• last year
00:00Pájaro soñador
00:30Um, bueno, y espero que eso que te tenía distraída
00:34mejore muy pronto.
00:37Yo también.
00:40Gracias, nos vemos.
00:42Buen día, hasta luego.
00:45Ay, ¿te duele?
00:57Zanette, yo, pues verás, la verdad es que no he quedado
01:05nada tranquilo, me da miedo que tengas que volver al hospital
01:08y las cosas se compliquen, me da miedo que te pase algo malo.
01:12¿Hay manera de que sepa de ti?
01:16De acuerdo, yo te doy mi número.
01:19Súper, genial, me encanta.
01:21Apúntamelo aquí.
01:28Me encanta tu vecindario, es tan folclórico.
01:31Hay vendedores callejeros, ancianos, como las películas.
01:34Pues así es nuestro vecindario y todos los vecinos
01:37son encantadores.
01:39Aquí tienes.
01:40Bueno, muchas gracias por todo y que tenga un buen día.
01:45No todo es tan bonito.
01:49Hasta luego.
01:52Vamos despacio.
01:57Me daba miedo que alguien nos viera.
01:59Buen día, joven.
02:13¿Cómo estás?
02:16Yo bien.
02:17¿Cómo va el tratamiento?
02:20Qué bueno, me alegro, de verdad.
02:23Aquí todo va bien.
02:26De la agencia ya hablaremos en otro momento.
02:29Estoy feliz que me hayas llamado porque tengo algunas cosas
02:32que contarte.
02:36Sí, son importantes.
02:44Vengan a ayudarme con la cena, que últimamente no hacen nada.
02:48Al menos sírvanse la sopa en los platos.
02:50Es lo mejor que pueden hacer y lo sé.
02:52Ustedes trabajan mucho, pero yo también trabajo duro.
02:56Y ahora tengo mi propio negocio.
03:00¿Tu negocio?
03:02¿A lo que haces le llamas un negocio, eh?
03:04¿Hacerle la competencia a tu propio marido?
03:08Yo no te hago la competencia, mi amor.
03:11Te equivocas en eso.
03:13Nosotros tenemos un público diferente al tuyo.
03:15Eso es distinto.
03:16¿Pero cómo va a ser un público diferente si haces el mismo
03:19trabajo que yo y...
03:21No discutamos enfrente de las niñas.
03:24Hola, chicas.
03:26Hola, siéntate aquí, Sanem.
03:29Serviré la sopa.
03:31Sí, ponme a mí.
03:32Ya voy.
03:34Sanem, ¿te sientes bien?
03:37Estás muy pálida, ¿no?
03:38Estoy cansada.
03:39Fui a ver a un cliente y luego tuve que trabajar en la agencia.
03:45Vaya con el señor Jan.
03:48Sí que explota a sus empleados.
03:51Supongo que tendría que aprender de él.
03:56Te sirvo.
04:07Ay, qué asco.
04:13¿Qué haces?
04:14¿Es que no te gusta?
04:16Me gusta mucho.
04:17Me encanta.
04:19No hagas eso.
04:20Se ve asqueroso.
04:21Además, no es sano.
04:23No te lo comas.
04:27Te voy a traer algo.
04:29¿Qué estás haciendo?
04:30Ay, papá.
04:33Las especies orgánicas de mamá.
04:35100% naturales, ¿quieres?
04:37Pues no.
04:44Y aquí también tengo aceite de oliva y salsa casera orgánica
04:48para los que quieran comer sano, ¿eh?
04:52No quiero.
04:57Oye, papá, ¿es sopa?
04:58¿Qué estás haciendo?
05:01Así está más rica.
05:12Ah, no, gracias.
05:13Ya estoy bien.
05:14Gracias, papá.
05:15¿Y tú?
05:16Sabes que me gusta la sopa, pero ahora no quiero.
05:18Muchas gracias, papá.
05:19Pero sí está deliciosa.
05:26Mis niñas, ¿quieren probar las especias orgánicas?
05:30¿Quieren probar las especies de mamá?
05:32Yo prefiero el sabor sencillo, sin tanto condimento, ¿sabes?
05:37Leila, a ti te gusta el aceite de oliva, es muy sano.
05:41No, mamá, es que ahora no se me antoja, pero muchas gracias.
05:44Ay, por favor, no sigas con lo mismo, papá.
05:47Pero está muy rico.
05:48¿Te comes todo con mostaza?
