• last year
Kisan Samman Nidhi: केंद्र सरकार (Central Government) की तरफ से पीएम किसान सम्मान योजना (PM Kisan Samman Nidhi) की 17वीं किस्त (17th installment) जारी कर देने के बाद अब किसानों (Farmers) को 18वीं किस्त ((18th installment)) का इंतजार है. लेकिन अब लगता है कि किसानों का ये इंतजार जल्द ही खत्म होगा. क्योंकि पीएम किसान योजना की 18वीं किस्त की तारीख पर बड़ा अपडेट आया है. वहीं देश के कई ऐसे किसान हैं जिनकी 18वी किस्त रोक दी जा सकती है. चलिए जानते हैं क्या है ये मामला

#pmkisan #FarmersNews #PMKisanSammanNidhiYojana #pmKisanNews
#KisanSammanNidhiYaojna #Kisan18thinstallmentdate #Kisan18thInstallmentUpdate #PMNarendraModi #18thInstallmentDate #18thInstallmentDateAnnouncement #PMKisanSammanNidhiYojana #KisanSammanNidhiYaojna #KisanNidhiYojana #KisanSammanNidhiYojanaUpdate #pmKisanNews #KisanSammanNews #FarmersNews #Kisan18thInstallmentNews #KisanSammanNidhiYaojnaNews #PMNarendraModiNews


00:00There is a big update on the PM-Kisan Yojana.
00:04The date of the 18th installment has arrived.
00:08The accounts will receive Rs. 2000 on this day.
00:12There is a big update on the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
00:16The reason is that after the 17th installment, more than three months have passed.
00:21On 18th June, PM Modi had deposited Rs. 2000 of the 17th installment in the accounts of the Labharti farmers.
00:27After that, the farmers are eagerly waiting for the 18th installment.
00:32Because the month of October is about to start.
00:35Secondly, there is a lot of talk about the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
00:40Rs. 2000 of the 18th installment can be received in the month of October.
00:45A big news related to this has come out today.
00:48This news has brought good news for the farmers.
00:51It is being said that the date on which the Rs. 2000 of the 18th installment of the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana will come in the accounts of the farmers.
01:00To know the date of the 18th installment of the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, you will have to go to the PM-Kisan's government website.
01:09There is a date written there.
01:11In which it is clearly visible that on which day the Rs. 2000 of the 18th installment will come in the accounts of the farmers.
01:17While watching the video up to this point, you must have opened the government website of the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi.
01:24Because its date has been clearly written on this site.
01:29On the PM-Kisan's website, it is clearly written in red that the Prime Minister will release the 18th installment of the PM-Kisan Yojana on 5 October 2024.
01:40You can see this date on the first screen as soon as the website opens.
01:45Like every time, on 5 October, PM Modi will transfer Rs. 2000 in one click to the accounts of about 10 crore non-Indian farmers of the country.
01:57But here a page can also get stuck.
01:59This page can get stuck with those farmers who have not done their e-KYC to take advantage of this scheme.
02:08Because the 18th installment of the PM-Kisan Yojana will be considered by those farmers who have done their e-KYC.
02:15It should also be noted here that according to the new rule, farmers' land ownership and Aadhaar linking should also be completed with e-KYC.
02:26Otherwise, such farmers will fail to take advantage of the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme.
02:31That's all for this news.
02:38Thank you for watching it.
