• last year
01:00La la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la
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02:00Por mi mala suerte, por Zanem.
02:04Entonces básicamente es por ella.
02:07Oye, si no vas a perdonarla, ¿por qué todavía la mantienes allí?
02:11Estás buscando excusas para seguir viéndola, reconócelo.
02:14Aún estás enamorado de esa chica.
02:17Le debe dinero a la empresa, y debe pagarlo.
02:20¿Es por eso? Vamos, como si fueras un tipo al que le preocupa el dinero.
02:24Le prestaron cuarenta mil, al menos le preguntaron para qué eran.
02:27No hace falta, conozco el motivo.
02:29Era para salvar la tienda de su padre.
02:31¿Y entonces? ¿Por qué le das tanta importancia a una mentira inocente?
02:35Es obvio que ella se vio obligada.
02:39¿Obligada a guardar silencio durante semanas?
02:42Me miraba a los ojos y seguía mintiendo.
02:44¿Pudo decir la verdad?
02:46Le pregunté muchas veces qué me ocultaba.
02:49¿No vas a perdonarla?
02:50No, eso ya se acabó.
02:52Entonces olvídala y no la tortures más.
02:58Yan, cuando vuelvas a ver a Zanema,
03:01haz el favor de mirarla a los ojos.
03:04Y si no sientes nada, no volveré a tocar el tema nunca más.
03:09¿A dónde vas?
03:10Quédate, si quieres.
03:11Esta es tu casa, ¿cómo me voy a quedar si tú te vas?
03:28Era un aroma especial, curioso.
03:32En la vida había sentido eso.
03:40Estaba un poco oscuro.
03:42Y ella estaba de espaldas.
03:44Y no podía verme.
03:47Ella giró la cabeza.
03:49La giró lentamente.
03:52Y la miré.
03:55Señor Fabri, he tomado una decisión.
03:59No puedo darle mi perfume.
04:01Es muy especial para mí.
04:03Me recuerda a momentos importantes en mi vida.
04:06Zanema, una oportunidad así es única en la vida.
04:24Sí, lo sé.
04:25Y gracias, pero mi respuesta es la misma.
04:29No estoy acostumbrado a recibir negativas.
04:32Y lo lamento mucho, Zanema.
04:36Es mi decisión.
04:38Ahora tengo que regresar a la agencia.
04:41¿Podría dejarme aquí?
04:43Claro, como quiera.
04:44Murat, la señorita se va a bajar.
04:47Sí, señor.
04:49Muchas gracias, señor Fabri.
04:51Se lo agradezco.
05:09Ya, vámonos.
05:18Eres la única que me entiende,
05:20que sigue a mi lado.
05:22Y lo aprecio, lo sabes, ¿no?
05:24Señor Emre...
05:25Leyla, escucha.
05:29Quiero agradecerte.
05:31Has estado conmigo desde el primer momento.
05:34Y no he sabido valorarte.
05:36No, para nada, señor Emre.
05:38He aprendido mucho de usted.
05:39Le debo mucho.
05:41Señor Emre, todo esto pasará, ¿sabe?
05:43Yo siempre lo he admirado.
05:46Su capacidad para tomar decisiones,
05:48su sentido común, su inteligencia.
05:50Has superado muchas crisis y esta también quedará atrás.
05:53Gracias, Leyla.
05:55Esto significa mucho para mí.
05:59¿Damos un paseo?
06:17Me dijiste que nunca renunciara a escribir y a soñar.
06:21Yo solo puedo soñar contigo.
06:23Y ahora solo puedo comunicarme contigo mediante la escritura.
06:32He escrito todo lo que hemos vivido desde el día en que te conocí.
06:36Si lo lees, lo sabrás.
06:40Yo sé que te mentí.
06:42Que envié esas fotos e hice que te quitaran la licencia.
06:47Soy lesbía que buscabas en la oficina.
06:49Lo soy.
06:54Sé que jamás me perdonarás.
06:56Sobre todo después de elegirme.
06:58Pero aún así quiero que me recuerdes como una persona honrada.
07:03Que has sido capaz de confesar.
07:05Y a pesar de todas mis mentiras,
07:08hay algo que debes creer.
07:11Todo lo que sentí por ti en este tiempo fue real.
