Emmerdale 27th September 2024

  • 2 days ago
Emmerdale 27th September 2024
00:00Don't you dare come in here!
00:07No, you won't.
00:08Yes, I will.
00:09I'll throw you in a cell, just like they did after Gemma.
00:13Because you're not sane, Belle.
00:17Can you ever get anything right?
00:35Oh, thank goodness.
00:38Emilia said Tom came up here.
00:40He did, he was...
00:42Hey, so where is this gone by now?
00:50What happened?
00:52I thought I was gonna die.
00:57What did Tom do, lovey?
01:01He was...
01:02He was chasing me and he...
01:04He broke the door down.
01:06He was gonna shoot me.
01:08You what?
01:09I didn't have a choice.
01:11About what?
01:12You're not making much sense.
01:14Killing him.
01:17Killing him.
01:21I've killed him, Lydia.
01:26Hi, it's me again.
01:27Look, I messed up.
01:28Sam, Lydia and Vinnie know that you're going up there,
01:30so please, Tom, just give me a call back when you can, yeah?
01:35What are you doing?
01:36I'm warning him that they're on a war path.
01:39If they know that he's up there, then he'll never hear the end of it.
01:42Yes, for good reason.
01:44Come on.
01:45Why do you think you had to trick Belle into seeing him?
01:49I need to phone Lydia and check Belle's OK.
01:51Oh, Belle's all right.
01:52Will you please just quit this flipping melodrama?
01:54Everything all right?
01:56Yeah, it's fine.
01:57Right, hear me?
02:00Oh, my mum checks back, by the way.
02:02Yeah, she was fine to pick up Esther, now Lydia can't.
02:04Well, I did say I'd go up.
02:05Yeah, and I said I'd rather we stay here and chat.
02:09Answer phone.
02:10Look, spare us the lecture, all right?
02:12Tom's not some psycho, and why are you all on Belle's side?
02:15You know what? I'm gonna phone him up again
02:17and put him on speaker so you can hear for yourself what he's up against.
02:20She's ruining his life.
02:43It's OK, love.
02:45We're all here now and we're not going anywhere,
02:47so whatever you think you did...
02:50What, you don't believe me?
02:53I believe you've been under an incredible amount of stress.
02:59Can you tell us what happened?
03:02I don't know.
03:04I don't know.
03:06I don't know.
03:08I don't know.
03:10I don't know.
03:13He said he knew that I was...
03:15going to the police.
03:18So he started hitting me.
03:25Go on, love.
03:28He'd locked the door.
03:31And I thought,
03:33if I can just get to Sam's gone, I...
03:35I can scare him, I can make him stop.
03:39And then what?
03:42Then I locked myself in the flat.
03:46But he just smashed through.
03:49And he kept walking towards me and he had this look in his eyes.
03:54And the gun?
03:56I tried to pull the trigger.
03:58And it wouldn't work.
04:00And he was mocking me and then...
04:02And then he had the gun and...
04:04And he was about to use it and...
04:07And then I saw it.
04:11Saw what?
04:17The axe.
04:21I stuck it right in his back and he...
04:24He just collapsed.
04:26God, you poor, poor girl.
04:32Have you any love?
04:34Have you any love?
04:39He's dead.
04:40Oh, God.
04:44What's going to happen to me now?
04:56Quite a day, eh?
04:58Why all the urgency?
05:01This isn't about being disloyal.
05:02Why is he not answering?
05:04Emilia, if you know something, you're not telling me.
05:08I just told him that Belle were going to the police.
05:11You couldn't have her spreading more lies about him.
05:13Oh, my God.
05:14I'm sorry, but I don't see the big deal about this.
05:16No, of course you don't.
05:18Because this is what Tom's good at.
05:20Fooling people.
05:21Manipulating them.
05:23I've got to get up there.
05:25Right, well, I'm coming too.
05:26So I can watch you eat your words when you realise that you're wrong.
05:28No, you're not.
05:29You are going to go home and you're going to stay there.
05:31Amy, I'm not a kid.
05:32Then stop acting like one.
05:35Please, Emilia.
05:37Just do it.
05:43Emilia, I'm sorry.
05:45I was just so scared.
05:46I didn't know what he was going to do to me.
05:48It's all right, love.
