
  • last week
00:00And we're going to be talking about the battle of the special forces.
00:07Forward. Walk, walk, walk.
00:09Sit down.
00:15The hardest battle in the special forces is the one you'll face in your mind.
00:21And you won't last two seconds.
00:23Turn around.
00:28Let's move. Come on then.
00:30In this series, 15 celebrity recruits have been taken to the other side of the world.
00:39The only way these celebrities are going to find their potential is to make their lives a living hell.
00:46There isn't going to be an easy way out.
00:48They'll be put through the most grueling stages of SAS selection.
00:55By an elite team of ex-special forces soldiers.
01:01Stripped of all home comforts, they will be pushed further than ever before.
01:07Oh my God, if I pass this course, I'd be as happy as a dog with two dicks.
01:11But it's going to be a challenge.
01:15I'd like to think of myself as a bit of a hard nut.
01:18But probably when I'm out there, I might crumble like a pastry.
01:22No allowances or exceptions will be made.
01:25I'm actually a member of the most unpopular family in the country.
01:28Come on.
01:30So whatever happens, I can survive.
01:32Dig, dig, let's go.
01:34There you go.
01:37No other test asks as much.
01:39I don't want to give it a go.
01:41I'm sore.
01:43As much.
01:44Look at me.
01:45Don't give up.
01:46Stay in the game.
01:47Get in the game.
01:48Head up.
01:49Head up.
01:50To the few who make it through.
01:51If you want to be here, then use the pain.
01:54You nasty things.
01:56Thank you, Soph.
01:58Have you ever been in a situation where it hurts to do buttons up?
02:16Or to open a belt?
02:18I've just never had the sensation I can't even do up clothes.
02:23Of the recruits who started the course, just seven remain.
02:31I never thought I'd say.
02:32I literally just cannot wait to piss on my eyes.
02:35I know.
02:36What they don't know is by nightfall they'll be sent on the run
02:40for one of the toughest phases of selection, escape and evasion.
02:48That's what it is like now.
02:53Oh, my God.
02:54Breakfast is an apple.
02:56To physically drain the recruits, the DS are restricting their rations.
03:00I've been going on all week about these New Zealand apples
03:03and how good the fruit is here.
03:05Whatever's in there, I'll eat it.
03:12Everybody on parade!
03:14Full kit!
03:16Head up.
03:18Come on, guys.
03:21Come on, hurry up.
03:34We are pretty much in the death throes of this course.
03:38This is where you've got to dig deep.
03:42Determination and discipline are pretty much the only things
03:46that are going to get you through this next bit.
03:49Is that understood?
03:50Yes, sir.
03:51Right, let's make our way to the gates.
03:57Hurry up.
04:04This course is designed to teach people about themselves.
04:08They're cold, wet, hungry.
04:15Recruits are going to be pushed to their breaking point
04:18and they have to dig deep, find the grit and the determination
04:21to keep going.
04:31We're looking for people that can fight no matter what.
04:35Win, lose or draw, we want fighters.
04:38This is when we see who really wants to be here.
04:49Right, is that everyone?
04:51No, where's number eight?
04:53Right, let's go, eh?
04:56What's going on? Has he chinned it off?
04:58Come on, then, speed it up.
05:00Fucking hell.
05:04Right, this task is to move that equipment as a team
05:08up to a high point.
05:10You do not move more than 10 metres from your team.
05:15Is that understood?
05:16Yes, sir.
05:17Team Alpha, three, eight, 12 and 10.
05:23Team Bravo, 15, seven and nine.
05:30In one of the most basic but physically demanding tasks...
05:36..teams must carry over 140 kilograms of field equipment
05:41up a mountain three kilometres away.
05:46This is going to be heavy. The tyres are going to be cumbersome.
05:49With no leaders appointed,
05:51it's up to the recruits to decide who will take control.
05:55I'll take these two big ones.
05:58And then you three, you three work out the west.
06:00Let's go, let's get moving!
06:02I'm going to carry these two. Yep, I'll take that.
06:05Lani, you've got the big tyre.
06:07Right, let's move, come on!
06:08Just grab whatever you can.
06:09Start walking, start going.
06:11Therese, let's start acting like a Therese.
06:14Teamwork, let's go!
06:16Taking the lead for Team Alpha, number eight, Anthony.
06:20Well done, girls.