05:51No, me parece que no.
05:55¿Y no te enfadaste con papá?
05:58Nos lo ocultó durante años.
06:00Llevo muchos años odiando a mi madre y sin querer verla.
06:04Ya estoy harto de sentir odio e ira constantemente.
06:09Es normal que no quieras enfadarte con papá.
06:11Tú también estás molesto con él.
06:14Esos líos que tienes con mamá.
06:17Así es.
06:19Estoy enfadado con los dos.
06:23Pero si yo puedo perdonarlos, tú también puedes.
06:27Zaneh me dijo que soy como mamá.
06:31Es decir, por eso me abandonó.
06:35Dice que hago lo mismo.
06:37¿Y es verdad?
06:39No lo sé, tal vez sea hereditario.
06:41Entonces no te vayas.
06:42Si no estás seguro, quédate.
06:45Es que ya no estoy seguro de nada en la vida.
06:47No sé qué está bien y qué está mal.
06:52Pero lo que sí sé es que he sido muy injusto con mamá.
06:56Y además muy grosero.
06:59Me alegra que quieras hacer las paces.
07:01Estoy harto de estar siempre en medio.
07:04¿Eso también se te da muy bien?
07:06¿Picas muy bien?
07:08Me encanta.
07:10No las voy a cocinar, eran para ti.
07:12Pues me las voy a comer.
07:13Hasta una ensalada.
07:21If you sit like this it means you sank inside.
07:40Sometimes you feel like you've lost your direction
07:43You're completely alone.
07:46In the middle of nowhere
07:49Then you read and listen to a phrase, something short and simple.
07:55You see that phrase that you have as a signal, and you find the same direction.
08:01Something you hadn't even imagined, something new.
08:04It is possible that all those disappointments would have made sense.
08:08Maybe the solution would be to try all the alternatives.
08:12And maybe it's time to make concrete decisions.
08:20Oh, Guli! What a surprise!
08:24Hi, how are you?
08:25Hi, how are you?
08:26Very well, and you?
08:27Well, thank you very much. I just came to see how Sanem is today.
08:31You already found out? Well, she's recovering little by little.
08:34But well, sometimes these things take time. What are we going to do?
08:38Is it serious? They said we shouldn't worry.
08:41That it had only been a small accident. How is Sanem?
08:44Accident? What accident?
08:46Well, traffic.
08:47Traffic? Run!
08:49But where are you going? Isn't he at home?
08:51Oh, yes, at my house!
08:52Sanem! Sanem! Sanem! Sanem!
08:58He just hit me. They told me it wasn't serious.
09:02And that's why I didn't want to worry them.
09:05I'm sorry, friend. I made a mistake. I'm so sorry. Get well soon.
09:10No, Guli, it's okay.
09:12I was thinking about my things, and then I crossed the street without looking.
09:16Where did you hit yourself? Which side?
09:19And here? Doesn't your shoulder hurt or anything else?
09:22No, it doesn't hurt anymore.
09:25Are you okay?
09:26Of course.
09:27Are you sure about that?
09:28Of course.
09:29How many are there?
09:30Two, Dad.
09:31That's because you don't eat organic products.
09:34Organic food improves concentration, and that wouldn't have happened to you.
09:37Yes, of course. And what else?
09:39This happened because he wasn't in the store, because he moved away from soda and cookies.
09:44That's why.
09:45Yes, the cookies. You're right. I can't believe it.
09:48You have no remedy. Seriously.
09:51Any excuse is good to humiliate each other, right?
09:57Let's have a cup of tea. What do you think?
10:00If Mom makes it and Dad adds the sugar, why not?
10:06Of course. Let's have tea.
10:09Come on.
10:10For your daughter.
10:12Zenem, I'm sorry. I thought you knew. What a shame.
10:15It's okay.
10:17Thanks for the flowers.
10:19Oh, Police. How could you?
10:30Good evening.
10:31Good evening, JJ.
10:33What are you doing? Are you combing your hair?
10:35Give me the comb.
10:37Your hair grows this way and you comb it the other way.
10:39You have to do it on the other side.
10:41That's enough for today.
10:42I appreciate it.
10:43Where are you going, Chibenguanchon?
10:45I know where you're going, Anil.
10:47He's very kind.
10:48Thank you, Ayhan.
10:49You're welcome.
10:52JJ, did you come to buy something?
10:54Because I'm already closing. You're late.
