Days of our Lives 9-26-24 (26th September 2024) 9-26-2024 DOOL 26 September 2024

  • last month
00:00Holly doesn't despise me, and yet she hasn't been recently hurt, but she'll come around.
00:11Well, I admire your optimism, Eric, as misplaced as it is.
00:18You see, I am certain now that Holly knows what a chronic liar her mother is and that you deprived her of her father,
00:26a poor girl is never going to trust either of you again.
00:32Don't think she has me to lean on, huh?
00:36Why would she want anything to do with you?
00:39I mean, after all the lies you told her about Jude.
00:43Well, Holly's opinion of me has changed dramatically, and commensurately, so has her opinion of you.
00:55Holly, what the hell are you doing?
01:25I was just looking for the bathroom. I took a wrong turn, obviously.
01:30Into my dad's room? Why are you going through his stuff?
01:43So, you're Brady Black, right?
01:47I am, yeah. Who's asking?
01:52Crystal, I know exactly what you need to do.
01:58And no worries, I got one on with him.
02:03I'm Brian Jones.
02:06Uh, doesn't ring a bell.
02:08I've sat pretty close to you at a couple of AA meetings.
02:12Naming one baseball cap, coughing in one hand, still don't have any other.
02:18Sorry, I don't remember you at all.
02:35How did you get here?
02:36The second that you left, I had Henderson bring the van around.
02:39And then I used location tracking to have the driver follow you here.
02:44I see.
02:47Some fighting business?
02:50What are you really doing here?
02:53Sarah, what are you even doing here? You said you were going to stay home and do those bicep curls.
02:57Yeah, and you said that you weren't going to confront Brady again. You lied to me.
03:01Well, I didn't lie. I didn't confront him. Where's Brady? Did you see him anywhere?
03:05Then what are you doing here?
03:07Did you join a rugby league?
03:10I saw that man that you were talking to. I saw him give you something, and you put it in your pocket. What is it?
03:16Nothing. It's Titan business.
03:18What kind of Titan business are you doing in a deserted park?
03:23Xander, look at me.
03:27Look me in the eye and tell me that this has nothing to do with Brady and your crazy revenge fantasy.
03:36I can't.
03:38Oh my God, Xander.
03:41What were you going to do?
03:45What's in your pocket?
03:48Tell me.
04:00In a few hours, Brady Black will be a dead man.
04:15Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:33You're going to Brady teach him?
04:36I'll lose your stepdaughter for, what, a year?
04:41And you two were never close.
04:44Eric, have you heard the expression, the enemy of my enemy is my friend?
04:50As I'm sure you're well aware, Holly is apoplectic with both you and Nicole.
04:58She is for now.
04:59For now?
05:02Oh, I think you're selling that young lady's wrath a bit short.
05:08Not only did you deceive her,
05:11you left her here in Salem so that you and her mother could go and live in, um,
05:18was it the 15th arrondissement or the 14th?
05:24You sit here and talk about deception.
05:30This is not a contest.
05:33I care deeply about Holly and so should you.
05:36Of course I do.
05:38When Holly no deed, I made heaven and earth to make sure she got the best care,
05:43the best doctors.
05:44And you're also telling her that they let Kermit against my nephew.
05:48And you're only pitting Holly against me and her mother now.
05:55I don't need to turn Holly against you.
05:59You two did a brilliant job of that on your own.
06:05I lied to her her whole life.
06:08Also because Nicole could preserve the hallowed image of St. Eric.
06:18An image which, well, couldn't be further from the truth.
06:24Of the lying miscreant you really are.
06:30Would you just calm down, okay?
06:32Calm down?
06:33You're going through my dad's briefcase.
06:36Like, that's a total violation of his privacy.
06:38You know, I was just looking for something.
06:42Looking for what?
06:44Doesn't matter.
06:45I couldn't find it.
06:46Holly, come on.
06:47Looking for what?
06:53What are you talking about?
06:54What kind of evidence are you...
06:55Evidence that your dad was driving that car that hit me and Sarah.