07:18Guardo como un tesoro cada momento que pasé contigo.
07:23Te quiero mucho, Chantibit.
07:27Y además te amo.
07:30Y siempre lo haré.
07:35¡Qué angustia!
07:38Me esquivé.
07:39¿Leila tampoco responde?
07:41Pues no.
07:42Antes por lo menos avisaban cuando iban a llegar tarde.
07:45Ahora les da lo mismo.
07:46Ambas creen que no.
07:48Estoy preocupado por Zanem.
07:50Esta mañana se fue llorando a trabajar.
07:52La llamamos y dijo que estaba bien.
07:54Pero yo aún estoy nervioso por el asunto ese de la mafia.
07:57Quiero que vengan y que platiquen conmigo como lo hacían antes.
08:00Yo también.
08:01Yo también.
08:02Papá, mamá, ya...
08:03¿Dónde estabas, hija?
08:04¿De dónde vienes?
08:05¿Y dónde está Zanem?
08:07Salió de la oficina hace un par de horas y dijo que venía a casa.
08:09¿Aún no llega?
08:10No, no ha llegado.
08:11¿Estás segura?
08:12Dijo que ya estaba en la oficina.
08:14¿Y dónde está Zanem?
08:16No, no ha llegado.
08:17¿Estás segura?
08:18¿Dijo que vendría a casa?
08:19Sí, mamá.
08:20Eso dijo ella.
08:22Voy a llamarla.
08:23Ya la llamamos, pero tiene el celular apagado.
08:25La llamamos cuando escuchamos eso de la mafia y nos dijo que no nos preocupáramos.
08:28Desde entonces no sabemos nada de ella.
08:30Me esquivé.
08:31Tal vez le pasó algo malo.
08:33Niá, te estoy preocupada.
08:35Tienes que hacer algo, por favor.
08:37Mamá, basta.
08:38No hagas eso, que no ves que le va a subir la presión.
08:40Papá, eso de la mafia no existe.
08:43Iré a hablar con Aihan.
08:44Ya verán cómo Zanem no tarda en llegar.
08:46Mamá, tranquila.
08:47Contrólale la presión.
08:48Ya sabes cómo cerrar un infarto.
08:56Oye, me esquivé.
08:57No puedo soportarlo más.
08:58Iré a la calle, que me dé el aire.
09:00Espera, iré contigo.
09:15¿Por qué tan calladitos? Ni que estuvieran muertos.
09:18Cuando no había redes sociales hablábamos entre nosotros.
09:21Estoy aquí, ¿no me ven?
09:22Soy una persona real.
09:23¡Hablen conmigo, por favor!
09:31Oye, Osman, ¿viste a Zanem?
09:33Hoy hablé con ella, me dijo que vendría en la noche.
09:36Pero no lo hizo y tampoco llamó.
09:38¿Qué? ¿Zanem ha desaparecido?
09:40¿No está donde se supone que debería estar?
09:44Un momento.
09:45¿Zanem dijo que vendría y no ha venido?
09:48¡Ha sido la mafia!
09:49¡Es seguro que la tienen secuestrada! ¡Una red mafiosa!
09:51¿Pero qué dices de la mafia?
09:53¡Qué locura! ¿Qué historia es esa, Osman?
09:56Es una historia absurda que inventaron.
09:57¿Dónde puede estar Zanem?
09:59Bueno, salió de la oficina y dijo que iba a casa, pero no está ahí.
10:03No hay celular.
10:05Cuando hablamos, me dijo que se sentía algo deprimida y luego me colgó.
10:09Dijo que se sentía deprimida y después colgó.
10:11¡Lo ven! ¡Descubriré si algo malo le pasa a esa chica!
10:14¡Tenemos que encontrarla! ¡¿Qué habrá pasado con ella?!
10:16Cálmate, amigo. Vamos a buscarla a la playa.
10:19Sí, déjame tomar mi bolso.
10:20La gente habla de la mafia, dicen que están por la zona.
10:22¡Es horrible! ¡Es algo muy serio!
10:24Cierra la puerta.
10:25Muy bien.
10:26Y apaga las luces.
