Love’s Rebellion Season 1 Episode 19 (English Sub)

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Love’s Rebellion Season 1 Episode 19 (English Sub)


00:17走过你的白天 我的黑夜 I walked through your daybreak, my darkness
00:22在醒来之前 跟随城市大雁 Before I wake up, I follow the city's great smoke
00:28穿越这流年 遇见相思的茧 Passing through the years, I meet my miss
00:36黄昏沉淀 落在你脊间 The dusk falls on your shoulder
00:41奔驰去写心愿 轮回尝炙热 煮解 I'm going to write a wish, I'm going to taste the sweetness of burning meat
00:58黄昏沉淀 落在你脊间 The dusk falls on your shoulder
01:42路上有人只是陪着你 How many people are just by your side
01:52哪怕等待再多一点点 Even if I have to wait a little longer
01:59走吧 Let's go
02:02慢慢靠近的一瞬间 各自飘散 The moment we slowly get closer, we drift apart
02:10不斗转转 注定一眼 沦陷 都是我的恩怨 It's all my resentment, looking back, it's my habit
02:27此刻交织无言 至此一言便一世相伴 I'm willing to love you forever
02:46一人一世相伴 One person, one life
02:57黄昏沉淀 落在你脊间 The dusk falls on your shoulder
03:02黄昏沉淀 落在你脊间 The dusk falls on your shoulder
03:07沦陷 都是我恩怨 It's all my resentment, looking back, I'm just a fool
03:13此刻交织无言 至此一言便一世相伴 It's all my resentment, looking back, I'm just a fool
03:17此刻交织无言 至此一言便一世相伴 It's all my resentment, looking back, I'm just a fool
03:19此刻交织无言 至此一言便一世相伴 It's all my resentment, looking back, I'm just a fool
03:20你醒了 你醒了 You woke up
03:21我这是怎么了 What's wrong with me?
03:24你在船上突然晕倒 被守卫送了回来 You fainted on the ship and was sent back by the guard
03:28守卫 The guard?
03:31那魔头呢 What about the demon?
03:33为何我见到的是姬呀 Why did I see Ji Ya?
03:40怎么了 还是不舒服吗 What's wrong? Are you still not feeling well?
03:44没事 I'm fine
03:46不是 你打从上了船之后一心想着除魔 You've been trying to get rid of the demon since you got on the ship
03:50这饭也不吃 觉也不睡 You don't eat or sleep
03:51你这身体哪能受得了 How can your body take it?
03:55你说得对 是我太心急了 You're right. I was too impatient
04:01我这就去找小二给你做顿好吃的 好好补补 I'll go find Xiao Er and make you something to eat
04:06好 Okay
04:25你怎么会在这 Why are you here?
04:27与他见面 你很是心急啊 You're in a hurry to meet him
04:55不能进去吗 You can't go in?
04:59大业未成 岂能沉迷于男女之情 How can I indulge in the love of a man and a woman?
05:08素不相识 谈何男女之情 If you don't know each other, how can you love a man and a woman?
05:14何必自欺欺人呢 再见他那一刻 也不得安宁 Why should I be angry with him when I see him?
05:24你在此时 你想靠近他 想了解他 You're here. You want to get close to him. You want to get to know him
05:30因为他素不相识 Because he doesn't know you
05:36闭嘴 Shut up
05:41你在此时 他是用力靠近 You're here. He's trying to get close to you
05:46然后毁灭你 撕碎你 And destroy you
05:49干什么 What are you doing?
05:54那就赌一次 Let's bet
06:19你在此时 你想靠近他 想了解他 You're here. You want to get close to him. You want to get to know him
06:24你在此时 你想靠近他 想了解他 You're here. You want to get close to him. You want to get to know him
06:29然后毁灭你 撕碎你 And destroy you
06:32你在此时 你想靠近他 想了解他 You're here. You want to get close to him. You want to get to know him
06:37你在此时 你想靠近他 想了解他 You're here. You want to get close to him. You want to get to know him
06:42你在此时 你想靠近他 想了解他 You're here. You want to get close to him. You want to get to know him
06:46出来见我吧 Come out and see me
07:11知道你在 I know you are here
07:13The girl has been looking for me.
