• 3 months ago
Film Serial Indonesia Kartu Keluarga Season 1
00:56What I'm about to eat boo-hoo party and some of ha ha
01:02Amani Baba Masiho
01:04Yeah past it again
01:08Papa can't have my cargo bar boo
01:11It took hoax hoax it wasn't a perch on your cock. No, I'm Papa's in the area. I'm Rita. Sama. I can
01:20Back on
01:21Papa don't know in a king summer, Jarrod
01:24Papa penang on Trin Akang Pulang Dika, Sama, Jarrod book
01:32He put out all
01:34the street to
01:37continue a book to my Papa
01:42Ipoh Moini not be such a gandhi can always have a bone party. Oh
01:49Kanda Terjadi
02:15What number
02:19Equip us people you need a more boomer. I quit him. Oh my champion. Iqy more
02:33Hey, John, John
02:36You know my brother necessary pretty person to daddy's I'm fine. I can't I'm a city
02:44Hello, sayang
02:48Don't answer SOS pity this enemy
02:56So pass on the soccer ball, I don't know
03:01Saya in Manila Diki
03:03Casus in a makanya. Saya must be tau
03:08Namanya Panjangan it was yapa Panjangan can Juma
03:12Datang balik ke tempat saya ngak nyebut nama nama saya gunawan Pak
03:23Ini jadinya gimana
03:25Saya tukar peduli ya
03:27Tainy tukar sus
03:30Apatus apakartus
03:33Kepala saya Pak yang ampe meletus
03:38Don't know
03:41Saya pingin balikan sama Sri
03:47Jadi nangis
03:54Dematikan kini
03:57Jangan jangan semua itu terjadi karena bapak lo aku
04:04Otopa indica gara-gara bapak ngasih sarat soal kartu keluarga itu jadi semua kena akibatnya Pak
04:14Sepertinya memang karena peraturan zona sekolah ini jadi makan korban
04:21Orbannya cinta
05:38Salam alaikum
05:44Salam alaikum walaikumsalam
06:11Masya Allah Pao
06:15Ustadz people cabare api api al-hamdulillah
06:19Mungkin pausat kita ngobrol di dalam hari mari mungkin mungkin
06:29Jadi begini pausat oleh pejo kami ini punya masalah
06:35dengan anak kami
06:37saya sampai judrek
06:39mikir anak saya pausat
06:42makanya kami selaku orang tuanya
06:45Mom in tak tolong sampai Ustadz untuk merupakan kami
06:50Anaknya yang mau di Rukia Tumana lah ya itu masalah Napa Ustadz
06:55Rasa-rasanya anak saya tuh dah tak kerasan lagi tinggal di rumah seluar-seluar aja ngejar perempuan itu
07:04anak kami tuh nyangkut sama janda nak satu
07:07ya itu dia tuh saya setelah saya pikir-pikir kok
07:12Dunia ini sekarang tuh makin banyak yang aneh-aneh
07:19saya tuh punya pasien baru menikah
07:24Istrinya janda suaminya buddha
07:27Ya Wong baru menikah kok sudah ribut ribut malah mau pisah rumah segala
07:33jangan-jangan itu guna-guna Pao Ustadz
07:35Nah ini saya saya percaya itu anak saya pasti di guna-guna buktinya dia bisa sampai kelepok-kelepok
07:44Nah kalau Pak Ustadz bisa toh untuk ngelawan guna-guna
07:49Ya saya sih enggak bisa apa-apa bu, Pak tapi Allah pasti bisa
07:56Kita tinggal ihtiar
07:59Mohon kepada Allah minta tolong insyaAllah semua pasti bisa diatasi
08:07MasyaAllah amin
08:26Mas Gembul
08:27Mbak Tuti
08:29Udah beberapa hari yang lalu mbak, cuman belum ketemu Mbak Tuti
08:35Bu Bardi
08:36Wonten-wonten mbak
08:38Tadi juga saya barusan habis ketemu
08:40Oke oke
08:44Bu Bardi
08:48Bu Bardi
08:50Lah lah lah lah sombongnya
08:53Wedo ini dipanggil Bu Bardi enggak mau nengok
08:57Bu Jono
08:58Tok Tut
08:59Jangan panggil aku Bu Bardi, panggil aku Sri
09:02Sama aja
09:03Hei seh seh seh
09:05Seh padelo iseh padelo iseh
09:08Kamu enggak di jantok toh?
