A Young man Love in Coffie Shop Girl HD ( Comedy, Drama, Romance )

  • 2 days ago
A Young man Love in Coffie Shop Girl HD ( Comedy, Drama, Romance )
00:44Here you go. Extra hot and extra sing.
00:49So finish telling me about your date with Ken.
00:51Ron, Kenny was last week.
00:52Where'd you guys go?
00:53The Waterfront Supper Club.
00:56It was.
00:57I don't know. I feel like I'm sort of stuck or something.
01:01Last night, Chris and I ate leftover mac and cheese in front of the TV.
01:04I'd love to be your kind of stuck.
01:06I mean, it's not like I don't appreciate it, but I don't know.
01:09Nice dinners aren't really cutting it anymore.
01:11Or maybe it's the company. I don't know.
01:13Do you think I should be more social?
01:14You go out every night. How much more social can you get?
01:17I don't know how to explain it when I don't even get it myself.
01:19Well, our church is having a concert in a few weeks.
01:22You could come with. Meet some new people.
01:25Yeah, I'm not really a church person.
01:27Think about it. It's just a concert, not a lifelong commitment.
01:38Let me guess. Ron?
01:46They're beautiful.
01:49Can you get away for a sec?
01:51Yeah, sure.
01:53Grab us a table?
01:54All right.
02:00Jason, I presume.
02:01You must be the pastor. Nice to meet you in person.
02:04Saw you coming in, so I made you a little welcome gift.
02:06This is my signature latte.
02:08I appreciate Sun City Church taking home-based ministries under their wing.
02:12We're very happy to have you here.
02:14I see you met Pastor Matthew.
02:15Thank you so much for helping us with the bill.
02:17The Lord knows the need is great.
02:20You want to join me on a coffee run?
02:22Coffee? I just gave him coffee.
02:24No, you gave him Bargain Brand Mug.
02:26Whatever. For the record, the reason Chris wants to get coffee is because he has a thing for one of the baristas.
02:32Well, we call that thing a marriage license.
02:37I wouldn't drink that.
02:41So, what's going on with you and Rachel?
02:45She's a major reason for my move up here.
02:47I figured as much.
02:48I don't have a lot of time, so...
02:49Well, hey, my CEO is hosting this fundraiser.
02:53Would you please be my plus one?
02:57Wait, when is it? Because I'll need to get my hair done.
02:59Three weeks from Saturday at the Fremont Hotel.
03:02I've actually always wanted to...
03:05I've got to get going.
03:06I'll call you.
03:07Okay. Bye.
03:10Excuse me.
03:13Who's that guy with your man?
03:14His old college buddy and the new director at Homebase.
03:17How you feeling?
03:19Here she is, my beautiful wife.
03:21Sheldi, nice to meet you.
03:23You too.
03:24Look, sorry I missed your wedding.
03:25Hi, I'm Victoria, her favorite co-worker.
03:27I'm the CEO.
03:28I'm the barista.
03:29I'm the barista.
03:30I'm the barista.
03:31I'm the barista.
03:32I'm the barista.
03:33I'm the barista.
03:34I'm the barista.
03:35I'm the barista.
03:36I'm the barista.
03:37I'm the barista.
03:38Victoria, your favorite co-worker.
03:41How are you enjoying your first day so far?
03:42So far, so good.
03:44So, you see anything you like?
03:50Peanut butter mocha looks great.
03:56Ready for your first project?
03:57Babe, let Jason get settled in first.
03:58I'm just asking.
03:59It's fine.
04:00Yeah, Chris has done a great job of getting the word out.
04:03So, we'll see how many show for the volunteer orientation.
04:06People have been picking up the info cards.
04:07Oh yeah? Even though social media would have been the way to go?
04:11Yeah, everything helps.
04:13Hot and sweet?
04:19We should go.
04:22Glad to finally meet you.
04:24Nice meeting you.
04:32Remember Ron? He literally just brought you flowers.