07:05Are you sure you don't recognize me?
07:08I don't.
07:10Well, it's probably because I try to stay pretty anonymous at those meetings.
07:14I mean, the second A is there for a reason, right?
07:18Four years sober, by the way.
07:20Four years sober?
07:22Well, I thought I would have heard you share by now.
07:26I'm more of a listener than a sharer.
07:30And I just want you to know, Brady,
07:32that I appreciate some of the things you say
07:34about what your boy went through,
07:36what the drum chart is and the girlfriend and all that.
07:40I've been through similar stuff with my own kid.
07:45Well, luckily in the end,
07:48everything turned out to be okay for Pete.
07:51Glad to hear it.
07:53And how about you?
07:55What do you mean?
07:57I read in the paper about the hit and run you're involved in.
08:01I can't believe anyone reads the paper anymore.
08:04I guess I'm a little old school.
08:06Anyway, I remember reading it and thinking,
08:09there but for the grace of God go I.
08:13Hey, I'm sure it's eating you up inside.
08:17So I just wanted to say good luck with everything.
08:21And if you ever want to grab a coffee or read the big book together,
08:25I'm around.
08:31The hell was that?
08:41I thought that you came to your senses
08:43and realized that this bloodless, this Highland justice
08:46isn't going to solve anything.
08:49Because I'd say it's the justice system
08:51that doesn't seem too keen on solving anything, Sarah.
08:54Just understand,
08:56the only reason I didn't put Brady in the wheelchair of that baseball bat
08:59is because my mum intervened and she only did that
09:01because the son of a bitch seduced her
09:03and now she has all this misplaced fondness for him.
09:06Like someone else I could mention.
09:08Are you talking about me?
09:10Brady was my friend.
09:11He was.
09:12Look at you, Sarah.
09:14Look at what he took from you,
09:16from our darling Victoria, from us.
09:21It's true.
09:24I may never walk again,
09:28but I am still here.
09:32I mean, I still have my life
09:35and it can be a good life.
09:38Darling, your bravery
09:40is commendable and it's inspiring,
09:43but it's breaking my heart
09:45seeing you have to muster up all this energy
09:47to be so relentlessly positive
09:49in the face of this terrible hand you've been dealt.
09:53So, if you won't be angry,
09:55I'm going to be angry for the both of us.
09:57Do you know what breaks my heart?
09:59The idea that my husband,
10:01the father of my child,
10:03is out here playing vigilante,
10:05planning to take somebody's life
10:07in my name.
10:09Did it not occur to you
10:12that you could go to prison for the rest of your life?
10:15That Victoria and I
10:17could lose you forever?
10:20Because I can't,
10:22I can't handle that, I can't.
10:24Not on top of all of this, I can't.
10:27Sarah, darling,
10:31you are never going to lose me, I promise.
10:34What do you think is going to happen?
10:38You think you're going to literally get away with murder?
10:40There's not going to be any murder.
10:42Because you shoot Brady.
10:44I am not going to shoot Brady.
10:47Brady's going to shoot himself.
11:05Something wrong with the cheesecake?
11:07We also have cherries, too, if you prefer.
11:09No, no, no. Nothing, dear.
11:11I just decided I'd rather imbibe my calories.
11:14Lots of people prefer to imbibe their calories.
11:17They're just usually not so honest about it.
11:20Yes, that's me,
11:22honest to a fault.
11:24Anyway, is there anything else you'd like
11:26before I clock out?
11:27How about a box for my dessert?
11:29No, no, thank you.
11:30I'm in town visiting my son,
11:32and my son's family don't do leftovers.
11:35Would you like it?
11:40Once upon a time,
11:42I was a waitress, too.
11:44You were?
11:45Yes, and I remember those long shifts
11:48with nothing but a cold cheese sandwich
11:50and soggy chips to tide me over.
11:52That's fries for you.
11:57if you're going to be off the clock,
11:59why don't you join me?
12:01Oh, no, I couldn't.
12:03Of course you could.