10:56I just want to talk for a while, Ayhan.
10:58Chat for a while.
10:59I wish to be honest.
11:01That's why you have to call and make an appointment.
11:04Because I also have other clients.
11:06You know, you and I have a professional relationship.
11:09Here I am a butcher. I sell meat.
11:11As you can see, this is my job.
11:13Minced meat, fillets.
11:15Of those things, you can ask me anything you want.
11:18Excuse me.
11:21What can you sell me?
11:24What does the gentleman have in mind?
11:26You look very beautiful.
11:27And your formality surprises me.
11:30Your eyes and your watermelon cheeks
11:32play with this beautiful song.
11:37Hey, if you think you're going to fool me with that nonsense,
11:40you're wrong.
11:41Ayhan, I want us to talk about our relationship.
11:45Sure, I'm a butcher and I'll serve you whatever you want.
11:48Maybe you want me to serve you something chopped,
11:50cut into pieces, like a heart.
11:52You know a lot about that, don't you?
11:54A heart? Let me see.
12:00But they're all frozen.
12:02And I prefer one that melts,
12:04warm, that throbs.
12:07Don't you think that's much better?
12:09Or not, little girl?
12:11Thank you very much.
12:13That seems silly to me.
12:15You know this is my butcher shop.
12:18I eat hearts when I want.
12:20I chop them into very small pieces.
12:23I chop them and I eat them.
12:25What are you doing with that knife?
12:27What's wrong?
12:28Nervous? Are you afraid?
12:30Ayhan, if I were afraid,
12:32I wouldn't talk to a butcher.
12:35There's a tender little heart in here that belongs to you.
12:40What a surprise.
12:42You said what you felt when you saw the knife.
12:46Leave that.
12:47We don't want any accidents, little girl.
12:50What happened?
12:52Sanem had an accident.
12:53That's what I came to tell you.
12:55What are you talking about, Yeye?
12:56She was run over.
12:58Yes, on the street.
12:59Yeye, they ran over Sanem.
13:00Can't you hear me?
13:01Oh, Yeye.
13:05Ayhan, what are you doing?
13:24Ayhan, where are you going with the knife?
13:25Let's not close the butchery!
13:31Good night, gentlemen.
13:33Good night.
13:34Bye, have a good night.
13:40I'm glad Sanem's fine.
13:42She gave us such a fright.
13:44My brother got angry with the driver.
13:46But it was her fault.
13:47That guy is...whatever.
13:49Sanem was distracted.
13:51Honey, it's not your fault.
13:53It's no one's fault.
13:58Besides, Ilesa came out.
14:00Of course, relax. She's already at home.
14:03Exactly, they gave her a high score, luckily.
14:08I really missed the three of us eating together like this.
14:12You'll get bored soon.
14:14Not at all. I never get bored of spending time with my kids.
14:18I've been here a long time, and it's the first time we've had dinner together.
14:22Because when Jan gets mad, she cooks. That's why she made dinner.
14:26Well, everything is delicious.
14:29Tell me, what's the name of this dish?
14:32I don't know. Although it will have a name, it's a fusion.
14:36I mix the cuisine of the places where I've always been with a personal touch,
14:40but keeping the basis of the original recipe.
14:43It was delicious, but now I'm very full.
14:46I'm also satisfied.
14:48And your new job is in the Balkans, right?
14:52We're going to miss these delicious dishes.
14:55Don't get used to it, because I'm not going to change my mind.
14:58First, there are many presentations.
15:00Yes, I'll wait until then, and then I'll leave.
15:04Oh, how horrible, how horrible!
15:06How is it possible that this kind of thing happens to us?
15:12Yes, of course, they are things of life.
15:14There are accidents, but we are supposed to believe in fate,
15:18and that's what we have to do, and I didn't come to be interested in your health.
15:23And why are you bringing flowers?
15:25My roommate wasn't home, I came here to look for him,
15:28and I found out that he was sick.
15:30It seems that I come to wish him to recover very soon,
15:33because the truth is that...
15:34No, not at all.
15:35You didn't come to see me, you already said it.
15:37Of course, you're right.
15:38Don't repeat it.
15:39We have our story, but that's in the past, in the trash.
15:42Please don't complicate yourself, because our story is over.
15:46Ah, look, you're no longer special to me.
15:49From now on, you're going to be free.
15:53Of course, I'm not...
15:55I'm not...
15:56I'm not...
