Art et designTranscription
00:00C'est parti Fluff !
00:04Prête Fluff ?
00:07C'est parti Fluff !
00:11Allez Fluff ! Prends le ballon !
00:13Alice !
00:14Alice viens ici !
00:16Dans une minute maman !
00:18Cette minute Alice ? Tu as entendu ta mère ?
00:20Oui monsieur !
00:21Viens Fluff !
00:25As-tu terminé d'aider ta mère avec les déchets ?
00:27Oui monsieur !
00:28Et ton travail à la maison ?
00:30Il me semble que tu avais un rapport sur Alice et Wonderland pour faire ta classe.
00:35Oh non, tu n'as pas terminé Fluff !
00:37Je n'ai pas terminé encore papa.
00:40Tu ne penses pas que tu devrais commencer ?
00:42Oui monsieur !
00:43Et souviens-toi, pas de télévision jusqu'à ce que tu termines !
00:47Oui monsieur !
00:48Eh bien, c'est parti pour ma journée !
00:52Voyons, j'étais à la partie où Alice rencontre Humpty Dumpty.
00:59Oh !
01:02Oh, ma tête !
01:09C'est bon !
01:10Laisse la pièce et ne m'inquiète pas !
01:18Oh mon Dieu !
01:21Fluff, es-tu là ?
01:28Fluff !
01:32Où suis-je ?
01:35Papa, aide-moi !
01:36Aide-moi !
01:37Je ne peux pas me tenir !
01:39Ma tête, c'est flippant !
03:28Je cherche Fluff.
03:29Fluff ? Qu'est-ce que Fluff ?
03:31Fluff est mon chien.
03:32Est-ce que Fluff est vraiment un chien ?
03:34Ou est-ce que tu m'apportes des points ?
03:36Oui, Fluff est vraiment un chien et il est perdu et je dois le trouver.
03:39Deux points pour toi !
03:41Je pensais que tu étais perdue !
03:42Oh, arrête ! Je ne veux pas jouer à des jeux stupides !
03:45Je veux juste trouver Fluff et aller chez moi.
03:48Oh, je ne voulais pas te faire pleurer.
03:51Tu n'es pas malade de moi, n'est-ce pas ?
03:54Aimes-tu moi ?
03:56Oui, j'aime toi.
03:58Pourquoi ne pas le prouver et écrire mes oreilles ?
04:01Oh, d'accord.
04:05Penalité de 15 mètres pour la tendresse inutile.
04:08Maintenant, si tu sors de mon chemin, je suis déjà en retard et je perdrai des points pour la tendresse.
04:13Je ne peux pas sortir de ton chemin, je suis cramée ici.
04:15Oh, c'est terrible.
04:17Peux-tu m'aider ?
04:18Bien sûr, donne-moi un cinéma pour les mots plus petits et plus gros.
04:21Tu ne veux pas dire cinéma, tu veux dire synonym.
04:24Un mot qui signifie la même chose qu'un autre mot.
04:26C'est faux, je veux dire cinéma.
04:285 points pour moi.
04:29Maintenant, c'est un cake de cinéma, une grande amélioration par rapport au cake de synonyme.
04:34Si tu manges le dessus, tu deviens plus petit.
04:36Si tu manges le bas, tu deviens plus grand.
04:38Mais quel que soit le tailleur que tu aies, tu seras de la taille de manche.
04:41Viens, sois mon invité.
04:43Oh, n'en parle pas.
04:48Oh, mon Dieu, je suis si petite !
04:50Tu es trop petite. Prends un nibble de l'autre côté.
04:58Oh, j'ai cassé ma tête.
05:00Hey, jolie jeune dame, j'ai dit un nibble.
05:07Voilà, c'est une bonne taille.
05:09Mais si jamais on va danser, tu vas toujours devoir porter des manches.
05:11Maintenant, si tu m'excuses, je serai de mon côté.
05:13Attends, tu ne m'as pas dit où je suis ou comment trouver des manches.
05:16Désolée, je suis en hurleur.
05:18Et souvenez-vous, ce n'est pas si vous gagnez ou perdez.