07:43It's really you.
08:03Why didn't you come to me?
08:09Do you know me?
08:12Who is Miss Wu Yu?
08:21What's wrong with you?
08:24I am Nan Yan.
08:27Nan Yan?
08:29It seems that you don't remember Nan Yan.
08:38It doesn't matter.
08:41You can't escape from the one who wants to kill you.
08:50I don't remember.
09:00I'm sorry.
09:02I had an accident.
09:05I can't remember who it was.
09:08I can't remember.
09:16What happened?
09:23Jin Yang.
09:26It must hurt a lot when the bone is broken.
09:35You know the bone is broken?
09:42She is an old friend.
09:44How is she doing these years?
09:48Jin Yang.
09:51You really don't remember?
10:02Although I don't remember,
10:04I will never forget the name Nan Yan.
10:20It's good that you are alive.
10:24It's good that you are alive.
10:26It's good that you are alive.
10:34I can't change my mind.
10:37If you want me to be trapped in this cage all my life,
10:40why don't you give me a chance now?
10:44I can't control you.
10:47So I'm going to find you a reason to control you.
10:52No way.
10:53Who dares to marry me?
10:55Who dares to marry me?
10:58The reason I gave you has already arrived in Longdu.
11:01You can see it in a while.
11:03If this doesn't work,
11:07I'll spend more money.
11:12There must be a brave man under heavy reward.
11:34You care about her very much.
11:54I just want to know
11:57what kind of person
12:00can make you cut off the bloodline of Hong Chen
12:04and love him so much.
12:15I have never loved him
12:19but we died together
12:26and suffered together.
12:31He is the one
12:35I will never give up in my life.
12:44It's a pity that
12:50three years ago,
12:57I parted with him
13:03in my life.
13:19I'm sorry.
13:52I finally got rid of those two followers.
13:55The young master has run away from home for decades
13:58and wants to follow me?
14:00Dream on.
14:14today is my birthday.
14:16I will hold a literary competition.
14:21The winner
14:24will get
14:26a bottle of Nanchi wine
14:30that I treasure.
14:33A bottle of Nanchi wine?
14:35Isn't that the most beloved wine of Nanyan's mother?
14:38Why don't we take it?
14:40The winner
14:42will get a cup of wine
14:47that Mr. Liu and Mr. Yu
14:50would like to drink.
14:52Mr. Liu,
14:53how can you come here
14:55when you can't even
14:56greet your guests?
14:58That's my business.
15:04If you can drink this wine,
15:07you will be satisfied.
15:11You don't drink.
15:13How can I drink if I win?
15:14You will be satisfied.
15:15Of course.
15:18let's drink.
15:22I'll go first.
15:27Young master.
15:30Young master, I come here today
15:32not because of my status or reputation.
15:35I just hope that
15:36I can make friends with you.
15:41please have a drink first.
15:44Is there any topic
15:46for today's meeting?
15:49Today is my birthday.
15:54All my friends
15:55write poems to celebrate
15:59and use birthday as the topic.
16:01I see.
16:02Then, congratulations.
16:07Let me think.
16:09Just now, I saw
16:11the lightning in the sky
16:13is really rare.
16:19I have an idea.
16:21As the saying goes,
16:23the lightning in the sky
16:26is really rare.
16:38What is he talking about?
16:39Let's listen to his poem.
16:44Suddenly, there is a lightning.
16:46How can I sleep?
16:49Then, there is a lightning again.
16:52Maybe I didn't sleep well last night.
16:56I want to ask the jade emperor what he is busy with.
17:00It turns out to be the birthday.
17:04Last year,
17:05the jade emperor wrote a poem.
17:07The jade emperor wrote a poem.
17:09The jade emperor wrote a poem.
17:11The jade emperor wrote a poem.
17:18Good poem.
17:21I have never heard
17:23such a fresh and original poem.
17:27It is really a poem from the emperor.
17:32The emperor gave me ten thousand books.
17:39Today, although there are many poems,
17:43only this one
17:47can be called
17:49the best in today's literary society.
17:53I am flattered.
18:03I have long heard that the dragon tribe has a good reputation.
18:07Today, I see it.
