Nineties Eastenders (26th June 1997)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (26th June 1997)
00:00[♪ music ♪ and crowd noise ♪
00:31Nigel, you got a minute? Tactics, eh?
00:33I'm not falling for that one.
00:34No, I just want...
00:35I'll see you at the start, eh?
00:38You didn't have to do that. I could have picked you up later.
00:40Oh, my fault. We ran out. It didn't take long.
00:42Oh, you'd better get off home now. I've got a date.
00:46Two teas, I suppose.
00:48I'm so glad I bumped into you.
00:51I was wondering what I was going to do with myself today.
00:54I told you, I don't need your help.
00:56You won't say that when you get a migraine.
00:59It's a shock for your eyes, you know.
01:01You being indoors all that time.
01:03Morning, ladies.
01:05Big day today.
01:06Oh, yes, I was up at the lark.
01:08Make sure everything was organised properly for Nigel.
01:10I'm going to walk all round the course.
01:12Check it out.
01:13Oh, no, you ain't. I'm doing that.
01:15I'm Nigel's trainer.
01:23Go on, Nige, keep it going.
01:24I've got a tenner riding on you.
01:26I've got a fibre on you, mate,
01:27so you'll beat him easy, won't you, mate?
01:29Yeah, I heard you had a bet on Grant as well, just in case.
01:32Who told you that?
01:33I did. Sorry, was it a secret?
01:37So, how's the betting going?
01:38It's hot enough, isn't it?
01:39Yeah, all the smart money's on Grant.
01:40See you.
01:41See you later.
01:45Where are you going?
01:46The animal show, like you suggested.
01:48I phoned him and described him,
01:49and they said there's a dog there that might be him.
01:51Listen, I wouldn't get your hopes too high.
01:53See you then.
01:58You all right?
02:02Were you up, Keen?
02:03Yeah, just thought I'd do a bit of market research
02:05before I head over to the new site.
02:06Thought I'd have a meeting soon.
02:07Haven't you got enough to do with the new chip shop?
02:09Mum, the Residence Association is important.
02:11Anyway, my new chip shop's going like a dream.
02:13Oh, I'm having a grand opening ceremony in about three weeks' time.
02:15I'm going to do three fish and chips.
02:16That should drag them in.
02:17That's nice.
02:18The only thing I haven't done is my speech.
02:19What for?
02:20The inaugural meeting of the Residence Association.
02:22I haven't found a member.
02:23Can't do enough for me.
02:26Nigel is like the sun I should have had.
02:28When it is on a day like this that I feel like I've really come home.
02:31Yes, very nice.
02:32But hadn't we better get going?
02:34I'm starting the race, you know.
02:35Nigel insisted.
02:36Said he couldn't start it without me.
02:38I've still got me old girl guide whistle.
02:40Is that such a good idea, do you think?
02:42What do you mean?
02:43Well, you're being very brave, Dot.
02:45But with your failing eyesight, perhaps we'll...
02:48There's nothing wrong with me mouth, is there?
02:50That's a matter of opinion.
02:51What was that?
02:52Oh, nothing, dear.
02:54Come on.
02:56Going to watch a big race this afternoon?
02:57Yeah, maybe, if I've got time.
02:58I'll see you later.
02:59See you later.
03:00Fancy a flat, ladies?
03:01Oh, maybe later.
03:03How much do I owe you?
03:04On the house this morning, Dot.
03:05Oh, how very nice of you.
03:07Very kind.
03:10What was all that about?
03:12Well, Dot needs all the money she can get right now.
03:14If Pauline's right, then Nick's been up to his old tricks again.
03:17Yeah, can't reckon there's some bloke hanging around the square asking questions.
03:20Reckons he looks like trouble.
03:21Oh, no.
03:23Don't you think we're going a bit over the top here, then?
03:25I haven't had enough boxers in my day.
03:27I know what they eat.
03:28Yeah, I know.
