• last year
health Lifestyle
00:00A month has already passed of 2018, and you know what that means.
00:03People have already started giving up on their New Year's resolutions.
00:07Google claims that only 8% of people actually keep their resolutions, which is like the ultimate
00:12I'm not mad, just disappointed.
00:14Well, I'm happy to tell you that I haven't dropped any of my resolutions.
00:20I don't write any.
00:22My family never really did resolutions.
00:24Once, my dad was like,
00:25Let's all write resolutions this year!
00:27And we still didn't.
00:28And then I didn't accomplish anything.
00:30For me, when I want to change something, I start trying to integrate it into my life right away,
00:34rather than waiting until next week, or next year, or next lifetime for that fresh start.
00:39Every day is a Jaden New Year!
00:44As someone who doesn't write them, and probably isn't qualified to critique the art of New Year's resolutions,
00:49I'm gonna toss my opinion that no one asked for into the ring.
00:52I think the main contributors to those 92% failing goals are
00:56They're too unrealistic, and they're too vague.
00:58Let's stop beating around the bush and talk about the most common resolution people make.
01:02Losing weight, eating healthier, you know, that rabbit hole.
01:05Lose 20 pounds by drinking this tea from a weird plant you've never heard of!
01:09Lose 10 pounds in 30 minutes, or your pizza's free!
01:12Lose... your money.
01:13It's all basically just
01:16Alright! Give me my money!
01:18All those quick-fix weight loss scams that make too-good-to-be-true claims are just people who want your money.
01:24Sure, the scale says,
01:25Hey, great job! You lost 7 pounds in a week!
01:27But your body says,
01:28Yeah, but that was all just water weight, and also I don't feel very good.
01:34If you want change, you've gotta earn it through work.
01:36There isn't an easy way out.
01:37Making changes in your lifestyle need to be sustainable for life.
01:41That's why they're called lifestyle changes.
01:44Not, I'm gonna pay $200 for this diet shake, feel good for two weeks, lose 10 pounds, start feeling bad, and give up in a month.
01:53I'm gonna start working out more.
01:55I'm gonna start going to the gym!
01:56Let's be honest with ourselves here, that's a weak excuse for a resolution.
02:00I'll go on a run every other morning.
02:02I'll lift weights three to five days a week.
02:04Those are much easier to follow than
02:06I'll exercise more.
02:08Get out of here with that vague crap.
02:10You don't even know what you mean by that.
02:12And don't be flaky and say,
02:13Oh, I missed a week!
02:15Oh, I'm hopeless!
02:19You're not gonna be perfect for a whole year.
02:21Take a breath, chill, and keep going.
02:24I'm saying that to myself just as much as I am to you.
02:26I've been trying to be more self-aware about when my brain just wants to turn one little mess up into an excuse to stop something entirely.
02:33I'm getting better at slowly ending that habit.
02:35I grew up doing a lot of sports.
02:36Soccer, martial arts, tennis, competitive Pokémon.
02:39I know my way around the gym.
02:41But I dropped it all my last year of high school to focus on YouTube and art.
02:44I didn't care about what I ate and combined with not moving around much, I started feeling pretty crummy.
02:49So I ended up turning to what most people do when they reach a similar problem.
02:54Alright, here we go.
03:02Let's talk about home exercise videos.
03:04Why are so many of them so fake?
03:07The weird hip-hop music and the smiles that are a bit too wide.
03:11It might just be the plastic surgery, but it all makes me feel uncomfortable.
03:14I get that instructors want to make exercise seem fun and all that, but...
03:18Ehhh, it feels super condescending to me.
03:21How the frig do they do entire workouts smiling and talking and making cheesy eating pizza jokes?
03:27Alright, now hold that squat.
03:29Ooh, feel that burn in those quads.
03:31I'm smiling and articulating everything perfectly, and I totally know you're panting like a dying animal over there.
03:36Don't think about that leftover pizza in the fridge.
03:38Haha, looking at you, Britney.
03:40If you're looking for good home exercise programs, I'm gonna recommend this blog I've been following for a super long time called Fitness Splendor.
03:47Whoa, is that the salad alarm? Is Jane finally selling out?
03:51No, turn that thing off.
03:52I've never talked to Fitness Splendor, they're not paying me to say this, they don't even know I exist.
03:58It's run by this nice couple, Daniel and Kelly.
