King Otis and the Kingdom of Goode: A Tale of Patience [2002 VHS] (Australia)

  • 2 days ago


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01:29Champion of the Sports Day! Hooray! Well done, Woody! We have to trick Alfred! Are you talking about me? No, Alfred!
02:10I think the ball is my favourite toy!
02:13Thought Spot
02:15Ba da ba ba ba da ba da
02:18It keeps wiggling
02:19Ba da ba ba da
02:20Don't stop wiggling
02:22Ba da ba da
02:23Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
02:26Ah, what great wiggling!
02:27Let's give yourselves a big clap everyone!
02:32Bringing you the best in children's video
02:39In a place far away, over mountains and fields,
03:08over mountain, through wood, is a land of high tales, the kingdom of the good.
03:15Here, fish swim like elk, lions fly through the trees,
03:20as we learn of life's values through lessons and deeds.
03:25My name is King Otus, and I rule this fair land, along with Queen Mabel.
03:46Here together we stand.
03:49Now today, my fine children, if I may say so myself,
03:54I'll tell you a story that I think will quite help,
03:58about minding your manners and all in between,
04:03and bettering oneself, which is all that we need.
04:08Hey, Dad, when are the fly steaks going to be ready?
04:12Yeah, I'm hungry.
04:14I get the first one.
04:16No, I do.
04:18They're taking too long.
04:22I want mine now!
04:25Silence, please.
04:27Today's story, it seems, will be about Foos.
04:31A tale of patience, and a fish that's part moose.
04:48In the great Milwaukee desert of the kingdom of good,
05:08lived a red antlered fish named Foos.
05:15Milwaukee was one of the hottest areas of the kingdom,
05:20so hot that sand castles melted,
05:24and the sky baked long after the sun had set.
05:32There were no trees in this sad desert,
05:35no shade, and worst of all, no water.
05:45Of course, there used to be water here.
05:50Not so long ago, the Milwaukee desert had a huge lake,
05:55where Foos and his friends could swim and splash.
06:06And connected to this lake was a wide river,
06:11was a wide river that ran all the way to the ocean.
06:23But for many years it did not rain,
06:27and over time, this great lake and its river got smaller,
06:35and smaller,
06:38until one day there was no water left at all.
06:42No lake, no river, just miles and miles of sand.
06:51And this is where our story begins.
06:56The crew of Milwaukee, living in the hot desert sand,
07:02dreaming of water.
07:04There was Foos, of course,
07:07along with several Xenos with their black and white stripes,
07:12a Rappafish, and a Jerrafish, too.
07:18Oh, and let's not forget one more member who,
07:21although he felt bad for his fishy neighbors,
07:24actually liked the sand.
07:28A very small and very smart Flea,
07:34who spent much of his time trying to understand
07:38how and when water would return to the Milwaukee desert.
07:49Each day, Flea would listen to the creatures
07:53complain about the heat,
07:55about how hard it was to swim through all that sand,
07:59and their dreams of water, of oceans and rivers.
08:06Flea asked them to be patient,
08:10that soon rain would come.
08:16He counted stars and used special numbers to prove it.
08:22Flea made drawings to show his friends that soon
08:26heavy rains would come,
08:29with enough water to fill up the dry riverbed,
08:33which could carry them all the way to the ocean.
08:38The sea creatures listened to these promises with hope,
08:43that one day,
08:46The sea creatures listened to these promises with hope,
08:51and all agreed that Flea was perhaps
08:54the smartest fellow they had ever met.
08:57But as time passed, they grew tired of his stories,
09:02and instead of being patient, they complained.
09:07I'm tired of waiting, a young Rappafish said,
09:12and my dorsals do ache for a swim in the lake.
09:17Or a trip to the ocean for a scrumptious clam bake,
09:23others exclaimed.
09:26The school of Xenos added,
09:30The rain will, we fear, never come.
09:34We're thinking of leaving this overdone sun.
09:38We'll gallop past sand dunes and sail while we're hearty
09:41until we find water for our big swimming party.
09:45But Flea warned that the desert was too hot
09:49and too dangerous to cross,
09:52and it was too far to gallop or sail.
09:56What you need, said the Flea,
09:59is the rain from the sky that will fill up the river
10:04so you can safely say bye.
10:10There was actually one river in the Milwaukee Desert,
10:15but this was no ordinary river.
10:19It was the horrible and much feared Sticky River.
10:27So named because any creature who dared to swim in it got stuck.
10:35And once you got stuck in Sticky River,
10:39it was hard to get unstuck.
