Mr Beast Survived 50 Hours In A Maximum Security Prison

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00:00This is a real prison and me and the boys are gonna try to survive the next 50 hours locked up here
00:07Get in here chance against the wall there against the wall. I'm just gonna do what he says
00:12I'm officially locked in prison with Nolan. How's it going? Not good
00:15Basically me Nolan and all my other friends agreed to spend 50 hours in prison. How's it going boys?
00:21I feel right at home just so we're clear. We are going to be treated exactly like inmates
00:26Okay, we're gonna be eating real prison food
00:28We're gonna have to mop and clean the prison and all around subject it to the mental warfare. That is being a prisoner
00:34I hope you guys are ready first thoughts on my brand new bed. It's very uncomfortable these sheets
00:38Oddly feel I can't get your foot off my bed. Ah
00:4149 hours and 55 minutes to go and I'm already sick of him. What I would like to discuss the toilets
00:48What are your thoughts on them? I'm not gonna lie. My has like a yellow tint to it
00:51That's what I was about to ask now that we've established the toilets are disgusting. Let's all taste test the fountain
00:57There was something in it look at all that stuff. I'm just not gonna drink water. I'll just die
01:03Last name inmate wet all
01:06Doyon, okay. Well last name is that I'm French Canadian. All right, my last name. Yes, imagine dragons
01:13I'm gonna back up imagine tracking these nuts
01:21I'm not doing it. I'm not scared. Come get us get him to lights
01:25Do we have to get in our boat lights out get in your bar about to spend the night in prison
01:30It feels like I took a blanket and just laid it in the middle of the road. This is gonna suck
01:34It's currently 3 a.m. And in prison the guards to roll call in the middle of the night to make sure no prisoners escaped
01:44State your name. No state your name Jimmy
01:50Did you just hit your head have a good night ladies, I'll see you guys in the morning wake up ladies
01:57Five minutes get out of bed dress ready go
02:00It's left like a baby if the baby got hit by a truck in the middle of the night. These things are constricting
02:05I feel like I actually did something illegal now. Oh, this is hard. Okay. Oh, is this kitchen? What's that?
02:13Okay, this is my first prison meal
02:16Not bad, I'd give the meal a 4 out of 10 raise your hand if you're glad you're at least not in yourself
02:23He's a psychopath. Yeah, I couldn't sleep last night and this wasn't worth waking up for
02:29And we're back to the cells. That was a journey
02:33Shower time
02:36Why does he have latex gloves on for the cavity?
02:38So yeah, I've never taken a prison shower before towel underwear shirt and so you have 10 minutes
02:44Oh, so let's take showers. Now. There's no hot water that it really seems like torture to me brush teeth
02:49What kind of sorry excuse my stabbings with toothbrushes stabbings? What kind of prison is this? How am I supposed to brush my teeth?
02:56I'm gonna get a cavity and may coming out of shower inmate out of shower. It's on your finger
03:01This is a toothbrush. Look at this thing. Oh, really? What is this? Oh, I dropped soap
03:06That wasn't on purpose. Hey fellow inmates. We have officially survived 10 hours in prison
03:14We were all just taking naps and relaxing peacefully in ourselves and then this happened
03:23Looks like it's time for Rick. All right, let's see what we're dealing with here a crappy chessboard
03:29We've got a nice TV and we have a beautiful library here. Does everyone here know how to play poker?
03:34Yeah, yes guys wanna wager something on again. I have nothing I have no money
03:39Well, we were having fun playing cards the other inmates got jealous and tried to start a ride
03:58It's been like 12 hours and already this upset and we got a little bit of a plumbing issue over here
04:02Yeah, what did you do? You made us do it man. T-sale, t-sale. They're not letting us out. They showing favoritism over here
04:10You were next. Yeah, I got tired of waiting man
04:12These guys try to literally flood the prison and then get mad when they get cuffed. This prison sucks
04:18I think you should put them in solitary
04:23You can't even mop because you're in shackles
04:25That looks horrible good behavior leads to good rec time bad behavior leads to this. I woke up for rec and nobody's in here
04:32Everybody got in trouble. So I guess I'm just gonna look at pictures and books
04:36No one and I woke up to learn that we're on kitchen duty, which means we had to make food for everybody
04:48Is that the cellmates Jimmy you cooked yeah, that's pretty good. We have tons of beans everyone here is getting lots of beans
04:54Wait, how many beans are you putting?
04:57All right, let's get moving I asked for no mayo
05:00We sat down to eat our very bland prison meal at this point
05:03We were so bored that we started gambling our brownies. I already got nine pairs
05:07Seven eight nine. Oh, give me a ten and I got a straight
05:12So this is my brownie I just want so many brownies
05:16Inmates line up
05:22Inmates line up hit the wall face the wall. We're getting cupped up again. I assume that's normal every time they leave
05:28All right, we're doing cell checks. What does the cell check mean?
05:31We are searching your bunks to find any contraband
05:35So anything we find will be a write-up and possibly solitary depending on what it is. We've only been here for 20 hours
05:41What's the worst they could possibly have in their cells?
05:44What is that no, it's got a knife it was only for protection I think you should search his butt no
05:53He's going to solitary
05:57Take me back
05:59Let me go outside since you guys were so well-behaved you get to go outside now
06:03We get some time outside in the courtyard. There's an outdoor basketball court, but it's raining lovely
06:08All right, who wants to play basketball gods against inmates?
