Sharing Benny Loves Fiddleberries

  • le mois dernier
00:00Réalisé par Neo035
00:06Benny aime les FiddleBerrys.
00:09C'est une histoire de character-building qui s'appartient à la part de partager.
00:12Une chose que nous apprenons à faire c'est que,
00:15c'est de permettre aux autres d'apprécier vos bonnes blessures.
00:18Building characters to last your whole life through.
00:25Character building will build a better you.
00:33If there's one thing bears like to do, it's eat berries.
00:37And Benny Bear is no exception.
00:39He likes berries in jellies and jam.
00:42He likes them in freshly baked pies.
00:44And he especially likes them in big bowls with lots of rich, fresh cream.
00:50But of all the ways Benny likes berries, his favorite is right off the old berry bush.
00:56And that's exactly the way he was eating them on the day of our story.
01:00Benny was over by Cedar Creek in Agape Land, enjoying handfuls of fiddleberries.
01:06One of the really great things about fiddleberries is that no matter how many you eat, you never get a tummy ache.
01:12And that was a good thing for Benny, or he might have been one miserable bear.
01:17On this beautiful, warm summer day, Benny had discovered a brand new fiddleberry patch.
01:24I can't believe what I'm seeing, he shouted with joy.
01:28Brand new berry bushes!
01:30He quickly gobbled up all the berries from one whole fiddleberry bush.
01:34Fiddleberries are deeeelicious!
01:40He moved to another bush and noticed some extra big juicy berries hanging from the top limb,
01:45which was dangling out over Cedar Creek.
01:48Benny tried reaching for the big berries.
01:50I can almost get them, he said, stretching as far as he could.
01:56Just a little bit more, he stretched farther, way up on his tiptoes.
02:04There, I think I finally got it!
02:07Just as he grabbed for the berries, Benny slipped.
02:10Whoa! He toppled into the cool water below with a great big splash.
02:15Benny laughed and laughed.
02:18Benny had never been to this part of the creek before, so he thought he'd stay in the water and play for a while.
02:24It was then he noticed something strange.
02:27On the side of the creek, where some water splashed from his fall, little plants were beginning to grow.
02:33Hey! These little plants sure pop up quickly!
02:37But that wasn't the biggest surprise for Benny.
02:40They're fiddleberry bushes, he shouted with joy.
02:44Benny splashed more water on the little bushes.
02:46They grew and grew. The more water he splashed, the more they grew.
02:50Wow! They sure get big fast!
02:53Soon, fiddleberries began to appear, the biggest, juiciest berries Benny had ever seen.
02:59Of course, to Benny, this was just too good to be true.
03:02He splashed more water onto the bank, and sure enough, within minutes, more bushes popped up,
03:07each bearing hundreds of the delicious berries.
03:10Well, it wasn't long before Benny got an idea.
03:14I'll build a dam across the creek so I'll have more water to make even more bushes to make even more berries!
03:21More than I could even imagine!
03:23As Benny looked around to find something to make the dam,
03:27he noticed a family of bears downstream enjoying some of the fiddleberries.
03:31Aren't these wonderful berries? Benny shouted.
03:35Yes, said the littlest bear. I eat these every day!
03:39Uh-oh, Benny thought to himself.
03:42If I build a dam across the creek, the bushes downstream won't get any water.
03:47They'll wither and stop making berries.
03:50And then the other bears won't have any berries to eat.
03:54Benny knew it was important to share. He even remembered a song about it.
04:21I have some you want when it's so fun to share
04:27Give away love all day, show someone you care
04:33There's always plenty to share with my friends
04:40I have some you want when it's so fun to share
04:46There's always plenty to share with my friends
04:52And when I'm sharing, the fun never ends
04:58I have some you want when it's so fun to share
05:04Give away love all day, show someone you care
05:10I have some you want when it's so fun to share
05:16Give away love all day, show someone you care
05:23Sharing's contagious, so spread it around
05:30Sharing's contagious, so spread it around
05:37Sharing a smile helps to cure any frown
05:44I have some you want when it's so fun to share
05:51Give away love all day, show someone you care
05:58I have some you want when it's so fun to share
06:04Give away love all day, show someone you care
06:11Show someone you care
06:14It's so fun to share
06:18Yes, thought Benny. Sharing is important.
06:22But when Benny splashed some more water on the bank and watched new bushes shoot up,
06:26he got so excited he forgot all about sharing with the bears downstream
06:30and went ahead and built his dam.