03:29But the one with the Nigel ain't doing ten rounds, are they?
03:31They're only doing a couple of laps round the square.
03:33Only, it's the biggest event Wolfe has seen in years.
03:37Been for a warm-up, love?
03:39Yeah, well, it was quite a...
03:40Yeah, right, then.
03:41Get that down you.
03:42You've got to be kidding.
03:43And I've got a surprise for you.
03:46What do you think?
03:47Great, isn't it?
03:48George had it made up for you.
03:50How's your change?
03:51Tenner on Grant, right?
03:52Two to one.
03:53Maybe I should have bet on Nigel.
03:54Yeah, if you want to lose your money, yeah.
03:56That's not fair.
03:57Nigel's serious about this race.
03:58He's really fit.
03:59Anyway, why don't you shove off and stop asking my customers?
04:01Go on.
04:03Hey, Gita.
04:04You bet on the race this afternoon?
04:05Oh, I think Sandra's betting off both of us.
04:07Yeah, listen, give us one of those nice cakes for Simon, will you?
04:09I'm trying to cheer him up.
04:10Well, it's a shame, isn't it?
04:12Yeah, I don't think he's even made up with Tony yet.
04:14They're nice lads.
04:15They don't deserve it.
04:16It's bad enough only couple were having problems.
04:18We're about the only square gossiping about it.
04:20Yeah, that's true.
04:21I've got to go.
04:22See you later.
04:26All right, Lenny?
04:27Oh, yeah, thanks.
04:31Yes, love, we're going to get you.
04:52Of course, in the old days, community really meant something.
04:55You know, before this urban sprawl took over.
04:57Nowadays, people are happy to hide behind their curtains.
04:59You know, I'm all whitejacking it, never mind your neighbours.
05:02Do you know what I think about that?
05:03I'll come back later, shall I?
05:04No, no, no.
05:06Well, thanks, Ian.
05:07I think I've got enough information now.
05:09Not disturbing you, am I?
05:10No, no, not at all.
05:11Ian was just leaving.
05:12Oh, was I?
05:14Well, are you coming then?
05:16To the ASRA meeting?
05:17I expect so.
05:18Oh, great.
05:22Best bacon butty I've had in ages.
05:24I'll have to come here again.
05:25Oh, thanks.
05:26Is this your cafe, or do you just work here?
05:28No, it's mine.
05:29Local, are you?
05:30Yeah, that's all right.
05:31Why do you ask?
05:32No, I was just thinking of moving this way.
05:34I suppose you must know everyone around here.
05:36Look, I'm sorry, I'm a bit busy, I can't share.
05:38It's not very neighbourly, is it?
05:40Look, I'm glad you liked the sandwich.
05:42I lied.
05:43It was rubbish.
05:44Just like the rest of this poxy square.
05:46Well, you won't want to move here, then?
05:48I don't want to be seen dead in a place like this.
05:50It's a dump.
05:54Oh, if you hadn't have turned up, I think I'd have fallen asleep.
05:57Well, that'll teach you to ignore the golden rule.
06:00What's that?
06:01Avoid men with clipboards at all costs.
06:04It's nice to see you laugh.
06:06So how have things been?
06:07I mean, really?
06:09A bit quiet, though.
06:10You know, it's funny.
06:11I've encouraged Joe to go out.
06:13He's a nice guy.
06:16You know, it's funny.
06:17I've encouraged Joe to go out, play pool,
06:19spend time with kids his own age, and now he's never here.
06:22Maybe you should take up pool.
06:24Anyway, enough about me.
06:25How are you?
06:26Are you looking forward to the race?
06:27I wouldn't say that exactly.
06:28That's why I popped round,
06:29to see if I could count on your support this afternoon.
06:32It'd mean a lot to me.
06:33I'll have to consult my diary, Nigel.
06:35See if I can spare the time to cheer you on.
06:39Thanks for giving me a hand.