10:45Jerrafish, however, thought he could do it.
10:52He told Foose and his friends
10:54that Sticky River might lead to the great ocean
11:00where they could swim in the cool, clear, salty waves.
11:06He planned to leave for Sticky River the next morning.
11:13I'm tired of waiting.
11:16I can no longer be patient.
11:19I want to swim now, not when I'm ancient.
11:23I've heard that the river is not a bad potion.
11:28It could take us quite nicely all the way to the ocean.
11:43Foose and his friends became excited about Jerrafish and his idea,
11:48and soon all of the creatures of the desert had decided
11:52they would try to swim down Sticky River too.
12:00All of the creatures except for Flea.
12:06Flea begged them to be patient and wait for the rain.
12:12He explained that Sticky River was a bad idea.
12:17If everyone got stuck in this river, who would save them?
12:24But the friends just laughed.
12:30The next morning, it was hot even before sun up.
12:36The sand shimmered like diamonds,
12:39while the creatures of Milwaukee filled their heads
12:43with dreams of body surfing, cool ocean breeze,
12:49and coconut sea lice shakes.
12:54As they swooshed and swished over the sand dunes toward Sticky River,
13:00they talked about how they would spend their time in the ocean.
13:06I learned a backstroke.
13:08Said a sailor.
13:10I learned a backstroke.
13:13I learned a backstroke.
13:16I learned a backstroke.
13:18Said a Xeno.
13:20I want to swim with the dolphins.
13:23Offered the Rappofish.
13:26I will find a nice coral house where I can just float and relax.
13:33Gloated Foose.
13:35I can't wait. I can't wait.
13:40Gasped Jerrafish.
13:46I know that in the past, fish swam to and fro.
14:09Of water, there was plenty.
14:11Now I have no place to go.
14:14If I don't find some water, if I don't find it real soon,
14:18if I can't swim and splash and play, I don't know what I'll do.
14:25I can't wait any longer.
14:29I can't wait till I'm stronger.
14:31I can't wait any longer.
14:33No, I can't.
14:45We'll check out Sticky River and head down to the sea.
14:49We don't need that flea or patience.
14:51Just watch me and you'll see.
14:54We've been waiting all this time for the clouds and rain to come.
14:58If we wait here any longer,
15:00we will shrink until we're none.
15:05And I can't wait any longer.
15:08I can't wait till I'm stronger.
15:10I can't wait any longer.
15:12No, I can't.
15:14No, I can't.
15:30Oh, I hope that I won't get stuck in Sticky River, please.
15:46Maybe we should just be more patient.
15:49I'm so nervous, don't you see?
15:51Maybe soon the rain will come.
15:54Perhaps flea knew this all along.
15:57If we're patient, we'd be safer.
16:00We could bake and just sing songs.
16:04But I can't wait any longer.
16:07I can't wait till I'm stronger.
16:09I can't wait any longer.
16:11No, I can't.
16:13I can't wait any longer.
16:16I can't wait till I'm stronger.
16:18I can't wait any longer.
16:20No, I can't.
16:22No, I can't.
16:24No, I can't.
16:55After two days of travel,
16:58Fus and his friends finally arrived at the famous Sticky River.
17:04Wide and winding for miles into the distance,
17:08it looked exactly like a river,
17:11only its water was orange, not blue.
17:16Many strange bugs crawled on its surface,
17:21and the water itself seemed kind of thick,
17:26like lily pad soup.
17:29Well, here we are, said the jerafish excitedly.
17:35That's Sticky River?
17:37Fus asked nervously.
17:40The other creatures also looked not so confident about the river.
17:45Well, we didn't go swooshing for two days on end
17:49to complain of the river that will help us swim again.
17:53Yes, you're right, said Azino.
17:57In fact, I'll go first.
17:59And with that, jumped headlong right into the thirst.
18:08The others followed quickly until everyone was swimming.
18:13They hooted, made bubbles, splashed, and were so very happy
18:19until they realized they weren't moving.
18:31My tail fin is stuck, said the Fus, along with my body.
18:38Can't move my dorsals.
18:41Oh, this river is shoddy.
18:45We shouldn't have come.
18:47We should have been patient.
18:49We'll never get out of this gooey soup station.
18:53After struggling to get free from Sticky River,
18:56the friends finally gave up.
18:59They rested and waited.
19:02They didn't sink, and they didn't move.
19:05The water was just too thick.
19:10Hours passed as the sun moved across the open sky.
19:16The friends not an inch closer to their dreams of swimming in the great ocean.
19:26What will we do?
19:28Asked the Fus to the others.