05:21C'est si vous pouvez ouvrir cette porte.
05:26Comment je peux ouvrir cette porte ?
05:30On ouvre la porte en 8,3 secondes.
05:32Un nouveau record du monde pour les filles de taille variable.
05:35C'est 500 points pour toi.
05:37Écoute, Mr. Rabbit, je n'ai aucune idée où je suis ou ce que je fais ici.
05:41Tout ce que je veux faire, c'est trouver des manches et aller chez moi.
05:44Et toi, tout ce que tu fais, c'est jouer à tes jeux stupides.
05:47Jeux stupides ?
05:49Les jeux ne sont pas stupides.
05:51La vie est un jeu.
05:52Assieds-toi un instant et je vais t'expliquer.
05:58Moi ? Moi ?
06:05La vie est un jeu, alors qu'est-ce que c'est ?
06:09Jouez à tes jeux stupides.
06:12Allez danser et vous verrez.
06:16Tout ira bien.
06:19La vie est un jeu.
06:21Assieds-toi un instant et joue.
06:23C'est un jour très mauvais.
06:26Essayons un jeu.
06:30Tu seras la manche.
06:34Vivez maintenant.
06:36Et pas un peu plus tard.
06:41Et gagnez.
06:43Pourquoi devenir spectateur ?
06:47La vie est un jeu, alors essayez votre chance.
06:51Chassez-vous un puck hockey.
06:54Allez voler un kite.
06:56Ou jouer au roulette.
06:58Ou si vous êtes un poulet, jouez au croquette.
07:01C'est une blague diabolique, mais n'oubliez pas
07:04que la vie est un jeu.
07:07J'aimerais jouer à un jeu qui s'appelle Find Sloth.
07:10Je vais vous montrer comment.
07:11Ici, Kitty. Bien joué, Kitty.
07:14Mais c'est un chien.
07:15Exactement, Trickly.
07:16Et qu'est-ce que les chiens aiment chasser ?
07:18Les lapins.
07:19Les blancs avec les longues oreilles.
07:21C'est ça.
07:22Oh, vous jouez juste un jeu avec moi,
07:25mais je pense que vous avez compris.
07:27La vie est un jeu, alors qu'est-ce que c'est ?
07:31Jouez bien, jouez faiblement.
07:39Jouez à la billiards ou à la samba.
07:41Ou à la flambeau.
07:43Ou à la télévision.
07:46Je ne sais pas si vous connaissez ça.
07:48La vie est une blague.
07:50Ou si vous êtes un chimiste, jouez à la télévision.
07:54Jouez à la télévision, ou à la samba.
07:58Play billiards or play snooker
08:02And here's a cue
08:05Don't be a mere onlooker
08:09Life's a game, a great charade
08:13A cuckoo masquerade
08:16Go climb a tree and if you fall
08:20Just bounce back like a basketball
08:23You win, you lose, but after all
08:28Life's a game
08:53The Unwinding Road
09:53The Unwinding Road
10:22Pussy Willow
10:48Cheshire Cat
11:43The Unwinding Road
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26:21the birds are chirping
26:23buds are blooming
26:25what a pleasure to be human
26:28as the grasshoppers hop
26:30i can just here them say
26:32what a one, two, three, one, two, three
26:34wonderful day
26:36so throw those worries away
26:38just be happy
26:40cause it is the wonderful day
26:44Y'know, you sing very nice
26:46but, i'm still unhappy
26:48but it's
26:50A wonderful day
26:52Trees are waving
26:54Bees are bumbling
26:56I won't listen to your grumbling
26:59The sky is bluer than blue
27:02Frogs are chuckling
27:04Fish are wiggling
27:06It's a day that's made for giggling
27:10If you're too proud to giggle
27:12Then practice a smile
27:14And you'll find it's not difficult
27:16After a while
27:17It's just the day to be gay
27:20Where's that dimple?
27:22Hey, today's a wonderful day
27:26Do you think I might feel better if I sang that song?
