Sinergitas Ekosistem Lindungi UMKM dari Serbuan Produk Impor

  • 2 days ago
Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM bersama Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) saling bersinergi, untuk memperkuat pengembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Tanah Air. Langkah ini sekaligus untuk membentengi sektor umkm nasional dari serbuan produk-produk impor.

Menteri Koperasi dan UKM, Teten Masduki menyatakan, Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk terus melindungi UMKM dari ancaman serbuan produk impor, dengan memastikan implementasi standardisasi nasional dengan lebih ketat. Bahkan, kedua pihak berkomitmen untuk mengakselerasi sektor UMKM khususnya di sektor pangan olahan, agar bisa mendapatkan izin edar dengan lebih mudah.

Teten mengakui, salah satu kendala yang dihadapi umkm untuk mendapatkan izin edar adalah biaya yang cukup mahal. Untuk itu, Kemenkop UKM dan BPOM terus melakukan terobosan dengan memberikan insentif bagi pelaku UMKM dalam mengurus perizinan tersebut.


00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:20Hello viewers, how are you today?
00:22Live from the IEDX studio in Jakarta, I am Prasetyo Ibo,
00:25back again in Market Review, which will discuss the issues of Indonesia's economic movement.
00:29This time, we will discuss the micro, small and medium-sized business sector,
00:34where corporations and MSMEs are cooperating with the POM body
00:38to provide more facilities for MSMEs,
00:41especially from the food sector,
00:44in the form of EDA permit from their products,
00:47produced and sold in Indonesia.
00:50What are the mechanisms and possible steps from the business sector itself?
00:54Let's start the complete market review.
00:59Corporations and MSMEs are cooperating with the POM body
01:10to strengthen the development of MSMEs,
01:12and one of them is to strengthen national standardization
01:15to protect MSMEs from the threat of thousands of imported products.
01:21Corporations and MSMEs are cooperating with the POM body
01:29to strengthen the development of micro, small and medium-sized businesses
01:33or MSMEs in the water.
01:35This step is also to strengthen the national MSME sector
01:39from thousands of imported products.
01:42Minister of Corporations and MSMEs Teteh Masduki said
01:45the government is committed to continue to protect MSMEs
01:48from the threat of a shortage of imported products
01:51by ensuring the implementation of national standardization more tightly.
01:55Even both sides are committed to accelerate the MSME sector,
01:59especially in the food sector,
02:01in order to obtain EDA permit more easily.
02:05Teteh admitted that one of the obstacles faced by MSMEs
02:09to obtain EDA permit is a fairly expensive fee.
02:12Therefore, MSMEs and POM bodies continue to make a breakthrough
02:16by providing incentives for MSMEs to obtain EDA permit.
02:21From Jakarta, I am Firman Sya, IDX Channel.
02:29Welcome to discuss our interesting topic
02:31related to the ecosystem of protecting MSMEs from the threat of imported products.
02:35We are joined by Zoom,
02:37together with Mr. Nelul Huda,
02:38Director of Economy Digital CELIOS,
02:40and also Mrs. Dewi Maishari,
02:41a member of the MSMEs Committee.
02:45Good morning, Mr. Nelul.
02:48Good morning.
02:49How are you?
02:51Alhamdulillah, I am fine.
02:53Thank you for your time.
02:56Hello, good morning.
02:57Mrs. Dewi, how are you?
02:59Good morning, everyone.
03:01How are you?
03:02I am fine.
03:06Let's get straight to the point.
03:07We will review.
03:08It is interesting when we talk about MSMEs.
03:10Actually, the concern and attention of the government is not the only thing.
03:14Just now, there was a comment to the MSMEs and POM bodies
03:17as they continue to work together
03:19to provide new opportunities for our MSMEs.
03:24But, the view of the MPNO itself is related to MSMEs
03:27as the backbone of the national economy.
03:29What is the current condition, Mrs?
03:34Let me answer first.
03:36The current condition of MSMEs must be strong
03:40as they are facing a significant decrease in purchasing power.
03:46So, there is a decrease in the onset.
03:49Then, now, one of the solutions is to make the packaging smaller.
03:57To make it more...
03:58Now, pay attention.
03:59Everything is getting smaller.
04:02So, there is a decrease in the onset
04:04because increasing the price is not an option.
04:08So, the price must remain the same
04:10while the raw materials are starting to increase.
04:14So, now, one of the solutions is to be more creative
04:18in reducing the raw materials.
04:23To make the product packages smaller
04:26so that they can still be purchased.
