Patriots Linebacker Jahlani Tavai joins!

  • 2 days ago
Patriots Linebacker Jahlani Tavai joins!
What is the "focus" for Tavai and this defense when preparing for Shanahan and the weapons on offense?
00:00Morning Johnny. Good morning. How are you guys doing? How was the meeting?
00:05So far so good. I got to take a little break before I gotta head back in
00:12Did they have snacks?
00:15Yeah, they did so I'm glad we needed that for the morning
00:19If you're having a meeting and you're not providing snacks, I'm out on agreed like I mean, yeah
00:25Like give bagels some smears, yeah
00:28We definitely got bagels
00:31Everything big was a fire. All right, make sure you check the expiration date on the cream cheese
00:38Are you are you a cream cheese or a butter guy when it comes to a bagel
00:43Cream cheese definitely or or like a egg sandwich
00:49How do you like when you're looking at this game against San Francisco?
00:53We all believe and you know, I think nationally everybody talks about San Francisco their offensive firepower
00:59I know they're gonna be down a couple guys, but Kyle Shanahan and how he runs things
01:05What what's it like going into a game knowing that a team?
01:10Offensively has a num has so many weapons that can beat you in so many different ways. What's the focus like?
01:17Game plan wise for you guys as a defense on what you need to do to put yourself in a position to win
01:24Well, the main focus was getting back to how we play football or how we play defense really, you know, we
01:32Are last week against the Jets we we weren't playing how we usually do and that just goes back to us being
01:38Fundamentally sound whether it was tackling when I was communication
01:42So that's the first thing and then I think when when it comes to the game time, it just comes down to execution, you know
01:49We pride ourselves here on on great defense and and
01:54we want to
01:56Definitely a great opportunity to showcase that in front of the world. So
02:00Yeah, definitely biggest thing is tackling a communication for us I
02:05Don't want to get you in trouble. So I'll ask this in a specific way, but the unnecessary roughness call in in general
02:12In in general
02:14Do you find it difficult to navigate what you can and can't do when it comes to tackling guys in the in the NFL currently?
02:22Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's tough, you know, you got some great guys who like or carrying the ball
02:30and you gotta find ways to just get them down because
02:32You know, I might be strong but they're just as you know strong or even stronger than me
02:38Like I'm not I'm not paying up or any opportunity to you know, miss tackle or I'd rather be
02:46Over-aggressive than under-aggressive. Yeah, if you know what I mean
02:50Do they want you to like lift the dude up and then put pillows down before before placing it before placing him back on the ground?
02:58I mean, I guess but it's just a lot of strain on defensive guys because there's so many roles against us to
03:04you know protect the offensive players, so
03:08you know, we just have to abide by the rules and
03:11I mean now I know I can't pick somebody up and you know, tackle them. I just gotta find another way to
03:19Get the job done
03:26You brought up the you brought up tackling 14 missed tackles in that game
03:31But the Jets I mean that's horrific and I'm sure that's bothersome to you guys as a defense
03:38No 100% you know and that's what that's what's so great about this upcoming week
03:44It's just another like chance an opportunity for us to to you know, wipe that out, you know
03:50To prove to prove to ourselves that that wasn't us, you know, get back to who we are and and play Patriot football
03:58Jelani Wiggy and I have been going back and forth about Brock Purdy so far this morning and I'd be interested to know your thoughts
04:04Watching film and getting prepared for him. What are his strengths? How much of a threat is he?
04:10I mean Brock can make every throw, you know, and plus he's mobile. So
04:15our the biggest job too is to make sure that we keep you in the pocket don't let him extend plays and
04:21We got guys up front that can get to him. So I'm not too worried about
04:26Putting pressure on him. It's just the big thing is just keeping them in the pocket
04:31Because I'm sure you've seen on film like a lot of it a lot a lot of times if he gets out of the pocket
04:36He can scramble for a person or he can make that deep deep throw down the field. So
04:44Definitely a really good player and really excited to get to play against them
04:48Jelani is
04:49We had a conversation with Ty law and you know
04:52Obviously we played in a different era as some of the issues with mislead missing tackles
04:58Part of the way the new rules are
05:01especially in practice when it comes to how much you can and can't hit is do sometimes feel like you guys are not getting
05:08enough practice on
05:11tackling techniques
05:14I mean, yes and no
05:17It's on us as professionals to get it like get get the work in, you know, whether it's getting after practice or or
05:24Each and every rep you you're trying to keep it. It's all like trying to keep that low pad level
05:29Which is that's the main part of the game, which is the lowest man always wins. So I'm sure a lot of us
05:35who are whether it's high entry or taking the wrong angle or
05:39Tackling too high or too low like it all starts with practice, you know
05:45Even if we we aren't having like those tackling drills, it's on us to you know, execute the form and and technique
05:54Each and each and every play so that when when the time comes what we got to make a tackle it's on us
05:59you know, it's
06:01Yeah, it's a professional game so nobody else is to blame but but the players so it's on us to execute
06:09Jelani it's a professional game. Do you think Drake may is ready to be a professional in this league as a starter? I
06:16Mean, I'm sure he's ready
06:19Again, you gotta ask him but as a as a team, I'm sure
06:24Actually, I'm not sure. I know that he's been preparing as if you know each and every week. He's gonna be the starter
06:29So I got nothing but confidence in him and and I know that when his time comes
06:35I know that he'll get the job done. So and
06:39You know regardless on what that what happens there us on the defensive side. We'll have
06:45Whoever whoever the QB is we'll have his back. So he referred to Aaron Rodgers
06:50Jelani he referred Drake may referred to Aaron Rodgers Thursday night is the goat is he on something?
07:06It's like administered by a dude in a hut in the Azores
07:12But the question is Drake may how can you play for the New England Patriots and then refer to Aaron Rodgers as the goat?
07:21Oh, yeah, the younger generation, you know, they didn't get to play against Brady, I guess but not I think I think he probably just saying that because
07:32Rogers is definitely one of the one of the great quarterbacks, you know, and he proved it this past Thursday
07:38So yeah, I don't know. I guess he didn't get to watch 12th play much so
07:44I was just gonna say having this week be an extra long week for you guys coming off a loss like you did
07:50Does that put a take a blow to your confidence like in the locker room right now all we've heard about going
07:56No, not at all. Not at all. We've to be honest a lot of us especially on the defense side
08:01We're texting each other and calling each other because we were just I think it was Friday Saturday
08:06We were just like we're just anxious and amped up to already practice
08:10You know, we I think it just motivated us even more to you know, prove prove to be without, you know, we are still the Patriots and you know, we're gonna
08:20You know do our best to prove that come Sunday. All right
08:24Well, you got a chance to shock the world on Sunday and we appreciate you taking the time and I
08:30Appreciate you guys. We'll look forward to talking to you next week
08:33All right
08:35That is Jelani