27:31It's not a terrible day
27:34Though it's humid and it's smoggy
27:37And you haven't found your doggie
27:41I've seen worse days than today
27:44I feel healthy
27:46I feel hearty
27:48I might throw myself a party
27:51It's a day when you pop out your chest and you say
27:55Send me sixteen or seventeen dragons to slay
27:59I feel like yelling hooray
28:02So I'll yell it
28:04Today's a wonderful day
28:07Oh boy, that works good
28:09Today's a wonderful day
28:12Lock your troubles in the attic
28:15It's a day to feel ecstatic
28:19Today's a wonderful day
28:22Birds are chirping
28:24Buds are blooming
28:26What a pleasure to be human
28:29As the grasshoppers hop
28:31I can just hear them say
28:33What a one, two, three
28:34One, two, three
28:35Wonderful day
28:37So throw those worries away
28:40Call me silly
28:41Call me sappy
28:43But I've never felt so happy
28:47And so I snappily say
28:50Today's a wonderful day
29:04Oh, thank you very much
29:06I feel so much better
29:07Well, here I go
29:08On a cloud of dust
29:10Full of high hoes and slippers
29:11And away I go
29:16You said you'd help me find my dog
29:24Oh, he's gone
29:26And I don't know where Fluff is either
29:28Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy
29:30Am I ever late
29:31The queen will have my head for this
29:33Wait just a minute
29:35Can't wait
29:36Gotta get to the game
29:38What game?
29:39The queen's croquet game, silly
29:41It's the biggest blast of the year
29:43Oh, I'm all out of breath
29:45Can't we rest a minute?
29:46And keep the queen waiting?
29:48You rest
29:49I gotta go
29:52Oh dear
29:54There goes that silly rabbit
29:55And I'm still lost
29:57How will I ever find Fluff
29:59And get home again?
30:04Tickets, tickets
30:05Have your tickets ready
30:07Passengers will please step to the rear of the train
30:12Pardon me
30:13Did you see a train go by?
30:15I seem to have misplaced my train
30:18But you're driving a train now
30:20I am?
30:21Oh, there you are
30:23You naughty choo-choo
30:25May I ask why a king is driving a train?
30:28Ah, yes
30:29Well, we kings have to do a little moonlighting these days
30:33To make ends meet
30:35Are you going to the croquet game?
30:37I guess I might as well
30:39Maybe Fluff will be there
30:41Well, hop aboard and let's go
30:57Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen
30:59Oh, it's a beautiful day here at Wonderland
31:01The players are now shuffling around out in the center of the field
31:07And now they are flipping the referee
31:09To see who will kick off
31:12It's heads
31:13And the hearts elect to receive
31:16I really don't understand all this
31:18It's a very confusing game
31:20Well, let me explain
31:22You see those players out on the field?
31:25There's a left half
31:27And there's a right half
31:30And that's the band playing between the halves
31:37All right, let's get on with the game
31:41And it's high inside to the ace of diamonds
31:44Which makes it a count of five and four
31:46Oh, it's amazing the way that man can stick-handle
31:49Number ten fades back, back, back
31:52And picks a card from community chest
31:54Let's see what the judge's signal is
31:56Go to jail
31:57Go directly to jail
31:58Do not pass goal
31:59And do not collect 200 yards
32:01Here comes the captain of the clubs
32:03And if he can keep up this pace for the last two furlongs
32:06We may see a new champion in the air
32:13Oh, ladies and gentlemen
32:15I have seen great fights in my day
32:17But certainly not since the immortal and unforgettable
32:20What's his name?
32:22Has a triple hammerlock ever been applied with such grace?
32:26And here comes grace now
32:27Doing a double jackknife
32:28Followed by a swan dive
32:29Followed by a...
32:31Bump on the head
32:33As they pull grace out of the fire into the pool
32:35We see King Kamehameha riding the curl of that wave
32:38Really poetry in motion
32:43And of course, that ties it up
32:45And we've got a new ballgame, folks
32:47And it's time out
32:50All right, you, get out there
32:52But I don't know how to play that game
32:54What do you mean by playing the game?
