Adventurers Masters of Time Episode 1 – Adventures in Time Full Episode

  • 2 days ago
In the thrilling premiere of Adventurers: Masters of Time, Episode 1, titled "Adventures in Time," a group of brave explorers embarks on an epic journey through time! As they travel across different eras, they must solve ancient mysteries, battle powerful foes, and protect history from being rewritten. With heart-pounding action, unexpected twists, and a dash of humor, this time-travel adventure will leave you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss the exciting start of the Adventurers: Masters of Time saga!


00:00Standards to maintain and aspire to.
00:02Professor Krupnik's class especially wouldn't do well to remember this.
00:07I have my eye on you.
00:12Professor! Professor Krupnik!
00:15Yes? Yes?
00:17Oh no!
00:19The hacker!
00:21He's made his move, At!
00:23The time program is booting up!
00:25Time program? The man needs to get your head examined program!
00:28What's he want to go back in time for?
00:31I'm not sure, At. I'm really not sure.
00:34But I'm ready for him. Don't worry.
00:36I hope so, because if you start messing around with time,
00:39you can cause paradoxes, wormholes in the continuum.
00:42Man, you can even end up meeting yourself at a party wearing identical clothes!
00:47Though I guess you'd never be late for class, huh, Professor?
00:50What? Oh, right.
00:53Monitor the situation, At.
00:56Okay, I'm monitoring. I'm monitoring.
00:58Hey, watch where you're going, bit head!
01:18I'll have you know, I was just entering the 7th level of the 5th portal of cyber prison,
01:23part 2, when you bumped into me.
01:29Ah, class. Just think about class and nothing else.
01:51Well, okay, students. Here's what we've all been waiting for.
01:54How to stay and be recognized on the web.
01:58But first, we've got to ground you in the fundamentals.
02:00Now, if I can just find those CDs. I know they're here somewhere.
02:09Got some trash, sir.
02:12Professor? Your shirt?
02:15What? Oh, oh, thanks.
02:26Oh, yes, I must have left them back at the office.
02:31Hang tight, I'll be right back.
02:37Monty, you snake!
02:39Professor Cro-
02:43Hey, what?
02:46Welcome to cyber prison, part 3, bit head!
02:51Hey, what's going on?
02:56Oh, fire! My neck bone!
03:15Two hours detention, both of you. Three o'clock, my office.
03:18What? You really believe Pao locked himself in the code closet?
03:23Three hours.
03:24But that's not fair.
03:26Four hours.
03:34Professor Gruber, what happened?
03:37It's your class. Where were you?
03:40I misplaced some CDs.
03:44These, by any chance?
03:47Students, this is Nevin Williams, a transfer student from Nairobi.
03:51Kenyon, huh?
03:52American. The parental unit worked at the embassy there.
03:56I hope you haven't formed a bad first impression of Shelldrake Academy, Nevin.
04:01Despite appearances, Professor Krupnik is quite brilliant in his field.
04:08Brilliant? He's legendary.
04:10Professor, it's an honor to be in your class.
04:15Web appearance? Well, great.
04:17There you go.
04:24Nevin, huh?
04:29You, three o'clock. Don't be late.
04:39Not working?
04:40Sorry, Keeks. We, uh, took a swan dive together.
04:44Do you think we can fix it?
04:46I'll take a look after class. Fascinating little device, eh?
04:50Well, okay, class. As soon as everyone has installed the program, we'll be ready to begin.
04:55Go ahead.
04:56Say it.
04:58Are you in the wrong class?
05:00Hey, in my book, anyone who can adapt a net phone with a palm top is in the right class.
05:07Nevin, huh? I'm Kiko. Welcome to Shelldrake.
05:21Hmm. Where can I...
05:23Got a free seat over here.
05:28Remember, Fire, your paper on ancient Rome's due tomorrow.
05:32And no excuses, no matter how imaginative.
05:35So it got singed by the flames of Vesuvius, won't fly?
05:40No, indeed.
05:41So, you're a slacker?
05:45More like a creative time manager.
05:48Hey, Nev. I'm Suzy Nordoff, author of the most highly read column in school newspaper.
05:56It's called Dish.
05:58Suzy doesn't understand the words libelous yet or rumor or innuendo.
06:05She's just jealous.
06:07I'd like to do a new student column on you.
06:10Just fill out this basic fact sheet.
06:12Wouldn't want to make any mistakes.
06:15What is this?
06:16My parents' annual income?
06:18Just round it off to the nearest ten thousand.
06:21As you can see, the Roman catapult worked more like a slingshot.
06:26While its cousin, the medieval trebuchet, was powered by a counterweight.
06:30Rocks, arrows and spears were the projectiles of choice.
06:33But in this case, Sheldrake's infamous bread pudding will have to do.
06:38Do I have my own credit cards and what are the limits?
06:42It's just the basics.
06:43Gives me a sense of the whole person.
