalm 23
15:23The Lord is my shepherd. How many know the reason psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd hits hard
15:28It's because David was a shepherd
15:30It wouldn't hit as hard if David wasn't a shepherd
15:33The reason he can write the Lord is my shepherd is because he was one that was his life
15:38You talk about a dude that has some sheep that he was watching some dumb
15:42Ignorant bad sheep. They were his they were his sheep
15:46They were under his care and although they were dumb and although they were a little crazy
15:51Didn't matter to David they were still his sheep that he was in charge of he was protecting those sheep and we find out one
15:58Day that a bear and another day a lion came to attack those sheep
16:03And if it was anybody else's sheep, especially mine
16:05I would have been throwing the sheep at the lion and at the bear but not David
16:09He said wait a minute. These are my sheep
16:11They may not be significant to anybody else
16:13But they're significant to me and because I have been given the responsibility to watch over them
16:18I'm gonna put my life in
16:20Danger and I am going to defend these sheep from every lion and every bear that might come their way and he pulls out
16:27A slingshot and kills a lion and a bear just to protect those sheep
16:32Why is that important because after David killed that lion and after he killed that bear he got a revelation
16:38He said wait a minute the same way
16:40I protect these sheep is the same way my God protects me the same way something rose up on the inside of me when an
16:48Enemy came for these sheep something must rise up on my God when people start coming after me
16:53He said I think a song is coming on. The Lord is my shepherd. I lack nothing. Oh
17:00Look at your neighbor say be careful how you treat me
17:04He's my shepherd
17:06But it hits different when it comes from a person who's actually a shepherd
17:12I'm telling you if you don't understand the context of the person
17:15You don't understand the lyrics that they wrote. You don't understand. You don't understand a Fanny Crosby
17:23Who had six weeks became blind and lost her sight and yet with no sight she writes
17:31blessed assurance
17:33Jesus is mine. Oh what a foretaste of glory divine. This is my story
17:40This is my song praising my Savior all the day long
17:46Wait a minute you praising it. You ain't got no sight
17:49You mean to tell me you lost your sight at six weeks old and you still writing blessed assurance?
17:55Jesus is mine. You don't write blessed assurance. Can't believe I'm blind. No, no, no
18:00No, that means it's not about what you're going through
18:02It's what you choose to believe and hold on to when you're going through it
18:08blessed assurance
18:10What about a Horatio Spafford?
18:13Who was a wealthy businessman?
18:15Who lost a son to a fever at a young age?
18:18Who saw all of his real estate portfolio burn up in the Chicago fires?
18:24Who sent his family ahead of him on a trip to Europe that he would join them later only to find out that another ship?
18:31Would hit his family ship and there would be one lone survivor his wife and his daughters would die at sea
18:38And on a voyage to go meet his devastated wife
18:42The captain takes him to the deck of the ship and shows him the waters where his daughters drowned
18:48And yet he goes back to his cabin pulls out his pen and writes the only him that he will ever write
18:56when peace
18:57like a river
19:00Attended my way
19:02When sorrows like sea pillows more
19:05Whatever my lord
19:07Thou has taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul
19:14How can it be well with your soul when you're going through a valley because there's something about trusting God
19:21Even when the situation isn't good, but you say God
19:24I know you're good, and I don't see it in the valley, but I'm not gonna lose my song
19:32In the valley
19:33Psalm 84 is written by the sons of Korah. Do you know what the sons of Korah are?
19:39Korah's sons
19:42If you want to know who they really are
19:44When you get to the crib read Numbers chapter 16 read Numbers chapter 16 when you get home
19:49We found out that Korah. This is the dude that led a rebellion against Moses
19:54He led a rebellion against Moses. He got
19:57250 people with him because he got in his feelings. He was already a Levite
20:01But he didn't think that Moses should be in the position Moses or Aaron should be in that position
20:05So he got mad at Pastor Moses, and he said I'm gonna cause division got
20:10250 people with him and they tried to take over and say Moses
20:14We don't think you should be the leader, and I love what Moses did Moses just prayed
20:19Moses Moses didn't start fighting back at him Moses didn't say I am somebody Moses didn't do a little fake tweet or a fake post
20:25On Instagram look crazy that people don't think you should be in the position that you in when God called you
20:30He didn't do any of that
20:32He just prayed to the Lord
20:34He fell down on his face and prayed to the Lord when somebody's saying I don't think you should be in the position and then
20:40Through a spirit of division is getting people to join him
20:42He just prayed to the Lord and do you know what God did after Moses prayed?
