Zixx Level One Episode 7 – Symbiosis Full Episode

  • 2 days ago
In Episode 7 of Zixx Level One, titled "Symbiosis," Zixx, Riley, and Meghan face their most unique challenge yet! As they venture deeper into the virtual world, they encounter a powerful force that requires them to work in perfect harmony. But can the team master the art of symbiosis in time to overcome this new obstacle, or will their differences tear them apart? Filled with suspense, teamwork, and unexpected twists, this episode is a must-watch for all fans of Zixx Level One!
00:00We're getting warmer. Much warmer.
00:07You said that three corridors ago. I say we're ice cold.
00:11No way! Blue's ring is going to score big for us today. I feel it.
00:15Hold up here, Flango.
00:18See? The ring's glowing like crazy now. It means we're very close to a crystal.
00:23I hate to break it to you, kid, but we've been running in circles for hours.
00:26I'm thinking that trinket doesn't work in the keep.
00:28Disagree. It just has a larger search radius in here than it does outside.
00:32Well, I'm bored. Let's search for a gawk to pound on instead.
00:35Oh, don't get your tail in a knot, partner. We're closing in on it.
00:40In fact, I see a lonely little crystal fragment right over here.
00:45Well, I'll be a spooker, swine.
00:47Told you we'd find one. It's locked up pretty tight in that duct, though.
00:50No problem. Allow me to unlock it for you.
00:55Think you could make a little more noise, Flango?
00:58Hey, I'm powerful and beautiful, not delicate, okay?
01:03Powerful's good, because I think we're going to need it.
01:08Nah, these goons are no threat unless they have shields.
01:11Oh, they do have shields. Well, who would have thought they'd ever wizen up?
01:16But I'm not worried. I've got anti-gravity boots.
01:20I'll draw their fire.
01:21Nice of you.
01:22Meet you at the far end.
01:25Tough angle for you, Phyllis?
01:27Too bad, it's a good one for me.
01:30Throws open, Flango.
01:32I'm coming.
01:34The restle-dazzle confused them. Of course, almost anything does.
01:37That's for sure. Come on, we're almost clear.
01:40Race you to the portal, partner.
01:44Well, it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.
01:49Great work in there, Flango.
01:52Flango, you okay?
01:58Oh, no.
02:05Adam, Isaac, think fast.
02:09I need your help.
02:11No kidding, you throw like a girl.
02:13The Gawks have Flango.
02:15What would the Gawks want with Flango?
02:17Come to think of it, what would anyone want with Flango?
02:20Cut the sarcasm. I need to get him back. I need your help.
02:23I'd go into the keep myself, but...
02:26But what?
02:27But... I'm outnumbered.
02:29That's never stopped you before.
02:34That's never stopped you before.
02:38Forget it.
02:41Hold on.
02:42I'm coming.
02:52I have to use a lightning bolt.
02:54Too bad they're so close. It'll fry them.
02:56But it could fry me, too.
02:58Still, it's my only hope.
03:01Oh, no. My beautiful tail.
03:05Hey, guys, what's up? I came as soon as I could.
03:08Operation Flango.
03:10Zyx lost him in the keep.
03:11Nice one. What happened?
03:13Long story. All you need to know is that we have to get him back. Fast.
03:18So we can listen to him complain, I guess.
03:20I know you don't exactly jive with Flango, but you underestimate his importance.
03:24Okay, so tell us. Why is he so important, other than his great personality?
03:29Not to mention his dazzling good looks.
03:32Can it?
03:33Flango is important to me because...
03:38Because I said so.
03:40Man, aliens sure can be bossy.
03:43I heard that.
03:49You know this?
03:51No, I don't.
03:53But here you go.
03:56You're evil again.
03:59Die, you demon!
04:23What did he say?
04:25He said it'll be easy to get me.
04:27I'll come looking for Flango and then I'll have both of us.
04:30They must be keeping Flango in the boiler room.
04:33Okay, let's move.
04:41Okay, we better search the place.
04:49Flango, you here?
04:58I thought we were gonna search.
05:01Well, somebody has to watch the door in case the gogs come back.
05:06Hurry it up.