10:41¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:42¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:43¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:44¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:45¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:46¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:47¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:48¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:49¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:50¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:51¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:52¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:53¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:54¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:55¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:56¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:57¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:58¿Dónde está Zanem?
10:59¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:00¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:02¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:03¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:04¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:05¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:06¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:07¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:08¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:09¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:10¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:11¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:12¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:13¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:14¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:15¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:16¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:17¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:18¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:19¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:20¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:21¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:22¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:23¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:24¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:25¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:26¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:27¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:28¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:29¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:30¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:31¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:32¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:33¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:34¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:35¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:36¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:37¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:38¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:39¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:40¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:41¿Dónde está Zanem?
11:42¿Qué haces aquí?
11:57Tenía que terminar un asunto.
11:59¿Puedo acercarme?
12:02¿Te importa si me siento contigo dos minutos?
12:07If you'll allow me, of course.
12:37What are you thinking about?
12:55About Zanem.
12:58The scent of Zanem.
13:02The smile of Zanem.
13:07And the skin of Zanem.
13:13In Zanem's eyes.
13:17I want to kiss her.
13:23And hug her.
13:31Until the end of time.
13:55But you're not that Zanem anymore.
14:26Aihan calling.
14:37Hello, JJ.
14:39I'm sorry to bother you at this time of night.
14:42At this time?
14:48I don't know why I'm still awake. I don't know.
14:52I wanted to ask you a question.
14:53Have you seen Zanem?
14:56Zanem left the office and said she was going home. I didn't see her again.
14:59What's wrong with Zanem?
15:01No, no, JJ. Don't worry. It's fine.
15:04Okay. Good night.
15:09Hey, Aihan, I wanted to tell you something.
15:11Do you have a new boyfriend?
15:13Because even though I don't have time for you now,
15:16it doesn't mean I'm not interested.
15:18No, no, JJ. I don't have a boyfriend.
15:20Just like we agreed.
15:21Wait until your phobias are over.
15:23For now, I won't have a boyfriend.
15:25Great. It's the best news I've ever heard.
15:28Run, run, run, run, Mevkibe.
15:31Did you find her?
15:33No, not yet.
15:35Good night, JJ.
15:37What's wrong, Zanem? Zanem? What happened, Zanem?
15:39Did you find my daughter?
15:43No, she's not here.
15:45If the mafia is true and they're chasing her, we're done.
15:47Because today I saw a suspicious car in the neighborhood.
15:48It was dark black.
15:50A very luxurious car.
15:52Write down the license plate. Here it is.
15:54I'll go get that car. Yes, I'll go get it.
15:56If I need it, I'll ask the traffic police.
15:58Muzafeh, Musa, don't say nonsense. Come here.
16:00This is crazy, woman.
16:02Where did this girl go?
16:04It's three in the morning.
16:06What if we call Jan?
16:08No, they already broke up.
16:10What do you mean they broke up?
16:12It's just that today they worked separately
16:14in different departments.
16:16She won't be with him.
16:18What if we go to the police station?
16:20Hey, don't exaggerate.
16:22Every time we go to the police, she's inside.
16:24Yes, Jan is right.
16:26Mom, let's go home.
16:28No, my daughter, no.
16:30No, I'm calm.
16:32If it were a normal day, I wouldn't care,
16:34but today she left home almost crying.
16:36Something is happening to her.
16:38Calm down, Mevkibe.
16:40All this mafia stuff is driving me crazy.
16:42I'll go to the police.
16:44We'll go, your mother and I.
16:46Woman, come on, come with me.
16:49Sanem always does the same thing.
16:51She doesn't get tired of getting me in trouble.
17:19I didn't tell you?
17:21She was inside.
17:23We spent the night at the police station for nothing.
17:26I'm going to kill this girl.
17:28Can you hear me, girl?
17:49What's going on?
17:51What do you mean, what's going on?
17:53I'm going to tell you what's going on.
17:55I'm going to break you into pieces.
17:57Mevkibe, Mevkibe.
17:59Woman, please calm down.
18:01Calm down, woman.
18:03Forget it.
18:06Hey, why didn't you tell them?
18:08There's another problem every day.
18:11With all the trouble in my life, this is nothing serious.
18:14What surprises me is your ability to dodge your mother.
18:16I said they called me from work, but Leila made it hard for me.
