Extra - episode 1 2024

  • 2 days ago
Extra - episode 1 2024
00:00The Great British Bake Off is back.
00:06Are you serious?
00:08With Alison, Noel...
00:11She actually bit me.
00:12The always charming Paul...
00:14Looks like a scramble there on the top, doesn't it?
00:16And sweet-talking Prue.
00:18I think if you get a piece of cake by itself, it's really not very nice.
00:21Along with 12 brand-new bakers.
00:24So, of course, we're back too,
00:26bringing you all the thrills and spills from inside the tent.
00:30When you say it's gay, do you mean...?
00:32Oh, God!
00:34I didn't like them anyway, to be honest.
00:36I really didn't like these shoes, they're horrible.
00:39I'm here with Tom Allen,
00:41plus John Richardson,
00:43Aisling Bea,
00:45and Bake Off host Alison Hammond.
00:49Time for an exercise.
01:16Hello and welcome.
01:18It's great to be back with some of Bake Off's biggest celebrity fans.
01:22What are you hoping to see in the tent this year?
01:27Like a proper last-minute, not like,
01:29oh, my cake's a bit warm in the ice,
01:31like a full-on in-the-bin storm out of the tent.
01:34Do you? Yeah, absolutely, mate.
01:36I know it's all nice when people do well in that,
01:39but it's also nice when one crashes and burns.
01:42Keep watching the series, Bab, keep watching the series.
01:45You're going to love it.
01:47I feel like that's still one of Northern Ireland's proudest moments,
01:50was the time that Northern Irish guy had baked Alaska in the bin
01:53and served up a bin, do you remember that?
01:55I was so proud to be Irish that day.
01:59He just served up a bin, why not? I love it.
02:02What I think's great about Bake Off is that you learn so much.
02:06I mean, I had no idea what a loaf cake was,
02:09but luckily, Prue was on hand.
02:12And a loaf cake just means a cake that's in the shape of a loaf.
02:19Favourite cake?
02:21What, in life? No, in death.
02:27Yeah, in your life. Yeah, in your life.
02:30I do like, I'm classic Victoria Sponge all the way.
02:34We can't wait to see what you've been baking in your kitchens at home.
02:38Speaking of which, Emma from Stockton-on-Tees sent in a bake
02:42she made for her four-year-old son, Leo's, birthday.
02:45She wanted to make it in the shape of a duck.
02:48Well, we've seen how wonderful that sort of cake can look,
02:52a bit like the one Samaya made for her showstopper.
02:57Amazing. Let's see how Emma got on.
03:04Maybe it looked better from another angle.
03:10No, the stuff of nightmares.
03:13Do you know what, Sesame Street, you know Big Bird?
03:15It's like a little Big Bird.
03:18It is kind of like if maybe Big Bird married his cousin and had a child.
03:23That would be the child.
03:25I know it's not the biggest problem,
03:27but if you're going to use a crisp for a beak,
03:29I would say the Pringle is...
03:32..a better choice than the McCoy.
03:34More of those later, along with details of where to send your pictures.
03:38OK, well, I want to chat about some of the bakers,
03:41but how did they get on in Cake Week?
03:44Well, let's have a peek through A Gap In The Tent
03:46and remind ourselves what they got up to.
03:5112 new bakers walked into the iconic white tent
03:55and got stuck into Cake Week.
03:57This is the hidden bit in the middle, the star.
03:59That's crazy.
04:01The signature challenge demanded the bakers use their loaf.
04:05This is basically pudding. It's absolutely delicious.
04:08With Illeane on the receiving end
04:10of the very first Hollywood handshake of the series.
04:13Stop it! Stop it!
04:16There was a Battenberg technical with a twist.
04:19This is a taste and bake challenge.
04:21Under your gingham cloth is the perfect mini-Battenberg.
04:25You'll have five minutes to inspect your Battenberg
04:28and then you have to recreate that with no recipe.
04:31What?! Oh, crying out loud!
04:33In first place we have Georgie.
04:36And a hyper-realistic showstopper.
04:39That's unbelievable!
04:41That piled on the pressure.
04:43Exceptional. Thank you.
04:45Sadly, Geoff had to retire early.
04:48It's only John.
04:49But it was a brilliant start for John,
04:51who was crowned star baker.
04:53And in a bake-off first, all 12 bakers stayed in the tent.
04:57It's OK, Mike. No-one's going home.
05:06So, Ashton and John,
05:08which bakers have already made an impression on you?
05:11Can we check if Geoff's all right first?
05:13Because he disappeared. No-one said anything.
05:15I thought they were going to go,
05:17and we'll be back next week with Geoff,
05:19and they were just like, Geoff's gone.
05:21Hang on a minute. He's fine.
05:25At least do it like Casualty, where he goes,
05:27oh, apparently there's some wires won't lock in outside,
05:30I'm just going to put this ladder in the puddle.
05:33In the brief time Geoff was there for Cake Week,
05:36he certainly caught Prue's interest.
05:38Have you practised it?