05:14Got some window cleaner?
05:16I got bathroom disinfectant.
05:20I don't think he's here.
05:21Well, if he's not here, then where could he be?
05:24I said back off, sirfeg!
05:27I said back off!
05:38Griff, do something fast!
05:40Pretty much anything would work.
05:43Kill him!
05:53Zekes, you okay?
05:55Hey, guys.
05:57I once took out an entire Zantorian battlecruiser.
06:00This is nothing.
06:01Is anybody else feeling the need to vacate the premises, or is it just me?
06:07Jake must have Flango in a keep somewhere.
06:09We have to go after him.
06:11Now? Can't we wait until...
06:13No. We can't waste time.
06:15How do you know Deeth hasn't just...
06:18It's me Deeth wants.
06:20I'll keep Flango alive to use as bait.
06:22So you're saying Deeth is using Flango as bait, and you want us to walk into his trap.
06:27What am I missing here?
06:29Come on, Griff.
06:30If Adam were kidnapped by some evil piece of space slime, you'd want to get him, wouldn't you?
06:33Yeah, but Adam's my best friend, not a trash-talking reptile with attitude.
06:37Flango is...
06:40important to me.
06:42My partner.
06:43If you can't understand that, I'll go alone.
06:51It's happening faster than I expected.
06:54Think she could be sick?
06:56Zeks? Nah.
06:58You know what? Maybe you're right.
07:02Maybe we should rest a little first.
07:10Now I have to regrow a tail.
07:13It'll be tough without an energy boost.
07:16Everything's getting...
07:29Help me.
07:37Help me.
07:47I got ham and cheese and tuna.
08:04What are you doing?
08:05What am I doing? What are you doing?
08:07I was stopped.
08:09Until you reactivated me.
08:10Stopped? Is that like, sleeping?
08:12Sort of.
08:13Except you don't dream.
08:15And you don't make those disgusting noises.
08:17You mean snoring?
08:18Yeah, snoring.
08:20Totally gross.
08:24Yeah, talk about gross.
08:26You stuck your finger in the fish.
08:28I have to taste it before I eat it.
08:31Not bad.
08:33Tuna with molasses.
08:35So, you want to tell me what was going on back there at school?
08:38What do you mean?
08:40You seem kind of...
08:45Yeah, you know, like...
08:47scared of the dark, or scared of spiders.
08:49I know what scared is.
08:51I wasn't.
08:57You just looked...
08:58You looked kind of tired.
09:00I looked tired.
09:01Now can we stop it with this stupid human babbling and get some rest?
09:08It's like...
09:09I don't know.
09:11An electrical outlet or something on her back.
09:14I guess we never noticed it before because she's always wearing that backpack.
09:17That is weird.
09:19She wasn't wearing her pack at all today, was she?
09:22Yeah, so?
09:23So, like you said, something's different about her.
09:26Check the pack.
09:28See if there's something in there that...
09:29I already did.
09:33Maybe it's just a coincidence then.
09:35Anyway, I gotta go.
09:36See you tomorrow.
09:50By the time you get up, you're gonna be...
09:56Michael Murray.
09:58This is Zex.
10:03Hello, Uncle Murray.
10:09I'll just...
10:12This is not good.
10:16Now, son...
10:19You may have certain...
10:22Feelings with regards to the opposite, um...
10:28But the important thing is to...
10:31Control them, or...
10:33Or maybe stifle...
10:35Would be the better word, because you are, after all, only, uh...
10:40How old are you again?
10:42Uncle Murray, listen to me.
10:43Zex is...
10:46Is what?
10:47Is a visitor from a distant...
10:50A distant what?
10:54A distant school.
10:59She's staying over at our place because she's in the Moose Jaw High...
11:05Marching band.
11:07It's an exchange thing.
11:08Didn't you get the memo the school sent out?
11:13I'm sorry, Adam.
11:15Oh, you know what I thought?
11:18Oh, here's our guest now.
11:23Well, Adam...
11:25Where are your manners?
11:26Give Trix a glass of orange juice.
11:44I've been thinking about Zex, and I did a little research.