18:20Your mother was very worried about you.
18:22Very good.
18:24It was another adventure, huh?
18:26I'll open the butcher shop.
18:28I can't sleep.
18:30I'm sorry you couldn't sleep because of me.
18:32And tell Leila I'm going to work so they don't call the police again.
18:36But why don't you wait for her?
18:38Oh, she's in the bathroom and it takes a long time to get ready.
18:40I don't want to be late.
18:42See you later.
18:44See you later, Sanem.
18:46I can't sleep.
18:48I swear I'll jump straight to bed.
18:50Ayhan! Ayhan!
18:52Ayhan! Osman!
18:54We're lost!
18:56This is a tragedy!
18:58Sanem left! Where did he go?
19:00Mozafer, where were you all night?
19:02I couldn't sleep. I was investigating that registration.
19:04And it turns out it's Italian.
19:06The matter is very clear. It's the mafia.
19:08But wait, it's not just any mafia.
19:10It's the Italian mafia.
19:12The Italian mafia?
19:14That's right.
19:16The Italian mafia's car is called Enzo Favri.
19:18They have prisons, mansions, hotels, dark suits, sunglasses.
19:22He's an extremely dangerous guy.
19:24I'm serious.
19:26Don't trust him.
19:28Moza, shut up. Don't be silly.
19:30An Italian mafioso named Enzo Favri?
19:33Yes, of course.
19:35Hey, Moza, I'm tired.
19:37I don't have time for weird stories.
19:39We'll talk later.
19:41Yes, I'm going to bed too.
19:43With these friends, why do I want enemies?
19:44Sanem, the mafia is after you.
19:46I hope the mafia gives you what you deserve.
19:49Sanem, my love!
20:15It can't be. It's the same car!
20:26Hey, taxi!
20:33Follow that car!
20:45Look, Sanem.
20:47Last night I was thinking about it.
20:49And I have another proposal for you.
20:53Mr. Favri, I already told you.
20:55I'm sorry.
20:57I wouldn't feel good if...
20:59Listen to me, please.
21:02I understand that your company's situation affects you, okay?
21:05I understand that you feel bad.
21:10Well, let's do the following.
21:11Look, I'll take care of solving the agency's crisis, okay?
21:17As you say.
21:19Can you do something like that?
21:21If I say I'll take care of it, it's because I can.
21:26As I say, I'll take care of all your debts.
21:30And in return, you'll give me the party perfume.
21:40But if instead of that, I make you a better one.
21:45I can keep trying and get a much better one, I assure you.
21:48If you want, I can try other essences.
22:08If you want, I can take you to your office.
22:11It's on the way, isn't it?
22:13Yes, you're right. Thank you very much.
22:21Well, it seems that our little daughter will end up with us, Nihat.
22:26It's our fault, woman.
22:28Didn't Ayaan tell you that she would eventually show up at home?
22:32Yes, but you must take into account that I'm her mother.
22:35I can't help but worry. I'm afraid.
22:37But don't be afraid.
22:39You've raised two strong girls like you.
22:42And I feel proud of the three of them.
22:45They're a little crazy, but I adore them.
22:47I thank God that I have them.
22:49Nihat, do you think I exaggerated by scolding her?
22:52Well, it was the same as always.
22:54You ran after her.
22:56The good thing was that I hid the roller from you.
22:59The last time I chased you with it.
23:05Listen, guys.
23:07I'm glad you all came,
23:09even though Mr. Ayaan told us it wasn't necessary.
23:12This is a real team.
23:14Thank you all very much.
23:17Lately, we've lost a lot of prestige.
23:20You don't want to, do you?
23:22No, I'm not going to lie.
23:24The situation is pretty serious.
23:26We only have Mrs. Remede and a few more small accounts.
23:29And we don't know anything about Mr. Favry either.
23:32If Favry doesn't abandon us,
23:34I think we can recover.
23:36But we'll have to make records in all departments.
23:39What do you mean by that, Teren?
23:41We'll avoid unnecessary expenses.
23:42And those cuts, uh...
23:44Will they start in the lowest positions?
23:46Because it would be good if they started at the top.
23:48For those who win the most, miss.
23:50Shut up, JJ!