04:36What's up with this Jason guy?
04:38I'm guessing you're not his type.
04:41Is he alive? Single? Then I can be his type.
05:06Hey, can you watch the kids? 3.30 on Monday?
05:15Sorry, I'm getting my hair done.
05:16You can do that anytime.
05:18Well, if I wait too long, people will know it's fake.
05:20Oh, people know.
05:22Okay, you're not helping your case.
05:24Come on, sis. Please?
05:27I guess my hair can wait.
05:29You can't be late.
05:30Fine, then we'll be late.
05:37So where are you going anyways?
05:39Oh, just an appointment.
05:46Are we keeping you from something?
05:48Kind of.
05:49Another date to get ready for?
05:51Actually, it's a volunteer thing.
05:53Volunteer? You?
05:55I can be a volunteer person.
06:00Oh, I get it. There's a guy.
06:03Is your target a volunteer too?
06:05You make me sound like I'm a sniper.
06:07No, Jason, he organizes the volunteers.
06:10Oh, a guy with a purpose. I'm impressed.
06:13So what's the name of this volunteer thing?
06:26Do you even own any tools?
06:28Why would I need tools?
06:30Well, Jason's organization builds houses.
06:32That's what you're volunteering to do.
06:34What? No, no, I can't build a house.
06:37If you do this, you're going to have to swing a hammer,
06:39and you might chip a nail.
06:43I think this is a Christian organization.
06:48Most likely he's a Christian if he works for them,
06:50which means he's probably not going to date someone who isn't.
06:53No, it won't be a problem.
06:55I'll just pretend. Fake it till you make it.
06:57Vic, you can't fake faith.
06:59Sure I can.
07:01I mean, do you remember when I cheered for Seattle
07:03at Nate's football party?
07:05I didn't know a thing about football, but no one knew that.
07:08You brag about the weirdest things.
07:11He's going to figure it out eventually.
07:13Yeah, but by then he'll be totally into me.
07:20Hey, Wyatt.
07:24Everything's ready to go.
07:26Thanks, man.
07:27You want to wait a few?
07:29That's probably about all we can expect.
07:31Let's get started.
07:33If I could have everyone have a seat, please.
07:41Hey, everyone.
07:43Thanks for coming out.
07:45I appreciate your interest in volunteering.
07:47My name is Jason Holman,
07:49and I'm the director of the new branch.
07:56How many of you are familiar with what Home Blonde does?
08:00Base. Home base.
08:06We're a non-profit organization
08:08dedicated to helping families in our local community.
08:11None of what we do is possible without legs.
08:16And arms.
08:18Got to swing those hammers.
08:20Anyway, what I meant was,
08:23we can't do it without you all, our volunteers.
08:50Your talk was great.
08:52Ah, okay.
08:58Glad you were able to join us.
09:04So, how do you like your new job?
09:06Yeah, so far, so good.
09:08I've lived here my whole life,
09:09so if you ever need anyone to show you around,
09:11I'd be more than happy to.
09:12I'll make myself available anytime.
09:14Are you free this Saturday?
09:16I am.
09:17If you want to write down your number.
09:24You know, I...
09:25Are we about done here?
09:29We all good?
09:30Oh, um...
09:32Yeah, all good.
09:35See you Saturday.
09:43I thought I'd come to the rescue.
09:45She might be a handful.
09:46You think?
09:50Decent turnout.
09:52Half the people who sign up actually show.
09:55Well, we know at least one person who will be there.
09:58Yeah, we'll see.
10:31You never chase, yet hold on tight.
10:38Give me that, give me that, don't you mind it.
10:41Time after time, I think you're right.
10:46Give me that, give me that, don't you mind it.
10:49Have we lost you and I, can I find it?
10:53Time after time, I think you're right.
10:56Let's get crazy tonight.
11:02Let's get crazy tonight.
11:05Let's get crazy tonight.
11:14Let's get crazy tonight.