06:22I grew up with my mum and I've got four sisters.
06:25Single parent, raised all of us single-handedly.
06:29Come on, girls, let's keep plugging away.
06:32In my head, I've been a man of my house since I was five years old
06:35and because of that, you care for people a lot.
06:37And I think I'm the white knight, I want to save the day all the time.
06:41Move, move!
06:45Of course I understand that I can't do everything.
06:48Sometimes I've got to hand over the baton to somebody else
06:51and just hope and pray they do it with the same gusto that I do it with.
06:55Wait for me. Wait for me!
06:58Wait for me!
07:00Wait, wait, wait.
07:02I've got to dish through this weight, too much on my own.
07:04All right, OK.
07:06While Team Alpha stall...
07:08Get past them, take your opportunity and get round them.
07:11Lead them through, seven.
07:13..Team Bravo move ahead, being led by number seven, Ovi.
07:19Come on, sit on my heels, Bravo.
07:21I definitely think I'm a leader, just naturally.
07:24Hurry up, Bravo!
07:26Quick steps. Quick steps.
07:29I think the biggest benefit of playing basketball professionally
07:32is working in a team.
07:34We all have to be able to come together because we want to win.
07:37And when we win, that serves all of us.
07:40That, I think, translates into everything.
07:43Quick break, quick break. Quick break, quick break.
07:47Regain your strength, deep breaths.
07:49Regain your strength, deep breaths.
07:51Are you lot good? Yeah, we're good.
07:53All right, let's go.
07:58Let's go, come on.
08:00That's the best thing I've seen you use your head for, number ten.
08:03Carrying a dumb-ass tyre.
08:05Get up there!
08:07Let's go.
08:09Still struggling, Team Alpha have dropped 200 metres behind.
08:14Lean into it. Stride.
08:20Let's go!
08:22Everything you do in the Special Forces is uncomfortable.
08:25Probably the worst thing you do
08:27is move in ammunition and equipment over difficult terrain.
08:31I've done it in training and I've done it on operations
08:34whilst being mortared, and it is fucking horrendous.
08:38Close up the gap. Let's go.
08:42Within about a few minutes, you suddenly realise that your lungs are burning.
08:46I need food now.
08:48I need food now.
08:50We're trying, mate, trying!
08:52That's what the fucking aggression I need.
08:54Let's go, let's go, let's go.
08:56This will be a real test of whether they can support each other,
08:59because when you're going through hardship,
09:01you really do need to be working as a team.
09:03Pick up, let's go. Here we go, close your eyes now.
09:06Go with the rest of your team, let's go, come on.
09:09For these celebs to make it through to the end of the course,
09:12they've got to ignore the pain, ignore the discomfort.
09:15They've got to want to see how far they can get.
09:22Team Alpha have now fallen half a kilometre behind.
09:28As number 8, Anthony, pushes ahead alone.
09:32Come on, let's go!
09:34Number 12, Cherry, is left struggling at the back.
09:38Oh, my God, it's so heavy.
09:40Go on, 12. We don't want excuses, we want results. Let's move.
09:45In the past, I've done some really difficult things.
09:49Being a single mum, making the decision to be a single mum
09:52is really, really hard, and that's a brave decision.
10:00You all right? Yeah, I'm good. Get off the ice.
10:03Get angry and get moving.
10:06So I know that I have had grit,
10:09but I don't know if that person is still inside.
10:14I can't do it.
10:16I can't do it.
10:18You can do this.
10:20There's plenty of quitters already gone.
10:23I don't care what's in your head, just fucking make it happen.
10:26Let's go. Come on.
10:28Two, one.
10:30Come on.
10:32Come on, 12.
10:35Get a move on! Closing in!
10:39Right, get down here. Don't drop it.
10:42Don't drop it, just put it down.
10:45First to arrive at the finish are Team Bravo.
10:49Dan, suck it up, compose yourselves.
10:53Good effort, Bravo.
10:56You can do this!
10:58Over that fucking hill and you're in.
11:00Keep coming, keep coming.
11:03Once again leaving his team-mates behind,
11:06number 8, Anthony, approaches the finish.
11:10This course is definitely not for lone wolves.
11:13They can get so far on natural ability,
11:16but you have to pull together as a pack.
11:20If you can't grasp that, you won't get to the end of this course.
11:25How big's that fucking gap between you and your team?
