25th September 2024

  • 2 days ago


00:29Suki, get out. Please.
01:15You said eight o'clock. I told you I'm on the deadline, eh?
01:18An opportunity, you said. Talk to me.
01:21I've got free run of a garage tonight. The Archers.
01:24At Mitchell's place?
01:26He's got everything. Grinders, metal press, the lot.
01:29So that motor you've been talking about, I can change the VIN number.
01:32It's been under an hour. All of them. No sweat.
01:35So that'll be what?
01:37Driver's side door frame, windscreen, cylinder block?
01:40Don't forget the metal frame under the driver's seat, too.
01:43Or was that a test?
01:48So little Harry wants to step up, does he?
01:50Look, just give me an hour with that motor and it will have a brand new ID.
01:53No way of tracing where it come from, who had it before, who supplied it, nothing.
01:57I've got other stuff to do, yeah, so an hour's all I've got.
02:02I'll make the call.
02:16What is going on out there?
02:20Winston said something about Reece's motor.
02:22Are you deaf? I said I'd need a vodka.
02:24No, I'm not deaf.
02:26I think you've forgotten something, haven't you?
02:28Oh, still not remembered.
02:30Well, it's one word, six letters.
02:33Oh, Elaine, I need a drink, not a game of Scrabble.
02:35Yeah, starts with P and ends in...
02:36All right, OK.
02:37Well, why don't you just say it? It might help.
02:42Can I have a vodka, please?
02:45No, didn't help at all.
02:47Where are you going?
02:49I am going to powder my nose.
02:51And if you're silly when I get back, I might just serve you.
02:55And if you're not, I'm going to put up a bunting and dance a jig.
03:14You, er...
03:16Are you sure you're OK?
03:18Yeah, just a bit shocked.
03:20You'd be more than shocked if you'd actually been moving in that bricket.
03:23It'd be A and E.
03:26What are you going to do?
03:27I've got windscreen insurance.
03:31I just checked it comes as standard with the policy.
03:33No, no, not by the windscreen, by Bianca.
03:36It's not going to cost me anything. There's no excess. I checked that as well.
03:40No, you're just going to let it get away with it, yeah?
03:44Well, what can I do?
03:47Well, you're not suggesting I call the police?
03:49No, you could speak to Jack. I mean, he can have a word.
03:52You could put the fear of God in her, you know, like she put the fear of God in you.
03:56It was bad enough her slagging you off about Debbie.
03:59Look, I really don't want any police involvement.
04:07I mean, it's just something that Sonia said, that's all.
04:13It seems Bianca's having, or was having, treatment.
04:21What? Where's she ill?
04:24Depression. But it's not common knowledge, so...
04:28Still, I mean, I don't really excuse all this, though, does it?
04:31Look, I really don't want to add to her woes.
04:36You know, sometimes, mate, you're too nice for your own good.
05:05You should drink that. It's good for shock.
05:13I can drive you to the hospital, if you want.
05:16Then ask how it happened, and then they'll call the old Bill.
05:21But you already closed the door on that one, haven't you?
05:24I don't think it's going to do you any favours.
05:26You might be the golden boy right now, but that won't last.
05:31After the years of neglect I've had, I ain't no golden boy.
05:37But I wasn't the one who tried taking his money now, was I?
05:43Do you know what I want, Vinnie?
05:47Just someone to put a stop to all this.
05:49And putting him and my mum together's going to do that?
05:52So she can handle herself.
05:54You didn't see the look in his eyes when he picked up that knife.
05:59He was just trying to put the scarers on. You're all part of this stupid game they're playing.
06:04And if it's not?
06:07If he really is so far gone, he's ready to start taking us out.
06:11One by one.
06:16You just offer Mum up on a plate.
06:35What happened? Why did you dash off like that?
06:38Is it to do with Vinnie? I've been going out of my mind, Suki.
06:40I told you everything would be OK.
06:42I got in touch with Avani and with Nugget just to see where you were.
06:44No, no, I'm fine.
06:46It's just... It's just what?
06:50What's that?
06:56Oh, my gosh. Grandad!
07:08You believe in cutting it fine, don't you?
07:10We just wanted to see how you're getting on.
07:12Yeah, ah, sweet.
07:14Be a lot better without any interruptions, though.
07:16Sounds like you're expecting another one.
07:18No, the motor factor sent the wrong seals.
07:22So these are from the model before.