20:46They'll say everybody back up from Korah and everybody back up from the 250 and the Bible says that the ground
20:52Opened up and swallowed
20:54Korah and the 250 and Moses didn't have to fight. He just prayed
20:58I'm telling you better start praying for your enemies. You better start praying for them. Don't reply
21:04Just pray for Lord however you want to handle it
21:08Old Testament or new just do you Lord do you?
21:12Bless me anyway
21:15So so the sons of Korah's watch this the sons of Korah hear me are the ones that survived
21:21They're the ones that didn't get swallowed up, but they were aware of what happened to their ancestors
21:27So no wonder when you get to Psalm 84, it says blessed are those who dwell in your house
21:32They are ever praising you. It says things like better is one day in your court than a
21:38Thousand elsewhere it says I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than be with the tent of the wicked
21:45You know what they're doing
21:46They're remembering their history with God the reason they were so passionate about the house of God is because they remember where they should have been
21:53And where they could have been and since they received mercy from God and they weren't swallowed up
21:59Their result was to give God praise because they remembered their history
22:03Can I tell you you will lose your song in the valley if you forget your history with God?
22:09Some of you need a pause in the valley that you're in and remember where you could be
22:15Remember where you should be and that oughta cause praise to come out of your mouth
22:22I know you're going through a valley
22:23But have you thought about your ancestors that came before you and what they had to fight and what they had to go through and
22:29They were still singing praises and singing spirituals to God and here you are
22:34Somebody commented on your page and you're about to have a breakdown. No, no, no
22:38No, you better remind yourself that if God brought you through that he'll bring you through this
22:43It is my history with God
22:48That helps me not to lose my song in the valley
22:52People who've lost their song in the valley tend to be the people who forgotten their history with God
22:59and so the sons of Cora write about the beauty hear me of coming together and
23:05Worshipping in the house of God. I love the verse that says my soul longs and even
23:12Faints for you. Oh y'all that messed me up this week
23:17They said I am so desperate to get to the house of God and worship if I don't get there. I'm gonna faint
23:23They said my heart and flesh crowd for the living God. I mean, oh when you write those lyrics, that's not a lyric of devotion
23:29That's a lyric of desperation
23:31But I gotta get to the last time when the last time you said if I don't get to church, I'm gonna pass out
23:39Was the last time you had that type of
23:42Desperation just to get with the body of Christ and worship this song convicted me not to just do things out of devotion
23:48but to actually have a
23:50Desperation for God. There's a difference between loving God and having a hunger for God
23:56And sometimes it's not until we get in the valley that we get the hunger
24:00So God says if it takes this valley to actually get some hunger and you guess what? Thank God for that Valley
24:06I've learned to kiss the ways that push me against the rock of ages
24:12Sometimes it's not into the valley that you don't get hungry
24:15For his presence. God was convicted me this way. He's like, where's the last time you are hungry?
24:20It's I'm gonna pass out until I get to that church. He took me back to the pandemic. Y'all remember that?
24:25remember that
24:26Remember the first few weeks of the pandemic as the church and church for the first church closed down
24:31And like the first couple of weeks it was like, okay
24:34Online technology is cool. Oh church in my pajamas
24:38But tell me laughter was like two months
24:41three months
24:42my soul
24:45Longing to be in the house of the Lord with other believers y'all I preached Easter Sunday
24:51During the pandemic in an empty building to my how many glad he's risen crickets
24:57And my soul was
25:00Desperate just to gather together because how many know it's something powerful when we get together in worship
25:06I know you think you can worship by yourself me myself and I but I'm telling you when your hallelujah
25:11Gets with her hallelujah when your praise the Lord gets with his praise the Lord. There's something powerful that happens
25:18I wish somebody would put it into practice right now
25:20If all of us begin to lift up our voices and give God praise something shifts in the atmosphere
25:27Something is different when the collective assembly says I got up this morning to give him praise. He's been too good to me
25:35He deserves my worship my heart and my soul
25:40Well, there's something about us getting together I
25:44Don't know who this is for but you've been treating church attendants. There's something that is optional
25:50And God's saying no, no, no, no, no, you need to make it a priority
25:56To get in the house of God
25:59Isn't it interesting that if your kid woke up to go to school?
26:01It's like I don't feel like it you'd be like, uh, I don't care get up
26:05You going to school and get the house of God. Oh
26:09Well, I guess you do have brunch we could go to
26:12And then years down the road you want to bring that same child back to church to say
26:15Oh, can they just do something with the youth of this generation?
