We Can Survive 2024: Haven Madison

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We are back stage with Haven Madison at Audacy's We Can Survive 2024!
00:00I am here with Haven Madison. We're at the Hard Rock Artist Lounge.
00:07Congratulations on the performance. Thank you so much for being here.
00:10I mean, just crushing it right now.
00:12Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for having me.
00:14Like, Odyssey is one of the first radios to even support me, so this is so special.
00:18Yeah, yeah. So I was chatting with your dad.
00:21I was doing all the social media stalking on you, your dad, your whole family.
00:25And so he was a part of a Christian rock group.
00:29Did he ever try to, like, push you into the Christian music space or no?
00:34No, I think what's so special in him being in the music world is he knew the reality of it.
00:38And he knew that if you go in as someone you're not, it's not going to work.
00:41And people are going to be able to tell.
00:43So I love that I come from a Christian home.
00:45I carry my faith with me everywhere I go, but I don't feel led to sing about it necessarily.
00:50And I feel like there's a space for me, you know, lit places don't need light.
00:55And I know you, do you write all your songs with him?
00:59No, I don't. All my early songs I did.
01:02That was how I actually learned how to write songs and sing in a studio.
01:05We had a studio in our house and COVID shut everything down.
01:08So I learned how to write with him.
01:10So now when you're writing some stuff and it's about, like, whatever, something personal,
01:15is it weird, like, playing stuff for him or showing him certain lines or how does that go down?
01:21It's quite funny, I will say.
01:23With some of the new stuff, it's quite funny.
01:26I'll send it in my manager group chat and I'm like, oh, we'll see how this one goes.
01:31I gotta be like, remember, you're not dead right now.
01:34Yeah, yeah. So he's been pretty chill with it, right?
01:36He's been great. He's been one of the biggest blessings in this whole journey.
01:39Is he the first person you play stuff for or?
01:43Yeah, I kind of, it depends.
01:45A lot of the times, one of my favorite things to do is play it for
01:47my close best friends first to get their initial reaction.
01:50But yeah, after every writing session, I send it in to him.
01:53Got you. I love that.
01:54How often does the journal entries and poetry make their way into songs?
02:01Oh my goodness. It's like 50-50, I think.
02:04Sometimes it's easier for me to get an idea out for a song by just journaling it.
02:09And then I later pick it up in a session.
02:11But sometimes I feel like it's just supposed to be poetry and it's not supposed to rhyme.
02:15And I hope one day there's a time and a place
02:18that I can release those things not rhyming, just as poetry.
02:22Yeah, yeah. Love that.
02:23So coming from American Idol, you've watched Benson Boone do his thing,
02:29quit Idol, carve his own, like pave his own path or whatever.
02:33How did that like impact you?
02:35What did you think?
02:36Like, did you take anything away from that or?
02:38I take, so I like to joke with my friends.
02:40I'm like, I take inspiration when the wind blows.
02:43So yeah, so much inspiration from him, from his journey, from his success.
02:47But honestly, specifically today, like he stopped and turned around to come say hi to me.
02:51And just him being such a genuine human being and loving music
02:55and loving everybody that's a part of it is a huge, huge inspiration.
02:59Yeah. His mustache gives him superpowers.
03:01I think so. I think his mustache is how he does all the flips and stuff.
03:04Because I asked him to teach me and he said, you just got to go for it.
03:07I was like, that's not a normal response.
03:09Yeah, yeah. I don't know about that.
03:11He is superhuman for sure.
03:13So is Benson, who's the most famous person in your phone right now?
03:18The most famous, oh, I think Lainey Wilson, maybe.
03:22Oh, yeah.
03:23Are you guys like BFF?
03:25How did you, you have to explain this to me?
03:27Yeah, I think what's so special about Lainey is I got to meet her because we're on the same label.
03:33And she immediately was like, here's my number.
03:35If you need anything, like I'm here for you.