19:31We should have been patient.
19:33These bugs are disgusting.
19:36We'll be here all night.
20:05Suddenly, Fus noticed a buzzing noise coming from far away.
20:12They watched, and as the noise grew louder,
20:15the creatures noticed a brown speck coming near,
20:19zigzagging through the air.
20:46It was... it was...
20:51With a strange, very large machine.
20:55I'm here to help pull you all out of the drink.
21:00I built this ex-fish-cavator.
21:03It should work well, I think.
21:08Flea steered his ex-fish-cavator to each of the creatures,
21:13and after some time, pulled them out.
21:48The friends were all grateful,
21:51and promised Flea they would try to be more patient and wait for the rain.
21:57I'll learn to be patient, said Jerr-Fish then.
22:01I'll wait for the rain. I won't ignore you again.
22:08That night, Flea checked his numbers and drawings,
22:14and promised that soon rain would come.
22:18Patience was all that they needed.
22:28To pass the time, the creatures played music and games,
22:34and told stories far into the night.
22:38So, Foose asked of Flea,
22:42what is your dream?
22:44And Flea answered then,
22:47a nice, tall, green tree,
22:50with leaves all around,
22:53lots of shade overhead,
22:55and bugs I'd find plenty,
22:58and a soft, nest-like bed.
23:04By morning, the friends had all but forgotten
23:08what Flea had taught them about being patient.
23:12They complained, shouted,
23:14and even cried about having no place to swim.
23:19Then Jerr-Fish arrived with some great news.
23:23It was a sand-boat that he found not far away.
23:28It was a sand-boat that he found not far away.
23:32All we need now are sails to make the thing go,
23:36and we'll find water somehow in our traveling shore.
23:41The fish has a point.
23:43How long can we wait?
23:45We'll be here forever.
23:47Let's go, we'll be late.
23:50The sand-boat was huge and completely broken.
23:56The front of the boat had a hole the size of Foose's head.
24:01The rails were crooked,
24:03and the sheets that Jerr-Fish and the gang brought with them
24:08were hard to attach to the mast and boom.
24:17I don't know about this,
24:20said Foose to the others.
24:22This looks very dangerous.
24:24Just look at the rudders.
24:30But the creature spoke of water, of swimming, of the great ocean,
24:36and decided they could not wait anymore.
24:40After some time, they did get the sails up,
24:44and at first the thing worked.
24:47Off they went.
25:07Traveling for many feet,
25:10the boat went faster and faster until...
25:38The sand-boat broke into many pieces.
25:41The friends were not much better.
25:43Foose broke an antler,
25:45Azino sprained two of her stripes,
25:48and Jerr-Fish pulled his neck.
25:51Oh, why did we do this?
25:54asked Jerr-Fish to the others.
25:57We should have been patient.
25:59Oh, how I suffer.
26:02How will we reach home?
26:05I barely can swish.
26:08I can't move one gill.
26:11We're stuck once again.
26:14So the sea creatures waited, groaning,
26:19and with their injuries, unable to move.
26:29This is it. We'll rot here like toast.
26:33Until we're as thin as so many sea ghosts.
26:44Flea eventually arrived.
26:48With a sand-sled.
26:57It's Flea! It's Flea!
26:59Everyone then exclaimed,
27:01He's come here to save us!
27:04He's our hero again!
27:08Sand-boat won't work.
27:11I told you all that.
27:14The ocean's too far,
27:17and you're just too fat.
27:40Part of learning patience is knowing how to learn
27:44about how things work and why things are.
27:47Then waiting won't seem so unbearably hard.
27:51Sometimes we cannot wait for the things we want to come,
27:55like birthday parties and sea life shakes.
27:58But if we learn how, things will surely turn out great.
28:03They'll surely turn out great.
28:06We can learn that it's rained down here before,
28:11and that the rain will fill the river floor,
28:15and that the river and rain will reach the ocean.
28:18It's happened before and it'll happen again.
28:20You just have to say,
28:23I'm patient today.
28:26First you must say,
28:28I won't do dangerous things.
28:31It won't get you to that stuff that makes up dreams.
28:35It's better to wait and get there safely.
28:39You're better off hot than stuck and sticky.
28:44Tomorrow sometimes is better than today.
28:56We can learn that it's rained down here before,
29:01and that the rain will fill the river floor,
29:05and that the river and rain will reach the ocean.
29:08It's happened before and it'll happen again.
29:10You just have to say,
29:13I'm patient today.
29:31When I was younger, Mother Flea, she said to me,
29:36Someday you'll find, you'll see,
29:39your great big condo tree.
