Zixx Level One Episode 9 – Four's A Crowd Full Episode

  • 2 days ago
In Zixx Level One Episode 9, "Four's A Crowd," the team faces new challenges as a surprising fourth member joins their group. Tensions rise as the dynamics shift, testing their teamwork and trust. Can Zixx, Riley, and Meghan adapt to the new addition, or will this change create chaos within the group? As they continue their mission in the dangerous virtual world, the stakes are higher than ever! This episode is packed with action, surprises, and exciting twists.
00:01Ready, everybody?
00:04Then here we go!
00:07The trip here always makes me woozy.
00:09I enjoy it.
00:09Me too.
00:10It's like being tickled by a nine-fingered positive.
00:12Still, it's cute.
00:13It is.
00:14Until it stops tickling and starts swallowing you whole.
00:17Are we close to that chamber you discovered?
00:19It's right up here.
00:20It's around this corner.
00:25I love it when they're in charge.
00:28Griff, you've been leading the way here.
00:29Can you get us back to the right road, or what?
00:32We can't be too far off.
00:34Let's blow through these spikes and keep going.
00:36We're not going to do that, Adam.
00:39Only spikes that you can't move around.
00:41But that will take us forever to fix.
00:44At least it's clear.
00:46Now stand aside, Adam, because I'm coming through.
00:53You're a little too eager for confrontation, Adam, but you're certainly brave.
00:56Who am I? Just the geek in the background?
00:59This is it. The room I found.
01:01Good work.
01:02I helped.
01:03Let's see what treats it has in store.
01:05Whoa. Pull up, gang.
01:09Good luck crossing this nasty chasm.
01:12Hey, everybody.
01:15There's a piece of the crystal across from us.
01:19Too bad about the Farzee and Zeeborgs behind us.
01:24Farzee and Zeeborgs are robots.
01:26They fire deadly energy globes.
01:28Good thing I've got a shield.
01:30But a shield's about all I've got.
01:32It puts down in only one blast left of my pulse charger.
01:35Wait a second.
01:39What is it?
01:40Look right there.
01:42Extending bridge.
01:43Nice work, Adam.
01:45Shield's weakening.
01:46And the bridge stopped extending.
01:47Homo, check it out.
01:48No, Britt.
01:49I can see what's going on.
01:50I'm stuck.
01:52Come on.
01:53Come on.
01:54One blast left.
01:56Will the ceiling trick work?
01:57Here goes.
02:01That won't hold it long.
02:03Can we jump this thing?
02:04Not a chance, kid.
02:05Too far.
02:06Maybe not.
02:07I can jump it.
02:08Let me try.
02:09Not on my watch, Britt.
02:12Shield's gone.
02:13And the Borgs are busting through.
02:15What about the Fragme?
02:17Leave it.
02:21Take the catwalk to the side.
02:23Head for the rendezvous.
02:24Okay, partner?
02:25Yes, partner.
02:26All set for a little up, up, and away?
02:27I live for up, up, and away.
02:31Ooh, close one.
02:32It's you, Griff.
02:34Not on my watch, Griff.
02:35I can see what's going on.
02:37I'm the fifth wheel here.
02:38That crystal's mine.
02:40I'm gonna get it for the team.
02:42It's so aggravating
02:43to get that close to a crystal break
02:45that it's a have to leave it behind.
02:46Save your frustration, Zyx.
02:48We got a long way to go in here.
02:50Decades, maybe.
02:52As long as we get the Sword of Gamb
02:53before Deep and the Gawks do.
02:56If it actually exists.
02:58Zyx, Flanko.
03:00There you are.
03:01Where's Griff?
03:02I haven't seen him anywhere.
03:05If he's gotten lost again,
03:06I'm sending you to look for him.
03:08We went opposite ways.
03:10Anyway, I'm not his babysitter.
03:16Here he comes.
03:18I ran into some trouble along the way.
03:20What kind of trouble?
03:22Hargawk kind of trouble.
03:26Boy, did you ever.
03:27Let's go.
03:29I don't even manage to find them.
03:30I said I was sorry, didn't I?
03:36We should have had that.
03:38If we could get that shield to last longer.
03:39Or you'd grow three feet.
03:41Come on, I know we can make it.
03:42Let's go back in.
03:43That's enough metal monsters for one day.
03:46But Zyx, all we gotta do
03:47is get that bridge extended and we're there.
03:49I know we can get it.
03:51Time for a victory snack.
03:52What victory?
03:54The victory we almost achieved today
03:56and that we will achieve soon.