11:52Two organisms that each benefit the other.
11:55Like those little birds that ride around on hippos' backs and eat bugs.
11:59Or the little fish that clean parasites off the big fish.
12:02Yeah, I get it.
12:03But what does that have to do with Zex?
12:05Zex's being... different?
12:08The thing on her back?
12:11The empty pack?
12:13Yeah, and?
12:15And what does she usually keep in that backpack?
12:18I don't know. Other than Flango.
12:22Wait a minute. You think Flango...
12:24You think Flango what?
12:26I think you... I mean, Flango needs our help.
12:30Glad you finally figured it out.
12:49So where was the last place you saw him?
12:51In the tunnel. We just scored another piece of the crystal, and then we were attacked.
12:56Yep. Fast and furious.
12:58I used the anti-grav boots, but Flango was on the ground.
13:00When I got out, he was gone.
13:02So we start in the tunnel? See if he's still there?
13:05What about the gawks?
13:06They'll be gone by now.
13:14Flango? Flango! Can you hear me, partner?
13:18How could I have lost him?
13:20I'm sure he's okay, Zex. That lizard can take care of himself.
13:23We have to find him. Soon.
13:25Maybe an infragreen scan will pop up some clues.
13:29Hey, what's this?
13:32A hyperblaster. It's like a supercharged battery.
13:35Very handy.
13:36What's this weird stuff on the floor?
13:39I have no idea. Zex?
13:41Whirring droppings. Fairly fresh, too.
13:45Those vermin we see everywhere. They collect things.
13:48Things like Flango, maybe? And look!
13:51A whirring hole.
13:53Hey, maybe... just maybe Deep doesn't have Flango after all.
13:58That sounds like gawks.
14:00Oh, no.
14:02I'd say they're coming this way.
14:04What now, Zex?
14:07What's wrong with her?
14:09She's stopped.
14:11Oh, great. Hear that?
14:13The gawks are getting closer.
14:16I know, but she's not responding.
14:18Then it's up to us. I'm taking her apron.
14:22I've seen her work it.
14:24Come on, come on.
14:26Hey, what's all this?
14:28Where's the weapon?
14:30Oh, great. When the gawks come to capture us, we'll manicure them to death.
14:35All right, Adam. Let's hear your solution then.
14:43You won't escape me this time, Funky Z.
14:45No way. Surrender or perish.
14:48Where did they go?
14:49I heard their voices. I know I did.
14:51Keep your eyes peeled, you idiots.
14:53They must be around here somewhere.
14:55Can we get down now, guys?
15:01We know something's wrong with you, Zex.
15:03I'm guessing Flango has something to do with how you work, doesn't he?
15:09Flango and I energize each other.
15:11What do you mean?
15:13We need each other to live.
15:15Without him, I'll get weaker until I stop.
15:20You mean, like, you'll... you'll die?
15:24Don't worry. We still have approximately...
15:27Don't worry. We still have approximately...
15:33That's good, right?
15:40Okay, so what we have to do is find a way to stop Zex from stopping and to get Flango out of the keep.
15:45How hard can that be?
15:47How hard can that be?
15:48Okay, let's go over what we know.
15:50Flango acts as a sort of battery, right? We've been through this already.
15:55Yeah, but how exactly does he work? It could be anything.
15:59Flango's the battery.
16:02What's the juice?
16:04By process of elimination, all we have to do is orange juice.
16:08No thanks, I'm not thirsty.
16:09It's not for you.
16:14Hey, Uncle Murray.
16:15What are you doing?
16:16Getting Zex some juice.
16:17This late?
16:18She's thirsty.
16:19She's thirsty.
16:20Yeah, about Trix...
16:22Don't you think she'd be more comfortable in her own space?
16:25Actually, I think we'd all be more comfortable.
16:28I mean, after all, there is only one bed in your room.
16:31And one closet and one dresser.
16:34So I put some clean sheets on the pull-out in the den.
16:38No, that's okay, Uncle Murray.
16:39Thing is, she doesn't exactly sleep.
16:41Say what?
16:42I mean, she can't sleep.
16:45She's practicing.
16:47For the band?
16:50Precision marching.