11:28I'm trying my absolute best.
11:30I don't give a fuck. Where's the rest of your team?
11:32I'm going to go back and catch them up and help them out.
11:35How far did I say maximum?
11:38I don't give a fuck about bucks, but how far are they?
11:42Don't fucking look like that.
11:44I'm trying my absolute best.
11:46No, you're not. You're not listening to what I said.
11:48I am, but...
11:49You've always got an answer.
11:51Oh, OK.
12:04I'm trying so hard. I don't know what else I could do.
12:07They're putting you under the fucking...
12:10under the cush, brother.
12:12Fuck, there's so much required of me.
12:14I feel a little bit like they're setting me up to fail.
12:21After the effort today, I'm fucked.
12:24It's one thing trying to get through the challenges.
12:27The fact that I've got it in me after today.
12:29I'm having an internal fight as well.
12:31I've done a lot more than I ever thought I was capable of,
12:35and so what am I... What's left to prove?
12:38And I fucking... I am physically fucked.
12:43Number 12!
12:45Having struggled on the previous task,
12:48Number 12, Cherry, has asked to see the DS.
12:52You wanted to speak to us?
12:54Yeah, Steph. It's been life-changing,
12:56but I know when the line is.
12:58And that's fine. I've thought about this long and hard.
13:00You want to go?
13:01Yeah, Steph.
13:05100% still.
13:09100% still.
13:12I think you're wrong.
13:14I understand.
13:16This is the right decision for me.
13:18Right, give me your arm, then. OK.
13:22Right, well done. Good effort.
13:27Number 12, Cherry Healy, is the ninth recruit to leave the course.
13:32Down and out.
13:35Six recruits now remain.
13:40Let's go, then.
13:42The DS and ex-Special Forces psychologist Dr Alia...
13:46Let's get this done.
13:48..gather to discuss the two self-appointed leaders
13:51from this morning's task.
13:53All right, Number 7.
13:55Seven was his usual ox-like self, putting a shift.
14:00There was nothing with regard to moaning,
14:02just grizzled it out.
14:04He's, of them all, by far the most physically fit.
14:08I believe that his critical vulnerability is his emotion.
14:13The only flashes I've seen is when his emotions have got the best of him.
14:18And as we know what's coming up next,
14:20I mean, if you can't control your emotions,
14:23then you may not make it to the end.
14:27Number 8.
14:30Couldn't have expected straightaway from Number 8
14:33to take over and be the leader.
14:35He let that slip towards the end.
14:37I fucking ripped him when he came up to the top,
14:40cos he was way, way in front of the team.
14:42Yeah, it's too far. It's too far.
14:44And it wasn't just a distance, he was out of sight from where I was.
14:48And that was the rules, that was the points he'd screwed up.
14:51I feel like he thinks he knows better sometimes. Yeah.
14:54And he can rub people up the wrong way.
14:56He's too keen to impress instead of just listen.
15:00I mean, for Number 8, challenge is what drives him, right?
15:03But it feels like he's putting on a performance for us. Yeah.
15:07And the hardest thing he's found about this is he keeps getting it wrong.
15:11I don't want to be hard on the guy.
15:14But has he done enough to really warrant me thinking
15:18he's good enough to pass? I don't know yet.
15:20I mean, it might be worth having another word with him. Yeah.
15:24Let's see what we can dig out.
15:30I'm... I'm fucked, man.
15:35Number 8!
15:42Over here.
16:18This is a chance for us to have a catch-up,
16:21because, from the start,
16:24we feel you've highlighted yourself.
16:30Almost, the only way I can describe it is peacocking.
16:34But what we want to find out,
16:36what phases throughout this course have we seen the real you?
16:40So, to that end...
16:45..how do you think you're performing up to date?
16:49It's been harder than I thought it was going to be.
16:53I thought I was going to be really good at it.
16:55It's frustrating, it's pissed me off, but it's been extremely humbling.
16:59I'm not...
17:01..as good as I thought I was going to be.
17:05I still feel like there's barriers up here, Number 8.
17:07There's barriers that you haven't let down,
17:09and we haven't had an opportunity to see some of it,
17:12because you think you know what we're looking for.
17:15I came in here, not with a game plan, per se,
17:18not with a particularly game plan, but I came in here and thought,
17:21what should I do now to impress these people?
