Multitasking is overrated

  • 2 days ago
Multitasking can be good in many ways, but when it comes to working on your Mac, or any computer, it can be a distraction. I’ve found that working on one app or task at a time yields way more productive than trying to do too much at the same time.


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00:00It's not common when someone comes out and says they don't multitask but i'm actually one of those people i don't like multitasking when i'm working on something if i'm working on a project if i'm working with a client i'd rather focus on that one client or focus on that one tool on my computer many have.
00:22You know big screens they love big 32 inch screens and that to me blows my mind because to me having a big screen means having lots of things on screen that to me is kind of multitasking because you're looking at different things for me i have a macbook pro 13 inch.
00:41And whenever i'm in an app whether it's email base camp daylight whatever it is what are notes it's always big screen not full screen i don't like full screen but big screen so i can see the menu bar at the top but it's literally one screen so when i'm writing a note it's one screen when i'm web browsing it's one screen i don't see anything else.
01:07Because again i think multitasking for certain things it's good like i can listen to someone and watch a tv watch tv i don't have a tv but you get what i mean what watch something and i can deal with it but when it comes to work and you're the productivity with your tools multitasking is a real pain i it's best to just focus on one thing and one thing only.
01:34So again if you have a big screen.
01:39You may need it for special for specific things like spreadsheets but do you have more than one thing on screen you might have multiple spreadsheets because you need to copy and paste i get that but i've been so.
01:54Happy with just having a 13 inch so i make the windows in such a way where i can copy paste really easy and keyboard shortcuts are you know you can win with keyboard shortcuts so again multitasking.
02:12Is good yeah it's it's good to have it's a good thing to know and have but when it comes to actually working.
02:19I don't think multitasking is any good and that's why i think it's overrated because you just don't need it anyway have a great day let me know about yeah if you multitask is it i'm sure everybody does but let me know if you get this via email just reply and if you don't subscribe and do all of that and get in touch have a great day i see you next one ciao.