11:17Hey, morning.
11:19Oh, Megan, right?
11:21Hey, I'm impressed with the turnout.
11:22We ought to have the frame up in no time.
11:24I like your optimism.
11:25I've done a lot of volunteer building projects.
11:27Hey, if you need any help with the newbies, just let me know.
11:32Hey, I know you left Cali to start over.
11:36Don't be so focused on the work.
11:38Be more open for moving on from Rachel.
11:40I don't get involved with people who volunteer for me.
11:43You know this.
11:46Unless there's a wow factor.
11:48A what?
11:50No, that's...
11:51When you see someone from across the room and suddenly nothing else even matters.
11:55That's ridiculous.
12:09You were saying?
12:13Come on, we need to get started.
12:15You know, I don't know her that well.
12:17But by the way Shelby talks,
12:19I say she's more into hunting guys than building homes.
12:24Doesn't mean she can't volunteer.
12:26Dude, I'm just saying be careful.
12:29Because she's clearly into you.
12:34there's nothing I'd like more than to meet someone.
12:37But volunteer or not, this girl is way out of my league.
12:41And if what you say is true,
12:43I don't need that kind of complication in my life.
12:50Oh, complication, nine o'clock.
12:53Peanut butter mocha.
12:57Were you planning on working today or just bringing the coffee?
12:59Oh yes, working, absolutely.
13:01I brought my own tools and everything.
13:03Yeah, no.
13:05Hang on, please.
13:07Use this one.
13:10You sure you're going to be up for this?
13:11Of course.
13:12Okay, great.
13:13Well, grab a hat, get your boots on, we're about to get started.
13:16Hey, Megan, can you please help out our new volunteer?
13:23Hey, you need some help?
13:27Hi, I'm Megan.
13:30And yes, I would love some help.
13:34Where did you get yours?
13:35These are so, so dirty.
13:39Exactly why I bought my own.
13:42Here, this one's not too bad.
13:55Hey, did you bring your mess?
13:58I've never built a house before.
14:00Oh, first time for everything.
14:03Do you want some grapes?
14:04Yeah, maybe later, after I wash my hands.
14:07By the way, where does one do that?
14:09Bathroom's over there.
14:15I'll be right back, I'm just going to throw some things in my car.
14:17Oh, no, no, no, toss it in here.
14:19Especially the jacket, you don't want to get it dirty.
14:21It's too cute.
14:24Is this yours?
14:25It is.
14:27Hey, Wyatt.
14:33Right, do you think you can find an extra vest for Victoria?
14:37Yeah, sure.
14:40Thank you for not making me look like a complete idiot.
14:43No worries, I totally get it.
14:45Also, if Jason doesn't have you stationed anywhere, you can just stick with me.
14:49Trust me, I think he'd like that.
14:51So, uh, where do you go to church?
14:56Thanks, Wyatt.
15:01So, how do you know Wyatt?
15:02Oh, I've known him for, like, forever.
15:05We go to the same church.
15:07He's cute.
15:09Oh my gosh, your earrings are adorable.
15:11Uh, but they might get caught on something, so they'll have to go.
15:19Please tell me you brought boots.
15:28Lucky for you, my brother left those in the car.
15:31Hey everybody, gather around.
15:38I always like to start a build with a quick prayer.
15:46Father, we are grateful for everyone here today.
15:52We ask your blessing upon this build, and upon this home, and Yelena's family.
16:08So, have you swung a hammer before?
16:12Uh, hung a picture?
16:15Took woodchop class?
16:19Well, let's start something a little more simple, like a window frame.
16:26Okay, so we're just gonna take one of these.
16:34Take this.
16:35Lock it up.
16:40So now, you're gonna take a nail and hammer it right here.
16:49Yeah, that's it.
16:52You're gonna hammer it down.
16:54Oh, my hammer.
17:12I see why there's a need for a hard hat and boots now.
17:17Maybe try holding the hammer a little tighter.