12:05I'd love the company.
12:11Why not?
12:20Okay, so,
12:23please tell me what you thought you were going to find
12:25in my dad's briefcase to prove that he hit Sarah.
12:28I don't know.
12:29I thought maybe he wrote something down,
12:31like a confession.
12:33You thought he wrote a confession down?
12:35Like what, on the back of a receipt?
12:38I mean, come on.
12:39Who do you think you are?
12:40Nancy Drew?
12:41No, I don't think I'm Nancy Drew.
12:42Well, that's the only reason you came over, isn't it?
12:45Isn't it?
12:46To, like, play amateur sleuth
12:48to try and get dirt on my dad?
12:50Oh, my God.
12:51This is crazy.
12:52You don't care about fixing things with us?
12:55You don't give a damn about us.
12:58What business is it of yours, EJ?
13:01You're not even in the picture.
13:04Oh, but I am.
13:06As you say, in the picture,
13:08because a distraught young girl
13:11whom I very much adore
13:13still came to me for solace.
13:18I told her that I begged her mother
13:20to tell her the truth about her father's
13:22untimely and tragic death.
13:25Then I tried to impress upon her
13:27what a grave mistake she was making.
13:29That's a lie.
13:30You never had that conversation with Nicole.
13:32Well, how do you know that?
13:36Do you have a side hustle as a fly on the wall
13:39just before Nicole and I left Salem?
13:43You threatened to tell Holly the truth.
13:47That's not protecting Nicole or Holly.
13:50And that she will need to know.
13:53Yeah, well, if she hears that from you,
13:55I doubt she'll believe a word of it.
13:58In fact,
14:00do you think that she will ever believe
14:02anything you say anymore?
14:06She's horrified by what you did to her father.
14:10About what your brother did to her Aunt Sarah.
14:13And I assure you,
14:16she will never get over that.
14:24What the hell was that?
14:26What was what?
14:27I shook your hand.
14:28Something stuck me.
14:30Oh, sorry about that.
14:32You must have caught the edge of my ring.
14:34It's a little sharp.
14:37No kidding, man.
14:40I wish you the best, Brady.
14:44Forgive me if I don't shake your hand again.
14:47I'll see you at the next meeting, pal.
14:50All right.
15:00What do you mean that he's going to shoot himself?
15:03Well, I mean,
15:06we know that Brady feels terribly guilty
15:08about what he did to you.
15:11I mean,
15:12even he regrets having escaped legal punishment.
15:17So are you just going to force Brady to shoot himself?
15:20More or less.
15:21What does that mean?
15:24Be direct with me.
15:25Darling, all you need to know is that none of this
15:27can be traced back to me.
15:29Especially not Selena.
15:31Oh, God.
15:37I remember
15:39who you were before we got together
15:41and it was the root of everything that went wrong for us.
15:49you are not that man anymore.
15:54Look at me.
15:58You are not that man anymore
15:59because of me and our daughter.
16:03You told me that Victoria and I changed you.
16:05Was that a lie?
16:09Of course it wasn't.
16:10Well, then if it wasn't,
16:11if it is the truth,
16:14then I am begging you
16:17not to do this.
16:33My goodness,
16:34you're making me want to order another slice.
16:36It really is so good.
16:38I don't get many sweets at home.
16:40My parents are pretty conscientious about
16:43no refined sugars or corn syrup,
16:45you know, all the best tasting stuff.
16:47Yeah, but that's because they care about your health.
16:49That's a good thing.
16:51Well, I guess.
16:53Although my grandma,
16:55she ate about four chocolate bars a day
16:57and lived to be 90-something,
16:58so, you know us, right?
17:02Anyway, I gotta get going.
17:04I have to fill out some college applications
17:06before I go to bed.
17:09I assumed you were in college.
17:11Oh, no.
17:12I'm just a senior at Salem High.
17:15Well, you certainly have a very mature air.
17:18So, what is it you want to study in college?
17:21Uh, well, my parents want me to be
17:23a doctor or a lawyer,
17:25whatever they can brag to their friends about, right?