06:32Sure enough, no sooner had Benny finished the dam
06:35than new berry bushes started growing up everywhere around him.
06:39Phew, said Benny. Building a dam sure is a lot of hard work.
06:44I'm really tired. I think I'll just take a little nap.
06:49So he lay down in the shade of a growing fiddleberry bush and fell fast asleep.
06:55Hey, what's going on? said the father bear downstream.
06:59We're running out of fiddleberries.
07:02We've always had plenty before, said mother bear.
07:06Not only are the berries disappearing, added sister bear,
07:09but the bushes are beginning to wither and dry up.
07:13The baby bears began crying.
07:15This made the older bears sad,
07:17and they all decided to find out what was happening to the berry bushes.
07:21Well, it wasn't long before they noticed Cedar Creek didn't have any water running in it.
07:26The rocky bottom was hardly even moist.
07:29Let's go upstream and find out what's happening to the water, said father bear.
07:34Meanwhile, Benny was sleeping soundly among the berry bushes,
07:37and they were growing thicker and thicker,
07:40and more and more new ones were growing by the moment.
07:43At the same time, the water level was very quickly getting higher and higher.
07:48Suddenly, Benny woke up and looked around.
07:50The berry bushes had grown so thick,
07:53As the water rose, the berry bushes began squeezing in on Benny.
07:57Closer and closer they grew.
07:59He could hardly move.
08:01Help! Benny yelled.
08:03Help me! I'm stuck!
08:05Just then the other bears running up the creek bed heard Benny.
08:09Help me! Benny cried out.
08:10Someone break the dam across the creek!
08:13The other bears all got together and pulled and tugged on the tree branches.
08:17There she goes, said father bear, as the dam broke.
08:20The bears jumped back as the rush of water crashed downstream.
08:24They watched the withering berry bushes on the banks come back to life
08:27and begin growing berries once again.
08:30And within a few minutes,
08:32the huge berry bushes around Benny shrank back to normal.
08:36Benny was glad to be free from the berry bushes.
08:39The other bears went back to sleep.
08:42Well, never again I've learned my lesson, said Benny.
08:46I'll always try to think of others first and to share.
08:50Thank you for helping me, said Benny gratefully.
08:53Would you like to come to our house and have dinner with us after?
08:57I'll always try to think of others first and to share.
09:00Thank you for helping me, said Benny gratefully.
09:03Would you like to come to our house and have dinner with us after?
09:06I'll always try to think of others first and to share.
09:09Would you like to come to our house and have dinner with us, asked one of the older bears.
09:13We're having fiddleberries.
09:15How about all of you coming to my house and we'll have honey, said Benny.
09:20I'd like to take a little break from berries.
09:25And they all laughed and laughed and laughed.
09:39And they all laughed and laughed and laughed.
09:42And they all laughed and laughed.
09:45And they all laughed and laughed.
09:48And they all laughed and laughed.
09:51And they all laughed and laughed.
09:54And they all laughed and laughed.
09:57And they all laughed and laughed.
10:00And they all laughed and laughed.
10:03And they all laughed and laughed.
10:06And they all laughed and laughed.
10:09And they all laughed and laughed.
10:12And they all laughed and laughed.
10:15And they all laughed and laughed.
10:18And they all laughed and laughed.
10:21And they all laughed and laughed.
10:24And they all laughed and laughed.
10:27And they all laughed and laughed.
10:30And they all laughed and laughed.
10:33And they all laughed and laughed.
10:36And they all laughed and laughed.
10:39And they all laughed and laughed.
10:42And they all laughed and laughed.
10:45And they all laughed and laughed.
10:48And they all laughed and laughed.
10:51And they all laughed and laughed.
10:54And they all laughed and laughed.
10:57And they all laughed and laughed.
11:00And they all laughed and laughed.
11:03And they all laughed and laughed.
11:06And they all laughed and laughed.
11:09And they all laughed and laughed.
11:12And they all laughed and laughed.
11:15And they all laughed and laughed.
11:18And they all laughed and laughed.
11:21And they all laughed and laughed.
11:24And they all laughed and laughed.
11:27And they all laughed and laughed.
11:30And they all laughed and laughed.
11:33And they all laughed and laughed.
11:36And they all laughed and laughed.
11:39And they all laughed and laughed.
11:42And they all laughed and laughed.
11:45And they all laughed and laughed.
11:48And they all laughed and laughed.
11:51And they all laughed and laughed.