26:19You want the church to do in one you service what you had every single day of the week and an opportunity to do
26:25I'm telling you make it a priority
26:29Something powerful happens when we join together
26:31So the language of the sons of Cora in Psalm 84 or I have to get into the house of God
26:37I have to worship him and they didn't lose their song because they remembered their history
26:43nothing, I noticed in the song is
26:46How many times the word blessed is mentioned?
26:51Did y'all see that?
26:52Over and over this song is talking about being
26:56Blessed not blessed. Let's just look at it verse 4 blessed are those who dwell in your house
27:03Verse 5 blessed are those whose strength is in you
27:08Blessed are those whose hearts are set on pilgrimage verse 12
27:12The psalm is blessed is the one who trusts in you blessed
27:18Blessed don't start thinking about that word
27:21Blessed tell me no that word has been hijacked today. I
27:26Think you lose your song in the valley if you don't know what it really means or what it looks like to be blessed
27:33Because I think we have a misunderstanding of what it looks like to be blessed. I even did a little homework
27:39I searched songs with the word blessed in it and
27:45Interestingly enough not all spiritual songs came up
27:51There were other songs
27:53Had the word blessed in it. I was confused songs with psalmist. I don't know if you heard of the psalmist like Drake and
28:00Big Sean and I believe it's Thai dollar sign. These are the
28:06Is that right I
28:09I'm looking at the lyrics of what they call blessed. I'm way up blessed
28:16I'm like, it's is that what bless it is?
28:20It's a biblical word
28:22then I
28:23Look at the hashtag blessed. I want to see what does humanity post? We're blessed and y'all these pictures of blessed. I
28:31saw people like their outfits on and they watch his time I
28:36Miss I saw people in the most palatial environments at the dopest hotels. I'm about blessed
28:42Some people with their family or knew about the last bless. I'm like, it's it
28:47Is that cuz none of the pictures I saw of people saying they were blessed
28:53Look like the valley
28:57They all look like the mountaintop and yet the psalmist has the nerve and audacity to say
29:02You can be in the valley of a weeping
29:07And be blessed
29:09I'm confused because if the picture of my mind of blessed is on the yacht
29:16Gucci down to the socks
29:21Having a new child
29:23What happens when I can't get on the yacht?
29:27And I lost my car what happens when I don't have a child am I hashtag cursed
29:36Maybe we need to rethink
29:38What blessing actually looks like and please don't miss the message. I'm not saying God can't bless you with any of that
29:47I'm just wondering
29:48If this is a better definition of blessed blessed are those who dwell in the house of the Lord in other words
29:55There's a blessing to be in the house when I'm going through the valley that if I can have somebody else with me in the valley
30:02There's a blessing to be in the house of God blessed are those here. It is whose strength is in you
30:08Typically when I'm at my weakest God opens up my eyes to his strength
30:13So God says at your lowest moment
30:15You can be blessed because it's at your lowest moment that you finally look up and say God
30:19I can't do this on my own and God said now's the time for me to come in and show you you can be blessed
30:24When you got no strength because now that your strength is gone
30:27I can flex and show you how big and strong my strength is that's blessed
30:34Blessed is the one who trust in the next president of these United States of the I'm sorry blessed is the one
30:42Who trust in him
30:45That's blessed
30:47And then the one that really made me shout oh
30:50Blessed are those whose hearts are set on
31:00Pilgrimage your boy is a pilgrim
31:05The context of the psalmist is that they would take a journey to the temple to worship in Jerusalem
31:11And they would take an arduous journey that would be filled
31:15through the wilderness and through different climate changes and yet the journey was worth it because they knew they were gonna get to the temple and
31:22Be able to worship their journey was worth it because I said all as soon as I get to the temple and I hear the praises
31:29Of God's people. It's gonna make this trip worth it
31:32The vision is of somebody walking to the temple and say yes
31:36This is a long journey and my feet hurt
31:38But I got this land that I'm gonna sacrifice and my sins are gonna be covered so it's worth it to get there
31:44I'm a pilgrim. I'm a pilgrim. What is the metaphor?
31:48What is the understanding for today that if you are a believer how many know this earth is not your home?