16:52What about you and Griff?
16:55You can't practice precision marching by yourself.
17:01How long did you say she was staying?
17:03It seems orange juice gives her energy.
17:05Come on, Zex, drink.
17:08We're running out of time and we have to find Flango.
17:11Without Zex, we'll get destroyed.
17:13I've got Zex's A-put and I can get that thing we found in the tunnel from the hideout.
17:17You can't go into the keep alone.
17:20Come on, Adam, we've been in worse situations than this.
17:23Remember that time we went camping and were attacked by raccoons?
17:28There's a big difference between a raccoon and a bunch of space freaks trying to destroy the world.
17:33Hey, hey, those were big raccoons and they really wanted that steak.
17:38I can do this. I have the technology.
17:41Wait, Griff.
17:42Just take care of Zex.
17:44Where is it going?
17:46Zex, you okay?
17:49I have to get Flango.
17:51You're not going anywhere. I'm taking care of you until you get better.
17:54Yeah, right. As if I need some kid to...
17:57Just drink juice.
18:05I hate this.
18:07This feeling.
18:18Blaster or flashlight?
18:22Zex would know.
18:29I can do this.
18:31I know I can. I can do this.
18:34I know I can.
18:36Come on, Zex, you've got to drink this.
18:38No, I won't talk.
18:40You can't make me.
18:41I don't want you to talk. I want you to stop talking and drink.
18:44I know you're working for Ancalon.
18:46Zex, it's me, Adam.
18:52You don't look a lot like him.
18:55No, but you can't fool me.
18:58If I could just get my ship back and get connected to the network, then you'd see.
19:04Then I'd be able to...
19:07Zex, wake up.
19:09You've got to wake up.
19:17He'll be here soon.
19:23Thank you for helping me.
19:25Just keep drinking.
19:29I don't like this.
19:31Orange juice?
19:32I'm needing help.
19:34I've never been weak before.
19:36Hey, no one can be strong all the time.
19:39I don't care what planet you're from.
19:41That's why...
19:43That's why we have friends.
19:49So if you're supposed to be some kind of super battery,
19:52why don't you power open this door for me instead of making useless noises?
19:56Hunk of junk!
19:59On the other hand, there's always the low-tech method.
20:03Okay, here goes.
20:06This is spooky.
20:08Just like I hate it.
20:13You in here? Flango?
20:16Oh boy, nice worrying things.
20:18Good worrying things.
20:20Help me.
20:22Flango, what happened to you?
20:24Are you injured or something?
20:25Keep your voice down.
20:26Mama Bear's sleeping and you don't want her waking up.
20:29Oh, okay.
20:30I can't move. No energy.
20:32How can I help?
20:33All I've got is a hyper blaster.
20:36Run some juice to me through your chest piece.
20:39I'll try.
20:42Nothing's happening.
20:44Mind over matter.
20:45Don't think about the ugly cusp beside us.
20:47Only think about transferring me some blaster power.
20:50All right.
20:52Hey, I feel something.
20:54Yes, the energy's flowing.
20:56I did it.
20:57Well, good.
20:58That's enough.
20:59You gotta save some for yourself.
21:01Can you get out of here now before she wakes up?
21:03Sure can.
21:11Guess we weren't quiet enough.
21:18They're beaming on us.
21:20There's only a billion of them.
21:21Your hyper blaster has a hyper speed device.
21:23Activate it.
21:25How do I do that?
21:26Press the blue button.
21:29If you say so.
21:31Oh, yeah.
21:32And hold your breath.
21:37I told you to press the blue button, not hold down the blue button.
21:40Hey, it worked, didn't it?
21:43Thanks, Griff.
21:44That was cool of you going in there alone.
21:47No problem.
21:50Thank you for taking care of me.
21:53Yeesh, cue the violins here or what?
21:55Who asked you, lizard face?
21:57Oh, look who's talking.
21:58Hey, Flango, cool it.
22:00These guys saved our lives.
22:02I guess.
22:04Thanks, both of you.
22:08Come on, Flango, we have work to do.
22:10So, you're just gonna go?
22:14We've wasted enough time as it is.
