Days of our Lives 10-2-24 (2nd October 2024) 10-2-2024 10-02-24 DOOL 2 October 2024

  • last week
00:00The son of a bitch is finally going to pay.
00:22I'm doing a victory dance.
00:25What if I am?
00:28Your brother put my wife in a wheelchair, so what if I rejoice in his downfall?
00:35Look, I don't know why you're here, but I have an international conglomerate to run, so if you could just...
00:39I'm not going anywhere.
00:43Not until you and I have a little chat.
01:01Hey, Dad.
01:04Always glad to see you, Ed. I just missed being in school.
01:08School's out. It's after three.
01:12Wow. Yeah, I know.
01:15It's hard to keep track of time in here.
01:19How you doing, Dad?
01:21I'm a lot better than I was last night when you found me, that's for sure.
01:26I'm sorry you had to see me like that.
01:29Passed out. Drunk. I mean, that's the thing.
01:35I wasn't drunk.
01:44What the hell are you thinking, EJ?
01:47You had Brady arrested again.
01:51Good afternoon to you too, Kristen.
01:53You do get that this is harassment, right?
01:57You have no concrete evidence linking Brady to Sarah's hit-and-run.
02:02And yet here you go again, having those morons you call a police force dragging him in.
02:10Then you obviously haven't heard. An eyewitness has come forward.
02:15Really? And who is this eyewitness?
02:19The victim herself, Sarah Kiriakis.
02:26Such a beautiful day.
02:28Well, fresh air is the best medicine, isn't it?
02:31Yes, it is. Thank you for viewing me.
02:34My pleasure.
02:36Besides, it gives us some time alone to talk.
02:41Talk about what?
02:46About what you told the police you remembered seeing.
02:52You mean Brady driving the car that hit me?
02:58You would have read it.
03:01Sarah, I know that you were lying.
03:04Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
03:19Believe me, I know how you must have looked when you found me.
03:35But Tate, I was not drinking last night.
03:39How can you even say that, Dad?
03:42You were slurring your words.
03:44Did I carry you to bed?
03:47I don't remember everything exactly how it happened, but here's what I remember.
03:53I was totally out of it.
03:55I was totally out of it, but it had nothing to do with being drunk.
03:59Come on, Dad.
04:00I'm telling you the truth. I swear to God.
04:03Something knocked me out, Tate.
04:05It wasn't alcohol. It might have been a bug.
04:08I don't know what it was, but here's what I understand.
04:11After what happened to Sarah, I'm never drinking again.
04:14And I sure as hell wasn't drinking last night.
04:17Please believe me.
04:38What do you want, Sophia?
04:40Whoa, no need to be so harsh. I only wanted to congratulate you.
04:44Congratulate me for what exactly?
04:47I heard about your new after-school job.
04:50What are you talking about?
04:52The last time I had a job was the one you blackmailed me into, remember?
04:56Wait, so you're saying you didn't get hired by the DA's office to be their new team detective?
05:05Sarah is your eyewitness?
05:09Well, you obviously haven't seen the news today.
05:15Sarah came forward last night saying she remembers seeing Brady in the driver's seat of the car that hit her.
05:21So, despite your car-crushing antics, Brady Black is finally going to pay for his crimes.
05:30So, Sarah suddenly remembered that Brady was the one driving that night after all this time?
05:39Well, that's not so implausible, is it?
05:42Their memories do slowly come back after trauma.
05:45Yeah, it is implausible, actually.
05:49Oh, come on. You know as well as I do that Sarah is lying through her pearly white teeth.
05:56Why? Why do you think that I'm lying?
06:02I just know that you can't possibly remember seeing Brady behind a wheel that night.
06:09How could you possibly know that?
06:18It's really you, Sarah.
06:20What? Why do you think I'm lying?
06:24Why do you think that I don't remember?
06:28Why do you think that I don't remember seeing Brady driving the car that hit me?