06:41I'm sorry your dog isn't here.
06:43Well, you know, I can't believe there's so many animals.
06:47I never realised.
06:49Ponies as well.
06:50I mean, how could people be so cruel?
06:53I'll never understand it.
06:55We do what we can, but they keep on coming.
06:59When people throw their pets out, it's like a death sentence.
07:02I hate it.
07:03Yeah, but you do find homes for them, don't you?
07:05Puppies are easier to place.
07:07They're still cute, easier to train.
07:10Some of the older dogs, well, it's harder.
07:13Impossible sometimes.
07:18When I first met Wellard, he was really badly treated.
07:22He was starving.
07:24He used to be loved and looked after.
07:27If I don't find him soon...
07:28Animals are very resilient, you know.
07:31He sounds like a survivor to me.
07:33Yeah, I hope so.
07:35So, how's my thoroughbred? Taking it easy, I hope?
07:37Don't, please. I've had Mum clucking around me all morning.
07:40So, what are the odds like now?
07:41You're evens.
07:42But it's not all good news, bruv,
07:44cos Nigel's closing at five to one,
07:46and I have to say, he's looking good.
07:49I am tempted.
07:51All this says...
07:53I'm gonna win.
07:55What time's your appointment with the doctor?
07:57Four o'clock. We toss for it.
07:59I'm going in first, aren't I?
08:01I know you're nervous, but honestly, it'll be worth it.
08:04Yeah, actually...
08:05I wish it was Dr Legg.
08:06Look, don't worry. You'll be fine, I know.
08:09See you later.
08:10Yeah, OK, Mum.
08:12You still taking bets in the race?
08:14Yeah, I reckon I want a clean-up.
08:16Grant's favourite.
08:17Oh, yeah? Not in my house, he's not.
08:19He's a fiver on Nigel.
08:22No ebroids, Nigel.
08:24We don't want you shooting off the line at 50 miles an hour,
08:27or you'll hit your feet before you're round the bend.
08:30You let Grant think that he's got the measure of you,
08:33then, when he's least expecting it,
08:35you make a spurt for the line.
08:37I haven't covered spurting, Mrs C.
08:39Don't worry, it's on the internet.
08:41Oh, right.
08:42Mrs C, are you sure that counterclockwise is that way around the square?
08:46Trust me, I'm your trainer.
08:48I've got you a lovely dinner today.
08:50I've pulled out all the stops.
08:52Oh, Mrs C, you're not gonna spoil me
08:54with a nice juicy steak followed by a syrup pudding, are you?
08:57Congratulations, Nigel.
08:58Nice, healthy salad.
08:59Bean sprouts and grated carrots.
09:01How's that?
09:02Dart, just a minute.
09:04We're in conference.
09:05Look, I've got the chalk.
09:06We'll speak to you later.
09:14What are you doing back?
09:16Are you all right?
09:17Yeah, fine.
09:18Stopping for lunch?
09:19No, I left some work stuff at home.
09:21I wouldn't have bothered you, but I forgot my key.
09:25Can I borrow yours for now?
09:26Yeah, OK.
09:28Will you be back in time for the race?
09:30Not sure.
09:31Listen, I'd better go.
09:38Tony, wait!
09:41Wait a minute.
09:43Come on, sorry.
09:44Listen, it's important.
09:45I thought you weren't talking to me anyway.
09:47Of course I am.
09:48We're still mates, aren't we?
09:49If you say so.
09:50Well, yeah, I do.
09:51What do you want, Lenny?
09:53Why don't you tell me what's going on?
09:55I thought it was common knowledge.
09:57Simon made sure of that the other night.
09:59Look, hold on.
10:01Have you and Simon fallen out?
10:02What's it to you?
10:03Like I said, we're friends, right?
10:05It just seems we're having a rough time.
10:07It's not a big deal.
10:08I just want to be left alone, all right?
10:10And what about Simon?
