The Tanlang Star (lit. Greedy Wolf, Dubhe) takes a human form and lands on earth. After 20 years of living with wolves, the Star has grown into a young man who can communicate with wolves. A girl from a village of hunters accidentally hurts him when hunting, so she lets him stay in the village. However, the beast-like young man is rejected by the villagers. The days he spends with the girl make him more and more human. He breaks through the four-beast-array set by the hunters, so they have to accept this half-man monster. The Pojun Star (lit. Beat Enemies, Alkaid),whose nemesis is the Tanlang Star, now has become a local gallant man with no rivals. Upon hearing the location of his nemesis, the Pojun Star, together with the Qisha Star (lit. Seven Kills, Polis), comes to the village to find out Tanlang and destroy him.
背后有七颗痣印记的狼少年乃天枢星转世为人,命占贪狼,落地之时误入狼群,愤怒之时会显化巨狼本相,后机缘巧合被月夕带到村子,为保性命,习武狼王村破四方阵。山外破军,为官必劫,纵横黑道万夫莫敌难寻对手,虽师父留有遗言,破军若遇贪狼需退避三舍,不然定有血光之灾,破军不信天命,要与贪狼一战,七星连珠再现,贪狼重生化人,贪狼与破军,宿命一战得以终结 [2]。
背后有七颗痣印记的狼少年乃天枢星转世为人,命占贪狼,落地之时误入狼群,愤怒之时会显化巨狼本相,后机缘巧合被月夕带到村子,为保性命,习武狼王村破四方阵。山外破军,为官必劫,纵横黑道万夫莫敌难寻对手,虽师父留有遗言,破军若遇贪狼需退避三舍,不然定有血光之灾,破军不信天命,要与贪狼一战,七星连珠再现,贪狼重生化人,贪狼与破军,宿命一战得以终结 [2]。