17:21We're not trying to send anyone to the ER on the first day.
17:28All it takes is a little practice.
17:36That's it.
17:46You gonna take that?
17:47No, just a guy. He can wait.
17:52So, do you have a boyfriend?
17:56Is there anyone you have your eye on?
18:03How'd you know?
18:04Girl, it's so obvious.
18:07It doesn't even matter.
18:09We're just friends.
18:12There's one thing I do know.
18:15It's that guys are not that complicated.
18:18He's had his eye on you all morning.
18:21If you teach me how to build a house, I'll teach you how to win the guy.
18:25Okay, look.
18:28Start with this.
18:34What are you...
18:36Go ahead.
18:40Go ahead, go!
19:01Go on.
19:13Try it, like, a little bit more side to side.
19:16Get the wind blowing in there, you know what I mean?
19:23Then, you look at him like you're hanging on to every last word.
19:27Then, you finish with the fluttering of the lashes.
19:31Oh, yeah.
19:32I'm serious.
19:34Oh, also, this will grab his attention.
19:38You carry this around with you everywhere?
19:40Always gotta be prepared.
19:53It's actually nice.
19:55Okay, so go on. Chat him up.
19:59About what?
20:00I don't know.
20:01Ask him for an ale or something.
20:07All it takes is a little practice.
20:09Go on.
20:22Hey, Megan.
20:28Hey, I was wondering...
20:46This perfume.
20:48This perfume.
20:52What happened?
20:54Apparently, he's allergic to the perfume.
20:59Oops, I'm sorry.
21:02I'm gonna check if he's okay.
21:29That was totally my fault. Sorry about that.
21:34You doing okay?
21:36Yeah. I'm pretty much one of your top builders.
21:40Well, great job over there.
21:44That would be Megan's work.
21:47Actually, I could use a little assistance.
21:52Maybe don't...
21:54choke up on the handle.
22:11Give it a try.
22:13Give it a try.
22:27Your hair, it's...
22:29It's a hazard.
22:31You should put it up.
22:42You should put it up.
23:12Three, two, one.
23:23Look what we made for you.
23:25Oh, honey.
23:27I love it.
23:33I'm so excited.
23:35I'm so excited.
23:37I'm so excited.
23:39I'm so excited.
23:41I spilled dinner.
23:43Thanks for getting it in the oven.
23:44Of course.
23:48Are you staying?
23:49Unless, of course, you have a date with the volunteer hottie.
23:54No date yet.
23:58Building a house is hard.
24:00You think?
24:01Have you met the family yet?
24:03What family?
24:04Who you're building the house for.
24:06Oh, no.
24:07They weren't there.
24:08Weird, right?
24:09I mean, you'd think they'd be helping.
24:11Careful not to judge, sis.
24:12Oh, we're only four tonight.
24:14Oh, Mike's not going to be home for dinner?
24:22So, did he buy your whole faith act?
24:25I haven't even gotten that far yet.
24:26It's like this guy's immune or something.
24:28I love you, but you could be so vain.
24:31I mean, it's not my fault this guy's not like the others.
24:33That's what I've been trying to tell you.
24:35Well, you're right.
24:36I mean, I don't even understand what these Christian people are saying half the time.
24:39It's like they speak a different...
24:47If I want to play on his field, I have to play by his rules.
24:50You've completely lost me.
24:52I gotta go.
24:55Love you.
25:06Look out, I'm coming now
25:13Look out, I'm coming now
25:20I feel good from my head to my toes
25:23So I'ma smile everywhere that I go
25:26Look out, I'm coming now
25:30So I've learned how to talk the talk
25:33And you can tell by the way that I walk
25:36Look out, I'm coming now
25:39Look out, I'm coming now
25:43Look out, I'm coming now
25:47I feel good, I feel good, I feel good
25:50Look out, I'm coming now
25:54I feel good, I feel good, I feel good
25:57Look out now, I'm coming
26:04I feel good, I feel good, I feel good
26:11Hey Wyatt, I was just wondering...