05:39I've practised it so many times, I almost have it to memory,
05:42but you know what, it doesn't matter,
05:44because when you're here, it all goes out the window.
05:47Out the window, you're like, oh!
05:49Where is everything? And you don't know how to work things.
05:52You sound American.
05:57John, who's caught your eye so far?
05:59I like Jill, because my childhood was spent in Lancashire
06:03watching Crown Green Bowls.
06:05You'll love the innuendo in Crown Green Bowls.
06:09Very rarely do you get to see two pensioners on telly,
06:12and one will say, good wood, Ronald.
06:16And he will reply, I think it's touching Jack.
06:21What is Crown Green Bowls?
06:23Crown Green Bowls. Bowls. Bowls. Bowls.
06:27So the crown green is crowned, so it's got a rink off the edge,
06:30and you deliver the jack.
06:32Which is a ball.
06:33The little yellow ball is the jack.
06:35And we'll be returning to Crown Green Bowls.
06:39Who's caught your eye, Ashley?
06:41Well, listen, Ilyin is a midwife,
06:44and I have recently delivered one of my own buns in the oven.
06:48Thank you. Just had a new baby.
06:50Congratulations. Thanks.
06:53And as I learned the hard way,
06:54you're not supposed to put them back in the oven.
06:56But listen, we learned the hard way. She's fine.
06:58But, yes, so I'm rooting for her to do well.
07:00So let's talk about Slovakian-born Nelly,
07:03because in those bits of film they show us about the baker's lives,
07:07we saw Nelly and her family crabbing on the coast.
07:10And given the state of the UK's waters,
07:13Nelly's luckier crab wasn't the only thing they caught.
07:18Despite speaking excellent English,
07:20there was one word with which Nelly really struggled,
07:24as this exclusive unseen footage reveals.
07:27I mean, the benches are amazing,
07:29and all this excitement with this...
07:32What is it called?
07:34Equipment? I can't say the word.
07:36Equipment. Equipment? Tell me.
07:39Equipment? No.
07:43You know when you go... What are you working with?
07:46Equipment. Yes. What is it?
07:48Equip... Equipment.
07:53Equipment. Equip...
07:55Equipped. You're equipped with equipment.
08:01Oh, bless her.
08:07But then one of the producers came up with a bright idea.
08:12Why didn't you tell me straight away?
08:14You let me struggle.
08:16You see? Yeah, tools, that's the word.
08:22Oh, bless her. She's so lovely.
08:24Any fans of Nelly in the audience?
08:28Yeah, she's great.
08:30Now, Nelly really loves one Bake Off host in particular,
08:34and of course it goes without saying, Alison, that it's Noel.
08:42Was that a squeal of pain?
08:44Do you know what? I was a little bit jealous,
08:46but I'm going to let you into a little exclusive.
08:48The reason why she loved him so much was because I actually paid her.
08:52I actually paid her to love him a little bit more,
08:54cos I get a lot of attention from the bakers,
08:56and I just needed someone to back off me for a little while.
08:59But it's nothing to do with not liking you or anything.
09:01No, no, I just wanted a break. You know what I mean?
09:03They're all over me, them bakers. Yeah, it could be a lot.
09:05Yeah, yeah. That much love can ruin a person.
09:07Exactly. It's got to keep me grounded.
09:10Now, fashion designer Christian's accent is slightly hard to identify.
09:15He's Dutch, but he says his accent reflects the fact
09:18that he's been to Australia, briefly had a Scottish housemate,
09:22his boyfriend's from South London, and some of his friends are Welsh.
09:26Was there a football manager that went a bit Dutch?
09:29It was Steve McLaren who went to manage in Holland
09:32and picked up a Dutch accent.
09:34Steve McLaren is about to start work as the manager of Jamaica,
09:37so watch this space.
09:40That's true as well.
09:41Have you seen those people who have an accident
09:43and then they wake up and then they can speak fluent French?
09:46Yes. It's like that, isn't it?
09:49I thought you were going to reveal you're not from the Midlands, then.
09:53I've actually got a very awkward accent.
09:55I was coming out of Eton and I fell off my horse.
09:58Can you do any accents?
10:00I can do a, um...
10:04Oh, I say. Really?
10:06I can... I have to really soften my voice,
10:08but I can speak really well, actually.
10:10Oh, my God. It's unbelievable, isn't it?
10:15It's untamed.
10:18It's like, what percentage of Hammond is the accent?
10:21It turns out quite a lot.
10:23Yes, I know. It's unbelievable.
10:25But I really enjoyed working on The Great British Bake Off.
10:28I loved it.
10:29But really, this is my accent,
10:31but I've put this one on for you guys.
10:34Now, as well as his accent,
10:36I noticed that Christian has an unusual laugh.
10:39I mean, just when you think it's over, there's a surprise ending.
10:48Now, for some reason, Christian's miso-filled apple cake
10:52reminded me of my cat.
10:58Yeah, not really Christian.
11:00Just having a laugh.