17:23Like, I was too aggressive this moment,
17:25and I'll tell you what I'll do, I won't be as...
17:27And I haven't been authentic.
17:29But I wasn't conscious.
17:31But you shouldn't be thinking about what you think we want.
17:35You should just be present and doing.
17:39This is the issue we've got, is we don't know who you are.
17:42What has your most enjoyable thing been in your life so far?
17:48Boxing. Boxing.
17:52I was achieving a dream.
17:54I set a goal, I worked hard to achieve it,
17:57so the journey on the way up was great.
18:01It was hard.
18:04Did you enjoy the hard work?
18:06Loved the hard work.
18:08When I was boxing, everyone was a soldier, and I missed that.
18:11I missed that, the discipline.
18:13Then I got into a world where I saw showmanship and flamboyancy.
18:17My boxing career, I had a great career,
18:19but it wasn't the career I wanted to have.
18:21Wrestling has been really cool, but it hasn't been what it should have been.
18:24I'm now more of a performer than an elite athlete,
18:27and I don't like that, I don't like the performance.
18:30It feels like you're almost grieving about the boxing world.
18:35It feels like you're almost grieving about the boxing career.
18:42But you need to fill that void somehow.
18:46Yeah, I've got a lot to work on.
18:48I thought I was more...
18:51I thought I was more put together than I am.
18:55I knew I wasn't at peace with things,
18:58but I thought I was more at peace than I've displayed.
19:03And I'm going through a lot of change.
19:05I'm struggling to figure it out.
19:12You've got a short period of time to really work out who you are.
19:18Not only in the rest of this course, but going forward,
19:20you need to find out who you are.
19:22Because I'm not convinced that you know where you're at at the moment.
19:42Oh, my God.
19:43I think he's a nice bloke, but I just don't know who he is.
19:47My career got whipped for me.
19:49Just one punch, my whole life changed.
19:51And I had to give up my dreams and my ambitions, unfulfilled.
19:58But you can either sit and dwell on it,
20:00or you can choose to get back up.
20:04Get back up and fight for the thing you want,
20:06and that's what I've tried to do.
20:09You all right, brother?
20:10How was that?
20:12I thought I was going to find it easier than I have.
20:16I thought I'd be better at the task than I've been.
20:19I thought I'd be a great, like, soldier.
20:22I found things really hard. Yeah.
20:24And I'm not as good as I thought I was going to be.
20:26I think it's a lot harder than anyone could have imagined.
20:28Yeah, me too.
20:30Ball kit, let's go!
20:33All right, let's go, move on, guys.
20:35Yeah, with your bags.
20:36Head up.
20:38Hurry up.
20:41Two sandbags each.
20:44To further break down the recruits before escaping evasion,
20:48they must trek to the next task.
20:51Fucking hurry up! Let's move!
20:53Carrying 24 pounds in sandbags,
20:57on top of their 35-pound burgundies.
21:01Selection is physically gruelling
21:03because you are preparing people for war.
21:07War in the most harshest, uncomfortable environment,
21:11behind enemy lines.
21:13You have to have the ability to keep telling your body
21:16to go, go, go.
21:19Come on, Ted.
21:20You can see where we're going, it's not far.
21:22Oh, it is so heavy.
21:27Now let's go, 15!
21:29I think my fitness journey has definitely been the catalyst
21:33of what got me to where I am in terms of confidence.
21:38In the past, I'd never been a sporty person
21:41and the boys were having a kick about on a Saturday afternoon.
21:44I was up River Island.
21:46All the way in, finish strong.
21:48Nine's on your ass, get in!
21:50That's it, nine. Jump off the sandbags.
21:55Start filling it in.
21:57We're about to do combat, let's get fired up now.
21:59Everyone start moving with purpose.
22:02That's it, that's it, that's it.
22:05For this battle here,
22:07you will be fighting in the most primal of ways,
22:10wrestling and grappling.
22:12You will do whatever it takes to get your opponent
22:15out of the circle.
22:17It's not the size of the dog in the fight,
22:19it's the size of the fight in the dog.
22:22And this will be a dog fight.
22:24Number seven, here.
22:2615, you're in.
22:28Get in there, 15!
22:30Come on, get ready.
22:33For the first bout,
22:35one of the strongest recruits, number seven, Ovi,
22:38will fight number 15, Bobby.
22:42I've never been much of a fighter.