07:24I belled Luke from the one that we use.
07:26It's late night closing tonight,
07:28so I've asked him to drive the right ones round before they shut up shop.
07:31But where he's got to, I've no idea.
07:35Oh, maybe that's him now.
07:40There's a pile-up on the Dartford crossing.
07:43He's on the move now, though.
07:49Cor, this is a lovely set-up, this, eh?
07:52Yeah, all the bells and whistles.
07:55It was supposed to be Ben's business, weren't it?
07:57Phil's boy. He was supposed to be carrying this on.
08:00Yeah, yeah, it was.
08:02And now he's banged up in a foreign nick.
08:05Times change, and not always for the better.
08:10Proud of you, son.
08:13We'll let you crack on. We're only getting you, eh?
08:16See you.
08:26Yeah, sweet. Bring it round now.
08:31There you go.
08:32Well, that's the takings done for now.
08:34So, let me buy you a drink.
08:36Ah, there's no need.
08:37Oh, I've got to say thank you.
08:39You just did.
08:40No, I mean properly.
08:45I really don't like leaving the kids too long.
08:48Oh, Mo and Freddy are there, aren't they?
08:50Well, exactly.
08:51I want to leave Mo in charge of her hamster,
08:53while Freddy, Sparrow, starts singing on the square.
08:55That'll be that. He'll be gone for an hour.
09:00Right, well, maybe some other time, then.
09:03Yeah, of course. Yeah, another time.
09:06All right.
09:11I don't know what medication he's on.
09:13He just has a heart condition.
09:15Please, can you send someone as soon as you can?
09:18Yeah, OK, I'll hold.
09:21I can't believe you didn't do this sooner.
09:23I was about to.
09:28What are you doing?
09:33So, you was going to call 999,
09:35but you put your phone back in your bag
09:37before you came to talk to us?
09:41You weren't going to do anything, was you?
09:43You was just going to sit there and watch him die?
09:46Don't be ridiculous.
09:48Ridiculous? No, that's sick.
09:50And it's true.
09:54Yeah, the name's Powell. First name, Jeremy.
09:57But he's better known as Jez.
10:00Yeah. Yeah, that's him.
10:02The one with the asbestos fingers.
10:04Yeah, the amount of hot cars he's been handling.
10:08Anyway, he's cosying up to some chancer
10:10who's working in the arches this evening.
10:13Yeah. Yeah, I knew he was the wrong one.
10:15Get Barrett to meet me in the Vic,
10:17cos I've just seen Phil Mitchell go in there.
10:19And get Hall to sort out the paperwork.
10:22Cos if something is going down,
10:24I don't want them slipping out of it.
10:34I'm having a new number placed in our top two.
10:36Ray's bringing them over.
10:40Meet him up in that caf on the square in ten.
10:45No, it's just...
10:47It's just a cut above your usual, innit?
10:49Look, I reckon we're looking at 20 bags here.
10:51Once I've done my bit, and I'm getting a monkey.
10:54That really seem fair, does it?
10:56There'll be a drink on top.
10:58How big a drink?
10:59Cos I'll tell you now, I'm getting thirsty just looking at this.
11:06There'll be another one just like it this time next week.
11:09There'll be another one just like it this time next week.
11:15Leave it with me.
11:34Hal was on the square half-hour ago.
11:36Is that right?
11:37Talking to your boy, Harry.
11:39Not my boy.
11:41Well, a little bird tells me he's working for you.
11:44Now, call me suspicious,
11:46but a villain known for knocking out ringers.
11:49A local garage that has been known to take its occasional walk on the wild side.
11:53Yeah, well, if I were anything, I'd call crime stoppers, but I won't.
11:56Cos there's nothing to it.
11:59Well, in that case, you'll have no objection to taking us down here.
12:02Have a look for ourselves.
12:03And before you say it, where's my warrant?
12:06One of my officers is on his way with it right now.
12:18Hey, stop talking to my dad.
12:20What's happened?
12:21Avani, what's happened?
12:22It's OK.
12:23We'll know more when we get to the hospital.
12:25We? You weren't going anywhere near him.
12:29What did you do?
12:30What did I do more like?
12:33Avani, go home, now.
12:35No, Dan, I'm coming.
12:37I'll get a cab if I have to.
12:39All right, call me as soon as you get in the taxi.
12:47What Avani said, is that true?
12:49Only it didn't look like you were able to make that call to me, neither.