23:54You still have a lot to learn about managing a crisis.
23:56Look, first of all,
23:58we must be motivated so that we can all
24:00start the Fikri and Arika company.
24:02JJ, once you taught me something
24:04that your coach had told you
24:06that to have a good attitude, you have to smile.
24:08Teach them, will you?
24:10Oh, yes, my coach taught me.
24:12Hello, my friends.
24:14Let's see, when we smile,
24:16the soul is filled with positive energy
24:18and so we feel happier.
24:20That's the method I've used and it works.
24:22Let's see, everyone ready? Let's try it.
24:24You, please, smile.
24:26Smile, smile, smile.
24:28Like this.
24:33Come on, you have to smile.
24:35This one must be deaf because he doesn't understand what I'm saying.
24:37Let's see, you all together.
24:40You too, come on.
24:42You don't know how to smile or what?
24:44Three, two, one.
24:52You did it very well.
24:54When Mr. Jan arrives,
24:56I want him to see you all happy,
24:58to see you all smiling.
25:00You have to make Mr. Jan feel good to encourage him.
25:02Come on, you have to repeat it.
25:04Hey, you, the one who doesn't smile.
25:06Why don't you smile?
25:08Smile, come on, smile.
25:10Smile, smile for your life, smile.
25:12Smile, smile, smile.
25:14Smile, smile, smile.
25:16Why aren't you happy?
25:18I want to see you smile.
25:20And my name, but with a smile.
25:22Well, we all laughed.
25:24Now go back to work.
25:26Have a good day.
25:33There he comes.
25:35Do what we rehearsed or I'll get in trouble.
26:02I see you're all here.
26:04Thank you very much.
26:06Yes, we all came.
26:08Yes, of course, but it was your choice.
26:11Yes, of course, it was your choice.
26:13You're so funny, really.
26:15Please get rid of those
26:17stupid faces you're putting on.
26:19You don't have to pretend.
26:21Because it's obvious we're not doing very well.
26:23I'll find a solution.
26:27Listen to everyone at work.
26:34Let's see what happens.
26:36What's up?
26:38Oh, Sanem, the situation is critical.
26:40Do you want us to open my box?
26:42It could be our last day at the company
26:44and we have to open it.
26:46Let's open it, okay?
26:48Okay, but first I'm going to bring Mr. Jan some tea
26:50and then we'll open it.
26:52Yes, I'll wait for you in the lounge.
27:00Jan, I sent you an email.
27:02Have you turned on the computer?
27:09I made a list of the clients
27:11we've lost,
27:13with those who are in doubt,
27:15and to confirm,
27:17and a third list with the clients
27:19we could get back.
27:24Jan, if you don't feel well now,
27:26we can discuss it later.
27:28No, let's talk.
27:31Hey, what's that?
27:33The letter C?
27:35A letter.
27:36Oh, and who writes letters these days
27:38being able to send an email?
27:40Who's that?
27:49Jan, who's that someone?
27:56I'll bring you your tea.
28:07It can't be.
28:10What can't be?
28:16you brought tea for Jan,
28:18not for me.
28:20My head hurts, you know?
28:22If you don't mind,
28:24could you make me an espresso?
28:30Yes, I'm coming.
29:07Thank you, have a good day.
29:16Hey, wait!
29:18Wait a second, please.
29:20Just a second, please.
29:22It'll only be a second.
29:24Yes, please.
29:29Good morning, Mr. Mahmoud
29:31will come this way,
29:33and don't get us wrong,
29:34I'm not a beggar.
29:36Mr. Mahmoud?
29:38What are you talking about?
29:40Who are you?
29:42Okay, thank you.
29:44But what are you doing?
29:46What am I supposed to do?
29:48Life in the city is exhausting.
29:50Today I took four buses to get here,
29:52and I got lost.
29:54What an adventure.
29:56And there will be too many people on the way back.
29:58If you could take me downtown,
30:00or to the nearest subway station,
30:02it would help me,
30:04but I can't.
30:10Oh, he fainted.
30:12That was easy.
30:14No, I'm challenging the Italian mafia.
30:16How scary is the Italian mafia?
30:18That's better.
30:20I'm suffocating.
30:28Denise, take this to my desk,
30:30and bring me the green folder.