32:56You are the tart girl, darling
32:58You see, the players get very thirsty
33:00So during their time out
33:02You run out and bring strawberry tarts
33:04For the darlings
33:06But that's silly
33:07Strawberry tarts won't quench their thirst
33:09All right then
33:10Bring raspberry tarts
33:11But hurry up
33:12Yes, ma'am
33:15Stop that girl
33:16Throw her in the dungeon
33:17And off with her head
33:18Who, me?
33:19What for?
33:20For stealing tarts, of course
33:22But your majesty, I wasn't stealing tarts
33:24I was following your orders
33:26Then I order you to be thrown into the dungeon
33:29But that isn't fair
33:31You can't put me in jail without a trial
33:33Very well
33:34First we'll have a trial
33:36Then off with your head
33:41Well, I finally got here
33:43That's twenty points for me
33:45But oh boy, oh boy, oh boy
33:46Am I ever late
33:47The queen will be furious
33:49And I shall lose all my points
33:55Le court est maintenant en ordre
33:57Le premier à gérer ce cas sera le roi du cœur
34:00Ou, comme nous tous le savons et l'aimons
34:03Le juge de la haine
34:05Le juge de la haine ?
34:06Et le fournisseur du jury sera la reine du cœur
34:09Une autre erreur comme ça
34:11Et je vais l'enlever
34:13Il n'y a pas eu d'erreur, votre honneur
34:15Un bon juge
34:16Ne s'attend jamais à la dernière minute
34:20Un bon juge
34:21Ne s'attend jamais à la dernière minute
34:24Merci, j'avais besoin de ça
34:26Le juge, votre honneur
34:28Vous avez donné sa permission de juger mon honneur ?
34:31Si un jugement d'honneur se passe
34:33Je ferai le jugement
34:35Et je vous tiendrai en contemptu de la cour
34:38Et tu seras condamné à 20 ans
34:40Dans la chaise électrique
34:42Ou à une fine de 12 dollars
34:44Ce qui soit le moins amusant
34:46Si cela vous plait, votre majesté
34:48Bien sûr que ça me plait
34:50Et je n'aime pas que un bailiff soit plus grand que moi
34:54Dites-moi, Shorty
34:56Pourquoi avez-vous interrompu ce jugement d'august ou de juillet ?
35:00C'est le cas du roi et de la reine du cœur
35:03Contre le prisonnier Alice
35:05Office à l'avant
35:06Non, non, ma chère
35:08Mais, mon cher roi, cette petite bête a volé des tartes de strawberry
35:11C'était des tartes de raspberry
35:13Là, tu vois, elle l'admette
35:15Mais je ne l'ai pas volé, je l'ai juste pris
35:17Non, je veux dire...
35:18Oh, je ne sais pas ce que je veux dire
35:20Elle l'admette
35:21Office à l'avant
35:22Office à l'avant
35:24Maintenant, ma chère, tu es le juge
35:27Fais comme une dame
35:29Comment as-tu le courage de me parler comme ça ?
35:31Attends-moi jusqu'à ce que je t'embrasse, mon amour
35:34Je dois travailler en retard ce soir, n'est-ce pas ?
35:37Non, monsieur
35:40Tout d'abord
35:42Avant d'arrêter ce prisonnier
35:44Allons-y avec le trial
35:46I want to assure this young criminal lady
35:49That justice will be done
35:51I have utmost faith
35:53Your defense will be handled with great skill
35:55By that stupid clock you hired to defend you
35:59I say, thank you, your honor
36:01Do we have to listen to the defense ?
36:03It only gets everybody mixed up
36:05I also know that your prosecution will be handled
36:08With the utmost fairness
36:10By the prosecuting attorney
36:12A brilliant lawyer
36:14A great orator
36:16And my son
36:19Sure, lots of dad, thanks
36:21Dad's a lot, thanks
36:22Dad's a pot
36:23No, thanks a lot, dad
36:25That's my son, the lawyer
36:27Ain't he cute ?