06:45Look, if you've come here to beg for mercy for your brother, you can save your breath.
06:51But I have concrete evidence that he was the drunken bastard who crippled my wife.
06:55Right. I heard.
06:58But I'm not here to seek absolution for my brother.
07:01Then why are you here?
07:03I want to know what the hell you were doing alone in my parents' house last night,
07:09standing over my brother who was all but dead to the world.
07:13Please tell me you believe me, that I wasn't drinking last night.
07:26Yeah. And that I believe you.
07:30And I want you to know that I am 100% in your corner.
07:43It means a lot to hear you say that.
07:47I know this hasn't been easy for you.
07:50It's like this whole town just thinks the worst of me.
07:54I deserve their support, but you don't.
07:58And you don't deserve to have both of your parents in prison.
08:02I'm sorry about that.
08:04Hey, stop worrying about me. I'll be fine.
08:08I think you'll be fine because you have so many people in this town that love you and want to support you.
08:15Your grandparents are 100% behind you. You know that, right?
08:19Yeah, I do.
08:23What about Holly? How's that going?
08:29Not great. Actually, quite badly.
08:35Did something happen?
08:39Yeah, something happened.
08:42She just hasn't been understanding at all about the accident.
08:47About you having a disease and not meaning to hurt anyone.
08:50She just... God, she's so damn angry, Dad.
08:54Her aunt is in a wheelchair. She's gonna be angry about it.
08:59Yeah, but she won't even try to see things from my point of view.
09:03She doesn't get that you're my dad and I'm worried about you, so when she talks about wanting to make you pay...
09:11Come on, I can't hear that.
09:14How could I possibly be with someone who doesn't respect that I love my father and I'm gonna stand by him no matter what?
09:21Like I said, she's just angry about her aunt.
09:26Give her time.
09:28Yeah, I was trying to give her time until I found out what she did.
09:33What do you mean, what did she do?
09:38Tell me, what did she do?
09:44She snuck into your room at Grandma and Grandpa's looking for dirt on you.
09:52You're a team detective? What the hell are you talking about?
09:56As if you don't know.
09:58I heard all about your pathetic little spy games, Holly.
10:02Who are you trying to be, Harriet the Spy?
10:05Oh, no, she's too frumpy, not fashion-forward enough for Holly Jonas, right?
10:11Maybe Nancy Drew or Veronica Mars?
10:14No, they're too old school.
10:17Oh, I know! Charlie Kael!
10:20Oh, sweetie, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're no poker face.
10:24Man, you're really mean and petty, you're vindictive.
10:27Aside from which, you have no idea what you're talking about.
10:30I know what Tate told me.
10:33What Tate told you?
10:35Poor guy had to talk to someone since you were being so extra.
10:40Seriously, Holly?
10:42Lying about wanting to get back together with Tate just so you could sneak into his dad's bedroom and snoop around?
10:48That's low, even for you.
10:52And I bet your ex-stepdaddy, Mr. Big Man D.A., put you up to it, right?
11:01Why don't you believe Sarah's memory about that night could have returned?
11:05Because I'm not an idiot.
11:07Because I have a functional frontal lobe.
11:10And even Marlena couldn't bring back that woman's memories after she hypnotized her.
11:20Sarah miraculously experienced a total recall shortly after she found out that Brady, uh, what, wasn't going to face charges?
11:30It's a little convenient, wouldn't you say?
11:38You have to tell me.
11:40Why do you think that I'm lying about Brady?
11:43Well, it's just that I heard you and Xander talking yesterday in the bedroom.
11:47I wasn't eavesdropping. It just happened to be passing by, and you were telling Xander how you'd lied to the police.
11:59I just can't figure out why.
12:04Is it because you want to see Brady punished?
12:08No, it's not that. It's...
12:14I had no choice.
12:18I don't understand.
12:22Xander has been so consumed with anger and he is obsessed with getting revenge against Brady and...
