Imam Zain ul-Abideen, also known as Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn (the great-grandson of the Prophet Muhammad), is revered for his deep spirituality and devotion. One of his most well-known works is the Sahifa Sajjadiya, a collection of supplications (duas) filled with profound insights on worship, morality, and the human connection with Allah.
In his Friday Dua (Supplication), Imam Zain ul-Abideen expresses the significance of seeking closeness to Allah on this blessed day. The dua reflects gratitude, humility, and a yearning for divine mercy. It asks for Allah’s protection, forgiveness, and blessings for all Muslims, recognizing Friday as a day of great opportunity for worship and reflection.
In his Friday Dua (Supplication), Imam Zain ul-Abideen expresses the significance of seeking closeness to Allah on this blessed day. The dua reflects gratitude, humility, and a yearning for divine mercy. It asks for Allah’s protection, forgiveness, and blessings for all Muslims, recognizing Friday as a day of great opportunity for worship and reflection.
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:07O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.
00:15Praise be to Allah, the foremost, first, infinitely a priory to creation and life,
00:24the ultimate everlasting, eternally beyond nothingness and death of all things,
00:32the aware who is never unaware of Him, who keeps Him in remembrance,
00:41nor leaves Him, who thanks Him in the large, nor disappoints Him,
00:48who makes a request to Him, nor cuts off the hope of fulfilment from Him,
00:57who asks for a favour.
00:59O my Allah, I ask Thee to give evidence, and Thy evidence is final.
01:07I call on all Thy angels, the dwellers of the skies,
01:14the bearers of Thy arch, Thy prophets and messengers,
01:20send out for conveying Thy message, and all forms of life Thou hast created,
01:28to give testimony to my witness that Thou art Allah.
01:34There is no God save Thou.
01:37One has no associate does not hesitate or pause nor break Thy word,
01:45nor has to do one thing instead of the other,
01:50that Muhammad is Thy servant and messenger,
01:55to tell the people again and again that which Thou made him know,
02:02learn and refer to, and he struggled against all difficulties,
02:09to strive in the way of the high and mighty Allah,
02:15fulfilled his duty and got better of the enemies,
02:20indeed brought the good news through which reward has been made clear,
02:28as a right, and call attention to the consequences whereby punishment
02:35become due as a sure penalty.
02:39O my Allah, so far I am alive, keep me on the right path of Thy religion,
02:48don't let change of heart make me go astray after Thou has guided me aright,
02:56and give me as a gift a share from Thy gentle mercy,
03:02certainly Thou make me, Thou makes many presents,
03:07send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad,
03:11make me follow them and love them wholeheartedly,
03:16raise me for the last judgment along with their family,
03:21let me be in harmony with the fulfillment of Friday duties
03:28and carry out obediently which has made obligatory for me,
03:35on this day and share the rewards to be bestowed on the deserving people
03:43on the day of Tikvatil.
03:46Verily, Thou art Mighty and Wise.
03:49O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.