04:29But, one thing that we, as a community,
04:33we are also a supporter of MSMEs.
04:36We do feel the difficulty
04:40to face these imported goods attacks.
04:46And not all MSMEs are already good at branding,
04:54making a storytelling product
04:56so that the brand is perceived as expensive,
05:01so that Indonesian consumers are willing to pay more
05:04than the imported goods.
05:08The price is...
05:12That's what we have a hard time fighting.
05:15And on the other hand,
05:17maybe these imported products
05:19can be a solution for middle-class friends
05:21who are also struggling.
05:24There are a lot of middle-class people,
05:25a lot of people in the private sector,
05:27a lot of people whose salaries are the same
05:29but the prices are increasing.
05:31So, their real income is decreasing.
05:35So, when there is an option for these goods,
05:39maybe it can be a solution for them.
05:42So, we ourselves are still looking for a creative way
05:45to face this situation.
05:47Okay, Ibu Dewi.
05:48So, Celio, what do you think?
05:50It's interesting, right?
05:51If we look at the data,
05:53we can see that there are a lot of people
05:55who are struggling.
05:56On the one hand,
05:57there are a lot of middle-class people
05:58who are struggling.
05:59On the other hand,
06:00there are a lot of middle-class people
06:01who are struggling.
06:02On the one hand,
06:03there are a lot of middle-class people
06:04who are struggling.
06:05On the other hand,
06:06there are a lot of middle-class people
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06:09there are a lot of middle-class people
06:10who are struggling.
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06:12there are a lot of middle-class people
06:13who are struggling.
06:14On the other hand,
06:15there are a lot of middle-class people
06:16who are struggling.
06:17On the other hand,
06:18there are a lot of middle-class people
06:19who are struggling.
06:20On the other hand,
06:21there are a lot of middle-class people
06:22who are struggling.
06:23On the other hand,
06:24there are a lot of middle-class people
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06:27there are a lot of middle-class people
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06:29On the other hand,
06:30there are a lot of middle-class people
06:31who are struggling.
06:32On the other hand,
06:33there are a lot of middle-class people
06:34who are struggling.
06:35On the other hand,
06:36there are a lot of middle-class people
06:37who are struggling.
06:38On the other hand,
06:39there are a lot of middle-class people
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06:41On the other hand,
06:42there are a lot of middle-class people
06:43who are struggling.
06:44On the other hand,
06:45there are a lot of middle-class people
06:46who are struggling.
06:49On the other hand,
06:50there are a lot of middle-class people
06:51who are struggling.
06:52On the other hand,
06:53there are a lot of middle-class people
06:54who are struggling.
06:55On the other hand,
06:56there are a lot of middle-class people
06:57who are struggling.
06:58On the other hand,
06:59there are a lot of middle-class people
07:00who are struggling.
07:01On the other hand,
07:02there are a lot of middle-class people
07:03who are struggling.
07:04On the other hand,
07:05there are a lot of middle-class people
07:06who are struggling.
07:07On the other hand,
07:08there are a lot of middle-class people
07:09who are struggling.
07:10On the other hand,
07:11there are a lot of middle-class people
07:12who are struggling.
07:13On the other hand,
07:14there are a lot of middle-class people
07:15who are struggling.
11:33The Ministry of Health, Food and Drug Enforcement, or BPOM, will ensure the facilitation of the approval of UMKM permits, especially for household products, or PIRT, in the country.
11:45Currently, the number of registered food producers is 6,000.
11:53The Minister of Cooperation and MSME Mas Duki, together with the head of BPOM, Taruna Ikrar, confirmed
11:59the commitment to facilitate the approval of UMKM permits for small and medium-sized businesses, especially for household products, or PIRT.
12:10And to maximize the availability of UMKM permits, BPOM will set up a technical unit in 76 cities throughout Indonesia to participate in the ball collection system.
12:20BPOM also cooperates with stakeholders in the region, including the Ministry of Cooperation and Trade in each province.
12:28Currently, BPOM has registered the number of registered UMKM food producers at around 6,000, so there is still a lot of potential that can still be empowered.
12:39Not only that, the discussion also covers the Government Regulation No. 28 of 2024 on the implementation of Law No. 17 of 2023 on health.
12:52Where the Ministry of Cooperation and Trade and BPOM are drafting technical regulations in accordance with the Health Law Laws so as not to burden UMKM.
13:01However, it remains consistent in protecting consumers from sugar, salt, and fat consumption.
13:08From Jakarta, Ade Firman Shah, IBS Channel.