18:09It is really well-known.
18:11This poem can also be put on the stage.
18:19What is your name?
18:22Who are you?
18:24It turns out to be Mr. Yu.
18:27If you are not convinced,
18:29we can have a competition.
18:34Since you have such a good mood,
18:38let's get together.
18:42Well said.
18:44Come on.
18:47Good poem.
18:49Come on.
19:05Good poem.
19:17Good poem.
19:27Good poem.
19:30Good poem.
19:32Longzhu does not love the golden jade chrysanthemum,
19:35I am the only one who is attached to the phoenix flower snow.
19:39Heaven does not give birth to me, the wood is still,
19:42the warmth is still, the bamboo is still.
19:50I'm sorry.
19:52I won't do it again.
19:59Young Master!
19:59Are you okay?
20:03It's not scary if you don't have a culture.
20:05What's scary is if you don't have a culture, you pretend to have a culture.
20:10Who do you say has no culture?
20:15Let's go.
20:22If you don't say it clearly, you...
20:39How dare you!
20:46I don't know you.
20:48You are a bad person.
20:50You are a bad person.
20:54Let's go.
21:04It's not scary.
21:10I'm a good man.
21:13This pot of wine
21:15is filled with the same feelings as you.
21:24It's such a pity that there's no one here now.
21:26You can't even find someone to play mahjong with.
21:28If you pour this pot of wine on fire,
21:30I'm afraid that Nan Yan is going to go out of the well to make a living again.
21:32Using the wine to dispel the sorrow.
21:34The sorrow is even more sorrowful.
21:36Forget it.
21:38One short of three.
21:40No matter how good the wine is, it's bitter.
21:42Let's go.
21:44Hey, hey, hey.
21:52Come and see the lanterns.
21:54The lanterns.
21:56Come and see the lanterns.
21:58The lanterns.
22:00The lanterns.
22:04Young master.
22:06Buy a lantern for your wife.
22:10She is not my wife.
22:12She is the wife of the future.
22:18Buy one.
22:20Write what you want on the lantern.
22:28Fly a plane.
22:30Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?
22:52I don't have any wishes.
22:54There are many things in life.
22:56It is inevitable to have concerns.
22:58With concerns,
23:00you will naturally have unfulfilled wishes.
23:02Young master, think about it again.
23:10Let me write it.
23:28Let me write it.
23:30There are many unsettled things in life.
23:52In the market, there is no worry, no trouble.
24:22In the market, there is no worry, no trouble.
24:38Little fox.
24:42I have to go back first.
24:44I can't let him know that you have a mark on your body.
24:53See you at the old place later.
25:01Sister. Little fox.
25:03What did you just do?
25:04I didn't do anything. Let's go.
25:11Then I'll buy you some chicken legs later.
25:15OK, I'll buy it for you.
25:20Little fox.
25:22Little fox.
25:31Hello, old man.
25:33We are safe all the way in Jingzhou.
25:36The food is also good.
25:40It's just that it's hard to say that the teacher is acting alone recently.
25:44It seems that he is hiding something from me.
25:46Don't worry.
25:47I will definitely let him be honest with me.
25:49Who told you to write this?
25:53I'm telling the truth.
25:55Are you always acting alone?
25:57Are you hiding something from me?
25:58Did you just go and set the Kongming Lantern alone?
26:00Give it to me.
26:02I won't give it to you.
26:03Give it to me.
26:04Are you afraid to tell me the truth because you are guilty now?
26:07Give it back to me.
26:10Give it to me.
26:11I won't give it to you.
26:15Did you fall?
26:17Write it in silence.
26:22Come on.
26:23Write it again.
26:24Write it as I said.
26:27How to write?
26:29You just say that we have been tracking down the whereabouts of Zai Shi and Sun Bo.
26:35Everything is going well.
26:36Then wish him a good old man.
26:39That's all.
26:41I don't want to wish him.
26:44He lied to me and confined me for three years.
26:46He also said that I would have a smell.
26:48As a result, I didn't have a single fox cat.
26:51And you have become quiet.
26:53Look at me again.
26:54Then why don't you think about it?
26:56It's your own heart that is not sincere enough.
26:58And you didn't practice hard enough.