05:49Just take a deep breath.
05:52It's Tom that's driven you to this.
05:55But there's still a body up in flat.
05:57We can't just leave it there, can we?
05:59Even if he isn't worth spitting on.
06:02Okay, so we call the police.
06:04Tell them that Belle was acting in self-defence.
06:06Tom would have killed her, eh?
06:08No, we aren't getting our stories properly straight first, we don't.
06:11No, stop.
06:13Look, there'll be no story.
06:14No police.
06:16We don't call anyone.
06:19So if we're not telling the police, that means...
06:22I know what it means, Sam.
06:24Just think about it, though.
06:25We know what she's been through.
06:27Tom's got an axe in his back.
06:29Yeah, because he was a monster and she had to stop him.
06:31I mean, it might look like he was running away.
06:34That Belle attacked him from behind without being provoked.
06:37It's hardly a cut-and-dry self-defence case, is it?
06:40What are you saying?
06:41I'm not saying anything.
06:42Anyone who knows you won't doubt what happened, love.
06:45But the police don't.
06:46And they don't know what Tom's capable of, either.
06:48I mean, do you really think Belle looks like the murdering type?
06:52Oh, sorry, no.
06:54That was a really stupid thing to say.
06:56You know, what happened to Gemma, that wasn't...
06:58Yeah, just forget I said it, sorry.
07:00Yeah, nice one.
07:01I should never have waited to go to the police.
07:03No, love, this is not your fault.
07:06We just need to...
07:08decide what we're gonna do now.
07:12As if, you know, we hide the body or not?
07:15No, we can't.
07:17Belle needs protecting.
07:19Whatever it takes.
07:21Look, this don't make sense.
07:23You went crackers at me when I went off to Craig.
07:25This isn't the same.
07:26Plus, don't you think she's been through enough?
07:28Just look at her, Sam!
07:29I'm sorry, right, but why are we assuming the worst here?
07:32I mean, all the stuff we're talking about might not happen, might it?
07:35I mean, Belle's clearly got injuries, so that's evidence for starters.
07:38All right, yeah, and what if the police just say
07:40all that proves is that things got physical between her and Tom?
07:43Well, we'll say it's not the truth.
07:45And you're really confident that they'll believe you
07:47once they hear she's a dingo?
07:49That in the meantime they're not gonna lock her up
07:51whilst it's dragged through the courts?
07:53Belle's mental health spirals.
07:55Are you sure that we can take that risk?
07:58What, and concealing her body, that's just risk-free, is it?
08:01No, but it's better than the alternative.
08:06We need him off our lands so we can look after Belle.
08:10OK, right, well, say we all agree.
08:13How do you explain Belle's injuries, then?
08:15Because if they know he was violent, that makes her more of a suspect, doesn't it?
08:18It gives her actual motive.
08:20All right.
08:22We agree to keep quiet,
08:26hide Belle's injuries and come up with a cover story.
08:32So no-one would know what a psycho he was.
08:34He'd get away with what he did to her.
08:36Hardly, Sam. The man's dead.
08:43OK, so we're all in agreement we get rid of him for Belle.
09:02Right, it's probably best to reverse the van
09:06up to the bottom of the sets here.
09:08We'd best see what we're dealing with first.
09:12Can we not just call Kay? He's way better at this stuff.
09:15He'll be halfway to Scotland by now, probably.
09:18And besides, no call, no trail.
09:20Aside from stacks of Tom's DNA up there.
09:22At times like this, I wish we still had the pigs.
09:24It's the best clean-up team you can get.
09:27What? I'm just trying to think practically.
09:29These are cleaning to me. It's what I do.
09:32Anyway, right, I'll leave you two to crack on.
09:36I'll go back inside and check on Belle.
09:40What's she doing here?
09:41Probably worried about Belle.
09:42What are you going to say?
09:43I don't know. I'm thinking.
09:46Love, everything all right?
09:48I wanted to check how Belle was after you rushed off.
09:51Erm, only Amelia.
09:53She told Tom about Belle going to the police.
09:56I see.
09:58So did he come up here?
10:00No, thankfully.
10:02Maybe he lost his nerve, eh?
10:04Finally packed himself off for good,
10:06like he should have done months ago.
10:08I reckon.
10:09We can live in hope.