06:14Okay, let's just say the guards were talking a little smack while we were playing some basketball turns out they were better than we thought
06:22Looks like we gotta head back to our cells
06:24I love how our stuff is still at the front of the cells from the search our mattresses
06:28What is it necessary to leave the mattress flipped on its side?
06:31I feel like the objective of prison is to make you feel like an animal since Nolan's in solitary confinement
06:36I could steal his pillow. I get two pillows. You hear that? It's silence. It's so nice having Nolan gone
06:44I'd take it back. Meanwhile, Weddle and Zell's were on cooking duty when they heard this
06:56It was time for our next meal and I guess the guards are feeling generous because they let no one out of solitary to come
07:02Eat with us fund me up. Yes, sir. All right, you've been fine. So excited. We're hungry. Let's go faster
07:08We've been through a lot in prison. Wouldn't you guys say some more the most?
07:12Surprisingly, I saw one of their phone screens and notice we're not even 24 hours in
07:17It's felt like four days. I swear really died. So wait, why are you guys are missing? We're in prison
07:22This is what prisoners do three
07:28Let's do Noah versus Weddle and Nolan and Nolan, let's go. Let's go whichever side wins. I'll give them five grand
07:36five grand on line three
07:41Hey, do you want to double or nothing against the big guy? Oh, he looks bigger than I remember. Three, two, one. Go!
07:59I'll pay you when I get out of jail. Back to your cells
08:02Wake up, it's yard time. Everybody line up outside your cell. Every time I finally fall asleep, I get woken up
08:08I'm so sick of this place. We were so bored out of our mind. And even though this is just that tiny cube of grass outside
08:14It was a massive blessing. That's a goal. Hey, that's a goal. That's a goal. Header. Oh
08:22And that's the game. For a second out there, I forgot I was a prisoner. The outside corner of the cell was a prison.
08:27And that's the game. For a second out there, I forgot I was a prisoner. The outside courtyard with the grass feels very liberating.
08:33It's my turn to shower and I'm free.
08:37Oh my gosh, I feel so much better now. I'm literally about to cry. Here's the problem. In prison, they strip everything away from you
08:43So even something as simple as hot water for a few minutes literally changes the course of your whole day
08:50Gentlemen, we have less than 10 hours left in this dump
08:55In prison, the only way you can see your family or friends is through visitation. Mom? Dad? Nolan, Nolan, what have you done?
09:02We raised you better than this. I don't need to follow no rules. I'm in prison. I run this place.
09:07You will behave the rest of the time that you're in here. Listen, I might escape. No. Time's up. Let's go. Hey, hey
09:17Chris has a visitor. Come on, come on, come on. Just hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. I want to see him. Look, there's daddy
09:23Hey, little man. Look, there's daddy. I wish I could hold you, buddy.
09:29Hey, visitation's over. No, I just got to see my son. He's so cute. Look at him. Time to go.
09:35While everyone else was having loved ones visit them in prison, I paid a lawyer to come visit me and told him nothing about why.
09:41How's it going? Good. Jimmy, um, what's going on? Well, I just wanted to make sure that, um, they knew I did nothing wrong.
09:49Okay, but why would they put you in prison now? Uh, I'm here for a video. I'm spending 50 hours in prison.
09:54You can spend 50 hours in prison, but I'm here to help you get out. Well, I don't want to get out.
09:59Okay. Not sure I understand. Am I still getting paid for this? Of course. Okay, cool. Have a good day.
10:05Don't worry, boys. I talked to a lawyer. Things make much more sense now.
10:09He wants to be in there, but I'm an attorney trying to get him out. It doesn't make any sense.
10:15I'm so tired. I can't stay in this place anymore. I might try to escape.
10:20I'm going to be honest, guys. This prison food gets bland really fast.
10:24I'm only in here for two days, and I couldn't imagine living years in prison.
10:28Gentlemen, do you know what's in front of you? We do. No.
10:31Your last meal in prison. Round of applause.
10:35Also, prison might come across a lot more fun in this video than it actually is.
10:39Let me assure you, it's not fun. We're just idiots that can make anything look fun.
10:43Don't go to jail.
10:44Last meal was good, but I'm not going to miss this place.
10:48I'm getting out of here!
10:51Underground! Underground! Underground! Underground!
10:59You can't catch me!
11:02There's the exit!
11:05No, it's locked! It's locked!
11:08I surrender!
11:11I'm glad you found me. I was actually lost. I got lost from the group.
11:16Nolan booked it.
11:17There's like three hours left. What's going on?
11:19Let's calm down, boys. Pineapple. That's my safe word.
11:22Pineapple! That's tight! That's real tight!
11:25Well, go into your cells. I'm going to help you out.
11:27Wait. Oh, boy. This is hard. That hurts.
11:30Hey, let's talk about this. Come on. No!
11:34Take the handcuffs off, at least.
11:37Like, if he ran away yesterday, it makes sense, but we have like three hours left.
11:41What's the point? Probably the weirdest thing I've ever done.
11:43Nolan, you caused me to have to do this.
11:48It's a home stretch. One hour, and I'm out of here.
11:53Inmates! Yeah?
11:55We officially have less than 30 minutes remaining!
12:00Our friend Nolan is still in solitary confinement. Let's salute him.
12:05Five, four, three, two, one!
12:10It is officially 50 hours!
12:21Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
12:29Hello? Hello?