27:01I've been on a vegetarian diet for three years.
27:04I'm not sincere enough.
27:05Three years.
27:06I almost set him up.
27:08Three years.
27:09I almost set him up.
27:14It turned out to be an immature little demon.
27:18All right.
27:19Write it quickly.
27:28If it weren't for three years ago,
27:30I gave you your silver pearl in the way of Xia Gu.
27:34After this,
27:36so many things won't happen.
27:39This fate is really indescribable.
27:43What the hell are you thinking about again?
27:45You're starting to forget me for no reason.
27:49Let me tell you.
27:51I'm sure I'll make a proposal.
27:53Even if I'm a single man for the rest of my life,
27:55even if I fight for my fox life,
27:57I will protect you to the end.
28:00Just because he's a single man?
28:02All right.
28:03I know you're nice to me.
28:06Do you want to write a letter?
28:10You say.
28:12I'll write.
28:28What's wrong with this pen?
28:36What's wrong?
29:06Who are you?
29:31Who are you?
29:36Who are you?
30:06Who are you?
30:31Why can't I see her?
30:33Why am I so disappointed?
30:35Why is my heart so easy for her?
31:05I'm sorry.
31:16You did it on purpose just now.
31:20You're making fun of the little fox, aren't you?
31:25I'm a talkative person.
31:27It's a little noisy.
31:28I was just teasing her on purpose.
31:35Who is he to you?
31:37Why are you so ugly?
31:39Why are you with a single man?
31:43He's a good friend of mine.
31:47Good friend?
31:50I treat him like a brother.
32:02By the way,
32:03what did you just ask me?
32:07I want to ask you
32:09about the extermination of the Yangyue Sect.
32:15Yangyue Sect?
32:17I just took a picture with the murderer.
32:19I didn't ask for anything.
32:24what did Chief Meng ask you
32:27before he died?
32:33He said...
32:35He said that the devil is trying to disturb the cultivation of the world
32:39with the help of the Jinyin pillar.
32:48He also mentioned you.
32:53What did he say about me?
32:56He said your name is Nan Yan.
32:59It's me.
33:03I have someone to protect me in this life.
33:17You have done too much for me in the past.
33:23In the future,
33:25whether you are Yin or Qi Yang,
33:30give me a chance.
33:33Let me protect you.
33:51I have a request.
33:54What is it?
33:57They said that the cultivation of the world
33:59is not a magic art.
34:02It's a desert and a devil.
34:05I want you to do me a favor.
34:22You want me to cast a spell for you?
34:31When I woke up,
34:33I felt like I was in a desert.
34:37I didn't know that there is a kind of feeling in the world.
34:42I didn't know
34:45that there is someone who remembers me.
34:49It's good to be a human.
34:52Let me help you.
34:55But what I have is not a normal magic instrument.
34:59Casting a spell is not a magic art.
35:05I went to the mountains and seas
35:08only for one person.
35:11I can cast all the magic arts in the world.
35:14For you
35:16and another life,
35:19I am willing to cast you.
35:29Casting a spell
35:31is not a magic art.
35:58Oh, my God.
36:28Oh, my God.
36:59Oh, my God.
37:05How could this happen?
37:15Here comes the food.
37:24Where is she?
37:58Oh, my God.
38:29When you appear behind me
38:35The stars in the sky stop twinkling
38:41Falling into the universe
38:48When I stand by your side
38:53Everything in the world becomes useless
38:59Just like your eyes
39:06Every minute and every second
39:10that I walk with you
39:15Our story is like smoke
39:19Falling into your eyes
39:22Can you hold my hands tightly
39:26No matter where we are
39:31Everything starts and ends
39:40Let me go forward with you
39:45Let all the brilliant fireworks
39:48stop for you
39:52When the wind blows
39:57When the wind blows
40:02From your eyebrows to my heart
40:07It's like listening to the wind and rain
40:11How can I understand
40:14Hold on tight
40:17Hold on tight
40:28Can you hold my hands tightly
40:33No matter where we are
40:36Everything starts and ends
40:46Let me go forward with you
40:51Let all the brilliant fireworks
40:54stop for you
40:59When the wind blows
41:04When the wind blows
