Deep Fury

  • 2 days ago
Deep Fury
00:00:30At the midpoint on the journey of life, I found myself in a dark forest, for the clear
00:00:45path was lost.
00:00:47I cannot well recount how I entered the wood, so long had it been since I abandoned the
00:00:53true way.
00:00:56How shall I say what a dreary and horrid wood it was, so bitter to endure that death itself
00:01:02would be but little worse.
00:01:07Several times upon my journey home, I had sensed an unseen rider trailing my stead, yet
00:01:13when I approached, the rider vanished, leaving no trace.
00:01:20I feared this figure as an evil omen, all my life I've known such signs and portends.
00:01:27And lo, at the rise of the hill, I saw a spotted leopard, all teeth and fury.
00:01:37At the sight of these beasts, my heart sank.
00:01:41I sensed danger, not for myself, but for my beloved Beatrice.
00:01:47Away, demons!
00:01:59I drove my steed on, racing for my father's villa, and Beatrice, nothing in this world
00:02:05meant more to me than she.
00:02:08You were right, Dante, truly this is a divine place, paradise on earth.
00:02:13Beatrice, will you take my hand in marriage, under God, and all that is holy?
00:02:19Dante, I will not marry you only to see you dead in this crusade.
00:02:24Jerusalem must be made Christian once more.
00:02:27God is with us.
00:02:28We cannot fail.
00:02:31Through three years of war and horror, my love for Beatrice had only grown stronger.
00:02:40As I came upon the family estate, I found all unnaturally dark and still.
00:02:50Fearing the dreaded omens, I entered, all butchered.
00:03:02Lord, let her be alive!
00:03:05In the name of God.
00:03:10Where is... oh no, no.
00:03:17What is this?
00:03:24She is mine.
00:03:29I have come to take what was promised me.
00:03:34A soul meant for heaven.
00:03:39Beatrice, release her, devil!
00:03:53Dante, help me!
00:03:58Dante Spiritum Humanum!
00:04:06This will not stop me!
00:04:08Nothing will stop me!
00:04:28Not yet my strength.
00:04:33Come with me, mortal, if you have the courage.
00:04:41You will not keep me from my promise!
00:04:46Dante, you lied to me! I trusted you!
00:04:50You fought to save me! Dante, wait!
00:04:57I'm coming for you! I won't let him hurt you!
00:05:13Lost her.
00:05:17Unite her.
00:05:19Never will you know her flesh again.
00:05:24Know her now.
00:05:25Know her.
00:05:27The seal.
00:05:30Unite her.
00:05:36Why, God,
00:05:38Why are you doing this?
00:05:42It is not the Lord that brought you to this fate, Dante.
00:05:48What are you, shade or living man?
00:05:50Not man, though once I was. I lived under Augustus in the time of the false and lying gods.
00:05:58Are you not Virgil, glory of the poets, he who wrote the Aeneid, the treasure of Rome?
00:06:04Why do you seek such woe, Dante?
00:06:06I seek only my beloved Beatrice and nothing more. But I cannot open these accursed gates.
00:06:14Have you lost all faith in God, O man? Has the way been so obscured?
00:06:22Heavenly Father, if only one soul should be saved, please let it be Beatrice.
00:06:40Dante! If you broke your promise to me, I'll be forever damned!
00:06:45Do you think you are without sin?
00:06:48Please, don't let him take me!
00:07:29What did Beatrice do to deserve such a monstrous fate?
00:07:33She made a wager with Lucifer to see your safe return. She lost.
00:07:38Wager? What wager?
00:07:40Lucifer bet that you would betray him, my love.
00:07:43I never betrayed him.
00:07:45You owe him.
00:07:46Great Virgil, lead me into the Inferno. I beg of you, please. I must save Beatrice, even if it means my death.
00:07:54I will guide you, but you must put aside all division of spirit and gather your soul against all fear.
00:08:04I fear nothing.
00:08:06Then proceed.
00:08:13Charon will carry us to the first circle of Hell, Limbo. Nine circles comprise the Inferno, with Lucifer residing in the lowest.
00:08:23Horrifying, yes. There are more damned in Hell than liberated from Paradise.
00:08:30I can see.
00:08:33Charon's boat has grown wide and mighty over the millennia. He has had to compensate for the ever-increasing damned.
00:08:41Threw me the way to the city of woe. Threw me the way to everlasting pain.