09:10Udah dicubit toh?
09:11Udah dilempar ulekan toh?
09:12Karusi uni itu toh?
09:14Duduk duduk
09:20Apa sih orang belum cerita kok udah ketawa ini
09:23Harusnya tuh kemarin kamu ikut aku Tok Tut
09:28Kamu tuh harus liat Bu Yuni kemarin
09:32Pake dastard
09:34Rambutnya itu loh
09:35Mono di roro
09:39Terus pas bukain pintu
09:41Dia tuh kaget, dia takut
09:44Lomo gini loh Tok Tut
09:51Dia tuh kayaknya belum mandi
09:52Jadi belum ngalis, belum pake bulu mata
09:57Bayangkan Bu Yuni kayak gitu
09:58Iya iya iya
09:59Pasih enek, tenang itu
10:02Terus ya Tut
10:03Kemarin aku liat Pak Erka sama istrinya buntutin aku ke rumah Bu Yuni
10:11Stop stop stop
10:12Okeh Pak
10:19Maturnun ya
10:36Pak Erte yang cerikis itu
10:38Yang jodohin kamu ke rumah Pak Bardi
10:41Jangan cita-cinta ngomongnya
10:45Terus aku sengaja aja
10:46Aku ngomongnya kenceng-kenceng, keras-keras
10:49Biar Pak Erte sama istrinya tuh denger
10:53Jangan-jangan Pak Erte emang demen terus sama kamu ya
10:57Kamu cantik
10:59Ini sama si Yuni aja
11:02Si Yuni
11:05Ada Bu Tutit
11:06Hai sayang
11:08Cah ganteng
11:11Bu, nanti kita jalan jam berapa?
11:15Aduh, jalan sekarang aja ya
11:17Ini pada mau ke rumah?
11:19Iya tuh, aku mau lihatin rumahku
11:21Udah lama gak pulang
11:22Lagian ini mumpung hari minggu
11:24Si Jarod gak sekolah
11:25Yaudah barengan aja kalau gitu
11:27Oh iya wis, gak apa-apa sama Bu Tuti ya
11:28Gak apa-apa Bu
11:30Kita pamit dulu sama Pak Bardi
11:31Pak Bardi sayang ajalah
11:33Ayo Pak Bardi, Pak Bardi
11:34Ayo, ayo
11:36Jarod baru dipamit
11:37Oh iya, nge-nge-nge
11:39Ya, senang-senang, baik-baik kamu ya
11:42Ji, Pak
11:44Mbak Sri
11:46Kalau ada apa-apa cerita tuh sama saya
11:49Jangan dipentem sendirian
11:51Gak baik
11:53Ji, Pak
11:55Ji, Pak
11:56Ojo sungka
11:59Ji, Pak
12:00Ya wis, Pak
12:01Kalau gitu
12:02Saya izin pamit ya, Pak
12:04Iya, iya, iya
12:11Eh, aku pikir aku ini jolek
12:13Bukan juga ya, Pak
12:14Iya, iya
12:20Ya wis, aku duluan ya
12:26Ibu Tuti
13:19You open the door first, Rad.
13:35Yes, Ma'am.
13:49There you are.
14:09Oh no, look at that, Ma'am.
14:25Why is our house in such a mess?
14:30What is this?
14:32Who did this, Ma'am?
14:42I'm ready, Ma'am.
14:44Whatever you want, I'm always ready.
14:48You can change the music.
14:50It's too loud, Ma'am.
14:53It's too loud, Ma'am.
15:33Wa'alaikumsalam, Sir, Ma'am.
15:35Is your father here?
15:37Yes, Sir.
15:39What about you, Ma'am?
15:41Oh, we're on our way home.
15:45We're on our way home? But this is your house, Ma'am.
15:48We're on our way home, Ma'am.
15:54What's wrong, Sir?
15:56I don't know, Sir.
15:58What's going on?
15:59I don't know, Sir.
16:00It's true, Sir.