04:03Come on.
04:04Turnip and licorice casserole on me.
04:05Turnip and licorice?
04:06You're so not from this planet.
04:08What do you mean?
04:09Well, it's a bad combination.
04:10Uh, guys?
04:11Bad combination?
04:12Well, we can have your cow meat
04:14and fatty potatoes if you want.
04:16We like to call that burger and fries.
04:18Burger and fries.
04:19Well, why don't you call things what they actually are?
04:22Like those pig tubes.
04:23Hot dogs?
04:24Yeah, like the baseball game.
04:27Yeah, but try eating someone's dog
04:28and they get all freaked out.
04:29Go figure.
04:43Oh, sorry.
04:44No, I'm sorry.
04:45That was totally my fault.
04:49I'm sorry you're new here.
04:51I mean, I haven't seen you before.
04:53Oh, yeah.
04:55I mean, no.
04:56I don't go here.
04:57I was just, uh...
05:13Would you help me carry those?
05:14My locker's just down there.
05:15Oh, sure.
05:17No problem.
05:19So, what are you doing here so late?
05:21Oh, I had choir practice.
05:22Plus, I was waiting to run into you.
05:24Sorry about that.
05:26I'm not.
05:27Do you want to hook up tomorrow?
05:30You mean hang out or...
05:32Yeah, like around four?
05:35I'll meet you out front.
05:37Can't wait.
05:53It's ten to four.
05:54Where's Griff?
05:55I don't know.
05:56He said he'd be here.
05:58I am!
06:01Sneak up on us like that again,
06:03and you're chug bug meat.
06:05Forget it.
06:06Let's go.
06:07I can't.
06:08I'm meeting, uh, my...
06:11In ten minutes.
06:12I gotta go.
06:14Come on, Griff.
06:17We really need you.
06:18Yeah, right.
06:19Let's go.
06:20We really need you.
06:21Yeah, right.
06:25What's his problem?
06:27Being grown toenails?
06:28I don't know.
06:29But we should find out.
06:32He's sure acting weird.
06:33It's what he does best.
06:41Can I tell you something?
06:44I've never told anyone this before, but...
06:47I feel like I can trust you.
06:50This is so embarrassing, um...
06:53I've always been kind of...
06:55A nerd.
06:57A nerd?
07:02Who's that?
07:03I can't believe he ditched us for a girl.
07:06Every school I go to, I'm always like...
07:09The outsider.
07:11So I don't blame you if you don't want to hang with the loser.
07:13I don't know what lame schools you went to,
07:15but trust me, you're not a loser.
07:19I've been trying to figure out why anyone as cool as you
07:22would hang out with someone like me.
07:25Get out of here.
07:27Okay, so I told you something personal.
07:29Now it's your turn.
07:31I don't have any deep, dark secrets.
07:33Basically, I'm a boring guy.
07:35Oh, come on, that's not fair.
07:37You gotta give me something.
07:40Okay, okay, I'm thinking.
07:46You can't tell anyone this.
07:49My best friend and I, we met an alien.
07:53Her name's Zex.
07:56She's trying to stop these bad aliens,
07:58Hargogs, from taking over the universe.
08:04I tell you something really honest,
08:05and all you can come up with is...
08:09You don't believe me?
08:11Meet me back here in an hour.
08:12I'll bring proof.
08:16I'm going home.
08:20You can bring your proof by later if you want.
08:27I will!
08:31What's he so happy about?
08:33He likes her.
08:35You know, more than a bride.
08:37Isn't there a couple?
08:40They're in love!
08:41Your point is?
08:42Love makes you do some dumb stuff.
08:44Listen to lame music, go to sucky movies.
08:47Go after friends?
08:48Zex sounds like being possessed by mutant postulated Wendogs.
08:52Some people like it, I guess.
09:14Thought you had to meet your mom.
09:16Oh, yeah, I did.
09:19We needed you in the keep.
09:20As what, a doorstop?
09:23Are you choked about something?
09:24No, of course not.
09:27You've been acting kind of weird.
09:30No, everything's fine.
09:32Good, even.
09:33I gotta go.
09:34You just got here?
09:36I've, uh, got homework.
09:38What about Zex?
09:39She needs us.
09:40She needs you.
09:42She reads a crowd.
09:49Did you make that in art class, or?
09:51No, this is a shield generator Zex found in the keep.
09:54Oh, this must be the nice young man you were telling me about.
09:58Griff, this is my mom.
10:00You look like you could use a nice warm cup of cocoa.
10:04I'll leave you two alone.