36:29Now, just a minute
36:31If the prosecuting attorney is your son
36:33This can't possibly be a fair trial
36:36That's immaterial, immature and embarrassing
36:39I suppose she expects a world's fair trial
36:42Hmm, well, let's see
36:44I'll have to get an opinion on that
36:46Bailiff, what's your opinion on this ?
36:49Well, my opinion is
36:51When I want your opinion
36:53I shall give it to you
36:55I have a hairdressing appointment
36:56Get on with the trial
36:57Oh, yes, yes, my dear
36:59Let the prosecution proceed
37:01Go get her, sonny
37:03Sure, the prosecution would like to pursue
37:05I mean, the prosecution would like to
37:07No, the prosecution would like to
37:09The prosecutor did
37:12Great work, son, great work
37:14Give that kid a hand
37:17I'm afraid we don't have a chance
37:19The judge is the prosecuting attorney's father
37:21And he's already said he doesn't like you
37:23I say, you may have something there
37:26Your Honor, I feel this is a gross miscarriage of justice
37:30And I demand the case be presented to a higher court
37:34Objection sustained
37:36Bailiff, take this case to a higher court
37:42Is this high enough for you ?
37:45Thank you, Your Honor
37:47It's just perfect
37:49I hope so
37:50I don't want to go any higher
37:52I get nosebleeds
37:54That's not what I meant by a higher court
37:56Well, you'll just have to make up your mind
37:58About these things, young lady
38:04Now, as to your reference to a grosser
38:07With a miscarriage of justice
38:09We'll call the grosser
38:11And have him deliver the evidence
38:13Well, I think of it, darling
38:15Have him bring a case of oranges
38:17Ah, one case at a time, my dear
38:19Oh, one, two, three, four, five
38:23I say, what are you doing ?
38:25I'm counting to ten so I won't lose my temper
38:28If it's time for counting
38:30The prosecution will sum up
38:32Go ahead, son
38:34Sure, two plus two equals four
38:36No, four plus four is seven
38:39Ten more arrive and the sum will be eleven
38:42Let's hear it for my boy
38:44Can he sum up or can he sum up ?
38:47Like I said, he's some boy
38:50Please, this is all so silly
38:52I didn't break the law
38:54All right, let's go back to the higher court
39:00Now, what did you say ?
39:02I said you can't try me, I didn't break any law
39:05Don't be silly, darling
39:06We've got to have a trial
39:07It's the law
39:08How do you plead ? Guilty or not guilty ?
39:11Not guilty, your honor
39:13Not guilty ?
39:15Oh, darling, that does change things, doesn't it ?
39:18In that case, I drop the charges
39:21And I shall commute your sentence
39:23Oh, thank you, your honor
39:28To ninety-nine years in singsong prison
39:31Ninety-nine years ?
39:33I object, I object
39:36I object, I object
39:46Have a nice day, little girl
39:48See you in ninety-nine years
39:56Love, I found you
39:58What are you doing in jail ?
40:00Ninety-nine years for being lost without a license
40:03Why, you're Humpty Dumpty
40:05Humpty Dumpty is to handle, babe
40:08You know me ?
40:09Did we ever serve time together ?
40:11No, but I read about you in a book
40:13You're very nice
40:14Are you kidding ?
40:15I'm a real bad egg
40:17I'm hard-boiled
40:18I'm a regular public enemy
40:22It's the white rabbit
40:24What's the rat, bud ?
40:26Ninety-nine years for being late for the croquet game
40:29And the queen took away all my points, too
40:32Oh, gee
40:34Hey, you wanna play some games to pass the time away ?
40:37I'm sorry, I don't feel like playing games
40:41I just wanna go home
40:43Home ? What's your home ?
40:45I thought everyone knew about home
40:48It's where you live
40:50You mean like an egg crate ?
40:51Or a rabbit hutch ?
40:53No, not quite like that
40:55My home is very special
40:57Funny, I never thought much about it before
41:00Well, tell us what it's like
41:02What's so special about it ?
41:32What's so special about it ?