17:27Yeah, I understand.
17:29Is that what you want?
17:34I don't know.
17:36Well, I hope you have some time for fun.
17:39But it's not all about studying
17:41and filling out applications.
17:43I do have fun.
17:45I'm in orchestra cheer.
17:47No, no, no.
17:48No, I said fun.
17:50As in, do you have a boyfriend?
17:53Or a girlfriend?
17:55Not exactly.
17:58Not exactly?
18:00There is someone I like,
18:02but he's with someone else.
18:06At least for now.
18:12Tate, how could you say that?
18:15Of course I care about us, but...
18:20It's the idea that your dad is free after what he did
18:23and you're just, like, all happy about it.
18:25Do you understand how that's hard for me?
18:27So, you feel like you have to choose sides?
18:30Like, your family versus my family?
18:32No, this isn't like college football, Tate.
18:34This is heartbreaking for me.
18:36And you don't think this is heartbreaking for me?
18:39Like, my mom's in prison,
18:41my dad fell off the wagon and drove drunk,
18:43and you say that I'm happy that he's free?
18:46Yeah, absolutely I'm happy.
18:48Because, you know, my dad going to prison, too,
18:51that kind of made me like an orphan, you know that?
18:56I didn't think of it like that.
18:58And I'm sorry, okay?
19:00I'm sorry for what you're also going through.
19:05Yeah, I'm sorry, too.
19:08You found out that my uncle Eric
19:10was responsible for your father's death.
19:12I know that that was incredibly traumatic for you.
19:15Yeah, it was, obviously.
19:19But, Holly, the way that you treated me...
19:24I mean, you didn't even apologize.
19:26I mean, you did, but I could tell that it wasn't sincere.
19:29Wasn't sincere?
19:31Okay, well, what did I actually have to apologize for?
19:35We were apart for like a day, Tate,
19:37and Sofia's all over you already.
19:39I didn't ask her to come here.
19:41Okay, let me check your DMs, then.
19:43Oh, my God, look, no, this isn't about Sofia or anything.
19:47This is about you wanting my dad in prison so badly
19:50that you'd sneak into his room to, like, try and find him.
19:53EJ said there was no other way.
19:57What are you talking about?
20:01EJ said if there wasn't any hard evidence,
20:04there would be no punishment for your dad.
20:08Did EJ send you here?
20:10No, he didn't.
20:11Does EJ know that you're here?
20:14Look, I'm not talking about this with you.
20:21My God, Holly, you're working with EJ to bring down my dad?
20:30EJ DiMera, of all people.
20:33Even after what he's done to you and your mom?
20:37What about what my mom did to me?
20:39After all the lies she told?
20:41At least you have a mom.
20:43Really? Where?
20:45Oh, yeah, that's right, in frickin' Paris.
20:47Yeah, well, mine's in frickin' prison.
20:49And, oh, and that's where you want my other parents, too, isn't it?
20:52Your dad confessed, Tate.
20:54He's the one who got behind the wheel and drove drunk.
20:57He just mowed down my ex-girlfriend and left her there.
21:00So, yeah, yeah, prison is where Brady Black deserves to be.
21:04And I'm not sorry for believing that.
21:07Well, I'm sorry that I let you in here.
21:10Go. Get out.
21:16Please, Xander, if the justice system won't punish Brady,
21:20then let karma do it, or the universe, or...
21:25So karma is a virtue?
21:27What's wrong with it?
21:28It's just a muscle spasm.
21:30Do you need your pain meds?
21:32I already took them.
21:35Son of a bitch.
21:38Dammit, dammit!
21:40It's okay, babe. It's already gone. It's going away.
21:42It's not okay, Sarah.
21:45It's killing me seeing you suffer like this.
21:48Okay, well, how is killing Brady going to solve anything?
21:53Is it gonna fix me?
21:55It's not gonna fix anything.
21:57It's only gonna make everything worse.
21:59That's where you're wrong.