04:01They're super down to earth and have a really healthy view on fitness and wellness.
04:04You can tell they know their stuff.
04:06All their exercise videos and tips are completely free.
04:08And if you want to use one of their written programs or meal plans, they're like 15 bucks.
04:12And they don't have that dumb music in the background of their video!
04:15If you're just starting out exercise, it's gonna hurt and or suck for a bit.
04:19If it doesn't, you aren't gonna see changes.
04:21Well, okay, don't murder yourself.
04:23Be smart about it.
04:24But your body is gonna complain for a while, and that's good.
04:27There's plenty of activities you can do.
04:28Playing a sport with friends, walking your dog, a casual battle to the death, squats.
04:34And respect your starting point.
04:35When I first started trying to get back into working out, I was just...
04:40Okay, all right, I got through it.
04:43All right, we're done with our warm-up.
04:45Grab a quick drink of water and we'll get right into the workout.
04:47But just stick through the beginning because that's literally the hardest part.
04:51Raise your hand if you're sore!
04:53Trick question, you can't raise your arms.
04:55They're jello.
04:56Don't forget that exercise is only a quarter of the health journey.
04:58What you eat is the biggest variable to all this life-changing athlete hippie mumbo jumbo.
05:04Eating right is like straight-up magic.
05:06You feel amazing.
05:07It's the closest thing to drugs that isn't drugs.
05:10There's a difference between being thin versus fit versus healthy.
05:13Kind of like Venn diagram style.
05:15Someone could be thin, but that doesn't mean they're at all healthy.
05:18Someone could be super swole and buff, but eat junk 24-7.
05:22And someone could be eating super healthy, but not have the body of a supermodel.
05:25There's a healthy range of everything.
05:27I used to have a really bad relationship with eating.
05:29I've talked about it before.
05:30In college, I developed an eating disorder and a fear of eating food.
05:33And I would go like an entire day eating almost nothing.
05:36No, Jaden!
05:37You think that eating 600 calories a day is just gonna float you to all your hopes and dreams?
05:43It's just gonna give you headaches and emotional breakdowns.
05:46You can trust me.
05:47I'm from the future.
05:49Also, learn what Bitcoin is and invest everything you can into it while you still can.
05:52I wish there was more information being taught on the dangers of eating disorders.
05:56Because if I knew about that whole mess three years ago,
05:58I would have been like,
05:59Whoa, okay, never mind.
06:01Let's do a 180 here.
06:02This ship is whack.
06:04I'm getting out of here before it controls everything in my life.
06:06You can't abuse your body and expect anything good to come from it.
06:09Man, I feel great.
06:10I could totally run a marathon and write an essay right now.
06:13I'm so energized and my brain is so clear.
06:15Thanks for feeding me literally one grape.
06:18You don't go to the gas station, pour a cup of gas into your car,
06:21and then try to drive to China.
06:23Eating less than your body needs to physically survive accomplishes nothing.
06:27It might seem like it's working in the moment,
06:29but honey, you've got a big storm coming.
06:31Please try to end it as soon as you can.
06:33I'm not at all trying to shame anyone going through rough times with their self-image.
06:36I know it's a really hard thing to fight against.
06:38I was pretty far gone when I was struggling.
06:40And even though I'm in a much better place now, I do still have bad days.
06:44What helps me is trying to separate logical thoughts from the bad ones that fuel the irrational fears.
06:49They're not here to see you succeed.
06:50They're just the dumb brain versions of those TV and email scams where they're like,
06:55Hey, give me your credit card info, social security number, and mother's maiden name,
06:58and I'll give you a million dollars.
07:00I won't literally destroy your life.
07:02I'm just your friendly neighborhood Nigerian prince.
07:04It's all more simple than you think.
07:06Eat healthy when you can.
07:07Fresh fruit, vegetables, whole foods.
07:09And it's okay to treat yourself every once in a while.
07:12Don't say, I'm never eating sugar for the rest of my life.
07:15You're setting yourself up for failure there and end up pulling a James.
07:18Exercise as much or as little as you're ready for,
07:21and be mindful and respectful about how your body feels.
07:24Little changes go a long way.
07:26Remember, you're doing this for you.
07:28And don't play that dumb hip hop music while you work out,
07:31or I swear to Hercules, I'm going to run someone over with an exercise bike.