11:06So, the technical was a bake-off first,
11:09where the bakers had to recreate a Battenberg
11:12from taste and sight alone.
11:14Paul and Prue were their usual brutal selves
11:17when it came to the judging.
11:18Here's Jill and Mike watching them in action.
11:22They look very emotional, don't they?
11:24Come on, you two.
11:25It's Prue Leith eating a Battenberg.
11:27Not the English patient, of course.
11:31Jon, you actually like a Battenberg, don't you?
11:34I do, yeah.
11:35I feel like if I was a cake, I would be about...
11:38It's beige, it's square.
11:40And nobody really likes it, but it's everywhere.
11:44I feel like that's what I am.
11:45I would eat that Battenberg.
11:47Aw, thanks, Alice.
11:48Do you like a Battenberg?
11:49Oh, I do, yeah, it's delicious.
11:52I don't know, it sort of feels like the thing
11:54you'd serve to guests if you don't want them to stay long.
11:57If you were like, well, Mary, home yet?
11:59Oh, I'll be off, then.
12:02So, let's take a look at the result in the technical challenge.
12:07Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
12:10You say winner, Nellie, but just to be strictly accurate,
12:14you were fifth.
12:16For their first Showstopper, the bakers had to create
12:19hyper-realistic cakes that gave the illusion
12:22of being something else.
12:24Good challenge?
12:25Well, I would have said so before the invention of the show
12:30Is It Cake?
12:32Which has really raised the bar in terms of things
12:35that are cake but don't look like cake.
12:38And it's hard to go from that to, God love her, Nellie's shoe.
12:46Now, Andy had an ambitious plan to make an exact replica
12:50of his leather overnight bag.
12:52Andy's estimate for the work seemed very small.
12:55Surprising, given he's a mechanic,
12:57and went to some top bants with Paul.
13:03You're never going to be able to fit a pair of pants in there.
13:06I've only got small pants.
13:12Right, bums.
13:14Way down, bums.
13:17So, we have our first star baker of the series.
13:20Congratulations to Jon!
13:33The judges were impressed by his beautiful cherry
13:36and chocolate marble loaf cake,
13:38but Jon's hyper-realistic showstopper, a pair of jeans,
13:42was incredible.
13:44Look at that.
13:47Hang on, apparently those are the actual jeans.
13:50No, this is the cake.
13:54Look at that sponge flavoured with tequila.
13:56So, booze and denim in a cake,
13:59literally Prue and Paul's favourite thing.
14:03Am I right, Christiane?
14:10Thank you very much, everyone.
14:12After the break, we'll take a look at what you've been baking at home,
14:16and Tom Allen will be here to terrorise our studio bakers.
14:20Back in a bit.
14:36Welcome back.
14:37I'm here devouring a brand-new series of Bake Off
14:40with hosts Alison Hammond and comedians
14:42John Richardson and Aisling Bea.
14:45OK, well, there's someone whose take on Cake Week we have yet to hear.
14:49I'm delighted to say it's time for Tom.
14:58How are you?
14:59Nice to see you.
15:02Hi, everyone.
15:05Oh, what a great new bakers' line-up.
15:08Absolutely amazing.
15:09Now, I know you all thought I'd be obsessed with Hazel,
15:13the handbag-collecting, bingo-loving nail technician from Margate,
15:17who, let's face it, probably knows my mum.
15:21And, of course, there was Christian.
15:23Now, I know English isn't his first language,
15:26so we need to give him some leeway,
15:28and Lord knows his English is much better than my Dutch,
15:31but I'm pretty sure at one point he said he shagged the cake.
15:36I had to, like, shag the cake.
15:42Shag, yeah.
15:44Christian, just stir it with a wooden spoon like everybody else, please.
15:50Anyway, as much as I loved all those interesting characters,
15:53the one person who truly caught my eye was Andy!
16:00Oh, absolutely.
16:02I thought...
16:05I thought...
16:09Oi, oi, oi, Andy!
16:18Why does he even need a pencil? He's a mechanic.
16:22What does he do with it? Draw you a new catalytic converter?
16:26I'm thinking of getting him over to my house to do some odd jobs.
16:30I mean, have you ever tried booking a handyman? Or woman?
16:33I mean, you have to wait ages.
16:35He can bring his little overnight bag and sleep in my garage.
16:38I'd dig another little square hole in the floor
16:40and make him feel like he was back at the mechanics.
16:43I'd better be straight under my bonnet,
16:45rifling through my service manual.
16:47I could even get him the obligatory mechanics topless calendar.
16:50Yeah, I'd be Mr April.
16:53And we know he's got the hands for it.
16:56That's all I need.
16:57In today's hands, everything looks small.
17:01Imagine what he could do with those!
17:04Bleeding radiators? They're not leaking.
17:07This is what he'd call them in his Essex way when he's angry.
17:10Bleeding radiators!
17:12Oh, anyway, that's enough of my odd job Andy obsession.
17:15I hope he's out soon, though. My hinges won't oil themselves.