00:08:49I don't like the look of this.
00:08:50Now shall I ferry you into the fire, the cold, the everlasting darkness. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
00:09:01How could God allow this?
00:09:03God allowed free will, even for his angels. It was Lucifer that devised such torment.
00:09:10Mercenaries of Florentina, in payment for reclaiming the Holy Land, your Immaculate Father hereby absolves you of all your sins. Go with grace.
00:09:26Praise God.
00:09:28Do you think a priest has such divine power? Can he truly absolve us of sins so easily?
00:09:34Of course, Francesca. Why would you doubt the Church? That is the path to Hell, my friend.
00:09:40How soon until you leave?
00:09:42Tomorrow, before dawn.
00:09:44Dante, promise to watch over my brother.
00:09:48Beatrice, I'm no child!
00:09:51No harm will come to him, my love. I'll protect him as if he were my own.
00:09:56You who are living, be gone from those who are dead.
00:10:03I will not part, Charon! I must cross! I give you my soul to fight Beatrice!
00:10:10It belongs to us already, mortal.
00:11:01Your will is nothing, mortal. You will never traverse the circles of Hell.
00:11:08Take me to Beatrice, demon!
00:11:44Vergil, where did you disappear to?
00:11:47I am pure spirit, Dante. I cannot help you fight your enemies. I am naught but a guide.
00:12:17Dante! Can you hear me? Can anyone hear me?
00:12:31Dante? Thank God, I knew you would find me. Dante?
00:12:37Beatrice, my love.
00:12:40Is that you?
00:12:48No! Dante! No!
00:12:51How many ways can a man die?
00:12:55Come to me, Beatrice. I want to admire you.
00:13:00Let me go.
00:13:02There is not only suffering in Hell, my love. There are untold pleasures here. Pleasures your human senses could not fathom.
00:13:19There is nothing you can do to hurt me, child. What you perceive of me is a literal shadow of my former self. But you...
00:13:51Oh, think of the tortures I can create for such a pure, delicate, angelic soul.
00:14:06Tell me more about your life on Earth, great poet. I know your deeds, but not the man you were.
00:14:12Publius Virgilius Marrow was my name. I was the son of a commoner. And though I died a dozen years before the birth of Christ, I foretold his coming in my works.
00:14:23What is this place, Virgil?
00:14:25The first circle of the Inferno. Limbo. Here suffer those that did not sin, yet did not have the required faith. This is the realm where virtuous pagans and unbaptized babies reside.
00:14:42A child? Here? How can this be?
00:14:52Dearest Dante, this is the fourth letter I have written, and the fourth I have destroyed. I am five months with child. I fear telling your father, as we have yet to be married.
00:15:07I do not know how much longer I can conceal my state. All I ask is that you return to me soon, leave this terrible crusade, and we... we can be married.
00:15:30My lady, what is it?
00:15:32A baby!
00:15:38Oh Beatrice, I didn't know.
00:15:44Come, quickly Dante. This is not a place to contemplate.
00:15:52What madness is this?
00:16:07Too many.
00:16:16Virgil! Virgil!
00:16:18In here Dante, hurry!
00:16:39What is that sound? More demons?
00:16:51They are familiar to me.
00:16:54The great rulers and philosophers of the Golden Age.
00:16:57Is that not Hector and Electra? Caesar and King Latinus?
00:17:02And do not forget Plato, Socrates and Aristotle.
00:17:05I have never agreed to such terms.
00:17:07I say that God exists in a realm of ideas, accessible to human thought.
00:17:11Plato, there is only one philosophy in the Inferno.
00:17:17Do not bring negation here.
00:17:22Do you know this shade?
00:17:24He was Saladin, a noble Kurdish sultan. I fought his forces in the crusades under Richard the Lionheart.
00:17:31Guilt and heritage. Jerusalem is ours.
00:17:36We will watch this movie.
00:17:38Mercy, noble knight. He is only a child.
00:17:41Dante! Dante! The forces of Saladin are routed. Dante?
00:17:46Mercy, noble knight. He is only a child.
00:17:48Dante! Dante! The forces of Saladin are routed. Dante?
00:18:16My God, what is it?
00:18:31He is King Minos.
00:18:33Once a king of Crete, before Daedalus boiled him in his own bath.
00:18:38Now, Minos forever judges the damned, sending them to their circle below.
00:18:55You comes into my house of pain.