12:52He deserved it, especially after what he did to Vinnie.
12:55Is Vinnie OK?
12:56No, thanks to him.
12:57You know, if me and Ruffy hadn't have got there...
12:59Just, please, just don't, don't give me any grief.
13:02I won't.
13:03But, Avani, mate,
13:04if she starts shouting the odds like that when she gets to the hospital,
13:07you need to get down with yourself and close this down.
13:24If this is more of the same, you can stick it where the sun don't shine.
13:27He deserved it, and more.
13:29I don't care what he says or does.
13:31It's up to Rhys what he does. This is his motor.
13:34But, actually, he's letting it go.
13:38That guilty conscience again.
13:40No, but he just doesn't want to make things worse for you,
13:43given everything.
13:50What's he been saying about me?
13:52What's he been saying about me?
14:03So, you fancied that drink after all, then?
14:06But just not with me, yeah?
14:09No, it's just that when I got in,
14:12my and Freddie were watching these Japanese cartoons with the kids,
14:17and Tom and Jerry, I love it,
14:19but I can't make a head or tail of that stuff, so I...
14:27It was something Kat said.
14:30Yeah, she...
14:32She doesn't want any more...
14:37You know, like with me and Maya.
14:39Jean getting hold of the wrong end of the stick.
14:42And you thought that me and you having a drink together
14:45would put her in a jealous rage?
14:48Oh, come on, Harvey, we're not teenagers.
14:51And friends, you know, good friends, are hard to come by at our age.
14:55But listen, I don't want to cause any bother, all right, so...
14:58Hey, Kat.
15:01What are you having?
15:02Like you said, we're not teenagers, right?
15:14Why haven't you been answering your phone?
15:16I've been trying to call you for the last, like, 20 minutes.
15:19Ask for silence. I've even been down the arches.
15:21Is there a problem?
15:22That depends on whether the police that are about to come
15:24in the next few minutes are going to cause you any problems.
15:33Right, I think we need to get a few things straight.
15:35Bit late for that.
15:36Just listen to her, Avani, please.
15:38Look, I was there and I know how it looked, but let Sukhi explain.
15:42She was in shock and she wasn't thinking straight.
15:46You were thinking totally straight.
15:48I saw it in your eyes. You knew exactly what you were doing.
15:55How is he?
16:03What's all this?
16:06You all right?
16:07Yeah. I was just taking a break.
16:11And you look a bit tense.
16:14I'm fine.
16:16Shall we have a look, then, shall we?
16:19This is your gaff. They can't just walk in here whenever they want.
16:22Leave her.
16:23Got a warrant.
16:28Yeah, no, you look very tense.
16:33Go on, then.
16:49Is there anything else you want to see? V5, Rotax, MOT?
16:58Come on. Let's get out of here.
17:09So, tell me.
17:11Tell you what?
17:12Well, something's going down, isn't it?
17:14That lot didn't turn up mob-handed on a whim, did they?
17:17Yeah, no, Jack's got it in for me.
17:19Ask Penny. He hates my guts.
17:20It's probably because I'm seeing his little girl.
17:22That's all there is to it, I swear.
17:24Well, that's enough of me.
17:25Now, I don't know what was going down here, and I don't want to know.
17:27Yeah, no, I told you...
17:28Listen, first night working in my garage,
17:30and you've already brought the old bill to my door.
17:32I don't need the hassle, and I don't need you.
17:35We're done.
17:44I really thought we'd lost you.
17:46I mean, you would have left us some people.
17:49Just give me a couple of minutes.
17:51Do you need the doctor?
17:52Me and Sookie.
17:54I can't leave you alone with her.
17:56I'm not leaving you alone with him.
17:59Please, just give us a minute or two.
18:04It's OK.
18:06All right, come on.
18:08Come on.
18:13We'll just be outside, OK?
18:27You really would have done it, wouldn't you?
18:32You really would have just sat there,
18:34watched me slip away.
18:38There's nobody else here, Sookie, you can say it.
18:45You hate me that much?
18:48No way back?
18:53We did love each other once, though, didn't we?
18:57Years ago, I know.
19:00But it was real.
19:02I know it was, and you do too.
19:11I thought that was the last thing I was going to see.
19:14Mother and my children just watching me.
19:19Lying on the floor, thinking that every breath was going to be my last.
19:25With a woman who I loved and who loved me just sitting there.
19:31Willing me gone.
19:37The hay in your eyes as you watched me slip away.