17:18Oh, what an opening episode.
17:20I must watch it for the baking next time.
17:30Tom, that baseball hat.
17:32It actually suits me, I think.
17:34I think even the baseball hat has shocked.
17:36Is that the first baseball hat you've ever worn?
17:38Well, I've never worn one backwards.
17:40I don't know the point of wearing one backwards,
17:42cos I suppose it would save your neck from getting sunburnt.
17:45Then you would end up with a little sort of present.
17:48It suits you, you know. Do you think?
17:50Yeah, you should... Put it normal. Normal?
17:52No, put it back.
17:54There I look like I should be working at the Commonwealth Games.
17:59You look like a Trump supporter or something.
18:01Oh, do I? Make America gay again.
18:07Or maybe sitting on a chair backwards
18:09to tell people about road safety.
18:13Be seen and be seen.
18:15Remember, look both ways and then look again.
18:20Tom, I'm terribly sorry, we have to move on from your hat.
18:25Right, everyone, it's time for some viewer picks.
18:33Let's have a hyper-realistic cake sent in by Angela
18:37from Glensford, Suffolk,
18:39of an extremely appetising-looking barbecue.
18:44What is it, though?
18:46Oh, that made them...
18:48Looks like a vegan barbecue. Yes, it does a bit.
18:50Angela made this cake for her barbecue-obsessed
18:53father-in-law's 80th birthday.
18:55But that's not all Angela has created out of cake.
18:59That delicious-looking food is concealed
19:01within a hyper-realistic barbecue.
19:04Oh, wow!
19:06It's really good.
19:07It's so realistic they had to put the fire instructions behind it.
19:12Well, we've seen sausages made of cake.
19:15How about a sausage dog?
19:17Ginny from Poole baked a cake for her daughter Amber's 11th birthday,
19:21inspired by her love of Dachshunds.
19:25Really impressive.
19:27I wonder what part of the dog she used for the candle holders.
19:37Over in Norfolk, Tanith was also baking a canine-inspired cake
19:41for her son, as he wanted to immortalise
19:43their beloved dog, Crumpet, in cake.
19:46That's a cake! No, that's...
19:53But you never know, you may not be able to tell the difference.
19:56Here's... That's a real Crumpet, looking slightly apprehensive.
19:59I suspect he's just seen his cake.
20:07Aw, bless him.
20:09And finally, let's take a trip to the kitchen of Carol in Northern Ireland,
20:13who sent in a bird-based bake.
20:16Carol's muse for her bake was the charming Robin.
20:22Let's see how Carol expertly captured its elegant beauty in her bake.
20:34I think she smashed it.
20:36Oh, yeah, that's... Yeah.
20:38It's like she did a really good version of it and then just went...
20:45More pictures coming up later and details of where to send yours
20:48are at the bottom of the screen.
20:50Right, it's time for Tom to interrogate our studio audience
20:54on the bakes they've brought along.
20:56He's got the whisk at the ready.
20:58Tom, be gentle, be kind, be horrible.
21:01Over to you.
21:02First up, Pete and Nick, we're a Pete and Nick.
21:05Pete and Nick over there, over there.
21:07I should have my step-counter on, shouldn't I?
21:09Pete and Nick, Pete and Nick, Pete and Nick, Pete and Nick,
21:12Pete and Nick, and you're together... Yes.
21:14..you're Gay Bakers!
21:18What is this? What is this?
21:20So, it's a chocolate cake with Swiss vanilla buttercream and...
21:24Oh, I like that. So I'll do caramel.
21:26Oh, how nice. And it's in the shape of a...?
21:28A luggage case. Well, why is that?
21:30Has he brought emotional baggage to us? Yeah.
21:32So, yeah, definitely. We've been together for 13 years
21:35and last year we got married in Santorini.
21:37They're not American, people won't clap at that sort of thing.
21:40Sorry if you think that. You got married in Santorini?
21:42We did, and we love travelling, so this reminds us of memories.
21:45Oh, so fancy. So you're fancy gays? Fancy gays.
21:48Fancy gays who love to travel. That's great.
21:50And what do you do for a living? I'm a GP.
21:52GP. Wonderful. Again, it's not the pandemic,
21:54so no-one claps for that sort of thing anymore.
21:57No, don't do it now.
21:59And so you got married in Santorini? We did.
22:02Lovely, near the Blue Domes? Absolutely.
22:04Absolutely. How was it? Did you have a nice time?
22:06It was... Yeah, it was fantastic. It was one of the best experiences.
22:09One of. That's harsh, isn't it?
22:12You've travelled so much, it must be difficult to compete with.
22:16And so you got married in Santorini,
22:18and where did you go for your honeymoon?
22:20We actually did three, so we went... Of course, of course.
22:25Which was your favourite? The Maldives,
22:27and we're going back in December. Oh, yeah, we get it.
22:30You're better than us, we get it.
22:32Yeah, the National Health Service is in crisis, not for some.
22:36It's a beautiful gate, though, made in the shape of luggage.