00:18:59He who seeks Beatrice, let me pass that I may find her.
00:19:05Turn back. There is no place for you here.
00:19:10Not yet, old mortal.
00:19:14With your permission or not, I pass, monster.
00:19:17You dare so speak to the Judge of the Damned?
00:19:27I dare.
00:19:44I will judge you to the lowest circle of hell.
00:19:50Lucifer shall devour you for eternity.
00:19:54Silence, Minos. It is his fate to proceed.
00:19:59I will judge you to the lowest circle of hell.
00:20:04Lucifer shall devour you for eternity.
00:20:07Silence, Minos. It is his fate to proceed.
00:20:13I will judge you to the lowest circle of hell.
00:20:17Silence, Minos. It is his fate to proceed.
00:20:39Here you must descend.
00:20:43The damned are trying to flee. Lucifer will not be pleased.
00:20:49Let him come. If these demons can die in the Inferno, then so can he.
00:21:13What is this place?
00:21:15This is the second circle, the Circle of Lust.
00:21:19To this torment are condemned the carnal damned.
00:21:22They are the great lustful of the world.
00:21:24See there, Semiramis and Minos.
00:21:27Antony and Cleopatra.
00:21:30Helen of Troy and Paris.
00:21:33The storms of lust forever rage, while passion inflames.
00:21:38The storms of lust forever rage, while passion inflames the heart.
00:21:45Listen, on the wind.
00:21:49Dante, help me.
00:21:52Please, Dante.
00:22:06Dante, how could you let this happen? How could you betray me?
00:22:10No, Beatrice! I swear!
00:22:12What do you swear, Dante?
00:22:14Do you want me to show her the truth?
00:22:17Serpent! It's all lies!
00:22:19I never betrayed her!
00:22:21I'll kill you!
00:22:24You can hide from neither memory nor sin, Dante.
00:22:34What? King Richard wants us to stand guard over 3,000 prisoners? That is his command?
00:22:41He will negotiate their exchange for the return of the True Cross.
00:22:45Negotiate? With heretics?
00:22:49They deserve only damnation!
00:22:54Get your hands off her!
00:22:58Infidel scum!
00:23:00You shall not defy us!
00:23:10Good and noble knights, have mercy! I beg you!
00:23:14This prisoner only tried to save me from the guards.
00:23:19Please, sir, show compassion. He is no threat.
00:23:23He is a heretic. He gets what he deserves.
00:23:29Kind Lord, if you would show him mercy, perhaps I could give you comfort in return.
00:23:37What comfort could you give a soldier of God?
00:23:42The knights here are lonely and cold, my Lord. Even for a soldier of God, perhaps I could warm them.
00:23:51Dante, do not commit this wicked sin.
00:23:54How is it a sin if I am already absolved? Guards, halt!
00:23:58Guards, halt!
00:24:06Thank you, Lord. You are kind. I could see it in your eyes.
00:24:11And your promise of comfort.
00:24:22I was weak. The war changed me. You know who I am inside.
00:24:26We've known each other since childhood.
00:24:28Does she know you, Dante? Or did the Crusades show her your true self?
00:24:35Beatrice! Forgive me!
00:24:39Please, forgive me.
00:24:44No, it's not true. He wouldn't do this to me.
00:24:51What did I say? Even the purest of souls can be corrupted. Dante is not the man you once knew.
00:25:00You did this to him. You corrupted his heart.
00:25:06I've had no need to influence humanity for many millennia, my dear.
00:25:12I simply introduced sin. Man is the one who has spread it like a disease, cultivating it, empowering it.
00:25:35It is not our fault. None of it. Man is good.
00:25:40No, you don't understand. The Earth is another form of hell, and men are its demons.
00:25:56I failed her, Virgil. I betrayed her.
00:25:59I could blame the Crusades, but I know it was my own weakness. My own sin.
00:26:04Have you considered she is not the only soul you are here to save?
00:26:11I seek only my beloved Beatrice, and nothing more.
00:26:18It is Cerberus, guardian of the Third Circle. Blasphemy.
00:26:34That is the foulest fate one could ever imagine.
00:26:38And it is your fate as well, for the true Circle of Gluttony lies inside of Cerberus's body.
00:26:45Inside? Good lord, isn't there perhaps a way around it?
00:26:50No, not if you wish to reach fair Beatrice.