06:47Thanks, Suzy, but no thanks.
06:48I'll pass.
06:50Anything for the big scoop, huh, Suze?
06:57Sorry, Suzy.
07:00Let me...
07:03What's going on?
07:04Power outage.
07:05Regular occurrence around here lately.
07:07Yeah, welcome to Sheldrake.
07:12I'm sorry, Hat.
07:15This is amazing!
07:16Sorry, Hat.
07:20Hey, what's all this?
07:23Really strange.
07:25I was monitoring, like you said.
07:27But then all this weird stuff started happening.
07:29Well, maybe it was more odd than weird.
07:31Or more kind of mysterious than odd.
07:34Or perhaps you'd say spooky.
07:36He's covering his tracks.
07:38I'm losing it!
07:42I've lost him!
07:44But I haven't lost you, Professor Kremnik.
07:47I'll see to you later.
07:58At last!
07:59After years of toil, I'm almost ready for my great adventure with time itself.
08:05One final test and my preparations will be complete.
08:09What do you have in mind?
08:11Absorb the program.
08:15You'll be transported to my given coordinates and transformed into human disguises.
08:21I want to be sure you can pass as humans and physically interact with them.
08:36NATO exercise complete.
08:38Down scope.
08:39Prepare to surface.
08:41Disarm and stand down nuclear missiles.
08:43Yes, sir.
08:44Disarm missiles.
09:02Yes, sailor?
09:03What is it?
09:04What is it, sailor?
09:06Watch the pace!
09:11Missiles armed and ready to launch.
09:27What's going on?
09:29The missiles!
09:30Destroy them!
09:33Missiles changing course!
09:34Captain, they're targeting the fleet!
09:36Missiles changing course!
09:38Captain, they're targeting the fleet!
09:42Activate self-destruct.
09:54Well, excellent.
09:58You did well.
10:00Now, at last, I am ready to execute my master plan.
10:06We launch tonight.
10:08History is waiting!
10:24Got you!
10:28Made it.
10:30So glad you could make it on time, Miss Kleinhold.
10:39You may start with the junior toilets.
10:42They're always the worst.
10:46Cleaning toilets?
10:47Isn't that the janitor's job?
10:49On the other hand, I could sure use some help fixing those broken monitors.
10:52How I assign detention is my affair, Professor Krupnik.
10:57Well, I guess I'll have to call the repair service then, and that certainly will be expensive.
11:06Ah, Krupnik, wait.
11:08I think your idea is brilliant.
11:10Have the kids repair those monitors.
11:12In that way, the damage does not lie heavily on the school's budget.
11:16I couldn't agree more.
11:18Excuse me, kids.
11:21And don't worry, Professor Gruber.
11:23I'll keep them at it for hours.
11:29He's the man!
11:32Last one, Professor.
11:33Got anything else for us to do?
11:44That's all.
11:45That's all.
11:46You've been very helpful.
11:49We get the hint.
11:50We're leaving.
11:56Whatever he's up to, I'm not.
12:01I bet it's big.
12:02Really big.
12:04I'd give anything to find out.
12:10Hey, brah!
12:11I had a thought.
12:12Well, actually, I had 54 million in the last nanosecond alone, but this was a particularly
12:16good one.
12:17Why don't you tell the kids about your plans to stop this hacker?
12:21They could help, maybe?
12:23No, lad.
12:23It's too dangerous.
12:24Besides, I'll be fine.
12:25The hacker will set out through time, and I'll follow him and put a stop to his tricks,
12:29whatever they are.
12:30Hey, look!
12:31We're getting a signal again from the hacker.
12:34He's setting his time coordinates.
12:36We've got him, Matt!
12:37We've got him!
12:44Paul Whitney is my new roommate?
12:47Well, whoever he is, I hope we get along.
12:53Oh, no!
12:55Not the artillery commander from the cafeteria.
12:58Please tell me you're not Paul Whitney.
13:00I wish I could.
13:02Well, just keep the bread putting on your side of the room, okay?
13:10All I see is jaggedy colored lines.
13:13Inquiring minds want to know.
13:15But when Nevin's surfing the net, no one's poaching my wave.
13:19So the screen's scrambled, right?
13:22And the shades are the descramblers?
13:24Dead brilliant!
13:25Where'd you get these?
13:27I made them myself.
13:28Get out!
13:29Would you mind off me if I tried them?
13:32There you go.
13:33Oh, thanks.
13:39Incredible is having a computer science class
13:42with a world-class genius like Professor K.
13:45What's he working on?
13:46He won't say.
13:48All I know is, with Krupnik, it could be anything.
13:54Quick, App, process the coordinates back.
13:57August 23rd, 79 A.D.
13:59Location, Mesenem, in Campania.
14:02Hey, there's ancient Italy!
14:09So, what do you think?
14:11No vest?
14:12It's freezing out there, Susie.
14:14How about a down jacket and wool pants?