22:39Is this the sort of luggage you take with you?
22:41Mine is slightly bigger. It's slightly bigger.
22:43Well, BA first. It's got a huge baggage allowance,
22:45so what does it matter? Yes.
22:47Lovely to have you here, Pete and Nick. Lovely to see you.
22:49Lovely to see you. Thank you so much. That was great.
22:51Margaret and son Solomon and Mikhail.
22:54Solomon, Mikhail.
22:56Oh, but here, hello, hello.
22:58Hello, Margaret. Hello.
23:00Hello, lovely to see you.
23:02And Solomon. That's me. Solomon, hello.
23:04And Mikhail. Yes. Mikhail, lovely to see you.
23:06Margaret, we'll start with you. What have you brought here?
23:09I've brought my cake, which really symbolises me as a person.
23:13Oh, I love that. And it's got music written on it.
23:16Is that because you're into music, Margaret? Yes.
23:18Oh, yes. What sort of music?
23:20We played in a steel band.
23:22Oh, lovely. Oh, great.
23:24The children are born and bred in it as well.
23:26Oh, lovely. Oh, yeah. Do you play?
23:29Yeah. Good.
23:34He dances now.
23:36You dance? Yeah. Dance with anyone famous?
23:39Stormzy, Little Sims. Little Sims.
23:42Oh, I... Sorry, Margaret, I'm sure you've had an interesting life.
23:45It's all right.
23:49So, do you know Stormzy?
23:51Yeah, I've met him. Yeah?
23:53Yeah, he's helped me with my documentary as well.
23:55Oh, you've done a documentary? Yeah. What about?
23:59Um, basically...
24:01What I'm saying is, you've got a lot to live up to.
24:04I know. I'm the oldest.
24:06You're the oldest, right?
24:08Yeah, you've done a documentary. Stormzy's helped you.
24:10What's the documentary about?
24:12It's about, basically, me navigating my autism through dance.
24:15Oh, that's wonderful.
24:17Inspiring other people to do the same as well.
24:19Oh, that's fabulous. Was this the cake you brought along?
24:21Yeah, I brought brownies in today.
24:23Oh, I love a brownie. Thank you, we're not talking to you.
24:28This is lovely. That's lovely.
24:32So, your dancing is your strong point.
24:34Is that fair to say?
24:37So, what do you do?
24:39I'm a lift engineer by day.
24:41You're a lift engineer by day.
24:43And a music producer by night.
24:45Oh, my, ups and downs all the time.
24:48OK, give it up, everybody, for Margaret, Mikhail and Solomon.
24:51Well done, well done.
24:54OK, now I'm looking for Winnie and Liman and James.
24:58OK, so, who's who?
25:00Winnie, Liman. Liman.
25:02Liman, I'm sorry, Liman.
25:04Liman and James. Yes.
25:06Lovely, lovely, lovely. And what have we got here, Winnie?
25:08It's mooncakes.
25:10Oh, I thought they were pork pies.
25:13Mooncake. Oh, wow.
25:15Right, tell us what that's for.
25:17So, it's for a celebration for a mid-autumn festival,
25:19which was last week.
25:21In Southeast Asia, I believe.
25:23And they are absolutely beautiful, Winnie.
25:25So, they're lotus paste,
25:27and inside it has a salted duck egg yolk.
25:29A salted duck egg yolk?
25:31Yeah, to represent the moon.
25:33Can I try it? Sure. Do you want me to cut it a bit smaller?
25:35No, no, no, no, that's fine.
25:37I haven't got all day, Winnie, we just want to try it.
25:39Mm, mm, oh, yeah.
25:42It's sweet with a bit of, like, saltiness.
25:44Mm, saltiness, mm, I love that.
25:48What are you doing?
25:53I work with Winnie.
25:55She brings in a lot of cake to work.
25:57Where do you work, James?
25:59I work for regional television.
26:01Oh, dear, what a shame.
26:05What regional television do you work for?
26:07I work for the BBC.
26:11Hello, public service broadcasting.
26:13Channel 4.
26:15Oh, it must be a real treat to be on a national broadcaster there.
26:20Wow, well, thank you, I really enjoyed this.
26:23I'm going to leave it there.
26:26Lovely to see you.
26:28Great. Now I'm looking for Katie, Emma and Chris.
26:31Katie, Emma and Chris. Oh!
26:38Mm, mm, mm.
26:40Katie... I'm Katie.
26:42..Emma and Mum Chris.
26:44You've left your sunglasses on your head,
26:46are you worried the lights might be too bright? Yes.
26:49Katie and Emma, you're together? Yes.
26:51Oh, more gay burgers! More gays!
26:55It's getting to be too much, even for me.
26:58Now, Katie and Emma, what have you brought here?
27:00Well, these were...
27:05Yeah, these are cake versions of our two dogs.
27:09Oh, well, that's great, isn't it?
27:11So this is Elphaba.
27:13Oh, Elphaba, like Wicked, yeah, lovely.