00:26:53So be it! For her I will conquer even this face-mean, wretched creature!
00:27:03Release me, demon!
00:27:24Hell can get no more horrible than this place.
00:27:28I find this circle most unpleasant.
00:27:31You're a shade. You should try wearing skin.
00:27:34Such a fate. Look at them. How could such harmless sin provoke such everlasting torment?
00:27:40The Gluttons. What they could not satisfy in life, in death they shall be denied for eternity.
00:27:47Dante! Do you remember me, Dante? I drew him from Florence. You were born before I died.
00:27:54I do not know you, spirit.
00:27:56You know me. I am Tiarko. Gluttony was my offense, and here I remain, mere skin and bones.
00:28:04Can you help me? Free me from this agony? Please? Please?
00:28:10Your suffering weighs heavy on my heart, spirit. Be free.
00:28:27No! No!
00:28:29What? What's happening?
00:28:31How dare you free the damned? They deserve torment for wasting their fleeting, precious lives.
00:28:39And Beatrice? Does she deserve torment?
00:28:42She is the exception. A pure soul to remind me of my place in heaven. To remind me of the light of my vow.
00:28:52But let me ask you, Dante. What of your father?
00:28:59Beatrice, you must eat.
00:29:02I have no appetite.
00:29:04I know you miss my son, but you must keep up your constitution, child.
00:29:09You're nothing but bone. It's unappealing for a lady.
00:29:17Beatrice, what have you done to yourself?
00:29:23It's just another memory, Dante. Your father's memory.
00:29:30My father?
00:29:32He is here with us, Dante. Would you like to visit him?
00:29:47These tortures never end.
00:29:52Virgil, Beatrice is not here. We must escape this beast!
00:30:02What is this?
00:30:06Cerberus' black heart. Destroy it, quickly!
00:31:10More gold than I've ever laid eyes upon. What could one man do with so much treasure?
00:31:17This is the fourth circle. Greed.
00:31:39All the earth's treasure that is beneath the moon, or ever was, cannot give relief to these weary souls.
00:31:51What a mockery is made of the brief battle for possessions that make so short a life.
00:31:57These damned remind me of my father.
00:32:08Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty, fifty-one.
00:32:12What? Where are my last three coins? Dante? Dante!
00:32:26Yes, husband?
00:32:28I'm sure three crowns. Are you stealing from me, woman?
00:32:33No, Alighiero. I would never do such a thing.
00:32:42I knew I'd have to watch you. Now tell me where you've hidden it, woman, before I throttle you dead.
00:32:52Don't hit her! Mother!
00:33:04Can you believe that in my youth I wanted to be a poet, but all I ever knew was violence?
00:33:10And what became of your mother?
00:33:12She died of a fever a year later. It was sudden and terrible.
00:33:18There is no room to pity the dead here, son.
00:33:22Lucifer did not lie. But then again, how could you not be here, father?
00:33:27You think you're a greater man than me? That you're above reproach for your sins?
00:33:33I took up the crusade. The priest absolved us.
00:33:37And you actually believed him?
00:33:40No man can absolve you of your sins, but some men can be rewarded in hell.
00:33:57Lucifer offered me a thousand years free of torture and endless gold if I would slay my own son.
00:34:05And where will you spend this gold, father? Let me pass. I only seek Beatrice.
00:34:15So be it.
00:34:27I always despised you.
00:34:32But you became me, son. You belong here. You always have.
00:34:43So I can be damned in hell with you.
00:34:58It's time to claim my prize, boy!
00:35:03Then claim it!
00:35:19You want gold, father? It's yours!
00:35:30I cannot go on.
00:35:33You must, Dante. Steal yourself. The journey is not half over.
00:35:38How do I know? You're not another enemy sent by Lucifer.
00:35:43You could be luring me to my doom all along. Another trick. Another deception.
00:35:48Search inside yourself. You know I was sent here from on high.
00:35:53Forgive me, Virgil. This place is affecting my mind. Let us move on.
00:36:05Please, Lord. Forgive me of my transgressions.
00:36:09Save me from this horrible torment. Please. I beg of you.
00:36:19My God...
00:36:22I have heard your prayers, beloved Beatrice. And I have come for you.
00:36:29There is no escape, little soul. Your prayers are worthless here.
00:36:36Rejoice, child. For you are about to be granted a rare privilege in the Inferno.
00:36:53I am making you my bride. You will become the Queen of Hell.
