• 2 days ago
Rejoignez Savoir Maigrir :

Les amandes, les noix, les noisettes, les graines de lin ou graines de chia... Les oléagineux sont à la mode mais pour quelle raison ? Et pourquoi leur consommation est-elle poussée et mise en avant ? Quelle est la teneur en matières grasses des amandes, de noix, des noisettes ou encore des cacahuètes ? Et les graines de lin et graines de chia sont-elles riches en fibres et en protéines... Autant de questions sur les oléagineux que vous vous posez et auxquelles le Dr Cohen répond aujourd'hui. Amandes, noix, noisettes, cacahuètes, graines de lin et graines de chia... vous allez tout savoir sur les oléagineux et la bonne quantité à consommer. D'ailleurs, une poignée d'amandes, c'est vraiment plus de 300 calories ?


00:00Eat nuts, take hazelnuts,
00:02and don't forget to take almonds,
00:04it will cut your appetite.
00:06Welcome to the Jean-Michel Cohen channel,
00:08the channel where we only talk about nutrition
00:10and where we never tell you about salads.
00:12Masterclass, personalized menu,
00:14followed by an individualized diet,
00:16visit the website
00:20It's a real fashion phenomenon.
00:22For some time now,
00:24a lot of people have started eating
00:26almonds for breakfast,
00:30oleagins, rich in protein,
00:32and at the same time, rich in good fat,
00:34and I would add a third one,
00:36which contains enough fiber.
00:38My opinion on this is that
00:40we started with peanuts.
00:42Why? Because I want
00:44to give a product benefits,
00:46but we have two things to know.
00:48First, what real benefits
00:50it brings, and secondly,
00:52how much you need to take
00:54to get this benefit.
00:56If you read the scientific literature,
00:58which I do from time to time,
01:00you will read that if you eat nuts,
01:02it will maybe regulate your diabetes,
01:04or maybe it will lower
01:06your blood pressure.
01:08If you eat almonds,
01:10maybe it will be the same thing,
01:12but you would have to do more.
01:14In short, we always find a lot of things,
01:16except that when I look at these articles,
01:18for example, I just looked at one
01:20on the consumption of nuts,
01:22and in fact, the amount you had to take
01:24was 1 ounce and a half,
01:26it was in English,
01:28which corresponds to 45 grams.
01:30When you eat 45 grams
01:32of a product like nuts,
01:34I have the table in front of me,
01:36nuts are 640 calories per 100 grams,
01:38you have consumed the equivalent
01:40of roughly 300 calories.
01:42Is 300 calories nothing? No.
01:44When we talk about cholesterol,
01:46I keep telling you,
01:48you can eat eggs with cholesterol,
01:50it's not a big deal,
01:52because cholesterol is produced by your body
01:54and 25% by food,
01:56because we are able to make cholesterol,
01:58we are able to make fats,
02:00and even to sometimes turn them into sugar,
02:02only from
02:04the food we eat.
02:06So when you increase a caloric ratio
02:08of 300 calories,
02:10finally you increase it compared to what you ate before,
02:12so it's an additional mass of energy,
02:14it's not impossible for it to end up
02:16in a transformation in the form of cholesterol.
02:18That's the thing.
02:20That's why I say that,
02:22I don't know why it's done,
02:24but there is a kind of madness
02:26that makes people imagine
02:28that when a product is given benefits,
02:30that it would be enough to eat it
02:32without knowing the quantity,
02:34to have a lot of things happening.
02:36Well, no, it doesn't happen like that.
02:38The body is a very complex machine,
02:40and I repeat, I'm not against eating them,
02:42a good interdiary diet,
02:44a good interdiary diet,
02:46but forcing yourself to eat them, why?
02:48If you eat oleaginous foods,
02:50you have oil,
02:52so these are fatty products.
02:54If you eat oleaginous foods,
02:56instead of eating chocolate
02:58at 4 p.m.,
03:00you will be less hungry.
03:04Do you want to explain the difference?
03:06Chocolate has 540 calories and 100 grams,
03:08oleaginous foods have fat,
03:10and if I take 50 grams of oleaginous foods,
03:12I have 300 calories,
03:14and if I take 50 grams of chocolate,
03:16I have 250 to 270 calories,
03:18it's not too different.
03:20So you have to explain to me
03:22this kind of thing.
03:24Who is at the origin of this movement?
03:26Is it a dedication of scientific artists?
03:28Are there some influencers
03:30who put this in people's heads?
03:32But hey, I don't know.
03:34In any case, what I advise you,
03:36these are the products.
03:38Fat, stay moderate,
03:40you can take it, but with moderation,
03:42and probably not every day.