22:45My tongue's always been enough, do you know what I mean?
22:50Yes, yes, get him over here!
22:52That's it!
22:54Get him off me!
22:56I did karate once.
22:58I got to a yellow belt, I think.
23:00I wanted a purple one, but I think that was too far off.
23:03I thought you could just buy whatever colour belt you wanted,
23:06but it don't work like that.
23:08Get him out! Get him out!
23:10Come on, 15.
23:12That's it, that's it.
23:16That's it, get to your feet, 15.
23:18Get to your feet.
23:21It's all right, get to your feet, you can do it.
23:23Get up, get up.
23:25That's it, that's it.
23:30Come on! Stop!
23:34Good effort, 15. Get up.
23:37Start fucking digging deep with the aggression.
23:40Listen to me, you've come too far.
23:42Don't fucking give up. Stay in the game.
23:44Get in there. Head up, head up!
23:46Ten and three, you're in.
23:48Let's go, Supermom.
23:50Fight! Nice work!
23:53That's it!
23:55That's it, that's it, three!
24:00Very good, three.
24:02In the Special Forces, hand-to-hand combat
24:04is the essence of fighting.
24:08Take him! Get into it!
24:10Muscle on muscle, bone on bone.
24:15Good effort, number nine.
24:17This is not a sport.
24:19There are no weight classes.
24:22Shoulder aggression!
24:24Take him!
24:26That's it!
24:28That's it!
24:30Get amongst it! Good work!
24:32You must dominate that space
24:34and throw out each and every enemy
24:37if you want to remain victorious.
24:42Good effort.
24:45This is what I'm talking about.
24:47Who wants it more?
24:49The final bout will see all six recruits
24:51face off against each other
24:53until only one remains in the ring.
24:57Fight! Let's go, let's go!
24:59Who wants it?
25:05Take him out!
25:07Yeah, nice!
25:09That's it!
25:12Get out, 15!
25:14Get him out!
25:16Get them both out if you can!
25:18That's it!
25:2215, you're out!
25:24Three, you're out!
25:26Everybody stand up!
25:28Come on, Ian!
25:30Three recruits are now left in the ring.
25:34Get ready to go again.
25:38I was forced to retire from boxing
25:40because I didn't know what was next.
25:42An opportunity to become a professional wrestler
25:45kind of fell on my lap.
25:47Stand up again, let's go, quickly!
25:49Take him out!
25:56Oh, you two are out!
25:58Four! Four!
26:00OMG, position seven.
26:02I'm not going to let one bad thing happen to me
26:06dictate the rest of my life.
26:08It's up to me to live my life the way I want to live my life.
26:12Eight! Winner!
26:16Fall in.
26:24Any chance of a doctor or a medic, please?
26:27Are you OK, Bobby?
26:29I'll see a doctor.
26:31I think I'm going to have to go.
26:33I think I'm going to have to bail out.
26:45Drop your bergens off.
26:47Get your kit all washed up.
26:57I just don't know if I can do any more of that.
26:59You can. I literally can't.
27:01Let it out. I can't do it.
27:03You can, I know you can. I can't do it.
27:05I've been doing it for days.
27:07I can't lift a weight.
27:09Oh, my God.
27:11They're asking me to do something that my body can't do.
27:13I'm the same. It's too heavy.
27:15I know, babe.
27:19I am starting to be sick of fucking Georgia.
27:22Like, it's getting to a point where it's getting a bit much for me, bro.
27:26Yeah, I know. It's like everything is about me.
27:29You know?
27:33I'm sick of it now.
27:35I want to take my clothes off.
27:38We could have been doing this all week, really.
27:40Oh, yeah, we could have.
27:44Are you coming out? Yeah.
27:51While the rest of the recruits recover from the task...
27:56Let me know if there's particular pain anywhere.
27:59..number 15, Bobby, has been sent to be assessed by Dr Raj.
28:05Oh, yeah.
28:07You've got a lot of spasm down your neck,
28:10you know, where you're getting the pain,
28:12and the pain is likely to increase...
28:17..moving forward. Your mobility is going to get more restricted.
28:22And you're going to be at risk of doing yourself more damage.
28:28So, for that reason, number 15,
28:30I'm going to medically withdraw you from the course.
28:36What are you crying for?
28:38Fucking been crying all course, you fucking lunatic.
28:41What's up, mate?