10:11What about him?
10:12I've just seen you blank him.
10:13That's the second time today.
10:14He's brought on himself by mouthing off like that.
10:16He had no right.
10:17He can't speak for me.
10:18Especially about that.
10:20Wasn't that bad, was it?
10:23Don't look worried.
10:24As far as I'm concerned, you're in good shape.
10:28Some men who aren't HIV positive fail these medicals, you know.
10:31I'm glad to say you passed.
10:33That's great.
10:35That's a bit of relief, to be honest with you, Doctor.
10:37My wife will be pleased.
10:38Oh, yeah, she's next, isn't she?
10:40Shall I call her in now?
10:41By all means.
10:42All right.
10:43I just don't want to see him at the same mistake that I did.
10:46Look, Lenny...
10:47Do you know what a bounty bar is?
10:51Well, that's what my mates called me.
10:53I was 16, Tony.
10:55I was 16, Tony.
10:57And I made the mistake of falling for a white girl.
11:00I mean, to my mates, that made me a bounty bar.
11:04Black on the outside, white on the inside.
11:07Have you any idea what that does to a kid who's just getting into girls?
11:11It must have been tough.
11:12Yeah, it was.
11:14I mean, she was gorgeous.
11:16Really bright as well.
11:18Loads of guys fancied her.
11:19I mean, loads of guys.
11:21But she chose me.
11:23She was really special.
11:25So what happened?
11:27I just made her life hell until she gave up on me.
11:31Couldn't handle it, could I?
11:33Not all that stuff from her mates.
11:35I mean, it was crazy.
11:37But for some reason, their approval was more important to me.
11:40You see, I was young and stupid.
11:44I gave her a hard time just because of their attitude.
11:48I mean, she must have been so hurt.
11:51It just doesn't make sense, does it?
11:55I've never met anybody like her since.
11:59If only I hadn't listened, then I'd...
12:03This is just between us, right?
12:05Yeah, of course.
12:07All I'm saying is that there's no way I'd listen to him now,
12:10and if this is what's happening between you and Simon, well...
12:12It's not just that, but things anyway, yeah.
12:16Give it to me, Lily.
12:18Is it too much to ask?
12:20I only want to chalk the line.
12:22After all, I bought it.
12:23That is Bill's job.
12:25And if you don't find yourself a good vantage point soon,
12:27you won't see nothing, will you?
12:28Oh, dear.
12:29And I'll have your binoculars and all.
12:32Well, you said it yourself, with my eyesight.
12:36Mum, can we have a slice of this white paper?
12:39Yeah, it's brilliant. Come on, we're going to be off base.
12:41Yeah, are you coming to watch?
12:42I wouldn't miss it for the world.
12:43If there's a chance, I'll come.
12:44Are you coming to watch?
12:45I wouldn't miss it for the world.
12:46If there's a chance of Grant Mitchell falling flat on his face,
12:48I want to be there.
12:50I'm glad you can laugh, Sonia.
12:51I can't laugh ever again.
12:52Right, I've had enough of this.
12:54She misses Wellard as much as you do, don't you?
12:56Yeah, but Mum...
12:57It happened, Robbie, we can't change that.
12:59This is highly irregular, you know.
13:01It's a special occasion, don't worry about it.
13:03Yeah, but I'm the market inspector, aren't I?
13:04I'm going to have to consult the rule book about this.
13:07Yeah, after I've collected your winnings.
13:12Great bit of turnout, isn't it?
13:13Shall I put a fiver on it?
13:14Look, Phil's still taking bets.
13:16Put one on Nigel for me.
13:17Hands on the nose.
13:18Cheers, Gary.
13:21Cheers, mate.
13:22You've got to be kidding me, though.
13:23What made you change your bets to Nigel?
13:24I've got faith.
13:25Yeah, you must have got rocks in your head, Lee.
13:27Move yourselves.
13:29I need to be here.