12:35He was going to kill Brady and make it look like a suicide.
12:40Oh, dear God.
12:42So you see, I had no choice. I had to lie to the police.
12:47It was the only way to save Brady and your son.
13:03You caught Holly snooping around in my room?
13:08Yeah, I did.
13:10And, uh, I bet she'd already gotten into your briefcase when I caught her.
13:14And I first tried to act all innocent, which is stupid and lame because she knew that I was on to her.
13:23But then she admitted what she was doing and I...
13:27I was beyond pissed off.
13:29What did you do?
13:31I threw her out. I made her leave the house.
13:33Dad, I can't even stand to look at her.
13:36Tay, I'm sorry that my situation caused you two to have a fight.
13:44Dad, there's more. I...
13:47I think that EJ and Holly have been teaming up.
13:55What do you mean?
13:57What do you mean she's teaming up with him?
13:59Tay, I just...
14:01I think that EJ put Holly up to going after you.
14:05They've been acting all buddy-buddy ever since Holly found out that Eric killed her father.
14:10God, I just... I wish that I hadn't told her that. Like...
14:16Look, there is no way...
14:18There's no...
14:19Son, there's no way that you could have known that she didn't already know, okay?
14:24Furthermore, you are not to blame for any of this.
14:30Your Uncle Eric and I have made horrific mistakes.
14:35Her Aunt Sarah is in a wheelchair because of me and she doesn't have a father because of you.
14:40Well, my brother did.
14:45I think EJ is using her anger as a weapon against me, so I don't want you to be too hard on Holly.
14:55Tay, I know both of you are angry right now.
15:00But in the end, I think you're going to need her as much as she needs you.
15:11I love you.
15:14I'm so grateful that...
15:19I'm just proud of you. Thank you for your compassion and your kindness.
15:25I love you too, Dad.
15:32Okay, well, I...
15:34I should probably get going. I have a lot of schoolwork to finish up on.
15:37Yeah, I guess.
15:44I guess...
15:47I'll see you soon, yeah?
15:49I'll see you soon.
15:51I'll see you soon.
15:53Take care, Dad.
16:04You just never let up, do you, EJ?
16:07Damn you!
16:14You've got it all wrong, Kristen.
16:18You see, Sarah isn't like you.
16:22She wasn't raised by Stefano.
16:25Wasn't taught to get through life by hatching one nefarious plan after another.
16:29Pot, meat, kettle.
16:31Yes, I am cut from the same cloth as you. I don't deny that.
16:36But Sarah is a whore-ton. She's a stand-up citizen.
16:40Stand-up citizen who lied not once, but twice about the paternity of her children.
16:46You're grasping at straws, Kristen, because you don't want Brady to pay for his crime.
16:51Because you still love him, God knows why.
16:54Because he detests you and always will.
16:58Brady does not detest me.
17:00In fact, he and I are getting closer lately.
17:05Not to mention...
17:07It would break Rachel's heart if her father goes to prison.
17:11But you don't give a damn about your niece, do you?
17:14All you want is for Brady to hurt because that hurts Eric.
17:19Damn you, E.J.
17:21It isn't Brady's fault that Nicole left you.
17:30But it is his fault that Sarah is crippled.
17:34And I am going to do everything in my power to make sure Brady Black pays.
17:40And pays dearly.
17:44We'll see about that.
17:52I asked you a question, Xander. What the hell were you doing in my parents' house last night?
17:56Surely you can figure it out.
17:59I went there to warn Brady that I wasn't going to rest until he was behind bars for what he did to Sarah.
18:05And that's it.
18:08So if that's all that happened, then how did my brother end up...
18:12Smashed out of his mind?
18:14I am so sorry to break this to you, Eric, but your brother is a drunk.
18:18So I imagine he got smashed the way people usually do by pouring a tremendous amount of booze down his throat.
18:28He was smashed when you got there.
18:31When he opened the door.
18:33And the door was unlocked when I got there.