00:37:02Are you not pleased?
00:37:17I cannot stand this wretched place.
00:37:21For we are in the Fifth Circle. Anger. The very air reeks of fury. Watch your angles.
00:37:34Hold! We're starving!
00:37:40We need more food!
00:37:42More food over here!
00:37:45We're doing the best we can!
00:37:47There isn't enough food to go around!
00:37:49Quiet! Quiet down!
00:37:51There is nothing we can do. The granaries are ablaze. We barely have enough rations for our own men.
00:37:57Then I'm leaving this post. I will not put up with guard duty any longer.
00:38:01You can't do that, Dante. We came here to kill these heretics, not coddle them.
00:38:06We came to reclaim the Holy Land. Saladin took the city last year and spared Christian lives. We should do the same.
00:38:14Since when are heretics worth a Christian life? Enough! Enough!
00:38:28Keep your mind, Dante. Do not dwell on past deeds here.
00:38:35See the souls over whom anger has prevailed.
00:38:39In the black sludge of the River Styx do they wish they had never been born. The fools.
00:38:45It is here we must cross.
00:38:56We travel in that?
00:38:58Perhaps we will be safer swimming.
00:39:07I suppose it doesn't get much sturdier. Is this a friend of yours, great poet?
00:39:13Phlegius is the guardian of the Styx. He was the son of Ares and a king in his day.
00:39:19Hold on. The ride will be somewhat bumpy.
00:39:23The angry souls know no end to their fury.
00:39:27Who are you that comes here before your time?
00:39:31If I come, I do not remain. But I know you, Helldog. Filthy as you are, you are Filippo Argenti in life.
00:39:39Come down, Dante, and face your own enemies!
00:39:43Let the damned rip you to shreds, wretch!
00:40:06Now, my son, the city of Dis draws near, housing its solemn citizens within.
00:40:13Damned of Dis, rejoice! For your lord Lucifer is betrothing the pure soul Beatrice. Truly, this will be a marriage of heaven and hell.
00:40:28Hurry, Phlegius! Run!
00:40:43Outcasts of heaven, race despised, why do you rail against a will that cannot be stopped?
00:41:13He has taken her into the tombs! Hurry, Dante!
00:41:22God, why does he do this? Bait us on! Keep us running!
00:41:27Perhaps Lucifer wants your soul as well as Beatrice's. He's luring us to the Ninth Circle.
00:41:34What is this place?
00:41:36What is this place?
00:41:38The Tombs of Heresy. Here in the Sixth Circle, you'll find endless heretics burning in eternal fire.
00:41:47Oh, Tuscan, who walks through this place speaking so decorously, know that I am Farinata.
00:41:55Farinata? Another hated man in life? What do you want, spirit?
00:42:00Know this. The damned can foresee the future but can never know the present. Your future, Dante, is filled with death and destruction.
00:42:12Beatrice will marry Lucifer and reign in hell, and you will be damned with us forever!
00:42:20Give up!
00:42:29I never liked him.
00:42:32What's happening?
00:42:33The harrowing of hell. Christ's death forever quakes this circle. We must hurry.
00:42:39Virgil? Do you hear?
00:42:49Who is this new monster? What does he want?
00:42:53The Minotaur guards passage into the Seventh Circle. Be cautious, Dante.
00:42:59How dare you threaten us! Do you think he is the Duke of Athens who served up your death above?
00:43:04Off with you! Begone, abomination!
00:43:08Virgil, I think you've made him angry.
00:43:10Now, while he is blind with rage. But fast. Steady. Never move!
00:43:24You have many surprises, poet. Perhaps you would have made a great warrior in life.
00:43:30It was nothing. It was all horn. No brains.
00:43:41This circle is reserved for the violent. Those who have done violence against others forever boil in the blood they have shed.
00:43:51How shall we cross? It's impossible.
00:43:59You summoned me, Great Virgil.
00:44:01Greetings, Nessus. We need passage across the bloody Phlegathon. Can you help us?
00:44:07Of course. Climb and hold on tightly.
00:44:12The river is treacherous.
00:44:16Here is Alexander, Dionysius, Attila, and countless others.
00:44:22The damned here are worse off than the Styx.
00:44:26These were the kings of bloodshed and despoilment.
00:44:47Be wary of the next passage, friends.
00:44:50My thanks, Nessus.