28:46Mate, well done.
28:48You have got the most out of this I've ever seen.
28:51Honestly, it changed my life.
28:53Hold for the good. Hold for the good.
28:55Gutted, though, I wanted to get to the end,
28:57but I'm going home a different man.
28:59I'm going home a different man.
29:01I'm going home a different man.
29:03I wanted to get to the end,
29:05but I'm going home a different man, honestly.
29:07When I put my mind to something, I like to give 110%.
29:11So I'm not someone that kind of walks away from anything.
29:15We wanted you to get to the end.
29:17Fucking all I've done is cry.
29:19I mean, that's an improvement in itself.
29:21When you first got here, I didn't want you to be here.
29:24Yeah, I can imagine. You wanted to kick me off the bridge.
29:27I fucking tried.
29:29Thank you, lads, honestly.
29:34I think I'm too proud.
29:36I wouldn't give someone the satisfaction of being the quitter.
29:40For me, it's all about challenging yourself
29:43and doing the best that you can do.
29:48So I'll wait for them to call me an Uber.
29:54Number 15, Bobby Norris,
29:57is the 10th recruit to leave the course.
30:01Now, only five remain.
30:06Bobby's gone. Fuck, he's been such great value.
30:09He's just... I just love him.
30:12I'm so pleased that he's here.
30:14He was the person I was most surprised by.
30:17Oh, of course.
30:19As a person. Yeah.
30:30Recruit number seven!
30:36Recruit your card number seven.
30:38The DS have spent the last eight hours
30:41physically draining the recruits.
30:44Now they want to test their mental resolve.
30:48This is a critical time in the course
30:50when the recruits are at their lowest emotionally.
30:55They have to ask themselves,
30:58do they possess the control and the ability emotionally
31:02to have a call from someone they love back home?
31:08Should this laptop ring, feel free to answer it if you wish.
31:17I've witnessed connections to back-home destroyed Marines.
31:33I'm not Ovi. I'm number seven.
31:37I'm number seven. Don't call me Ovi.
31:40That's how dangerous it is to not be able to control your emotions
31:44and understand where your family sit in your mind
31:48when you're out on task.
31:50This has genuinely been sick.
31:53Like, incredible.
31:55Yeah, 100%.
31:58Yeah, yeah, yeah.
32:06This is an opportunity for us to see
32:09whether they know themselves emotionally enough
32:12to make the correct decision.
32:15Hi, Mum!
32:22It's so much harder than you could ever imagine.
32:26Yeah, it's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.
32:31I love you, Mum.
32:34But each and every one of us is different.
32:37How are you going?
32:40Nah, too tough.
32:45I think we need a step-up training for sure.
32:49Yeah, in my 10Ks, it's going to be way easier.
32:52For some recruits, when they take that call, it empowers them
32:56and gives them more motivation to continue on the course.
33:07Hello, my little gorgeous girl!
33:13It's been so tough because of her, really.
33:16But you're doing it for her.
33:18She's going to be so so proud of you.
33:24There is no exact right or wrong decision.
33:27Oh, my God, guys.
33:29It's our little baby!
33:35It's just so, like, weird.
33:37And now I've seen her, I'm just like, OK, let's go.
33:40Let's do it, you know?
33:42Having phone calls and connection to back home, for me,
33:46was a distraction.
33:51To be focused and to stay on task
33:53and being aware of my responsibility to the team,
33:56I couldn't be thinking about anything else.
34:03If this laptop calls, feel free to answer it.
34:13He has not to have a call.
34:26I think he's doing the right thing.
34:40I waited until I was done with the war
34:43and I got home before I could be a human being again.
34:46Who did you guys get to speak to?
34:48I didn't have one.
34:51The phone call's going to make me a little bit softer.
34:54I want to be hard as fuck doing this,
34:56so I'd rather not have one.
35:11It's all a little bit too quiet, isn't it?
35:14The recruits don't know it yet,
35:16but they're about to spend a gruelling night being hunted
35:20in the escape and evasion stage of selection.
35:27In the Special Forces world,
35:29the majority of our work is behind enemy lines.
35:32You're deprived of sleep, deprived of food.
35:36The enemy are after you.
35:40It's the ultimate place to be tested.
35:44Recruits, full kit!
35:46Fuck's sake. Let's go!
35:49Let's just get out.