22:01Fix things for me? I'm a Kyriacus. I'm Victor's son.
22:04You better believe, if he was here right now, he'd be taking matters into his own hands.
22:07You are not Victor.
22:10And did you forget that Brady is his grandson?
22:13Brady is dead to me.
22:15Brady is still a son.
22:20He's a brother. He's a father.
22:24And I bet his funeral will be jam-packed and quite moving.
22:27Why won't you listen to me?
22:30Why should I not get through to you right now?
22:32Because I'm doing this for you, Sarah.
22:35And for all the other innocent people, that drunken idiot might just make more kill if he's allowed to roam free.
22:40But no, everybody's all sorry for Brady now.
22:44Like you, your mother.
22:46I do not feel sorry for Brady.
22:50He did a terrible thing.
22:52Yes, it was a reckless and stupid and despicable thing.
22:56But he does not deserve to die.
23:00He didn't do it intentionally.
23:02He didn't know what he was doing.
23:04See, that's where we disagree, darling.
23:07When Brady got drunk, and got behind the wheel of a car,
23:11and took heavy, his key, and split it in the ignition, and turned it.
23:16They were all decisions. They were all choices.
23:19Terrible, unforgivable choices that could have led to your death.
23:23But it didn't.
23:24Just because of luck.
23:27Darling, I know you remember.
23:29Brady's brother, Eric, he also drove drunk.
23:34And killed your brother, Daniel.
23:36So Brady knew exactly what could have happened.
23:40And he did it anyway.
23:42And he deserves to pay for what he did.
23:47Come on, darling, admit it.
23:51It's your own justice, isn't it?
24:07I'm going to help you, sweetheart.
24:09Come here.
24:26Stop pretending you care about Holly.
24:29You're just using her to punish me and your ex-wife.
24:32Not true. Not true.
24:34I adore Holly.
24:36In fact, I have tremendous empathy for her, because you know what?
24:41I know how she feels.
24:45Nicole, her mother, is incapable of putting anyone ahead in her life.
24:51But you.
24:53Including her own daughter.
24:56No wonder Holly didn't want to go to Paris just to play second fiddle to you.
25:00She is better off on her own.
25:03Better off without you.
25:05The man who killed her father.
25:08Shut up!
25:10Shut up!
25:12Don't you ever...
25:14Stay away from her.
25:16Do you hear me? Stay away from her!
25:18Oh, you are a tough guy now, aren't you?
25:32I suggest you get some air.
25:34Hey! Hey!
25:35Break it up! Break it up!
25:37What the hell is going on here?
25:39I was just minding my own business, then out of nowhere this maniac assaulted me.
25:43I demand that you arrest him right now.
25:46Okay, come on, EJ.
25:47You know this is not going to go anywhere.
25:49So why don't you just go outside, get some air, okay?
25:52I came here to get a statement from Ava Vitale.
25:54You should go outside.
25:56I'm forgetting I live here.
25:58I'll deal with Ava.
26:00Okay, just go take a little walk.
26:03You'll be fine.
26:10Are you all right?
26:12Eric, what was all that about?
26:15EJ's just trying to turn Holly against me and Nicole.
26:23I've given them all the ammunition to do it.
26:31I've given them all the ammunition to do it.
26:41Are you all right?
26:53Oh, go on.
26:54What's the phrase?
26:56Spill the beans.
26:57Okay, so this guy I like, he's with another girl, but they're totally around for each other.
27:03How so?
27:05Well, it was just doomed from the start.
27:07You know, their families don't get along.
27:09I mean, those two are basically the Romeo and Juliet of Salem High.
27:12Look how that turned out.
27:15I mean, this girl has screwed him over so many times, and he just takes it.
27:20Maybe he's in love.
27:22No, definitely not.
27:23I mean, maybe he thinks he's in love, but he doesn't even know what love is.
27:28He doesn't know the first thing about it.
27:30I can show him.
27:32Can you?
27:34He and I, we have something.
27:37But for now, damn, he just looks right through me.