00:44:53Good luck to you, mortal soul.
00:44:58We must hurry. Beatrice can wait no longer.
00:45:02This is no forest.
00:45:06Yes, they are those who did violence to themselves. This is the wood of suicide.
00:45:12No, my friend! Turn back!
00:45:20Why do you break me? Have you no pity?
00:45:26Yes, son. I, too, am among the damned.
00:45:31But how can this be?
00:45:34When a soul takes its own life, Minos judges it to this circle.
00:45:39Here it sprouts, shoots up like a sapling. No body, only pain.
00:45:45No, mother! You don't belong here! You died of fever!
00:45:50I despised your father's cruelty, but I was too weak.
00:45:54And so... I... I took my...
00:45:59You learned your father's ways. But you are not lost. You can redeem yourself.
00:46:07Beatrice was all I had. How could I have betrayed her?
00:46:12The pain you endure purifies you, son.
00:46:15The pain you endure purifies you, son.
00:46:19Heed my words. You must look into your deepest sin to save her.
00:46:26And what of you?
00:46:28Only the living can redeem themselves. I cannot.
00:46:34This is too cruel a punishment for you, mother.
00:46:37God must know this is not your fault. I'm going to free you!
00:46:46My soul belongs to God now, son.
00:47:05We are still in the Seventh Circle?
00:47:08Yes. The Abominable Sands. It is here that we are.
00:47:12Yes. The Abominable Sands. It is here the damned did violence against God.
00:47:22We came here to kill these heretics!
00:47:26We came to reclaim the Holy Land. Saladin took the city last year and spared Christian lives. We should do the same!
00:47:33Since when are heretics worth a Christian life? Enough! Enough!
00:47:39Dante! No!
00:48:01Crusaders? Here? Why are you being punished? Our cause was holy! We are absolved of sin!
00:48:09The bishop lied. Did he not, brother?
00:48:16Francesco, not you too.
00:48:19God never condones violence of any kind. There was no holy war, don't you understand? The priests lied!
00:48:27Of all people, how could you be here?
00:48:30It was you! You did this to me!
00:48:32You did this to me!
00:48:34No, no, no, listen!
00:48:36You don't deserve the life given to you. You don't deserve Beatrice. And now you will join us here forever, where you belong!
00:48:59I am not your brother! You're an animal, Dante! A monster!
00:49:07I will not let you have her!
00:49:23You know I'm the better swordsman, Dante!
00:49:26It's over. Justice is inevitable. Not yet!
00:49:56Come on!
00:50:21He can rest for a while, but he is forever bound here like a shadow of time.
00:50:29He was a good man. He doesn't deserve such suffering.
00:50:33Heavenly Father, let the soul of Francesco rise into your divine paradise.
00:50:45Pray for your own soul, Dante, for it will freeze with me forever in cockatrice below!
00:50:53I'll kill you in your own circle, devil!
00:50:55Yes, a contest! Hurry, Dante! Your beloved Beatrice is soon my queen.
00:51:15This is the union of the three great rivers of hell.
00:51:26Another beast! I'm a slave!
00:51:29No, Dante. Gerion is our passage to the Eighth Circle.
00:51:34Climb inside, and be wary. It bites.
00:51:49My thanks, Gerion. This way, sir.
00:51:52My thanks, Gerion. This way, Dante.
00:51:58We are in the circle of fraud, which one commits upon those who trusted him.
00:52:08You must travel these ten manor bones alone, and quickly. Beatrice is soon to wed.
00:52:13Alone? What of you, great poet?
00:52:17I will not be far, believe me. You have proven yourself worthy.
00:52:21Now hurry, Dante, lest you lose your love forever.
00:52:28I traveled on alone, over the flatterers and Simonists.
00:52:32And as I ran, I was overwhelmed with my sins, as if every malabolge was a chasm of memory.
00:52:38I felt my mind weakening with every step, and yet I would not cease.
00:52:48Release that one.
00:52:49His ransom has been paid.
00:52:52My ransom? No. No. You didn't.
00:52:58You defiled yourself with him, didn't you? Didn't you?
00:53:02You whore! You have shamed me!
00:53:06I'll kill you. You bastard dog! I'll kill you! I swear I'll kill you!
00:53:14You bastard! You'll see everyone you ever loved dead by my hand!
00:53:19Dead! Dead!
00:53:22No. It can't be.
00:53:32I have come for the woman.