18:35I let myself in and found him in a sorry state.
18:38Next thing I knew, the police barged in and arrested him.
18:40And that's your story?
18:42That's the truth.
18:46I don't like one word of it.
18:51So Xander was going to kill Brady and make it look as though he had taken his own life?
19:00And as much as I hate lying to the police, it was the only way to stop him.
19:07Actually, I was in this park when I saw Xander plotting against Brady with some random guy.
19:16And someone has admitted to what he was planning?
19:20Well, no, not at first, but I got it out of him.
19:24Karen, I'm so sorry. I know this has to be so upsetting.
19:29And it's all my fault.
19:32I have hurt you so badly.
19:36And my son, too.
19:39And Brady.
19:43You're not to blame for any of this.
19:47Yes, I am.
19:50I am to blame.
19:55To blame for all of it.
20:02I'm sorry, but how's this any of your business?
20:05Tate made it my business when he confided in me, which, by the way, he's been doing a lot lately.
20:12And look, I'm really sorry about what Tate's Uncle Eric did to your father like a million years ago,
20:17but that doesn't mean you should take it out on Tate and his dad.
20:20First of all, you have no idea what I've been going through, so don't you dare tell me what I should or shouldn't do, okay?
20:26And just for the record, Sophia, I'm not angry because I just now found out that Eric Brady was the one who killed my dad.
20:32No, no, I'm angry because Tate's dad drove drunk, ran over my Aunt Sarah, and didn't even stop to see if she was okay.
20:39She may never be able to walk again.
20:42Well, that's all super sad, but how is any of that Tate's fault?
20:47Well, you totally betrayed his trust when you broke into his dad's room.
20:51You totally betrayed his trust when you broke into his dad's room.
20:54I didn't break into his dad's room. The door was unlocked.
20:58Oh, well, in that case, totally okay to violate his privacy. My bad.
21:02So what's your explanation for prying open his briefcase?
21:06Oh, see, that's the thing. I don't owe you an explanation for anything.
21:10I guess not.
21:12I don't see how you could use Tate like that. No wonder he keeps coming to me for comfort.
21:18God, you are just loving this, aren't you?
21:21You know, you've been trying to steal Tate from me for months now, and this just couldn't be the more perfect opportunity, could it?
21:28Oh, I don't have to steal Tate from you, Holly.
21:33You're handing him over gift-wrapped just by being the same broken, hot mess you've been since we were kids.
21:39And not just a hot mess, but obviously sexually repressed.
21:42Shut the hell up right now.
21:44I'm just saying, you know, putting out for the guy is kind of an advantage for me, since he's raring to go,
21:50and I can't wait to get him to bed and satisfy him like you refuse to.
21:56Although, I'm guessing even if you did put out, you wouldn't be able to satisfy him like I can.
22:04Like I will.
22:06Holly, what the hell are you doing?
22:16Oh my God, lady, are you all right?
22:36I'm fine, I just ate a little rice.
22:41What is the matter with you?
22:43Me? Nothing's the matter with me. She started it.
22:46Okay, yeah, whoever started it, like, damn, you didn't have to hit her.
22:50But Tate, Holly's telling the truth. I did start it.
23:04I am so sorry. I came as soon as I heard.
23:09Does Rachel know?
23:11No, no, no, not yet.
23:12Are you okay? I mean, how are they treating you?
23:15Fine, they treat me fine.
23:18Damn it, Brady, you know, you shouldn't be in here. Look at you, strangling each other.
23:24No, no, no, don't blame me, Jerry, he's just doing his job. I'm where I should be, and I'm getting what I deserve, Krista.
23:30All right, all right, you know what? And what about what Rachel deserves? She deserves to have her daddy.
23:40We've talked about this, Rachel's going to be fine because she has you, she has my parents, she will be fine.
23:45Oh, my God, I really, really hate that you were resigned about this. It's so passive.