16:01What are we worried about all this time?
16:03The newlyweds are fighting.
16:05They're fighting, then they go home.
16:09Yes, Sir.
16:12I don't know, Sir.
16:14We can't wait any longer.
16:16We have to go now.
16:17Yes, Sir.
16:19Let's go, Sir.
16:24Excuse me, Sir.
16:26We have guests.
16:27Mr. Erteh, Mrs. Erteh, and Mr. Ustad.
16:31Let them in.
16:35Wa'alaikumsalam, Mrs. Erteh.
16:38How are you?
16:41This is Ustad Soleh.
16:42Do you still remember him?
16:44Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
16:46Wa'alaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
16:49Let's go, Sir.
16:54So, this is how it is, Mr. Bardi.
16:57This is Ustad who is ready to help Mr. Bardi and Mrs. Sri.
17:05To get married.
17:08I came here to help Mr. Bardi.
17:13But, Mrs. Bardi is not here.
17:18Well, Mr. Ustad.
17:23Mrs. Sri...
17:26I mean, Mrs. Bardi is on her way to see her family.
17:32That's enough, Mr. Bardi.
17:34Don't be like that.
17:35Be honest.
17:37Let's just say that we're like brothers.
17:41Right, Sir?
17:42I'm not lying, Mrs. Sri.
17:45I'm serious.
17:56Thank you, Mr. Bardi.
17:58It's okay.
18:00We all understand.
18:03For a newly-wed couple like you, there must be a lot of ups and downs.
18:09It's just a matter of time.
18:11Right, Ustad?
18:15God is patient with those who are patient.
18:17But, please let me know, Ustad.
18:20How can you be patient when your wife is pregnant?
18:28Don't worry, Mr. Bardi.
18:29Mr. Bardi, I will try to help by asking God for help.
18:35I will try to pray for you.
18:39God willing, your family will always be with you.
18:48And you'll get a baby soon.
18:54Mrs. Ustad.
18:55Where is the package for Mr. Bardi?
18:58Arab honey?
19:02Here you go, Mr. Bardi.
19:05This is Arab honey.
19:08Please try it.
19:11It's not bad.
19:13Don't be lazy.
19:18It must be good.
19:20I've tried it.
19:24It's not bad.
19:25I've tried it.
19:55I'm sure I can get you, Sri.
20:00I have a school head.
20:03I'm sure Mr. Santoso will help me.
20:07I have a school head.
20:09I'm sure Mr. Santoso will help me.
20:30Mr. Ustad.
20:32Come to our place.
20:35Yes, sir.
20:36Let's have a cup of coffee first.
20:38But I can't today.
20:41I have an appointment.
20:42I'll go there later.
20:44I have to set the schedule first.
20:46That's right.
20:53Here you go, sir.
21:05Good morning, Mrs. Yuni.
21:07Good morning.
21:10Is Mr. Bardi here?
21:11Yes, ma'am.
21:13You don't have to tell him that I'm here.
21:16So, I can go in by myself.
21:25Mr. Bardi.
21:27Why are you alone?
21:32Where's Sri?
21:35Oh, right.
21:36I forgot.
21:39Sri is not Mr. Bardi's real wife.
21:43She's a liar.
21:45Is that true?
21:48Why are you here?
21:52I miss you.
21:57You didn't answer my calls.
22:01Don't be silent.
22:04Because there's nothing left to talk about.
22:06There's still a lot to talk about.
22:09A lot.
22:10It's up to you.
22:20Yes, I understand.
22:24I made a big mistake before.
22:31Try it.
22:33Who on earth...
22:37...never makes a mistake?
22:47I want us to get back together.
22:49Like before.
22:51It's funny.
22:53I didn't do all this for you.
22:56You must be so sad...
22:58...to know that...
23:00...you're like this to me.
23:02For Ageng.
23:05Ageng wasn't even born yet.
23:09Ageng is a grown-up now.
23:10Ageng is about to go to high school...
23:13...when you left me...
23:17...to go to Jakarta with Hermawan.
23:23That was in the past.
23:27In the past...
23:29...I've apologized to you.
23:32You've forgiven me too.
23:36You must forget me.
23:38I've forgiven you.
23:41But I can't forget that.