27:15And Nessa, also of Wicked.
27:18Unfortunately, Nessa has melted.
27:21Well, we've all had days like that.
27:23Yeah, erm, yeah.
27:25She still tastes good, though.
27:27Well, does she? I mean, Emma... Yeah?
27:29..I feel like we all want to say to you, literally, let it go.
27:36I mean, I'd love to. Go on, let it go.
27:38That's fine.
27:43She's going. She's going.
27:45She's going, she's going. Let it go, Emma, let it go.
27:48Oh! What could be more...
27:55I feel like I'm on one of those RSPCA adverts.
28:00Don't worry about Katie, let it go.
28:02Let it go, it's fine.
28:04Well, that's much better.
28:05The other one is lovely, though.
28:07You must be so pleased with that one.
28:09Elphaba's done very well out of this.
28:12Yeah, they're both my work.
28:14Oh, well. It's like real life.
28:16I'm sure... It's like real life.
28:18What the hell have you done to your dogs?
28:20This is the one you always have to look after.
28:22Yeah. Oh, that's the one you always have to look after.
28:24Yeah, she is the calamity.
28:26Well, she literally is.
28:28Great to see such a delicious-looking...
28:31Anyway, well done, well done.
28:33Well done, Katie, Emma and Chris.
28:35Lovely, lovely, lovely. Thank you so much.
28:37That was perfect, perfect, perfect.
28:39I'm delighted now to announce that the...
28:42..first star baker of the series is...
28:46..Katie and Emma!
28:48Well done, that was very good, very good.
28:51Very good.
28:56Oh, no.
28:58In celebration, the other ear has fallen off.
29:07And now I've got the awful job of announcing
29:09who will be leaving the studio this week.
29:12And it's Pete and Nick!
29:15Because they did want to make a cake,
29:17they just wanted to show off about their holidays.
29:23It's a good job they're leaving, anyway.
29:25They're probably heading straight to Heathrow right now.
29:28Spend some more avios.
29:30Anyway, but the good news is,
29:32they each take away one of our extra-sliced wooden spoons!
29:44And if you'd like to come along to the show
29:46with a bake you've made, then go to...
29:50Details are somewhere around here, I imagine.
29:54Are they there? I don't know.
29:56But a big thank you to all of our wonderful studio bakers!
30:07Coming up after the break, the tables will be turned
30:10because some of us, including Tom,
30:13have been doing some baking of our own.
30:15Mm. See you then.
30:28Welcome back.
30:29I'm tossing cakes with Alison Hammond,
30:31John Richardson and Aisling Bea.
30:33Now, Alison, you were kind enough
30:35to take us behind the scenes down at the tents.
30:38Let's see how you amuse yourself in your free time.
30:42Oh, I've been waiting here ages. Where is he?
30:45Where's my car? I'm supposed to be here by now.
30:48It's actually for Hammond.
30:50I've been waiting for you for ages.
30:52Where are you? Not late.
30:54Ah! Now, go slow.
30:59Come on!
31:01Oh, you like driving fast, don't you?
31:03Not particularly, no.
31:05This is fast! You're not going down there!
31:14How long have you been driving for, Paul?
31:16About two weeks now.
31:18Don't mess around. Ah!
31:21Where are you going?
31:23Don't crash into the seat!
31:25Oh, my God.
31:27Why do you have to go this fast?
31:29What is it about the three of you?
31:31Careful, Noel!
31:33You mean, I'm Noel, then?
31:38I'm going to hold on.
31:40Seriously, would you choose driving over baking?
31:44I probably would choose, yeah.
31:46I think because, you know, baking's my job, isn't it?
31:50I just think that, you know, the driving side,
31:53it's a bit exciting, isn't it?
31:57Shall we have a little sing-song? Can you drive slow?
32:00No. It's going too fast!
32:03It's all right.
32:05I can't!
32:07Stop it!
32:09So, do you like listening to music when you're driving?
32:12No, I like listening to the engine.
32:14Do you? Yeah.
32:16Well, I'm going to change things up today.
32:18You know why? Don't.
32:20Cos we're going to sing a little song.
32:22Oh, don't. Yeah. No, no, no.
32:24Do you know what we're going to sing? What?
32:26We're going to sing Gold. Ooh.
32:28Because you're golden.
32:32Let's wait for it to kick in.
32:39OK, the good bit's coming.
32:41Oh, nice driving. You ready?
32:43You going to join in, Paul?
32:45Here we go.
32:47You are gold
32:49Always believe in your soul
32:52Get out. Get out!
32:54Get out!
32:56I wouldn't even charge you for that.
32:59Did you love gold?
33:08Oh, my God.
33:10That was actually one of the scariest rides of my life.
33:13Were you genuinely terrified? No, seriously.
33:15He's actually a little bit crazy.
33:17It reminded me of, like, a low-budget version
33:19of that movie Speed with Keanu Reeves.
33:21I bet he's got, like, a little dog.
33:23He's got a cat, actually. There we go.
33:25There's always something.