31:54We are headed somewhere heaven is our real home
31:58And when you're walking through the valley you've got to remind yourself that this is not the final say matter of fact
32:04We are strangers. We are aliens in this world
32:07But there is coming a day when Jesus is gonna come back and he's gonna split the sky and heaven is gonna make earth
32:14Make sense. There's some things I don't understand right now in the valley
32:17But when I get to heaven and I see Jesus
32:20Oh, I'm telling you he'll make it make sense and some of y'all are just living for earthly gain
32:26That's why you don't know how to shout right here
32:28But there's some of us that know there's coming a day when I will leave this earth in a moment in a twinkling of an eye
32:34I'm not built for this earth. Heaven is my home
32:40That's why I can shout right now if he heals me or he doesn't he healed me when I get to heaven because that is my home
32:49This is not your home
32:54This is not the prize
32:57Earth is not the final say
33:00And I'm guilty of this myself. I think we forget that sometimes
33:04This isn't the end
33:06We're going somewhere
33:08I'll give you this as the worst thing comes to play softly behind me so I can hurry up and stop talking so we go
33:12baptize everybody I
33:15Have a rule I have a rule when I travel and I've been doing it for years whenever I go to a hotel and I
33:22Travel I never put my clothes in the drawer. I
33:26Never do part of it. I'm a little bit of a germaphobe and I don't know if they cleaned them out
33:31I don't know who clothes were there before that
33:35But the part of the reason that I leave my clothes in my suitcase, it's because I know I'm gonna leave
33:42It's not my home
33:44Now don't miss the message. I can enjoy the hotel. Oh
33:49Please believe your boys gonna enjoy all the amenities
33:53And if they told me one in the pamphlet and I don't see it. Oh, excuse me. Y'all said it was
33:57I'll say it free
33:59Breakfast now you say fruit. You said breakfast. I want the bags. I'm trying to trick you. I know that's just the fruit
34:06No, I want the eggs and bacon. You said free breakfast
34:08Not fruit put fruit on there. Never mind. I
34:12Enjoy I enjoy all the amenities y'all. I love the pool. I
34:19Enjoy it all. I
34:21Have a great time
34:23But I don't get too comfortable
34:29I'ma go home
34:32Can I tell you have you ever experienced this even in like a nice hotel?
34:38You stay there too long
34:40You're like man
34:42This is nice. I'm ready kid. Oh, I
34:45Appreciate y'all's couch, but y'all my couch is fitted to me. You got that lump on the side
34:52I'll go home
34:54Can I tell you that feeling you have?
34:57Is proof positive you were not built for this world
35:01This isn't home
35:03Heaven is home
35:06And I'm afraid
35:10I'm afraid some of us have started painting the walls of the hotel room
35:16Putting our clothes in the drawer and getting real comfortable because we think this is where we're staying
35:22Heaven is our home blessed are those
35:26Whose hearts are set on pilgrimage?
35:29And as I go through the valley
35:31Even in the dark moments, he's with me, but this is not all
35:36And then it says that verse 6
35:38He jacked me up this week y'all as they pass through the valley of Baca weeping
35:46they make
35:49It a
35:51Place of Springs
35:54ha as
35:56They pass through the valley of weeping
35:58they make
36:03It's a place of so it's the it that messed me up because that's not what we shout about in church
36:08We shot about after
36:10Weeping may endure for a night, but joy
36:16Coming in the morning
36:18When you get through this all the blessings on the other side and that is true, too
36:23But the psalmist is saying
36:25That there is a spring of refreshing in the valley of weep
36:35That the valley of weeping can become a spring of refreshing I
36:42Think you open up the spring of refreshing when you open up your mouth and sing and worship in the valley. I
36:49Didn't think this was possible till I remember Death Valley
36:53You ever seen Death Valley?
36:55Death Valley on, California
36:58One of the driest
37:00climates hot hot
37:03Temperatures have gotten up to a hundred and thirty degrees in Death Valley on record hottest place. Y'all thought we had it hot here
37:10It's a cool breeze compared to Death Valley
37:13And that's what some of you are walking through right now
37:18It's dry. It's the valley of Baca. It's the valley of weeping. It's Death Valley
37:24But how can it become a place of springs and refreshing?
37:30That's a good picture of Death Valley. But have you seen this picture of Death Valley?
