Bang head against wall

  • last month
To be frustrated in your efforts to change something or make something happen
00:00bang head against wall to be frustrated in your efforts to change something or
00:06make something happen are you asking me out on Valentine's Day I guess I am I'm
00:17uh I'm not one to usually bang my head against the wall is that a no no no I'm
00:22banging my head it's my new thing I guess
00:26morning for the last 30 years bang my head against brick wall to maintain
00:32children's services but this time around no one's listening
00:37we obviously have a difference of opinion and that's fine unfortunately
00:41I've used up all the time I budgeted today for banging my head against the
00:44wall I'm gonna do you the biggest favor one doctor can do for another I am good