00:53:39Leave her alone! She's innocent! Run, Beatrice! Run!
00:53:45Get out of my house, filthy dog!
00:53:50Get away from me!
00:53:53There is no escape for you.
00:53:55Stay back!
00:54:12Vengeance is finally mine.
00:54:20It was me. Beatrice's death. They were all murdered because of me.
00:54:26At last, Dante. Now you both see the truth.
00:54:30You are the true cause of Beatrice's suffering, and the damnation of so many others.
00:54:37How could you have done such evil to me? Tear the heart from my chest? Rip the very soul from my body?
00:54:43These sins are my own! You have no right to Beatrice! Relinquish her!
00:54:58Dwellers, night fiends, and torturers of the dead. Strip the flesh from the mortal's bones.
00:55:14Beatrice! Stop! You don't know what you're doing!
00:55:19I thought I knew many things. I thought love was real, but it was only an illusion, a fraud.
00:55:27There is nothing left for me in all of God's creation.
00:55:43My love. In union, all of Hell's power will be yours.
00:55:48Beatrice! Don't do it!
00:55:53When you had your way with that girl, you gave me to Lucifer. It was all because of you.
00:56:14The faithful has lost her faith. The incorruptible has become corrupt.
00:56:21The true innocent has given way to the sins of man.
00:56:26Like all the rest before her, who can now deny me my rights?
00:56:33I will leave you with my consort.
00:56:38She has so much to show you.
00:56:52This is where you belong!
00:56:57This is where you belong, Dante.
00:57:01You are the greatest fraud of all.
00:57:04You lied to me, deceived me, and for that, you shall suffer!
00:57:11Beatrice! Don't do this!
00:57:20You never loved me.
00:57:23You never loved me. It was all a lie. All of it! Our whole life!
00:57:36Beatrice, listen to me. I braved the circles of Hell with you.
00:57:41You mean nothing to me.
00:57:44But I have faced my sins. I am ready to take you home.
00:57:47Faced your sins? Look down, Dante. Look deep into the ninth circle.
00:57:57The circle of traitors!
00:58:00Heaven? What happened? Who is responsible for this massacre?
00:58:09Take care of my sister. I am responsible.
00:58:13Hang him, and prepare to march tonight.
00:58:18When the noble Saladin learns of this atrocity, he will bring forth the very forces of Hell.
00:58:27Take care of Beatrice! Dante, protect her with your life!
00:58:38Beatrice, I'm coming home.
00:58:42Beatrice, I'm coming home.
00:58:49I wanted nothing more than to see you and beg for forgiveness.
00:58:53I will never forgive what you've done! Never!
00:58:57But while I live, I can absolve you, forgive me, and free yourself!
00:59:05My cross...
00:59:07I brought it back to you. Accept again the love of God.
00:59:32I forgive you.
00:59:33I never wanted any harm to come to you.
00:59:46You have done well, my friend.
00:59:49And though you may not understand it now, Dante, you have perhaps saved far more than just one innocent soul.
00:59:58Wait! I can't be separated from her now! I've come this far!
01:00:03You cannot claim a place with her yet, Dante.
01:00:06You have to face the true enemy in the lowest part of the Ninth Circle.
01:00:11The Circle of Traitors. There you must face the King of Traitors, Lucifer himself.
01:00:18He guards your only escape from the Inferno.
01:00:22We shall be reunited one day.
01:00:25We shall be reunited one day. I promise.
01:00:30Goodbye, my love.
01:00:35This last trial is for you to face alone.
01:00:40Godspeed, my friend.
01:00:42Very well. I am coming for you, Lucifer!
01:00:47I will make you pay for her suffering!
01:00:50I am coming for you!
01:00:55I am coming for you!
01:01:04I fell, not into fire...
01:01:09...but into a vast, frozen wasteland.
01:01:14The very center of Hell.
01:01:18Furthest place in all of creation from the divine light of God.
01:01:25Treachery. The Ninth Circle of the Inferno.
01:01:37I walked through the darkness, numb with bitter cold.
01:01:45All about me were forsaken, frozen souls of deceivers and traitors.
01:01:56Who are you to walk the paths of Hell so warmly, O living man?
01:02:03Damn soul! Where is Lucifer? Tell me, before I too freeze in this miserable Hell!
01:02:10Wipe the icy tears from my eyes, and I shall tell you.