15:57I'm not...
15:58I'm not...
15:59I'm not...
16:00special to anyone.
16:01Calm down, Ori, don't start now like a victim.
16:06I'm a victim.
16:07I guess I suffer like everyone else.
16:10What's going on here?
16:11The truth is that I don't understand anything.
16:15It's a joke between Musafer and Sanem.
16:17Since they were kids, Musa just wanted to make her laugh.
16:21But since Sanem is sensitive about Jan, she took it in another way.
16:27You're sick.
16:28Visits must be brief.
16:29Take care, okay?
16:30If you need anything, call me.
16:32Tell me a lot, really.
16:33I didn't come to say that.
16:34Maybe I came to see Gülisita, because she knows a lot about the world of advertising.
16:38She's a genius.
16:39She has beautiful eyes, she's a little short, but I don't care about that.
16:44These flowers are for you.
16:46It's a little detail I wanted to have with you.
16:48Enjoy them, Gülisita.
16:50Okay, thank you very much, Musa.
16:51You already saw it, huh?
16:52Sanem, I'm sorry again.
16:54I hope you don't make the same mistake again.
16:58Thank you for your visit.
16:59See you later.
17:00Goodbye, Gülis.
17:03Oh, I don't know why I opened the door.
17:07Where's the taxi?
17:08They told me three minutes and it's been four.
17:10Can you believe it?
17:11There, there it is.
17:12Ah, here!
17:13Thank you for coming with me.
17:14You're cold because of me.
17:15Well, yes, a little.
17:16Get in, Gülis.
17:17I'm coming.
17:18Oh, not at all.
17:19It's been a pleasure.
17:20I wish we had a car.
17:21With a driver to take you home.
17:23You know?
17:24If you want, I'll sit in the front and I'll go with you.
17:26I can wait in the car until you get home.
17:28And see that you greet me from the window.
17:30And don't worry about the taximeter,
17:32because the waiting time runs on my own.
17:34Of course, I'll do whatever it takes for you.
17:36I can totally sacrifice myself.
17:38Musa, don't say nonsense.
17:40Let him go.
17:41It's not the first taxi he gets in.
17:43Don't make me scream.
17:44Uh, yes, thank you for offering.
17:46Thank you very much.
17:50Thank you for offering, but you really don't have to.
17:53You're very kind.
17:54Musafer, you're a very polite boy.
17:56Hey, wait.
17:57I'll open the door.
17:58Because in this city you never know what can happen.
18:00It's better to be careful in everything.
18:02Wait, Musa.
18:03Musafer, come here.
18:04Where are you going?
18:06What are you doing, Musafer?
18:07What do you think you're doing?
18:08I'm going to leave her at the door of your house.
18:09What are you doing?
18:10What do you think you're doing, Gülis?
18:11I'm going to push him.
18:12No, thank you, Musafer.
18:13And you come here.
18:14All right.
18:15Thank you both very much.
18:16Hey, Mehmet, get home safe and sound.
18:18Take good care of her.
18:19Don't let her go out until she enters through the gate of her house.
18:21And then you leave.
18:23Hey, don't offend me.
18:24I'm a professional.
18:25I know how to do my job.
18:26Hey, I didn't mean that.
18:28It's just that this girl is special.
18:30Please take care of her.
18:31Let him go, Musafer.
18:32May she arrive safe and sound.
18:36I know you're having a hard time.
18:38You could cancel your debt with the company.
18:40And then we'll fix it.
18:42Hey, that's a good idea.
18:44Go ahead.
18:45He can pay for it.
18:46There are greedy men.
18:48To whom you always owe money.
18:50And there are other generous ones like my brother.
18:53The patriarchal mentality has already come out.
18:55As if now it was about that, right?
18:57And what does that have to do with it?
18:58What does it have to do with it?
19:00It's true.
19:01What does it have to do with it?
19:02The debt.
19:05It's my fault.
19:06No, it's not your fault.
19:07They make you suffer in that world of colored people.
19:10People make you suffer.
19:11That's how they are.
19:12JJ is also from the world of colored people.
19:14And it makes me suffer that you don't see how I am.
19:17Forget about that.
19:20We are a family.
19:22I know, Osman.
19:23We are brothers in law.
19:26Don't worry so much.
19:28Come on, friend.
19:29Do what your body asks you, okay?
19:32Because we will always support you.
19:34Well, of course, friend.
19:35I already know that.