19:41The hay in your eyes as you watched me go.
19:54Pass me my phone, please.
19:56It's in my jacket.
20:01I need to make a call.
20:18It was you, wasn't it?
20:19What? Getting rid of that hooky motor you were sorting?
20:22How do you know?
20:23Well, it didn't take much working out, did it?
20:25Well, not after I see Jessie's text on your blower.
20:27And it didn't take much working out to know it was all going to end in tears either.
20:31Or worse. A lot worse.
20:33Look, it was just a...
20:34No, no, Harry, how many times have...
20:37You all right, boy?
20:39That book you ordered, the one about the river.
20:41Oh, Edge of the River?
20:43Yeah, yeah, well, the courier dropped it this afternoon. It's in the kitchen.
20:52Not here.
21:00This is a turn-up.
21:01I thought you was going to kick off when you found out Sonia had been talking about you.
21:05It's not just Son, is it? Cat's been bending me ears since I've been back.
21:09Knowing her, be God be her world, or know there's something not right with me by now?
21:13What about not right with you? There's no right or wrong here.
21:16If there is something going on with you, then, you know, it's just a condition, isn't it?
21:20Like anything else.
21:22Like a broken leg?
21:25Ingrown toenail?
21:26Yeah, like a spot on your nose.
21:28No, you just go and see someone, don't you?
21:30And then you get treatment and you move on.
21:33Everyone gets a bit down every now and then.
21:36I mean, depression's a bit more than getting down.
21:39I mean, trust me, I'd know.
21:43What, because of Stace?
21:45Well, yeah, yeah, not just Stace. I mean, it's happened to my old man, hasn't it?
21:49This lot round here still talk about the meltdown he had.
21:53I suppose it explains a few things, though.
21:56Like what?
21:57Like what?
21:58Like the fact that you have been doing things that you wouldn't normally ever dream of doing.
22:04What, like lobbing bricks through windows?
22:07Well, told you, I don't trust him.
22:14It's not just him, though, is it? I mean...
22:16That's me.
22:19I just can't get it out of my head, what happened the last time I was here, you know?
22:25Yelling the odds at Sonia, about the money and Debbie and I don't know.
22:30I just think if I hadn't done that, maybe the police wouldn't have picked up on it
22:33and she'd still be walking around and working now.
22:35The police have got more on her than that. I mean, none of it right neither.
22:38But look, what happened here back then has got nothing to do with her being banged up now.
22:44You reckon?
22:45Yeah. And I know your sister.
22:47And she'd have forgiven you a long time ago and all.
22:51You're so nice, Mike.
22:53It's not about being nice, though, is it?
22:55It's how it is.
22:57You know, I know you, I know what you're like.
22:59I know you'd do anything for anyone.
23:01And I know that all of this that's happening is because you care.
23:05But listen, I... I care too.
23:08And we go back a long way, Bianca, and I just don't want you to get in trouble as well.
23:14Has Sonia ever let you go?
23:24I'm gonna go.
23:40How many times have I got to do this, eh?
23:43Bail you out every time you screw up.
23:44I said OK.
23:45Do you know what this is all about, then, chum?
23:48This place. The square.
23:51It's a fresh start.
23:53A clean slate.
23:54A chance to put everything that's happened behind us,
23:57and the last thing we need is the old bill digging around too deep.
24:02You know what's at stake here.
24:05You know what could happen.
24:07To you.
24:09To me.
24:11To all of us.
24:21Got you as soon as we could.
24:23Yeah, how is he?
24:24Yeah, he's stable.
24:25Just had to make a phone call.
24:27And to the police, I hope.
24:28Saves me belling them.
24:31Well, who's that, then?
24:33The hitman you sent in?
24:34That's his brief.
24:36What is this?
24:51I was going to ask the nurse to call you all back in.
24:56I don't want to talk about today...
25:00..or yesterday, or the last few weeks.
25:03It's not about what's happened.
25:06It's about what happens next.
25:12So what's that?
25:15This is my last will and testament.
25:17I just signed and my solicitor has sealed it.
25:22Here, read it.
25:26You can skip all the legal stuff in the beginning.
25:31It's the last two lines that really matter.
25:38In the event of my impending death,
25:40my estate, my property,
25:43my estate, my property,
25:45and all my remaining worldly assets
25:47will be left in their entirety...
26:02..to my two grandchildren...
26:08..Alvani and Davinder.