23:52Brady, damn, you need to fight. I will fight with you.
24:00The daughter of Stefano DiMera is not just going to stand by and watch the father of her daughter go to prison.
24:08Kristen, Kristen, Kristen, stop.
24:10There's nothing more that can be done.
24:12How the hell there isn't? How the hell there isn't?
24:15I have a plan.
24:17What plan?
24:21I could make Sarah Horton disappear.
24:31Fiona, why do you think they were to blame for any of this?
24:38Well, because I was with Brady just before he drank and ran into you.
24:50I'm a recovering alcoholic, too, and I should have seen the signs. And maybe if I had, I could have taken him to a meeting and he wouldn't.
25:02I'm so sorry, Sarah. I hope you can forgive me.
25:07There is nothing to forgive. There's nothing to forgive.
25:13You can't know that Brady was going to get behind the wheel of a car. There was no way for you to know. And what's done is done.
25:23And as much as I did hate going to the police, because I did, Brady is going to face the consequences of his actions.
25:37I was with my brother last night at the pub and he wasn't drinking.
25:43Well, of course he wouldn't drink right there in front of you. He must have knocked a few back on his way home.
25:49You said he wasn't drinking. I believe him.
25:52Of course you believe him. You're one of his enablers.
25:56You know, Brady also told me that he had an encounter with some guy who was claiming to be a regular from his AA meeting, but Brady said he didn't even recognize him.
26:07You do realize that he's probably loaded when he attends those meetings.
26:11He also mentioned that he scratched his hand with this ring after they shook hands.
26:21I'm sorry.
26:24The next thing you know, Brady's back home, blacked out.
26:29Barry, what exactly are you getting? What are you implying?
26:35I'm not implying anything, Xander. I'm straight up calling you out.
26:42I know what you did.
26:45You took a page right out of Victor's playbook and you hired a thug to do your dirty work.
27:03Let me get this straight.
27:06You think I hired some AA mystery man to shake Brady's hand and, well, roughy him with a poison ring?
27:15What is this, the 17th century, or are you just delusional, Xander?
27:21I know you had something to do with it.
27:26I intend to prove it.
27:28All right, look, just for argument's sake, I'll play along.
27:31What exactly do you think my supposed henchman and I have planned for Brady?
27:37I'm not sure yet.
27:40I don't know. Maybe you planned on killing Brady.
27:43But he showed up just in time to stop you from doing it.
27:48My wife remembers seeing your brother hit her with his car.
27:54And now Brady is in police custody where he belongs.
27:57Whatever I was doing at his house last night is beside the point.
27:59No, the point is, you mess with my family, you mess with me.
28:07I'm warning you, Xander. You're threatening me.
28:12Brady is the reason my wife might be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of her life, you know?
28:17Screw you and your degenerate brother. Get the hell out of here before I do security's job for them.
28:24There's no need for that.
28:26You're going to make Sarah disappear? That's your big plan?
28:49It wouldn't be the first time. Just say the word, Brady.
28:53And I will have Dr. Sarah rolling around the DiMera Island compound by tomorrow afternoon.
29:01Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
29:03Or I could take a page out of Connie Baninski's book and just toss her in the basement and set off a bomb.
29:12Okay, okay. Listen, you're not doing this. You're not doing this. Don't even think about it.
29:16Okay, for my sake and for Rachel's, please promise me you'll stay out of it.
29:21Just let justice take its course, okay?
29:25I'm sorry, Brady. That is a promise I wouldn't be able to keep.
29:32Not only does your daughter need you, but I need you, too.
29:38I love you, Brady, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to save you.
29:43I am.
29:54I haven't heard you say that before.
29:57That you want Brady to pay for what happened to you.
30:03Well, I guess at first I didn't.
30:05You know, I didn't really have any desire to see Brady punished.
30:10I understood that he didn't do it intentionally.
30:13It was an accident, obviously.