03:37And I, you know, people say that sometimes it's like,
03:39you don't want to take advantage of that.
03:40But I found myself like really, really struggling one day.
03:43And I was like, I just wish there was like a female artist who's made it,
03:46who can help me.
03:48And I mean, by the grace of the Lord, I picked up my phone.
03:51For some reason, I got brave enough to send a text.
03:53And she immediately sent back a voice memo.
03:56She's like, getting off a plane, you can hear it.
03:58She's like, I've been in three cities today.
04:00She's in her country accent.
04:01I've been to three cities today already, honey.
04:03But, and she just like pours into me.
04:05And I feel like, I don't know, she's one of the good ones.
04:09And I'm really grateful I have her.
04:11Speaking of the phone, what's an app on your phone that you think would surprise your fans?
04:17Ooh, let me think about that.
04:20I know there's one.
04:21Can I look?
04:22Something ridiculous.
04:23Make it good.
04:23Something ridiculous.
04:24There's got to be something on here.
04:27That wouldn't surprise people.
04:29Hold on.
04:29Do you have like one of those things that tracks ghosts in households?
04:35No, should I?
04:36I don't know, they're cool.
04:38Okay, wait.
04:39Okay, I'm going to be honest.
04:41It's I Want Watermelon.
04:42It's the game.
04:42Have you ever played it?
04:43Okay, no.
04:44It's bad.
04:45You know when people make jokes like, oh, do you have games on your phone?
04:47I was always the one that was like, no, like I don't have games.
04:50That one.
04:51It's my guilty pleasure.
04:52Okay, maybe I'll download it to look at it and then delete it afterwards.
04:56Be warned.
04:57I said the same thing and I have not deleted it for like three years.
05:00Do you feel like now because you're in this industry and you're pushing out so much content
05:05all the time, which is really like wonderful content, do you feel like you're so much more
05:10tethered to your phone now?
05:12And if so, how does that affect your mental health?
05:16That's such a great question.
05:17I definitely think it's a different time and age when we're told to post one video a day
05:22and it puts a lot of pressure on me sometimes to feel like I need to look pretty and do
05:26something right and have the trending video.
05:28And I also feel like it tends to get me in my head about numbers quite often.
05:33But I just try to find peace in knowing that I know who I am and my friends know who I am
05:39and the people who really, really matter know who I am.
05:42And I try to be real and raw with everything.
05:44I've posted some really embarrassing stuff, honestly.
05:47It's got broadened up in interviews.
05:49They're like, oh, you posted in a face mask.
05:50I'm like, did I really?
05:53But no, I love it so much.
05:54I just want to keep being a real person.
05:56One of my favorite compliments, actually, is when I'm on a live and somebody's like,
06:00it feels like I'm on FaceTime with you.
06:01I'm like, that's what I want.
06:03Love that.
06:04That connection with your fans, priceless.
06:07Do you feel like there's any misconception when it comes to mental health or therapy
06:13that's worth addressing?
06:17Truly, I think that it's become a place where we love romanticizing mental health in a way.
06:22It's like, I have anxiety and I have depression.
06:25And everybody's like, yeah, we're with you.
06:27And then when you say, I go to therapy or I'm medicated, everybody's like, hold on.
06:32So yeah, I think we could get better about being honest about solutions.
06:35I hate when I talk to people about therapy or medicine and they're like,
06:39I don't want to rely on that to make me happy.
06:42I kind of like to say that I'm going to set this down for a second.
06:44It's like this.
06:46Everybody else is here.
06:49And if you're here because of a mental illness, it's okay if you have to go to therapy or take
06:53medicine to be level with everybody else.
06:55I love that.
06:56I love that.
06:57Thank you so much for being a part of this show.
06:59And I mean, you slayed it out there.
07:01Just congratulations on everything.
07:03We love you.
07:04Thank you so much.
07:05And thank you for having me.
07:06This means the world.