10:11Are Belle's OK?
10:14Are Belle's OK?
10:16Yeah, as can be expected.
10:19She's having a nap,
10:21after going for a walk with Charity.
10:24I think the stress of everything of later's taken its toll.
10:28I'm not surprised.
10:30Listen, about going to the police later,
10:33I mean, assuming Belle still wants to...
10:35Yeah, I'll get her to text you.
10:38Let you know what she's feeling up to.
10:40Don't let us keep you.
10:43I'll speak to her later.
10:48We shouldn't be doing this. It's nuts.
10:51Protecting a vulnerable young girl that's already been through hell?
10:54What do you think Zak had want us to do?
10:56She's right, Vinnie. What else could we do?
10:59A few deep breaths, love. You'll be fine.
11:02What, can it be now before I bottle it, yeah?
11:04Oh, no, I was going to get us afternoon tea and scones first.
11:07I'll go check on Belle.
11:09Good luck, both of you.
11:27After you.
11:28Oh, yeah, ta.
11:37Oi, I thought you said you were here.
12:00Try not to mess with it, love.
12:04He's gone.
12:07Tom, the flat's empty, which means he's alive, right?
12:10I don't understand.
12:12You said you saw him, that he was dead.
12:14Yeah, apart from he can't have been,
12:16cos folk what I can't take don't get up and wander off.
12:18Not on the table.
12:20It's not staying there. It needs washing and burying.
12:23That can wait. You need to find Tom.
12:25What do you want exactly? Finish him off?
12:27Look, just stop him from going to the police.
12:29Buy us some time. Go on. He can't have got far.
12:32Right, well, lock the door, and then door open until we get back.
12:54Tom? Are you OK? Tom, can you hear me?
13:10I'm just going to put you in the recovery position and get you some help.
13:16Yeah, ambulance, please.
13:19Yeah, thank you.
13:23Yeah, now!
13:32Did Amelia come back in here? She's not at home.
13:35No, I haven't seen her since earlier.
13:37Although it's pretty obvious that you two had some kind of beef with each other.
13:40Liam, hi.
13:43An accident.
13:46What's wrong with him? It's Tom.
13:50OK, we'll meet you up there.
13:55Tom's collapsed. Liam's with him. There's an ambulance.
13:58What happened? He doesn't seem to know, but...
14:02..he's lost a lot of blood.
14:05I mean, do you honestly think he's got this far in his state?
14:08So where is he, then? And who knows how bad he really is?
14:11I mean, you thought he were flaming dead when he weren't.
14:13You didn't see him, Sam!
14:15Oh, blimey. What?
14:18Oh, no.
14:20You don't suppose there's any chance it's not him?
14:22What do you think?
14:24And why's Liam there?
14:26Who cares? Least of us would, is that Sam, innit?
14:29I knew it. I knew we should have just told the truth.
14:32So now what?
14:34We can't just stand here. Matt's seen us.
14:37We've got to go over there. Why do you want to do that?
14:40Just come on, write him. Act shocked.
14:42I am flaming shocked.
14:46What's going on? Is that Tom?
14:48Yeah, I'm afraid so. Listen, I've called Jimmy,
14:50but I wasn't sure whether or not to call Belle in the circumstances.
14:53Why are they putting him on the ambulance?
14:56He's got a hefty laceration in his back.
14:59I've no idea how. I just saw him collapsed.
15:01So you don't know what's happened?
15:03He's too woozy and weak to talk.
15:05Listen, I should go on the ambulance. I'm sorry to leave you both here.
15:07Is he going to die?
15:08Right now, we just need him to get to hospital
15:10so we can get as much blood into him as we can.
15:12Do you reckon they'll be able to tell at the hospital?
15:14What's happened to him, I mean?
15:16Let's hope he makes a speedy recovery and then he can tell us himself.
15:25So what now?
15:27We'll go to hospital and make sure he doesn't stay out.
15:30Ow! I haven't got all the answers, Sam.
15:32Right, let's just get there first, yeah? Come on.
15:49Sam's just messaged, lovey.
15:54It seems that Liam's found Tom.
15:58So he's...
16:01He collapsed in the road.
16:04He's on his way to hospital now.
16:09Meaning he can make out to the police that this is all me.