27:45Something that you need to know, my dear, is that men tend to be quite foolish
27:51when matters of the heart are concerned especially.
27:54So I suggest that you make your intentions very clear.
27:59I've been trying.
28:00I've let him know, like, hello, you're waiting, let's, you know, do this.
28:06No, you keep at it.
28:07If he continues dilly-dallying and wasting precious time on this pseudo-relationship you've described,
28:13I suggest that you cut your losses and move on.
28:29Hey, Dad.
28:30What are you doing?
28:31Hey, what's wrong?
28:35Nothing, I'm good.
28:38You're talking to me, aren't you?
28:40What are you saying?
28:43Have you been drinking?
28:48Are you kidding me, Dad?
28:51I thought...
28:52God, I thought you were going to meetings.
28:54Why would you be drunk at work?
28:56Now you're yelling at me, Dad.
28:58I don't appreciate it.
28:59I'm fine.
29:00Dad, leave.
29:03I'll get you to bed.
29:04Hey, hey.
29:05Take it easy.
29:07All right.
29:08All right.
29:10Yes, I am upset that Brady was in charge.
29:13I thought he should be.
29:15But I am trying to put it all behind me and move past it.
29:20How on earth is that even going to be possible, Sarah?
29:23Are you going to run into him all over town?
29:25How is that right?
29:27How is that just?
29:30I know somewhere inside you feel it too.
29:34This anger, this rage at what he did to you.
29:38Somewhere in there you must want to see him punished too, right?
29:45By the criminal justice system.
29:48But that's not...
29:49That's not going to happen, is it?
29:51Sarah, this...
29:55In the old days, you thought there were all these like drawn-out processes with judges
30:01and juries and expensive lawyers.
30:03This is how people answered for their crimes.
30:06What is this?
30:07What is this, a chance to play out some sort of cowboy western fantasy?
30:11Do not mock me, Sarah.
30:12You're not making any sense.
30:16Just give me time.
30:19Just give me time.
30:21Maybe I will remember who was behind that wheel.
30:23Maybe it wasn't Brady.
30:27Come on, Sarah.
30:29We know it was Brady.
30:39I said, soothe the pain.
30:42Please, darling, just go home.
30:45And don't give this another thought.
30:47Don't give it another thought?
30:49How am I supposed to do that?
30:54Focus on how much I love you.
30:57To the depths of my soul.
31:02To the depths of my soul.
31:18So, Holly...
31:22Are you ready to tell me what happened?
31:27Ted and I got into this huge blood fight.
31:32Over what?
31:34He caught me going through his dad's briefcase.
31:38Oh, dear.
31:40I'm sorry.
31:41No, don't be. It's not your fault.
31:44I'm just mad at myself for getting caught because now he's never going to let me back in there.
31:50Holly, listen. It's... It's okay.
31:53It's not okay, EJ.
31:55You know when I got there, I told Ted that I missed him?
31:58And that I didn't want to fight anymore?
32:00And I actually meant it, because I'm...
32:06I don't know.
32:08I just...
32:10I don't know how we can be together with this thing between us.
32:14Especially if he keeps defending his father for something that nobody should ever defend.
32:25Hey, just, uh...
32:27Get some rest, Stan. Sleep it off.
32:32Oh, God.
32:35I surely hope you didn't get behind the wheel this time.
32:39I didn't get behind any wheel.
32:43I didn't drive. I didn't... I took a taxi. The tater taught him for it.
32:48Hey, you know what? You know what you want, right?
32:52I called you to say what's happening, you know?
32:55Oh, baby.
32:59Sleep it off, Dad.
33:03I love you.
33:18I love you.
33:48Open sesame.
33:56Again, thank you so much for the cheesecake. It was very nice of you.
34:00It's my pleasure.
34:03You know, you remind me of myself at your age.
34:11You strike me as a very determined young lady.
34:14So I want to encourage you, Sophia. Don't lose the faith. Don't get discouraged.
34:22Here you go.
34:24Oh, my God. That's way too generous. I couldn't...