19:39Get rid of that sad face.
19:41Well, we're leaving.
19:43As JJ says.
19:44Visits should be brief, right?
19:46He's the only one who says that.
19:48Yes, it's true.
19:49See you tomorrow.
19:50I always remember him.
19:51See you tomorrow.
19:59Of course not.
20:00It's just that Sanem is a little dramatic.
20:02Let's see.
20:03What happened to her?
20:04The car barely touched her.
20:05It was an accident.
20:06They had to take her to the emergency room.
20:08She lost blood and was on the verge of death.
20:11God forbid.
20:12You don't even know what you're saying, huh?
20:14Do you have any idea what you're living?
20:16Mr. Jan is leaving us.
20:18They've finished and she's left her job.
20:22Wait a minute.
20:23Sanem left her job and the relationship with my girl is not good.
20:26Hey, are you going to fire me?
20:29Will I have the same fate?
20:30Will I end up on the street?
20:31Are you going to fire me?
20:32Tell me.
20:33Tell me.
20:34What do you think of all this, Musa?
20:36Calm down, mustache.
20:37How are they going to fire you?
20:38You have to follow your own fate.
20:39I just have one curiosity.
20:41I would like to know if Gulisita has arrived home safely.
20:44What do you think, Engis?
20:45She was going to send me a message, but I haven't received anything yet.
20:49Answer me.
20:50You like Gulis a lot, don't you?
20:52Oh, no, my friend.
20:53Where do you get that from?
20:55No, of course not.
20:56Let's say I don't like that plan.
20:58It's silly and it has hair on the cheeks.
21:05Are you in love?
21:07I can't say that either.
21:08It's too soon.
21:09But I admit that I like her a lot.
21:11She's a very pretty girl and her curves are pronounced.
21:18I hope you have arrived home safely.
21:25Are you still up?
21:26Are you getting ready to go to bed?
21:28Yes, I was going to bed.
21:31Come here.
21:33What's bothering you so much to be so distracted?
21:36You weren't like this before, my daughter.
21:37What happened?
21:38Is it because of work?
21:39Is there a problem with Jan?
21:41Please tell me.
21:42Trust me.
21:47We're not okay.
21:49Oh, well, things happen.
21:52Don't you think?
21:53Your father and I spend the whole day fighting,
21:55but I don't throw up in front of the cars.
21:57I'm not stupid to do that.
21:59What do you think?
22:00Mom, that's not what happened.
22:05Jan's leaving.
22:06Where to?
22:08To the Balkans.
22:09To take pictures.
22:10To travel.
22:15Let him go take pictures.
22:17He'll come back later.
22:19What's wrong with that?
22:22It's not like that.
22:24He wants to be away from me.
22:27He accepted an offer from his ex-girlfriend.
22:32When he was arrested, I did something he didn't want.
22:35To save him.
22:37Because it was very unfair.
22:42That man was after my perfume,
22:45and I gave it to him to save Jan.
22:51I tried to tell him everything,
22:53explain it to him,
22:55and he found out about someone else.
22:58And he got upset with you.
23:01He told me it was like everyone else.
23:03That he had ruined what was ours.
23:07Mom, I wanted him to understand.
23:10To at least understand me.
23:13But he didn't.
23:16Maybe it's for the best.
23:19I don't know.
23:21Maybe he needs some time.
23:24Or maybe it's good for you to rest and reflect.
23:29Maybe it's good for you to rest and reflect.
23:34What are you going to do?
23:35Work hard and move on?
23:38And keep working?
23:42I quit my job.
23:44Did you think it through?
23:46I can't stay there.
23:50Of course not, dear.
23:52My beautiful girl.
23:55My dream bird.
23:59Don't worry.
24:03Mom, I feel like my heart is going to break.
24:08Very hard.
24:10I know, dear.
24:12I know, dear.
24:14The bruises heal quickly.
24:17But the heart takes longer.
24:20But it will pass. You'll see.
24:24You'll recover.
24:26My beautiful girl.
24:29My beautiful girl.
24:53Take the picture as if I didn't notice.
24:57See you, Clara.
25:34Hello, Yigit.
25:37I just saw your message.
25:40Thank you very much.
25:42That notebook is very important to me.
25:45I don't want to lose it.
25:47Don't worry. It's in very good hands.
25:50Look, I'm sorry.
25:53I don't want to lose it.
25:58I'd really like to talk about what you wrote.