23:46For Ageng.
23:51I still love you.
23:55And I and Ageng...
23:58...will go back to this house...
24:01...with you.
24:11I've been suffering...
24:13...since I broke up with Sri.
24:15Everything is messed up.
24:24No one trusts me.
24:32I'm Sri's husband.
24:34We're meant to be together.
24:37That's why Tuti sent me a message.
24:41You have to stay here.
25:00I want to talk to you.
25:02Talk to me, Sri.
25:03I want you to talk to me too.
25:08What is it?
25:09Did Tuti tell you my message?
25:15Tuti didn't say anything to me.
25:18What about you?
25:21Why did you break into my house?
25:24How did you know?
25:29It's true, right?
25:31You broke into my house.
25:34What are you going to do?
25:36What are you going to do?
25:38I know.
25:39You want to find a marriage contract...
25:41...between me and Mr. Bardi, right?
25:44What for?
25:47What for?
25:51You want to give it to Mrs. Yuni, right?
25:55You've been telling her about me and Mr. Bardi, right?
26:00It's for our future.
26:04You don't understand, Jarod.
26:07What about us?
26:09I've been taking care of you in front of Jarod.
26:12But it turns out...
26:19Give me another chance, Sri.
26:22I will fix everything.
26:26I will prove it to you, Sri.
26:39I failed.
26:49I failed.
26:51I failed.
27:16Why are you smiling?
27:18What's wrong?
27:22I want to tell you something.
27:26Just now...
27:28...I met your father.
27:33I told him...
27:35...that you and I are ready to go back to your father's house.
27:40We'll live together.
27:42The three of us.
27:43Just like before.
27:44He said yes?
27:45He agreed?
27:46Not yet, Toyo.
27:48Your father hasn't answered yet.
27:51He needs time.
27:53It's just a matter of time.
27:55That means he'll say yes.
27:57What are you talking about?
28:01This is like a relationship.
28:04It's all a process.
28:07It's impossible to fall in love right away.
28:11If you like each other...
28:13...it's still the same.
28:17There's nothing wrong with each other.
28:20But you have a big problem with your father.
28:23What's wrong with him?
28:25He never supports me.
28:27He's so arrogant.
28:28Let's go.
28:43Who is it?
28:47It's fake?
28:50It's fake?
28:52So, there's a problem with your father's marriage?
28:57Calm down.
29:01How can you say that it's fake?
29:04It's a fake marriage.
29:06How can it be fake?
29:08They got married in KUA.
29:11There's a marriage certificate.
29:14So, who told you it's fake?
29:17Someone told me.
29:19His name is Gunawan.
29:24Do you know Gunawan?
29:28Who's Gunawan?
29:29Gunawan came to my office.
29:33He said he's Sri's boyfriend.
29:35His mother is a prostitute.
29:38His boyfriend?
29:40He came to my office.
29:43He told me about Sri.
29:45This is a serious accusation.
29:48If it's said that Mr. Bardi and Mrs. Sri's marriage...
29:51...is a fake marriage...
29:53...there must be a proof.
29:55Gunawan said there's a proof.
29:58What's the proof?
30:00But he didn't touch it.
30:03That's weird.
30:05There's a proof, but there's none.
30:07Why did you come here?
30:10I came here...
30:12...to ask for Mr. RT's help.
30:15So, I can prove who's wrong.
30:19Mr. Kepsek.
30:21Let's make it straight.
30:23Just bring everything here.
30:26You're smart.
30:28That's right.
30:29That's what I mean.
30:31Let's gather all the witnesses.
30:35You can contact Mr. Gunawan.
30:37We'll contact Mr. Bardi and Mrs. Bardi.
30:41What about Mrs. Uni?
30:42There's no need.
30:44What do you mean?
30:46You have nothing to do with Mrs. Uni.
30:49Who's Mrs. Uni?
30:52Mr. Bardi's ex-wife.
30:54She's interested in polygamy.
30:57I see.
31:01So, you came here...
31:05...to ask for Mr. Kepsek's help?
31:08Mrs. Uni?
31:10You knew about this?
31:17I'm sorry, sir.
31:19It's all my fault.
31:23Your fault?