35:52Straight in there, let's go!
35:54The DS have split the recruits into two teams.
35:58Get on with it!
36:00Team Alpha is made up of number eight, Anthony,
36:03and number nine, Lani.
36:06Let's go to the boxes.
36:08Let's go.
36:10You'd better switch the fuck on.
36:12Team Bravo is made up of number seven, Ovi,
36:16number three, Bianca,
36:18and number ten, Georgia.
36:20You might have pulled a short straw,
36:22but we're going to do everything we can for you.
36:27Both teams are being driven to separate drop-off points
36:31deep in the New Zealand wilderness.
36:35In an escape and evasion scenario,
36:37you're fighting for your life.
36:39You don't know where you are, you don't know what's around you.
36:42What the hell?
36:44We're going to be left out here.
36:46It is the worst scenario you could find yourself in.
36:49North is that way.
36:52We're headed south right now.
36:55And you have to be ready to react to whatever happens.
37:05Get out of your car now! Come on!
37:07Come on! Out! Out!
37:10Come on, get out! Get out!
37:13Face down! Face down!
37:15Lay down!
37:18We're behind the enemy lines. You are now on the run.
37:21So you're going to move for a series of RVs.
37:23Remember, use any equipment that's available to you.
37:25Anything you can grab, fucking take it.
37:27There are enemy out there.
37:29So fucking move with caution, but also move with purpose
37:31and move with some fucking aggression.
37:33Let's go! This way! Let's go!
37:36Let's go! Fucking hurry up!
37:39Armed with just a compass,
37:41the teams must find supplies in two separate locations
37:48before racing to a river three kilometres away
37:51to the final extraction point.
37:57They'll be pursued by a hunter force
38:00made up of ex-military.
38:03We're going north then, eh? Yeah, look.
38:05What way's north? That's north.
38:07Right, let's go. Stay on my heels, guys.
38:13Back at base...
38:15OK, here we go.
38:17..the recruits' progress will be monitored by the DS.
38:21Team Alpha, you're under the gun.
38:24Shall we just hide down in the scully while we figure it out?
38:27No, we could...
38:29It's better than standing on the road.
38:31Just 100 metres from the drop-off point
38:34and in open terrain,
38:36Team Alpha are already struggling with navigation.
38:40Put east on here, and it's pointing down that way.
38:44I'm not sure what they're doing here, Team Alpha.
38:46They're leaving themselves exposed.
38:48They need to get into cover, otherwise they're going to get caught.
38:53Hang on, hang on. Wait for me.
39:02We're getting chased. We've got to get moving.
39:07You on me? Yeah.
39:10We'll get caught if we stop.
39:15They're not far away.
39:17Just hide behind these trees.
39:26Are we going to use the torches?
39:28As least light as possible.
39:30With Number 7OV taking the lead,
39:33Team Bravo are approaching their first RV point.
39:37Let's try and kill that lad.
39:39Look, I can't see where we're standing.
39:41I don't want to sprain my ankle.
39:43I'm not running across this terrain in my life.
39:45Shh. Don't need to run. OK.
39:47Just follow the sound of the water.
39:51I think I can see a camp.
39:53Let's have a look inside.
39:55Check in there.
39:57There's kit in here. See who they pick.
40:00As quick as we can.
40:02They've located the first cache,
40:04which has civilian clothes and a map to the next RV point.
40:09We should be hiding back in the tent.
40:11Throw them on the fire.
40:13Yeah? Yeah, yeah.
40:18So we've got to go up that way.
40:20Wait, do we?
40:21Oh, no, we have to go south.
40:23Guys, have you checked what's in that bag?
40:26I don't think I'm bossy, but I do think I'm stubborn.
40:29I think if I can see that something's being done mistakenly,
40:33I'll have to intervene.
40:37We've got to move, guys.
40:39Have you checked everything, yeah?
40:42Guys, we're watching for marks.
40:45I think I would really struggle to just, like, do the wrong thing
40:50when I know what the right thing to do is.
40:52I think I would have to say something.
40:54Look, take the map.
40:56If they catch us with a map, they're going to know the second one.
40:59Why have we been given that then?
41:01We're going south for 1.4 kilometres.
41:03What way? This way.
41:05On number seven Ovi's instruction,
41:08Team Bravo have decided to continue without their map.
41:12Oh, look, there's some mud over there.