26:15I was just wondering...
26:19Can I help you with something?
26:20No, yes, yeah.
26:24Do you...
26:25Do you have a nail gun and some nails?
26:34I mean, well, I just...
26:41Do you have something in your eye?
26:48What was that about?
26:49Yeah, don't ask me.
27:04Hi, I'm John Marcus, and welcome back to our show.
27:08Framing your house is an ambitious yet exciting project.
27:12Since the frame is the skeleton or backbone of your house,
27:16supporting the entire structure,
27:18you will need to use the proper tools and materials.
27:21The tools you will have to have on hand are saw horses,
27:25hand saws, power saws, chalk lines,
27:30hammers, and nail guns.
28:00Hey ladies, Maddie here from Fantastic Wear.
28:03Tired of those frumpy, drab work clothes?
28:06Tired of looking like just another guy?
28:31I went shopping!
28:33I can see that.
28:35We got a lot done this morning, come on, I'll show you.
28:38Praise God!
28:44So, how's it going with you-know-who?
28:48Total fail.
28:50I'm sorry, Megan.
28:54Jesus loves you.
28:56Jesus loves you.
28:58Well, yeah.
29:06Wyatt will have more for you shortly.
29:08I'll go get it.
29:13So, I see you got the roof sheeted.
29:15Uh-huh, I feel like we should knock on wood or something.
29:19Oh, be my guest.
29:23So, are we almost ready for installation and drywall then?
29:30Well, what can I do while I wait for Megan?
29:33Uh, you could flatten those boxes if you want.
29:37I like to keep the worksite tidy.
29:39Amen to that.
29:41I was wondering, do you guys do your own heating, plumbing, and electrical yourselves,
29:45or do you hire an outside contractor?
29:47We'll bring in professionals for that.
29:49A lot of them donate their time.
29:50It's amazing that you guys can actually build a house in such a short amount of time.
29:54I don't know how you guys do it.
29:56Well, my go-to scripture is Matthew 19, 26, especially during a build.
30:01Mine, too. My fave.
30:04That didn't hurt.
30:06I'm okay.
30:10Oh, I can just get those.
30:13They're coming.
30:17You sure you're okay?
30:19Okay, I'm gonna go greet them.
30:25Victoria, what happened?
30:29What happened?
30:30I don't know.
30:31I don't know.
30:32I don't know.
30:33I don't know.
30:34I don't know.
30:35I don't know.
30:36I don't know.
30:37I don't know.
30:38I don't know.
30:39I don't know.
30:40I don't know.
30:42I left you for one minute.
30:43I know.
30:46Hey, guys.
30:49You want to check out your new home?
30:51Everybody, can we get your attention for a minute?
31:01So they're gonna be here now?
31:03I heard she's required 250 hours of sweat equity.
31:07Um, well, Elena's gonna be doing office work instead of building.
31:11She can't exactly afford child care.
31:13Everyone, I'd like you to meet the homeowners.
31:15This is Elena, Jordan, and Kelsey.
31:19I am so grateful.
31:22As a single mom working two jobs, it's, uh...
31:26It's been a rough couple of years.
31:31All of this...
31:34You wonderful people building our home...
31:38There are no words to express our thanks.
31:43It's been a process, but...
31:46I have learned to give everything...
31:49All of my circumstances over to God.
31:53So thank you all for being here on our behalf.
33:01I'm Victoria.
33:07I'm just imagining what it's going to look like when it's all done.
33:17Your girls are adorable.
33:21They're my everything.
33:25I'm just happy I'm gonna be able to give them a home after the...
33:30Their father...
33:32He, uh...
33:34He left.
33:36Been there.
33:38My parents divorced when I was five.
33:40My mom raised me and my sister.
33:42You know...
33:45I always remind myself...
33:48That God...
33:51He will never give me more than I can give.
33:55And I know that.
33:57I know that.