26:01I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist.
26:03When I started reading, I couldn't stop.
26:06You're a great writer.
26:09Thank you very much.
26:11I wanted to dedicate myself to it.
26:13In the future, of course.
26:16You convey the reader with great sincerity.
26:19If edited correctly, it could be published.
26:22It's much better than other books.
26:23You think so?
26:25Well, thank you.
26:27I love to write.
26:29It's my dream.
26:31You must write.
26:33I know what I'm telling you.
26:35And I'm not talking lightly.
26:37But as the owner of a publishing house.
26:39You're good.
26:41Don't tell me.
26:43Are you an editor?
26:45What a surprise.
26:49Actually, I want to write a novel.
26:50I know, but I haven't been able to do it yet.
26:53Yes, Sanem, I understand you.
26:55People forget their dreams for the daily routine.
26:58But you should devote time to what motivates you.
27:01Start writing.
27:03At least in your free time.
27:06Actually, I quit my job.
27:10That's perfect.
27:12What a great opportunity.
27:14So you'll have time to write.
27:17I'm not sure.
27:20If you need anything, you can count on me.
27:22Thank you very much.
27:24I'll think about it.
27:26And thank you for saving the notebook.
27:29We'll talk later.
27:34It can't be.
27:37I can't be happy without Jan.
27:48I'm sorry.
28:18I'm sorry.
28:35It smells good.
28:37Good morning.
28:39Good morning.
28:41Get out of the door, Emre.
28:43You're blocking the way.
28:45Good morning, son.
28:46You're making French bread.
28:50Do you think I don't know?
28:52Do you think a woman like me doesn't know how to make French bread?
28:56Jan used to make it for you when you were little.
29:00And you loved it.
29:02They say the flavors are etched in your memory.
29:05Do you remember that?
29:07Weren't they the smells?
29:09Yes, I remember, of course.
29:11Forget it.
29:13Take that to the table and I'll take what's left.
29:14I'll take this colorful thing.
29:16And I'll take the plate with cheese.
29:25Oh, wow.
29:27Come see the table, brother.
29:29Cucumber, mango, strawberry, kiwi, tangerine.
29:32With everything we have here, we'll have enough for dinner.
29:36Here's the bread.
29:38Is there anything else?
29:41Tell me.
29:42And that fourth dish?
29:45And why?
29:47Look, since you're going abroad with her, I called her.
29:50I wanted to see you.
29:52So I thought I'd invite her to breakfast.
29:54It's a charm. I like it.
29:56Yes, it's very nice.
29:58Oh, she's here.
30:00They dress the same and that's why she likes it so much.
30:02It's for a reason.
30:04She never wastes time.
30:06Give it to me.
30:08Thank you very much.
30:10Hello. Don't get up. I'll sit here.
30:12Sit next to Jan.
30:16Everything looks great.
30:18You didn't have to bother.
30:20Cooking for my children is not a nuisance.
30:23And you're like my daughter.
30:25She's very hardworking.
30:27Here. Oh, son, what are you saying?
30:29Thank you, Mom.
30:31Well, where do we start?
30:33Any suggestions?
30:35For the French bread.
30:37Well, I'm going to add something else.
30:39I know, jam. It's going to be much better.
30:41Pass it to me. It's there.
30:42It looks like she loves you more.
30:44Well, here it is.
30:46Hey, Polen, how are your holidays here in Istanbul?
30:49They have been wonderful.
30:51Although I have also been working these days.
30:53But I don't complain, Uma.
30:55And I have convinced Jan to join the work in the Balkans.
31:01Oh, well, I'm very happy.
31:03I'm really delighted.
31:05It will be very good for her to relax with how hard she works here at the agency.
31:08Isn't that right?
31:10Yes. And how did your license go?
31:12I think, I think.
31:14Erkan said he would solve all the paperwork.
31:16What a job for a lawyer, don't you think?
31:19In the end, I'll have to talk to him very seriously.
31:23And if we change lawyers, I don't like this one.
31:26We had Metin.
31:28Don't start with Metin now.
31:30I can recommend one.
31:32Do you know many?
31:34Of course.
31:36So you're still going to the agency for a season, right?
31:39It's just that I can't leave like this all of a sudden.
31:42So I'll have to do it gradually.
31:44And then I can go.
31:46Polen, tomorrow there is a presentation.
31:48And we need Jan.
31:50It's about the cosmetic giant.
31:53It's them.