10:13She's such a freak.
10:14Anyway, you were telling me about the cup?
10:16The keep.
10:17It's like a video game, except if you die, you really die.
10:23And the shield generator?
10:24It blocks the Z-Borg energy globes.
10:26And other stuff, too.
10:28You're too much.
10:29So, you believe me?
10:32No, but you make me laugh.
10:34That's a good thing, right?
10:43The camp was a mess.
10:45We can't wait for Griff.
10:46If the Hargox get that fragment first, we're toast.
10:50You have the shield generator?
10:52I thought you had it.
10:55Double check your inventory.
10:58No dice.
10:59Griff must have taken it.
11:02Good question.
11:11Hey, Griff.
11:12You getting that fragment for us?
11:14Uh, no.
11:15Then you won't be needing that shield generator.
11:19Why'd you take it?
11:20I need a proof.
11:21Sarah won't believe me when I told her about Zyx and the keep.
11:25You better be kidding.
11:26Who's Sarah?
11:27Relax, we can trust her.
11:28Should I stab him like a twig?
11:29Or leave him to rot in the Moongull swamp?
11:31What, I can't have another friend?
11:33Your friend could be a gok.
11:35A spy for Deeth.
11:36A hitman.
11:37She's not a hitman.
11:38She's my...
11:41Forget it.
11:43She's his what?
11:44I think he was gonna say girlfriend.
11:49He's got her back.
11:50Give me the keep over that love stuff any day.
11:52Me too.
12:04It can't be a moment too soon.
12:09She's a Hargok.
12:10She's not a Hargok.
12:11Then why was she talking to Deeth?
12:13He's a janitor.
12:14How's she supposed to know he's an evil alien?
12:16It's worse than I thought.
12:17She's eating your brain.
12:18What is wrong with you?
12:20You think everyone's wrapped up in some big plot to take over the world.
12:23Well guess what?
12:24Some people just go to school.
12:26And go to choir practice.
12:28And live normal lives.
12:30How much did you tell her?
12:32What is this, an interrogation?
12:34Don't worry.
12:35She didn't believe anything I said.
12:42Is it really so impossible that she's just a girl who likes me?
12:51That's not what I meant.
13:02Griff's never gonna talk to me again.
13:03He won't be talking to anyone again if his girlfriend's a god.
13:06You got that right.
13:08Watch your door.
13:09Check your file.
13:11We don't need her file to know what she is.
13:20Hurry up.
13:21Yeah, come on.
13:23Sarah Mills.
13:24Transferred here from Victoria in October.
13:28She's legit.
13:30Is there an address?
13:34Mr. Bogolke.
13:35Got it.
13:36Let's go.
13:37You say Bogolke.
13:38I say Bogolke.
13:45So what's your thing with Sarah?
13:47I'm doing an article on her for the school newspaper.
13:51We have a school newspaper?
13:53It's new.
13:54First issue's coming out next month.
13:58So about Sarah.
13:59Did you notice anything unusual about her?
14:02She's cool.
14:05I think she only showed up once to homeroom all year.
14:08I can dig that.
14:11Far out.
14:12But don't you think it's weird that she never comes here?
14:15Well, kids need space, you know, like to hang loose.
14:19You can't keep them in cages, you know.
14:22I hear you, brother.
14:23Take it easy.
14:25Peace in our time.
14:32Got any more alien stuff to show me?
14:35Go ahead.
14:36Mock me.
14:37Everyone else does.
14:39What do you mean, everyone else?
14:41I thought I was the only person you told.
14:43You are.
14:44And you don't believe me.
14:45And Adam Zicks don't believe me when I tell them you're not an alien.
14:48They think I'm an alien?
14:51They saw you talking to the janitor.
14:53It was a long story.
14:54Ugh, see, this always happens to me.
14:56You think I'm a freak, too.
14:58No, of course not.
15:00My friends are just paranoid.
15:03You know what?
15:04I don't want to see any more of your weird stuff.
15:08Sarah, wait!
15:11I know you're not an alien.
15:13Oh, great.
15:15I trust you.
15:16A lot, okay?
15:18And my friends are just...
15:20They don't know you.
15:22Come on, I want to show you something.
15:31Any sign of our suspect?
15:34Mother's still vacuuming.
15:35She's been at it for an hour.
15:43Why are we sneaking?
15:45They'd kill me if they knew I brought you here.
15:48Why? It's your fort, too.
15:50This is not your average fort.
15:56What's this?
15:57It's part of something we need to stop the G.O.C.S.
16:00The what?
