Pats' LB Jahlani Tavai joins!

  • 16 hours ago
Pats' LB Jahlani Tavai joins!
What has the "vibe" been like since the news broke that Maye is the starter? What advice for Maye does Jahlani have?
00:00And here he is the Patriots linebacker on this show this morning. Hi Jelani
00:06Hey, how are you guys doing? Great. How are you?
00:09I'm good. I'm good before we get to sunday
00:12Quick question about my lead this morning, which was about david montgomery who's a running back for the lions
00:19Who said this week?
00:21Uh said this week on world mental health day
00:25That he has had suicidal thoughts
00:28Because of the way fantasy football owners were treating him
00:34comment wise
00:36um, so
00:39I wanted to get your and we hear this a lot with
00:42like guys who are complaining because those who have wagered on the game are
00:47can be
00:48Uh very can be vicious in their comments
00:52Uh, if they feel like you lost the money, is that something that you feel like guys are dealing with?
00:57Uh when when it comes to those who are are reaching out on the social medias
01:03I don't doubt it. Um, you know, sometimes a lot like a lot of fans can
01:08say some crazy things and
01:10You know if it's consistent on a daily basis I can imagine
01:14you know
01:15how tough that might be to
01:18Hear those things or get those comments from people so
01:21you know
01:22Hopefully, uh montgomery finds a way to you know, block out that noise
01:28On the fan part, you know, it's on them. They're gambling their money
01:32It's a it's on it's on their um
01:35You know, they're the ones to blame
01:37They shouldn't they shouldn't be going after players
01:40especially especially like
01:42You know when it
01:44A game's not into control. Yeah. Well, I won't hold you accountable. But should we take drake may and the over passing yards this weekend?
01:54No comment
01:56um, how's it been so you guys got the news this week and um, what was the
02:02What's the vibe in the locker room like after that announcement when it comes to a change at qb1?
02:09Oh, we're just excited for him to you know
02:11You know, we're excited for him for this this opportunity, you know, it's for it's it's uh
02:17I'm, i'm sure everybody's been wondering when it was going to happen. It was it was a matter of time I guess but uh
02:23No, we're just excited because I know he's been working his butt off
02:27um day in day out, so
02:29Now it's time to see how he looks uh on sunday. Jelani. What would be one piece of advice that you would give to him?
02:37Just throw the ball
02:40Just do what he yeah do what he's been born to do, you know
02:44um and got gifted in with with some throwing abilities and and you know, he can also run so
02:50When uh when his name's called to throw the ball
02:54Get it going
02:55Jelani, I know gerard wasn't very happy with how the news broke, uh on the internet
03:00He said that you know players you guys were finding out uh via social media
03:04He it broke before he had the opportunity to announce it himself
03:08It was that difficult for the locker room for drake and jacoby to find out that way and for
03:14The rest of the players to see it written in black and white but not hear from your head coach yet
03:20Um, not really, you know, that's not our decision on who who needs to start, you know, just whoever whoever's performing well and and
03:29Whatever they decide that's that's what that's what's the decision, you know, we can't
03:34That's way above my pay grade to complain and and try and figure out why someone's not playing so
03:40that's on the coaches and you know when he did address us it was
03:45Then we finally, uh, you know didn't have to listen to rumors because it was actually true. So
03:52Yeah, it's not really a big deal for us
03:55Jelani speaking of complaining. Uh, how would you compare drake may with mac jones and how they handle the role the locker room?
04:02How do you how do you compare those two quarterbacks?
04:07I think
04:08I don't know. I don't like comparing, you know, but
04:12Mac mac was doing a great job. Uh
04:14while he was here he was doing his best to
04:17Operate things and then drake, you know, he's got a younger and like energetic vibe right now, you know, so
04:24Hopefully he continues to do that. Um
04:28Uh, so I I i'm not too big on comparison with with whether it was a teammate or uh, two teammates
04:35What would you say then just drake may's biggest strength is that you've seen so far in practice?
04:42He's very competitive I think that's that's one thing that we love about uh,
04:47Drake, you know if he's if he's making a bad read making a making a good read like it's the same thing
04:53He's on like he's he's his biggest critic. So
04:56um, I like the fact that he's uh
04:59you know
05:01Uh, he has that little uh
05:04Spunk to him I guess you can say
05:06Jelani, I know you say you don't like to compare
05:09So what would be?