13:11Let's continue our discussion with our guests, Ibu Dewi Meishari Apinu and Nila Lohuda from Celios.
13:25Ibu Dewi, how about the efforts of the government, especially the UMKM and BPOM, which have agreed to increase national standardization in the food products sector?
13:34There are traditional medicines, health supplements, and cosmetics produced by UMKM domestically.
13:40In your opinion, can this be a solution?
13:43There are also a lot of rumors from imported products, and then the purchasing power of the community is also weakening.
13:52This can clearly be a solution because the legality can increase consumer confidence.
14:00But actually, we have to look at the root of the problem.
14:04If it's either a PIRT, if we follow one of the procedures to get the PIRT, the business owner must have a Food Safety Training Certificate.
14:21This Food Safety Training Certificate, in many areas, the UMKM still thinks it must be delivered by hotel.
14:34Three days, two nights.
14:36So, there are a lot of UMKMs that need a round-trip permit, for example, 2,000, 1,000, a year.
14:46The city can only issue 100 PKP.
14:50Sometimes 80, 70.
14:54Then we advocate that the training can be made digital.
14:59So, the cost of going to the hotel is not necessary.
15:03Learn by yourself, use online, and come to each UMKM for a test.
15:09Not to be trained for three days.
15:11And this is an example of the UMKM Denpasar.
15:15They make books.
15:17So, instead of making a three-day or two-day training,
15:22every time you come, they give you a book or a PDF.
15:27Later, learn by yourself at home.
15:29Then come back to the UMKM Denpasar for a test.
15:33So, you can get that certificate.
15:35Actually, innovative ways like this really need to be nationalized.
15:39Because not all UMKMs think like Denpasar did.
15:43And the innovative, in fact, these materials must be taught to business owners.
15:51But the method doesn't have to be like that.
15:53So, the quota that can be given is only 100 per year.
15:57People queue up.
15:59So, many UMKMs don't want to handle the permit.
16:02They want to.
16:03It's just the quota.
16:05Filling out the SPP-IRT form is already online in the OSS.
16:08But when it comes to submitting the PKP certificate,
16:12the bottleneck is still here.
16:14Wow. Okay.
16:15Nelul, what do you think?
16:17It seems that the challenge is not at one point.
16:20Even when the training process is given,
16:23it turns out that there is a quota limit in each area.
16:27Then, the implementation was only a few days.
16:29Even though Pindus has mentioned it should be 10 SKS or a few months.
16:34So, it can really be included.
16:36Meanwhile, there are other alternatives with digitalization.
16:38By creating an application or training online, for example.
16:48When it comes to digitalization, we actually face a new problem.
16:53The internet access and so on is not even.
16:55So, in those areas, for the internet access,
17:00it's not as good as Jakarta or Pulau Jawa.
17:04That's the first thing.
17:05The second thing is, actually, we are from the policy side.
17:09When we talk about policy,
17:11we actually see that UMKM training is not centered around UMKM.
17:16We are very much spread out for this UMKM issue in various instances.
17:22We see that the Indonesian Bank is there,
17:25then the Ministry of Youth and Sports is there, and so on.
17:30These are not in harmony with each other.
17:34That's why we have one...
17:40The Ministry is the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
17:44So, we should have gathered there, but the problem is we are spread out.
17:48That's why if we look at the consequences of the inconsistency
17:53and the problem of UMKM,
17:56we look at the data.
17:57We don't have UMKM data in a centralized way.
18:01Even for UMKM, the main data is only a few million,
18:06maybe 10 or a few million.
18:08It's not up to 65 million,
18:11which is claimed by UMKM.
18:14So, this is the problem, actually.
18:17The third thing is,
18:19the problem is the protection given by the government, and so on.
18:23Maybe if it's a matter of training and improvement of SDM,
18:27Dewi has explained in detail.
18:29But from my point of view, it's from the protection.
18:34The protection for our actions is very minimal.
18:37If we look at it, it's just one thing.
18:39If we talk about food,
18:41processed food, and so on.
18:44What happens is,
18:46in the past, if we want to sell frozen goods,
18:53we have to have a permit, and so on.
18:56If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
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25:27If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
25:28If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
25:29If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
25:30If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
25:31If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
25:32If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
25:33If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
25:34If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
25:35If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
25:56If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:26If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:27If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:28If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:29If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:30If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:31If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:32If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:33If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:34If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:35If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:36If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:37If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:38If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:39If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:40If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:41If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:42If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:43If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:44If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
26:45If we want to sell frozen goods, we have to have a permit, and so on.