13:30I'm a very old lady.
13:32Here he comes.
13:38Well, this is it.
13:39No turning back.
13:41I bought this for you to wear.
13:42I hope you like it.
13:43Oh, great.
13:44Come on, mate.
13:46It's a bit mad, all this, isn't it?
13:48Trying not to embarrass you too much.
13:50You couldn't.
13:51Whatever happens.
13:52Don't know about that.
13:53Look, Nigel, I don't care if you lose.
13:55What really matters is that you tried.
14:07Good luck.
14:09It's great, isn't it?
14:10It's like the old Walford song now.
14:12You can't hear me, bruv.
14:13Don't let me down, all right?
14:16Look at him.
14:17It's as if he is.
14:25Ladies, you all live in Walford, don't you?
14:27Oh, no.
14:29Bill, ten on one.
14:30Ten on one.
14:31Ten on one.
14:32Ten on one.
14:33Ten on one.
14:34Ten on one.
14:35Ten on one.
14:36Ten on one.
14:37Ten on one.
14:38Ten on one.
14:39Thanks, mate.
14:40Go for it, yeah?
14:47Well done, Nigel!
14:54Look, you want to win this, Nige?
14:56Yes, I'd like.
14:57Yeah, well, whatever happens, yeah?
15:00Let's just do it, shall we?
15:02You both ready?
15:04Ready, Mr. C.
15:10Come on, Nigel!
15:15Attention, please.
15:17This race will be run according to the rules,
15:21what I've got written here on this bit of paper.
15:25Those competitors will run counterclockwise
15:28from the starting line, round the square twice,
15:32and before setting out, past the playground,
15:36towards George.
15:38The passing of the starting line
15:42will erode the ending of the race.
15:46Do you understand?
15:47Yeah, yeah, I think so.
15:49Now, before I blow me whistle,
15:52I would like to say a few words.
15:55May the best man win, Nigel Grant.
16:00You will both go on me whistle.
16:04She thinks she's on gladiators.
16:08Get on with it.
16:19Nigel Grant.
16:30How much you coming in?
16:38I can't move. It's not over yet.
16:40Nigel! Yeah, come on, Nigel!
16:59Come on, Nigel!
17:00Come on, Nigel!
17:05Yeah, I know I've been horrible, Mum,
17:07but I just can't stop thinking about him.
17:09I know, love.
17:10Hey, fans decide better than who appears first, eh?
17:12There's no point.
17:13From the look of it, it's got to be Grant.
17:15I hope not, for Claire's sake.
17:16It's a disaster. I shouldn't have let him do it.
17:18Stop it, Claire. He ain't like you.
17:26I think I'm going to be sick.
17:31They're coming!
17:39Come on, Grant! You can do it, babe!
17:46Not now!
17:50Come on!
17:52Come on!
17:56Go, Grant! Go, my son!
18:01He's going to do it! He's going to win!
18:14Oh, you naughty girl!
18:16Someone's messed your eyes!
18:23And the winner is...
18:30No, no, no, no, no!
18:31It is not fair. This is all wrong.
18:33He didn't really win.
18:35Oh, I'm sorry, Grant. She got away from you.
18:38Yeah, well, it doesn't matter now, does it, Mum?
18:40Wait a minute, mate, I knew you had it in you!
18:42No, you didn't.
18:43Otherwise, you wouldn't have bet on Grant as well.
18:45Oh, leave me alone!
18:46Look, it was out of order, all right?
18:47Grant would have won. He was obstructing, wasn't he?
18:49Yes, right. Don't be a bad loser, Phil.
18:51No, he's right, dog. Grant was improv, wasn't he?
18:53What about the bets? What are you going to do?
18:55Look, hang on, hang on. Let me sort it out, all right?
18:57If it was the other way round, you wouldn't be complaining.
19:00Isn't the adjudicator's word supposed to be higher?
19:03Absolutely. Thank you for pointing that out.