05:11Because we don't get to see it on a daily basis
05:13You get to see it you actually play against certain guys
05:16like if you were to look at drake may and say he has some similar traits to
05:21Especially talk about his run ability like some quarterbacks that are currently playing
05:25Like where would you like put him in? What neighborhood does he give you a little bit of josh allen?
05:32Uh, it's hard to say right now because we don't we don't go live periods with our quarterbacks
05:36So I don't I don't get a like a perfect like feel on you know, whether or not he'll break this tackle or sack
05:43Um with his mobility, but you know, like running wise, you know, he's got those he's got really long legs
05:48So he's pretty quick when once he starts building up his speed
05:52Um, but he can make he can make the throws
05:55That's what i'm saying. Like my biggest thing for him is don't second guess anything just throw the ball
06:00you know, like trust himself and
06:03And I know things will you know
06:05It's gonna go well
06:06Jelani preparing for cj stroud. What will be the most difficult part about defending him?
06:12Keeping him in the pocket making sure that he just he has to go through each and every read. Um
06:18and then just giving him different looks, you know, we
06:20We have a very wide range of defenses that we run here
06:24so we we gotta make sure we disguise well and
06:27And just put pressure on him
06:29I drawed mayo on this show has been frustrated with you guys and your inability
06:35To do just that so i'm sure he expresses it to you
06:38Uh as he does to us what from looking at it from your perspective? What's been the issue with with keeping guys in the pocket?
06:48That's just lack of uh fundamentals
06:50You know, that's that's that's day one things that we as uh professionals have to do on the defense
06:56You know, we're rushing the qb. We got to make sure
06:59That we force like we keep them in the pocket
07:03Like we don't allow uh broken plays. That's that's where all the like big plays happen
07:08and you know, that's something that we like i've been like not just myself, but our leaders have been preaching about
07:16which is getting back to our fundamentals and the basics, so
07:22i'm sure
07:23Last week or last week. We we did we did a great job on uh, keeping in the pocket. Um
07:29compared to the weeks prior and uh, we're just going to continue to
07:33um, you know
07:34Get back to our fundamentals
07:36Jelani one of the things I know greg kind of talked about a little a little bit
07:40I want to kind of take it maybe to even another step one of the areas that you guys have
07:44really struggled in
07:46Um this year and last year was your uh is basically getting to the quarterback and getting sacks
07:52Do you feel like it's guys are not winning their one-on-one matchups or would you like to see more?
07:58Schemes games drawn up there up front, especially for you guys
08:03Maybe to potentially get some free rushes without having to you know blitz guys
08:07What do you think it's been the biggest issue with not getting sacks?
08:11When you're one-on-one, um
08:14If you're if you if you got a one-on-one you got to win
08:16we got we got some dominant guys on the defensive line and you know in our in our olv room and
08:23You know
08:25Like we got we got we got really great guys. So
08:28If we got our single blocks, we got to win and we we've been preaching that
08:32Whether it was in the run game or pass game. So, um
08:36I don't know. You don't you ain't got a scheme too much of you just got to
08:39make sure like when when
08:41when that number like when when your time comes to beat somebody one-on-one you got to win and
08:47I'm sure that you know
08:50Keon keon has done a great job on doing that right now and we just got to keep bringing guys along. So
08:56I'm sure i'm sure we'll get it
08:58Well, we'd like a sack out of you on sunday if you could just one
09:03I'm doing my best
09:06Well, i'm just trying to make sure that the communications i'm playing then uh
09:11We'll we'll make sure that happens. We don't ask for a lot. I mean, uh, you were gonna
09:17Who's yelling over there
09:21Our leader
09:23Oh our fearless leader
09:27Which fearless leader is that
09:30The head man
09:32That's what is that male
09:37That sounded like a mutiny back there put him put him put him on the phone
09:41Tell mayo we just want to say a quick hello. Oh the great hill show
09:45We want we want to talk to him, uh in advance of monday
09:49All right, they say what's up
09:52He said what's up
09:55That works
09:59Huh squad meeting oh got squad meeting you can't be late for the meeting
10:04Is he wearing that cool rope hat that he's been wearing during games that thing's sick
10:09Uh, no, no
10:12Is he gonna get on the treadmill and and and work out next to you like bill used to do
10:18Uh, maybe we don't know
10:22Mayo's still in good shape though. It looks like
10:25A pretty good shape. All right. Jelani. Thank you. We'll let you get to your meeting and good luck on that. Okay, fine
10:31Appreciate it. You guys have a wonderful day. Okay
10:36He's like i'm not putting him on the phone
10:40You're fearless leader, yeah, we're one of four. Come on, let's go get to the beat