30:20But the more time that I had to think about it,
30:25I do believe that if someone drives drunk, they should be punished to some extent.
30:33Especially with what Brady did.
30:36You know, when he hit me and he left me there,
30:41I don't know whether I was alive or dead.
30:51Sarah, I know we haven't known each other for very long.
30:57I hope you know how much you mean to me.
30:59If it hadn't been for you, I would never have come to Salem.
31:04I would never have reconciled with my son,
31:06and I would never have met my beautiful granddaughter.
31:12I love you, Sarah.
31:14You're like a daughter to me.
31:30You don't have to do this.
31:33Do what?
31:35Take the blame for what just happened.
31:37I mean, I saw Holly hit you just now.
31:39Are you seriously taking her side?
31:42Wait a minute.
31:43To be fair, yes, Holly did hit me.
31:46But like I said, I started the argument.
31:50I should have just stayed out of it.
31:52Yeah, you damn well should have.
31:53It's just that when I saw her, I got so mad about what she did to you and your dad.
31:57I mean, I know it's none of my business, but...
32:00I just feel so bad for you, Tate.
32:03Please tell me you're not buying this crap.
32:05And then when I called her out about sneaking into your dad's room,
32:08she just totally wanted to help slap me.
32:11Oh, my God.
32:12You are such a freaking liar.
32:14Go on.
32:15Go on.
32:16Tell Tate exactly what you just said to me.
32:18Holly, that's enough.
32:20What do you mean, that's enough, Holly?
32:23Like, come on, don't you think you've gone too far?
32:26Come on, don't you think you've caused enough damage for one day?
32:36Look, you know, my dad told me that I should take it easy on you
32:40because he thinks that EJ's manipulating you,
32:43but I think he's wrong.
32:47I'm done.
32:52What do you mean, done?
32:54Tate, what are you saying?
32:57Are you breaking up with me?
33:15So that's it then?
33:16It's just over between us?
33:22You know what?
33:23You know what?
33:24You're obviously too much of a coward to just tell me the truth,
33:27so I'll save you the trouble.
33:29It's done.
33:31We're over, Tate.
33:33So you and Sophia, you guys can have a happy life together.
33:37You two totally deserve each other.
33:41Goodbye, Tate.
33:57Thank you for saying all of us.
34:00I love you, too.
34:07What we were talking about earlier, that...
34:12that needs to stay between us.
34:15No one can know.
34:17Yes, of course.
34:20I understand completely.
34:23It'll be our little secret.
34:54Come on.
35:07You better hope the justice system works fast when your brother is concerned, Eric.
35:12Otherwise I have no choice but to take matters into my own hands.
35:24Oh, God, EJ, what do you want?
35:26I already confessed.
35:28Sarah remembers that I was the driver of the car that hit her.
35:31There's no need to interrogate me anymore,
35:33so why don't you just get the hell out of here, please?
35:37Did you... did you forget, Breen?
35:40You don't tell me what to do, I tell you.
35:45So, I saw on the visitor's log that my sister was here, see?
35:50I sincerely hope she didn't feel that.
35:53Licker-addled brain of yours with visions of another $11 reprieve.
35:57You see, I've got you dead to rights this time, Brady.
36:01Thanks to Sarah's statement, there isn't anything Kristen could do
36:04to spare you from spending the next 20 or more years in Statesville.
36:15Oh, Father.
36:17Oh, Father.
36:19I know John Black was your sworn and mortal enemy.
36:25But his son, Brady,
36:29he really is a good man.
36:33And he is the father of my child,
36:36and the father of your grandchild.
36:41I love him.
36:44I love him with all my heart.
36:47And because you love me, Father,
36:51I know if you were here, you would... you would help me save him.
36:58And, of course...
37:03of course you're not here.
37:08And now EJ has Sarah's statement.
37:14And there is nothing I can do
37:20to get Brady out of this.
37:24I mean, not without a miracle.
37:31What the hell?
37:33What the hell?