33:27There's always something.
33:29What does that mean?
33:31Well, there's something to soften the...
33:33Oh, I see what you mean.
33:35Oh, he's really soft, you know.
33:37There's a little three-legged ginger cat
33:39that is at the bake-off tent,
33:41and he's so lovely with that little cat.
33:43With three legs. Where did the other leg go?
33:48So, having sat in judgement on the baking efforts
33:51of our audience, both at home and in the studio,
33:54Alison, because for the first time ever,
33:56Tom and I have baked something,
33:59as have John and Aisling as well,
34:01and Alison's going to be Paul and Prue and judge our attempts.
34:05Yes, it's the Great British Slice-Off, an extra bake.
34:15Welcome back to the Great British Slice-Off.
34:18Now, bakers, I asked you to bake an autobiographical cake.
34:23John, do you want to bring your bake to the table?
34:37So, is the box the cake?
34:39So, I've been a comedian for 20 years now
34:41and I've tried my very best to be sort of intellectual
34:44and sort of social commentary, one of the sort of important types.
34:47What I will be known for, if anything, when I die,
34:50is not knowing that Sean Lock had a carrot in a box.
34:56Sometimes you've just got to accept what you are,
34:58and I'm the guy who didn't know that there was a carrot in a box.
35:01So, I have put you a carrot cake in a box.
35:04Oh, lovely. There you go.
35:06Do you know what? That looks really good.
35:08Woo, John!
35:10Presentation, lovely.
35:12And are you sure this wasn't bought in a shop?
35:14You can't buy that, can you? Let's have a little look.
35:16Let's cut that open.
35:18If you do that, this is what Paul does in the bake.
35:21Oh, yeah.
35:24Lovely sponge.
35:28I'm not really a carrot cake person, so I'm not going to try it.
35:35But well done. John, everyone!
35:39Thank you so much.
35:41Well done.
35:43Jo, would you like to bring your bake to the table?
35:46Not really. Come on, Jo.
35:48And you won't like it either.
35:59Do you know, I do like a pork pie.
36:01Me too.
36:03So, tell us about your bake, Jo.
36:05Well, this is a bake that I would have loved
36:07when I was a five-year-old kid.
36:09Unfortunately, my mum was rubbish at cooking, rubbish at baking,
36:13and that was what I really would have wanted.
36:15You wanted a pork pie on top of a chocolate cake. Yes, I did.
36:18All right, let's go in. Let's go into this cake.
36:21Oh, lovely consistency.
36:24Lovely consistency, everyone.
36:26Did you hear that?
36:39Absolutely delicious.
36:41Let's try the pork pie.
36:44I mean, that's genius.
36:46I don't know if anyone else can beat that, but well done, sweetheart.
36:49You can take that back. Well done.
36:53Well done. Whenever. Weighs a tonne, I don't know why.
36:57Put me husband in there.
37:00Tom, you've got a lot to beat. Bring your bake to the table.
37:10Tom? Yes? Looks lovely.
37:12Tell us about your bake. Thank you.
37:14Well, I've baked this to celebrate my love of gardening
37:17and I've been growing a lot of vegetables recently.
37:19So, there you can see radishes, carrots, lettuces,
37:23which are being eaten by slugs,
37:25and squashes, which actually didn't do very well.
37:28Also, there are potatoes in the cake.
37:33They obviously are... If I can show you.
37:35They are underground, so you have to dig...
37:38Right, shall we get him...? No, no, I want... No, no, no, no!
37:43In the bin! In the bin!
37:45Stop it! Stop it!
37:47Show us your potato. Are they raw?
37:49Don't say to me, show us your potato.
37:54So, imagine this is the vegetable patch,
37:56you're digging through, and then, oh, look what I've found!
38:03Are they real potatoes?
38:07Oh, that's disgusting.
38:10That's absolutely disgusting. I don't even want to try it.
38:13The only thing I want is the worm.
38:15And I don't even want that.
38:18I've had it. You can go back. I'm done. I'm done.
38:21I'm done with this. Go on, go, go. I'm going.
38:23In the bin! In the bin!
38:26In the bin! In the bin!
38:29In the bin! I've had it.
38:31I've had enough of all of you.
38:36Hold your head high, Tom.
38:43Ashley, would you like to bring your bite to the table?
38:55Put it down, Ashley. Well done.
38:57So, Alison, as you know, I recently had a baby. Yes.
39:00I decided to get a C-section,
39:02which is where they slice through seven layers of your skin
39:05after putting an injection in your spine to numb your legs,
39:08and then they pull your organs to the side
39:10and pull the life that you've created out of your stomach,
39:13and that's called the easy way.
39:15Or too posh to push and all that sort of stuff,
39:17like you haven't had a bad time.
39:19And so I've made...
39:28..my C-section.
39:31And so this is my belly button, as you can see,
39:34and this is... Afterwards, I was like,
39:36I'm going to use a pizza slice cos that's not feeling good.
39:39And so that's what that is there,
39:41a delicious treat for all the family.