30:35I spoke to public relations.
30:37They will publish to improve our image,
30:39but we need something stronger,
30:41a success.
30:43I'm already working on it.
30:45Very well.
30:57Why is she here, Emre?
30:59Jan, calm down.
31:01I made it very clear to her not to come back.
31:02Jan, calm down.
31:04We have more important issues right now.
31:06I promise I'll talk to him myself.
31:08Don't worry.
31:13I'll get the coffee.
31:19Go ahead, Eren.
31:21I can't find Mr. Fabri,
31:23and I'm going crazy.
31:25We need to know if he's going to stay with us
31:27or change his mind.
31:29Jan, you can call him.
31:31Wait a minute.
31:37Zanem, Zanem.
31:39Come here.
31:41Mom calling.
31:43Mom again.
31:45Damn the time you bought him the phone.
31:47What a bad idea.
31:49Whatever I do is wrong, right?
31:51Well, tell me the truth.
31:53Were you with Mr. Jan last night?
31:57And you with Mr. Emre?
31:58That's right.
32:02See you later.
32:04Of course.
32:24I'm here.
32:26Hi, Zanem.
32:28Can we open it together?
32:30Are you ready to open it?
32:32Yes, of course.
32:34It will be good for both of us.
32:36I sold my eyes to make it a surprise.
32:38What do you think?
32:40Good idea.
32:42I know.
32:53I'm going to open it.
32:56Is there something that holds it?
32:58Open your eyes.
33:00Then I'll open the lid first.
33:02As you wish.
33:22Yes, I need it now.
33:24I can't wait a week.
33:26Open interrogation?
33:28Since when do you work like this?
33:32See you later.
33:39Aileen calling.
34:05Why did you put this in?
34:10Tell me.
34:12What is this?
34:14Love book.
34:16A love book in French.
34:18Of course.
34:20Love book.
34:22If you were so kind as to tell me its adorable name,
34:26This came out of this box.
34:28Did they send it to you from your homeland?
34:30That's right.
34:32It turns out that in my homeland, when you dream of someone,
34:34you send them a gift.
34:36It's a tradition.
34:38You'll see.
34:40Look at this.
34:42For example, for the evil of love, a love potion.
34:44I love you.
34:46They're a little obsessed with love.
34:48Let's see.
34:51A violin.
34:53I've always wanted to learn to play the violin.
34:56You hold it like this.
35:00It sounds horrible.
35:02I'll have to tune it.
35:04It's out of tune.
35:06You think so?
35:08Yes, that's it.
35:10If you play the violin, you'll find love.
35:12It looks like a hidden message.
35:15No, nothing.
35:17Well, let's see what else is there.
35:20Ah, crepes!
35:22My people's crepes are famous.
35:24Mm, that's good.
35:26They smell delicious. Do you want one?
35:32But that's not it.
35:34It looks a lot like...
35:36Who does it look like?
35:40What? No, not at all.
35:42It doesn't look like anyone.
35:44They're just crepes.
35:46It wasn't anyone. They're just crepes.
35:48Crepes don't look like anyone.
35:50Look, they sent me a...
35:52a shirt with a printed face.
35:55It's a joke, right?
35:57This girl is identical, Aihan.
36:01What does she look like?
36:02No, she doesn't look like anyone.
36:03How can she look like anyone?
36:04Tell me.
36:05And what's this?
36:06It just looks a little like...
36:07And what's this for?
36:10Explain yourself!
36:11Shut up! Shut up!
36:13Why are you denying it?
36:14Look at this!
36:15I see it!
36:16It's Aihan!
36:17It's Aihan!
36:18Shut up!
36:25It starts with an A,
36:26and ends with an N,
36:27and has an H in the middle.
36:28We've seen that girl in our dreams.
36:30We've drawn her as best as we can.
36:31Take the potion,
36:32and play the violin!
36:33But don't go back to the village
36:34until you've won her heart.
36:35That girl is your destiny.
36:38You just need to put her address.
36:40It's clear that they're referring to Aihan.
36:43Sanem, my village points to Aihan.
36:45But what am I going to do?
36:46How do I get rid of my phobias?
36:48She loves you too.
36:50Accept it.
36:51Go and tell her the truth.