16:01The hard G.O.C.S., the bad aliens.
16:05What does it do?
16:07I don't know, but the G.O.C.S. went pretty bad, so it must be important.
16:11I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Griff.
16:13That's okay. I know it's kind of weird.
16:16Thanks for trusting me.
16:23Your secret's safe with me.
16:30I'm going in.
16:31What? You can't just walk in there.
16:33With cookies?
16:33Anything is possible.
16:37Oh, cookies. Please come in.
16:40Are they freshly baked, low in fat, hot from the oven?
16:45Oh, my husband just loves cookies.
16:48Jim, darling.
16:50Come meet an adorable neighborhood child.
16:54Why, hello there, missy.
16:57Is Sarah home?
17:00Yes. Of course she is, honey bunny.
17:02You are incorrect, sweet pea.
17:04She's not due to complete phase 2 until 0100 hours.
17:09Please disregard my husband's utterances.
17:12He's not been feeling up to snuff.
17:14Why don't you read your paper, dear?
17:16Dinner will be ready in a snap,
17:18thanks to the modern convenience of the microwave.
17:21Is everything all right, Mrs. Mills?
17:27Please excuse my husband.
17:28He's been working very hard at the office.
17:31Busy as a beaver.
17:33Nose to the grindstone.
17:35She's a...
17:37Yep. We used to get two parental robots,
17:39a sibling and a dog, remember?
17:41Our suspect was trained on Hulk 7.
17:44What are you doing here?
17:50You were spying on her, weren't you?
17:52She's an alien, Griff. Look at her mom.
17:55Lady, you little rascal.
18:09You trained at the network academy?
18:13I saw your picture on the plasma every day.
18:15You were quite the legend among the groups.
18:17What are you doing here?
18:19I'm here to help.
18:20I thought it'd be good to add some intergalactic experience
18:22to my resume.
18:24Who are you working for?
18:26The good guys.
18:28And I'm a snoogle.
18:30Take it easy, ladies.
18:32She's worse than a cop.
18:34She's a traitor.
18:51Come back here, you two-faced warthog.
18:53You're a disgrace to the academy.
18:57Or maybe I should know how to pick the winning team.
18:59How could you betray us to the hardlocks?
19:01To Ancalon!
19:05We're not all do-gooders like Musix.
19:07I won't be good to you.
19:21I never told Sarah where the portal was.
19:23I'm guessing she already knows.
19:25I can't believe I fell for it.
19:27What kind of idiot?
19:29It's not your fault.
19:31She's a professional alien spy.
19:33You think you'll be rewarded
19:35when Ancalon takes over?
19:41He'll destroy you.
19:43You'll be gone long before I end this.
19:45That traitor's got a lot of nerve.
19:47And a lot of delusions.
19:48It's all over for her, too.
19:52Where'd she go?
19:54How'd we lose her like that?
19:56Left or right?
19:58Scum always goes right.
20:00You think so?
20:02I know so.
20:04I've got you now, Sarah!
20:06You're mine!
20:08Is that right?
20:10If it seems too easy,
20:12it's probably a trap.
20:14Didn't they teach you that at the academy?
20:16Who's the disgrace now?
20:18I'd say it is.
20:22Bad news, partner.
20:24The walls are closing in,
20:26and we're going to be crushed.
20:28Well, isn't this just the perfect end
20:30to a perfect day?
20:34You see that button above us?
20:38I think it's the off switch.
20:40Hit it with something.
20:42Like this rock?
20:48It's become pudding down here!
20:50Six, grab hold of this!
20:52Just in time, Grim.
20:57Don't worry, guys.
20:59I never miss three times in a row.
21:03Almost never.
21:05I'm coming!
21:07Lift! Lift!
21:09You okay?
21:13Good thing you showed up,
21:15because Adam's got zero aim.
21:16Let's get out of here!
21:27Speaking as an alien,
21:29next time I tell you someone's an alien...
21:31I know. I'm sorry.
21:33She just seems so cool.
21:35Yeah, so do I.
21:37I'm an alien. Rest my case.
21:39Don't feel bad.
21:41It could have happened to anyone.
21:43I knew she was way too good to be true.
21:45There's just...
21:49I kind of...
21:51You know how I showed her
21:53the shield generator?
21:55Yeah, that was stupid,
21:57but we got it back.
21:59Yeah, but I sort of
22:01took her to the hideout.
22:05I really wanted her to trust me.
22:07Let's go!
22:11No way.
22:13Cleaned out.
22:15She must have told Deeth.
22:17It's all my fault.