42:02You get the strangest wishes
42:05And home is where you want to be
42:10It's true
42:12It's lots of fun to go
42:16Coming back is better though
42:21Gee, won't it be great
42:24To know I'm home
42:31I'm home
42:42Daddy laughs
42:44And right away
42:47I'm home
42:52I never thought I'd miss
42:55The helping with the dishes
42:58Or doing my geometry
43:02But when you're somewhere else
43:05You get the strangest wishes
43:08And home is where you want to be
43:13It's true
43:17It's lots of fun to go
43:21Coming back is better though
43:26Gee, won't it be great
43:29To know I'm home
43:33Hey, everybody
43:35I'm home
43:53You poor kid
43:54I feel awful, Chad
43:56Me too
43:57Boo hoo, boo hoo, boo hoo
44:00What's the matter with you ?
44:01I'm crying, Dumpty
44:03Please don't cry
44:05All right
44:06I didn't mean to upset you
44:08I ain't gonna let him do this to you, kid
44:10We're gonna bust out of here and get you home again
44:13Oh, that would be wonderful
44:15But how can we get out of here ?
44:17Very simple
44:18I swipe the guard's key
44:25No one in sight
44:26Now's our chance
44:27Quick, to the main gate
44:29Call the guards
44:31Call the guards
44:34Who is it that's escaping ?
44:45Come on, kids, step on it
44:48I'm running as fast as I can
44:50But I'm getting awfully tired
44:58Off is her head
44:59Off is her head
45:01No, no, my dear
45:03Happy birthday
45:04Merry Christmas
45:05Happy New Year
45:06Knock it off
45:07Can't a mouse get some sleep around here ?
45:18No, Humphrey, no
45:20Come with us
45:21Come on, come on, come on, come on
45:23Do as Dumpty says
45:25Bye, Alice
45:26Don't worry about me
45:27I'll be all right
45:28Bye, little chum
45:30All right, you
45:31Come down off that wall
45:33You are under arrest
45:35I got a better idea
45:37You come up and get me
45:39If you do not come down
45:41We shall blow up the wall
45:44A scrambled egg
45:45I don't want to be
45:47In that case
45:48You leave me no choice
45:55Oh, no
45:56He cracked his head
45:58Oh, don't worry, Alice
45:59They'll put him back together again
46:01Now, let's skedaddle
46:03Before they catch us, too
46:08Hurry, hurry
46:10Hurry, hurry!
46:18Quick, climb back into your house!
46:21Dear, how can I get up there?
46:24What's a cinnamon for silly, silly?
46:27Look in your pocket, look in your pocket!
46:29Of course, the synonym! I mean cinnamon cake!
46:42Daddy! Oh, Daddy, I'm here, I'm here!
46:45Help me out, Daddy, help me!
46:47Are you all right, Alice?
46:49I guess so.
46:52Oh, Daddy, it's you!
46:54Of course, it's me!
47:02I was chasing Fluff and I must have slipped.
47:05Well, you're all right now and Mother has dinner ready.
47:08So, let's put our books away and get to the table.
47:11But, Dad, wait!
47:15Goodness, it's you!
47:17Come on, gang!
47:21What are you doing here?
47:23Well, we got a surprise for you.
47:25A surprise?
47:27What is it?
47:30Love, I forgot all about you.
47:33Oh, White Rabbit, you are so thoughtful.
47:35Here's a great big kiss.
47:39Oh, Alice, dinner is ready.
47:42Look, Dad, it's the White Rabbit and all his friends.
47:46They're gone.
47:48You know, Fluff, no one would believe us if we told them what happened.
47:52But I hope you do.
48:08I mean doing in a place like this
48:11Now I got a hunch you won't like it here
48:14The potato chips are soggy, they water the beer
48:17What's a nice kid like you
48:21Doing in a place like this
48:24Now you could be in pictures with that cute little face
48:27So how come you hanging around this funky place
48:30What's a nice kid like you
48:34Doing in a place like this
48:36I'm splitting
48:37Doing in a place like this
48:39I gotta leave
48:40Doing in a place like this
48:42Like bye
48:43Doing in a place like this
48:45I bet you can't see me
48:47Doing in a place like this
48:49I'm gonna close my big mouth and split