36:54Don't make my mistakes.
36:55Enjoy it.
36:56What mistakes are you talking about?
36:58Mr. Yan is in love with you.
37:00They may have some problems now,
37:02but everything will be fine.
37:03Believe me.
37:04She loves you.
37:05I know.
37:09They sent me the door handle.
37:10What could it be for?
37:12Ah, I've got it.
37:13Love is home.
37:14That means,
37:15make a home.
37:21How is it possible?
37:22Did you really block me?
37:25Oh, Emre.
37:26How could you block me?
37:27You don't understand anything.
37:55What's going on?
37:56Isn't it good news?
37:58We've been denied credit.
38:00And those who owe us money
38:01have also delayed payments.
38:03What are we going to do then?
38:05Yan, yesterday some people came to collect
38:07and today more will come.
38:08Closing the door is not the solution.
38:11Well, I don't have many properties in Istanbul.
38:14I have a small piece of land with a cabin.
38:16Maybe I can mortgage it.
38:18And I could also sell...
38:20I don't know.
38:21Maybe I can mortgage it.
38:23And I could also sell...
38:25the studio that I have abandoned in New York.
38:28Unfortunately, we don't have time.
38:30Or we can...
38:33sell our shares.
38:34I have 10%
38:35and Emre has another 10%.
38:37Between the two of us, we have 20% that we can sell.
38:40That's what I can think of.
38:43I'm afraid you'll need Emre's approval for that.
38:46Yes, I'll ask him.
38:47He's obliged.
38:49No, don't get nervous.
38:50I'll talk to him, okay?
38:52But who would buy the shares?
38:54The other agencies will take them away from us.
38:56They'll take advantage.
38:58We'll have to sell cheaper, of course,
39:00but that way we'll get out of the mess.
39:01There's no other option.
39:04we can make it look like a merger with another company
39:07and that way we'll give a better image.
39:09It's a good idea.
39:11I'll start calling other agencies.
39:13And you want me to call them too?
39:15Call them.
39:16I have nothing to hide.
39:17Besides, now everyone knows our situation, so...
39:23I know you're upset,
39:25but all of this will pass.
39:26We'll get through this.
39:36I'll go get the glasses.
39:56I'll start calling, okay?
39:58Yes, do it.
40:16The Italian Mafia?
40:18It can't be ETHER!
40:20I smelled it and I fainted too!
40:22This is incredible!
40:23I must be an idiot!
40:25It looks like I put too much of it.
40:30Oh, Sané,
40:31you'll never believe
40:32all the things I'm doing for you!
40:40Well, let's get going.
40:41You said it.
41:12What are you looking at?
41:16Don't worry.
41:17I'm not here for you.
41:19I just came to pick up my things.
41:39No, no, no.
41:40It can't be.
41:41He doesn't get it.
41:42We're selling 20% of the company,
41:43not 50%.
41:45All right, we'll talk later.
41:53What are you doing here?
41:55What do you want?
41:56I just came to see you.
42:04I'm looking for money to pay the debts.
42:07And it seems it's not easy from what I see.
42:12Now you're worried about the company?
42:15You refused to sell the house. Why are you interested now?
42:19I'm not interested in this agency, Emre.
42:22It's our agency that interests me, and you.
42:24Stop blocking my calls.
42:27My love, it won't be so easy for you to get rid of me.
42:31Aylin, please leave.
42:35Are you sure?
42:39What do you want? Why did you bring her?
42:43Here are the documents of our company.
42:46Maybe you forgot.
42:48If, by chance, Jan sees these documents,
42:50what will she think of her dear brother?
42:53Are you threatening me?
42:55Did you come here to blackmail me?
42:58Do you really think you can leave me, my love?
43:01After everything I've done for you?
43:03I don't want to know anything about you again.
43:08You always say the same thing.
43:10And then you come back to me.
43:12Because deep down you know I'm right.
43:19Jan can't help you.
43:21Sometimes you forget.
43:23You love me, and you know it.
43:26You're in love with me.
43:31You can keep the folder.
43:33I still have the original.
43:38Take care, my love.
43:47Something's going on here, Cheche.
43:49I also realize something's going on.
43:52Look, I'll ask you for a favor soon, okay?
43:55Of course.