34:27No, not at all. I so enjoyed your company.
34:30Same here.
34:32But the martini? That's our little secret, right?
34:38Of course.
35:05What am I going to do?
35:15Ada's not in her room.
35:18Well, I see her. I'll tell you what you were looking for.
35:26Sarah, what can I do for you?
35:28We need to talk to you, Ada. It's an emergency.
35:45Oh, my God.
36:03Tate, are you okay?
36:10I don't know. Everything's just a hot mess.
36:13What do you mean?
36:15Holly and I got in this huge fight.
36:18Oh, no.
36:20I'm... I'm so sorry, Tate.
36:29Tell me everything.
36:34Tate's a clever young man.
36:37He knows that his father is guilty.
36:40I'm sure he's relieved that he seems to have gotten off without so much as a slap on the wrist.
36:44He also knows that at some point he is going to be punished, and he will be, Holly. I will see to that.
36:52I know you will, and I'm really grateful you're so determined.
36:56Oh, I am. I'm not just so that justice can be served, but because it obviously means so much to you.
37:05And because I care about you, Holly, I'm going to make this my top priority.
37:11It's going to take precedence over everything else in my life.
37:14I will not stop Holly until Brady Black gets what's coming to him.
37:21For that bastard to pay for what he has done.
37:27Sarah, dear.
37:29Hey, Fiona.
37:30How are you feeling?
37:32Is there anything I can do for you?
37:36I just peeked into Victoria's room.
37:39Oh, my goodness. She's such a little angel when she's sleeping.
37:43Where's Zonda?
37:46Fiona, there's something that you should know.
37:50Looks like the junk did its job.
37:54Now all I have to do is put this gun in your hand and pull the trigger, and you're done.
38:03I'm sorry.
38:05I'm sorry.
38:07I'm sorry.
38:09I'm sorry.
38:11I'm sorry.
38:13I'm sorry.
38:15I'm sorry.
38:17Put this gun in your hand and pull the trigger.
38:21You have Brady.
38:24All I'm going to regret is that you inflicted the pain.
38:29Oh, no. The torment that you inflicted upon my Sarah.
38:37Brady Black?
38:38The police. Open up.
38:44What's going on here?
38:46I'd like to offer Brady my support if anyone passed out like this.
38:50What are you doing here?
38:52I just got a call from Sarah.
38:54Sarah called you?
38:56Yeah. It was some rather shocking information.
39:16I'm sorry.
39:17I'm sorry.
39:18I'm sorry.
39:19I'm sorry.
39:20I'm sorry.
39:21I'm sorry.
39:22I'm sorry.
39:23I'm sorry.
39:24I'm sorry.
39:25I'm sorry.
39:26I'm sorry.
39:27I'm sorry.
39:28I'm sorry.
39:29I'm sorry.
39:30I'm sorry.
39:31I'm sorry.
39:32I'm sorry.
39:33I'm sorry.
39:34I'm sorry.
39:35I'm sorry.
39:36I'm sorry.
39:37I'm sorry.
39:38I'm sorry.
39:39I'm sorry.
39:40I'm sorry.
39:41I'm sorry.
39:42I'm sorry.
39:43I'm sorry.
39:44I'm sorry.
39:45I'm sorry.
39:46I'm sorry.
39:47I'm sorry.
39:48I'm sorry.
39:49I'm sorry.
39:50I'm sorry.
39:51I'm sorry.
39:52I'm sorry.
39:53I'm sorry.
39:54I'm sorry.
39:55I'm sorry.
39:56I'm sorry.
39:57I'm sorry.
39:58I'm sorry.
39:59I'm sorry.
40:00I'm sorry.
40:01I'm sorry.
40:02I'm sorry.
40:03I'm sorry.
40:04I'm sorry.
40:05I'm sorry.
40:06I'm sorry.
40:07I'm sorry.
40:08I'm sorry.
40:09I'm sorry.
40:10I'm sorry.
40:11I'm sorry.
40:12I'm sorry.
40:13I'm sorry.