14:18Grunge for a West Tower athlete?
14:21Grunge for a West Tower after curfew rave?
14:26I hope that new guy Nevin shows up.
14:29He is one delicious piece of eye candy.
14:32And what about Eric?
14:34I've got him wrapped nice and snug right here,
14:37around this little finger.
14:39But I still have all these free to play with.
14:46So, what are you doing tonight?
14:49Ugh, history paper.
14:52Not your style.
14:53You'll wait till tomorrow morning.
14:55Plus, you still have your shoes on,
14:56and you always take them off in here.
14:58Dish fire!
15:00Susie the Sleuth needs to know.
15:03Oh, not again!
15:04Fire, where's the flashlight?
15:07Fire, you know I hate the dark!
15:11What a surprise.
15:13She's gone.
15:19At last, my moment of triumph is within my grasp.
15:24I, the Hacker, will be master of time
15:28and manipulator of history!
15:31Affirmative, master.
15:33Countdown commencing.
15:47Shortest route.
15:48I know my way.
15:50Nothing to flip out about.
16:02Launch imminent.
16:03Five minutes and counting.
16:12Well, then.
16:33Increase power.
16:48We have go in two minutes.
16:51Power surge app, he's going.
17:03One minute.
17:12This is it, then, App.
17:14Begin launch sequence.
17:2820 seconds.
17:33Fire, are you all right?
17:4010 seconds.
17:43It was you in the maze, wasn't it?
17:45You're following me.
17:47I was not.
17:48I went out for a walk.
17:49Ask Paul, he'll tell you.
17:51What are you two doing down here?
17:53That's what I want to know.
17:55You're all snooping on Kropnik, aren't you?
18:01Yeah, so?
18:03What about you?
18:04Most definitely.
18:06Now, my beauties.
18:16What was that?
18:17Give me that.
18:25Professor Kropnik?
18:26Out of the way.
18:28Where'd you get that?
18:32Come on.
18:38His seat's still warm.
18:39Where could he be?
18:41This has all the classic earmarks of an abduction,
18:45with possible extraterrestrial involvement.
18:48Oh, man, get real.
18:58Don't touch it.
18:59It may be rigged to explode.
19:02Whoa, bro.
19:03Your imagination is on turbo drive.
19:07You're telling me.
19:10And maybe Paul's right after all.
19:12Who are you and what's going on?
19:15My name is At.
19:16Yes, At, as in the At sign,
19:18which would make my email address At, At, At.
19:21Hey, I never thought of that before.
19:23At, At, At.
19:24That's pretty good.
19:25At, At, At.
19:27Anyway, I am Professor Kropnik's personal assistant
19:30and he needs your help.
19:32Go on.
19:33We've little time and the professor is in great danger.
19:37Some time ago, while surfing the net,
19:39the prof and I became aware of a guy who calls himself The Hacker.
19:43He's been working on an invention,
19:45a computer program to transport human and cyber beings back in time.
19:52A virtual reality thing?
19:54Cool, man.
19:55Not virtual reality.
19:57Real reality.
19:58Real times and real places.
20:01So you go back in time and accidentally stand on a butterfly.
20:04That butterfly would have evolved into another type of butterfly.
20:07And before you know it, you've got a today without that other butterfly
20:11because today's yesterday.
20:13You killed the one that would have...
20:15Okay, you get it.
20:17It's very, very dangerous.
20:19Anyway, Hacker Boy is on a mission to kill butterflies.
20:22So tonight, he sent himself or someone else back in time
20:27and the professor went after him.
20:29So what happened?
20:31It went wrong.
20:32There was an anomaly 0.37 nanoseconds before the launch.
20:35There was nothing I could do.
20:37So now the prof has gone to Masinem in Italy.
20:40We've lost contact and he can't get back without me.
20:44So he needs our help back in 79 AD.
20:48We've got to rescue him.
20:49But that's...
20:50The Roman Empire.
20:52You need to take me back so we can save the professor and stop El Hacker from...
20:57I can only hold the coordinates for 30 seconds.
20:59So you're gonna have to decide real quick.
21:02My Roman history essay is due tomorrow.
21:05Real, real quick.
21:06Easy way to do the research.
21:10Have you ever heard of Pompeii,
21:15Kupnik, are you in there?
21:16Open up.
21:17This is an unauthorized use of school property.
21:21We must launch immediately.
21:24I'll go.
21:24Yeah, I'll go.
21:26I'll do it.
21:30Kupnik, I know you're in there.
21:34What should we do?
21:35Point me at the screen.
21:37We'll aim for a few minutes before the prof is due to arrive.
21:41Just in case.
21:42Brilliant, Pat.
21:43So we can whisk him back before anything bad happens.
21:49Are you in there?
21:52That rat.
21:54Activating launch.
21:57I know you're in there.
22:25Fire was here.
22:29I know it.
22:31There was more than one voice.
22:33Where'd they go?