01:02:26The Lord of Hell dwells at the center of this frozen lake, past the storms of Ptolemaia, deep in the center pit of Judeca.
01:02:35There, his icy halls are well protected, and none but the mightiest may cleave a path.
01:02:41But can you believe me? Can you believe a traitor?
01:02:47Long did I wander the dim and icy paths of Hell.
01:02:55Past the frozen giants of legend, Nimrod, Ephialtes, and Antaeus.
01:03:04I was battered by a frigid wind that was like the beating of Lucifer's black wings.
01:03:11Finally, after a seeming eternity, I came to a passage blocked by the frozen links of a mighty chain.
01:03:23Lucifer thinks he can block my way with this! He thinks he can stave my vengeance!
01:03:29Lucifer thinks he can block my way with this! He thinks he can stave my vengeance!
01:04:00Welcome, great Dante. Welcome to your final resting place, the Circle of Traitors.
01:04:21Lucifer, I have come to escape this Hell, so that I may be reunited with my beloved.
01:04:26But not before I rid the world of your corruption!
01:04:30You will never see Beatrice again. The path to purgatory lies through me.
01:04:35You are the warrior of a weak and dying god. A god who is the true evil. His power wanes over the world.
01:04:45Silence! Your lies have no power over me, devil. I will rend the very soul from your frozen body.
01:04:52Indignant fool. Come, let me devour your soul as I devour Judas Iscariot.
01:05:01You will remain in this pit until creation's last breath. Do you hear?
01:05:09You are not invincible here. You are just another demon. And like any fallen, you can be destroyed.
01:05:18You cannot destroy me!
01:05:39What have you done to me?
01:05:48I have slain you, great beast. Victory is mine.
01:05:59Watch this!
01:06:11New life writhes inside you. No!
01:06:19Thank you, Dante. I am very impressed. Many have tried, but all have failed me.
01:06:31Ulysses, Alexander, Attila, Lancelot. Truly, you are the greatest of all my minions.
01:06:39Minion? I do not serve you! Speak without your forked tongue, serpent!
01:06:45Do you not? You freed me from my eternal torment.
01:06:52I came only for Beatrice.
01:06:54Beatrice? She was only bait. It was you I wanted all along.
01:07:00Don't you see? I was bound by God in this frozen pit. Only my shadow self allowed to roam free.
01:07:08It took a mortal to release me. You, Dante.
01:07:12No! It isn't true! I defeated you before! Show me the path from Hell, or I will end your miserable existence!
01:07:21Destroy an angel of God? You arrogant gnat!
01:07:26Such vanity! Such pride! I could have slain you the moment you headed for Hell!
01:07:42You worship God, but it was he who created evil. It was he who created me.
01:07:50If you knew the true nature of God, Dante, you too would rebel.
01:07:58No! You are nothing to me! A talking animal! He made you in his image!
01:08:08And I was to bow down to you!
01:08:26I grow weary of this game.
01:09:00Finally, I will reclaim my proper place in Heaven.
01:09:05Behold, Dante! Beyond the Inferno lies Purgatory, where awaits your precious Beatrice.
01:09:14But instead of you, I shall escape from this pit.
01:09:18All the souls in Purgatory shall suffer and burn.
01:09:21Burn? And beyond Purgatory? Paradise itself?
01:09:28I will plunge the cosmos into chaos, and it is all your doing, Dante.
01:09:35Because of you, God will finally see me rule his creation.
01:09:41No! I cannot be the cause of this!
01:09:45There is nothing you can do to stop me, mortal. No one can stop me. One can.
01:09:58Almighty God, forgive me for all of my wicked sins. I forsake my escape. I give up even Beatrice.
01:10:08I belong here in Hell and accept my just damnation.
01:10:12What are you doing? A repentant soul in Jugdaka? Stop! Do not utter a word!
01:10:22But grant me the power to keep your enemy here with me.
01:10:27Stop! I command you!
01:11:41Oh, Beatrice. I will come to you yet.
01:11:46Love, I have forgiven you. God will forgive you now. Forgive yourself.
01:12:02I fought across Earth and Hell to find my beloved Beatrice.
01:12:08We were together, neither in Hell nor in Paradise. Neither damned nor saved.
01:12:14I did not die. And I did not live.
01:17:12I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
01:17:42I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
01:18:12I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
01:18:42I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
01:19:12I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
01:19:42I'm sorry.