31:55Our team made a wonderful campaign.
31:57It's great.
31:59Hey, Polen, why don't you come?
32:01I'd love to.
32:03If Jan and Emre don't mind, of course I'll go.
32:06Yes, come.
32:08I'm glad you're coming.
32:10Very good.
32:12Well, I'll be there on time tomorrow.
32:14And Mom will make us catering.
32:16I'm going to make French bread.
32:18But something is missing.
32:22Do you know what's missing?
32:26The tea is missing here.
32:28You've become very European.
32:30I forgot.
32:32Do you want me to prepare it?
32:34No, I'm going to drink it at the agency.
32:37Eat something.
32:39Yes, daughter, look at everything there is.
32:41Like vegetables.
32:43And there are olives, daughter.
32:45Good morning.
32:49Let me explain.
32:51Mr. Jan told me yesterday that he had to notify me of my resignation 15 days in advance.
32:56So I have to go to work.
32:58And I don't want to owe him anything.
33:00So, to the office.
33:02Well said, my daughter.
33:04Very good.
33:06Let's pay our debts.
33:08If it's 15 days, do it.
33:12Let's do it right.
33:14If that's what Mr. Jan wants.
33:16Me too.
33:18Let's go to the office.
33:20Get up, it's late.
33:22Okay, let's go.
33:24Daughters, be careful.
33:26See you later.
33:28Have a good day.
33:30You always have to support your daughters, woman.
33:32Of course, we always do.
33:36I don't understand what I'm talking about if it's an office.
33:40I love your sweet little face.
33:42Musafer, son, where are you going?
33:44Good morning, Mrs. Aysun.
33:46I think that's her name, if I remember correctly.
33:48Good morning in the morning.
33:50But what are you saying, son?
33:52Where are you living?
33:54Why are you staying at a stranger's house?
33:58Maybe because you threw me out of the house with a kick in the ass.
34:00It could be precisely because of that, respectable mother.
34:03Oh, these are things that happen between mothers and children.
34:04Go back to your room, it's warm and cozy, darling.
34:06Yes, my room was warm and cozy.
34:10And living at a stranger's house is crazy.
34:12It's very strange.
34:14The Zenji speaks to himself.
34:16You never know what he does.
34:18He sleeps, eats.
34:20The other day he asked me for lasagna and I made it with my own hands.
34:22No, no.
34:24The best thing would be for us to make peace and go home, right?
34:28Yes, let's go to the store, darling.
34:30But I also have a store.
34:32The organic food is the best, mother.
34:34Rami, bring me tea, please.
34:36Rami, my mouth is dry.
34:38Make it two.
34:41And this Erol should think about it.
34:43Yay, yay, take this.
34:45Let's see.
34:47What is that woman doing here?
34:51Did Fabri come?
34:53I don't think so.
34:55How can Fabri come?
34:57Don't be ridiculous.
34:59He separated from Fabri.
35:01She reported him to the police herself.
35:02Well, if she comes to ask for a job,
35:04don't take the curriculum.
35:06That woman can't work at this agency.
35:08Don't tell me.
35:10And just because you've decided it,
35:12shut your mouth, yay, yay.
35:14Yay, yay.
35:16Hello, good morning.
35:18Oh, Deryn, hello.
35:22How are you?
35:24Fine, thank you. And you?
35:26Uh, I'd like to see Mr. Yan.
35:28Well, he's not here yet, but...
35:30Oh, here he comes.
35:32Welcome, Miss Mine.
35:34Hello, how are you?
35:37Nice to meet you.
35:39Good morning.
35:41Is there a problem with Fabri?
35:43No, of course not, don't worry.
35:45In Italy, they also impose very similar charges.
35:47Yes, I imagine.
35:49At the moment, that matter is closed.
35:51And Fabri will spend a lot of time in jail.
35:53That's good, I'm glad.
35:55Today I came to thank Mr. Yan in person.
35:58No problem.
36:00When I left Fabri,
36:02Mr. Maquinon came to me.
36:04And now I work for him.
36:06I owe it all to you.
36:08No, no, not at all.
36:10I didn't do anything.
36:12Maquinon needed someone like you,
36:14with your experience.
36:16It's ideal for the job.
36:20But after all that happened,
36:22I didn't have to say anything good about me to Maquinon.
36:24And thanks to you,
36:26I opened a new chapter in my life.
36:28We also thank you for what you did.