41:14Where? Straight ahead.
41:17Lagging behind, Team Alpha have arrived at their first RV.
41:23Oh, there's a bag.
41:25Oh, yes.
41:27Oh, the bags are closing.
41:29RV1, RV2.
41:31So it's north, it's west.
41:33North-west, we're north-west.
41:35Oh, it's coming.
41:37They head off to RV2,
41:39but they're still on the radar of the hunter force.
41:43The dogs, the dogs, we've got to go.
41:45We've got to go.
41:52I just want to get an idea of which way.
41:54It doesn't look like the obvious way to be going.
41:56We have to go this way.
42:00Having left their map at the last RV point,
42:03Team Bravo are now lost.
42:06Not sure what's going on here.
42:08They're heading in completely the wrong direction.
42:11Are we going north of the river?
42:13I thought you said to go north.
42:15A team must conduct themselves as a solid unit.
42:18One mind, one heartbeat.
42:20We can just wait for them to catch us,
42:22or we can go in your direction.
42:24One of us has to trust you.
42:26OK, cool, let's go.
42:28We can cross over here.
42:30This can't be the best one.
42:32There is an obvious way.
42:34We don't have to argue when we're having a discussion about...
42:37I know, but you just fucking...
42:39I'm just saying I don't think...
42:41I'm giving you an opinion on what way we're going.
42:44No fucking idea.
42:46If teammates are arguing, you all can fall apart.
42:49Oh, this is insane.
42:53Oh, fuck.
42:55Any personal differences must be put to the side,
42:58or else the whole mission could be compromised.
43:02Ovi, what were these instructions on the map?
43:07Yeah, I'm hearing them.
43:09Being in an environment where everyone isn't on the same page,
43:13for me, that's stress.
43:15That's an absolute nightmare.
43:17Please, can we just keep going? I don't want to argue any more.
43:21I know when I've reached my limit.
43:23I'm not going to go over the top,
43:25I'm not going to try and make a scene of things,
43:27I'm not going to make a meal of it.
43:29I just remove myself from the situation.
43:31I can't even deal with it no more.
43:34I'm done, yo.
43:36I'm going to hand my armband in.
43:40Don't be silly, come on.
43:43It's all fucking day.
43:45I can't deal with...
43:48I've only ever tried my best to see what way we're going,
43:51or to have an input about what way we're going.
43:53That's it.
43:55Look, we're all tired, we're hungry.
43:57I know, and I just want to keep moving now.
43:59If he wants to leave, he can leave.
44:01Jeez, headache.
44:04With number 7, Ovi Soko's voluntary withdrawal from the course...
44:09So, if north is facing north and south is that way...
44:12Right, let's keep going.
44:14..number 3, Bianca, and number 10, Georgia,
44:17must continue on to their next RV point as a pair.
44:22I saw a light over here.
44:25With Bravo stalling,
44:27Team Alpha have now taken the lead
44:30and are approaching RV 2.
44:32They're moving now, with speed.
44:34It's good to see.
44:39We can't take too long here.
44:41No, no. OK.
44:42They have been given the coordinates
44:44of the final extraction point,
44:46located on a river.
44:55There might be a boat somewhere.
44:57Shall we take those pedals?
45:02Let's go.
45:03That way.
45:05Is that light over there?
45:07Or am I going mad?
45:10Oh, there's a vehicle.
45:12Now back on track,
45:14Team Bravo have made it to the second RV.
45:18We need to figure out what we're doing with all this stuff.
45:21Let's have a look at it together.
45:23OK, we're here.
45:25And north is that way, right?
45:28Go, go, go!
45:30But they have allowed the hunter force to close in.
45:33Go on the floor! Go on the floor!
45:36Go on the floor! Face down, face down!
45:40To be captured is, without a doubt,
45:42the worst thing in the world.
45:45Get down.
45:47You have no control over your life.
45:51You are totally in the hands of somebody else,
45:55and it's somebody who doesn't like you.
45:57So you really have to hold yourself together
45:59and hope and pray that you're going to get through this.
46:09Next time...
46:11When you go into an interrogation,
46:13you're going into a different type of combat.
46:15This is mind games and it's psychological warfare.
46:18Fucking move again!
46:19This is where a different type of strength comes into play.
46:22Well, it fucking stops now, do you understand?
46:24It's an absolutely terrifying place to be.