• last year
A woman gave birth alone on her bathroom floor in just 45 minutes - before her husband had a chance to set up the birthing pool.

Teagan Swoboda, 36, woke up up on August 11, 2024, at 5:45am experiencing contractions.

She went to the bathroom to time them and woke her husband up 15 minutes later.

Tony Swoboda, 41, went downstairs to set up the home birth equipment.


00:00So everyone keeps asking me to do like a story time or update on the birth. First
00:06and foremost the baby is fine and breathing. It's wild to me that people
00:14even question that. But everybody wants a story time but I honestly am barely
00:21processing the birth myself. It was my fifth baby, my first girl and I had a
00:30very very rough like last two and a half weeks of the pregnancy. I was in a lot of
00:37pain. I was having contractions non-stop and I couldn't walk. I was in bed for the
00:43last two weeks and literally I was just like in a cycle of crying myself to
00:48sleep every like three hours and I was like contemplating as I do I just go to
00:56the hospital and get induced even though that's I have like other trauma with
01:00that. So I was just like I don't want to be in labor and bring her into the world
01:07with me in so much pain and so it's just a cycle of me just crying myself to
01:12sleep for like two and a half weeks. And so I know I will never ever ever have
01:21another kid. I mean I say that but we weren't planning on this one either so
01:27yeah so it's kind of me grieving the the birth that I had planned. The perfect
01:35birth that I planned. Everybody asks you know how how did he not hear you or how
01:42did he miss the birth? Yeah it was my own fault because I had a birth plan
01:47that wasn't a page long. I have four kids and each of them had jobs on my birth
01:54plan so they were all downstairs preparing the perfect birth for me. So
01:59yeah everybody calling my husband a terrible person and all of that that's
02:04fantastic because he was literally like going out of his way for me which is I've
02:10learned like the internet is a terrible place. I always tell my like boys
02:15anything worth saying is worth saying with kindness and y'all are nasty people.
02:24Yeah so it's it's been a lot. It's been a whirlwind. I'm I'll probably sit down
02:31and maybe maybe now so I've got a few minutes kind of go down and do like a
02:39break it up into parts so that like everybody can know what happened and how
02:45it happened but yeah like try and post your questions and I'll try and follow
02:49along and kind of answer all of those. We'll see but to sum it up baby is just