29:43But I don't mind it now, in all of this sand.
29:48I've learned to be patient in this hot and shadeless land.
29:53And that's what you'll do now.
29:57You'll swim someday somehow.
29:59All it takes is a bit of patience and some glee.
30:03It's easy, you'll see.
30:06We can learn that it's rained down here before,
30:10and that the rain will fill the river floor,
30:15and that the river and rain will reach the ocean.
30:18It's happened before and it'll happen again.
30:20You just have to say,
30:24I'm patient today.
30:27I'll wait for the rain.
30:30With my desert friends surrounding me.
30:38The End
30:51The Milwaukee desert friends decided that they would try to wait for the rain.
30:57To be patient.
30:59They trusted Flea's special numbers and drawings.
31:03And so they waited.
31:05And waited.
31:07And waited some more.
31:15They waited for days.
31:17For weeks.
31:20Flea teaching them how the weather in the Milwaukee desert worked.
31:26Showing Foose and his friends how the numbers and lines and stars all pointed to rain.
31:46And so these sea creatures, it seemed,
31:51finally learned to be patient.
32:01It was on the hottest of days in the Milwaukee desert that something wonderfully strange occurred.
32:12The sun, in the middle of the day, suddenly disappeared.
32:19Black clouds gathered above them.
32:24And a burst of cool air rushed over the sandy desert floor.
32:31The creatures looked up to the sky.
32:34It's going to rain!
32:36It's going to rain!
32:39They said then,
32:41Oh no.
32:43Flea replied.
32:45I don't know how to swim.
32:48Just then, the sky opened up with a rush of rain.
32:53The creatures could not believe.
32:56Flea's calculations were correct after all.
33:02The old, dry, dusty riverbed filled with water and became a river again.
33:11And the creatures took off along that river with great speed.
33:17They danced and swam along the waves, hooting and cheering.
33:22Flea holding on for his life on the back of Foose's antler.
33:29Our patience paid off.
33:32Look at us now.
33:34We're swimming in water.
33:36We're as happy as cows.
33:41All day, they traveled along the raging river,
33:46singing songs and practicing tricks that they for so long had only dreamed about.
33:54The river went through miles and miles of desert.
33:58And as they swam, they thanked Flea for teaching them to be patient.
34:06You learned for yourselves to wait for ten years.
34:11But now, I can't swim.
34:14Get me out of here.
34:19As Flea promised, the river did lead to the ocean,
34:23which was bigger and grander than any of the sea creatures could ever have imagined.
34:30And other folks lived there too.
34:33Phamsters and antifish and even some great elephish.
34:41Swimming in schools and sometimes on their own,
34:45they welcomed the Milwaukee gang and showed them the ways of the ocean.
34:54Foose stayed at the top of the water since Flea couldn't swim
34:59and had found a home on Foose's antler.
35:02Foose didn't mind either.
35:05He traveled with his little friend down the coast of the kingdom
35:10and they explored the many sights.
35:14Flea spoke often of his dream of living in a tree
35:18with shade and bugs and branches and leaves.
35:23I can imagine the tree with a view of the kingdom
35:28and high balcony branches.
35:31Hey, perhaps there's a gym.
35:34Oh, when can we go to find a great tree?
35:39I can't wait any longer.
35:41Please help me. Help me.
35:46Foose assured his friend that they would look for a tree
35:51and that someday they would find it.
35:54In the meantime, Flea would just have to be patient.
36:10Wow, what a great story.
36:13Where were you in it, Dad?
36:15Well, I was busy fixing the castle drawbridge that day,
36:20but I heard all about it.
36:23Hey, Dad, I'm sorry about not being patient about the fly stakes.
36:29I can wait.
36:31Yeah, me too.
36:33That's nice of you to be patient, kids.
36:36Each time our kids bicker, misbehave or just scream.
36:41We'll tell them a tale that turns lessons to dreams.
36:45And now it is time to say our good nights.
36:48For tomorrow holds more tales of wrongs turned to rights.
37:11Oh, I hope that I won't get stuck in Sticky River, please.
37:17Maybe we should just be more patient.
37:20I'm so nervous, don't you see?
37:23Maybe soon the rain will come.
37:25Perhaps Flea knew this all along.
37:28If we're patient, we'd be safer.
37:31We could bake and just sing songs.
37:35But I can't wait any longer.
37:38I can't wait till it's stronger.
37:40I can't wait any longer.
37:42No, I can't.
37:44No, I can't.
37:46No, I can't.
37:50I just can't.