19:05So, in other words, what we...
19:06I can deal with it.
19:07When are you playing out?
19:08Yeah, we want our money! Come on!
19:11Listen, everyone, it's not worth having a row.
19:14All bets are off, OK?
19:18Now, listen, listen.
19:20If it hadn't been for Freda, he would have beaten me.
19:24Grant would have won.
19:26I don't want to win like that.
19:28It's not right.
19:30I'm four foot in the race.
19:34We don't know that for sure.
19:36Oh, all right.
19:39I declare this race null and void, a tie!
19:48Well done, Nodge.
19:50It was close.
19:51Yeah, it was, wasn't it?
19:54Listen, you did do your best, didn't you?
19:57Yeah, of course. You really had me worried.
19:59Ah, it felt good, didn't it?
20:03Must do it again sometime, eh?
20:05No way. I know I can do it now. That's all I wanted.
20:08Well done, Nigel.
20:11All right, everybody, all bets are off,
20:13but the drinks are on the house!
20:20She'd have been there, Tony.
20:21It was brilliant. Grant's dog scuppered the race.
20:23Everyone was going mad.
20:25I know.
20:27I just got back in time. Peggy's face was the right picture, wasn't it?
20:30Yeah. I couldn't stop laughing.
20:33Listen, um...
20:35can't we just forget about all this business, you know?
20:38Pretend it never happened, do you mean?
20:40Yeah, why not? We could.
20:41You just don't get it, do you?
20:43You haven't listened to a single thing I've said.
20:45Get off your soapbox, will you?
20:47But where are you going now?
20:49Just stay out.
20:52Now I know what it's like to go through the pain barrier.
20:54I thought I was going to die.
20:55I reckon you could have finished that marathon, Nige.
20:57Yeah, if you'd gone the right way, you mean.
20:59It was a fight, though, wasn't it?
21:00Yeah, I'll have Alex at all in case you forget.
21:02Look, I'm sorry about all this.
21:03It's not your fault, mate.
21:05I enjoyed every minute of it.
21:06Well done.
21:09Who's my big hero, then?
21:13Oh, you don't have to flatter me.
21:15I'm not. I mean it.
21:16I couldn't have done it without you, Mrs C.
21:18You were brilliant.
21:19Oh, well, I suppose you're right.
21:23Happy's everything, isn't she?
21:24She's really enjoyed herself today.
21:27Have you told Nigel about that bloke who's asking after us?
21:29No, not yet.
21:30Well, maybe you'd better.
21:31Kathy thinks he came into the cafe today.
21:33Would you like another drink?
21:34Oh, I don't mind if I do.
21:36After all, it is a special occasion, isn't it?
21:39Yes, thanks. I will.
21:42You were great, Nige. You were great, mate.
21:44Sorry the bets are off. I knew you'd back me.
21:46Never mind. It's only money, isn't it?
21:47Mind you, you couldn't lose, really, could you?
21:49What was it you had on Grant?
21:50Twenty, weren't it?
21:52No, no, I don't want a lot more than me, Nige.
21:54I mean, I bet on you first.
21:55I took a chance on you, didn't I?
21:56Come on.
22:10What's that for?
22:12Peace offering.
22:13Oh, right.
22:18Look, I'm sorry.
22:23Just answer me this, Tony.
22:26Have we got a relationship or not?
22:29I need to know. I can't go on like this.
22:32Neither can I.
22:34We need to talk about things.
22:36Properly, I mean. Without rowing all the time.
22:40I shouldn't have said what I did.
22:42But as I listened to them talking, I just got more and more angry.
22:48I'm sorry, but I can't take it back now.
22:51No, you can't.
22:54I never meant to hurt you.
22:58Please, just tell me how I can make it better.
23:05I see.
23:07So that's it, then?
23:10It's over between us.
23:12No, it's just really hard for me.
23:14After what you did, I feel so exposed.