37:37It's the same valley
37:41That is a picture of something they call
37:43super bloom
37:45It only happens every so often
37:47That a place that doesn't get much rain
37:50there are some seasons where it gets just the right amount of rain and it gets just the right amount of wind and the
37:57Temperature is set just right and when that happens
37:59There's something called super bloom and what happens in super bloom is the dormant seeds that were laying in the dry valley
38:07All of a sudden begin to blossom and bloom not somewhere else
38:11But in the same place where it was dry and it looked like there was nothing
38:16I came to tell somebody God is able to do that with your life
38:20That's the same valley where it seems like there's no life. It seems like it's all death
38:25It seems like God is so different
38:27I dare you to cry your last tear
38:29But at a point you gotta lift up your hands and say I'm gonna sing and worship in this valley
38:35Cuz I gotta bless them with my hands are full I gotta bless them with my hands are empty
38:41I bless them on the mountain
38:42So I gotta bless them in the valley and I'm telling you when you do that
38:47There will be a super bloom God says I'm able to bring springs in the desert
38:52I wish somebody would get on their feet and give God praise in the midst of your valley right now
38:58I mean open up your mouth and give them praise like you know
39:01God is able to make your valley of weeping a spring of refreshing
39:12It can become a spring of refreshing
39:20Right there in that valley
39:22Right there in the valley of going through chemo
39:28It can become a spring of refreshing
39:31As you sing
39:33And you trust him
39:35It can become
39:37Somebody if I pass the mic around could testify
39:41That in a valley of a dark place all of a sudden you get a greater empathy for other people you find yourself
39:47Bringing encouragement to somebody else that's walking through something and as you give them encouragement you're encouraged to
39:55If it becomes a spring
39:58of refreshing
40:00It came to tell somebody don't lose your song in the valley
40:04I'm not saying don't cry cry, but as the psalmist said all right. I got a drama. I don't know I gotta go
40:13Down to my last cry and God is so wonderful to let every tear
40:19Be the thing that's necessary to cause the blue
40:24in the valley
40:26They that sow in tears
40:29Shall reap the joy
40:32I'm gonna ask every head be bowed and eyes be closed today father
40:36I'm praying for my brother my sister
40:40That the enemy is trying to stop their song in the valley
40:46What I just pray that you would give them the strength to sing again
40:52The enemy would want us to be quiet
40:55Because the valley is so lonely and so hard
40:58But Lord, thank you for the promise of your word
41:02that the valley of weeping can become a spring of
41:07Refreshing so I do that for my brother do that for my sister today
41:12Lord don't let them lose their song
41:16Life might be hitting them with something so
41:19Hard but Lord I pray that they would write lyrics like it is a whale with my soul
41:26Blessed assurance Jesus is mine. Oh
41:30God open up our eyes to see that blessing is not about having everything that we want
41:39Blessing is about having you
41:43Even in the valley that we didn't want
41:46To help us to see it
41:48His heads about and eyes are closed today. If you'd be so on to say hey PR
41:52I've lost my song in the valley and I need to sing
41:56Again for some of you that is very practical as you just worshiping
42:01Not just in church
42:02But at home and finding a place you've been in the dark and you've been
42:07Singing songs that are keeping you in the valley and God says no open up your mouth and sing and worship
42:13If you're here today you say that's me I need to get my song back in the valley
42:17Would you lift up your hand high enough and long enough to see it? I believe God's giving you strength to sing again father
42:23Thank you. Thank you for every hand
42:26Thank you. Jesus head still bowed. I still closed if you're here today, and you've never
42:32Taken that first step
42:34Which is to say Jesus my life is yours
42:38We already baptized
42:40156 people today. We're about to baptize some more all of who have made a public
42:46Declaration of an inner commitment to say Lord. I'm gonna follow you and I want to give you that opportunity today
42:53Say Lord, I'm coming home
42:56Hear me. I don't care what somebody told you you got to fix some things get yourself together before you come to God
43:00You can't fix yourself or get yourself together
43:04He's a Savior
43:06That's what he does. He saves
43:08But you do have to just receive the free gift of salvation that he purchased on the cross
43:16So it has bowed and I was closed if that's you you say hey PR
43:19I need to give him my life today, or maybe there was a season you were walking with God and because of the valley
43:25Your heart's gotten cold, but you hear God calling you back home
43:28You need to rededicate or recommit your life to him
43:31That's you would you lift up your hand right now high enough and long enough to where I can see it. Thank you Lord. Yeah
43:37Thank you Jesus I
43:39Want us to pray this prayer as one big family today. We're all gonna say it, but especially those of you who responded
43:44Would you say this say Jesus I?
43:47Need you
43:49Lord, I know
43:51You're the God of the mountain
43:53You're the God of the valley
43:56So I come to you today
44:00Needing you to forgive me of my sin
44:05Jesus I believe
44:07You live the life
44:09That I was supposed to live
44:12You died the death
44:14That I was supposed to die
44:16You took my place
44:19So my response
44:21Is to give you everything
44:24from this moment forward
44:27All that I am is yours in Jesus name
44:32Come on somebody say amen and give God the best praise
44:36That you got
44:38Come on, you could do better than that. Can we give Jesus a praise today?