33:59I know that.
34:01I know that.
34:03I know that.
34:05I know that.
34:07I know that.
34:09I know that.
34:10He will never give me more than I can handle.
34:15I mean, he provided you.
34:18What do you mean?
34:21I asked God to provide a home for us.
34:26And here you are.
34:28A total stranger, sacrificing your time to help someone...
34:33You don't even know.
34:41I met the family today.
34:43She has two little girls.
34:44Reminds me so much of us.
34:46Yeah, Mom being alone.
34:48Taking two jobs.
34:50And like Elena, I mean, Mom did her best.
34:52And I loved being with Grandma.
34:54Yeah, we had each other.
34:58Hey, so, um...
34:59There's something that I...
35:00I can't believe I didn't see this till now.
35:02See what?
35:03That's what Home Based Ministries is all about.
35:05People like Elena.
35:06Oh, I've just been getting in the way.
35:10I've been awful.
35:11Don't be so hard on yourself.
35:13So you don't think I've been awful?
35:14Oh, no.
35:15You've been fairly awful.
35:17But you realize it now.
35:19That's the important thing.
35:21Now, use this new perspective and go build a house.
35:24I will.
35:26I hear those kids who should be sleeping.
35:28I gotta run, okay?
35:29Love you.
35:30Love you, too.
35:32Matthew something.
35:38Hey, Zingle?
35:42What can I help you with?
35:47Matthew 1926.
35:50Matthew 1926.
35:53Jesus looked at them and said,
35:55Matthew 1926.
35:57Matthew 1926.
36:00Jesus looked at them and said,
36:22Oh, man.
36:26Oh, man.
36:35I was literally in the room like five seconds before.
36:37All that matters is you're okay.
36:39I could have died.
36:40Well, you didn't.
36:44Well, thank you for letting me stay here.
36:46Sorry to move in on you and Mike.
36:48I mean, that's what family's for.
36:51I'm gonna go brush my teeth.
37:05It's okay.
37:07Daddy's gonna come home again.
37:18He met someone.
37:20Why didn't you tell me?
37:22I feel ashamed.
37:24Like I didn't fight hard enough for my marriage.
37:28It is not your fault.
37:31I don't know what I'm gonna do.
37:34I need to find a way to support us.
37:42You know God is never gonna give you more than you can handle, okay?
37:47Who are you?
37:48Look, I'm gonna be here for you, just like you've always been here for me.
38:18I love you.
38:48I love you.
39:18Your adornment must not be merely external, braiding the hair and wearing gold jewelry or putting on dresses, but let it be the hidden person of the heart.
39:48With the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.
40:23I haven't seen you in about a week.
40:25You sure you're alright from that fall?
40:27I mean, if you're injured.
40:29I'm okay, promise. Not even sore.
40:31Was it because of the flying nails?
40:33Actually, my sister's going through a rough time and some crazy driver hit my house instead of his brakes, so kind of a mess.
40:42I'm so sorry.
40:44How's Elena's house coming along?
40:46Yeah, it was going great, you know, until we got news that they're getting kicked out of the place they're staying at like a week early, so.
40:52Oh, wow. Are you guys gonna finish the house, or?
40:55Not with our current number of volunteers, no.
40:57Hey, I didn't mean to make you feel bad, it's just-
41:00I knew what you meant.
41:05It's a good time for Matthew 1929.
41:07For sure.
41:09Well, uh.
41:11Yeah, I really just wanted to come by and make sure you're okay.
41:40I don't think we're gonna finish.
41:42I'll go check and see how they're doing at the back of the house.
41:54Well, this is a surprise.
41:56A nice one, I hope.
41:58Of course. I just thought you weren't coming back.
42:00You need to finish this house.
42:02And you're here to help with that?
42:05If you're not nice, I'll send your new crew home.
42:07New crew?
42:36What's happening?
42:38You needed more volunteers.
42:43He is cute.
42:47Uh, nothing.