23:20Do you love me, Tony?
23:22Because even after all this, I still love you.
23:26I still want you.
23:31But maybe it'd be better if I weren't around.
23:34No, don't go.
23:37Why, Tony?
23:39Because, yeah.
23:41Yeah, I do.
23:42I really love you.
23:44Are you sure?
23:46Of course I do.
23:50I'm sorry.
23:57I meant it when I said this was a peace offering.
24:00Let's open it now, eh?
24:02Yeah, alright.
24:03Not here.
24:05In the bedroom.
24:08Well, I'm glad I came in here.
24:09I've had so much interest, I've nearly run out of paper.
24:11Oh, that's nice.
24:13So you're really doing well, are you?
24:14Oh, fantastic, Doc.
24:15I mean, basically, by the time I've finished,
24:17you'll be able to sleep soundly in your bed at night.
24:19You won't have to worry about a thing.
24:20You don't have to be a victim anymore.
24:22I ain't a victim.
24:23No, not now, maybe.
24:24I mean, around here, you've got people looking out for you.
24:26Not like in Grave's End.
24:30People looking out for you.
24:31Not like in Grave's End.
24:33No, I just couldn't have a word.
24:34Let's have a photo of you two together.
24:36Oh, yeah, great idea.
24:37Hang on.
24:39But what are you talking about, Ian?
24:41Well, Mum told me what happened in Grave's End.
24:43I mean, how your Nick ripped you off again
24:44and left you to fend for yourself.
24:46It's a lie.
24:47It ain't true.
24:48Oh, right, well, Aunty Paulie told her, but...
25:01Mrs Scott.
25:05Looks like you managed to put your foot in it, didn't you?
25:07I was just saying how we'd all look out for her now.
25:09I don't know why she got so upset.
25:11Oh, Paddy.
25:12What's that?
25:13We let on to Dot, didn't we?
25:14Nash thinks we're all talking about her.
25:16As if she hasn't been through enough.
25:21I've got to go.
25:22I've got to go.
25:23I've got to go.
25:24I've got to go.
25:25I've got to go.
25:26I've got to go.
25:27I've got to go.
25:28I've got to go.
25:31Look, I tried to tell you earlier,
25:32but there's been some bloke sniffing round after Dot.
25:34He's been in here and he's been in the cafe.
25:36What bloke?
25:37I don't know.
25:38I just didn't like the look of him.
25:39What did he want with her?
25:40Where is she?
25:41She ran out.
25:43So you haven't had any contact with your son at all?
25:46Not since the day he was sent down.
25:49Do you know a Damien Spinks?
25:51Never heard of him.
25:52What is it?
25:53What's happened?
25:54Your son's no longer in prison, Mrs Cotton.
25:56He escaped recently with Damien Spinks, his cellmate.
26:01You're going the wrong way again, mate.
26:03Ignore him, Nigel.
26:04You were brilliant.
26:05Oh, thanks, yeah.
26:06Look, I'll catch you later, yeah?
26:14Don't worry, Mrs Cotton.
26:15We'll catch up with them sooner or later.
26:17But you will let us know if your son gets in contact, won't you?
26:21I see.
26:22All right.
26:23What's happened?
26:24What's happened?
26:31What was all that about, then?
26:32I don't know. Maybe Nigel's been taking steroids.
26:34You're terrible, you are.
26:41Nick's escaped.
26:45He's out there somewhere.
26:48I've been found out.
26:50How do they all know?
26:51I swear, Mrs C, I haven't told a soul.
26:54I've been so stupid.
26:55Bury me head in the sand, open it, it'll all go away.
26:59But it won't.
27:01It'll be all right, Mrs C.
27:04Nick won't stop haunting me.
27:06Will he?
27:13Classic EastEnders continues next.
27:15And the police are still looking for Nick Cotton.
27:17Pauline tells Kathy she's been rooting through family documents
27:21to try and find her sister.