16:12He can make out what he likes, love.
16:14It doesn't mean it'd stick.
16:16Why doesn't it?
16:17Because we'd move heaven and earth to prove that you're the innocent party here.
16:21Besides, they'd have to link the axe to you,
16:23prove that Tom was here, and we're already working on that.
16:26So what, because we're suddenly forensic experts?
16:29I need to go to hospital.
16:30What? Why do you?
16:32I need to talk to him, I need to see if he's going to wake up, what he's going to say.
16:34No, no, there's no way. I'm not going to let you.
16:37Nadia, look, the only thing you need to worry about is your alibi.
16:42Saying that you went for a walk with charity, if anyone asks.
16:44And you haven't seen Tom for weeks, OK?
16:47Come on, love. Come inside, you're still in shock.
16:51OK, fine.
17:02Belle, what are you doing?
17:04I've just told you, I've got to get to hospital.
17:06Love, you're not thinking straight. Come back here.
17:08Now, please. Belle, listen to me.
17:17Belle, come on, please. Belle!
17:24Liam, what's happened?
17:26Um, he's just had a CT scan.
17:28What for? What's wrong with him?
17:30So he's got a haemonyma thorax, which means he's got a collapsed lung
17:34and he's got internal bleeding around the lungs.
17:37He's going to need a chest drain to clear any air and fluid.
17:40I see. Has he said what happened? He is presumably conscious.
17:44Yeah, he's still very croggy.
17:46At the minute it'll be a combination of the pain and the shock and the blood loss.
17:51You didn't answer the first part.
17:54Um, Tom's got a deep wound in his back.
17:59It's likely the hospital will need to contact the police.
18:03Sorry, how can he have been stabbed? By who?
18:05I wish I could tell you more. Look, let me see if I can find someone.
18:08Thanks, Liam.
18:11Well, it looks like the curse of the kings has struck again.
18:14What are you talking about?
18:16About the Dingle one, anyway. You don't mean it.
18:18Who says I don't?
18:20He was fine until he met Belle.
18:23And then a few months back he's electrocuted out of the blue.
18:27And then Belle starts bad-mouthing him to the whole village
18:31until Cain's spoiling to beat him up.
18:34I mean, surely there's a pattern.
18:38What are they doing here?
18:41Jimmy, hi. Um, we saw Tom getting put in an ambulance,
18:44just wondering what's happening.
18:46You know, is he... is he all right?
18:48We don't know.
18:50In fact, there's a lot we don't know.
18:56Jimmy said Liam didn't know how it happened.
18:59I do. I mean, this is what Belle does.
19:02She stabs people in the back, only this time she's done it for real.
19:06Belle didn't even see Tom. Lydia said he didn't go up there.
19:10And you believed her?
19:12She's not right, Amy.
19:14And this just proves it.
19:16Where were you going?
19:17To hospital. To be there for him.
19:20Cos he's actually the victim here.
19:45That was Lydia. She's been trying to call us loads.
19:47Can't hear what they're saying.
19:49No. Me neither.
19:51Cos Lydia couldn't stop it.
19:52But she can't. Not in her state.
19:54All right, well, I'll, um...
19:56I'll head down and stop everyone getting to watch, yeah?
19:58Mr and Mrs King?
20:00Hi. Any news?
20:01We can't seem to get Tom's pain levels under control there.
20:05We're double-checking we haven't missed anything on his scan.
20:09Perhaps you'd prefer if we talk in the family room, where it's quieter?
20:13Yeah, we would. Thanks.
20:20What's going on?
20:21He should be here, that's what.
20:22What should we say to him?
20:23I don't know. That he's going to cark it up for me.
20:25That'll be the best for all of us.
20:27I need to go in there and find out...
20:28No. You need to go home and let Lyds look after you.
20:30I'm begging you, Belle.
20:32But it's all right. You're going to blow everything.
20:34I already have. Haven't I, Sam?
20:36I already have. Haven't I, Sam?
20:38What are you talking about?
20:40If Tom dies, that's another life I've taken.
20:42How do I live with myself?
20:44I won't lose sleep over it. The bloke's a psycho.
20:47And if he survives, if he lands me in it, then my life's over.
20:52So whatever happens, I'm screwed.
20:55He's won, hasn't he?