39:45Do you know what? I love it.
39:47Thank you very much, Alison. It's really good.
39:49I mean, it's not going to get a handshake,
39:51but I absolutely love it.
39:53Thank you so very much. Thank you.
39:55Thank you, everyone. Ashley.
39:59Lovely to meet you. Thank you.
40:01Well done, well done.
40:03OK, bakers, I will now rank your cakes from worst to best.
40:09So, in fourth position, we have...
40:20In third position, we have...
40:29That was uncalled for, actually, John.
40:32In second place, I mean, it was close...
40:36..Ashley. What?!
40:41So that means only one thing.
40:44Our star baker is...
41:06Welcome back. I'm going over the plans of Cake Week
41:09with Alison, John, Ashton, and Tom's here too.
41:12Let's have another look at your home baking pictures.
41:15Let's start in Brighton with a cake made by Emma.
41:18Now, Emma's husband asked for a healthy cake for his birthday,
41:22so she made him this.
41:27And I'm pleased to report that no vegetables were used
41:30in the making of this cake.
41:32Mandy from Bradford created a brilliant cake
41:35for her neighbour's 60th anniversary celebration.
41:39These are lovely, aren't they?
41:41Mandy's bake consists of a classic Victoria sponge,
41:44which is reflected in the little cake on their coffee table.
41:47Talk about attention to detail.
41:50So, has a neighbour ever baked anything for any of you?
41:54I think you'll find I am that neighbour who bakes for my neighbours.
41:58Are you? I'm the neighbour. Are you?
42:00I'm the good one who comes round and says,
42:02do you want this cake?
42:03God, you really blew your own trumpet there, Alison.
42:06But do you know what? It's a nice thing to do.
42:08You actually get a lot of happiness out of it.
42:10Like, when they say, oh, Alison, that was so lovely,
42:13your brownies are so good.
42:15Is that why you do it, really, for the praise?
42:17I do, yes.
42:18What sort of time of the day or night
42:20do you knock on the door with the brownies?
42:22It's normally quite late, because I get in quite late.
42:24So, like, one, two o'clock in the morning?
42:27Nine o'clock, yeah.
42:29Hammond's round with her bloody brownies again.
42:32The bin's already full.
42:34Finally, we have best friends Holly Jo and Bobby from Huddersfield
42:38who wanted to create their own jungle-inspired showstopper.
42:42Bobby opted to make the awe-inspiring creature the elephant,
42:46while Holly Jo decided to make the rather more unusual animal
42:49the sloth.
42:51They were prepared to put in many hours of painstaking effort.
42:55Let's have a look at the result.
43:00That is quite good.
43:01Absolutely uncanny.
43:03But I have to report the sad news that,
43:05already an endangered species,
43:07Elaine the elephant took a tumble on the drive home
43:10and ended up in the footwell of Bobby's van.
43:15Thanks to everyone who sent pictures in this week.
43:17Keep them coming. Details at the bottom of the screen.
43:21OK, here's a familiar sight in the tent.
43:26Bakers wafting with a baking tray.
43:28And so, for the first time on British television,
43:31let's play Celebrity Waft Off.
43:41So, you're all going up against the clock and each other
43:44to see who will be the first to get their baking beans
43:48across the finish line, simply by wafting it.
43:52And, as you can see, it's a very small bean.
43:56Yeah, very.
43:58But appearances can be deceptive.
44:00And whoever wins will go up on our leaderboard
44:04and, by the end of the series,
44:06will have a champion wafter and a bottom wafter.
44:11Tom is referee and, coincidentally, the studio's fire marshal.
44:18Over to you, Tom.
44:20Are you ready? Yeah, ready.
44:22OK, everybody, on your marks, get set...
44:38Keep going, Alison, keep going, Ashley.
44:40Don't give up, don't give up.
44:45Well done, well done, well done.
44:48I won! I'm second.
44:50No, no, no, no, no.
44:52Well, the results are in.
44:54Let's see that winning moment again.
44:59Oh, that's a big waft. Yeah, that's a...
45:11Shh, everyone, shh.
45:13So, Jon was the winner with three seconds.
45:16Alison was next with 15.28 seconds.
45:20And Aisling was the last with 16.28 seconds.
45:24Well done, everybody.
45:26Keep going, Alison.
45:28Don't be a sore loser.
45:30Don't laugh at me.
45:32So, let's have a look at the leaderboard.
45:34Jon is top wafter and Aisling is languishing at the bottom.
45:37But that could all change next week
45:39when Stephen Mangan, Babatunde Aleshey and Josie Gibson
45:42waft their beans.
45:44And now a big thank you to Tom, to all our studio bakers
45:47and to our celebrity panel,
45:49Jon Richardson, Aisling Bea and Alison Hammond.
45:54See you same time next week when, who knows,
45:57one of the bakers might actually leave the tent.
46:02Are you a star baker in the making?
46:04If you'd like to apply for the next series of Bake Off,
46:07visit channel4.com forward slash totepark.