03:44For example, hazelnuts, cashew nuts,
03:46you count that it's the maximum 670 calories
03:48for almonds,
03:50the minimum 610 calories for cashew nuts.
03:52You see, so we're going to turn,
03:54roughly, on average, for these products,
03:56to 650 calories for 100 grams.
03:58It's not nothing, it's not nothing.
04:00For example, butter,
04:02it's 720 calories for 100 grams.
04:04So here we are at 650,
04:06so it's the equivalent of butter,
04:08it's not far from butter.
04:10Then when you look at flax seeds and chia seeds,
04:12which are a little less rich than flax seeds,
04:14it's 380 grams and 450 for flax seeds.
04:18Well, okay, but it's for 100 grams,
04:20every time I tell you.
04:22So I took the scale next to it
04:24so we can discuss it together.
04:26And peanuts, which I put last,
04:28because yes, people don't eat peanuts,
04:30but they eat almonds,
04:32I put them last, it was 620 calories.
04:34How much is a handful of almonds?
04:36That's why I took the scale next to it,
04:38I take a good handful anyway.
04:40I counted 3, 5, 7, 9,
04:4211, 13, 15,
04:4417, 19 and 20.
04:46So roughly,
04:48it represents 20 almonds,
04:50it's 30 grams,
04:52it's 670 calories for 100 grams,
04:54it's 200 calories.
04:56200 calories is the equivalent of 80 grams of bread.
04:58It's a caloric equivalent,
05:00it's not, it's mostly fats.
05:02The number 1 in fat was
05:04the nuts, with 62.5 grams
05:06of fat for 100 grams.
05:08Then you had the hazelnuts
05:10with 61.2 grams,
05:12and the third was
05:14the 50.6 grams of almonds.
05:16And you see, compared to that,
05:18peanuts were slightly less fatty,
05:20chia seeds were less fatty,
05:22flax seeds were the same,
05:24cashew nuts were a little less fatty.
05:26The carbohydrates, where there was the most sugar,
05:28were in the cashew nuts with 27 grams for 100 grams.
05:30Then it was the hazelnuts with 17 grams
05:32and the peanuts with 16 grams.
05:34In fact, carbohydrates are not very important
05:36because they are low-sugar,
05:38but I gave them to you.
05:40The most interesting were the proteins.
05:42Interestingly enough, it was in the peanuts
05:44that I had the most protein,
05:46number 1 with 26 grams.
05:48Then number 2 was the almonds
05:50with 21 grams, and number 3
05:52were the chia seeds.
05:54Fibers are really interesting.
05:56Number 1 was the chia seeds,
05:5835 grams for 100 grams,
06:00so this reputation is justified.
06:02Then it was the flax seeds,
06:04as you can see, it was not the hazelnuts,
06:06the nuts and the almonds,
06:08and then finally it was the almonds.
06:10Then I looked at the monounsaturated fatty acids.
06:12Interestingly enough, the best was the hazelnuts,
06:14behind it was the almonds,
06:16and then in 3 it was the cashew nuts.
06:18The monounsaturated ones are the most interesting
06:20because they are the ones that really fight cholesterol.
06:22And then I looked at the polyunsaturated fatty acids
06:24which are still good fatty acids.
06:26There it was a little different.
06:28The first was the nuts,
06:30the second was the flax seeds,
06:32and then the worst was the peanuts.
06:38Then I did a little exercise,
06:40I said to myself, it's as if I added the scores,
06:42which is the best product.
06:44If I look at all these products,
06:46I recognize that the best product
06:48was the almonds,
06:50behind it was the hazelnuts,
06:52then it was the nuts,
06:54and then I would put in a separate category
06:56chia seeds, which were not bad products.
06:58So what I wanted to explain to you
07:00is that we give and attribute virtues
07:02to these products,
07:04which makes people eat them
07:06in a disorganized way,
07:08saying to themselves,
07:10well, since it's a good product,
07:12I can eat anything.
07:14In reality, it's not true.
07:16You have to observe quantities.
07:18You have to know that when you take oleagins,
07:20that you add that to your energy ratio
07:22of the day.
07:24I managed that the right ratio
07:26for this type of product
07:28is largely enough.
07:30We saw that there were 30 almonds for 30 grams,
07:3220 almonds for 30 grams.
07:34So in my opinion,
07:36if you take 10 almonds,
07:38it is largely enough in one day,
07:40and maybe it will replace some fat.
07:42That's what I had to tell you.
07:44If you liked this video,
07:46you like it, you share it,
07:48you comment on it,
07:50you criticize me,
07:52and you give me other video ideas
07:54if you want.