31:25What do you mean?
31:28Mr. Gunawan came to my house.
31:33He was mad at me...
31:35...because he found out that I got married to Mr. Bardi.
31:39He also found out that I made a marriage contract with Mr. Nengan.
31:45I'm confused.
31:50Gunawan and Mr. Bardi?
31:58Gunawan is...
32:02He's a man...
32:07...who wants to get close to me.
32:13I see.
32:17So, Gunawan is your boyfriend?
32:23Gunawan and I are dating.
32:26Be honest.
32:27It's true.
32:28So, it's like...
32:34So, Gunawan and I...
32:38...are close friends.
32:44Close friends?
32:47Yes, but we're not that close.
32:50Be honest.
32:52It's true. I'm not dating Gunawan.
32:55My brother-in-law officially rejected him.
32:59Why didn't your husband reject you?
33:02It's not like that, sir.
33:05I don't want to date someone like that.
33:09I see.
33:19What's wrong with Gunawan and Ruqiyah?
33:22Calm down.
33:25This is for your future.
33:28I don't want it, sir.
33:30I don't want it.
33:31Your parents have been thinking about you for a long time.
33:35If your parents want Gunawan's problem to be solved,
33:39it's easy.
33:41It's easy?
33:42Marry me.
33:44You're such a troublemaker.
33:46Why do you want to marry Ruqiyah?
33:49That's the only way out.
33:51Because she loves Gunawan.
33:58She's the wife of that man's wife.
34:01That's why she allowed Gunawan to bring her here.
34:05She doesn't know him.
34:07If you and your wife already know each other,
34:12I'm sure you'll agree.
34:21Marry me.
34:37I still love you, Mas.
34:40Ageng and I...
34:44...will live in this house with you.
34:51I love you, Mas.
34:54I love you, Mas.
35:19Your relationship with Mas Badik is just pretend.
35:23It's fake.
35:26Cancel the engagement right now.
35:29I can't.
35:30Cancel it.
35:31I can't. I'm doing this for Jarod.
35:33You want to find the engagement letter, right?
35:38You want to give it to Meuni, right?
35:53I have the letter and the engagement letter.
35:57But why don't I have the engagement letter with Mr. Badik?
36:24This is so bad.
36:26What if I lose it?
36:28Let me think about it.
36:30Where should I put it?
36:54What is this, Ma'am?
36:57Your father lost to you, Tugun.
37:03I have a bad feeling about this.
37:05I have a bad feeling about this.
37:07When are you going to bring Sri here?
37:13So, you and your father are engaged?
37:16Are you serious?
37:23I'm serious.
37:53I'm sorry.
37:54I'm sorry.
37:55I'm sorry.
37:56I'm sorry.
37:57I'm sorry.
37:58I'm sorry.
37:59I'm sorry.
38:00I'm sorry.
38:01I'm sorry.
38:02I'm sorry.
38:03I'm sorry.
38:04I'm sorry.
38:05I'm sorry.
38:06I'm sorry.
38:07I'm sorry.
38:08I'm sorry.
38:09I'm sorry.
38:10I'm sorry.
38:11I'm sorry.
38:12I'm sorry.
38:13I'm sorry.
38:14I'm sorry.
38:15I'm sorry.
38:16I'm sorry.
38:17I'm sorry.
38:18I'm sorry.
38:19I'm sorry.
38:20I'm sorry.
38:21I'm sorry.
38:22I'm sorry.
38:23I'm sorry.
38:24I'm sorry.
38:25I'm sorry.
38:26I'm sorry.
38:27I'm sorry.
38:28I'm sorry.
38:29I'm sorry.
38:30I'm sorry.
38:31I'm sorry.
38:32I'm sorry.
38:33I'm sorry.
38:34I'm sorry.
38:35I'm sorry.
38:36I'm sorry.
38:37I'm sorry.
38:38I'm sorry.
38:39I'm sorry.
38:40I'm sorry.
38:41I'm sorry.
38:42I'm sorry.
38:43I'm sorry.
38:44I'm sorry.
38:45I'm sorry.
38:46I'm sorry.
38:47I'm sorry.
38:48I'm sorry.
38:49I'm sorry.
38:50I'm sorry.