36:30How is Mr. Maquinon?
36:32He had a very important meeting
36:34and went to the United States.
36:36I'll take care of the last details.
36:38Very good.
36:40There are a couple of questions
36:42I would like to consult with you, Deren.
36:44If you're free, can we talk?
36:46Sure, I'm at your disposal.
36:48Well, see you later.
36:50See you later.
36:52Come on.
36:54Well, let's go.
36:56I still don't trust that woman.
36:58But she already left Fabri.
37:00She left him, I don't think so.
37:03Ah, Sanem!
37:05I knew you'd come back.
37:09Are you staying?
37:11Not at all.
37:13I'll only be here for two weeks
37:15and then I'll leave.
37:19Good morning.
37:21Good morning.
37:23Good morning.
37:29Tell me,
37:30that girl from the other day,
37:32that pretty and polite one.
37:34Ah, Gulisita.
37:36Yes, Gulis, Gulis.
37:38Well, the truth is that I like her a lot.
37:40She's very charming.
37:42She's a little short and she has curls
37:44and she's also smart and cheerful.
37:46She always smiles and lights up everything around her.
37:48Okay, I see you like her.
37:50The girl seems very intelligent
37:52and they were making the posters together.
37:54I'm sure she has a bright future ahead of her.
37:56She's very good at her job.
37:58I'm going to win her over.
38:00Of course.
38:02I was going to win her over anyway.
38:04Because that girl is made for me.
38:06You want to have organic tea in my store
38:08to sign our peace treaty?
38:10What do you say?
38:12But son, it's already been signed.
38:14You know that.
38:16So you like Gulisita?
38:18Well, get up, comrade.
38:20Oh, my boy, he's a lion.
38:22Let's see, team.
38:24The launch of Red Mode is tomorrow
38:26and the relationship with them, as you know,
38:28is quite tense.
38:30I'll say it again.
38:32It was all my fault
38:34for giving important information to Eileen
38:36about the campaign.
38:40That was the second part.
38:42Basically, everything went through the obsession
38:44of fabricating with certain people.
38:46Anyway, that's the past.
38:48You have to focus on the future.
38:50Leaving things behind is your specialty.
38:52Can you teach us?
38:54Of course.
38:56I'd love to.
38:58I'll teach you whenever you want.
39:00What are you doing?
39:02To find the right path,
39:04you have to get lost many times.
39:06Oh, yeah, those metaphors are from the Red Mode campaign.
39:08The idea of the right path, right?
39:10It was another campaign.
39:12Sorry, I got confused.
39:14No, JJ, it has nothing to do with Red Mode.
39:16What do you want us to do?
39:18A quick review of what we have.
39:20Yes, yes, yes, yes.
39:22Well, let's see.
39:24The press releases are sent.
39:26Sanem, did you review the titles one last time?
39:28Of course I did.
39:30Sanem, did you review them?
39:32I assigned you that task.
39:34Yes, of course.
39:36I checked it and there's no problem.
39:38Very good.
39:40Advertising for other cities.
39:42Did you review the entire list, Sanem?
39:44Yes, Mr. Jan.
39:46Mr. Jan also told me to do it.
39:48I reviewed it and it was perfect.
39:50Very good, JJ.
39:52He also assigned it to me.
39:54He gave us the same task.
39:56I see.
39:58Double verification.
40:00You check it elsewhere.
40:02For example, in the Balkans, right?
40:04Yes, of course.
40:06Sometimes the cold that comes here comes from the Balkans.
40:08Cold waves.
40:10They always say it, always, always, always in the news.
40:12Have the locations of the posters been identified?
40:15Yes, and I also made a list.
40:17The slogans are
40:19Attract, Impress and Challenge.
40:24They must hang in that order.
40:27She'll take care of it.
40:28I repeat.
40:30It's Attract, Impress, Challenge.
40:34Deryn, one question.
40:37Can we still change the slogan?
40:40But what are you doing, Jan?
40:42We have the approval of the client.
40:44It is already decided.
40:46We have the next phase.
40:48Mr. Jan may not remember it,
40:50but we gathered the team at my house
40:52and we worked all night for this.
40:54And I also remind you that the client was delighted
40:56and thanked us very much.
41:05Listen to everyone.
41:07Go back to your work.
41:10It can not be.
41:16I'll be for the shooting of the ad.
41:18Dreadmode is at your disposal.
41:26Dreadmode is at your disposal.
